HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #07 - West SR 50 Development Wastewater Planthe tenter of Good Li,, AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: May 1, 2007 Item # q Reviewed By. Contact Name: David A. Wheeler, P.E. Department Director: Contact Number: 407-905-3100, ext. 1504 City Manager: Subject: West SR 50 Development Wastewater Plan Background Summary: The study area is defined by the general limits of by the City of Winter Garden to the west, Economic/Consumer Courts to the east, the Florida Turnpike to the south, and the Florida Auto Auction and Maguire Road to the north. This area of Ocoee is mostly undeveloped and does not have any City provided central sanitary sewer system to serve it. Any previous and/or current development handled wastewater treatment by septic tank and was generally residential and/or small commercial establishments. The lack of a central sanitary collection system has been the limiting factor in any large scale development in this area. The City had been approached by potential developers in the past about various projects. Typically, the City did not see a large number of developers at one time. Over the past two years, developers for almost every tract of property in west Ocoee on SR 50 have approached the City either to talk about a potential development or have submitted plans and are into or through the review process. The major drawback to any large scale development of this area has been the lack of central sanitary sewer. Typically, the City requires the first developer to design, construct, and pay for extensions and/or connections to the City's water, sewer, and (now) reuse systems. None of these parcels and/or projects in this area have been big enough to make this City policy work. Staff was asked by most of the developers and the City Manager to propose another option that may be acceptable to the development community and the City. Staff employed Reiss Environmental, Inc. to model and study the existing sanitary system and include the proposed developments. The attached report details the analysis of the existing system and its excess capacity or lack of capacity. The deficiencies exist today and will allow for development to continue, but the City needs to be planning for the upgrades and improvements so that the system will never be overloaded. The study further provides a plan to modify the City's wastewater collection and transmission systems in the SR 50 corridor to alleviate existing deficiencies, provide for better operations, and allow for future growth. The West SR 50 Development Wastewater Plan also details the facilities needed to provide central sanitary sewer service to the study area and facilities that each developer will needed to connect to the central system. The study further provides a estimated flow per developable property that became the basis for a cost sharing or refunding plan to allow the central system to be constructed by one of the developers and for that developer to be reimbursed the cost based upon the established flows as each parcel is developed. The acceptance of this Plan by the City Commission will become the basis for development of the wastewater system in the west SR 50 corridor and the planned improvements to the City's existing system in the near term and for the future. The Plan as proposed does not reverse the City's policy on connections to or extensions of the City's utility systems for development, but provides for an alternative to that policy. Ideally, the City will probably propose a similar plan for the northwest area where there is no central sanitary system. Currently, the City's collection and transmission system for sanitary sewer takes the wastewater from the Pioneer Key Park on Palm Drive and from the City Hall area and pumps it south down Maguire Road to the gravity system on SR 50. The wastewater flow from the Colony Plaza and Old Time Pottery areas and from south of the Florida's Turnpike also combine at the SR 50 gravity system and flow to a master lift station in the northeast corner of Bluford Avenue and SR 50. From there the wastewater is then pumped all the way to the A.D. Mims