HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-08-2005 Special Session Minutes Minutes of the Special Session of the CITY OF OCOEE GENERAL EMPLOYEES PENSION BOARD Held on June 8, 2005 At 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 AGENDA ITEM 1 - CALL TO ORDER A. Vice Chairperson Mary Anne Swickerath called the meeting to order at 9:14 a.m. in the Commission Chambers in City Hall. She called on Secretary Jean Grafton to call the roll. Present were Vice Chairperson Swickerath, Trustees Tom Hendrix, Russ Wagner, and Jean Grafton. These Trustees being all of the existing members, it was declared that a quorum was present. Also present were Attorney H. Lee Dehner,Recording Secretary of the Meeting Jo Ann Lacey, City Manager Robert D. Frank, City Clerk Beth Eikenberry, and three General Employee Plan Members. B. Approval of Minutes from Quarterly Meeting of May 11,2005. Vice Chairperson Swickerath called for review of the Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting of May 11,2005. Copies of the Minutes had been previously circulated to the Trustees. It was, on motion made by Trustee Grafton,seconded by Trustee Hendrix, Cor RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the General Employees Pension Board of May 11,2005,be and they are hereby approved as presented. AGENDA ITEM 11. —BUSINESS A. Count ballots for Employee Trustee Election to complete Trustee Bishop's Term ending September 30,2006. The ballots from the election were delivered to the Board from the Clerk's Office, still in the ballot receptacle which had been unopened. Vice Chairperson Swickerath asked Secretary Grafton to open the receptacle and begin the count. It was decided that Vice Chairperson Swickerath would call out the votes and they would be tallied by Secretary Grafton. There were two candidates for the election: Terry Reed and Terry James. The ballots and initialed names on the list corresponded to the amount of votes cast. The total ballots cast was 65, Terry Reed received 45 of those votes and Terry James received 20. B. Certify Election and Welcome New Trustee Following a count of the ballots and a verification by all Trustees that the number of initialed names on the list corresponded to the amount of votes cast, it was on motion made by Vice Chairperson Swickerath,seconded by Trustee Hendrix, unanimously tiow RESOLVED that the election of Terry Reed as General Employees Pension Board Member be and is hereby certified by the Board following verified election results of 45 votes for Terry Reed and 20 votes for Terry James. General Employees Pension Board Special Session,June 8,2005 Page 2 of 9 Vice Chairperson Swickerath then asked Mr. Reed,who was in the audience,to come forward to join the Board. Trustee Reed was welcomed by the other Board Members and was asked to tell something about himself. He stated that he is Facility Supervisor for the City, working through Public Works, in charge of most of the buildings in the City. He said that his interest in joining this Board is to see how the Pension Fund is run and hopes that he will be able to contribute to that. Trustee Grafton offered the thanks of the entire Board to the City Clerk's office for the way they had handled the election. C. Elect Chairperson and Vice Chairperson Vice Chairperson Swickerath opened the floor for nominations for Chairperson. It was, on motion made by Trustee Grafton, seconded by Trustee Hendrix,unanimously RESOLVED,that Trustee Mary Anne Swickerath is hereby elected to serve as Chairperson of the City of Ocoee General Employee Pension Board, effective immediately. Chairperson Swickerath opened the floor for nominations for Vice Chairperson. It was, on motion made by Trustee Hendrix,seconded by Trustee Grafton, unanimously RESOLVED,that Trustee Russ Wagner is hereby elected to serve as Vice Chairperson of the City of Ocoee General Employee Pension Board,effective immediately. D. Resolution Adopting Signatures for Custodian Due to having a new member elected to the Board, it is necessary to have a new custodial directive completed for SunTrust/TRUSCO. Secretary Grafton had prepared a resolution to be completed [one for either Terry Reed or Terry James, whichever would be certified] and it was, on motion made by Trustee Grafton, seconded by Trustee Hendrix, unanimously RESOLVED,that the resolution presented with new Trustee Terry Reed's name be and is hereby approved for signature and shall be forward to TRUSCO when executed by all Trustees. E. Discussion with City Manager Frank re Plan Administrator Explaining that the Plan Administrator used to be the HR Director but she is no longer with the City and a new HR Director has not been appointed, the Pension Fund does not currently have a Plan Administrator, Chairperson Swickerath called upon City Manager Frank for direction and discussion. City Manager Frank greeted the Board and informed them that the hiring of a new HR Director was not imminent but would perhaps be within the next month and that hopefully that person would have experience dealing with an outside plan administrator or acting as plan administrator. He asked Attorney Dehner for an explanation of who is responsible for the administration. General Employees Pension Board Special Session,June 8,2005 Page 3 of 9 Attorney Dehner explained that the ultimate responsibility for plan administration lies with the Board and the Board makes the decision as to how