HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Approval of the Neighborhood Matching Grant Program Applicants 1" 000?e florid° AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: 4/21/2020 Item # 2 Revised 4/21/20 Reviewed By: Contact Name: Joy Porter Wright, Community Department Director: Relations Manager Contact Number: 407-905-3100 City Manager: Subject: Ocoee Neighborhood Matching Grant Applicants — Recomme ation to Award $4,400 to Three Neighborhoods with Multiple Options for One Applicant Background Summary: The Ocoee City Commission approved the implementation of the new Ocoee Neighborhood Matching Grant Program at their meeting on October 15, 2019. The grant program was formerly known as the Most Valuable Partnership Awards (MVP). Staff revamped the MVP to simplify and improve the application and criteria process. The Neighborhood Matching Grant Program is held annually. This year's grant cycle opened on February 21, 2020. Applications were due on March 20, 2020. The neighborhood grant program is for homeowner associations (HOA) and neighborhoods that do not have a structured HOA. The goal of the grant program is to assist residents with making improvements to their neighborhoods. The maximum matching grant award is $2,000. Applicants pay for their improvement projects and then get a portion back, up to a maximum of $2,000. Four(4) Homeowner Associations submitted grant applications for this grant cycle: • Prairie Lake Reserve HOA - $2,000 Make security improvements to pool and bathhouse facilities by changing the locking mechanisms at the pool gate and restrooms from a push button to an electronic card system. • Roberts Rise HOA -$2,000 Install neighborhood directory kiosk at the entrance to the subdivision and build a perimeter fence. • Sleepy Harbour HOA -$2,000 Construct security and landscape improvements at the entrances to the subdivision: replace light fixtures; cut down trees; and refurbish electrical service. • Lake Olympia Club HOA - $2,000 Install sign lighting and landscaping at entries; make other landscape and irrigation improvements; and construct and install neighborhood directories at two locations. Given the nature of the grant program, which is to improve city neighborhoods, the Development Services Department conducted the primary review of applications. Issue: Should the City Commission approve the Neighborhood Matching Grant funding recommendation? Recommendations: Staff recommends that grants in the amount of$2,000 each be awarded to two of the applicants: • Prairie Lake Reserve HOA; • Sleepy Harbour HOA. The remaining two applications presented various issues that preclude an outright recommendation to award the requested amount: Roberts Rise HOA and Lake Olympia Club HOA. The Roberts Rise HOA application included fabrication and installation of a neighborhood directory and construction of a physical barrier (hardened fence) along a portion of city street right of way to preclude pedestrian access from adjacent areas. Staff recommends funding in the amount of up to $400 as a 50% match for fabrication and installation of a directory kiosk. The HOA submitted (2) cost proposals for the kiosk of$704.37 and $818.32. The access barrier portion of the Robert's Rise HOA grant application, however, presents a number of regulatory issues relative to the requirements of the city's Land Development Code and other concerns. For example, a memorandum of understanding would need to be executed by the HOA and the city to allow construction in the street right of way and to absolve the city from future liability and maintenance costs. A variance under fence regulations would be required to allow the proposed tall and opaque barrier to be constructed. In addition to the negotiations and regulatory review required, City Commission action is also needed to reach a point where the barrier could be constructed. These issues are described in the attached Development Services Memorandum. It is likely this process would take more time than the six months allowed for construction by the grant program. Accordingly, staff suggests that the City Commission take one of the following actions regarding the remaining $1,600 that could be awarded to the Robert's Rise HOA: 1. Award the $400 for the kiosk at this time but make no award for the barrier in this grant cycle. Under the rules of the grant program, receiving the award for the kiosk would preclude the HOA from applying for a neighborhood grant in FY 2021. 2. Make no award to the HOA in this grant cycle, which would allow the city and the HOA to resolve the issues related to the barrier. The HOA could reapply in the FY 2021 or later grant program cycle to seek funding for both improvements. Any such subsequent application would be evaluated relative to others and the program rules in place at that time. 3. Award the $400 for the kiosk under the normal grant rules and separately award up to $1,600 for construction of the barrier subject to resolution of the regulatory and other issues presented. Due to the time required for this process, the six-month time limit for construction would need to be extended to 12 months with the applicable grant funding eligible to be carried forward into the FY 2021 Budget. Staff does not recommend that an award be made to the Lake Olympia Club HOA. The improvements listed on the Lake Olympia Club application have already been completed, one by more than 12 months. The application form's instructions say that the work must be completed within six months and that the grant cannot supplement existing operating budgets. It also says applicants will be notified if their application is approved by the City Commission, at which time they may begin the project. The intent is for the grant program to induce a neighborhood to undertake a project that it otherwise would not; however, the instructions do not explicitly say that previously completed projects are ineligible. Attachments: • Neighborhood Matching Grant Applications • Development Services Department Memorandum • Email from Lake Olympia Club HOA Financial Impact: The total grant funding requested by all applicants is $8,000. The total amount recommended for award is no more than $6,000: • Prairie Lake Reserve HOA—Amount Requested = $2,000; Amount Recommended = $2,000 • Sleepy Harbour HOA—Amount Requested = $2,000; Amount Recommended = $2,000 • Roberts Rise HOA—Amount Requested = $2,000; Amount Recommended = $400 - $2,000 • Lake Olympia Club HOA—Amount Requested = $2,000; Amount Recommended = $0 There is $12,000 available for the grant program in FY 2019/20. 2 Type of Item: (please mark with an "x") Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use: Ordinance First Reading Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing Resolution Regular Agenda X Commission Approval Discussion& Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. N/A Reviewed by 0 N/A 3 MEMORANDUM TO: Joy Wright, Community Relations Manager FROM: Ginger Corless, Assistant Development Services Director/CRA Administrator DATE: April 6, 2020 RE: 2020 Neighborhood Grant Submittals’ Review Development Service appreciates the opportunity to partner with Support Services in reviewing submittals for the 2020 Neighborhood Grant Program. Lake Olympia Club – In reviewing Lake Olympia Club’s application for the Neighborhood Matching Grant Program it appeared the improvements described in the application had already been installed. This assumption was verified by the HOA representative. The total cost spent by the HOA on the following elements appears to be $7,067.50, of which $4,077.50 was installed this year, prior to the application submittal date.  Installation of sign lighting and landscape/entry lighting dated March 11, 2020 for $710.00.  Landscape and irrigation improvements made in February 2020 in the amount of $3,367.50.  Neighborhood directories (2) were installed in February 2019 at a cost of $1,495.00 each for a total of $2,990.00 HOA minutes discussing the grant program were not included. The minutes they provided were from 2019 and did not mention the grant. They only included one quote for each element instead of the three requested. We recognize the efforts that Lake Olympia Club has taken; however, the Matching Grant Program is for planned projects not reimbursement for projects that were completed prior to the grant award. Please see the email from the HOA stating that the improvements identified were indeed already installed. Based on this, we can not recommend award of the grant, unless the criteria are changed. Prairie Lake Reserve - The applicant is requesting funding assistance for two projects. The first request is to increase overall security of the development’s pool and bathhouse facilities, the HOA is requesting grant assistance to change the locking mechanisms at the pool gate and restrooms from a push button to an electronic card system. The total cost for this project is $10,315. We recommend the maximum award of $2,000.00 be applied to this project. City of Ocoee ▪ 150 N Lakeshore Drive ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org _____________ Neighborhood Grant Program Development Services Review April 6, 2020 Page | 2 Prairie Lake Reserve also included a request to add security lighting at the playground area. We do not have enough information to review this request. The application we reviewed did not include a sketch depicting the location of the lights nor did they provide an image of the light fixture. They propose 18’ tall light poles to mount 2-fixtures. Without a location map and photometric report, the visual impact to the adjoining townhomes is unknown. Furthermore, they did not include the color of the pole or the height of the adjacent street light. Based on these factors, Development Services cannot, at this time, support funding assistance for the additional security lights at the playground from the City’s Neighborhood Grant program. Roberts Rise – The subdivision’s grant submittal requests funding assistance for two projects. One of the projects is a new Neighborhood Directory Sign Kiosk to be installed at the development’s entrance at Silver Star Road. The HOA submitted 2 cost proposals that range between $704.37 and $818.32. Development Services recommends the Neighborhood Directory project be approved for the 50% match. The second project submitted is complex for several reasons. The HOA stated that people gain access to the neighborhood through the open field. The HOA believes that several of the individuals gaining access through this area break into cars parked in the driveways. The HOA is requesting a solid fence to be erected within the City’s right-of- way to reduce foot and vehicular traffic from gaining access to the neighborhood. If a fence (serving as a barrier) is allowed it would have to be located within the City’s right- of-way of Robert Rise Drive. If the fence was permitted, the City would need to execute a memorandum of understanding with the Robert Rise HOA releasing the City from any future maintenance or liability claim resulting from the installation of the fence. The memorandum would also have to include language regarding the HOA’s understanding of the potential of Robert Rise Drive connecting to any future development to be constructed on the adjacent parcel. The memorandum will take several months to draft and get approved. There are other issues we have with the proposal that would have to be worked out prior to any memorandum. The fence proposed appears to be a solid structure not meeting the 50% opaque consideration and no sample photos of the proposed fence panels were provided in the submittal for Development Services to review. The submittal also states the HOA would approve the private residences on either side of the proposed barrier fence to extend their wood fences to the barrier fence. Development Services has an issue with 6’ high front yard fences for this would not meet code and would require a variance from the City and permitting approval. Therefore, Development Services recommends the Robert Rise Directory to be funded through the grant program, but not the fence, at this time. Development Services will work with the HOA to finalize an acceptable solution to their trespassing and break-in issues. City of Ocoee ▪ 150 N Lakeshore Drive ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org _____________ Neighborhood Grant Program Development Services Review April 6, 2020 Page | 3 Sleepy Harbour – This application provides adequate information tor review. The following breaks down what we believe the costs are.  Replacement of light fixtures $1,070.32  Cut down & haul off Pine Trees $1,450.00  Electrical service refurbishment $2,196.00 if City removes and replaces the sidewalk or $5,996.00 if contractor removed and replaces the sidewalk This brings the total to $4,716.32 if the City removed and replace the sidewalk. Based on the current State of Emergency and Public Work’s already scheduled activities, Development Services can’t task the Public Works Department with this responsibility. Therefore, the estimated cost of the proposed improvements increases to $8,516.32. We recommend this project be awarded the $2,000 for the elements identified in Sleepy Harbour’s request. C: Mike Rumer, Development Services Director City of Ocoee ▪ 150 N Lakeshore Drive ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org _____________ From: TIMOTHY RYAN To: Corless.Ginaer Subject: Re:City of Ocoee Neighborhood Matching Grant Program Date: Friday,April 3,2020 3:08:17 PM Hello Ginger, Yes, the signs and landscaping have already been installed and completed. The second sign was just installed last week. We did get several quotes on the signs. I can get Karl from Southwest Management Company to provide those if needed. The landscaping was done by our existing landscapers and gave us a good price since it was an addition to services. I can get Karl to send meeting minutes as well where we discussed all these improvements. Since we had just recently completed this work we couldn't afford to do anything after the grant opportunity came out. Thank you for your consideration. Pam Ryan Sent from my iPhone On Apr 3, 2020, at 2:22 PM, Corless, Ginger<Vcorless@ocoee.org> wrote: Ms. Ryan: I am reviewing Lake Olympia Club's application for the Neighborhood Matching Grant Program and have a couple of questions: • Is the request for new signs and landscape improvements? It appears that the HOA has already installed new directory signage and landscape brick. Please provide a clearer description of your request. • I don't see a recent HOA meeting identifying the HOA would be making an application to the grant program. Did you meet recently to discuss this? If so, can you forward me the minutes? • There is an invoice for the installation of sign lighting and landscape/entry lighting dated March 11, 2020 for$710.00. Are you including the lights in your request? Are they already installed? • There are several invoices from Top Notch for landscape and irrigation services. If I added correctly it totals approximately$3,367.50, is that correct. Is this work proposed or completed? • There is an invoice dated 2/14/2019 from Mailbox Solution for$1,495.00 for one message board with a notation to multiply that cost by 2. Are these already installed? • There was a requirement to get aa cost from 3 different vendors. Did you do that? It appears there is only 1 firm for each element 1) landscape & irrigation— Top Notch; ) Electrical/light fixture installation -G.R.L. Remodeling and landscaping; 3) Neighborhood Directory- Mailbox Solutions. Did you get quotes from anyone else? Can you assist me by answering the above questions? Thank you, Ginger Corless,AICP, CPRP Deputy Development Services Director& CRA Administrator <image001.jpg> City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 MPH: 407-905-3100 X 1028 'IDirect PH:407-554-7126 gCell: 407-608-0401 -,Fax: 407-905-3158 E-mail:vcorlesst ocoee.org Website: www.ocoee.org,www.ocoeecra.com CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization.Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. City of Ocoee Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE IP Name of Neighborhood: f 1f _ . to II A f i ( nal cv y) 1 vu Project Leader: \NI. 'LQ,AAP kid's)i.)/1 Address for Project Leader: 1q' t 'jw L r7.,1 C1 ru4,4, C; 44/ (love, c I 3y7�0/ Project Leader(Cell)1'3 7 7bto 12 9(Home) /3/ f1 Email Address: �,►,)::(DR C11 YWt t I , c OW What is the name of your proposed project? OYVI Yv\DY\ Al/Le u_. \-.0 Vk v v lAnC_ILwA.�Arvj j Describe your neighborhood or project boundaries using streets and landmarks.The boundaries must be within the City jof Ocoee. ') 1Y (s-e l (lin' K Y V 4; CO YYN trvlt 7 Yt 1_11- Does your neighborhood have an official Homeowners Association(legal entity)? ' If Yes: (If No,skip to next section.) When was it formed? (D-2O 20-57 How many members are in the association? 163 Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? t �--) What is the official Homeowner Association's organizational structure?(President, V.P., Committees,etc.): _ t 'n S,,,, 1 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? v 0 A.9-- OLIJZk1 YVVV), C t— Dy AnY C}t )(3' r v c) V a V ?, s If your neighborhood does NOT have an HOA: Do you have an active neighborhood group? When was it organized? How many members are in the group? 4 • How many homes are in your neighborhood? Does your group have an organizational structure? (President,Vice-President,Committees,etc.) What is the dollar amount being requested?(dollar amountspust be matched by the neighborhood. The maximum grant award is$2,000.) (ba ,OCQ) , IX) Briefly describe the proposed project: C-O nr V \txy1 ( (. _e n inC,viIcp t yi4 ,'d- , CLvtt l &. 0 j cuvAd NSA Yl Y)rt Vf rV1-�v>v7 5 Iran- ki pcipn cLt-- rICED 1,0 Led L -6 t itomintA Quiut vY cutt L'A v iv r-e_ 5U-1--e . 1)/164-0,11 C r1 5L\ -k 1 (Art .6yAle_ Yvl.ut. tk)DfVl,t ' R,P ' ,(01-)%4A List the project goals: (1) Cr.. 54, t b\f.k .it Irk Lit) i)/), 1�... A Sees l ,r Li- . (2)f)I1�1?Y e_. Q171'>l Ul f�(l Y YVI� �_�e.. I(,1l.L% U Se IX to ,. V ibmet►Jh.pr}. (3) What is the location of the proposed project?(Attach 2-5 photos documenting existing conditions of the project site) LC _ 1 VD c* 10-50 1 LQ C.,c l MA. 2 t cd-- Vx.r1L. For physical improvements(landscaping,entrance sign,gazebo,etc.),please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb,including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project(height,width, length)and attach a drawing. For physical improvements,will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: Private Property: TYY2 \-e_ I p. i. YksetVEL. (`_tt��pinOl>`,e pGA . Common Area Owned by the Homeowners Association: -\v OV\O1.7` . P(�( (Include written permission from the appropriate government agency if located in the right-of-way; or owner if located on private property.) 5 HOA's,please attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project. Non-HOA's,please attached a letter with signatures. See page 2. We certify that our membership voted and approved this Ocoee Neighborhood Matching Grant application on 3 `07Q10(date),and attached are the minutes/letter reflecting this vote. IA I Print name of person preparing application Signature of Proj•• .:er PPhz. Abill 46 i Signature of person preparing application Signat re of Neighborhood President Date: 3 - / ` /2?Dp?O Date: 3 1 -/X&O 6 PRAIRIE LAKE RESERVE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Monday, March 9, 2020 7:00 PM Meeting Location: CLUBHOUSE Ocoee, FL 34761 Certified Quorum/Call to Order In Attendance: Joe Fana- President Julie Hall--Vice President Darlene Welsch—Secretary/Treasurer Ms. Doris Jones—Sentry Management The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Doris Jones. Proof of notice - Notice was posted in accordance with notice requirements prior to the meeting. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes • A motion was made by Julie Hall to approve the December 16, 2019 meeting minutes. Joe Fana seconded. All in agreement. Motion carried. Financial Report • Doris Jones presented the financial report. Manager's Report—Doris Jones presented the Manager's Report. Business • Joe Fana made a motion to accept the proposal from Access Control Technologies in the amount of$10,315.00. Julie Hall seconded. All in agreement. Motion carried. • Joe Fana made a motion to accept the proposal from Premier Cleaning (H&R) in the amount of$4,525.00. Julie Hall seconded. All in agreement. Motion carried. • Joe Fana made a motion to accept the proposal from Josko in the amount of $ 4,950.00. Julie Hall seconded. All in agreement. Motion carried. • Joe Fana made a motion to accept the proposal from Southern Landscape in the amount of$5,150.00. Julie Hall seconded. All in agreement. Motion carried. • A motion was made by Darlene Welsch to submit an application to the Ocoee Neighborhood Matching Grant Program in the amount of$2,000.00. Joe Fana seconded. All in agreement. Motion carried. Open Forum Homeowners were given 3 minutes each to ask questions of the Board. Next Meeting Monday, June 8, 2020 Adjournment With no further discussion, a motion was made by Joe Fan to adjourn the meeting. Julie Hall seconded. All in agreement. The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 pm. Nest Projects: • Obtain bids for ADA Mulch for playground. • Move "over budget amount" in the amount of$25,000.00 to "Capital Improvements for 2020". • Move dog station across from park to closed gate common area. 23 PRAIRIE LAKE BIDS Card system on pool gate,men and women's restroom: Armstrong Lock&Security Service Hard Wire $ 10,525.29 Armstrong Lock&Security Service Window Base $ 7,619.63 'Access Control Technologies Web Based $ 10,315.00 Pressure Washing: kh� ('i41.ePA (1104,1:41 011H G(.01iorio g51 The Pressure Guys (� $ 6,175.00 -Premier-Cleaning(H&R) $ 4,525.00 PW All of Pool area$372.00 Lights for Playground: Josko Solar 12' LED $ 1,150.00 Josko Electric 18' LED $ 4,950.00 Smithson Electric 25' LED $ 9,940.00 Waiting on response from Duke—have a work order.#35589269 VUL - 401&Al rill Mulch around Clubhouse/Red Lava Rock at entrance: Ultimate $ 6,725.00 Southern Landscape $ 5,150.00 QUOTE-6727 MR-PRAIRIE LAKE RESERVE C/O SENTRY MANAGEMENT PRAIRIE LAKE RESERVE-PLAYGROUND JcSFKcTh1921 SWITCH GRASS CIR �• ` OCOEE,FL 34761 Tel:407-788-6700 X 51309 JOSKO LLC 1727 Benbow Court Apopka,FL 32703 United States Tel:407-807-0337 E-mail:info@joskoservices.com Q2727 QUOTE DETAILS Quote is Pending SCHEDULED CURRENT PRICE 0 JOB LEAD CREW LICENSES:CMC056973 I CFC057167 I JOB TYPE:Regular DEPARTMENT:Electrical CGC059395 CCC1331465 EC13008952 QUOTE DATE:1/7/20 QUOTE DUE DATE:2/6/20 QUOTE DESCRIPTION OPTION 1: ----i---� •^--� Estimate to supply an install (2)pole lights 12 ft.outdoor LED solar street light Scope of work: -Schedule with property manager -Dig hole in ground , -Install 12 ft.aluminum pole -Install new LED solar street light -Test and check $1,150.00- Total parts and labor OPTION 2: Estimate to dig 250 ft.and install PVC pipe with wires,also supply and install (2)fiberglass 18 ft. poles with 100W LED light fixtures. Scope of work: -Dig trench approximately 250 Ft. -Install PVC pipe -Run new wires -Install i/box in ground -Install(2) 18 ft.fiberglass poles -Install(2) 100W LED light fixtures -Install new timer next to meter -Make all wire connections -Test and check $4,950.00-Total parts, labor and lift JOSKO LLC Tel:407-807-0337 E-mail:Info@joskoservlces.com QUOTE-Q'?7 Note:We are installing back the same grass we took out for digging WORK DETAILS TASKS NAME DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE QTY PRICE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION $0.00 Net: $0.00 Net Labor: $0.00 Tax: $0.00 Total: . $0.00 APPROVAL SIGNATUREx DATE:. **JOSKO IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY UNFORESEEN ISSUES DURING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE ABOVE SCOPE OF WORK. SHOULD ANY ISSUES . ARISE DURING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE ABOVE SCOPE OF WORK,A CHANGE ORDER WILL BE ISSUED AND UPON RECEIVING SIGNED CHANGE ORDER WORK WILL CONTINUE.** JOSKO LLC Tel:407-807-0337 E-mail:info@joskoservices.com 43 PROPOSAL SMITIISONELECTRIC,INC. 822 Eyrie Drive Oviedo,Florida 32765 Phone:407-365-8906 Fax:407-365-7733 SUBMITTED TO: Prairie Lake Reserve DATE: 12/20/2019 c/o Sentry Management JOB NAME: 218o West S.R.434;Suite 5000 Playground Site Lighting Longwood,Florida 32779 TELEPHONE: 407-788-6700 FAX: 407-788-7488 ATTN: Doris Jones EMAIL: diones(aisentrvmat.com WE RESPECTFULLY SUBMIT SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES TO: Provide labor and materials for the following electrical improvements and additions: Furnish and install(2)25'overall height direct burial fiberglass poles. Furnish and install(2)110 watt LED area fixtures. Furnish and install(i)i"underground PVC raceway from existing electrical service at to pole locations. Furnish and install(1)20 amp 240 volt lighting circuit to power new site lighting. Furnish and install(i)photo cell for dusk to dawn operation of site lighting. *Smithson Electric,Inc.shall not be held responsible for replacement or repair of turf;landscape;irrigation or any other non-identified underground utility that could be damaged during installation process.The existing electrical service is not active and will need to be re-instated for electrical service. WE HERBY PROPOSE TO FURNISH LABOR&MATERIALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS,FOR THE SUM OF: NINE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FORTY (dollars) $9,940.00 WITH PAYMENT TERMS AS FOLLOWS:BALANCE DUE IN FULL UPON COMPLETION MATERIAL IS GUARANTEED TO BE AS SPECIFIED.ALL WORK TO BE COMPLETED INA COMPLETE MANNER ACCORDING TO STANDARD PRACTICES.ANY ALTERATION OR DEWATION FROM ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS INVOLVING EXTRA COST WILL BE EXECUTED ONLY UPON WRITTEN ORDER,AND WILL BECOMEANEXTRA CHARGE BEYOND ESTIMATE.ALL AGREEMENTS ARE CONTINGENT UPON STRIKES, ACCIDENTS OR DELAYS BEYOND OUR CONTROL.OWNER IS TD CARRY FIRE,TORNADO AND ANYOTHER NECESSARY INSURANCE. OUR WORKERS ARE FULLY INSURED WITH WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: .bauic{(P-decunDATE: 12/20/2019 ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL: THE ABOVE PRICES,SPECIFICATIONS AND CONDITIONS ARE SATISFACTORY AND ARE HERBY ACCEPTED.YOU AREAUTHORIZED TD DO THE WORK AS SPECIFIED.PAYMENT WILL BE MADE AS OUTLINED ABOVE.PRICE QUOTED IS VALID FOR THIRTY DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PROPOSAL. DATE OF ACCEPTANCE: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: P.O. JOB# 32 1/24/2020 cs Gan 0/ toc ro Ms.Doris Jones ACT g"0 Sentry Management dN 2180 West State Road 434,Suite 5000 Sa Longwood,FL 32779 Phone: 407-788-6700 ext. 51309 Fax:407-788-7488 djones@sentrymgt.com RE: Prairie Lake Reserve Pool Gate Access Control REVISION ONE(012420RP3) Dear Ms.Jones, Thank you for giving us the opportunity to quote on your access control requirements for Prairie Lake Reserve,a residential community located in Ocoee. Following is a description of the job to be performed and our cost quotation. The cost information given should be considered budgetary at this time. When you have made your final decision as to the configuration of the job, we will be pleased to submit a final price. WORK EFFORT Our work effort is to upgrade the access control system for Prairie Lake Reserve. This effort will consist of furnishing and installing three (3) proximity card readers to control access to one (1) pool gate and two (2) restroom doors. One (1) mag-lock and one (1) panic bar to control access to one (1) existing pedestrian gate at the pool. An electronic door strike will control access to the two (2) restroom doors. Each card reader will be connected to and controlled by a web-based programmable entry controller. NOTE: This proposal is based on design acceptance by the governing municipality. NOTE: This proposal is based upon the existing pedestrian gate(s)being present and in proper condition for the application of access controls. Any additional work required will be separate and billable.Also,no screening or modifications to the pedestrian gates for mounting of the panic hardware have been included. Quotation for -Prairie Lake Reserve- 01/24/20 Page 1 of 5 33 BASE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT,PRICE AND CARD COSTS Base System Equipment 1 ea Linear model"eMerge"web-based controller 3 ea HID proximity card reader 3 ea Surge suppression(power and control)for card reader 1 ea Mag-lock 1 ea Panic Bar with micro-switch 2 ea Electronic door strike Base System Price Total base system price including equipment;installation and freight,as quoted: $10,315.00 Card/Fob Costs Standard Proximity Cards Standard proximity access cards in quantities of 50-199,each: $4.20 Standard proximity access cards in quantities of 200-549,each: $4.05 Standard proximity access cards in quantities of 550-1100, each: $3.90 Standard proximity access cards in quantities of 1101-up,each: $3.80 Proxkey III Key Fob Key Fob in multiples of 100,engraved each: $7.80 Key Fob in multiples of 100,stamped each: $7.80 Proximity Wristband Rubber wristband: $8.40 NOTE: Local sales tax, shipping and handling will be added to the above prices per order. Quotation for -Prairie Lake Reserve- 01/24/20 Page 2 of 5 34 OPTIONS Option#1:To provide the labor and materials necessary to install two (2) additional proximity card readers, two (2) additional mag-locks and two (2) additional panic bars to control access to the other two(2)existing pedestrian gates at the pool. The card readers will be connected to and controlled by the controller in the base system. ADD TO BASE SYSTEM: 1 ea Linear model"eMerge"web-based node 2 ea HID proximity card reader 2 ea Surge suppression(power and control)for card reader 2 ea Mag-lock 2 ea Panic Bar with micro-switch Add to base system price: +$6,005.00 INSTALLATION Includes: • Installing all equipment. • Providing electrical power to system equipment. • Providing of conduit and control wiring between equipment items. • Making all power and electrical connections to equipment. • Testing out system for proper operation. • Training owner in operation of system. Does Not Include: • Concrete work required for device mounting. • Grounding of fence, if required or applicable. • Decorative brick paver removal,if required or applicable. • Adequate signage,if required or applicable. • Adequate lighting,if required or applicable. • Costs for permits,bonds,surveys,drawings(which includes electrical,mechanical, engineering,elevation, etc.) or site plan modifications. • Concrete work required for construction of walls, islands or curb separations in or adjacent to roadways. Quotation for -Prairie Lake Reserve- 01/24/20 Page 3 of 5 35 • Removal of trees or other landscaping that may be required in order to install equipment. • Repair and/or replacements of grass, irrigation lines, sprinklers, control wiring or any other landscape materials that might be damaged during installation. • Cost of repairing undetected items that may be damaged during installation. • Cost of installing, and monthly rental on,high-speed internet service with a Static IP address required by telephone entrance device and/or programmable entry device. