HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-29-1995 Minutes THE CITY OF OCOEE GENERAL EMPLOYEES'
Acting Chairman Grafton called the meeting of the City of Ocoee General Employees'
Retirement Trust Fund to order at 4:15 p.m. in the Commission Chamber Conference Room of
City Hall. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Chairman Miller, Members Dabbs, Grafton, and Waldrop. Also present were
Actuary Garrett, Attorney Dehner, Money Manager Ballew, and
Clerk/Stenographer Lewis.
ABSENT: Member Oliver.
Member Miller arrived at 4:18 p.m. and took the Chair.
Member Waldrop, seconded by Member Dabbs, moved to a. 'rove the Minutes of the
September 14, 1995 General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund meeting as presented. Motion
carried 3-0.
Member certificates were distributed to Kenny Bruce and Fred Ostrander, and Peggy
(610 Psaledalds.
Secretary Grafton presented a list of board members and asked that they notify her of any
Secretary Grafton said that Korvin Hunter had terminated from the City, and that he was
requesting a refund of his contributions. Ms. Grafton said that his contributions were $987.13.
Member Waldrop, seconded by Chairman Miller, moved to authorize a refund in contributions
in the amount of $987.13. Motion carried 4-0.
ORDINANCE UPDATE - Secretary Grafton requested a final draft of the ordinance so that
it could be placed on the City Commission meeting agenda. She also said that the Fund could
not proceed with the international investment until passing of the ordinance. Attorney Dehner
explained that passing of the ordinance would give the Board the authority to revisit the
investment policy which was directing bank power. The Board should discuss the issue at the
next Board meeting after the ordinance passes or, only for that purpose, call a special meeting.
In response to Attorney Dehner, Actuary Garrett confirmed that international securities would
be invested through a mutual or a co-mingled fund at this time, as opposed to individual issues.
Pursuant to the request of the City Manager, Attorney Dehner said that a provision had been
added to the ordinance to have a 10% percent total fund asset value limitational when going into
General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund
November 29, 1995
international securities. The City Manager had also requested that they report to the City on the
Fund's international experience five (5) years from the date of the ordinance. Secretary
Grafton said that Administrative Services Director Beamer had a concern that 10% percent that
the Fund invested now is o.k., that the City could probably survive if we had to cover our losses
(if we lost anything) but 10% percent of what we have 10 years from now is something that the
City would be at a loss to cover.
DISCUSSION RE:CONFERENCES - Secretary Grafton said that Member Dabbs would be
attending the February FPPTA Conference at Greenlefe, and asked to be notified if there were
other members interested in attending that conference.
PRE-RETIREMENT SEMINAR - Recording Secretary Lewis presented a tentative program
for the Pre-Retirement Seminar, "What You Should Know Before You Retire", scheduled for
February 7, 21, and March 6, 1996, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Commission Chambers.
Secretary Grafton presented the bills for payment, and then requested approval of the Board
to present to SunBank for payment, the following bills:
1. Christiansen & Dehner
Professional Services Rendered $ 1324.99
2. City of Ocoee
Copies 491 $12.28
Postage $ 6.11
Copies 220 $5.50
Postage $8.47
Copies 317 $7.93
Postage $0.87
Phone Calls $5.93
October: None
TOTAL: $ 47.09
3. Judie Lewis, Recording Secretary
Secretarial Services $126.31
4. Foster & Foster, Inc.
Actuarial Services, analysis and report
of Investment Performance for the
quarter ending September 30, 1995. $4,975.00
cre 2
General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund
November 29, 1995
Member Waldro s seconded b Member Dabbs moved to a. •rove .a ment of the bills as
presented. Motion carried 4-0.
Money Manager Ballew announced the following:
1) That the SunBank name had changed to SunTrust. It was only a name change, and there
had been no structural changes.
2) That instead of filling in for Phillip Robert, he would now be the investment officer for
the Board's account.
3) That through a misunderstanding a portion of the Fund's investments had been shifted
into international spending which had appeared on the October, 1995 statement. He said
that when the performance has been done for the next quarter, that he would be looking
into this and see what, if any, damage had been done to the performance from this
incident. He also said that there would be no adverse loss to the Fund.
Money Manager Ballew presented the Investment Performance Report, and said that the
markets had been good in the third quarter. Stocks, in particular, had been real strong again.
Bonds had sort of leveled out because the rates had been more stable during this period. Most
cry of the Fund's returns were from bonds. The end of October had been a down month in the
market but November had come back real strong. There was a lot of optimism about the market
agreement that Congress and President Clinton were trying to work out.