Wastewater Treatment Facility by going further east on SR 50 to Clarke Road and then north to the plant. That force main has many other pump stations connecting to it along Clarke Road. This is a somewhat circuitous route and is becoming more operationally intensive as more development is added to the system. The Plan is to redirect the wastewater flow from the west SR 50 area and other adjacent areas north in the Maguire Road force main to a new lift station to be located along Silver Star Road near Ocoee -Apopka Road. This lift station would also collect wastewater from the surrounding area and pump north along Lakewood Avenue and connect to the new force main coming from the northwest area. The combined force main would probably run along Wurst Road to the wastewater plant. By taking flow off of the lift station at Bluford and SR 50, it will allow for some development of the surrounding property along Maine Street. The different project costs were estimated for planning purposes because of the order of magnitude of the projects. These projects are not easy and are not inexpensive and will take time to further plan, design, fund, and construct. The cost estimates can also be used to develop a refunding agreement for the northwest area should enough developers come together to make the central sanitary system viable. Issue: Acceptance of the West SR 50 Development Wastewater Plan and authorization for staff to negotiate a Wastewater Refunding Agreement for development of the west SR 50 area. Recommendations Staff recommends the acceptance of the West SR 50 Development Wastewater Plan as presented by Reiss Environmental, Inc. and to authorize staff to negotiate a refunding agreement with a developer for the central sanitary system for the west SR 50 area. Attachments: 1) West SR 50 Development Wastewater Plan by Reiss Environmental, Inc. Financial Impact: There will be no financial impact for the acceptance of the Plan and the ability to negotiate a refunding agreement with a developer for the west SR 50 area. Any funding of the other projects listed will be brought back to the City Commission at a future date for funding options. Type of Item: (please mark with an Y) Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use: Ordinance First Reading Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing Resolution Regular Agenda Commission Approval Discussion & Direction 2 Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. N/A Reviewed by Q N/A REISS ENVIRONMENTAL Q 1 200, RESEARCH PARKWAY, SUITE 228 Memorandum ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32826 (407) 679-5358 FAx: (407) 679-5003 TO: Charles Smith David Wheeler Steve Frey FROM: Reiss Environmental, Inc. DATE: April 23, 2007 RE: DRAFT — West SR 50 Development Wastewater Plan INTRODUCTION Significant development is being planned in the City of Ocoee's service area around the intersection of State Road 50 (SR 50) and SR 429 that will contribute additional raw sewage flows to the existing wastewater collection system. The proposed West SR 50 Development area is along SR 50 from SR 429 to Economic Court, bounded to the south by the Turnpike and to the north by the Auto Auction. The City has prepared a plan for sewer infrastructure to serve this corridor and assess the potential impacts on its wastewater collection system. Reiss Environmental, Inc. (REI) was contracted to assist the City with preparation of the West SR 50 Development Wastewater Plan (Plan). The Plan presented herein, includes a preliminary schematic of sewer infrastructure along SR 50 and an assessment of the proposed development's impact on the City's existing wastewater collection system to establish a range of cost. Potential impacts were assessed using the recently updated wastewater system hydraulic model (Model). The West SR 50 Development Wastewater Plan includes a hydraulic evaluation of the proposed wastewater infrastructure and connection including gravity and force main size/routing, connection location, existing gravity pipe available capacity, and lift station locations. The analysis will also include identification of potential impacts to the existing system, inputting