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Item 03 Approval of Arden Park North Phase 6 Non-Substantial Amendment to the Planned Unit Development/Land Use Plan (PUD/LUP)
A ocoee Florida AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: April 14, 2020 Item #: 3 Reviewed By: / Contact Name: Michael Rumer Department Director: Michael Ru• er Contact Number: Ext. 1018 City Manager: Robert Fr; Subject: Non-Substantial Amendment to Phase 6 of the Arden Park PUD Commission District#4 George Oliver, Ill Background Summary: The Arden Park PUD (Planned Unit Development)was originally approved by the City Commission on November 21, 2006, and amended on February 19, 2013. Arden Park North consists of the northern phases (2-6) of the PUD. Arden Park North is identified as parcel ID number 04-22-28-0000-00-001 (9421 Clarcona-Ocoee Road) located on the north side of Clarcona-Ocoee Road and situated between Hobson Road and Ingram Road. Arden Park North is approximately 308 acres of which 54.44 acres are identified as wetlands/Lake Sims. Phase 6 of Arden Park PUD contains 15 acres and was approved with two (2) separate uses in the original PUD Land Use Plan. The primary use was for a future Elementary School Site if, Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) agreed to purchase the property. An alternate residential layout was also provided for in the original Land Use Plan. On October 11, 2018, Lennar (Property Owner) received a letter from OCPS stating it was their intent to not purchase the 15 acres in Phase 6 for a future School Site. OCPS still owns two (2) properties within the Elementary School attendance zone of Arden Park to use in future capital programs. The sites are located on Ingram Road and across from Ocoee High School in the Crown Point PUD. Staff determined since the PUD Land Use Plan was only changing the designation of Phase 6 to an approved use of residential, and no other changes were proposed a Non-substantial change to the PUD was required. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission affirm the decision to process a PUD Amendment for Phase 6 of Arden Park PUD as a Non-Substantial Amendment? Development Review Committee Recommendation: The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on February 09, 2019, and discussed the decision to process the PUD Amendment as a non-substantial amendment for Phase 6 of the Arden Park PUD. When the discussion was finished, the DRC voted unanimously to affirm staffs determination for processing as a Non-Substantial Amendment to the PUD Land Use Plan for Phase 6 of the Arden Park PUD. 1 Recommendations: Based on the letter from Orange County Public Schools stating they will not purchase the Phase 6 site, staff recommends the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve processing the Amendment to Phase 6 as a Non-Substantial Amendment to the Arden Park PUD. Attachments: Amended Arden Park PUD Land Use Plan Arden Park PUD Phase 6 Concept Plan Lennar/Orange County Public Schools Notification Financial Impact: None Type of Item: (please mark with an "x") ❑ Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use: ❑ Ordinance First Reading 0 Consent Agenda O Ordinance Second Reading 0 Public Hearing ❑ Resolution 0 Regular Agenda ® Commission Approval O Discussion&Direction ❑ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk ❑ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by 2 PROJECT DATA SUMMARY GENERAL INFORMATION Parcel ID Number: 04-22-28-0000-00-001 Total Acreage (gross): 411.9 Developable Land Acreage (net): 312.9 Proposed Dwelling Units: 844 Proposed Density: 2.70 DU/AC Existing Zoning: Planned Development Proposed Zoning: Planned Development Max. Building Height: 35 or2 Stories Setbacks: © SHOWN IS CONCEPTUAL & See Residential Guidelines Table Phases: MINIMUM LOT BRE 6 Open Space: O'ILOIXO SErd SmE 910E BTREEr 30% of Developable Land Area per City of Ocoee LOTCNTENA MSx.Iaxax ev Max. Gulide 9ud�a Pa I. awag. CEO% abased Mxl = 312.9 acres x 30%= 