Mr. Ballew said that he thinks in terms of short term concerns about stocks, with the economy
having slowed down, that earnings for this fourth quarter and maybe the first quarter or two of
'96 might be a little off. There may be some disappointments and it remained to be seen as to
how companies do in a sluggish economy. He said that they, as money manager, think that
stocks will do well again in '96 but they did not think that it would be another 30% percent
Attorney Dehner said that the police and fire board had discussed the Investment Policy
regarding equity, and that it is reflected in the minutes on September 14, 1995 allowing
SunTrust to go as high as 50% in possible equity but that that had not been re-written in the
Statement. In response to Attorney Dehner, Money Manager Ballew confirmed that date. Mr.
Dehner said that the written policy had not been amended, and that he recommended waiting
before amending it until they saw whether other international would come up. Secretary
Grafton confirmed that it was o.k. for Mr. Ballew to go ahead even though it is not written in
the Statement. Attorney Dehner said yes because it was on the record and Attorney
Christiansen had made that notation. It will appear on the written Statement for the meeting in
January. Money Manager Ballew said that we should be out of international and that we should
General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund
November 29, 1995
have roughly 50% in stocks. It would not appear in this report because this performance had
been through September 30. The change had not been made in September.
Money Manager Ballew presented the Investment Performance Report for the period ending
September 30, 1995, as follows:
Cumulative Investment Performance
3 Mos. 9 Mos.
Ended Ended
09/30/95 09/30/95
Total Time Weighted Return 4.15% 17.88%
Current Asset Allocation
Equities 39.60%
Fixed Income 56.77%
Cash Equivalents 3.63%
High Grade Equity Fund 6.82% 24.43%
High Grade Equity Income Fund 7.98% 27.72%
Standard and Poor's 500 7.95% 29.77%
High Grade Bond Fund 1.89% 12.94%
Lehman Govt./Corp. Bond Index 1.91% 13.93%
91 Day U.S. Treasury Bills 1.41% 4.29%
Consumer Price Index 0.30% 2.02%
Money Manager Ballew said that the investment results had been a gain of approximately
$250,000 for the nine months ending September 30, 1995.
Performance Monitor Garrett explained that the fund had accumulated up to $1.8 million, and
how the funds would have accumulated at 40% S&P500 and 55% Lehman Brothers
Govt/Corporate Bond cash. He said that we seem to be a little bit ahead of this but not far off
goal. SunBank's report shows the Time Weighted Returns, quarterly returns at 4.15%, and the
Monitor had rounded that up to 4.2%; it matched what the index of 40% Stocks and 55% Bonds
General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund
November 29, 1995
would have performed over the quarter. Over the period of time since January 1st the fund was
up 18.1% on the Time Weighted Number and that balance makes up that (?). We were trailing
but not trailing by a lot.
The Fund was in the 47% percentile and was above the median. The match to the index was
also at that same local and roughly half the managers in this Universe had not beaten that index.
The Time Weighted Returns of the Equity portion of the Fund alone showed an 8% return which
had out performed the S&P500 over the quarter; this portion of the Fund was up 28.4% over
the nine month period ending September 30, 1995. The market was up 29.7% so the Fund was
slightly trailing the S&P in this area.
The percentile rank of the performance of the Equity Fund had been approximately in the 50th
percentile. Again, the Fund had beaten out the other managers. Again, the S&P500 had been
right around that same ball park.
The quarterly performance, Time Weighted for the Fixed Income portion, recognizes the cash
sitting there, and paid bills. Also, the full contributions and where they are invested, here we
made a deposit, Index is 90% bonds, 10% cash, and it returned 1.8% compared to that Index.
Over a longer period of time this portion of the funds had been up 12.4% since January 1, and
the Index had been up to 9%.
There is very little volatility occurring. There were no violations. SunBank's report showed
the cost value allocation, the Market Value allocation guidelines, also the guidelines to cost
Actuary Garrett presented the regular annual actuarial valuation of the Fund, and said that a
correction on the cover page in "... FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1997" rather
than "... September 30, 1996." He said that a correction should also be made to page 2, "fund,
certain changes in the methodology and assumptions were made." Mr. Garrett said that the
actuarial valuation as performed of October 1, 1995, and the contribution amount developed in
this valuation is applicable to the City's fiscal year ending September 30, 1997.
The contribution requirements compared with those developed in the October 1, 1994 actuarial
valuation are as follows:
Valuation Date 10/1/94 10/1/95
Applicable Fiscal Year 9/30/96 9/30/97
Total Required Contribution $403,665 $452,862
General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund
November 29, 1995
% of Total Annual Payroll 14.9% 15.3%
Member Contributions 135,058 147,649
Balance From City 268,607 305,213
% of Total Annual Payroll 9.9% 10.3%
Actuary Garrett said that as can be seen, the Total Required Contribution has increased
both as a dollar amount and when expressed as a percentage of Total Annual Payroll.