the proposed pumps and piping and updating the City's hydraulic model. An estimate of probable cost of the required infrastructure will be prepared and the developer cost pro rated. A schematic layout will be included to identify the proposed infrastructure and tie-in locations. This memo summarizes assumptions and results. WASTEWATER FLOW ESTIMATES Buildout wastewater flow estimates were prepared for the West SR 50 Development study area outlined in Figure 1. Wastewater flow estimates were prepared using information provided by developers if available, City of Ocoee unit equivalent residential unit (ERU) factors for development type, a gross general commercial generation estimate for unspecified development type, and the City of Ocoee's standard wastewater flow generation factor of 270 gallons per day per ERU. Wastewater flow estimate inputs and assumptions are summarized in Attachment A. Wastewater flow estimates were calculated using this input and assumptions as presented in Table 1. Due to differing collection destinations, the "Ocoee West" properties were separated from the other developments (see Table 1). a d O L` M 0000 V' O O 00000000 IO IO IO IO O 00 00LO01.(o Mol L- M 00 IO C Or9M r V' O V' IO V 0 c O W) 01 LL IO IO IO IO r- I V M L- L- N CO h M I I r V' ) N L- I 10) V' V' CO QQ 0000 C6 N 0000000 CO CO N N V:Lo0O0 M (n0 aM- N 1�00NINO V M e- r l D H W 0 I CV fV U) I �NNNti0� I I cn I I co v N000r IO 101?U r I NNrr IO IOr I f�NOl�h I I �•C MMrM LU M r r 00 M rn r 0 0 0 0 0 co O r co M 0 0 0 0 ..�.. 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This peak flow was used to size proposed West SR 50 Development sewer infrastructure and assess impacts to existing receiving infrastructure. WASTEWATER COLLECTION LAYOUT A series of alternatives were developed and evaluated for providing wastewater service to the West SR 50 Development area. The alternatives involved various combinations of lift stations, gravity mains, force mains and tie-in locations. Alternatives were discussed in a meeting with City Utilities staff and a consensus alternative selected based on cost effectiveness, constructability and capacity of existing City wastewater infrastructure. The proposed sewer infrastructure for the West SR 50 Development area is presented in Figure 1. EXISTING SYSTEM IMPACTS The capacity of the existing receiving wastewater collection system was estimated using the recently updated wastewater collection hydraulic model and piping capacity values. The following existing infrastructure was evaluated to determine available capacity to handle additional flows (refer to Figure 2 for location): • 8 -inch gravity mains on SR 50 feeding Lift Station (LS 8) • LS 8 pump capacity and force main • 12 -inch gravity main on northside of SR 50 from Maguire Road east • 12 -inch gravity main on southside of SR 50 from Maguire Road east • 15 -inch gravity main from SR 50 to LS 7 • LS 7 pump capacity and 12 -inch force main on SR 50 The results of the existing capacity analysis are presented in Table 2. The analysis indicates that the 8 -inch gravity main on SR 50 feeding LS 8 does not have enough available capacity to handle all the West SR 50 Development area flow, although it can handle a portion (-80 gpm) of the peak flow. LS 8 does have ample capacity, however the 12 and 15 -inch gravity mains feeding LS 7, as well as LS 7 pump capacity and discharge force main do not have capacity to accept all the West SR 50 peak flow. To relieve capacity in LS 7 and the 12 and 15 -inch gravity mains, an alternative routing was developed by City utilities staff to reverse the flow in the Maguire Road force main (north of SR 50) north up Lakewood Avenue to tie in to the proposed Wurst Road Force Main (serving the Eagle Creek development) that routes directly into the Wastewater Treatment Facility. Due to the low heads on the existing Maguire Road lift stations' pumps, a master lift station would be required, at the proposed LS 22 upgrade site or the City's Lakewood Avenue site, to repump the Maguire Road force main flows to the Treatment Facility. The new Lakewood Ave Force Main and master lift station (LS 22 Upgrade or new Lakewood