93.87 ac OS Slormwater Management: Sb Per Owes& SJRWMD Standards School: ]5% Residential School Generotlon for 844 dwelling units ...8Elknns fing SxI = Elementary -165 Students, Middle Schaal -84 Students, I MI ].9 I xf1 lassphicall High School -112 Students. Total Student Generation=381 Recreation Areas: go 18.4 Acres Common Area Management: Ins, 1 ByH.O.A.'s as stated In Conditions of Approval I ]9 I aY I x0 I III - elsha 9E Xcme nal ]5'x ixtl SAOI s.I ARDEN PARK PHASING DEVELOPMENT TABLE 65% eROpmfOPXoou[iTree wxmxaW mases ellacs vxAsac coraPxuEaNeM1MAn@sFamlNNomn - P x9 55% taxi Oat095OesaausUago..."xoma 1551 Oees x5 6P 13 36]Neawa.B.FambNoma (651 01] s, 0 0 147Onashesnd,1s.oHomn DSI 0M O 0 0 47 oeMeneasiIst...1,Rsaaa not se0 o a a ua.136 we 19 W 51x some (aoSvnux6ummaMMnaluvf efmuaEx6f6wnfaxsG7Fxc w,mmmxp nms157womFMamfOmwwm Lwrzauwmmx .babass le Tem.g amemsexxonVmrswolGlm6anwwnwm u.wUM VMUTANYBFmssEnu[ngaPFNOaw qv SlrtmNGmxl,s.U10 �rMaMlaiLaXmaa„IaNS SEE ALTERNATE RESIDENTIAL— LAYOUT LAYOUT FOR THIS PHASE 6- -- THIS SHEET UTILITIES OF-ARDENPHASE32.6 25' BUILDING 150' 0' 300' 600' WORTH OF CIARCONMOCOEEROAO) 9ETBgCK �� wmx N. vnaywuom...a.., Water: Orange County ae �It s' A'1 // �\ ss""rR'°^�° SCALE IN FEET Waste Water: Orange County Re -Use Water: City of DCoee - --- — Electric: Progress Energy I�T —� j'1 rl �- o --/�/I 1 \• LAKE TROUT Fire Rescue: City of Ocoee I YI I I PROPOSED B'SOEWAL 1 160 YRFL000 EL=16 M' PHASE#4 ) I ALONBIDG CLARKE ROAD ��,\ 2 1 ITRACT TO BE DEDICATED m UTILITIES -ARDEN PHASEI ) CI J I II I I 1 60CTALIDINOSERKxRB E ROgD�CK `r I TO THE CITY OF OCOEE) 57.�7(SOUTH OF CIARCO—M-OCOEER AD Q _ I' , nl PHASE Watei: City of Ocoee (� 1 1\ / " _ ! Waste Water: City of Ocoee v\��////15.O qC, i Re -Use Water: City of Ocoee Electric: Progress Energy Q ` \ ' \ / ! ���w\, A-1 Fire Rescue: City of Ocoee(/ •/! / —I ACCESS Z I../ / /, `_yam_ STORM ACCESS \/ 9 35' BUILDING SETBACK— ti I . J \` 'a / `\ / �—," I \\ • \ 4= -Clarke Road @INORMA ROAD I ` PHA #3 r.–i-;� ,( L� \ -Clarcona-Ocoee Road �, s7s Ac. I( `� `WETLANDLIMIT PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION 4. --- r �,�, \,. ( / �. oxamomse Xwaa 'EI-sam" : AwNa aax nMy Ipl 1wa 20 y. pwm+pbMstatement seswaLLrmand essay sets, Y n1xt 4. 3)Be WMrgs sserysO,cNe I Be was efflas any aue,nMntM,ena 41A... mar M,oleo. 6)" Let oxew n Assn owth Peas, man n5mm,m my MrANNII LUP ALTERNATE RESIDENTIAL LAYOUT FOR PHASE #6 SCALE: 1"=300' RESI DENTIAL GUIDELINES © SHOWN IS CONCEPTUAL & LOTTYPE MINIMUM LOT BRE MIXIMVM um a -FA FROM O'ILOIXO SErd SmE 910E BTREEr REM LOTCNTENA MSx.Iaxax ev Max. Gulide 9ud�a Pa I. awag. CEO% abased Mxl 42i lxtl IMaI Sb N ID ]5% ...8Elknns fing SxI I'vessar I MI ].9 I xf1 lassphicall wo, go 02C. 1.0" 6Pi w" Ins, 1 I am I ]9 I aY I x0 I III sMY elsha 9E Xcme nal ]5'x ixtl SAOI s.I I R9 I ].9 an I x0 I 65% 60i4 .I.—SF Hcn ses, i a, a, IxgOlalI - I].9 itl x9 55% 50% Xwaa 'EI-sam" : AwNa aax nMy Ipl 1wa 20 y. pwm+pbMstatement seswaLLrmand essay sets, Y n1xt 4. 3)Be WMrgs sserysO,cNe I Be was efflas any aue,nMntM,ena 41A... mar M,oleo. 6)" Let oxew n Assn owth Peas, man n5mm,m my MrANNII LUP ALTERNATE RESIDENTIAL LAYOUT FOR PHASE #6 SCALE: 1"=300' PHASE 6 LAYOUT © SHOWN IS CONCEPTUAL & SUBJECTTO CHANGE AT FINAL ENGINEERING MOEN PARK NORM aOMVMT 6e08MhanM7ReW O,Yb LEGEND a7smaRnaua,..a Pwasaml red P0.0PERTYDWNDMY waM1re tem pemaMs PRASE UNE —_— -,n 4 Moap m RECRESTIGNIPMENDYCEMER * riap, 1 m Tees vn a PMFOSEDS]ORMW MPMD STORM m as am am y 4s arnr 1«n Drm.nm a PROJECTENTRWCE v"Iw RESMENTW.OETACHW SINGLE FMIILY HOME- 4Y LOT LW W T RENDENTMLDETACHEOSINGIE Fa TRESCHOOL S' FANILYHOME-LOT.00T , RESIOEMMLDETACHEOSINGIE FAMILY HONE-fie.IAYOOT RESIOENTVLOETAOHEO6INGLE ma em a0 FMILY HOME -76' LOT LAYOUT RES BE OETACHED SINGLE FANILYHOME-65'LOTIAYOUT eeWeunr .Deaf FBI 1.) To Manometer management system shall be designedt comply with City of Ocoee edge and local Water Management Dl8ldct regulallons 2J NI acreages regarding wegands and butters are ednsNered approximate unt I finallzed by a Conservation Area Determination and Conservation Area impact Permits. 