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Warranty Our warranty covers all parts,labor&travel,with the only exclusions being vandalism (such as being hit by a vehicle)and natural disaster(such as lightning or flooding).The warranty for the system is one year from date of completed installation. Annual Service Agreement In most cases customers choose, after the one-year warranty expires, to utilize our annual service agreement for the mechanical and electronic items. Please let us know if this would be of interest and I will be glad to work up the contract cost for your final system configuration. Service Support At ACT, we are very proud of our service department. We have provided sales and service in Central Florida since 1942 and have been installing and maintaining gated entry systems for over 25 years. ACT provides factory-trained technicians, radio dispatched service vehicles and a large inventory of spares for all products sold. Because of this attention to service, calls are responded to the same or next working day with 95%of all problems encountered being repaired on the first call. If the highest quality installation and service after the sale are of importance in your purchasing decision,ACT is the right choice. Quotation Expiration This quotation remains valid for 30 days from the submission date. ACT reserves the right to requote after this time period elapses. Quotation for -Prairie Lake Reserve- 01/24/20 Page 4 of 5 36 Terms of Sale Normal terms of sale require that fifty percent(50%)of the quoted system cost is due at time of order. The remaining fifty percent (50%) is due upon completion of the installation. If you have any questions,please be sure and give me a call. We look forward to serving you soon. Sincerely yours, Robert Payne Access Control Technologies,Inc. 407-422-8850 robert.payne@actflorida.com Quotation for -Prairie Lake Reserve- 01/24/20 Page 5 of 5 24 Serving Central Florida Since 1929 Armstrong Armstrong Lock&Security Phone:(407)894-7233 cocKBSFcuxrrrPRaor�rs Products Fax:(407)895-1137 1120 N. Mills Ave. Service©Armstronglock.com Orlando, FL 32803 www.armstronglock.com Bill to Ship to SENTRY MANAGEMENT PRAIRIE LAKE RESERVE 2180 WEST SR434 SUITE 5000 1921 SWITCH GRASS CIR LONGWOOD FL 32779 OCOEE FL 34761 ESTIMATE Transaction Date: 1/27/2020 Quote Q3286 Sales Rep: Item - Description • Quantity - Price Amount Page 1 of 4 25 Serving Central Florida Since 1929 rmstron Armstrong Lock&Security Phone:(407)894-7233 cncKasECUemrRoarrcrs� Products Fax:(407)895-1137 1120 N.Mills Ave. Service@ArmstrongLock.com Orlando, FL 32803 www.armstronglock.com Project Notes Q3286 1 $0.00 $0.00 QUOTE REQUESTED TO INSTALL ACCESS CONTROL WITH PROXIMITY CARD CAPABILITY TO THE FRONT MAIN POOL GATE AND BOTH RESTROOM DOORS. FIRST OF TWO ESTIMATES,THIS ESTIMATE IS FOR A HARD WIRED, CLOUD BASED SYSTEM. CUSTOMER WILL NEED TO PROVIDE INTERNET ACCESS FOR CLOUD NODE TO CONNECT TO. CLOUD NODE-WILL BE INSTALLED IN CLUBHOUSE NEAR INTERNET CONNECTION AND WILL BE CONNECTED TO THE GATE READER VIA WIRELESS WIEGAND BRIDGE. SINGLE DOOR CONTROLLERS, POWER SUPPLY,AND WIRELESS WIEGAND BRIDGE WILL BE INSTALLED IN CEILING ABOVE RESTROOMS.ACCESS IS IN THE WOMEN'S RESTROOM. **CUSTOMER WILL NEED TO HAVE LICENSED ELECTRICIAN INSTALL AN ELECTRICAL OUTLET IN CEILING FOR DOOR CONTROLLERS AND POWER SUPPLY.** FOR APPROVAL, PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THIS ESTIMATE. GALPSCIHARMSTRONG1 HID PROX CARD W/ARMSTRONG 100 $3.99 $399.00 LOGO PDKCLOUDB PDK CLOUD ACCESS 2-3 DOORS 1 $148.50 $148.50 (1ST YEAR ANNUAL FEE,RENEWAL REQUIRED AFTER 1 YEAR) Project Notes **FRONT POOL GATE** 1 $0.00 $0.00 PDKCN CLOUD NODE WITH BUILT IN SINGLE 1 $1,174.00 $1,174.00 DOOR CONTROLLER PDKPPO8RDRM MULLION READER 1 $144.88 $144.88 HES5000 ELECTRIC STRIKE 1 $183.00 $183.00 HES501A FACE PLATE FOR 5000 SERIES 1 $24.00 $24.00 Page 2 of 4 26 Serving Central Florida Since 1929 Armstrong Armstrong Lock&Security Phone:(407)894-7233 cacKssEcuRrrrrRoausrs Products Fax:(407)895-1137 1120 N.Mills Ave. Service@ArmstrongLock.com Orlando, FL 32803 www.armstronglock.com Item Description Quantity Price Amount NON-STOCK WIRELESS WIEGAND BRIDGE, 1 $598.00 $598.00 SURE-FI ALTAL175ULX 12/24 DC POWER SUPPLY 1.75A 1 $212.08 $212.08 Project Notes **WOMEN'S RESTROOM** 1 $0.00 $0.00 PDK1 DW WIRELESS SINGLE DOOR 10 1 $720.28 $720.28 CONTROLLER(OLD PART# . PDKPM07SIOW) PDKRDRG SINGLE GANG READER(OLD PART# 1 $194.44 $194.44 PDKPP08RDRG) ARRRL12SR26DR62R71LC GRADE 2 STOREROOM LEVER LESS 1 $101.45 $101.45 CYLINDER K001SC26 KNOB CYLINDER SCH C 1 $19.95 $19.95 DONBF161PC HOLE FILLER PLATE 1 $6.10 $6.10 HES5000 ELECTRIC STRIKE 1 $183.00 $183.00 HES501 FACE PLATE FOR 5000 SERIES 1 $20.00 $20.00 Project Notes **MEN'S RESTROOM** 1 $0.00 $0.00 PDK1DW WIRELESS SINGLE DOOR 10 1 $720.28 $720.28 CONTROLLER(OLD PART# PDKPMOTSIOW) PDKRDRG SINGLE GANG READER(OLD PART# 1 $194.44 $194.44 PDKPPO8RDRG) ARRRL12SR26DR62R71LC GRADE 2 STOREROOM LEVER LESS 1 $101.45 $101.45 CYLINDER K001SC26 KNOB CYLINDER SCH C 1 $19.95 $19.95 DONBF161PC HOLE FILLER PLATE 1 $6.10 $6.10 HES5000 ELECTRIC STRIKE 1 $183.00 $183.00 HES501 FACE PLATE FOR 5000 SERIES 1 $20.00 $20.00 MISC PARTS MISC WIRE,CONNECTORS, 1 $159.00 $159.00 CONDUIT,ETC 34761 SERVICE CALL FEE BY ZIP CODE 3 $70.00 $210.00 LABOR LABOR 1 $4,140.00 $4,140.00 Page 3 of 4 27 Serving Central Florida Since 1929 Armstrong Armstrong Lock&Security Phone:(407)894-7233 LDCXDSECDA/TrPRDDUCrs Products Fax:(407)895-1137 1120 N.Mills Ave. Service@ArmstrongLock.com Orlando, FL 32803 www.armstronglock.com Item Description Quantity Price Amount ESTIMATE TERMS WARRANTY: 1 $0.00 $0.00 (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) 1 YEAR WARRANTY ON PARTS 90 DAYS ON LABOR DEPOSIT: CUSTOMER IS CURRENTLY ON COD TERMS,50%DEPOSIT REQUIRED TO PROCESS ORDER.REMAINING BALANCE DUE UPON COMPLETION OF WORK. LEAD TIME: CURRENT FACTORY LEAD TIME IS 10-17 BUSINESS DAYS **ASK US ABOUT AFFORDABLE FINANCING OPTIONS THROUGH MARLIN LEASING** THIS ESTIMATE IS VALID FOR 30 DAYS. EMAILED TO:DJONES@SENTRYMGT.COM Subtotal: $9,882.90 Tax: $642.39 Total: $10,525.29 Authorization I hereby authorize Armstrong Lock, Inc.to complete the proposed service,repair,or replacement and agree to pay the invoiced amount upon completion.I additionally certify that I am fully authorized to authorize this work and commit to payment. Page 4 of 4 28 Serving Central Florida Since 1929 rmstrona Armstrong Lock&Security Phone:(407)894-7233 LOCKS SECUR/TYPROOUCTSr/ Products Fax:(407)895-1137 1120 N.Mills Ave. Service©ArmstrongLock.com Orlando, FL 32803 www.armstronglock.com Bill to Ship to SENTRY MANAGEMENT PRAIRIE LAKE RESERVE 2180 WEST SR434 SUITE 5000 1921 SWITCH GRASS CIR LONGWOOD FL 32779 OCOEE FL 34761 ESTIMATE Transaction Date:2/10/2020 Quote Q3353 Sales Rep: Dan M. • • Item Description • Quantity • Price Amount Page 1 of 4 29 Serving Central Florida Since 1929 Armstrong LOCK ssEcrxrirrps Armstrong Lock&Security Phone:(407)894-7233 acts Products Fax:(407)895-1137 1120 N.Mills Ave. Service@ArmstrongLock.com Orlando, FL 32803 www.armstrongIock.com Project Notes Q3353 1 $0.00 $0.00 QUOTE 2 OF 2 QUOTE REQUESTED TO INSTALL ACCESS CONTROL WITH PROXIMITY CARD CAPABILITY TO THE FRONT MAIN POOL GATE AND BOTH RESTROOM DOORS. THIS ESTIMATE INCLUDES INSTALLING STAND ALONE BATTERY POWERED PROXIMITY LOCKS WITH KEYPAD. **INTERNET NOT NEEDED** LOCKS ARE PROGRAMMED AND AUDITS ARE RECEIVED VIA WINDOWS BASED LAPTOP AND PROGRAMMING CABLE. PROGRAMMING CABLE IS INCLUDED IN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE FOR THE LOCKS. WINDOWS BASED LAPTOP TO BE PROVIDED BY CUSTOMER FOR SOFTWARE TO BE LOADED ON. TRAINING OF SOFTWARE IS INCLUDED IN THIS ESTIMATE. THIS ESTIMATE ALSO INCLUDES CUTTING OUT THE EXISTING GATE BOX AND LOCK AND WELDING A NEW GATE BOX IN ITS PLACE TO FIT THE NEW LOCK TO BE INSTALLED. FOR APPROVAL, PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THIS ESTIMATE. Project Notes FRONT MAIN GATE 1 $0.00 $0.00 MISC PARTS MISC-WELDING SERVICES 1 $825.00 $825.00 KEEBXSIM GATE BOX WELDABLE 1 $87.38 $87.38 ALAPDL300026D PUSHBUTTON CYLINDRICAL LOCK 1 $1,652.00 $1,652.00 WITH PROX READER WITH AUDIT TRAIL ALAPCI2U SOFTWARE PACKAGE FOR LOCK 1 $399.00 $399.00 34761 SERVICE CALL FEE BY ZIP CODE 1 $70.00 $70.00 LABOR LABOR. 1 $345.00 $345.00 Project Notes WOMEN'S RESTROOM 1 $0.00 $0.00 Page 2 of 4 30 Serving Central Florida Since 1929 Armstrong Armstrong Lock&Security Phone:(407)894-7233 LOCKSSECUR/TYPBOOUCIS Products Fax:(407)895-1137 1120 N.Mills Ave. Service©ArmstrongLock.com Orlando, FL 32803 www.armstronglock.com Item Description Quantity Price Amount ALAPDL300026D PUSHBUTTON CYLINDRICAL LOCK 1 $1,652.00 $1,652.00 WITH PROX READER WITH AUDIT TRAIL GENBHBF161PC 2 1/2 HOLE COVER PRIME COATED 1 $6.10 $6.10 LABOR LABOR. 1 $230.00 $230.00 Project Notes MEN'S RESTROOM 1 $0.00 $0.00 ALAPDL300026D PUSHBUTTON CYLINDRICAL LOCK 1 $1,652.00 $1,652.00 WITH PROX READER WITH AUDIT TRAIL GENBHBF161 PC 2 1/2 HOLE COVER PRIME COATED 1 $6.10 $6.10 LABOR LABOR. 1 $230.00 $230.00 ESTIMATE TERMS .WARRANTY: 1 . $0.00 $0.00 (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) 1 YEAR WARRANTY ON PARTS 90 DAYS ON LABOR DEPOSIT: CUSTOMER IS CURRENTLY ON COD TERMS,50%DEPOSIT REQUIRED TO PROCESS ORDER.REMAINING BALANCE DUE UPON COMPLETION OF WORK. LEAD TIME: CURRENT FACTORY LEAD TIME IS 10-21 BUSINESS DAYS **ASK US ABOUT AFFORDABLE FINANCING OPTIONS THROUGH MARLIN LEASING** THIS ESTIMATE IS VALID FOR 30 DAYS. EMAILED TO:DJONES@SENTRYMGT.COM Subtotal: $7,154.58 Tax: $465.05 Total: $7,619.63 Page 3 of 4 31 Serving Central Florida Since 1929 Armstrong Armstrong Lock&Security Phone:(407)894-7233 LOCKS SECURITY PRODUCTS Products Fax:(407)895-1137 1120 N.Mills Ave. Service@ArmstrongLock.com Orlando, FL 32803 www.armstronglock.com Authorization I hereby authorize Armstrong Lock, Inc.to complete the proposed service,repair,or replacement and agree to pay the invoiced amount upon completion.I additionally certify that I am fully authorized to authorize this work and commit to payment. Page'4 of 4 Wright, Joy From: Darlene Welsch <plrhoasect@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2020 5:16 PM To: Wright,Joy Subject: Fwd: Prairie lake reserve-community neighborhood grant application Attachments: 20200319_151306jpg;20200319_151303jpg; 20200319_151310jpg; 20200319_ 151956.jpg Forwarded message From: Darlene Welsch<plrhoasect@gmail.com> Date:Thu, Mar 19, 2020, 5:10 PM Subject: Prairie lake reserve community neighborhood grant application To:<jwright@ocoee.org> Hello Joy I have submitted the application and I am attaching the photos. I hope that is ok. Photo 1 is the overview of IIIIIIIIIIM and 3 are the sides of the park. Photo 4 are the gate that we will be changing to the key card . People entering into the main entrance ph' Thank you Darlene Welsch 757 706 1237 CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. .,. 1 wr , r : i I ,,li I• T ` 1Q 1 ,'', , niA jig .‘,. ,4 _ Itt !Ili ' 1 t 1' r I, • tI. 4kK } '4. ttf `` 3.- `I 1 F r 1 - i . , , 0 e, I • hillion or*41iillil!.-.. .1 Li t .... \ li111111P1, 1111 111 ' 111 . I 1 tti LIVAIVATI kv,‘A,,,,,t 0,,, eV I V V V v 01 1 i I AV %TN Ter S' v ' Pi \ MO I "116111 1111 1 4, .4.0.i.i i roof,&AMENITIES ' i 0,4110A4 1,010,11 h ARE FOR USE II) 1 ,, '-00AO0"I00,PLr,0l01es00i,11i''kw,010iir1esl400t+o40i0lyte4eyi01'0/01NiT0?S4ie0V,teley4fto+j0e94i0IsO.,i11.,i,14I1I#16r+StOf410.H.00011SO4+PG01i RRVr0UEs0sRAoSE4#144ES4II0,ADR'S,T I1EE• SE NRONLY E * o e • 114. 440sy+ iS + 1 tfit,14 + sisii s a i , 1+0i , 0.t,0.,, 4000 4000 ;b* ; %s++ +0 + 0. t 00114M 04.J1) ' +PIS 4041 Stes,+sos ###v4flt 0s# a ' 144, Ott' Ilf#11Ott )#+#1 )01,1110,. OH t+40 Isis ties es+ sofei 40iO4,c, ., °Ns'i 0 +4 Yo'N WA' Wes"#+ 4 )0.14 0000' l"0WN Yoso't"o'osoY WN ississ, 'hog toss( 0+0404111011100110,0011.4.4. 4041 .t1s+ is++ ++++ ++++ es++ 00 f t 0J, +041410400144•110140.9 0000041 i00.01001 )0004.00,40: VfA,:te044, litttti, $44, 44441 .600 1.11( 144$4 tr 1 esvitl eAt f.'7'441 '44'4 VISIt t'WedeNt eo'M 45i't Mes:( IS., isw. ,,44,49$44 :VA °,404410.44:1444:1 /.41:040:44:1014#0.1 0.01iiii00$ s 4 A si 0 4. 404110.1MAt LA,..1 . . 4004 •i , i* — . . ti IL' .NMI ' 04 WO ,. ., . Roherts Rise March 19,2020 City of Ocoee Neighborhood Matching Grant Cover Letter for Grant Application: Enclosed: 1. City of Ocoee Neighborhood Matching Grant Program Application 2. (4)Pictures,(2)of area to be fenced and(2)where Directory Sign to be placed 3. (3)Fence Bids 4. (2)Directory Sign Price documents(under$1,000.00) 5. Minutes from Roberts Rise Board Meeting approving vote to apply for City Grant 6. (2)Pages of emails from Rosemary Wilsen and Mike Rumer about fencing off dead end of Roberts Rise. 7. (4)pages of RRHOA articles of incorporation and the renewal of our by laws 8. Spreadsheet of work project City of Ocoee Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood: v'r,tie.ts s t Project Leader: 1,t []mf S bh1 Address for Project Leader: (1 ,7,7 L:Th • } Oe 4. PI. S V 76 / Project Leader(Cell) (Home)4 7 C Email Address: 07,Lf,ke op t.'4-+'t in� son L/0.(A.00 . G o h� What is the name of your proposed project? C� IS e. ! ! oA a-c-b t'Kt e..`> o �n 1� i 4 ria Describe your neighborhood or project boundaries using streets and landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. (Live_e d c c(Az/ 9_int c7 —7<eriA IS 2 11.161( 14 a.', 1 rc.Qcl-09 1.1i t C,ki Com- 4-iihe a_hc it oh Z, t V t f 0.rZ .QJ . Does your neighborhood have an official Homeowners Association(legal entity)'? ,,E S If Yes: (If No,skip to next section.) When was it formed?/.2�/A'J How many members are in the association? ? 6 Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? (.7 Q 5 What is the official Homeowner Association's organizational structure?(President,V.P., Committees,etc.): V t CI< 1CiVekite c4 ��t Res PLIZ1 -f'e A c lk'16 II ,V P. • n k ti How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? •4nhLLq 4.. ‘614, 1-1-1 t_e. 4 (&e ( eon c fl IAA C YN.¢eT,11q do ld . •+ f ! 4_ L II •_ ! aT r IP I/ 4)it I I a+ , If your neighborhood does NOT have an HOA: Do you have an active neighborhood group? When was it organized? How many members are in the group? 4 How many homes are in your neighborhood? Does your group have an organizational structure? (President,Vice-President,Committees,etc.) What is the dollar amount being requested?(dollar amounis must be matched by the neighborhood. The maximum grant award is$2,000.) -,�.,,� , acs Briefly describe the proposed project:- -c . Sa.c.u ic.,f. +a )4.¢ o r,.a �,LcA)A. :S . _.due. '('v�tp4t..c (c c k{�,►� 1 a✓e r t/1 a(i r ' VC/M c CL S +�f l L /4b W0.& vac f, Q2 C 1' f a b Car.,$Q51 U - 'F ft4.0 C t t iC icbck eWal, 3h �t"Lb. c(EacICh� U`T �b')erZi-s CetiAci G►es( as h*,n7� ciLokitz. , tt.