Ave LS) are shown in Figure 2. The decision to reverse the Maguire Road force main flows north guided the proposed sewer 3 Im , r3;� ,.,2 �,. , f"C_v",I.. infrastructure presented in Figure 1. Based on this alternative, the "Ocoee West" properties' wastewater flow was routed through LS 8 to LS 7, while the West SR 50 Development "non -Ocoee West" properties' flow was routed north up Marshall Farms Road to discharge into the City's Maguire Road force main. In the short term, prior to construction of the Lakewood Ave FM and master lift station, the West SR 50 flows would all be routed through LS 7. COST ESTIMATE AND SHARE A magnitude of cost for proposed onsite and offsite West SR 50 Development wastewater infrastructure is provided in Table 3. A cost share was calculated based on the following assumptions: • Developers construct and fund all local lift stations, gravity mains and force mains (see Figure 1) • West SR 50 Developments are divided into two groups for cost share purposes: "Ocoee West" and "non -Ocoee West" as defined in Table 1. • West SR 50 "non -Ocoee West" developers 100% cost share SR 50/Marshall Farms FM (see Figure 1) • West SR 50 "non -Ocoee West" and "Ocoee West" developers 100% cost share the LS 7 Phase 1 Upgrade and West SR 50 Planning/Legal efforts (see Table 3). For West SR 50 "non -Ocoee West" developers, this cost share is in lieu of cost sharing the Lakewood Ave Force Main. • West SR 50 "Ocoee West" developers cost share the LS 7 Force Main (16" from LS 7 to Clarke Road) A summary of the required cost share is provided in Table 4. Cost share values were divided by the development ERUs to generate a unit cost share value ($/ERU) for the "Ocoee West" and "non - Ocoee West" properties. LIFT STATION DESIGN POINTS Using the hydraulic model, design points for the proposed West SR 50 Development lift stations were estimated for existing and future conditions. The proposed lift station design points are summarized in Table 5. 4 8p �,pQg�� . . , \ � f R! n�' M W > � /® x \\ •oma r � � � �uu ZD W Z ca: 5 �` W W 8 � W a g \ � f R! n�' M W > � /® x \\ •oma r � � � W a D�RCONA OCOEE ROA• /pY 5 A�•9 B� t�----------- V i A NICOLE BLVD m �g LS109F 12' LS1 7 i LS36 m _ Z ' LS32 , } a > =' Treatment Facility D Ls25 `MS ROAO LS Lkwd Est O Wurst Road FM ; N m yo• M CQI Future S" Fulura P 0 12' LS3 0" LS47 Y i aY 6i LL5 QI >= m I Q a L 46 U� C LS2 E LS27 e O LS17 LS15 LS 106F '9.$107F LS 22 g Upgrade :LS2. LS22. �1 LS43 LS21 e. E. SILVERSTAR RD 'S 4" LS13 8^ e" 4" g, L326 m LS38 LS44 LS14 �LS41 LS2 LS50 L 3 LS16 a Q O K LS6 Y 4 LS23 LS9 g- Gj 4 'a�J LS45 RL( LS4 ORLANDO A --N LS10 12"_. 1�O LS48 6- 2' m LS40 I LS3 Fureut10• a LS29 0 z f ? WEST O KS MALL g. U 4- MAIN STREET Future 18" m a Future 18^ 8" LS35 q 4• LS71 LS34 LS49 8• 12" iy . COLONIAL DRIVE S.R. 50 LS8 12" ai 'w W COLONIAL DRIVE S.R. 50 19 --- 12" 12" 12^ 4. 4. --T2: LSH LSX i � OCO WryyT W R LS30 D LS11 LS51 LS39 m 0 g LSI 2 'pIQ-acALe:r•laao• p, H 10^ 9qr FORCE MAIN LS26 AAL FUTURE FORCE IMIN L$33 ..Q ORAVRYMAIN MODEL 9i GRAVITY MIN' AW&10' LS123F Ib uFr erAnoN DISCHARGE TO ORAVRY k• OWIETER. INCH SERVICE SOUNDAW CITY OCOEE 1-1-411 �ft- WASTEWATER COLLECTION HYDRAULIC MODEL (2/22/07) FIGURE 2 Table 2. Existing Wastewater Infrastructure Available Capacity Calculations Calculated existing AAF 48 gpm Calculated existing system peak flow 192 gpm Modeled pump capacity 400 gpm Available pump capacity 208 gpm 8 -inch gravity main capacity 272 gpm at minimum slope Available gravity main capacity 80 gpm 12 -inch SR 50 gravity mains 12 -inch gravity main capacity 558 gpm at minimum slope Northside Modeled system peak flow 461 gpm Available gravity main capacity 97 gpm Southside Modeled system peak flow 326 gpm Available gravity main capacity 232 gpm 15 -inch LS 7 Gravity main 15 -inch gravity main capacity 874 gpm at minimum slope Modeled system peak flow 794 gpm Available gravity main capacity 80 gpm Lift Station #7 Calculated existing AAF 500 gpm Calculated existing system peak flow 2,000 gpm Modeled pump capacity 878 gpm Available pump capacity - gpm 12 -inch LS 7/SR 50 Force Main 12 -inch FM capacity (4 fps) 1,410 gpm Modeled system peak flow 1,394 gpm