3.) Par" and bikelpedeaMan balle will be owned and maintained by the HOA 4J All wmmon Frees end ta�Bea w0 be malntalned by Neownetefge apesMCbact or Xs Homo OrvnefaAssodafion. 5.) Signage W mnram b City cotles end stend.,ds. 6.) SYeetgeom I Is subject to final design, grading and engineering geometry. A -1 ,I PHASE 95 1 A- cn E I IAMENRT 45.13AG i L J L j DENTER , �]�,Tp J /\ LAKE SIMS ( I DM TRaL D M04E) / 100YRFL000 EL=aSq %�. I RESERVE PUO I � \ I ' hr ROADG CtAR1(E I L' JI \�0 STORM ' PARK RK �-� I �� 25' BUILDING SETBACK1'0 � -.I af, GATE I 25'BUILDING SETBACK r+-- 1 NOTE: I I � PHASE#2 SEE SHEET 6 FOR SECTIONS A-A&B-B. 6920 Ac �� __ — HO."N ROAD_. — - gBE VACATED O DEMOLISH ED) © - BUILDING SETBACK GATE ^ ®CLARCONA OCOEE ROAD � AMENITY I CENTER PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION EYJSTIN � O -ISM Poxo M `e� _ JII I A'1 IY EN PARK SOUTFf W PHA E#1 L -I ��\ I 25'BUILDING O \ a SETBACK A-1 o I STORM Z I j O It LAKE MEADOW O� L) l Too YR FLOOD ELEM — QII _j I O�R5'BUILDING SETBACK A-1 II a"w,aae"`".am"'e1, © THIS SHEET HAS BEEN AMENDED FROM THE COURTLAND STREET PARTNERS APPROVED PLAN, DATED: FEBRUARY, 2013 5 MADDEN CIVIL ENGINEERS 431 E. NORMO AVENUE SURE 266 MNRANB. R 32751 (407) 629-8130 21,\ \'o 'o �o o•V \ \ '` \ , ip\ \f�, � \ ' �\� 2 0 \'.• o� m m m m mn`P mW \ �' m \ ` N 22 10 1 /' , 07 / I l9 �� I i� f- —'—_ — i Y \ ; ��/ '/ / --- -- ,+ ,I � / -- j, I� - l •__.IJ-__ � T I, I r� ,,x IF PO 1 I 'I I 47/ _ 1zs _ __ iia _ _ _-.�\' .. _ 116 _ a i1� 42 i i' —� -----=------- - - ' i Y� r , IW -------- -------------- __- -- _ _ _. ___ __ _______ _ / r / 99 __ yv / •r ------------------------------________'� i , __ , G 1. 92 --------------------------- i _ _ _ LENNAR. Lennar Homes,LLC•2300 Maitland Center Parkway Suite 320.Maitland,Florida 32751 •www.lennar.com April 30, 2019 Robert Frank City of Ocoee City Manager 301 Maguire Rd. Ocoee, FL 34761 Subject: Arden Park PUD School Site in Arden Park PUD (a/k/a Phase 6) Dear Robert: In accordance with the Arden Park PUD Land Use Plan and Developer's Agreement Conditions of Approval 78 and 79, Lennar Homes, LLC is offering a 15 acre school site to the City of Ocoee to acquire. The School Board of Orange County Florida has elected not to acquire the 15 acre school site, please refer to the attached letter. Please advise of the City of Ocoee's interest in the above offer by July 1, 2019. Please don't hesitate to contact me directly should you have any questions,or should you require any additional information at(407)-645-6503 or jon.droor lennar.com . I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Jon Droor, P.E. Director of Forward Planning & Entitlements Lennar Orlando North Enclosures: Orange County Public Schools Release Letter cc: Scott Cookson, City Attorney Kacey Lother, Lennar Homes Damon Cascio, Lennar Homes G:\Project Management\Projects\Arden Park_\Correspondence\City of Ocoee School Board\School Site Offer Letter.docx Orange County Public schools FACILITIES SERVICES. 6501 Magic Way.Building 200.Orlando,FL 32809•Phone 407.317.3700 October 11,2018 Standard Pacific of Florida 405 North Reo Street, Suite 330 Tampa,Florida 33609-1064 Re: Elementary School Site in Arden Park PUD Dear Sir or Madam: This correspondence shall serve as formal notice that The School Board of Orange County, Florida("School Board")has elected not to acquire the 15 acre school site,or any portion thereof, in Arden Park PUD in accordance with the Arden Park PUD Land Use Plan and Conditions of Approvals 78 and 79. Our Advance Planning committee has determined this school site is not necessary to accommodate the future residential development in this area. Thank you for your attention in this matter. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best gards, c/idiLaura L. Kelly Staff Attorney III/Planning a Real Estate xc: Carolyn R. Haslam,Akerman LLP "The Orange County School Board is an equal opportunity agency."