� (4 61:1- w,t 1 aQ frz�va... x'1..1 �h1 e s rk- - ,2,2 4 C/, _ o iwit a roj�ct�$a(s?'e fo ..c ¢+rad-14►4a c c thoe.s -4-v rneit_-t- -kis Vr ek c . (1)IS tC:1,1/ -t-4.� tst Q1 uG,i,hel , �t (2) 6+-ct tick)Llllas - t i AI k T>t11t2, Q.i I LD (35Th 1'ct t±c(t Cin) ) Mc. 1 04_ f zi Iv\ M..4->t 2 s. Ii• W!zittIt(' pt •VSfq(-N �S What is the location of the proposed project?(Attach 2-5 photos documenting existing conditions of the project site) / r- t&e c+v,atic y S,g� ea 1.. tv Q s S rd t�t- Q al-re a4� f��" 'a"�i , -f F t i�tl Cb Kc 4 i tc i r is . cif" 6&. e. V Cid.;it" AL1 For physical improvements(landscaping,entrance sign,gazebo,etc.),please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project(height,width, length)and attach a drawing. For physical improvements,will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: (-/12._s .c F�t. .c. tet de cI Q1nd off' al ict Ts RiSe1n.. Prrva c. �pr.rt .e� S•q n� of t rks�_ c R ecE 1 trti .Is e`bn -t i're{�ect� 6"1 S,1 u Q >5-t-.� z -`tel — Common Area Owned by the Homeowners Association: (Include written permission from the appropriate government agency if located in the right-of-way; or owner if located on private property.) IJ *3tc Qlha_, L S 2'�n� Mk �+(Iv rL �t� e nCee 5 HOA's,please attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project.Non-HOA's,please attached a letter with signatures. See page 2. We certify that ou membership voted and approved this Ocoee Neighborhood Matching Grant application on t a (date), and attached are the minutes/letter reflecting this vote. �a i 4,k, iCL1404. '0 h -11A-0 rit s a h Print name of person preparing application Signature of Project Leader )trit-4— Signature of person preparing ication Signature of Neighborhood President Date:t3X Iaa Date: .3 -79 - co 6 „, -141% . 1 -ate Fr L; Y �✓ _ t drjfS l .. Ri- - tr '$rk t . , .41 . ,. . _ do<- 5+" v .. . ..,.. � , . t . . . ., L o ....._ ., -,... t ,-. . iwp ,yam 7 rt -A ,,/ "Pii t'L ..,,,4 ”- t' allgtr: , i • r46 r } ik• �l, /i 1.' ,� �:kc '�F ♦ r•0 *n:. , .. ,_AAS• • p a } _ ! J, r r t 4i -• 4 �r�• 1116060. r �, } r ' �a �RW •'S• 4,•,,,f7 .� _ 1. 0 4 .,• Y• MMrr uy}r y t 15,E " 7 •• ` g 4K"T Y~t 7tu f;/ r`r'sa'{'h* 'fla1•,p-'w s a ‘;-..t. . . .. --2.-At-4,9 Y vx�. i2J'.V -17ybey - -, '\ '. , > ��, ua ��n1 C) �i .� s 1>" s�-�.7c�o�/ -3-';' �+� �-��iv .. . ,. . . . . . , .,. C • . ' . 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OCOEE, FL 34761 HOG0NZA618QGMAIL.00M 407-702-7939 3/20/2020 MARY STRICKLAND 608 ROBERTS RISE OCOEE, FL 34761 HAPI.000KER(GMAIL.COM 407-467-5509 PROPOSAL SCOPE OF WORK: INSTALL 42 LINEAR FEET OF SPECIALTY PRIVACY FENCE LABOR AND MATERIALS INCLUDED TOTAL PROJECT: $2600 TO BEGIN WORK A DEPOSIT OF 65%WILL BE REQUIRED. THE REMAINING 35%WILL BE DUE UPON COMPLETION. THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO BID ON YOUR PROJECT. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. HORACIO GONZALEZ dLSTATE Fence and Rail Estimate #1179 25924 CR 561,Unit C Date:Mar 18,2020 Astatula,FL 34705 Status:Estimate (352)343-4013 www.allstatefenceandrail.com Chris@alistatefenceandrail.com Customer John Thompson 620 Roberts Rise Drive Ocoee,Florida 34761 (407)656-5340 Estimate*Ocoee 620 Roberts Rise Drive,Ocoee,Florida 34761 Items Amount Trex Seclusions 6'tall 3663.00 Approximately 42'of 6'tall Trex Seclusion Fencing(color TBD) Subtotal $ 3,663.00 Total $ 3,663.00 Thank you for your business! Contract 40APA American All County Fence Contractors 1746 E.Silver Star Road 10/. Fence Association , I ALL COUNTY Suite 154 Orlando,FL 34761 �� !.�� alicountyfence.com Fence Contractors 407-885-5520 Fax:407-386-7791 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: -I-% APPROVAL READ. DATE 1 _,,.6,05 ,. )c-- liON ,No 3.-c-7..1.7 STREETJOB NAME CITY,STATE a:ZIP CODE / JOB LOCATION 0U'te 3'1-K1 G,L1 ...revers T,isc )e. PHONEFAX CONTACT I E-MAIL it‘3'G)lw-5-316) 3-Q,*, We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: CHAIN LINK ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS WO 'ALUMINUM NO.OF FEET FINISH/COLOR k NO.OF F 2' LINE POST O.D. POSTS SET IN CON Y N HEIGHT END POST O.D. TOP OF FENCE TO FOLLOW GRADE WOOD WALK OATS POST O.D. BE LEVEL WITH LOWEST GRADE PICKETS ✓ DRIVE GATE POST O.D. BE LEVEL WITH HIGHEST GRADE Y STYLE S;,v.'"is.k 6....<1,01.- GATE FRAME O.D. UNDERGROUND LOCATES SGL.GATE BARB WIRE GAUGE FENCE GRADE BA(ZCRAI S TENSION WIRE SURVEY AVAILABLE AT VISIT Y a DRIVE GATE --"— FABRIC MESH/GAUGE SELVAGE QUANTITY TOP RAIL O.D. MFG. C.c'4..,Tac-k- PI.EASE MARK OR INDICATE ALL SPRINKLER HEADS AND LINES PRIOR TO WORK 41`4-1")SA. p...� -5k0.II BEGINNING.ALL COUNTY FENCE CONTRACTORS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY UNMARKED LINES THAT ARE SUBSEQUENTLY BROKEN. ALL LINES MUST BE It) 0( G` 0•S1.- CLEAR OF FENCE LINE. �DHNOTFB EXISTING FENCE) DRAWING �RNBR TAT Y g,v� f All �3vtt 6. Lill w5t'S 1h 1-1..41 )I . (,a,c...1,k. ,}� hof t:1.A4...Ak- _....4._ .__ L.F.REMOVAL,DISPOSAL INCLUDED Y g N El CUSTOMER TO CLEAR FENCE LINE Y N; PERMIT INCLUDED Y 121N SEE ATTACHED ADDENDUM We herebypose to furnish material/ and labor-complete in accordance with above specifications,for the sum of: I Dollars($ 3 l O3 "Lit J..k ) with credit card Payment to made as follows! Vi c..Q+L -•» I " Y[ If papaying2 • '..7 `,'• diet_ -- " "h//.MN odd 4 99G. admin few This contract entered into subject to the terms and Authorized �.�---- conditions entered into on reverse side of this Signature contract which the undersigned buyer has read and agreed to. BUYER You may cancel this transaction,without any penalty or obligation,within three business days from the date to the right. DATE Price good for 30 days after submittal of quote See attachments labeled General Provisions,Terms,and Condition of Contract 1. If the seller-is unable to identify the property boundary,the BUYER agrees to locate the property boundary or the line over which the fence is to be erected.Under no circumstances is All County Fence Contractors responsible for fences erected incorrectly as a result of the BUYER'S negligence to identify his/her property lines.The BUYER agrees to hold the seller harmless for any damages caused which arise out of the misidentification of his/her property boundaries. 2. Before work is to begin,underground utilities are to be identified via sunshine 811 by seller.The BUYER further warrants to the seller that there are no other underground obstructions not identified by 811,such as but not limited to:Electrical wiring of any kind;plumbing or pipes of any nature;bricks,concrete,wooden objects,foundations or any manmade structure of any nature where the fence is to be erected.The seller reserves the right to cancel the contract should any obstructions or manmade substructure of any nature whatsoever be encountered that was not disclosed to seller.BUYER may request from seller an estimate to remove or alter obstructions or substructure.However,the seller is in no way obligated to perform any removal or alterations to obstructions unless agreed upon by both BUYER and seller. 3. The price offered in this contract is based on a clear fence line and without any of the obstructions enumerated in paragraph 2,above.All landscaping including but not limited to:bushes,trees,branches and roots that obstruct a clear fence line are to be removed or cut by BUYER unless otherwise stated in this contract.All County Fence Contractors is not responsible for any irrigation lines that are broken or damaged as a result of the fence erection.All County Fence contractors is not responsible for any irrigation lines that need to be moved as a result of the fence erection. 4. The fence is to be erected to follow the contours of the ground unless otherwise specified in this contract.The fence is to be erected 2-3"off of the ground unless otherwise specified in this contract. Notes: 5. If the BUYER cancels the contract before work has begun,the BUYER may incur costs such as but not limited to:special order items,re-stocking fees,or permit costs.You may cancel this transaction without penalty within 3 days of signing the contract.Contract shall not be cancelled by the BUYER after the 3 day cancelation period has expired without the consent of the seller.The seller reserves the right to cancel the contract before work has begun if the credit department of the seller does not approve the proposal submitted to the seller. 6. BUYER by signature affirms he/she is the owner or authorized agent of the property the work is being performed at. 7. All material is guaranteed to be as specified.All work is to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices.Any alteration or deviation from the above or attached specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders from Ram and added to the original contract price. 8. If seller requires any attorney's servkes in order to institute legal action,in the event of default,then BUYER agrees to pay attorney's fees of seller,including all costs of collection and interest(.5-1%monthly) 9. All materials provided remain the property of All County Fence Contractors until fully paid for.All County Fence Contractors is guaranteed unobstructed access and given permission from BUYER to enter property to remove product if not paid for when due.All excess materials remain the property of All County Fence Contractors.If All County Fence Contractors is contracted to remove and dispose of existing fence,then those materials become the property of All County Fence Contractors. 10. All fences come with a one year parts and labor warranty.Fences also come with manufactures warranty.There is no warranty on any wood from cracking,splitting or warping after it is installed.It is recommended that wood fence be stained and/or sealed immediately after installation.We also recommend avoiding the use of harsh chemicals on PVC or aluminum in order to clean them. Outdoor Enclosed Letter Board with Hinged Door-42"H x 26"... https://www.schoolsin.com/uvp-uvsd42261b.html SCLOOLS in sent Outdoor Enclosed Letter Board with Hinged Door-42"H x 26"W United Visual Products SKU:UVP-UVSD422OLB I+It No Reviews $631.90 I l i I;fiC�gfShipping Estimate X IN(( l+lr)h — 1 -1- Quantity FQuantity Zip Code ADD TO CART 1 34761 twig: Estimated Shipping Cosr $31.40 Product Cost $411.95 Estimated Thiel Coal $443.35 'Stopping coals for large orders are estimated and may change depending on factors such as whether you haw a loading dock end If you road assistance unloading the products off the buck. Customers also shopped for 1111 11111 JyLpr j... Enclosed Letter Boards with Wood... Enclosed Letter Dlrectory Boards Enclosed Message Boards with Sit... Letter Board Stand with Black AW... Run$20393 Flom$388+5 From$77095 Inas Ghent gong rbi ath MasterVlalon DESCRIPTION' MANUALS/DOWNLOADS Post messages inside or outdoors in United Visual Products'Enclosed Letter Board with Hinged Door and Polyethylene Frame.This heavy-duty board fea- tures a recycled plastic high-density polyethylene frame that won't rot,crack or splinter like traditional wood frames.The black plastic letter board includes a set of 145 plastic letters and numbers so you can spell out messages.A full-length side hinge allows the lockable door to swing open and the letter board is removable,so you can easily change contents.Choose from several great colors and with or without posts.United Visual Product's 26'W x 42"H Enclosed Letter Board with Hinged Door and Polyethylene Frame is a great choice for schools,businesses and more. Key Features • Polyethylene frame won't rot,crack or splinter • Full-length side hinge allows the door to swing open so you can easily change contents 6 3r L tc//rr`4-- • Built-in lock keeps vandals out • Black plastic letter board /1°4),t,57 • Includes a set of 145,2"Helvetica-font letters and numbers • Choose from several great frame colors 2 4 '?o t:Yvlc,' Specifications ,� j1:10�l • Board Surface:Black plastic letter board — • Frame Material:Recycled plastic,high-density polyethylene • • Doors:1 with full-length side hinge / ` `/tj 7 liL. • Width:26" (Q (+�/f / r� 7 L`�d • Exterior Depth:5 1/2" • Interior Depth:3 314" • Height:42" / • Lead Time:Ships within 2 weeks 3J G • Shipping Method:Ground • Weight:43.00 pounds 4c f a Review Snapshot `7,42 . 1 of 2 t5' .54e, 3/17/2020,5:57 PM , 7e 4e ".3 r' --7;)744 Outdoor Enclosed Letter Board with Hinged Door-42"H x 26"... https://www.schoolsin.com/uvp-uvsd42261b.html Witte the First Review cSCMOOLSin 2008.2020 2 of 2 3/17/2020,5:57 PM HDSUPPLY• Order# Order Confirmation 135436147 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Page 1 of 1 HD SUPPLY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE CONTACT INFORMATIOt, Department Phone Fax Customer Service 1-800-431-3000 1-800-859-8889 Government 1-877-610-6912 1-877-219-8526 HD SUPPLY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Web Support 1-877-694-4932 1-800-859-8889 ORDER CONFIRMATION Fabrication 1-866-455-8907 1-866-455-8903 Special Order 1-800-431-3003 1-800-431-3316 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! Renovations 1-800-431-3002 1-888-293-1649 Installations 1-866-455-4798 1-866-455-8923 Customer Advocate 1-800-644-3006 1-877-884-4575 En Espanol 1-800-511-5652 1-800-859-8889 Customer Ordered By Order Date Order Quote Payment Terms PO Number Number Method 15707046 Mary Strickland 07/24/2019 Electronic N/A Bankcard Bill To: Roberts Rise HOA Ship To: Roberts Rise HOA 608 Roberts Rise Drive 608 Roberts Rise Drive Ocoee FL 34761 Ocoee FL 34761 Ship Part Description Ordered Confirmed Est. UOM Unit Extended Loc Number Qty Qty Delivery Price Price Date Office Solutions FL45 892378 Mag Ctr Sgl Dr Pst Ltrbd LgM UDR 2802 1 0 EA $745.00 $745.00 Sub Total Estimated Delivery Date Is based on current stock availability and time of order placement. $745.00 Sales Tax Factory Direct items are shipped directly from manufacturer. $48.43 Delivery times vary depending on product/vendor. Additional Some Factory Direct items are non-returnable.See product descriptions In catalog for details. Fees $0.00 Refused or cancelled orders are subject to restocking fee and return freight. Freight All Special Orders and custom made-to-order factory direct items are NON-RETURNABLE. $24.89 Damaged and shorted Factory Direct items must be reported to HD Supply within 3 business days.TOTAL $818.32 Shop online at hdsupplysolutions.com RRHOA Minutes of February 18,2020 Board Meeting Attendance: Vicki Mahoy, Bill Hoelscher, Mary Strickland, Gemma Pascal)and John Thompson, board members. Meeting started at 7:00 pm Items Discussed: 1) The Board unanimously approved the January HOA board meeting minutes and January cash summary report submitted by the Secretary. 2) Vicki contacted our city commissioner Rosemary regarding any possible city grants for HOA project funding. The Board unanimously approved pursuing the fence project for the dead end at Roberts Rise drive pending obtaining matching city grant funds. 3) Vicki will send out email or letter reminders to all HOA members that properties should be maintained for pressure washing and painting as needed. 4) John will follow up on unpaid 2020 HOA dues. 5) Pending projects for 2020: security fence at end of Roberts Rise dead end, new HOA information board at front entrance. Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:00 pm City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 VPH:407-905-3100 X 1018 'Direct PH:407-554-7083 Fax:407-905-3158 E-mail:mrumer ocoee.orq Website:www.ocoee.org Florida has a very broad public records law(F.S.119).As a result,any written communication created or received by City of Ocoee officials and employees will be made available to the public and media,upon request,unless otherwise exempt.Additionally,under Florida Law email addresses are public records. From:Wilsen, Rosemary Sent:Tuesday,August 6,2019 6:43 AM To: Rumer,Michael<MRumerPocoee.org> Cc:Frank, Robert<RFrank@ocoee.org> Subject:Roberts Rise Mike, Roberts Rise HOA has expressed an interest in putting a fence along the dead end of the Roberts Rise where it bumps up against the orange grove.What must they submit to accomplish this? Thanks, Rosemary Rosemary Wilsen City of Ocoee District 2 City Commissioner Cell 407-948-2155 Office 407-905-3112 Florida has a very broad public records law(F.S. 119).As a result,any written communication created or received by City of Ocoee officials and employees will be made available to the public and media,upon request, unless otherwise exempt.Additionally,under Florida Law email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact this office by phone or in writing. 2 Vicki Mahoy From: Wilsen, Rosemary <rwilsen@ci.ocoee.fl.us> Sent: Tuesday,August 6,2019 6:09 PM To: Vicki Mahoy Subject: Fwd: Roberts Rise Please see the below information from our city Planner. You will need to contact Mr. Rumer to discuss this issue. He can be reached at 407-905-3100 Ext.1018 Thanks Rosemary Hope this is helpful. Rosemary Rosemary Wilsen Ocoee City Commissioner District 2 Cell 407-948-2155 Florida has a very broad public records law(F.S. 119).As a result,any written communication created or received by City of Ocoee officials and employees will be made available to the public and media,upon request,unless otherwise exempt.Additionally, under Florida Law email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead,contact this office by phone or in writing. Begin forwarded message: From:"Rumer,Michael"<MRumer@ocoee.org> Date:August 6,2019 at 11:09:09 AM EDT To:"Wilsen,Rosemary"<rwilsen@ci.ocoee.fl.us> Cc:"Frank, Robert"<RFrank@ocoee.org>,"Shadrix,Craig"<Craig.Shadrixt ocoee.org> Subject:RE:Roberts Rise The public road dead ends at the grove which means the fence would have to be within the right-of- way.The City can give Roberts Rise HOA authorization to place a fence there and would probably need a Memo of Understanding stating the City is not liable for maintenance of the fence in the future. Sincerely, Michael Rumer Development Services Department 1 , • ABY\ /Y��. ✓\ X11 !\ t_.--.. 1 - ✓�A _,:/�. 1 !�\� � �1 . A �.- A A, ✓\ r \ ✓ A .' ••)_•• -:o�• ••;• ••''ID• •• ••>• •• •• •,•• ••i.••A`•• '•• •I•i. ••`• •• •• ,••` •r •oi•� • y r 1v'.e' II ''s✓ • I'r 1 r( ..✓ •r Ia r'I:,r I u'1 v✓�•'v r' 1v`.✓' t✓' '7Y 1 • y e` �".y,: \v.; I ;7.}yIll‘v \ I II IN. � / 0 f iff •' 4111:70)tatt - - -7-' oriti. .,,,,,,,\ . ua ,,,_,. .. \ „„), M Vgt7�y `rte \''N''11 1Y(_.�� to„4 moi- ��i 4. MA Department of f 'tate k Y Y ; DVC 0 • DoC I certify that the attached is a true and correct copy of the y`C a • RArticles of Incorporation of ROBERT'S RISE HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC., a corporation organized under the Laws of the kll X X °2 State of Florida, filed on December 29, 1988, as shown by the DUCA ° records of this office. v00 QMThe document number of this corporation is N29960. X ° \ IK V y ul C )• J x x ✓ • 1 �� x ..., • i., D. IY X d'A 'r-ib en ober mp hanb anti the Y X &neat Oral of the'tate of j loriba, , 1 at trallahazecee, the Capital, thio the y • 30th bap of December, 1988. ).. VI ✓ N. 1 \ • Y R r * 1ry L * Vit; f•_..- -. j e l . .- NO SII l�°O WE dim mitij y • Y CR2E022 (6-88) Secretary of State \f• Y ✓\ ✓A ✓\. A 1\ YV Y\ ' Y\ Y\/\ /' /' ,Y\ Y\ Y\, Y\ Y\ he% ,/ �./Y0he 1 -�- / , • • i , .ice ( " I ).' J- • ���••,.,�•,.�•I• :,••i• ••�•�••,.v• �i>• ••�. �:C �- , •�•c •)„ •�, �•� �•j�•jam••j�;••� ••)�••i�••�, v✓� '.✓ v✓ y✓ -,/ •./ , / ti, %/ yY v✓ ' / v✓ y/ v✓ a✓ %/ %/ y✓ v DOCtS 20160046023 01/27/2018 12:15:59 PM Pape 1 of 38 by: Rec Fee: 0307.80 Instrument prepared Martha O. Haynie, Comptroller Karen Wonsetler,Esq. Orange County FL KWPA MB — RetTo: KAREN NONSETLER PA 860 N.Orange Ave.Suite 135 Orlando,FL 32801 1111Pligtill 'ilS4111111 CERTIFICATE OF PRESERVATION OF THE DECLARATION,ARTICLES OF INC.&BYLAWS OF'HIE ROBERT'S RISE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Notice is hereby given that the board of directors of ROBERT'S RISE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., (hereinafter the "Association") has certified that in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 720, Florida Statutes Part III, et seq., that the attached exhibits ["Governing Documents"] consisting of the following to be rerecorded in the county's Official Records: 1. The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, and as amended if any and including,the Plat of ROBERT'S RISE SUBDIVISION recorded in Plat Book 21,Page 74,the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions recorded in Official Records Book 3970, Page 4868,the Agreement recorded in Official Records Book 4020,Page 2429 and the Amendment to Agreement recorded in Official Records Book 4662,Page 3374; 2. The Articles of Incorporation of the Association which are part of the governing documents of the Association; 3. The Bylaws, and as amended if any; and, 4. Affidavits in support of the Preservation efforts. Statement of Marketable Title Action The ROBERT'S RISE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (the "Association") has taken action to ensure that the Instruments listed above, as may be amended from time to time, currently burdening the property of each and every member of the Association, retain their status as the source of marketable title. Accordingly, the attached Governing Documents shall continue as effective for a period of thirty (30) years from the date of this re-recordation of the Governing Documents. ROBERT'S RISE HOMED RS ASSOCIATION,INC. Authorized Agent for the Association 1 NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ROBERT'S RISE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION,INC. TO ALL MEMBERS: A meeting of the Board of Directors of ROBERT'S RISE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. is scheduled for the following date, time and place: Date: December 12, 2015 Time: 12:00 p.m. Place:611 Roberts Rise Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761 The governing documents of ROBERT'S RISE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION,INC. that provide for the rights and obligations of the members and that provide for the maintenance and improvement of the property in our community are approaching thirty years old. A statute exists on the books in Florida that could, under some circumstances, extinguish the existing covenants after they have existed thirty years. Needless to say, the extinguishment of our covenants and restrictions would be devastating to the ROBERT'S RISE community and destroy its property values. At the meeting called for the above date and time,the Board will consider approving the filing of a Notice in the Public Records of Orange County consistent with Section 712.06, Florida Statutes, to preserve and protect the covenants and restrictions contained in the governing documents of ROBERT'S RISE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. and prevent their extinguishment under the terms of the referenced statute. STATEMENT OF MARKETABLE TITLE ACTION The ROBERT'S RISE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. has taken action to ensure that the Instruments listed below, as may be amended from time to time, currently burdening the property of each and every member of the Association, retain their status as the source of marketable title with regard to the transfer of a member's residence. To this end, the Association shall cause the notice required by Chapter 712,Florida Statutes,to be recorded in the public records of Orange County, Florida.Copies of this notice and its attachments are available through the Association pursuant to the Association's governing documents regarding official records of the Association. 1. Plat of ROBERT'S RISE SUBDIVISION recorded in Plat Book 21, Page 74 2. Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions recorded in Official Records Book 3970,Page 4868 3. Agreement recorded in Official Records Book 4020, Page 2429 4. Amendment to Agreement recorded in Official Records Book 4662, Page 3374 DATED: i:k.e- ,201 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Secreta Roberts Rise HOA Grant Project Fence Bids Bid Permit Total 50% H G Construction Services Inc. $2,600.00 $50.00 $2,650.00 $1,325.00 ------ -------- All State Fence and Rail 3,663.00 $50.00 $3,713.00 $1,856.50 All County $3,035.00 $50.00 , $3,085.00 $1,542.50 Directory Signs Sign Posts Tax Shipping Total 50% _ WWW.schoolsin.com 26 x 42 $411.95 $219.95 $41.07 $31.40 $704.37 $352.19 H D Supply $745.00 Posts incl $48.43 $24.89 818.32 $409.16 We understand our project may go over or under the$2,000.00 grant depending which vendor we go with. maw City of Ocoee /_ `" Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood:Sleepy Harbour Project Leader:Mike Smarrito Address for Project Leader:602 E. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761 Project Leader(Cell) (407) 470-7067 (Home) Email Address:(407) 470-7067 What is the name of your proposed project? Safety & Beautification of Entrances to Sleepy Harbour • Describe your neighborhood or project boundaries using streets and landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. E. Lakeshore Drive/Orlando Avenue and Stinnett Drive/Orlando Avenue Does your neighborhood have an official Homeowners Association(legal entity)? Yes If Yes: (If No,skip to next section.) When was it formed? 1969 How many members are in the association? 144 homes Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? Yes What is the official Homeowner Association's organizational structure?(President, V.P., Committees,etc.): Board of Trustees including President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, plus trustees How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? Member nominated by someone or self; at annual meeting they are voted to be on board. At 1st meeting in January, the board votes for officers each year. If your neighborhood does NOT have an HOA: Do you have an active neighborhood group? When was it organized? How many members are in the group? 4 How many homes are in your neighborhood? Does your group have an organizational structure? (President,Vice-President, Committees,etc.) What is the dollar amount being requested?(dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood. The maximum grant award is$2,000.) $2,000 Briefly describe the proposed project: Identify the break in the cable underground at Stinnett Dr.from east to west to reconnect electricity to the other side,as it it used to be. We think the line got cut during sidewalk installation. We need electricity for safety in neighborhood. Additionally we want to replace current light fixtures on the columns and entrance signs List the project goals: (1) hire vendor to identify the break and run chase (2) hook electricity to both sides (replace breaker box) (3) replace all light fixtures for more efficiency and safety;remove trees What is the location of the proposed project? (Attach 2-5 photos documenting existing conditions of the project site) Corner of Stinnett Drive/Orlando Ave (chase line and light fixtures) Corner of E. Lakeshore/Orlando Ave (light fixtures only) For physical improvements(landscaping,entrance sign,gazebo,etc.),please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project(height,width, length)and attach a drawing. For physical improvements, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners Association: Yes (Include written permission from the appropriate government agency if located in the right-of-way; or owner if located on private property.) 5 HOA's, please attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project.Non-HOA's, please attached a letter with signatures. See page 2. We certify that our membership voted and approved this Ocoee Neighborhood Matching Grant application on 03/12/20 (date),and attached are the minutes/letter reflecting this vote. Patricia Wortham Print name of person preparing application Signature of Project Leader Patricia Wortham Signature of person preparing application Signature of Neighborhood President Date: March 18, 2020 Date: March 18, 2020 6 SHHA MEETING ON MARCH 12,2020 The meeting was called to order by Doug. In attendance were Laurie, Doug,Sam, Mike, Pat, Don and visitor,Jim Wortham. Pat presented the minutes of the previous meeting. Mike made a motion to accept and Don seconded. Ellery Evans,who was elected co-VP at the last meeting, resigned due to personal obligations. Laurie presented the treasurer's report. The current balance is$8,807.52. The statements were sent out and to date 47%of the dues are collected(68 homes). Sixty-eight homes at this time of the year is good. Hopefully we will reach our goal of 144 homes. Last year in the transition to the new treasurer, there were about 6 homeowners whose dues had not been posted. The situation was taken care of and the homeowners were notified. There was a discussion about the budget and Laurie will address it at the next meeting after she has an opportunity to review our previous budgets. It was suggested we put a copy of the lawyer's letter(Tom Slaton,July 27,2017)explaining that dues are MANDATORY in the statements of continuously delinquent homeowners when they are sent out next year. Doug made a motion to accept and Don seconded. Our workday on February 29th was very successful. There were 14 very hardworking neighbors who accomplished a lot of work. Planted lots of plants and trees and shrubs. Cleared out weeds,added lots of mulch, replaced new spotlights for the signs,cut tree limbs, repaired sprinklers and were rewarded with delicious pulled pork provided by our own Pitmaster, Mike. Things we were not able to accomplish included pressure washing the iron fence and the dock. The two lights at Stinnett Dr.still need to installed but we will wait until the project at that street is completed. Also,the beach area needs to be cleaned up. The weeds in the lake do not seem to be cleared as we expect. Mike will contact the company that tends to our lake needs. The spring yard sale will take place on April 17 and 18. The Board will purchase the permit for the yard sale. Our neighborhood hopes to participate in the new City of Ocoee Neighborhood Matching Grant and the deadline to apply is March 20. We discussed the need to get electricity at Stinnett from the West side to the East side. It has been out for several years and we have been anxious to fix it but did not have the resources to do it. Additionally we would like to replace the current light fixtures on the columns for more appealing looking fixtures with LED lights for safety and less cost. Mike will contact Nathan Branch to set a date to cut down the three dead pine trees on Lot#1.This is definitely a safety issue. These will be completed soon. The grant offers financial help and we can hire a vendor to do the job. We have contacted several vendors and once