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City of Oicolee
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Title. Parks anid Recreation Facility Naining ective Date:
Policy I Eff
. .. . ........
Oirigin,ating DepartrnenC l�Iarks ar-id Supersedes: AN Pr'EMOLIS and exisflng
11 Recreation rri(,.,)rnos or administrafive policies in conflict
Policy Number: Draft
Page 6f
1. Purposo:
'To establW-ii forrnW uniforn) fjuideknes for th,,e nanrling Of PUblic
parks and recreation facflifies owned ai rXor operated by the City of
Ocoee Parks and 1"Recreation Department,
11. Definitions,
A Park/Facility — Cty owned property provided to seive a public, pUrpose ln the
are of parks, and recreaflion oriented acfi0fies,
A. Objectives
V Provide name ider-rtifiicafion for 4'idMCIUM pairs an recreafionfa6lifies
owneM by the City of Occee,
2), flir-ovido for citizertnput hto th(,) prociess of naning parks arW recrc-mfion
faciliffies as entin'ierated above.
-1) hlS,Ure r.,mntrol for Wie naming of parks and re�:,ieation facififiles by the
C'ty Cornri-tission throt.igh the ofthe F'arks and
I. eu eation DlreGtor and tho Parks and Rear:-,.)ation Advisory Bc)ard,
W., Procedures,
Flage 2 of 4
A. Qualifying Narvies —Niames sflux.flct prolvide sorne form oif rridividWfl kientity
reated' tom
I Fhe geographic locAfion of the fa(.iHty.
2, An outstanding of the faclility.
I "The adj6ning subdMsion.
4. Comi-noNy recognized group or iindividuM related to; the Cit,y (_')f
5Con inion ly rie,(.,,ogn�zed hjstorica� event,
' A group who c1ontdbUtc-,,,d significanflyto the acqUisition o,r
development of the individuat facilHty.
7. Reiated to a flbeirne deterry iined through pii,bHc input,
8, A deceased rind Wldua� who hrdus proMed an exceptionalsesvice, in
the pnterest of th Ipark systesn or the City as a whole.
B. Naming Proicess,
I At the firm parkland is, acqtflred, prior to developimer-it, tfie Directior of
Parks and Rec",sreation will assign a i,ioui-des,ci,ilpt,teniilpparry working
narrfor the park or facility,
2. Onice the developnient is fUndeld, the Urctor of Ral'ks and
Recreation will solicit and receive nars"flng applications fron-s the
coviin"iunftyarid/or chilidiren in Ihe cornITMI'lity for review by the Parks
anid Recreation Advisory Board, Narries wflH be solicited frciia'l the
community thr'OUgh a local newspaper advetsement and by working
with the Ilocal schools andtor COMMUllity organizations,
3, F'or a group naiiie (excluding historicaHy si�gnfficanit. gru.,�ps) to be
considered, that grotip inJst have contributed signhfiicanfly to thie
acqWESM1011 it development of the park or facifty or to the [:uark
systerni or City overall, The group, narne reconimendationi RILISt be
accompanied by a writters jUStification providing evidence of
contritaitions tic) the park, facHIty, paii, k systern or City as awhini1e.
4. After revievo by the Parks and Recreatioin Advisory Board, the
reciarruniended inarnes Ml be chosen, Pubk noticie, of the
recomriierided qualifying nannies WH be placed in file fioc.,Eli
newspaper oncle dudsig a 30 day period. i fizeti comments and
Mist be fili voriting to the Director of Parkc',, and
Reirxeahan arid be F.,iostmarked within the 30 rJay puWic naflu", period,
5, After th.e 30 clay putflic, niotk;e perroid, th' e Director of Parks and
I'Ziecreation, t.q-Don recmmin'iendatic')n from the Parks and Recreation
Advd siory Bloard, will subn�Athe top three recoirmnended names to the
C.ity Commit I mon for finat approval,
Tftler Page 3 of 4
Policy NUn-iber,
6, A facility shaH not be riarned for a QMng laerscjn except when a iname
lea specified as a c(,')ndrfion of dm mfion or deed restriction,
C. Changing an Existing Name
If, as a result of pubfic and/or Uty Comrnission inpUt tfmie exists, a desire to
q hangie an exisfing 1"mr-k cv recreaflon facifily narne, [he namirig process in
Seo.,','fion 1V 11 MH be utiHzed,, 11re fodowingi ShIOUld be colns dered wh(,'n
proj.)losing a rias'ne (',hange-1
Parks and fw'Alitles narned after iii-idivilduats Or gMUPS WN only be
changed when it is found that the 4AMdt ml'or group'charalrteis or
WaS SLJCbl trust the confinue'd use of th�&r name for a park or faeflity
would not be in the best intereat of the C.Ay,
Flarks nanied by delrz',,,d restdcfian cannot be consideredfor rermmirrg,
cl. Other Naining Alternatives
1. Parks and facNfies U'rat arrn donated to the Gity ran be narnad by deed
reslrJcOoin by the donor ,"The nanflng and acceptajr'rCr ' of land is SUbje&
to review by the Parks arid Recreation Advisory Board and apjnwoval of
the City (1'10rrlrnissioll.
