HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-17-2020 Supporting Documents� �� f A .f .. � <.\. \. : \�\.�»:IN\��. .�\. : \ . P p � t'i o .VIR �7 y:w CITY of o oEE EMERG N M NA EMENT What is COVI D=1 9? Cause of spread/transmission • Community spread • Person -to -Person • Close contact • Respiratory droplets in the air • Surfaces (not the main way) • Wash hands • Social distancing Signs and symptoms • Fever • Cough • Shortness of breath • Recent travel 6 Keys to Prevention • Avoid touching eyes, nose, mouth • Cover your cough or sneeze with tissue • Clean all surfaces frequently • Stay home when sick • Worldwide: 196,106 / 7,869 • US: 41226 / 75 • State: 136 / 4 • Orange Co.: 5 / 1 What is being done to keep the numbers down? \ 0 ] ��M` IE49 The Goalm. Reduce SDread Capaclty of He&thcare System .............................................. ............... cain aCtUaIlly decfeas,e as lliealltl�jcwe the rate of infection (e.q. so6al distancing, L evient size Ii Mits) Time since first case w o r e g i(,,,e t s li ck or are Oziced under ,',,,Puaran6ne cS� ® Canceling large events From Firank, Robert Sent. Friday, March 13, 2020 9:26 AM Tio: All Staff Dist,ibution Lisft (ASDL) subject. Corona Virus Update I know that many of you are concerned regarding the Coronavirusand how it affects you,your farnily and your job. Let me assure you that I arnworking Wth the, City"s management teatn, as well as county, state and federal agencies to monitor this evolving health issue. As 'you may be aware, we are implementing changes daily and reviewing precautions that need to be taken as circu instances demand, Each department will be implementing operational changes and may install physical barriers to protect our employees from virus tramsmission, and cleaning SU'pPlogs are being distributed as we receive them,, 'Your assistainice in keepinig your work area and Ipublic areas, clean and disinfected is required to protect all employees from the virus. Please support and execute the changes Sol that we can help keep you, your family and your coworkers healthy and safe during this time. Should you'feel ffl, especially as it relates to a respiratory condition, stay home and all your inedical provider. ire alor role in preventing the spread of the coronavirus is, combatting the continual exposure of the gerun to other indiviclual&, As a precaufion, any employee traveling to a foreign country or taking a crinse *11 be required to remam away from work'fur 7 days upon their return—uPTO. We are limiting internal 4i-person ineetin gs to critical iSSUes only at this time, and canceling or re -scheduling any meetings with external custorners. The following events, have been canceled or reschedlLiled at this time, Best Est (March 26), Spring Fling (March 28), and Easter Eggstravaganza (April ''11). More changes, are sure to come in the near' future. If you have quesbons or concerris, direct them to your department director. —Thley will provide you with information or direct your questions to the Hurnan Resources diepartment. We will get updated inforniation to you as things change. Thank you again flor your cooperation and diligence dUring thiese trying times. f, $ CITY of o oEE 5"M MANAGEMENT Prevention Measures f d,"A • Canceling large events • Reducing meetings • Use of technology • Reduced exposure of employees • Increased training • Increased decontamination f, $ CITY of o oEE 5"M MANAGEMENT Prevention Measures f d,"A • Canceling large events • Reducing meetings • Use of technology • Reduced exposure of employees • Increased training • Increased decontamination • Increase equipment & supplies \ 0 ] ��M` IE49 It! 2 l, i M 7 W Tr JE G RM ,� 4 Co u n i c a t i o n s ® Intranet qw,-, , E'P�oy". lint,aret Webex Tel ecorif erencing AviflaWe nove Corualv: Brent Marvich at A012 or,eirna ' iwI for additional lolfolln-nation or assistance with setting up your meeting. Capabilities iWirde addhg UP 10 8 telepirone caflers and sharing out your screen or apipficafion There may be some configuring to do with your PC or device tile first blare connerting to a rneeting. The free Cisco %AyebEx Meetings app alloys You to Stanrt orjoln, imeetings 6rectly from Your iPad lPhone Android de0ce or BlackBerry 10 device No account is required foricining a rneetlrg Get the Vvebpx Tokr,.'C"(�uIfeol!!I:"ir)g E'!! Zs ltEbr rI EDE) and let's giet started setting Up y0l.ir meeting todaiy, 0 .. lf . - . WAA ho"'t P 14 aft m l� f. ate r6 H&VO plorly m"Ub4e Wil air of disposable lr4?st6'ca— and paper uOok, la"Mory crea" 4wn4 Wwk aro� t 0 