Available gravity main capacity 16 gpm 7 Ow Table 3. West SR 50 Development Wastewater Infrastructure Cost Summary SR 50/Marshall Farms Force Main Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Mobilization/Demobilization 1 LS $50,000 $50,000 General requirements 1 LS $80,000 $85,000 Traffic Maintenance 1 LS $25,000 $25,000 Dewatering 1,000 LF $12.0 $12,000 6" Force Main 3,250 LF $55 $178,750 6" Force Main Directional Drill 600 LF $165 $99,000 Wet tap 1 EA $15,000 $15,000 Restoration 1 LS $30,000 $30,000 SUBTOTAL $494,750 Engineering & CEI (20%) $98,950 Contingency 20% $98,950 TOTAL $692,650 Lakewood Ave FM & LS22 Upgrade Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Mobilization/Demobilization 1 LS $100,000 $100,000 General requirements 1 LS $160,000 $160,000 Traffic Maintenance 1 LS $30,000 $30,000 Dewatering 2,000 LF $12.0 $24,000 LS 22 Upgrade 1 EA $325,000 $325,000 12" Force Main 7,500 LF $95 $712,500 12" Force Main Directional Drill 300 LF $220 $66,000 Restoration 1 EA $80,000 $80,000 SUBTOTAL $1,497,500' Engineering & CEI (20%) $299,500 Contin enc (20%) $299,500 TOTAL $2,096,500 Lift Station 7 Phase 1 Upgrade Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Pump & Electrical Upgrade 1 LS $100,000 $100,000 LS 7 Force Main Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Mobilization/Demobilization 1 LS $80,000 $80,000 General requirements 1 LS $100,000 $100,000 Traffic Maintenance 1 LS $15,000 $15,000 Dewatering 1,000 LF $12.0 $12,000 16" Force Main 7,400 LF $110 $814,000 16" Force Main Directional Drill 100 LF $250 $25,000 Restoration 1 EA $40,000 $40,000 SUBTOTAL $1,086,000 Engineering & CEI (20%) $217,200 Contingency (20%) $217,200 TOTAL $1,520,400 Plannin /Le al Service Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost West SR 50 Planning and Legal 1 LS $30,000 $30,000 qI� 4) f6 O �E. Q M W o= II LL J � II II W LL CO M L O LO N N O LO O N 0 n 00 0 N ui U o Cl) 1 0 0,O I N�� 1 1 �MLOC-4C MER 1 1 000' 0o N C Ntfi Vi ER M9 NCN Efi fR fR a Z U N R m a) Na I o 0o I e vv( o I o U)�� I I \\\\ OM�Nt` o l i 0 M 0 eo 0 0 O O .� C V N N u i 0 0 0 N N O O Cy •C O U o � C O v7 ma L O r- O M 0 I NNS O 1 aD �N �. O 11 Cl) O a0 M LU W c J O U m O O N O L co I N (n O O ER I 0 6A 0 69 0 64 1 O 61 O ER O ER 1 1 O ER O 69 O ER O 69 O ER I I 00 N t c y OU 04 O U � V yr U 5 U m L 0 o O LL . o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I, w 000 000 00000 � N O C o C g O U o U m o - o U E E o N O C 1000 0 0 0 1 000 1 1 00000 00000 1 1 co t` 0 N U W C 0 000 Ln r O O U C d_ L LO 0o co O ti O M N O Z U N n 0 coo ", 1 C o co I I M C 000 n rn v 11 0 0 69 t00 ci 0 ( EA b4 M�N LO ER I N b% C6 6% ER N � : ER ER ER 69 O LL cc co I o co 1 0 00� 0 0 10�v, 0 0 I I 0 MvtnMOo 0 0 0 0 I I 0 o 0 0 0 LL Z5 0 O N 000 fMMN 00000M 0 0 0 N U a m c o w LO Eco 0 I NCV I fV N 0 i i M. -CV O 1 I O 0 w C O U Vww 'JE LL �> C c rn>Q LcLC cI NQ> I m WLL I I m LL > I N 0) U 00 Ncc co c m OU Ne• O 0D �Qa1 C T m C o m E m 3 d 0 0 ++ `d E m 0 5 Q yC N 0 o c O .�O Za U,L Q � m o,sco Q O) CO p >� Z0 o •s 3 J��m LL mUN ' Ym �° IL 3fq aNo «E w M a) H d N a) LQvm Tp t N mHHvwE m N 2 E'00 E o 00 1- 0 a) v 4)00 w O H O H 3 m J U W 3 I= n m > 3 o LL 0 LL U- I V 3 a U. Q LL� 0 ate+ O O H 4) f6 O �E. Q M W o= II LL J � II II W LL CO Table 5. West SR 50 Development Wastewater Lift Station Design Points ,Proposed Lift Station Existing Conditions Future Conditions Peak Flow gpm Hydraulic Peak Grade Flow feet gpm Hydraulic Grade feet Lanham 7 126 7 160 West 50/Walia 174 128 174 164 Heichel/Just Brakes/WoodalVU-Haul 37 126 37 146 West Orange/Ralph Johnson/Self Storage 58 124 58 140 Notes: -Hydraulic Grade = Static + dynamic head requirement from hydraulic model but does not include minor lift station losses. -Future results based on discharge to LS 22 at assumed 120' elevation. 