HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-17-1998 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 17, 1999 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Dabbs called the regular meeting to order at 10:40 a.m. in the Commission Chambers conference room, and upon calling the roll, declared a quorum present. Present: Chairman Dabbs, Trustees Carter, Grafton and Oliver. Also present were Attorney Denner, Actuary Foster, and STI Client Service Officer Philip Senderowitz. Absent: Trustee Murphy. APPROVAL OF GENERAL EMPLOYEES'RETIREMENT TRUST FUND MINUTES OF AUGUST 13, 1998 AND AUGUST 20, 1998. Trustee Carter, seconded by Trustee Oliver, moved to approve the Minutes of the August 13, 1998, and August 20, 1998 Meetings as presented. Motion carried 4-0. Trustee Murphy was not present. REPORTS MONEY MANAGER Mr. Senderowitz reviewed the contents of the General Employee Investment Performance Report for the quarter ending September 30, 1998, reporting a portfolio value on that date of $4,437,405.90 and a return for the quarter of-4.75% with the funds allocated 57.64% in Equity Assets, 41.71% in Fixed Assets, and .65% in Cash Equivalent. The report indicated a 7.69% return for the past 12 months and 16.50% from inception to date. Mr. Senderowitz said that much of the losses encountered during the quarter have been recovered. He advised that he was under the mistaken impression that the Investment Policy called for up to 60% of cost in equities but it is 50%. He asked for direction, since either he needed to get back into compliance, or this Board could adopt a policy that would make him be in compliance. He pointed out that the Ordinance permits 60%, but the Investment Policy does not. Mr. Dehner distributed a revised Investment Policy Statement, which included the changes authorized by this Board in the August meeting, i.e. allowing up to 20% of the equity portfolio not to meet the top three ranking criteria and to provide a restriction of the combination of the international equity not to exceed 20%at cost of the allowable corporate equity securities limit. Mr. Foster advised that it would be possible to minimize the effects of adjusting by going to 55%; however, if the comfort level for this Board was 50%, that would be in line with the position taken by many other boards. Discussion ensued. Trustee Grafton, seconded by Trustee Oliver, moved to reconfirm the Investment Policy Statement and direct the money manager to bring the allocation into compliance in a prudent manner with the Policy. Motion carried 3-1 with Chairman Dabbs voting no. Trustee Murphy City of Ocoee General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Meeting tkiw November 17, 1998 was not present. Mr. Dehner asked if this Board wished to place a limit at market price as well as at cost. Consensus was reached to leave it as it was. Mr. Senderowitz announced that there had been a change in management in high grade equity funds. It is once again managed by Elliot Furney, who is also managing limited cap funds. PERFORMANCE MONITOR Mr. Foster reviewed the Performance Monitor Report for the period ending September 30, 1998, and said the numbers in the STI report are the same as those in his report. He said the fund has $700,000.00 more than needed to meet their expectations. He said the fund at 7.69% did not meet actuarial assumption (8%) for the year, but that STI was doing an outstanding job of managing the funds. Mr. Foster noted that a correction should be made on page 16 of the report because the 60%of Fund invested in stocks (Cost Value Basis) should be 50%. ACTUARY REPORT Mr. Foster reported that in preparing the individual reports for this year, they discovered that the reports prepared for 1997 had an error in the calculation. He said it appeared that in changing the computer program to include the 2.5% multiplier, the program was also modified only to pick up the current year's salary instead of a five-year average. This caused the reports to have an overstated figure, so he provided replacement reports to be distributed to all employees. (Trustee Grafton promised to distribute Mr. Foster's telephone number with the reports so that he could respond to employees' questions about the lower figure.) Mr. Foster advised that the Actuary Report presented the funding requirement for the City for the year following the report for budgetary purposes. He noted that the City has paid more than the amount projected each year, and Trustee Carter said that was because the Finance Department paid a percentage of the salaries paid rather than the amount stated in the Actuary Report in order to be sure the new employees are covered. Mr. Foster also reported a four-year average return of 14.15% after the money manager, custodian and monitor fees are deducted. Immediately prior to adjourning the meeting, it was noted that the motion to approve and accept the Actuarial Report had not yet been made, so it was done at that time, but will be included in the minutes here. Trustee Oliver, seconded by Chairman Dabbs,moved to approve and accept the Actuarial Report as presented. Motion carried 4-0. Trustee Murphy was not present. OTHER BUSINESS 2 City of Ocoee General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Meeting November 17, 1998 AUTHORIZE/RATIFY PAYMENT OF BILLS AND TERMINATED EMPLOYEES' CONTRIBUTIONS RETURNED. Secretary Grafton reported that in addition to the bills included in the packet, a bill just submitted by Foster and Foster in the amount of$5,000.00 should be considered, making the list of bills and returns of contributions to be ratified as follows: Christiansen& Dehner June 23, 1998 $ 90.00 August 31, 1998 691.00 September 22, 1998 90.00 $ 871.50 Foster and Foster, Inc.August 17, 1998 $1,150.00 October 30, 198 5,000.00 $6,150.00 FPPTA membership renewal $ 200.00 SunTrust for