Fate I'May 6Wmo if !IM dWnfed IM create "Wowk xa%ks go 0 t You aloe Ock E3 cowar"Only fw. hamo Mac i—q-d touthod arem prat".As" tke 96"arml '10 WWWOCKnet/CORONAVIRUS \ 0 ] ��M` IE49 It! 2 l, i M 7 W Tr JE G RM ,� 4 Co u n i c a t i o n s ® Intranet ® We b site (Ity of Ocofe Conniunity Rekflion,.', News Releames With an abundance of caution toward preventing the spread of the novell coronavIrus, his City of Ocoee has rescheduled! or canceled a number of public events set for the next few weeks: Marche 19fli Red Light Hearing Board is canceled. March 24di Code, Enforcement Board rneefing lis canceled. Cases MR be oonfinLrrd to April 28 March, 261h police Citizen Ackisory Council meeting is canceled Marche 26th Best Fes�t, hosted by the West Or ange Chamber of Commerce, has been postponed to October 8, 2020 o IMarch 28th Spring Ffing has been postponed with the ripw date to be detenrlIned - AprIll 2nd Human Relations Dversity Board meeting is canceled. - Apull Oth Ocoee YDkah COUncil meeting is canceled o April 9th Ocoee Lakeshore Center Grand Re -Opening cereniony, has been postponed to a future date to be determined - Aprill 11th Easter Eggstravaga nz a is canceled The March 141h Shred to Protect event at the Ocoee Police Headquarters A be held as scheduled. The March, 171h Chy Commission meeting will be field with an opportunity for public participation by telephone and email The meeting wvilll be broadcast five withon-screen Instrurtforis regarding how the pulblic can participate from home, City Hall viffl not be opens. In addItion to these public event changes, the City requests your cooperation In reft6ng die need for Irriss to Cby Hall, partict,darly by 111nifting the number of Ipaymments made at the utifty, billing counter We understand this May CeLlSe a delay in making your payment, therefore, we are postponing the curt -off date for the month of March, so that you have ample time to use one of our niany payment methods You can pay by credit card online or by phone for a small convenience fee, or by check via US Mail or at the parking lot drop, box The City WH soon have a drop box in die City Hall lobby that will accept cash payments We have taken additio�niat measures to protest City staff and Our customers if you must pay in person. For more Information go to 4,ywva qqopq prg or call 407- 905-3100, You can, Signi Lip for notification amalls, at the website For the latest information on the COWD-19 virus from the Florida Health website - fiod-dade-ofi1qgy \ 0 ] ��M` IE49 It! 2 l, i M 7 W Tr JE G RM ,� 4 Co u n i c a t i o n s ® Intranet ® We b site ® Care H ere R—o IA-1'10 L�Ijr.+� M"t Vkr 0n, M-1 III C-mo KEY CORONAVIIRUS INFORMATION E"11,f gg,&1 ygq152�! pem CDC Caretielp ha% wiyaled Fellevigkg fem IoWeirn� wifli cnmna6irui�� 'S ym pumm i y, rnpicu rns. LP !,kyfC !jvgkLnn LhAXR&!29MAXtM Paterim witti symrqgonn of fevei, Mhortness of imewh, andlor cough, should not enter the EAD healdii ceniici, dvese ICuadGesnts should vtiedule a TeleVtst, [his ,.,'[.IC JilecAive Pncitefts jou olhei patients and licalthWare picks,,(onals Thoae UDC, QILDIES TIONS? gimdefiiiepReveinP z,ontaimmotion and poteraml cimum of the heaMh cemOei C'aH 011ie d'1c1,e&,,d 'I Sdhim I ui Ile, d elieVish, u�,e r I v ChrO ieie App. ni, C a p la re wirn ,',,1AeM Suppmt Ceriteii V7 423 1330 1 11,1we a Medical opjrrinlrnsFnt I i:,I I (,,(,I,Iind nuinilU,,i, III YI it, I vicj ectj("Y I fl�(t "Ij[e 1,101, W Ify I rif,, t I v,, Duidnigy(Aw peleVpsk tgrqura kmgs, ON SPE QQR1QNAVM.JS I'E�SRN(.; CRIr14HIi�,, Is lu,,Innmtt to Nrjoy due Ile 1jinTed le"fing availability solatR m rwm; imm yrnpmrns rwsolve Palients can also schedule an ldeVisby calling W 423 YJh bu[r couJd be sutc�ccl to longer Than mminal ua[E Vines due la Ore volurne ceealed by the ccrunavirua WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW - 3117120,20 lit YORu thave rnSPIIN11101'y SylIMpiloois, Ilever all(Lbircong1h, S'lAY I11K)ME and SCAlf, -DUILE A 1ELIEVISIT WHIA CAREHERE oC'AILL YOLIR DOC WOR CA11 0 yc"u docloi I ty np o our i 'Nash yow lwids I'M WEIM� Y Cover voliv cough visaCDCIfpv for lieill)M ilifoinimlon and updmed infornoHoir you can must \ 0 ] ��M` IE49 A Guide to Practice Social Distancinq in the Workplace 114 M.Y. C— Mi-- Di,1002 R,,[,.,d DIAM 3 N Cdy Manager kMhart IV, fi-lk wa,"'11your band, . Uschudsamllvrej . Avoidtouchm(;iacu Avoid dos,, i ontact - C"O- a SMX71Q. R olu cK, U Jvej Clean & du�;jn I out . stay home it sick . Avold crowds Practice Social Distancing in. the Workplace 21 3 '"MEMO= E, 411, Out City cf Ocoee - 150 9A Lakshare