10 Owf2r�iL u ATTACHMENT A FLOW ESTIMATE BACKUP oftkris"', I "No'l-l- f,l SANITARY LIFT STATION DESIGN CALCULATIONS & PRO -RATIONAL SHARE WEST 50 PROPERTIES, INC. OCOEE, FLORIDA PREPARED BY: Thomas H. Skelton, P.E. DATE: 4/19/2007 1.0 WASTEWATER DESIGN FLOWS 1.1 Flow based on: Approximate uses proposed Lot 1 Self Storage equivalent to 1 single family residential @ 300 gpd = 300.0 gpd Lot 2 Sit Down Restaurant 250 seats X 0.10 ERU/seat X 300 gpd/ERU = 7,500.0 gpd Lot 3 Sit Down Restaurant 250 seats X 0.10 ERU/seat X 300 gpd/ERU = 7,500.0 gpd Lot 4 150 room hotel 150 X 100 gpd/room = 15,000.0 gpd Total for West 50 Commercial Subdivision = 30,300.0 gpd (57.7%) Adjacent Parcel —180 room hotel + 140 seat restaurant 180 X 100 gpd/room = 18,000.0 gpd 140 X 0.10 ERU/seat X 300 gpd/ERU = 4,200.0 gpd Total for Adjacent Parcel = 22,200.0 gpd (42.3%) 1.2 TOTAL DESIGN FLOW = 52,500 GPD 1.3 Peak Factor = 4.0 1.4 Peak Hourly Flow 52,500 gpd x 1/1440 x 4.0 = 145.8 GPM General Code E -Code: City of Ocoee, FL § 173-9. (Reserved) Page 9 of 39 § 173-10. On-site facilities. A. Each developer, owner or builder (hereinafter referred to as "developer") shall be responsible for the design, installation, inspection and testing of the complete water system located in the streets or easements adjoining or within the boundaries of the developer's property. B. The term "complete water system" as used herein includes, but is not limited to all component parts of a water distribution system, including pipes, valves, fittings, hydrants and all appurtenances as shown upon the approved design of such water distribution system. C. In the event the City requires the installation of oversized lines or facilities designed to provide service for other properties, then the City shall pay for the cost of such oversizing by means of a direct cash payment by the City to the developer or a credit against water capital charges otherwise to be paid by the developer. The limited size of the developer's property for which service has been requested may indicate to the City the desirability of having the City design and install the water distribution system. In such event, the City reserves the right to compute the estimated cost of such extension and to require the developer to pay such cost of construction in lieu of the developer's installation of the water distribution system. § 173-11. Water capital charges. A. The intent of this section is to establish charges for the purpose of compensating the City for costs incurred in providing water treatment facilities and in extending water distribution and transmission lines to a point of reasonable availability for connection to the City water system. The charges shall be computed on the basis of real property use, zoning and size in approximate proportion to the benefits received. The determination of the point of reasonable availability for connection to the City water system shall be determined in accordance with policies from time to time established by the City. As set forth in this chapter, the developer may incur additional charges and expenses in order to obtain water service, which charges and expenses are not defrayed by its payment of water capital charges. Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to obligate the City to extend water services to any lands within its water service area. B. A water capital charge is hereby established at $966 per equivalent residential unit (ERU). Those persons, corporations or entities which have previously prepaid the existing water connection charge or who have entered into an agreement with the City providing credits against the water connection charge shall be exempt from paying this water capital charge. The amount of credit shall not exceed the amount prepaid or the approved credit authorized in the developer's agreement. C. For the purpose of calculating and imposing the water capital charge, the ERU factor for any particular connection shall be calculated and imposed in the manner provided as follows: Establishment Unit Factor Residential Projects Duplex (1 to 2 bedrooms) Per unit 0.833 Duplex (3 or more bedrooms) Per unit 1.000 Mobile home (1 to 2 bedrooms) Per unit 0.667 Mobile home (3 or more bedrooms) Per unit 0.833 Multifamily, efficiency (less than 500 square feet) Per unit 0.500 Multifamily (1 -bedroom units) (See Note 9.) Per unit 0.583 Multifamily (2 -bedroom units) (See Note 9.) Per unit 0.833 Multifamily (3 -or -more bedroom units) (See Note 9.) Per unit 1.000 Single-family residence Per unit 1.000 Nonresidential Projects Animal kennels Per kennel run 0.160 Auditorium Per seat 0.017 http://www.e-codes.generalcode.comisearchresults.asp?cmd=getdocTofC&index=1369 A&... 