HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-18-2020 Agenda Packet COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCYREGULARMEETING Ocoee CommissionChambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida February18, 2020AGENDA5:00p.m. CALL TO ORDER I.Roll Call and Determination of Quorum II.Public Comments III.Approvalof Minutes of the November05, 2019,CRA Meeting IV.City Center West Orange Update–Deputy Dev. Srvs. Director/CRA Administrator Corless and John Amm, Chief Engineering & Construction Officer, City Center West Orange, LLC a)Construction Overview b)Public Information Program V.Update on Capital Projects –Deputy Dev. Srvs. Director/CRA Administrator Corless a)SR 50 Median Landscape Improvement Project b)Questions on any other Capital Project VI.Other Items–Deputy Dev. Srvs. Director/CRA Administrator Corless a)2019 Annual Report b)Trademark–Fifty West Redevelopment District VII.Confirm Next Regular CRA Board Meeting (May 5, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.) VIII.Board Comments ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE: IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 286.0105: ANY PERSON WHO DESIRESTO APPEAL ANY DECISION AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR THIS PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONYAND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. ALSO, IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE286.26: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE, OCOEE, FL 34761, (407) 905 -310548 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 1-1 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida November 5, 2019 MINUTES5:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER CRA Chair Firstnercalled the Community Redevelopment Agency Board to order at 5:00PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. I.Welcome New Board Member, Mark Marsh, President, Health Central Hospital Chair Firstnerwelcomed new Board Member Mark Marsh who is currently the President of Orlando Health Central. II.Roll Call and Determination of Quorum Chair Firstnerannounced that due to recovery from a medical procedure, Member Brinson will be participating in the meeting via conference call. City Clerk Sibbittcalled roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Chair Firstner,Member Johnson, Member Wilsen,Member Brinson(via Conference Call),Member Oliver,Member Juneand Member Marsh. Also Present:City Manager Frank, Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Cookson, Development Director Rumer, and City Clerk Sibbitt. III.Public Comments-None IV.Approval of Minutes of September 17, 2019, CRA BudgetMeeting Member Oliver, seconded by Member June, moved to approve the CRA Budget Meeting Minutes ofSeptember 17, 2019, as presented. Motion carried 7-0. CRA Regular Meeting 11-05-2019 Page 1 V.Election of Officers Chair Firstnershared that in their packets they were provided a memorandum whichidentified the Chair and Vice-Chair for the past fiscal years (FY), including the current year. He further opened the floor for nominations for Chair and Vice-Chair. MemberWilsen, seconded by MemberJohnson, moved to nominate Member June as CRA Board Vice-Chair. Motion carried 7-0. MemberJohnson, seconded by Member Oliver, moved to nominate Member Firstner as CRA Board Chairfor another term. Motion carried 7-0. VI.Sixth Amendment to Development and Economic Incentive Agreement for City Center West Orange –Phase 1. (City Attorney Cookson) City Attorney Cookson explained the proposed Sixth Amendment to the Development and Economic Incentive Agreement with City Center West Orange;and further,that a request was made by the developer to extend the timelines under the existing Development Agreement for City Center West Orange. The Developer is requesting this final extension of one (1) year,and City staff is supportive of the extension. The property is within the CRA,but this agreement is between the City of Ocoee and the developer; therefore, this is just an update before the CRA Board as this is going before the City Commission for approval, unless there isan objection by this board. Member Wilseninquired about the completion of Maine Street into Blackwood Avenue. Development Services Director Rumershared the agreement provides the timeline which the developer needs to start in order to receive Economic Incentive,and also provides completion dates. As part of this agreement, the completion of Maine Street to Blackwood Avenue is included. VII.FRA Best Annual Report Presentation of Award Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corlessannounced she had the honor of accepting the Florida Redevelopment Association (FRA)Award which was presented to the Ocoee CRA for their annual CRA report. She further thanked the CRAmembers for allowing her to accept this award. VIII.Projects and Programs (Deputy Dev. Srvs. Director/CRA Administrator Corless) A)Updateon Completed Projects Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless updated the Board on Fifty West completed projects.She shared that Old Winter Garden Road, as well as S. Blackwood Avenue, had a landscaping refresh. She explained landscaping projects are really never complete as staff has to do an annual walkthrough because of the warranty period. Clarke Road Median refreshhas just been completed,but staff is going through each of the medians to update the irrigation to a three-zone system tobe good conservers of the City’s water resource.CRA staff has CRA Regular Meeting 11-05-2019 Page 2 also been working on small area studies,and had the opportunity to start the visioning process to determine how the Bluford Avenue