November 21, 1994
The meeting was called to order at 10:13 a.m. in the training room of the Community Center
by Chairman Miller. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Chairman Miller, Members Grafton, Oliver, Shiver, and Waldrop. Also present
were Actuary Foster, Attorney Dehner, and Clerk/Stenographer Lewis.
Secretary Grafton said there was a correction on page 2, which had already been made on the
original, that said some motion was approved 4-0 and should read "Motion carried 3-0."
Clerk/Stenographer Lewis said that the motion approving the minutes on page 1 should read
"...the minutes of August 23, 1994, September 28, 1994 and September 30, 1994."
Member Oliver arrived at the meeting at 10:25 a.m. Secretary Grafton, seconded by Member
Oliver, moved to approve the minutes of October 27, 1994 as corrected. Motion carried 5-0.
Chairman Miller explained that during the August 23, 1994 meeting a motion had been made
to change the Operating Rules and Procedures to read "shall encourage to attend" (training
conferences). Ms. Miller realized that it presented a hardship as Trustees had to take vacation
time or personal leave but wanted it mandatory that each member attend at least two meetings
or conferences. The Trustee had an important duty and responsibility to the employees.
Attorney Dehner said there were five (schools/conferences) a year between the Division of
Retirement and the FPPTA. Member Oliver, seconded by Secretary Grafton, moved that the
General Employees' Pension Board change Rule 1.9 in the Operating Rules and Procedures to
read "is expected to attend one training conference during their two year term in office."
Motion denied 3-2. Members Grafton, Shiver, and Waldrop voted "nay."
Member Shiver said that, based upon information that the advisors (attorney, actuary, and
money manager) gave the Board, the Trustees made decisions. If that information turned out
to be wrong, then the Board had the right to replace them. The Trustees needed a broad based
knowledge on what was the purpose of the Board, what and why the Board was taking particular
actions. Attorney Dehner cited six areas (legal, actuarial, money manager, the monitor
(independent third party monitoring of money manager), the CPA that does the audit, and
custodian that the Board received consultation on by professionals. The Trustees were judged
on a prudent expert standard of those six areas of expertise and if, as Trustees, they were not
expert in all those areas it was the Board's duty as Trustee to delegate responsibility to
consultants and then get the input on the record from the consultant in a given area or element.
General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund (Pension Meeting)
November 21, 1994
The job as a Trustee was to exercise reasonable and prudent judgment in making a decision
based upon what came before them.
General employee Janet Resnik questioned the costs of trustees attending outside conferences
as opposed to holding training conferences in the City for the entire Board. Ms. Resnik wanted
a requirement that everyone in their first year attend at least in-house training with the Board
deciding on additional training. Committing to being on a Board meant committing to certain
things and two days was not too much to give for two years. New Board members should be
made aware of training time prior to making the commitment to serve on the Board. Chairman
Miller saw merit in the after hours training as it was difficult to take time away from work.
A lengthy discussion ensued on the pros and cons of the costs/locations of the training sessions
and a date of Wednesday, February 1, 1995, 6:00-10:00 p.m. in the Police Department training
room was selected. Notice of the meeting must be posted to the General Employees' and the
Attorney Dehner said that the Actuary and he will discuss investment advisory issues and basic
responsibilities (of Trustees). Other topics will include Florida Laws, the Sunshine Law, the
Public Records Act, etc. Reprints of materials will be provided in preparation for the
conference and distributed as an outline.