3/2/2007 General Code E -Code: City of Ocoee, FL Page 10 of 39 Automotive repair and maintenance Per repair bay 0.250 Bar/cocktail lounge Per seat 0.067 Barber/beauty shop Per operator station 0.300 Bowling alley Per lane 0.330 Church Per seat 0.017 Convenience store (no gas pumps) By FU See FU Table below. Dentist office Per dentist 0.833 Extended -care facilities Per efficiency 0.500 Hospital Per bed 0.833 Hotel/motel (See Note 1.) Per room 0.500 Hotel/motel suites, 1 bedroom (See Note 1.) Per unit 0.583 Hotel/motel suites, 2 bedrooms (See Note 1.) Per unit 0.833 Hotel/motel suites, 3 or more bedrooms (See Note 1.) Per unit 1.000 Industrial buildings (See Note 2.) with showers Per employee 0.117 Industrial buildings (See Note 2.) without showers Per employee 0.050 Landscape irrigation Per 1,000 square feet 0.125 Laundry, self-service Per machine 1.333 Medical office (formerly: doctor's office) Per doctor 0.833 Meeting and banquet rooms Per seat 0.017 Nursing home Per bed 0.417 Office building (See Note 3.) Per 1,000 square feet gross 0.334 Restaurant (cafeteria), full-service Per seat 0.100 Restaurant, 24-hour Per seat 0.167 Restaurant, fast-food Per seat 0.050 Retail spaces By FU See FU Table below. Schools, elementary and nursery Per student 0.025 Schools, middle and high Per student 0.067 Self-service gas station (See Note 5.) Per toilet room 1.000 Service station (See Note 6.) Per toilet room 1.000 Service station (See Note 6.) Per service bay 1.000 Service station (See Note 6.) Per wash bay 3.200 Theater Per seat 0.010 Theater (dinner) Per seat 0.067 Trailer park (overnight) Per space 0.333 Warehouse space (See Note 4.) By FU See FU Table below. NOTES: 1. Hotels and motels: add food service, banquet and meeting rooms, and self service laundries. 2. Add food service; does not include industrial waste flows which are calculated on fixture unit (FU) basis. 3. Office buildings: add food service and retail space. http://vvww.e-codes.generalcode.comisearchresults.asp?cmd=getdocTofC&index=1369 A&... 3/2/2007 General Code E -Code: City of Ocoee, FL Page 11 of 39 4. Warehouses: add office space, food service, and retail space. 5. Self-service gas stations: add fixture units (FU). 6. Service (gasoline) stations: add the total of ERU factors for all service bays, wash bays (not recycled) and toilet rooms. Automatically recycled vehicle washing systems require a professional engineer's signed and sealed estimate of capacity usage. 7. See fixture unit (FU) calculations on FU Table below. 8. Ocoee requires a minimum of 1.000 ERU per each separate commercial establishment. 9. Multifamily projects based upon units only; no additional capital charges for laundries, pool, or management offices. Capacity Demand Based Upon Fixture Units (FU) Type of Fixture Fixture Units (FU) ERU Factor Nonresidential Projects Drains, condensate 1.0 0.083 Drains, floor and fixtures not listed: 1 1/4 -inch trap 1.0 0.083 Drains, floor and fixtures not listed: 1 1/2 -inch trap 2.0 0.167 Drains, floor and fixtures not listed: 2 -inch trap 3.0 0.250 Drains, floor and fixtures not listed: 2 1/2 -inch trap 4.0 0.333 Drains, floor and fixtures not listed: 3 -inch trap 5.0 0.417 Drains, floor and fixtures not listed: 4 -inch trap 6.0 0.500 Drinking fountain 0.5 0.042 Laundry tray 2.0 0.167 Lavatory, large drain (greater than 1-1/4 inch trap) 2.0 0.167 Lavatory, small drain (1-1/4 inch trap) 1.0 0.083 Showers (per head) 3.0 0.250 Sink, combination (food service) 3.0 0.250 Sink, combination (garbage grinder) 4.0 0.333 Sink, compartmented (2) 3.0 0.250 Sink, compartmented (3) 4.0 0.333 Sink, flushing rim 8.0 0.667 Sink, service (mop/janitor) 3.0 0.250 Sink, service ("p" trap) (hand) 2.0 0.167 Sink, (pot, scullery, etc.) 4.0 0.333 Urinal 4.0 0.333 Washing machine (noncoin laundry) by drain size above Varies Varies Water closet public 6.0 0.500 Residential Projects (requiring larger than 5/8" meter) Bathroom group (water closet, lavatory, bathtub/shower) 6.0 0.500 Bath, half 4.0 0.333 Dishwasher 2.0 0.167 Drains (by drain size above) Varies Varies Lavatory 4.0 0.333 Shower stall 3.0 0.250 http://www.e-codes.generalcode.comisearchresults.asp?cmd=getdocTofC&index=1369 A&... 