the estimates are received,we will submit the application for the grant. After discussion, a motion was made to participate in the City of Ocoee Neighborhood Matching Grant and it was unanimous among all. The situation with speeders in the neighborhood was discussed once again. Mike has the paperwork that is required, but this is a very slow process. Also,we found out that the neighborhood has to fund the cost of the speed bumps if they are installed. Pat has drafted a letter to the neighborhood concerning the stricter rules relating to parking commercial vehicles on public streets. Trustees looked the letter over and Laurie will have it translated to Spanish and once that is complete,the notice will be delivered by mail to each homeowner. The ���meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm. Next meeting will be May 14tH P t�cia wor`E iam°4v cym— Secretary SUBCONTRACTOR QUOTES BRIGHT FUTURE ELEC FERRAN SERVICES TERRITO ELECTRIC DIRECTION DRILL GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING; $ 2,380.00 $ 2,196.00 $ 2,375.00 $ 3,800.00 TRACE EXISTING WIRE/S TO LOCATE DAMAGED WIRE THAT IS • POTENTIALLY UNDER THE SIDEWALK. HAND DIG AROUND EXISTING SLEEVE TO PULL NEW WIRE ACROSS THE ENTRY ROAD ON STINNET. INSTALL NEW UG RATED PULL BOXES, CONDUIT,AND FITTINGS TO EACH OF(4)LIGHT FIXTURES NOTES: City to remove and replace sections of the sidewalk to allow the electrician to perform their work If city cannot replace existing cracked sidewalk a directional bore will be required in addition to the electrician cost(estimated value is$5,996,using Ferran estimate Bright Future Electric is based on a calculation provided by Sleepy Harbor based on their unit rates provided,and is based on(2)days estimated work. FERRAN SERVICES & CONTRACTING, INC 530 Grand Street 4420 Eastport Park Way Orlando FL 32805-4795 Port Orange FL 32127-6044 [407]422-3551 Fax[407]648-0961 [386]322-6168 Fax[386] 322-2259 This Agreement, between Ferran Services & Contracting, Inc. hereinafter called seller and Mike Smarrito Hereinafter called purchaser, provides for the following equipment and materials to be furnished and installed by the seller at, Work address: Subdivision entrance corner of Stirnnet and White Road Ocoee, FL Attention: Mike Smarrito WORK DESCRIPTION Prices to: Power feed to second set of LED uplights at entrance 1. Locate UF cable that is damaged and determine how it is running underground 2. Dig on either side of street, run new conduit and wire through existing chase that runs underground to connect existing junction boxes and restore power to existing lights as discussed** 3. Test proper operation of lights when completed • Price is dependent on being able to utilize existing chase under road • Price does not include any boring or trenching across the street • Price does not include any light fixtures and only to restore power to existing fixtures • Customer to have areas of sidewalk removed before work commences • Any work performed not proposed above will incur additional fees For the above work the purchaser agrees to pay the seller payable as follows: Upon completion: Ferran reserves the right to partial bill 100% $2,196.00 The proposal expires if not accepted by the Purchaser, by 4:00 PM on April 18,2020 Acceptance shall be effective upon receipt of contract by Seller. Unpaid balances will be additionally charged a 1.5% monthly service charge as detailed on page 2. (The General Conditions and Warranties are part of this agreement and the purchaser agrees that they have read,and understands,these provisions before signing). In consideration of the sale, delivery or installation of the above described materials, the undersigned guarantees payment of the amounts contained herein. Accepted this day: Signed by: Phone number: 407-470-7067 Proposed this day March 18, 2020 by: Kyle Koch Electrical Service Supervisor If a contract is for work to be done on residential real property and is in excess of$2,500 the Construction Industries Recovery Fund is applicable. Payment may be available from the Construction Industries Recovery Fund if you lose money on a project performed under contract where the loss results from specified violations of Florida law by a State-licensed contractor. For information about the Recovery Fund and filing a claim,contact the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board at 1940 N Monroe St,Tallahassee FL 32399-1039 CERTIFIED Air Conditioning CONTRACTOR CERTIFIED Plumbing CONTRACTOR CERTIFIED Electrical CONTRACTOR CAC 1817254 CFC 1429027 EC 13003653 Ferran Services&Contracting Inc is committed to equal employment opportunity. We do not discriminate against employees or applicants for employment on any legally-recognized basis including, but not limited to: veteran status, race, color, religion, sex, marital status,national origin,age,physical or mental disability and/or sexual orientation. GENERAL CONDITIONS & WARRANTY 1. It is understood that the Seller may have to remove certain old,existing equipment and materials in order to perform the work described.At the Seller's option,this material will be deemed the property of the Seller and will be promptly removed from the premises. 2. Purchaser agrees to provide Seller free access to the premises so that he may accomplish his work without undue hindrance or delay. • 3. Purchaser shall notify the Seller in writing within thirty,(30)days of installation of any defects in either the installation or in the equipment itself. Failure to notify Seller within this period of time shall constitute an acceptance of the equipment and work as in compliance with this Contract and a waiver of any and all claims for defect or deficiencies. 4. In the event the Purchaser is not the owner of the premises,he is obligated to so state this before signing and provide evidence,including a copy of the lease and/or written permission from the building's owner,acceptable to the Seller,of his authority to proceed. Purchaser agrees to hold the Seller harmless from any claims or damages sought by the building owner,for work done under the authority of this contract. 5. Seller will,if not in private with the owner and in accordance with Chapter 713 of the Florida Statutes,serve"Notice to Owner and,if account not paid,will file a Claim of Lien on the property. 6. Itis understood and agreed that the Seller is liable only for its own work,and not adjacent existing work or services supplied by the Purchaser. Should government or insurance authorities require other existing work to be upgraded to current code requirements it will be done only upon the Purchaser's authorization and al Purchaser's sole expense. 7. All equipment sold under this agreement,whether affixed to realty so as to become part thereof,or not,shall be deemed personal property and severable without injury to the freehold,and the title thereto shall remain in Seller until the entire purchase price Is paid to the Seller in Cash,and Purchaser agrees to perform all acts necessary to perfect and maintain the above title. 8. On default of any payment as provided all equipment and materials may,at the option of the Seller,be removed and held or sold by Seller at public or private sale,Seller being permitted to purchase at any sale. If unpaid balance is not satisfied by the net proceeds of any such sale,then the sum of the deficiency shall become due and payable by Purchaser to Seller as damages for breach of this contract:this provision shall not be construed as an addition to and not in limitation of any other right of Seller. 9. It is understood and agreed that the Seller is not to be held liable for any consequential damages or losses resulting from the installation,operation, or use of products and material furnished or installed by the Seller. It is further understood that the Seller is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage which is incurred as a result of any delay,in provision or availability of labor,material or equipment due to strikes,storms,fires,floods,or any other act of God,or any other cause,whatsoever,beyond the control of the Seller. 10. Should a project condition pose a safety or health hazard to an employee of Seller,Seller reserves the right to discontinue work until the safety or health hazard has been eliminated or terminate work,either option at Seller's nonreviewable discretion. In the event Seller elects to discontinue work,Seller shall be entitled to reasonable demobilization and remobilization expenses in addition to regular contract compensation. Should Seller elect to terminate its work,Seller shall be entitled to Contract compensation to date of termination. 11. This constitutes the entire contract affecting this purchase,and no other understanding exists. The masculine includes the feminine,the singular includes the plural. 12. In the event a balance is unpaid,Purchaser agrees to pay Seller all costs and expenses of collection,suit or other legal action,including actual attorney's fee,and shall also pay costs,expenses and actual attorney's fees incurred on appeal or in any administrative or arbitration proceedings brought as a result of the commercial relationship between them. 13. The service charge is computed by a periodic rate of 1.5%per month which is an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 18%applied to the previous Unpaid Balance,less any previously billed Service Charge which has not been paid and less any current credits in excess of the previously billed Service Charge which has not been paid. 14. Purchaser waives any and all privileges and rights which it may have under Chapter 47,Florida Statutes,relating to venue,as it now exists or may hereafter be amended or construed and under any other applicable statue. Purchaser and Seller agree that any legal action brought by either to ensure payment or compliance with terms and conditions of sale shall be brought and tried without jury in the appropriate court in the County of Seller's choice: Orange,Volusia or Brevard County,Florida. 15. Orders placed as a result of quotations made by Seller are subject to the Terms and Conditions herein,which shall prevail over any inconsistent terms of Purchaser's purchase order. 16. Price extensions,when made,are for Purchaser's convenience only,and they,as well as any mathematical,stenographic or clerical errors are subject to correction. Prices shown include any sales,excise,or other governmental charge paid by Seller to Federal,State,or local authority. If quotation has been made on a Time and Material basis,applicable Sales Tax will be charged unless a Sales Tax Exemption Certificate has been provided in advance. If contract price is a lump sum quote,applicable sales taxes have been paid by the Seller and cannot be claimed by the Purchaser nor can these taxes be excluded by a tax exempt purchaser. 17. WARRANTY WORK WILL BE PERFORMED MONDAY-FRIDAY 8AM-5PM. Regular service calls carry a 30-day labor warranty. Labor warranty on installation of systems or equipment varies according to the type of instalation. Materials are warranted and guaranteed only to the extent and in the manner warranted and guaranteed by the original manufacturer of such materials and then only to the extent that is reasonable and that the Purchaser is able to enforce such warranty or guarantee against the manufacturer of such materials. Seller's warranty is limited to the replacement or repair of such parts as may be warranted by manufacturer,which parts are unable to perform their assigned functions. Expendable items such as filters and fuses are not included. Plumbing drain stoppages are not defects,DEFECTS CAUSED BY IMPROPER MAINTENANCE OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY PURCHASER OR ITS EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS IS NOT WARRANTED. Where equipment is being provided with longer than one(1)year manufacturer's warranty,the Seller extends to the Purchaser the additional warranty provided by the manufacturer. ALL WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUDED,WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE,INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE(DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY)UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING OR RESULTING FROM A BREACH OF WARRANTY UNDER THE SALE,HANDLING OR USE OF THE MATERIALS SOLD. SELLER'S LIABILITY HEREUNDER AND PURCHASER'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES HEREUNDER,EITHER FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR FOR NEGLIGENCE,ARE EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO THE GIVING OF CREDIT OR REPLACEMENT OR REPAIR. SELLER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO GIVE CREDIT OR REPLACEMENT IS LIMITED TO THE EXTENT THAT SELLER IS ABLE TO OBTAIN EQUIVALENT CREDIT OR REPLACEMENT FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUFACTURER OF SUCH MATERIALS. NO CREDIT FOR MATERIALS RETURNED BY PURCHASER SHALL BE GIVEN WITHOUT SELLER'S WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. TriSa•t fe, Reliable Solutions e r Electric, Inc. PROPOSAL CUSTOMER: Sleepy Harbour DATE: 3/19/2020 EMAIL: smarritomtc gmail.com ATTN: Mike Smarrito NO. PAGES: 2 PROJECT: Refeed Lighting Territo Electric,Inc.proposes to supply the following electrical work for the above referenced project. • Trace location of sleeve across roadway • Install(2)new ground junction boxes > Trench across removed sidewalk > Install new conduit and conductors between junction boxes > Reconnect circuits in ground junction boxes • Permit and inspections included Total: $ 2,375 Qualifications: Based on normal working hours Based on standard shipping for all material Based on existing electrical system to be code compliant No cutting,patching or painting All concrete work by others **Commodity Material price increases to be assessed at time of installation ** Availability of commodities can affect installation schedule We appreciate the opportunity to quote your electrical work. Please call if there are any questions.Customer acknowledges having read and reviewed attached terms and conditions. Customer agrees that those terms and conditions are a material part of this agreement and agrees to be bound by the same. Proposal valid for 30 days unless otherwise noted. Client Approval 1991 _ Marc Noyce, Project Manager44Y J _ i2O10 Print Name and Title 3/19/2020 Date Date 441 West Enterprise St•Ocoee,Fl 34761•Ph 407.654.2767•Fax 407.654.2769•EC0000650•www.territo.com Page 1 of 2 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL DELAYS AI proposals are valid tor a padod of to days.unless olhemise noted.0011note be TEI Mal not be liable for any delay in the performance of the work mullirq accepted In seeing M tie Customer end.40.an executed copy furnished to from or attributed to acts or dmmelences beyond tisk canto!.lacludi g Tena)Eteddc.Inc.