they want to handle it. He said that it could be handled in one of three ways: having a City employee handle the services, similar to what has been done here previously with this plan; contract a third party administration firm to do the full plan administration through preparing Agendas,taking minutes, and benefit calculations; or, some cities employed an individual and provided all of the City's benefits to that employee to provide the pension services. He added that there was the possibility of a fourth arrangement where if there is a City employee who provides administrative services,the Board could actually contract with that individual with the consent of the City and pay for some of the contract for the pension services that are rendered. City Manager Frank said that he had understood when the former HR Director was in place, there was a type of hybrid system in which the Director did certain things and that other items such as the actuarial requests were contracted to others. He asked if someone could explain that to him in full. Trustee Grafton advised that the Director had counseled with the employees,not to advise them but to give them information for the way the plan was put together and when they were leaving the City she got the amount of their contributions from the Finance Department if they were not vested and, if they were, she walked them through filling out the forms for how they wanted their retirement administered and sent those on to the actuary for the actuary to send the figures back so the member could make his/her decision. There was further discussion regarding these duties and it was determined that it would not be difficult for a new Director, even if they were not familiar with plan administration,because the rules are straightforward and it would just be a matter of gaining familiarity with the forms used. The main point of interest to the Board was that someone would be available on site. City Clerk Beth Eikenberry was asked for her input and she advised that in the last City she had worked they had gone from having an in-house plan administrator to hiring an outside firm and they ended up feeling that it was an excellent decision because of their extensive knowledge. The firm they had used was Pension Resource Centers and the cost had been$750 a month. Chairperson Swickerath asked City Manager Frank if he could give any indication of how the number of employees would be increasing in the next five years, if it would be significant. City Manager Frank said they are probably looking at 5%growth per year in employees and that in the next year they were targeting 15-16 new positions,the bulk of which would be police officers. He then stated that, for the number of people that are already working in HR,he did not think the tasks associated with the plan administrator would be burdensome or overbearing, however,the new Director would have several tasks to do for him within the first six months to a year and whether he or she would have the time to devote that the pension plan administration would require could be an issue. Trustee Grafton asked if there was any chance that it might be possible for there to be another set of hands hired for that office. City Manager Frank said he did not think he would be able to justify adding a position. Trustee Grafton then asked if that would be the case even if their duties were split and that the Pension Board could possibly pay a (0, part of their salary. City Manager Frank responded that he did not know and reminded that the City Commission would have the final say in any new positions. General Employees Pension Board Special Session,June 8,2005 Page 4 of 9 Following a lengthy discussion about all of the possibilities for plan administration, Trustee Wagner suggested that it would be in the best interest of the Board to defer any decision until the next meeting when the new HR Director might be available to see what his/her capabilities might be. City Manager Frank cautioned that, even though there may be someone on board by the next meeting,they might not have a good idea of the department,the requirements and priorities, and that it might be a couple of months before such a discussion could prove effective. On motion made by Trustee Grafton,seconded by Trustee Hendrix, it was unanimously RESOLVED to defer decision on this item and hereby directed the Secretary to put this similar discussion on the Agenda for the August 10,2005 meeting with the new Human Resources Director. F. Review/Update Operating Rules and Procedures and Summary Plan Description. Chairperson Swickerath called the Board's attention to their copies of the Operating Rules and Procedures and Summary Plan Descriptions for review. Attorney Denner advised that he would make note of all items under discussion and would put any proposed changes in hard copy and do a draft of that to be reviewed by the Board at the next meeting of the following quarter. Chairperson Swickerath asked if the Trustees had any suggestions for changes. The following items were then discussed. Rules and Procedures—1.4 (page 2): This section states"The Board of Trustees shall elect a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and a Secretary every two years." Trustee Grafton asked for clarification of when the two years was to begin. Attorney Dehner advised that the two years would be from the date elected. Trustee Grafton stated that, with