3/2/2007 General Code E -Code: City of Ocoee, FL Page 12 of 39 Sink, kitchen 2.0 0.167 Sink, kitchen (garbage grinder/ dishwasher) 3.0 0.250 Sink, laundry 2.0 0.167 Washer, clothes (by drain size, above) Varies Varies NOTES: 1. Continuous and semicontinuous flows (pumps, air conditioning systems, etc.) are 2.0 FU per gallon per minute (gpm) of flow. D. One ERU shall have an assigned value of 1.00. One ERU is hereby established and determined to be equal to a flow of 300 gallons per day (GPD), average annual basis. The water capital charge shall be determined by multiplying the ERU factor listed in Subsection C above times $966, times the number of units. E. For all establishments not listed in Subsection C above, the water capital charge shall be determined by multiplying the number of fixture units, as published in the Standard Plumbing Code, by 25, times $966, and dividing that numerator by 300 GPD/ERU; provided, however, all such establishments shall have a minimum ERU value of 1.00. F. The water capital charge shall be paid in accordance with a schedule agreed upon by the Director, but in no event later than the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. The Director may require that, prior to the execution by the city of the FDEP construction application, a letter of credit in favor of the City be provided to secure the obligations for payment of the water capital charges. (Amended 9-2-2003 by Ord. No. 2003- 351 G. Requested decreases and revised charges. (1) An applicant may submit data and other information on actual usage, anticipated usage, peak load requirements or a compination of the foregoing to the Director to support a requested decrease in the total equivalent residential unit value. The Director may use this information to determine a revised total ERU value, which may be less than or greater than that established by Subsection C above, and which will be used to determine a revised water capital charge. In either case, the applicant shall pay the revised water capital charge instead of the water capital charge established by Subsection C above. (2) Alternatively, an applicant may pay the water capital charge as established by Subsection C above and, after one year of operation, submit one year's data on actual usage to the Director for review. The Director may use this information to determine a total ERU value, which may be less than or greater than that established by Subsection C above, and which will be used to determine a revised water capital charge. If the applicant desires to use this alternative method of calculation, the applicant must advise the Director of such determination prior to the payment of the water capital charge. § 173-12. Obligations of City. A. The City shall maintain copies of this extension policy available for the inspection of any property owner, developer, builder or prospective consumer desiring information regarding all elements of the cost of connecting to the water facilities of the City. Such copies shall be maintained at the general office of the Ocoee water system. B. The City shall maintain as -built information on its water facilities in its office or in the office of its designated representatives for the purpose of providing reasonable information concerning the location of its water facilities. C. The City shall install all meters upon the request of prospective consumers, provided that all fees and charges as described herein and the established meter installation fees have been paid in accordance with the provisions of the extension policy. D. In instances where the City undertakes the installation of water distribution lines at the cost and expense of the developer in lieu of the developer's installation of such facilities, the City will provide laterals for water service to a developer's lot line ready for plumber's hookup and the installation of meters. § 173-13. Obligations of developer. http://www:e-codes.generalcode.comisearchresults.asp?cmd=getdocTofC&index=1369 A&... 3/2/2007