(Ww June 3 , 1992
The meeting was called to order at 10 : 10 in the Training Room at
the Community Center . All board members were present . A motion
was made by Judy Henry, seconded by Jean Grafton, that the minutes
of the previous meeting be accepted as presented.
A discussion of the rules was held with Lee Dehner leading the
discussion. It was decided to put off the adoption of the rules
until a later date so that all members would have sufficient time
to review them.
It was decided that the next meeting would be held Tuesday, July
21st at 10 : 00 a.m. in the Training Room.
Frank Guerriero , Investment Counsel Company, reported that 28 . 7% of
our funds were ok invested in common stocks . The bond purchases
are not yet complete , however it should be done by next week. He
will be at our next meeting to give us a full report .
A bill for $2 , 179 . 19 , was presented from Christiansen and Dehner.
A motion was made by Tanya Miller, seconded by Joyce Oliver, that
the bill be paid as presented. A bill for $489 . 08 , was presented
by ICC , however it was incorrect and will be returned to them for
Denise Teegarden presented the necessary paperwork to the board for
having her contribution to the pension fund refunded. She has
submitted her resignation to the city. Joyce moved, seconded by
Tanya, that we authorize the return of her $316 . 19 , contribution.
The motion passed.
A discussion of the upcoming FPPTA convention was held. The hotel
reservations and convention registration have been made . Each
person attending should keep track of their expenses and the board
will reimburse the member .
There being no further business , the meeting was adjourned.