FEBRUARY 18 , 1992
The meeting was called to order by Jean Grafton, acting chairman,
at 9 : 10 a.m. Those present were , Jean Grafton, Joyce Oliver, Tonya
Miller, Judy Henry, Ward Foster , Lee Dehner, and Frank and Anita
from ICC . The minutes were approved as presented .
Ward reviewed the Actuarial Valuation Report for 1991 .
He then presented candidates for handling the custodial account .
After the presentation and discussion by board members , Judy made
a motion to have Ward negotiate a contract with Key Trust . The
motion was seconded by Joyce and carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Joyce , seconded by Tonya to authorize the
payment of bills from Ward Foster and Lee Dehner for services .
Judy asked Lee what the procedure would be if an employee
terminates employment with the city. He said in order to have
their contribution returned the employee would need to sign a
request for return of those monies and the request would then be
submitted to the board for approval . His office has the forms and
will send copies .
Lee suggested that we get quotes for Fiduciary Bonds for the Board
and individual members . Judy will call Ken Enlow for quotes and
present them at the next meeting .
The next meeting will be held March 25th and we will begin
discussion on the rules .
Meeting was adjourned at 11 : 25 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Henry, Secretary