Approximately 70% of the increase in the dollar amount is a result of a 9.3% increase in the
Total Annual Payroll ($2,785,834 in 1995 as compared to $2,548,268 in 1994.) The
remainder of the increase in the dollar amount and the increase in the percentage are the net
result of changes in the actuarial assumptions and methodologies. He also presented a
description of the changes and their effect.
In connection with this year's actuarial valuation of the fund, certain changes in the
methodology and assumptions were made. At the direction of the Division of Retirement,
the mortality table had been changed from the UP 1984 Mortality Table to the 1983 Group
Annuity Mortality Table. Additionally, the method of developing Actuarial Assets for
funding purposes had been changed from a four year smoothing technique which considers
the rations of market value to cost value to a four year averaging technique which
specifically considers the average .market value return for the most recent four years. This
change is intended to eliminate anomalies in Actuarial Asset values which are attributable to
changes in investment managers and investment methods (e.g., a change from individual
securities to commingled funds), and provide more stable costs.
The balance of the Report presented additional details of the actuarial valuation and the
general operation of the Fund. Secretary Grafton, seconded by Member Waldrop, moved to
accept the change in methodology assumption, and to accept the valuation report as presented.
Motion carried 4-0.
Consensus was reached to schedule the next Board meeting date for January 15, 1996, 3:30 p.m.
RECESS - 5:35 P.M. Chairman Miller reconvened the meeting with membership at 6:50
PRESENT: Chairman Miller, Members Dabbs, Grafton, Oliver, and Waldrop. Also present
were Actuary Garrett, Attorney Dehner, Money Manager Ballew, and
Clerk/Stenographer Lewis.
General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund
November 29, 1995
Secretary Grafton said that she had distributed membership certificates to all those who were
present, and the others will be distributed from City Hall.
Secretary Grafton reported that the Fund had just decided to go international with some of the
investments, as international funds are currently performing better than domestic funds.
Chairman Miller said that the investments had done really well in the past nine (9) months, and
the Board looked forward to much better returns than what the members had seen in the past
couple of years. She said that they feel confident of doing that with SunTrust as the Money
Manager. The international scope is that the Plan is not going whole bit and dumping
everything into international but we were going up to 10% percent of the Fund's assets. The
City Commission will be voting on that ordinance with a second reading on December 19, 1995.
Chairman Miller introduced Attorney Dehner, Actuary Garrett, Money Manager Ballew, and
the Board members.
Attorney Dehner explained that outside of the investments as mentioned, there were some
compliance changes as part of the ordinance, Federal/State compliance items that were technical
in nature that would not have any substantial impact on the Plan. Mr. Dehner said that in the
Administration category, which hopefully was going to bring in more money and enable
improvements of benefits without increased costs to the City or to the members or in
combination therewith, is this pursuant to the advice of the investment advisors that fund the
employees is to ask the City to allow us through passing the ordinance to go to 10% percent of
the Fund in international investments, the goal there being to enhance the investment returns.
Chairman Miller said that the Fund was pushing two million dollars, and the members had
better things to look forward to with the investments that SunTrust is able to do, and they were
working from a much broader base.
Actuary Garrett explained that the Board had authorized SunBank to go up to 50% exposure
on equities. Studies pointed out that if individuals want to invest in their own retirement they
were typically very conservative and if the members themselves had to take this two million
dollars in assets (or close to $2M) and invest it, things would typically be CD's, or treasury
bills, which were safe, secure things that don't really appreciate as much as the currently
invested stocks and bonds. Mr. Garrett said that by hiring a professional money manager with
full discretion on how the assets are invested, and then giving him policy guidelines that allow
him to invest liberally, you would say for a pension with a 50% exposure to equities, you would
General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund
November 29, 1995
allow for a lot better probabilities of having gains or added money into the Fund due to
investment returns rather than just enough or just what they expect. Mr. Garrett said that they
assume that the assets grow at 8% per year in actuarial valuation but hopefully the Fund was
now set with SunBank to beat that every year. Member Dabbs explained that historically
money is made in the stock market over time, and that is why he supported the 10% from 40
to 50% in equities. This Fund was there for the long haul. He explained that the Board was
not going to put enough of the money at risk to cause a problem, and felt that is was their duty
to do the best they could with their dollars. The Fund was diversified in stocks, bonds, some
treasuries, and very little cash.
The membership was given an opportunity to ask questions of the Board and the Fund's
advisors. Chairman Miller announced the dates and topics for the pre-retirement seminar and
encouraged member participation.
Chairman Miller adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ju ' Lewis, Clerk/Stenographer
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