that being the case, she would need to start a chart to record when people were elected or perhaps the rule could be changed to allow for election of all offices at a particular time of year. Attorney Dehner reminded the Board that these rules are prepared, adopted and amended for their use and that, if a rule needs to be conformed to a procedure the Board wants to follow and carry out as its responsibility, it could be done. After a discussion among the Board Members, with comments from Attorney Denner, it was decided that the Board would like to change this rule and Attorney Dehner was directed to amend it to provide that an election of officers shall be held every two years in November and, if an office is vacated mid-term,an appointment would be made by vote of the Board for the remainder of the term. Rules and Procedures— 1.7(uage 4): Trustee Grafton suggested that the entire election procedure needed to be revamped. She indicated that there were a lot of problems with the designated procedures and asked Attorney Denner if he had language from another plan that they could review. Attorney Dehner stated that this particular rule is unique to this pension fund and could easily be amended. There was an extended discussion of whether it would be better for the ballots to be taken to Human Resources or the Clerk's office and whether or not they should be submitted in sealed envelopes. Trustee Grafton reported that the City Clerk has traditionally handled the elections for all of the General Employees Pension Board Special Session,June 8,2005 Page 5 of 9 Boards and it would be appropriate as they know how to do elections. All of the Trustees were in agreement with the City Clerk handling the elections. There was then discussion about whether the ballots should be deposited into a ballot box that had been sealed and had a lock which could be opened by the Board of Trustees following the elections. There were comments that if a locked box were used, sealed envelopes for the ballots would not be necessary. Discussion followed about whether there should be only one box or whether boxes could be sent out in the field for those who may have difficulty getting into City Hall to vote. It was decided that only one box would be needed as it would not be difficult for any employee to get into City Hall to cast their vote. Attorney Denner said he would bring back a draft incorporating all that he had heard which would include the provision that the City Clerk should conduct the elections for this Board the same way she conducts the other elections that she does for the City and that the Board will certify the ballots and that there would be one ballot box at the Clerk's office as opposed to boxes out in the field. He said he would also leave the dates which were specified in the current 1.7 because that was done so that all terms would end on September 30 in alternating years. Rules and Procedures—1.8 (page 6): Trustee Grafton stated that she had a question about whether this rule would be able to remain same as it stated that vacancies on the Board"shall be filled by special election to be conducted in the same manner as any other election",however, if 1.7 was to be changed as discussed and recorded above,there would be no need to make a change to this rule. Chairperson Swickerath asked Attorney Dehner if there could be a change to the third sentence of that rule which states, "The person selected to fill a vacancy shall fulfill only the remaining term of the vacant office." Attorney Denner advised that there are two year designated terms in the current Ordinance and that to make a change it would require a rule change and an Ordinance change. Trustee Wagner asked who the fifth Trustee was. Chairperson Swickerath answered that she is the fifth Trustee, elected by the Board and confirmed by the City Commission. Trustee Grafton stated that she and Trustee Hendrix were appointed by the City Commission and that Trustee Wagner and Trustee Reed were elected by the employees. She explained that before Chairperson Swickerath's term was to expire,the other four Trustees, at the meeting before her term is up,will decide whether they want her to continue to be the fifth Trustee and, according to the rules, when that is decided, it is sent to the Commission for ratification. Rules and Regulations—5.2 C.: Trustee Grafton commented that this particular item which required"Authorization for payments from the Fund shall be in writing and signed by at least two trustees of the Board,"had been changed,by motion,to require only one signature. She then stated that she would like to have this rule continue to call for two trustees to sign; however, if the change to only one signature was to remain, it would be necessary to change this rule. The other Trustees indicated their agreement that they would like to have two signatures for payment as is indicated in the Rule they were reviewing. Attorney Denner advised that would have to be done by motion. General Employees Pension Board Special Session,June 8,2005 Page 6 of 9 (kw Following a brief discussion, it was on motion made by Trustee Grafton, seconded by Trustee Hendrix,unanimously RESOLVED,that, effective June 8,2005,the procedure shall be changed to reflect a return to the Rule as stated in Section 5.2.C,which reads "Authorization for payments from the Fund shall be in writing and signed by at least two trustees of the Board." There