Chairman Miller inquired as to whether anyone was attending the school to be held in
Tallahassee in February. Secretary Grafton, seconded by Member Oliver, moved to authorize
any of the Pension members to attend the February Trustees school in Tallahassee, should they
want to go. Motion carried 5-0. Members were to contact Secretary Grafton for the
Member Miller reported reading a newsletter about a Federal law on changes in the Veterans
Re-employment and Pension Rights that might affect the Plan. Attorney Dehner said the Fund
was in compliance with the current Plan Provision. A Federal law states that someone who is
already working for the City and separates from service in order to go into the military must be
hired back with all the right of employment within a minimum of 90 days. Most Plans in
Florida allow a year for that purpose as does the Plan of the Fund. The person then has an
opportunity to buy their military time as credited in the Plan and the Fund offers that opportunity
as well. If someone goes into the military and they are honorably discharged, within the next
year they can come back and they have the right to be re-employed. Member Shiver did not
agree with the Act and said he had a problem with someone who willfully resigns his job, goes
to work with someone else and then returns and the City must re-employ him.
General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund (Pension Meeting)
November 21, 1994
Attorney Dehner reported the following:
1) IRS - FORMULA BENEFIT PURPOSES - Re-iterated the reduction in the amount of
compensation that a member could use for formula benefit purposes to $150,000
including the grandfather provision. While no one was making near that now, someone
hired tomorrow may be embarking on a 30 year career, and with salary increases over
a 30 year period, the Fund could run into that ceiling. The Board did not know what the
indexing was going to be over time and Attorney Dehner recommended taking advantage
of the grandfather opportunity. It was not a self executing grandfather provision and
would require an amendment to the Plan. The issue could be revisited next August or
September as there may still be amendments to that law which the Board could
incorporate later. The grandfather opportunity would allow the Board to provide anyone
who becomes a member of the Plan before the beginning of the 1996 Plan year to have
as their limit the limit that was in effect July 1, 1993. (Clerk's Note: Also on the
8/23/94 agenda.)
2) DIVORCE PROCEEDINGS - Members getting a divorce should notify one of the
Trustees of the Board of their attorney's name, address and phone number. The Trustee
tikow would pass that information along to the Fund's attorney and a package of information
would be mailed informing the attorney of the differences between a public and private
plan. Discussion ensued on the differences of the two plans.
print at the bottom of the NOTICE of the Board agenda that refers to the responsibility
to do a verbatim transcription appeal, some action of the Board, or with respect to
disabled persons should be as conspicuous as anything else on the page.
Police/Fire Board Chairman Reed asked for consideration in scheduling next year's meeting
dates by going to quarterly meetings (February, May, August, and November) with Joint Board
meetings to hear the actuary, attorney, and money manager reports. Chairman Reed suggested
going to afternoon meetings as employees were unable to attend meetings until after 4:00 p.m.
Other members supported quarterly meetings and a meeting date of 10:00 a.m., February 13,
1995 for the General Employees' Board, followed by a Joint Board, at which time the dates for
the year would be decided.
Mr. Reed left the meeting at 11:27 a.m.
Actuary Foster reviewed the Actuarial Report for the Fund for performance as of October 1,
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General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund (Pension Meeting)
November 21, 1994
1994. This was the first year that the Actuary had five years of salary information. A study
that had been done in 1990 to determine alternative benefit provisions was the basis for the
design of the program that went into effect on October 1, 1991 so the Certificates are very
accurate now. They are based on the actual average salary definition in the Plan, which is the
best five years of the last 10. The trustees may receive questions from members who, in the
past, have gotten Certificates based on a one year salary information. Their projected benefit
looked bigger because it is based upon the same number of years and a higher salary than the
actual five year average. The actuary had foot noted the changes and in the back of the report
was a description of how the numbers were developed.
The contribution requirements compared with those developed in the October 1, 1993 actuarial
valuation are as follows:
10/1/94 10/1/93
Total Required $ 380,816 $ 329,931
% of Total Annual Payroll 14.9% 14.6%
Member Contributions 127,413 113,125
Balance From City 253,403 216,806
% of Total Annual Payroll 9.9% 9.6%
r The required contribution had increased both in dollar amount and when expressed as a
percentage of Total Annual Payroll. Approximately 80% of the dollar increase is attributable
to the 12.6% increase in Total Annual Payroll. The balance of the dollar increase and the
increase in the cost when expressed as a percentage of Total Annual Payroll is due to net
unfavorable actuarial experience during the past 12 months.