1 R'm',Jlifies WO -On parks, i,e, paygrrjunds, picnic areas, etc can hile
n,rwred separately from the park or findy the y,`fll�,ire, SUbject to thle
genera� approving secUon Of tiilk'3 POhGy
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McMillin, Kim
From: Sha,v, Gihda
Sent Monday, March 9, 2020 1 0�59 ANI
To: McMklhn, Kkn
Subject: RE: Parks Siupiey
Final countwas 475,
era irninistrcifill,pie Ass�slonl
40*4 FIFTY
UNt 407-905-310OX 1027
W�Nrect PH: 4017-554-1123
Floruh has a vkn-public T ecvwds Lvv IT,.";, I I 9). AS 'R .ITI)l wrluc-n created or received by
of Ocoee officirds ancl ernploycies vv,dl be rn,idc avadable i,o rhie puHic rllecila, upon request, unh-""SS cahelllvi.sx exein['-,'u'
Ac]dIltioxmIly, tuidc�r Honda Law cuu,'ill addresses ,ar(pi.il)hc rccmcis
From. McMfflin, Kim
Sent: Monday, Mard"i 9, 2020 10,54 AM
To: Shaw, Ulda <GShaw@ocaee.org>
SubjecC RE, Flarks Survey
Nease a(10se what the firiali ciount was,
We appreciate the update and wfll thle board members know.
Thank you,
Jll� -Wiln, m.c.'Aldiin
Senior Adfnhistrafive Assistant
0 44*�%
N 0A a a
CAy of Ocolee
Parks ard Recrcmition
150 N. LakeshilDre Drive
Olcoee, FL 34761
McMillin, Kim
Froint West Orwige Gkarriiber of C-omwnerce
Sent Monday, AF6� 1, 2019 2:32 PNA
To,: McNfifiru, Kkn
Subject VIDE04, Watch the nevv #Stjna1.3,ays afd see wh,a['s corr6rig tip irG Aprik
. . . . ....................... . . . . ............. . ... ........
Best Fes,t 2019 - ""The Taste of'West Orange"
PhIrsday, A�pril 'I'Itf'i - Stark I-ake ��n 0(,,,:oee
Get read�y for one of 2019's, premiler events, Best Pest - "The Taste of West
Orange" Join US I IlUrsday, April 11, 5:00-8-310prn a�long the shores of Starke
L.ake in beaUfiftfl, historec Ocoee, Florida for Wiest range C.ounty's Argest food
tasting and business expoOver the past sixteen ears, the ai'inuaBest Fest
has wimed thousands Of gUests from aroldrid Cientral Florida as teas Ienjoyed
the best West Oranige has, to offer in food, wine, spbut s, and Moral products.
Best rest is open to the pubfic and WH take place rain oirsh4-ie,
Premier Sponsor:
Participating Sponsors: and Rer�taiqn(l
�Media Sponsors: Ugair Chqqr�,,O KAE�d�a, G,11-(D,Gj� Mecfia
- 1-11-1-111 ...... .... ...........
&J,sirdio Eu,Meth
Everit Sponsors: Qi�jqa� I rvItet eed PJ Rssan and Rest
..... ...... ....
Gal,c,s fAaH
McMillin, Kirn
Wrigh( Joy
Monday, March 9, 2021D 2:56 PM
City Gerk DLI, Mdvliflin, KJrn; Justice, Warida� Serrano, rNlarja �Rone)
C C'.
Gaines, Dokiglas
Save the Date-Vokinteer Appreciafion Dinn,,,-,?r
Follow Up Flag:
Folbv� n.Ap
Flag Status.,
Hear ged
Wiciuld'you rflf,use send a Save the Date einad tc� your respedJve vokinteer a(Msory boaird&�
Thur'sday, AprH 23, 20120
Ocoee Lakeshore Center
6 p rri . — 8 p, rn .
Stay tuned fc,,)r unore delafls�
Thank You,
JD,y Parter Wdght
1 r, , -) " ' ' 'I ' T I E, ; I y 0 f r ) c SA a 1! r, V e �, Y I
Nc,,irrh Lakeshore L,r'd,ve Occe, f'L � ii47ti I
407,905,31(D'2' x9- 1,530 1 FAX 40 1,905
org I OcoeE,, IV ("h 493 1� aceL,�o(,,4,,