(TEI)within dist lies ponied.Alar this period.the Proposal shall bA not limited,to acts of God(force majure).are,dots,labor disputes. be War&srnilurd nate. tandem,acts or enlsslaes of the Customer.Ower of the property.or de lays in This proposat,upon acceptance,consabdes the mare Agreement between M supply of any materials to be provided under ads Proposal W the meeufscturer or Customs and TEI and supersedes any and as prior repesentations,discussions, their distributor.Customer agrees to extend the ems for TER performance agreements or understandings,whether verbal or in wiarg,No changes, hereunder for a reasonbN period dame to complete IEIY work hereunder, meddkallon or revisions to these Tams and Canadian shed be binding unless including exteneloes of time required by revisions to this Proposal as requested by steepled In writing by TEL Customer. PAYMENT TERMS COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS A payments due under this Agreement or any written moddfcanon thereto,sal TEI will perform Its Work In substantial compliance with the plans end be due upon receipt of en invoice from TEL unless other advance mitten specifications provided for the Work.TEI shag not be reaponalbla for I anengen ants are made with TEL Any invoice not paid within 70 days of receipt errors or omissions on are plans or sped)cetioas and does not of Invoice from TEI,shall incur a amerce charge*IMO end a half percent(1.5%) warrant Ihel the syelem,designed by others,veil function as decked pet month(annual rate of 18%)mat shall be added to the unpaid balance each by the Owner or the Contreclar. made eel paid in full. DIRECTIONAL BORING In addition,18.1 shag be enbded to recover from Customer N o1 Ns cost and TEI sun take reasonable and necessary precautions to leafy underground obsbuctlons. attorney fees(ncludng paralegal fees)al Mal end at appellate levels(including TEI%re arrange lot underground utility locations wi1Mn public right-ol-way mssamams. bankruptcy court and arbitration proceedings)from Customer which TEI Incus In The Ovmer/Generel Conhector wit provide utility location information Including alempeng to collect all amounts due hereunder regardless of whetter or not• elevetons ofd underground unties on private property or areas not covered by the lawsuit or arbitration proceeding is commenced.Customer andersteeds end slate one chi service.If an Windrow or Improperly marked unde,groerd obstruction agrees that TEI All be serving a Notice 10 Owner on the Omer of the real property is encountered or damaged.cost elks repair,if any,via be the espenslMkly of where the work under this Proposal is being commenced.Customer agrees to the Customer or OwnerAbenral Contactor. provide to TEI without cost or request a copy of any Notice of Commencement HAZARDOUS MATERIAL Meeting the real properly where 1E1 work win be done. Unless spedaealy noted in our crepe of work.TEI expressly excludes any work Venue for any eel legal proceedings arising out of or related to this Proposal associated Nth lamentation,abatement,clean up.control,removal,or disposal shall be In Orange County.Florida.If any pad of this Agreement is held to be of hazardous materials. leveed or unenforceable for any reason.the remaining terms and conditions of MATERIALS this Agreement shall remain len full force end effect. If material or equipment included In this Proposal becomes delayed ler reasons INSURANCE beyond our control and without fault to TEI,the Installation schedule shag be Insurance coverage is to he provided by TEI logs Customer and shat be In adjusted accordingly.If melees%Included minim Ws Proposal become accordance wig 1E14 standard"mils es determined by TEI in their sole permanently unavailable due to no fault of TEI,alternate materials shell be discretion on annual basis.Any Insurance coverage tequesled over and above authorized end approved In wring.An spprop ale pdee adjustment will be TErs standard knits me be furnished at additional cost to the Customer. approved M wiling prior to proceeding. SCOPE OF WORK ASSIGNMENT The scope of work is as noted on page I of Use Proposal.No charges in the The Proposal shall not be assignable by Customer without the impressed valorem scope of work writ be authorized or performed without the prior mitten permission consent of TEI.'Rich may be vAli ell at TEI's sola direction. of TEI and Customer's agreement es to the cost of same. This Agreement thrill be binding upon TEIY and Customer's respecters heirs, STRAIGHT TIME/OVERTIME successors and assigns. This Proposal is based on a straight time labor rate only,unless otherwise noted GOVERNING LAW herein.la the event that Customer requests TEI to work on dales or at Imes other Both pelves acknowledge that this Agreement thea be governed by the laws of the then TEI's normal business work week,which is from 7 rut ho 5 p.m..Monday through State of Florida without remedy to the pdndpel o1 compete of haws. Friday.Customer agrees to pay any end el costs associated with same Including The party executing this Agreement on behalf of Customer ech ovdedpa and at overtime rates incurred by TEL agrees that they have authority on behalf of the Customer to execute this WARRANTY TERMS Agreement.TEI snot not be required to Inquire further well the Customer es to 1E1 WV warrant an of its labor for a period of one year from the date of said authority.The person executing ng this Agreement shag he Tel penury contact original installation.TEI 1x11 not warrant any products as sold warranties are vin Customer and the party to execute any other Agreement previsions or changes solely nose of the manufacturer of the product, to Ins Proposal unless TEl Is molted by sailing of Customer of a chugs In SAFETY authority. TEl will carry out to the best of its abllly a safe work environment. DISCLAIMER Ai panes agree to notify each other immediately upon becoming aware of COMPANY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED any Wigged violation of the Occupational Heath and Seedy Act. OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING STATUTORY WARRANTIES AND SPECIFICALLY NOTICE OF CLAIM DISCLAIMS ANY IMPUED WARRANTIES Or MERCHANTABILITY.FITNESS CHAPTER 555,FLORIDA STATUES CONTAINS IMPORTANT REQUIREMENTS YOU FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE,OR WARRANTY OR WORKMANLIKE SERVICE. MUST FOLLOW BEFORE YOU MAY BRING ANY LEGAL ACTON FOR AN ALLEGED FURTHER,THE COMPANY HAS MADE NO AFFIRMATION OF FACT OR CONSTRUCTION DEFECT IN YOUR HOME.SIXTY DAYS BEFORE YOU BRING ANY PROMISE RELATING TO THE PRODUCT FOR SERVICE PROVIDED LEGAL ACTON.YOU MUST DELIVER TO THE OTHER PARTY OF THIS CONTRACT HEREUNDER THAT HAS CREATED OR AMOUNTED TO AN EXPRESS A WRITTEN NOTICE REFERRING TO CHAPTER 558 OF ANY CONSTRUCTION WARRANTY.CUSTOMER EXPRESSLY WAIVES AND RELEASES ANY CONDITIONS YOU ALLEGE ARE DEFECTIVE AND PROVIDE SUCH PERSON THE CLAIMS IN ANY LAWSUIT.ARBITRATION OR OTHER LEGAL PROCEEDING OPPORTUNITY TO INSPECT THE ALLEGED CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS AND TO AGAINST TEI FOR NEGLIGENCE.TORTS,PERSONAL INJURY,DEATH, CONSIDER MAKING AN OFFER TO REPAIR OR PAY FOR THE ALLEGED VIOLATION OF ANY STATUE.RULE OR REGULATION,LOSS OF USE, CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS.YOU ARE NOT OBUGATED TO ACCEPT ANY OFFER DIMINUTION OF VALUE,ECONOMIC.COMPENSATORY,INCIDENTAL. WHICH MAY BE MADE.THERE ARE STRICT DEADLINES AND PROCEDURES CONSEQUENTIAL,EXEMPLARY.PUNITIVE,LIQUIDATED,TREBLE OR UNDER THIS FLORIDA LAW WHICH MUST BE MET AND FOLLOWED TO SPECIAL DAMAGES IF ANY AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TEI BE LIABLE FOR PROTECT YOUR INTERESTS. ANY AMOUNT GREATER THAN THE AMOUNT PAID BY THE CUSTOMER TO TEI FOR THE SERVICES PROVIDED UNDER THIS PROPOSAL. 3/19/2020 Territo Electric,Inc. Page 2 of 2 From:Chris Jones Sent: Friday, March 13,2020 2:28 PM To:jimwortham@cfl.rr.com Subject: FW:Sleepy Harbour Thank you, Chris Jones Bright Future Electric 407-287-2638 cell From:Chris Jones Sent: Friday, March 13,2020 1:37 PM To: 'Jimwortham@cfl.rr.com'<Jimwortham@cfl.rr.com> Cc:Service Orlando<service@brifutelectric.com> Subject:Sleepy Harbour Jim, This is Chris Jones with Bright Future Electric.Just curious if you know the under road conduit is broken.We could send a crew with a tracer to determine where the issue is but that would be at regular service rates which are$90.00hr for a technician,$40.00hr for a helper and there is also a$50.00 trip fee associated with the 1 hour minimum. If you know the conduit is not intact we can get quotes from a directional bore company. Thank you, Chris Jones / Bright Future Electric TO/µ2x 1& / O 407-287-2638 cell 40/1 x /6 H/t- 6,4° Sp -�rp Gl4,52 g- Sd 2 /30 4.A3012_ 2 S o ^,rru.-. 00 7 PlArit • Foci&• �5 714fp•.T e�et •`te e/p'a�SHhbA ..comm,„„ i 1= ! BIB March 12,2020 Sleepy I Iarbor 11OA PO Box 339 Ocoee,FL 34761 (407)470-7067 Attn:Mike Smarrito RE: 2-INCH CONDUIT FOR LIGHTING We arc pleased to submit our proposal for directional drilling on the above referenced project. SCOPE OF WORK Install 2-inch HDPE conduit crossing Stinnett Rd. for power. B&B will supply 2-inch conduit Total Estimated(Labor Only)Cost:$3800.00 Primary Contractor Responsibility Water for drilling equipment. Any and all testing on bore pipe. Dewatering and excavation over four feet. RIOT Any utilities located under roadway that B&B Underground and Drilling, Inc. crew is unable to verify depth and requires a soft dig done by outside source. Any cost related to this will be Primary Contractors responsibility. Work will begin after receipt of written notice to proceed. Payment is expected within thirty(30) days of invoice. We look forward to the opportunity in working with you on this project. B&B L NIWRGRU('ND AND DRILLING, INC. 514 BLACK IIRON1C(WI) DI(. • DELANI) FL • 32721 PIIONE: (386)734-1)592• FAX: (386)943 8895 1.11; 'C1.'(:1224S52 —2— March 12,2020 Sincerely, //•/„/ /. Michael"Lee"Bennett ACCEPTED BY: Authorized Signature/Title Printed Name Date B&B 1'NI)I{RGROl'ND AND DRILLING, IN(.. 534 BLACK IRONWOOD DR • DELAND H. • 12724 P11ONI.: (1X6)794 "552• I•AX: (9X(')741-141195 1.1(:.#(:("(:1224552 fly -. t r • 'I i -. id _ -- a. , _ z / d h r•':•:fs t, ,,r: ", .ei .. i ' •r""'het. r A 4 rti't1,ir` '--. t`°, Yee z`Y fir•. L ./ t• +.,:„.....,..,?.. ., :..:-...=,J?,,..7,..•,,, ,, ,,+ti Jky ` f 1 yq' .r ,. • ' `yiIAa , Mr ,• �, 1 / � { ma �� #C"# � ! ,.-+�4 • 4. . . :. . . t a j ,4� � 4,..... , „4„ ,,.._. . .,..,,. ...,,,,„f. , ....,it.,...: ,.. i r • .;.. .. r -EY3 .$� ,#;Y ,1.{ e u t at„' f Y Y :? „, , „ ,. .• # rw ,.— f fi;., yy fx ,Y pl` V: .'•#r y .4iu- + '-f'!.- r ` +' .Y' ; • • L .�5. y.`..! T:i4 �� ':1y�� �} +. y4yli , fe:=14.',.s,�s' .4 ,. ##,S',y`.4'+'-1 r�i` rt/-14, Z °yfb n.'h f at fi - f . Xj �.+ �e. ?,l ,.i t11Y� �\ t: w�#y 'r •� r<�, -; 40 '' s *fye,l4,', f *,(441i. ,:'. y�� ..4':•- '-'1.."1.j:4.-. o (,.,ik .n .- , '..''. !. , , Branch Land & Tree Service, LLC X4 74WA P.O. Box 832 LAND 4 TREE SERVICE ILC. Oakland, FL 34760 US (407) 399-5100 nborlando@msn.com ADDRESS SHIP TO Estimate 1730 Sleepy Harbour HOA Sleepy Harbour HOA Po Box 339 Sleepy Harbour park area DATE 01/17/2020 Ocoee, FL 34761 EXPIRATION DATE 04/17/2020 ACTIVITY QTY RATE AMOUNT 2 1 550.00 550.00 Tree Removal Above price to remove and haul away dead Pine tree along lake shore line No stump grinding 2 1 900.00 900.00 Tree Removal Above price to remove and haul away 2 live Pine trees along lake shore line No stump grinding Attached is an estimate for your review. We appreciate this opportunity. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, Nate Branch Branch Land & Tree Service, LLC. TOTAL $1 ,450.00 Accepted By Accepted Date Newhouse Liylltiny WW3OBRZ 30-Watt Outdoor LED Walt Wash Flood Light, Weatherproof, Bronze M.; (3 c.- by Wrin i ur,.�Lufhhnq Light, -f'i 68 ridings I ,9 nn:swiretl rrltttSt;a is List Frh}, $37.61 . rin„'&FREE hetr,:as lY. r You ): >).'ii;Ifi• s Earn up to in cavinya wm:Ir the.Arnat„rr theanass Prytitan Fxg-1•••°t.4d. 1.2,0s auply • A..d ir'i:iYi t } This dent li rm:urns:k:, '31,.m.Flood Light Only Flood Light Only Flood Light with Post 30-Watt 6-Watt 30-Watt • BRIGHT ILLUMINATION Our LED flood light produces 5000 lumens of brim 3000K fight while consuming only 30 watts.Pel leu for illuminating signs,walls, yards,gardens,Increasing security and more.This outdoor flood light tan project i.;x. ,46 light up to 175 feet. • HIGH QUALITY CONSTRUCTION:Our outdoor led flood lights are made with Roll over mar, powder coaled dice cast construction for superior commercial grade quality.Our integrated LED light lasts up to 20 times lunger compared to traditional Halogen ,c): r r,.j __,__ bulli. g • BUILT TO LAST:Our LED outdoor flood lights in.able to operate in cold w4+ather up to-13 degrees F and hot weather up to 120 degrees E Our flood lights are I ' 51)+ S +0 I 1'94 5i rCq v q R9hh) • — I Post Lighting Bel Air Lighting > Medium 3-Light E Wr lie the first Res,i • up to$100 on your qui ,A01,1!; Jot Dc,..a-ioi Co'• ii I Overview The Classical Collection is pe i fedi fr mount lantern. The striking design iE hi ings a distinguished look to any la I fghal, "rbr 415p 01 CON Ili 3 ( r ri 44,i ',a," :fool- \,..0,4 ' J y 4 ,:','‘ .ro.'-..7:: -';'''-'1:i -''''fi'U .: L# APIA(' ,.r l 4- '� 'n tiff. t f;t h N -c,1,,-;:.:,i-t.::- ,, r�_ t '�• t� 4 -- ,' ' i mit �r 3 �j .,./......t.,,,� •�, �.:i ,, t,„-,6, Jl6 1` r ' T+ . • ' , .ze -_-_. If .i . • • ' - ''11\‘• .. \Iv'. ..!, 'A. ,:11 _^� ear%� .i� ':% ` ,.:4,..i,.-01.;:„.44. 1j li_ • r. C N4 j`'•replac _ , ,� er -hw �ces � ,, .b • i •�n :._ k, 1 +y': { i , :,•••ii 4,,`" y t ,*r£ . .' 'SiY'.. r wt { k �T y ,a �" /1r,--., yaj .t.t. r. i '', ' • ki I / (tom , ". -4r.:‘: t a3 ' : :: r i j i• 'I -.., '� '�:' •_ --.7:1'.'1": r,' A if :) ,. :4.:.- 4.f,� 7tt'y lir 4 w P 94�T.7 •�. a 'S!ycYi ''slt '''' . - . •v-iY .w;K' c.-.t ^. 49tZ. .+r '\ate . .L'y`M1t-�a a - -1 jr *• • 'fes g "' y tt,el aY �' �r + y ,ifik .. dikriL 'm' t . { y < k ,� � , ,44.4.v. .‘00 1 , � 1 ``t1> 1.tY , �t, 1�y^�' : 174:,...4 Y' -r , ' ‘011111 \ I . ' \Orivdtk% e OZL vrd VIL 9TL 8IL CIL LTL 6ZL / N.....~.. ....00•0"mftwoor 5VWSlcc�y Harbor sal 00 44iit .1...4.1,, I Iomeoumers Association 4 401 402 404 %., ate 101 4••• 406 V 1 • 03 t 4. 601 602 WeCSP C 408 o at r 603 2 II 105 107 410 106 lir N 605 412 Sel Miller Ct.607 CD 609 608 101 413 ,yb 416 109 9 611 lith' C 107 a LOT 613 610 418 y.Y 1141411k 420 101 105 9 428 426 424 Pr /711 703 700 709 707 705 tir fdkes1�o L 702 �INr 04 `>etjg 419 708 70. 701 703 713 711 709 705 700 al .Btco, Admiral Point 706 110701 719 goo 708 y 703 439 er '.05 EX. 707 Alell 1111 11111 709 '1)140 to ...... MI g 3 ^ tJ:itl� 14 702 O 725 445 '3 716III 710 708 706 701 727 11 lin 705 709 1all �jet` f 449 _. , 704 718 716 714 712 710 708 7064 453 451 720 / / / / / A , , City of Ocoee Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood: Oke0Pi x, 014)-- U -U Project Leader: IPa m eukan Address for Project Leader: 6 OOd(i t, .fir. Project Leader(Cell)96-741().385o (Home) Email Address: viro r y tn+oZ a vL,co(y1 What is the name of your proposed project? Com) en-+MINCE ' n S a.Gk elrika.v1, d v,,,...:1,1 Describe your neighborhood or project boundaries using streets and landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. O ¶ Q Does your neighborhood have an official Ho eowners Association(legal entity)? ALS__ If Yes: (If No,skip to next section.) When was it formed? I c How many members are in the association? 5 Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? 1 f'.S What is the official Homeowner Association's organizational structure? (President, V.P., Committees,etc.): Treiaew-A' - Pa li a \j .P- ITS; case-pl-- v • P.-ib tyl 1'in e( Mcuitutbv nq (9) — Acue4-i- ftôyLr± ..}-- How does a association elec ' leadership?? n how oftenQa delections held? I OJ%tr'wLk V o\- OC -QC9>jelk4i.� If your neighborhood does NOT have an HOA: Do you have an active neighborhood group? When was it organized? How many members are in the group? 