was a discussion following this motion regarding which expenses would be covered for the Trustees and led to a review of the following rule: Rules and Procedures—1.6 (page 4) Trustee Wagner asked about Trustee expenses for travel, conferences and other educational venues. Trustee Grafton advised that all expenses are covered, including lodging and food. She said that the travel policies established by the City are followed. Attorney Dehner advised that per diem and reimbursement is covered in this Rule. Trustee Wagner stated that he would like to have it specifically indicated that there is also a provision for the expenses of education. Attorney Denner said he would change the wording to read, "All Trustees shall be entitled to receive a per diem allowance or reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred in conducting the business of the Fund, including Trustee education and conferences." Trustee Grafton advised the new Trustees that sometime last year the Board had authorized any member to go to any educational conference or seminar without coming to the Board first to get permission because the Board only meets four times a year. She stated that the next FPPTA Conference would be June 26-29 and she would get information to any one of the Trustees who would be interested. Trustee Wagner asked if he and Trustee Reed would be required to take vacation time to attend any meetings. Trustee Grafton answered that with former City Manager Gleason,he felt it was important and was done on City time. She said that it would need to be clarified with the new City Manager but she was of the impression that it would be leave with pay. Attorney Dehner advised that there is a statutory requirement that all Trustees receive education at least once a term and tutoring in investment related and Trustee responsibility. He added that there are five opportunities a year with three conferences or schools sponsored by FPPTA and two sponsored by the Division of Retirement. He said he does encourage attendance because of the opportunity to talk with other Trustees but that in-house training can be done for those who cannot make it for some reason in order to satisfy the statutory requirements. Rules and Procedures—5.3 A.(5) (Daze 16): Trustee Grafton called attention to this section which states"Copies of the Retiree's election form and the actuary's calculations shall be provided to the Board of Trustees prior to the commencement of payments or at the next meeting immediately following the commencement of payments, and the Board shall review and approve the retirement benefits." She indicated that she is not aware of this having been done in quite some time. Her question was if this is something that should be done or if this section should be taken out of the Rules and Procedures. Attorney Dehner advised that the information should be received in advance and approved by the General Employees Pension Board Special Session,June 8,2005 Page 7 of 9 Board, or as provided in this Rule, after payments commence, at the immediately following meeting so it can be ratified and determined to be accurate. Trustee Grafton indicated that there was what she felt to be a valid concern about the fact that when something comes before the Board it becomes public record, including Social Security numbers and the amount of money retirees would be receiving, and that most people do not want this information to be a matter of public record. Attorney Denner advised that the amount is public record but the social security number could be blacked out. Trustee Grafton said she would go back through the files in the HR Director's office and put together a list which would include any information which had not previously been brought before the Board. Rules and Regulations—5.3 B.(6) (page 17) Trustee Grafton suggested that the wording of this section which states"provide copies of all documents to the Board of Trustees prior to payment or at the next meeting immediately following the payment, for the Board to approve the payment,"be changed to read"pertinent information should be included in a report to the Board of Trustees prior to payment or at the next meeting following the payment for the Board to approve the payment." Attorney Denner noted the change. Rules and Regulations—6.1 (page 19) Chairperson Swickerath asked if she had understood there was some question earlier about Fiduciary Insurance and whether the Board had this insurance. Secretary Grafton reported that the Board does have it but it is in default. She said she has not been able to find a renewal and will be working in the next week to get it renewed. She then asked Attorney Denner if it would be possible to cover the HR Director with this policy. Attorney Dehner advised that he was not aware of any Board that covered anyone other than the Trustees. He said that would probably be another policy and is actually referred to as a waiver of recourse at the end of Rule 6.1. He reported that the waiver of recourse is an endorsement of the policy with a premium,typically, of $125 to $150 which would need to be paid either by the City or the individual Trustee and that, in every case he is aware of,the City pays that premium by separate check. He then instructed Secretary Grafton that the way to handle this would be for the Fund to pay for the premium of the fiduciary policy and then obtain the waiver of recourse and ask the