HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-06-2019 MinutesCITY OF OCOEE 4,11 ftaqw= 1'' TRUST FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES QUARTERLY MEETING MINUTES City Hall, Commission Chambers 02�ll MERM112NIZINME1111 =I TRUSTEES PRESENT: Gequita Cowan, Chair Robert Briggs, Vice Chair Stefanie Wilson, Secretary Patricia Gleason Jean Grafton TRUSTEES ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Tim Nash, AndCo Consulting David Robinson, Sugarman & Susskind Doug Lozen, Foster & Foster Kim Kilgore, Foster & Foster 5. � amv Conse 92t-� a, Warrants #61, #62, #63, #64 and #65 for ratification. b. Quarterly fund activity report for August 1, 2019 to October 30, 20% as and second b ean Graftow motion carried 5-0. 6, New Business a. 2020 Proposed Meeting Dates i. By consenSLIS the board approvied the 2020 proposed meeting dates as presented. b. Renewal of the FPPTA board rnembership Servicesc. Travel Policy update i. Gequita Cowan presented the City's travel policy as it pertained to the per them paid in accordance with U.S. General (GSA) schedule and suggested mealsfiBy consensus the board approved to update the board's travel policy to using the per them payment for 0. Reports ttorne /COnsultarnts a. Foster & Foster, Actuary, Doug Lozen i. Experience Steady as of November 4, 2019 1, Doug Lozen explained the importance of doing are experience study was to have assumptions which were close to reality without putting to much pressure on the sponsor. 2. l on,rg Lozen commented an experience steady should be performed every 5 to 7 years. I Doug Lozen reviewed the actual ten-year average payroll growth which had been decreasing since 2010. Doug recommended stopping the payroll growth and putting the miorney into Paying down the Unfunded ctnaariai Accrued Liability (U L), which would be around $14,000 savings per year for the City. 4. Doug Lozen reviewed actual salary increases, which had been averaging 3.50% over the last 10 years. Doug recommended to scab back on the future salary increases for the over 5-year service employee, which would give the City a sayings of around $64,000 per year. Doug Lozen reviewed the assumed rate of investment return currently at 7,7 %. Doug Lozen commented the average ester Foster client assumed rate of return was minder 7.4%. Doug Lozen stated by lowering the rate to 7.5%, it would increase the City's contribution to around 2% of payroll and wwouid drop the funding ratio to around 93.4%. 6, long Lozen reviewed the actual wvithdra raVterminatiorn rate with a recommendation of increasing the less than 0 years of service employee and 1 °1-20 years of service errnployee and decreasing the 21 pleas years of service employee. Doug commented this change would lower the Cit 's contribution by .42% or around $38,000 per year. 7. Doug Lozen reviewed the actual retirement rates and recommended no change to the early retirement assumption, but to change the assumptions for the normal retirement age between 00 and 70, giving a cost savings of around $161,000. & Doug Lozen reviewed the SUrnmary of results and recommended the board choose option B with a 7.4% assumed investment rate of return, which would beep the City funding requirement around % and a 96% funding ratio, Robert n. ... �. 9. Doug Lozen stated he would be presenting the 2019 valuation the next meeting with the above -referenced changes. i Doug Lozen Jeff at '10:59 a. m, a. AndCo CO1SLflfing, 6nvestment Consultant, Dave West The boar ct a value motion carried 5-0. Proposed ordinance 1 . David Robinson reviewed the Ordinance cBarffication on Section 8, Vesting, to credited service of when a terminated member was not vested and not rehired within five years the credited service would be is even if contributions were not refunded. 2, David Robinson reviewed the addition to the DROP provision of when a member j6ned DROP that no changes couGd be made to such member's form of benefit election. I David Robinson reviewed the change from quarterly to morltMy crediting of interest on a member's DROP account vaiue. The boar enteg, up Gleason Robed BrI s o osed '11, Trustees' R.. oorts- Discussion and Action — None. 12,ALd �urnment— The rneeting adjourned at '12-08 p°m. 13, Next MeetInSI — Wednesday, February 5, 2020 @ 10:00 a.m., quartedy meeting. Respe WlIuHys bniitft�ed by: Approved by: Name- Kim KH ore a aGe uita Cowan Tifie, Plan Administrator -ri Chair