The principal component of unfavorable experience was a -1.1% investment return which was
significantly less than the 8.0% assumption. The effects of these losses were partially offset by
gains from the inclusion of 20 new entrants at comparatively younger ages.
In connection with this year's valuation of the Plan, one methodology change was made. The
use of market value in determining valuation assets had been changed to a method which is
based upon a four (4) year moving weighted average of the ratio of market value to cost value.
This technique had the effect of smoothing short term market fluctuations. The effects of the
change are set forth in the Comparative Summary. A summary of the Plan Provisions was also
Actuary Foster said that the Board must approve the methodology change in the Actuarial
Valuation Report.
An analysis of the investment performance of the Fund for the period from May 1, 1992 through
Crir 4
General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund (Pension Meeting)
November 21, 1994
September 30, 1994, had been completed and Actuary Foster presented the analysis to the
Board. The report concludes the period of time when the Investment Council Company was
acting as the investment manager.
The average annual rate of return for the Fund during this period was 5.2%. This rate of return
failed to outperform the composite index of market indicators (40% S&P 500 Composite Stock
Index, 55% Lehman Brothers Government/Corporate Bond Index, and 5% U.S. Treasury Bills)
which registered a return of 6.7%.
During the one year period ending September 30, 1994, the Fund registered an 0.4% rate of
return (compared with -0.7% for the composite index of market indicators) and ranked in the
32nd percentile of the Cadence Universe of investment managers. The equity portion of the
Fund outperformed the S&P 500 (7.1% vs. 4.9%) and ranked in the 11th percentile for the one
year period.
Actuary Foster said that, probably beginning in March, the Fund will begin seeing how
SunBank is doing. In their report, Foster & Foster, Inc. will isolate the time period that
SunBank had been acting as manager so the Fund does not cloud the performance with a lot of
history that SunBank did not have any control over. To get a long view of the performance the
actuary will still go back to the date of inception and will also measure SunBank's performance.
Attorney Dehner said that he had not written Key Trust in response to Secretary Grafton's
inquiry on whether they had been notified of the change to SunBank. He would check with
Attorney Christiansen. Attorney Dehner also responded to Secretary Grafton that authorization
for payment of the bills for this meeting should go to Key Trust.
Secret. Grafton seconded b Member Oliver moved to a. trove the chane in the asset
valuation method as described on ease 2 of the Ci of Ocoee Munici I al General Em I to ees'
Retirement Trust Fund Actuarial Valuation Report as of October 1, 1994 as presented. Motion
carried 5-0. Actuary Foster will forward the report to the Division of Retirement.
Actuary Foster commended City staff for an excellent job phasing in the new higher rate for
the year ending September 30, 1994.
Member Shiver seconded b Member Oliver moved to acce et the Actuarial Valuation Re s ort
as of October 1, 1994 as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Secretary Grafton explained the credit statement from Christiansen and Dehner. Ms. Grafton
requested approval of the Board to present to Key Trust for payment the following bills:
Low 5
General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund (Pension Meeting)
November 21, 1994
1. City of Ocoee
Copies 146 - $5.84
Postage $2.31
Copies 305 - $6.10
TOTAL $14.25
2. Foster & Foster, Inc.
Actuarial Report for October 1, 1994
Actuarial Valuation & Report
Preparation of Member Certificates - $3,670.00
The Analysis and report of Investment
Performance of Trust Fund for the
quarter ending September 30, 1994 - $500.00
Benefit calculation for Bruce Behrens - $50.00
TOTAL $4,220.00
Member Shiver, seconded by Member Oliver, moved to approve wment of the bills••resented
for City of Ocoee and Foster and Foster, Inc. as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Secretary Grafton requested an original of the approved forms and Operating Rules and
Procedures from the Board attorney. Ms. Grafton also asked if the Board secretary should
notify Aetna that it is no longer using their service for Fiduciary coverage and Attorney Dehner
said that the Board should send a letter.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judi Lewis
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