custodial services $8,320.14. Registration for trustee School October 5-7, 1998, for Dabbs, Grafton, and Oliver $ 675.00 (Hurricane Georges prevented the Trustees from attending Trustee School scheduled for October 5-7 and the expense checks for travel(3x$197.30=$591.90),food(3x$165.00=$496.50),and lodging (3x3x$115.00=$1,035.00)have been returned to STI with the exception of this check to FPPTA, which they will transfer to the school scheduled for January 18-20, 1999,at Indian River Plantation, Hutchinson Island.) Return of Contributions 1. Theresa T. Adams - (October 6, 1993-May 8, 1998) $5,016.97 2. Deborah Mixon- (February 1, 1998 -July 13, 1998) $ 591.31 Trustee Oliver, seconded by Trustee Carter, moved to approve and ratify the payment of the bills and returns of contributions as enumerated in the memorandum dated November 13, 1998 and listed above. Motion carried 4-0. APPOINTMENT OF FIFTH TRUSTEE Chairman Dabbs, seconded by Trustee Carter, moved to reappoint Trustee Oliver to a new term as Trustee. Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Denner noted for the record that Mrs. Oliver's reappointment should be submitted to the City Commission to complete the appointment. DISCUSSION/APPROVAL OF DISABILITY PROCEDURES AND SURVEILLANCE(RULES 16 & 17). Mr. Dehner reviewed the proposed procedures he had distributed earlier and said, if the procedures are adopted, he recommended (1) setting a date for review of all cases, (2) if a person has recovered enough to return to some work, (determining whether a job is available) and (3) sending that person, with a job description, for a medical check up to learn if he/she is able to return to work. Trustee Grafton, seconded by Trustee Oliver, moved to adopt the Disability Review 3 City of Ocoee General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Meeting November 17, 1998 Procedures and forms as presented and to review the disability benefit claims at the spring meeting scheduled in May each year. Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Dehner explained the surveillance procedure (Rule 17). Chairman Dabbs, seconded by Trustee Oliver, moved to adopt the Surveillance Procedure as presented. Motion carried 4-0. RECESS 11:50 A.M. TO 12:00 NOON DISCUSSION/APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO OPERATING RULES AND PROCEDURES. In the review of the Operating Rules and Procedures: • Trustee Carter noted that any reference to Personnel Department should be changed to Human Resources, because the City has changed the name of that department officially. • Trustee Grafton asked that chairperson and vice chairperson be changed to chairman and vice chairman. • Trustee Grafton raised a question(on page 4)regarding the timing of the appointment of the fifth trustee by the other four seated trustees, because the term expires September 30, and this board does not meet until November. After discussion, the following was agreed upon: The fifth trustee will be chosen for a two year term every other year at the meeting next preceding September 1' • Chairman Dabbs asked that the last line on page 3 (regarding the elections procedure) be changed to ...shall be sealed at that time and retained in a secure place by Human Resources... • Chairman Dabbs asked that the requirement on page 7 to review the rules and regulations be changed to every other year. Although no vote was taken on any of the above items, there was consensus to make the changes as noted. Chairman Dabbs directed Mr. Denner to incorporate the changes as determined above into the Operating Rules and Procedures. Mr. Dehner said he would, and the document would be ready for adoption at the next meeting. Such adoption would pave the way for the changes to the Selected Provisions document. Mr. Dehner asked Mr. Senderowitz for the letter regarding Y2K compliance. He said SunTrust, although not finished with the process, was on schedule, and he would send the letter. Trustee Grafton addressed the question of the expiration of the contract with Foster and Foster, Inc., since the fee guarantee was effective until August 1998. Mr. Foster said he would be happy to do another three-year fee guarantee at $4,500.00, with hourly rate for special projects, just as before. He said that at some time in the future, he would like to talk about being paid for the expenses incurred as Monitor. Trustee Grafton, seconded by Trustee Oliver, moved to renew the actuarial contract for three 4 City of Ocoee General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Meeting November 17, 1998 years with Foster and Foster, Inc. with the same terms as before. Motion carried 4-0. DISCUSSION/APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION. The Summary Plan Description will be reviewed at the February meeting. Trustee Grafton announced that Trustee Murphy had advised her that he may have to resign due to time constraints resulting from his appointment as chief of staff for Orange County Chairman Martinez. DISCUSS/SET 1999 MEETING DATES. The dates for the 1999 meeting were set as proposed by the Police Officers'/Firefighters Pension Board as follows: February 18, May 13, August 11, and November 18 at 10:00 a.m. ATTORNEY COMMENTS Mr. Dehner had no comments. DISRIBUTION OF MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATES Several employees had come in the room to pick up membership certificates for their departments during the meeting. The rest were left to be distributed after the meeting. tinw QUESTIONS/COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE No one was present to ask questions or make comments. Attendance at the Institute in January was discussed, and all four members present said they wished to attend. Secretary Grafton was authorized to make arrangements. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 12:52 p.m. • Je 7 Grafton, Secre . if 5