4 How many homes are in your neighborhood? Does your group have an organizational structure? (President, Vice-President,Committees,etc.) What is the dollar amount being requested?(dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood. The maximum grant award is$2,000.) `' 4GGO Briefly describe the proposed project: VCL ()X\ . (11 O(v,�4 (a (Ti3rP�+ f r-I @a�� rr r6Ue Afv kc _ <9 p.e rm a.�n e-►� - `." t r�; -fey ‘,91 ti e, o l� r r- el i U.( I n rl'fY10,1 t t) Gl ' I C i}�CM rlt 1 v`1 4e_ ne,t \b v4&i ok.nr\ meN-40) dal. r, OJcoLi& scttp, n j rn 1/txie.6M4.k v Air Cr\-{ra nc ‘ Cc/VI ((mill oin c r eiki List the project goals: ,�- I (1) L n-P.).^mai Canal al si ins - 66141 117amG.o -4 - reS Kiat. , kV ,r e_r,��ce_ e,� (2) � P,r`�� � t� Ylpia/kis- (3) iavkis (3) C L V . eA.--Ircc R___ sc9 •r eh-) plaiv.is mUcll What is the location of the proposed project?(Attach 2-5 photos documenting existing conditions of the project site) S,I\lex S-f-o.,r-�`b A011 ,Eus TY NcA-c (Jz._ tt i Mc (. fir. For physical improvements(landscaping,entrance sign,gazebo,etc.),please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb,including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project(height,width, length)and attach a drawing. For physical improvements,will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners Association: (Include written permission from the appropriate government agency if located in the right-of-way; or owner if located on private property.) 5 HOA's,please attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project.Non-HOA's,please attached a letter with signatures. See page 2. We certify that our membership voted and approved this Ocoee Neighborhood Matching Grant application on (date),and attached are the minutes/letter reflecting this vote. G1 m IZVo Print name of persokrVieparing application Signature of Project Leader lir)/ t1 Signature of p s preparing application Signature Neighborhood President Date: 161 -r)-(Do Date: `9 - 3--dad 6 .e1 Metro by T-Mobile ^ 6:09 PM @ 38%10 X Invoice_28183_from ... Top Notch Landscaping,Inc. Invoice 28183 14146 C.R.455 Clermont.FL 34711 (407)654-3842 SILL TO Lake Olympia Club HOA DATE H,E A.! HA v DUE DATE 230 Olympus Drive 03!04/2020 $1,06500 03/0412020 Ocoee.FL 34761 DESCRIPTION CITY RATE MOUNT Installation of Mulch(9 yards)Pine Bark 9 60.00 540.00 Install(140)concrete blocks around entry island to finish circle 140 3.75 525.00 Please Note:Any modification to this estimate,either addition or deletion of listed products or services.will null this estimate and require a new estimate reflecting the variance in pricing for the revised total project cost. 50%Deposit Required Prior to Commencing=$532.50 Balance Due at Job Completion Please remit payment by the due date indicated. Thank you for your business. TOTAL OtIF $ ,065.00 1 HANK YOU Oct C)U w , Managemontf*AlopNotcALown.com www ATopNotciLawn.com 31:0E4K1 G. R. L. REMODELING & LANDSCAPING Inc. Commercial and Residential 8809 Mescalero Street INVOICE NO: 19-7-8404 Orlando, FL 32829 DATE: March 11,2020 Payment Due Upon Receipt In Care Of: Southwest Property Management Bill To: Lake Olympus Club HOA 13350 W. Colonial Dr. Suite 330 Winter Garden, Fl. 34787 , Fl. Fax 407-656-0974 ATTN: karl Schuberth Attn: H.O.A. President QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 17 Supply and install(2)small light fixtures with LED Bulbs $35.00 $70.00 Supply and install(3)large light fixtures with LED Bulbs $35.00 $ 105.00 Supply and install one Flag light fixture with LED Bulb $ 35.00 Supply and install(4)outlet covers.. $20.00 $80.00 Supplied and installed(6)LED Bulbs. $ 10.00 $60.00 Supplied and installed one sign light on Silver Star. $75.00 Proposal ID: SUBTOTAL $425.00 SERVICE CALL $35.00 CdS faitLABOR $250.00 Total Due $710.00 Make all checks payable to:GRL Remodeling&Landscaping Inc. If you have any questions concerning this invoice, call: 407-273-0551 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Top Notch Landscaping, Inc. 14146 C.R.455 TOP , Invoice 28112 i PANUS"Jt:'J C .'J(. Clermont, FL 34711 NOTCH (407)654-3842 y BILL TO Lake Olympia Club HOA DATE PLEASE PAY DUE DATE 230 Olympus Drive 02/11/2020 $460.00 03/01/2020 Ocoee, FL 34761 DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT Install(10)7-gallon viburnum odoratissimum plants,with weed block, around the 10 40.00 400.00 backflow near Silver Star entrance Installation of Mulch(1 yard) Pine Bark 1 60.00 60.00 Top Notch Landscaping, Inc.does not guarantee nor accept responsibility for the health, life or longevity regarding new plants, sod, trees, nor any transplanted materials. Please Note:Any modification to this estimate,either addition or deletion of listed products or services,will null this estimate and require a new estimate reflecting the variance in pricing for the revised total project cost. 50% Deposit Required Prior to Commencing Balance Due at Job Completion Please remit payment by the due date indicated. Thank you for your business. TOTAL DUE $460.00 THANK YOU. Management@ATopNotchLawn.com www.ATopNotchLawn.com Top Notch Landscaping,Inc. 14146 C.R.455 T;O . Invoice 28171 Clermont, FL 34711 NOTCH (407)654-3842 BILL TO Lake Olympia Club HOA DATE PI.EiA,SE PAY DUE DATE 230 Olympus Drive 02/27/2020 $250.00 02/27/2020 Ocoee, FL 34761 DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT SILVER STAR ENTRANCE 1 250.00 250.00 -Diagnosed leak on edge of street:determined 3'underground rotor was disconnected. -Replaced rotor. -Currently working properly. Please remit payment by the due date indicated. Thank you for your business. TOTAL DUE $250.00 THANK YOU. Management@ATopNotchLawn.com www.ATopNotchLawn.com Top Notch Landscaping, Inc. 14146 C.R.455 T_0 PInvoice 28111> Clermont, FL 34711 NOTCH (407)654-3842 BILL TO Lake Olympia Club HOA DATE PLEASF PAY DUE DATE 230 Olympus Drive 02/11/2020 $337.50 03/01/2020 Ocoee, FL 34761 DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT Install(90')of sand color border block around entry sign at Silver Star entrance 90 3.75 337.50 Please Note:Any modification to this estimate, either addition or deletion of listed products or services,will null this estimate and require a new estimate reflecting the variance in pricing for the revised total project cost. 50% Deposit Required Prior to Commencing Balance Due at Job Completion Please remit payment by the due date indicated. TOTAL DUE $337.50 Thank you for your business. THANK YOU. Management@ATopNotchLawn.com www.ATopNotchLawn.com Top Notch Landscaping, Inc. 14146 C.R.455 TOP Invoice 28113 Clermont, FL 34711 NOTCH (407)654-3842 t.. BILL TO Lake Olympia Club HOA DATE PLEASE PAY DUE DATE 230 Olympus Drive 02/11/2020 $780.00 03/01/2020 Ocoee, FL 34761 DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT Install(30) 3-gallon miscellaneous colored plants around signage at front entrance at 30 16.00 480.00 Silver Star location Installation of Mulch(5 yards) Pine Bark 5 60.00 300.00 Top Notch Landscaping, Inc. does not guarantee nor accept responsibility for the health, life or longevity regarding new plants,sod, trees, nor any transplanted materials. Please Note:Any modification to this estimate,either addition or deletion of listed products or services,will null this estimate and require a new estimate reflecting the variance in pricing for the revised total project cost. 50% Deposit Required Prior to Commencing Balance Due at Job Completion Please remit payment by the due date indicated. TOTAL DUE $780.00 Thank you for your business. THANK YOU. Management@ATopNotchLawn.com www.ATopNotchLawn.com Top Notch Landscaping, Inc. 14146 C.R.455 TOP, Invoice 28114 Clermont, FL 34711 NOTCH (407)654-3842 BILL TO Lake Olympia Club HOA DATE r L1A.bi aAY DUE DATE 230 Olympus Drive 02/11/2020 X475.00 03/01/2020 Ocoee, FL 34761 DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT Install 130 ft of PVC pipe with(3)rotors for better coverage on hill. 1 475.00 475.00 Please remit payment by the due date indicated. Thank you for your business. TOTAL DUE $475.00 THANK YOU. Management@ATopNotchLawn.com www.ATopNotchLawn.com ' ,104111.40X4. 8 Invoice Date Invoice# ® fit.M I' U CoO f Q 2/14/2019 232667 1397 N County Rd 426 Oviedo, FL 32765 Name/Address Ship To Southwest Property Management 13350 W Colonial Dr Suite 330 Winter Garden, FL 34787 A(17_ c(-IA21 Community Lot# Ship Date Lake Olympia Club HOA 2/14/2019 Item Description Qty Amount Lake Olympia Club I-IOA Message Board Custom Sign 3'H x 2'W Enclosed Aluminum Changeable I 1,495.00 1,495.00 Letter Board, Outdoor Model, l Door with Header with Lighting. Installed. I-set of white 2" letters 2- 3" aluminum post with mounting brackets 50%Deposit required prior to commencement. Remaining balance due upon completion. Total $1,495.00 Southwest Property Management Lake Olympia Club HOA Board Meeting Minutes Approved Tuesday, 1-29-19 6:00PM Ison Center 1701 Adair St. Ocoee,FL 34761 Karl Schuberth,LCAM 2018 ROD Members: Pam Ryan,President(21);John Finger,VP(19);Joe Gaillot,Treasurer/Secretary(19) Comments from Neighborhood-not part of minutes. Homeowners present: Call to Order: 6:01PM Quorum:Pam Ryan,President(21);John Finger,VP(19);Joe Gaillot,Treasurer/Secretary(19) 11. III. Notice of Meeting: Community signs and in the mail. IV. Approval of Minutes: 7-31-18 and 10-2-18 Meeting Minutes. EN by John to approve both as written. 2"''by Pam. Approved. V. Manager's Report A. Financials Motion by John to waive the$4.00 charge, 2"d by Pain. Approved. 1. Legal: None. B. Maintenance Report-Attached. C. Palm trees at Clark need to be trimmed. Karl to contact Top Notch. City will contact HOA about scraping ponds when necessary. Karl to check with pond vendor. John Finger to report street lamps that arc out to Duke. D. ARC Report-John Finger Report 23 ARB requests submitted in 2018. F. Compliance—Report to be e-mailed to board this week. 1. Case I-Missing sod in casement and some of yard,too much mulch. Motion by Pam to require homeowner to install sod on the side beds of the driveway from the sidewalk to the front of the house in a line with the side of the house. 2"d by Joe.Ney John. Approved.This issue was discussed again at this meeting. No action for 30 days so board can review the issue. Demand letter?Karl to have attorney send demand letter for the landscaping issues.Karl to send draft to board before letter is sent. 2. Case 2-Mechanic work being done at home? Mechanic work seems to have stopped. Border bricks laying in yard. Blue tarp laying in yard. Stones around mailbox.'to send compliance notices about each. Border bricks and blue tarp gone.No grass by mailbox yet. 5 cars on driveway.Demand letter?Karl to send demand letter regarding missing sod, stones around the mailbox and auto repair business being run out of the home. 3. Case 21 and 22 -Case 21 Owner Renting Rooms?Fence needs to be fixed. Renting out shed.'to send notices for both issues and contact code enforcement.IIII Shed in backyard has been removed by owner. Still need to determine whose fence it is between case 21 and 22.John Finger says that the city feels that the fence between case 21 and 22 belongs to the owners of case 22. Karl met owner of case 22 during an inspection and asked neighbor to submit an application for gate work they were doing.Karl to send compliance letter to 113 Olympus to submit an ARB application for the fence work he is doing. VI. Old Business mf A. Message Board: Karl looking at new vendor.New price$1295 w/o light. Sail by Joe,2"d by Pam to proceed with quote for message board from Mailbox Solutions for$1495. Approved. VII. New Business: FiningCommittee: by John,2nd by Pam to establish a fining committee and approve Beverly Ballard and Lamar Powers as members for the fining committee.Approved. Speeding at three-way stop in front of 125 Olympus.Karl to send e-mail to Rosemary Wilsen to see what could be done. VIII. Items On Hold/Tabled: IX. Adjournment to adjourn by Joe.2nd by John.Approved.7:10PM. 2019 Meeting Dates-1/29,4/23,7/23, 10/03 Budget 6PM Ison Center. COLOR CODE:®-MOTION _-ACTION ITEM _-COMPLETED INN-OPEN Southwest Property Management Lake Olympia Club HOA Board Meeting Minutes Approved Tuesday,4-23-19 6:00PM Ison Center 1701 Adair St. Ocoee, FL 34761 Karl Schuberth,LCAM 2018 BOD Members: Pam Ryan,President(21);John Finger,VP(19);Joe Gaillot,Treasurer/Secretary(19) Comments from Neighborhood-not part of minutes. Homeowners present:None. I. Call to Order: 6:02PM 1I. Quorum: III. Notice of Meeting: Community sign. IV. Approval of Minutes: 1-29-19 Minutes.Motion to approve by John. 2"by Pam. Approved. V. Manager's Report A. Financials-Attached. 1. Legal: None. B. Maintenance Report-Attached. , 1. Some outlet covers damaged or missing. letting quote to repair. Signs and sidewalks were pressure-washed. s) j";# ems 3. Some dead plants and weeds need to be removed. to contact Top Notch. 4. Message board needs connection to outlet in landscape bed.®getting quote. 5. Top Notch reports City has turned off Re-claimed water for Silver Star.John Finger following up. C. ARC Report-John Finger Report 1. 207 Olympus has installed new sod per their ARB application. D. Compliance—Report to be e-mailed to board this week. 1. Owner submitted ARB application to install sod in casement and side yards and was approved by ARB. Sod installed. 2. Case 2-Mechanic work being done at home?Mechanic work still going on.Border bricks laying in yard. Blue tarp laying in yard. Both now removed. Stones around mailbox still there.No grass by mailbox yet. Sod on right has not been replaced. Demand letter'?Karl to send demand letter re arding missing sod, stones around the mailbox and auto repair business being run out of the home. . Send second demand letter?NM by Joe, 2"d by John to send a second demand letter for pre-suit mediation. Approved. 3. Case 21 and 22 -Case 21 All issues resolved. VI. Old Business . A. Message Board: Karl looking at new vendor. New price$1295 w/o light. kigion by Joe,2"by Pam to roceed with quote for message board from Mailbox Solutions for$1495. Approved.Installed t getting quote to connect sign light to outlet in landscape bed. VII. New Business: Fining Committee: ot,�go by John,2"d by Pam to establish a fining committee and approve Beverly Ballard,Lamar Powers and Michael Guzman as members for the fining committee. Michael Guzman(0,1502 Acropolis is the third member. IIIIII to send 119 Olympus and 1509 Adriatic for outstanding violations by Joe,2"by Pam to the fining committee. Approved. Speeding at three-way stop in front of 125 Olympus.Karl to send e-mail to Rosemary Wilsen to see what could be done. Morning 7:30 to 9. Evening 4-6PM. Karl to get a sign for the boat ramp gate that says"Boat Ramp for Lake Olympia Club BOA members only." Joe brought up a concern about people speeding, running stop signs and playing loud music. Karl suggested that any complaints be directed to the police. VIII. Items On Hold/Tabled: IX. Adjournment: 7:40PM 2019 Meeting Dates-1/29,4/23, 7/23, 10/03 Budget 6PM Ison Center. COLOR CODE:11111111-MOTION -ACTION ITEM -COMPLETED ME-OPEN 1 I • i. 4 -`,fir,. , T t , e, 'IIS i. '.J.", ;; • 1 �;I I '1 .� 1' UNEOIYNP . rif 1:' IAGlUB: { l; '`fir =14 • \ . - z. , ♦ :i r."'Pk t • • • • • •r . • . , ,.. ., • .4010mimwikt- , ... . , . • . . , ,, u. a ,,� '.r 4•401,1411 - h 'k. ' t 4. • u ,_1 STOP ?, • i, , 4 i, 1 - ♦ • _. i ill'I'`" rnilliillir /'