HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-07-1997 Minutes MINUTES OF THE GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND BOARD MEETING HELD MAY 7, 1997 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Dabbs called the regular meeting of the General Employee's Retirement Trust Fund to order at 7:35 a.m. in the Commission Chambers Conference Room. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Chairman Dabbs, Trustees Grafton, Murphy and Oliver. Also present were Attorney Dehner, Actuary Foster, SunTrust Administrative Officer Garcia, and Trust Investment Officer Ballew. ABSENT: Trustee Carter(on vacation) Approval of General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Minutes of February 10, 1997. Trustee Oliver, seconded by Trustee Murphy, moved to accept the minutes of the February 10, 1997 meeting as presented. Motion carried 4-0. (Trustee Carter was not present.) Questions/Comments from Audience. Personnel Director Psaledakis presented her memorandum dated May 7, 1997 requesting consideration on two issues: 1)to place an effective date of June 15, 1997 on the pending ordinance requesting an increased multiplier, and 2)to raise the requested increase in the multiplier from 2.25%to 2.50% in order to keep the difference in the multiplier between the General Employees' Fund and the Police/Fire Fund at %2 point. During the discussion that followed, Attorney Dehner noted that, should the Board decide to request an earlier effective date, he would recommend that the proposed ordinance be passed in time or, if not,that it be made retroactive. Actuary Foster said that a new impact statement would be needed as well, which he would provide. Trustee Grafton, seconded by Trustee Oliver,moved to amend the pending ordinance to provide for an effective date of June 15, 1997 rather than upon adoption. Motion carried 4-0. (Trustee Carter was not present.) Recreation Director Beech addressed the Board to be sure he had all the forms necessary for retirement as June 27 would be his last day at work. Actuary Foster said he had done an estimate of Mr. Beech's retirement based on a projected figure of his hours, but the actual figures for his monthly retirement amount could not be determined until his final paycheck had been processed. Mrs. Garcia advised that the Retirement Fund recipients have the option of direct deposit to their bank accounts or receiving a check by mail, and that the checks are mailed 3 days before the first of the month. Chairman Dabbs opened the discussion on Ms. Psaledakis' second request by saying that the additional '4%was being paid by the Police/Fire employees and the Police/Fire Board had Ocoee General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Minutes May 7, 1997 conducted a survey to determine the wishes of the membership before submitting their request. Ms. Psaledakis responded that she had not been aware of that fact and she withdrew the request. Further discussion revealed that the Trustees were not satisfied with the level of input from the General Employee membership and that a survey was in order. Actuary Foster said he could prepare the same type of information/ballot that he had prepared for the Police/Fire Fund and send it to Secretary Grafton to be copied and distributed. Ms. Psaledakis said she would see that the survey was included in the next paycheck. Trustee Oliver, seconded by Trustee Murphy,moved to survey all the general emnlo ees asking if they would like to contribute an additional 1/4%to the Retirement Trust Fund in order to have the same increase the Police/Fire Fund is requesting, and to request Actuary Foster to compute the figures and report. Motion carried 4-0. (Trustee Carter was not present.) OTHER BUSINESS Election of Vice Chair Trustee Oliver nominated Trustee Murphy to serve as Vice Chair. There were no other nominations and Chairman Dabbs moved that the secretary cast a unanimous ballot for Mr. Murphy as Vice Chair. Status of Improved Benefit Recommendation Attorney Dehner reported that on March 25 they had sent the proposed ordinance for improved benefits to City Manager Shapiro along with the computations for the cost of the proposed alternatives provided by Actuary Foster, and were waiting for the conference to discuss the details with Mr. Shapiro. Mr. Dehner advised that they would follow the same procedure with the changes decided upon at this meeting. Non-agenda Item -Randy Conyer's Request for Transfer of Contributions Chairman Dabbs distributed a written statement from Police Officer Conyers wherein Conyers (employed by the Police Department for 11 years) requested that his contributions made to the General Employees' Fund during his 10 months as a Code Enforcement Officer be transferred to the Police/Fire Fund or be returned to him for private investments. Actuary Foster advised that the records show that he is a member of both plans and,upon retirement, he will receive a check from each plan. Attorney Dehner advised that Florida Statutes 175 and 185 prohibit giving credit for time served in any capacity other than as a certified police officer in the Police/Fire Fund, so it would not be possible to transfer the funds into the Police/Fire Fund. In addition, it would not be possible to return the funds to Officer Conyers as he needs the continuing service in order to remain vested in the Plan. civw Page 2 of 4 ttioOcoee General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Minutes May 7, 1997 Authorize Payment of Bills. Bills presented for payment were: Christiansen& Dehner $1,904.04 Judie Lewis $ 39.24 Foster& Foster, Inc. $ 650.00 Trustee Oliver seconded b Trustee Mur.h_ moved to authorize .a ment of the bills as presented. Motion carried 4-0.(Trustee Carter was not present.) Secretary Grafton reported that the following employees had terminated employment since the last meeting and, although in some cases the paperwork was still being processed, all had requested return/rollover of their contributions: Robert Lee Alsept, terminated March 13, 1997 $ 670.80 (returned to him) Laura Haskell, resigned February 7, 1997 $ 6,322.11 (returned to her) Isabel Aguaya, resigned May 2, 1997 Final figures not yet available to rollover Bradley Fleming, resigned April 18, 1997 $ 1,191.93 (to rollover) Scott Solomon, resigned April 30, 1997 $ 1,058.41 (refunded to him) Barbara Putterbaugh, returned to part time April 10 $ 143.68 (refunded to her) Trustee Oliver seconded b Trustee Mur.h_ moved to rati the actions taken b the secretary in refunding the employee contributions and to authorize her to continue with the requests before her. Motion carried 4-0. (Trustee Carter was not present.) REPORTS Actuary Report Actuary Foster reported as Performance Monitor that STI Capital Management has managed the funds for 2 years and 3 months and he reviewed the information in his printed report, showing $2.8M in assets. He said that the rate of return for the quarter was 1.3%, which outperformed the composite index of market indicators, and the rate of return for the year was 11.9% (vs. 11.8% for the composite index). He said that STI did much better than the average manager overall, with performance ranking in the 26th percentile of the Cadence Universe for the year. Money Manager Report Trust Investment Officer Ballew distributed a handout showing a graph indicating the S&P 500 Index performance from January 3, 1997 through May 5 and reported that the first quarter the market was very volatile. Mr. Ballew then presented his report on the General Employee's Fund which is on file and available for review. The report showed that the fund has reached a book value of$2,234.242.58 (and market value of$2,809,997.42) for the period ending March 31, (0, Page 3 of 4 car Ocoee General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Minutes May 7, 1997 1997. The rate of return for the last quarter was 1.3%, and the last 6 months 5.67%. He pointed out that the international investments had helped the return this quarter. Mr. Ballew distributed a fact sheet as well which is on file. Performance Monitor Report Actuary Foster said their figures are on the money with his figures. Attorney Report Attorney Dehner reported that the Legislative session in Tallahassee ended with no new laws that will affect this Board. ADJOURNMENT Trustee Grafton, seconded by Trustee Murphy,moved to adjourn at 9:00 a.m. Motion carried 4-0. (Trustee Carter was not present.) Jean rafton, Secret.r Page 4 of 4