lDrive - Ocoee, Fonda 3476 Phore,: (40�7) 905-3100 - ww.ocoee.o[g rMW"RONE LECTURE r- % Bringing Capability to A e. Community Drone FAA o\art 00000\ll Training \. \ S 0 D Company Overview Small Drone Market • Training Program •Q&A LECTURE \" Certified to Instruct FAA Part 107 0 Governing Regulation for Small Drone Training & Licensing Veteran Owned Parris, ClientExtensive 0 Police Departments and First Responder Agencies in PA, vti New Offices to Central Florida 0 Tampa Office Launched in January 2020 Community Oriented Small Drones Market e\ growin( SmallSmall Drone market will grow from $14 billion in 2018 to <$43 billion by 2024 Drone starting salaries potentially start \. $62K- $70K aircraft0 Minimal Training compared to manned i 0 NELECTURE T 5 P 1 55 0 D E r ram wA P 1 0 Training Pro 9 • Must Be at least 16 years of age • Must be able to Read, Write, Speak and Understand English Pass the FAA Airman Knowledge Exam Pass a TSA background check \ passing PW \ LECTURE y \ Primary . . Contact . » e463-8331 Landry, Amber From: Citizens Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020637 PM To: City Clerk DL Subject: FVV Crystal Investments case# RZ-19-10-12 Receiveddurimg Commission meeting. ----- Original Message --- From: Valerie Powell <sbpgr|3l7@gmaiLcom> Sent: Tuesday,March 17,2Q2Q6:24PM To: Citizems<Citizems@ci.ocoee.fLus> Subject: Crystal Investments case #RZ-19-1Q-12 Dear Commission, U am writing with concern on the proposed changes tothe land use for the corner lot ofSilver Star and Ridgefield at the Brentwood subdivision. A 2 story bui|dimgdoes not fit im to the existing bui|dimgstructures. The proposed entrance will causetrafMc issuesfor the residents of Brentwood. U am concerned aboutoffice space with windows facing into our backyards. Please consider these items asYOU vote tonight. Thank YOU, Valerie Powell 51QRidgefield Ave Ocoee, FL. 34761 Sent from nlyWbome CAUTION: This email originated from outsideofthe organization. Donot click links oropen attachments Unless YOU recognize the sender and know the content issafe. From: 6rinson,Larry To: Heard. Kathv Subject: FW: Thank You Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 5:58:23 PM Sent from my Verizo n, Samsung Galaxy smar[g,,.) o nc -------- Original message -------- From: "Brinson,Larry" <LBrinson@ocoee.org> Date: 3/17/20 5:56 PM (GMT-05:00) To: khurd@ocoee.org Subject: FW: Thank You Sent from my Verizo n, Samsung Galaxy smar[g,,.) o nc -------- Original message -------- From: "Brinson,Larry" <LBrinson@ocoee.org> Date: 3/16/20 4:27 PM (GMT-05:00) To: Greg <gkeethler@gmail.com> Subject: RE: Thank You Greg, Congratulations and a big THANK YOU are order. Your diligence and tenacity have again moved us forward. Thank you again From: Greg <gkeethler@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 3:54 PM To: Brinson,Larry <LBrinson@ocoee.org>; Shadrix, Craig <Craig.Shadrix@ocoee.org> Cc: Angel de la Portilla <adlp@cflstrategies.com> Subject: Fwd: Thank You Larry/Craig, The county traffic engineer looked at the Fuller's Cross intersection and determined that traffic has gotten worse and left turn lanes are needed. I'll be darned! See correspondence below. What's next? Greg Begin forwarded message: From: Greg<gk....1::....:.�>=�my i!.co�m�> Date: March 16, 2020 at 3:44:41 PM EDT To Uazern,II ! ;Assat- ,ocf( net: Cc J lm!z.1 .���rk cl(� >,c r 1"(.art q�i'amlbe.. . t !.j... > r°i"( ire,, Subject: Re: Thank You Mr. El Assar, Thank you very much for checking the situation and taking time to reply to me. I concur 100% that left turn lanes are desperately needed for that intersection. That is the project addressed by the signs which was supposed to have been done by now. They ran into some water table issues which increased the cost beyond the budgeted amount. It is my hope that your findings will add some urgency to the process of finding additional monies to complete the project. Meanwhile, thank you for finding the tripping error and adjusting the timing to try to help the traffic flow. Respectfully, Greg Keethler On Mar 16, 2020, at 3:26 PM z, rmr„II::1;;;; „s„ ,;, > cl"I tv, , wrote: Dear Mr. Keethler: -Fhanl<s again for the information. The intersection of Ocoee Apopl<a Rd & Fullers Cross was observed by our staff on 3/12/20 at the time requested. The signal was found running normally and all movements being serviced. There was a detection malfunction observed and movements were placed on fixed timing, until detection is repaired. The service technicians have been requested to verify and place on schedule for repair. In addition, a timing adjustment was made to the northbound and southbound movements to provide some relief to congestion issues. However, to completely address your concern, left -turn lanes have to be added. There were significantly higher traffic volumes observed this time than last time observed 5/9/18 when another timing adjustment was made. A single left turn vehicle can bacl< up through traffic no matter how much time is given. There was a sign for Future road improvement for the area, but we are not sure if left -turn lane addition is part of it. Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance. Sincerely, Hozem EI-Assor, P.E. Chief Engineer Oronge County Troffic Engineering 407-836-7866 From: Greg < I<:. , ,1........r:z r ,G....�..::.c,oryl,> Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 8:22 AM To: El-Assar, Hazem<.::I"'az,er"T"i...�..�...-�Aa.:7..=�..r..(r:z�c:.:cfl.net> Subject: Re: Thank You Sir, Thank you so much for your concern about this matter and willingness to help. The intersection has no left turn lanes, so at peak traffic times it tends to back up. In the morning, it backs up southbound on Ocoee Apopka road between 7 and 9 with peak times I would say between 7:15 and 8:15. Afternoon is more complicated. It backs up both on northbound Ocoee Apopka Road and Eastbound Fullers Cross between about 4 and 6:30, with peaks I would say between 4:30 and 6. The thinking among many people who live in the area is that the real solution is left turn lanes, but that project has hit some snags. So, the thinking is that perhaps some signal timing during these peak times could help alleviate the backups somewhat as an interim measure until the left turn lanes and new signals can be installed. Not entirely sure that is true, so I'm glad that you are willing to apply your expertise to the problem. Sincerely, Greg Keethler On Mar 11, 2020, at 7:43 AM, ;H. z, 5 sar. >.. :...n :...1, wrote: Dear Mr. Keethler: We would be glad to help with any signal timing improvements at Fullers Cross & Ocoee Apopka. However, please let us know the time of day and direction of travel you are concerned about, so we can have it observed and adjusted accordingly. Sincerely, Hazem EI-Assor, P.E. Chief Engineer Orange County Traffic Engineering 407-836-7866 From: Kunkel, Joseph C <ose.. h.Kunkcdl`?..2 f..I......r]et.> Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 5:38 PM To: Castillero, Humberto L<.::�_�.:!..r��_k.v.�'.rt.�:?..::.�._�...; ti..�.��.ro.(Li)(:.)cfl.nc�t>; El-Assar, Hazem<.::�,az,er��..._�..�...-�.:7..sa.r..(r:z�c:.:cfl.net> Subject: FW: Thank You Humberto, Hazem, Mr. Keethler discussed the subject intersection during Public Comment at the BCC meeting this morning. I spoke with Mr. Keethler after the meeting and he requested and I agreed that we will look at the signal timing for the Fullers Cross / Ocoee Apopka intersection. His observation is that a timing correction will greatly assist with relieving the traffic congestion. Please let me know what you are able to determine and then respond to Mr. Keethler. Thanks, Joe From: Greg Keethler < I<:. ,rr,fll....r..(r:z r1r�i� c,oryl,> Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 4:07 PM To: Kunkel, Joseph C <fose.. h.Kunkcdl`?..2cf..I......r]et.> Subject: Thank You Mr. Kunkel, Thank you again for taking time to talk to me at the County Commission meeting today about the Fullers Cross/Ocoee Apopka Road intersection. I apologize for making you wait outside the chambers --I had no idea you gentlemen were out there waiting for me. If there is any other information I can provide or otherwise be of assistance, please let me know. I --and many others --look forward to the County and Ocoee governments finding and implementing a solution to this aggravating problem. Greg Keethler 719-930-5519 P.S. Would you be so kind as to tell me the name, position, and email address of the other gentleman who was with you? I cannot remember it and he did not give me a card. PLEASE NOTE: Florida has a very broad public records Iaw (F. S. 119). All e-mails to and from County Officials are kept as a public record. Your e-mail communications, including your e-mail address may be disclosed to the public and media at any time. PLEASE NOTE: Florida has a very broad public records law (F. S. 119). All e-mails to and from County Officials are kept as a public record. Your e-mail communications, including your e-mail address may be disclosed to the public and media at any time. CAlJ CION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.