Corridor can connect to other development in the future. They are working with property owners to see if they can start realizing some of thosevisions as they start moving forward with professional area studies. B)Update on Capital Projects Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corlessupdated the Board on the current CapitalImprovementProjects(CIP).She shared these projects will be based on the budget. SR 50 Median Landscape Grant-This project has taken 9 months to go through FDOT review for median landscaping from SR429 to Good Homes Road. The Notice to Proceed will be received this week and it will allow CRA staff to go out to bid. The project is over$1 million,but this is a reimbursement grant for $775,000. At the next CRA meeting in February,an update will be provided to include details as it relates to the contractor and their schedule. The project will be completed over a two year period. Wellness Park–This project is an urban component with fitness integrated which is adjacent to Target Area 3 –Medical Complex. The park will contain awalking loop, on-street parking, wellness stations, and site amenities (upgraded water fountain). It will also contain a ceremonial plaza for events or other staging components. Details of the park equipment and site amenities were explained. S. Bluford Avenue Complete Street–CRA staff is working on developing the Engineering RFQ that will be going out to bid most likely after the first of the year, to seek design concepts from Old Winter Garden Road up to Delaware Street. It is estimated to cost $250,000. Additionally, CRA staff is working with Public Works to install aMast Arm at Bluford Avenue and Geneva Street intersection which should happen later this year. C)Maintenance Inspection and Performance Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corlessupdated the board and indicatedthe CRA team does weekly inspections,and has contractor meetings as well as meetings with Code Enforcementand Public Works staff.A new RFQ is in the process for alandscape contractor for city-wide contract and will include any newly developed streets within the CRA. IX.Confirm Next Regular CRA Board Meeting Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corlessannounced the next meeting is scheduled for February 18, 2020,at 5:00 PM. X.Board Comments Member Oliver commented that on Clarke Road and SR50 there wasan Ocoee sign that had other signage blocking it. Heinquired if therewasanything special that hadto be done to remove signage that may block theCRAsigns.Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corlesssaid the signage has been removed,but it was not at their request. CRA Regular Meeting 11-05-2019 Page 3 Chair Firstner inquired if the $19,000 additional funds required for the SR50 medianwould be coming out of the CRA budget. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless answered in the affirmative,and further explained. Member Wilsen inquired about the update on the N. Blackwood Avenue.Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corlessapologized for missing that slide in the presentation. She explained they are nearly 60% complete.Staff slowed down this project on Blackwood Avenue and Montgomery to be sure they were aligning with City Center as well as workingwith the Engineer. They should be able to go out to bid for this project by February. Member Juneinquired if there would beany music element incorporated into the Wellness Park. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless shared they have not included a music element into the park at this time. She addedthat most people will listen to their own music when working out. She further shared that she failed to mention earlier in her presentation the park will be lightedand available in the evening. Also, CRA staff will propose to apply for the West Orange Health District Grantthis summer. Chair Firstnerannounced the next regular CRA meeting is scheduled for February 18, 2020, at 5:00 PM. Member Marsh thanked the CRA for the beautification throughout Blackwood Avenue,near the hospital,as they are also trying to make upgrades on their campus. Orlando Health Central truly appreciates this partnership. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:28p.m. Attest:APPROVED: _________________________________________________________ Melanie Sibbitt, SecretaryRichard Firstner, Chair CRA Regular Meeting 11-05-2019 Page 4 Current Project Update February 18, 2020 N. Blackwood Avenue Streetscape–60% documents were submitted and reviewed in January 2020. Construction cost have increased to $1.8 million proceeding to90%. Staff will be working with City Center on a few outstanding issues. S. Bluford Streetscape Corridor–Staff is working on scope for engineeringservicesthat willgo out to RFQ late spring. Relooking at Bluford/Geneva for possible roundabout. Maine Street Park–This Park is located at the northeast intersection of S. Bluford Avenueand Maine Street. The park is being designed and constructed by City Center West Orange. SR 50 LandscapeGrant–Awarded to Down to Earth for$1,283,096.98. Setting preconstruction meeting for February. Construction to begin March 2020. SR 50 Lighting–There is really no news from FDOT andDuke Energy regarding the design and installation of the streetlights. They will be LED and look like the lights closer to Good Homes Road.Staff will be reaching out to them this month. Wellness Park–90% design. Need to secure additional funding. Construction cost is estimatedat$1.8 million. Current Programs Annual Report –The2019 Fifty West Annual Report to be published inFebruary. Fifty West Branding Program –Submitted Trademark application.