City to provide a City check to pay that premium. Rules and Regulations—10.3 (Page 25) Secretary Grafton called attention to the bottom lines of the section which say, "All Investment Policy Statement and amendments thereto shall immediately be provided to the City,the Department of Management Services and to the Board's actuary." She asked who the Department of Management Services is and asked if that is Slavin's office. Attorney Dehner advised that the Division of Retirement is within the Department of Management Services and employs Slavin,the State Actuary. Summary Plan Description—2 (Page 1) Trustee Grafton stated that the new City Manager had indicated that he would be interested in being a part of the Pension Plan but he is specifically excluded by the rules. She asked if there is a statute that provides that the City Manager be excluded or is that something that can be General Employees Pension Board Special Session,June 8,2005 Page 8 of 9 changed. Attorney Denner advised that there is no statutory requirement. He said that our Ordinance excludes those listed officials and that was because that was the way it was wanted by the former City Manager and others. He stated that it would take an Ordinance amendment but that could be done to permit participation by all City employees including the City Manager in the Plan or actually require it as a condition of employment as it is for everyone else. He said this would be a proposal for change and the Commission could then adopt it. Trustee Grafton reminded that there are several changes to the Ordinance that is going to be brought up at the next meeting and wondered if this could be considered then. Attorney Dehner advised that there are some items which would not be done at the next meeting but probably in November because of some federal compliance issues, although there were some that could not wait until November, regarding the amendments to the investment section,that those are in the works now. Trustee Hendrix asked if this issue could be put on the Agenda for the next meeting. Trustee Wagner indicated that this entire section would need to be revised because the titles of some of the Directors had changed. Attorney Dehner recommended to Secretary Grafton to put as an Agenda item for the next meeting for consideration of amending the Ordinance to allow participation by the City Manager and he could have the opportunity to be present to address the issue to the Board and then the Board could take action. He added that action should not be taken on this issue at this meeting because it wasn't noticed for discussion. AGENDA ITEM III. ATTORNEY COMMENTS—H. Lee Dehner,Esq. Attorney Dehner informed the Board that the requirement in regard to the Summary Plan Description is that it be done every other year and that is why this review is being done, and once completed,the updated document will be ready for distribution to the members and new hires. He advised that IRS has issued guidance on what needed to be done for the very specific situation in the case of making a mandatory plan distribution of a lump sum between$1,000 and $5,000. He stated that if no direction is received from the member as to what they want to do, the IRS has issued guidance that an IRP [Individual Retirement Program)must be opened and we must do a rollover. He said this is something that we want to avoid and in connection with this, we need to amend the Ordinance,the Summary Plan Description and the special tax notice to incorporate required language. He said he is going to go through the Plan and take out any mandatory distributions and provide the distribution will be upon written request of the plan member making it non-mandatory. He added that no bank or custodian knows even the procedure to follow to do this and that, fortunately, it is not effective for a public plan until the adjournment of the first Commission meeting that convenes after January 1,2006, so we have until the end of the year to be sure that we are in compliance. Attorney Dehner advised that one of the reasons he says it will be near the end of the year before the Summary Plan Description revision is completed because he is waiting until all of the required language has been worked out after the Pension Attorney's conference at which they will be meeting with representatives from Washington to agree on the exact language to be used. Secretary Grafton reminded that this Board is already several months late in getting this out and was concerned about getting a new Exhibit B from Foster&Foster. Attorney Dehner said that the current Summary Plan Description was actually approved in May and it is reasonable to hold off and when it is prepared, there will be a new Exhibit A because the Trustees on the Board General Employees Pension Board Special Session,June 8,2005 Page 9 of 9 have changed and Ward Foster will submit a new Exhibit B which is the actuarial summary of �r the actual financial data. Attorney Denner then mentioned to Trustee Reed that he had made available a 50+/-page outline on Trustee responsibilities which he keeps updated. He explained that it is comprehensive and would help give him a start. He then reminded all of the Trustees about the need to file the Form 1 Financial Disclosure, filed in the county of their residence,by July 1. He said that if the form had not already been sent to the Trustees, it is not a defense for not filing. He said the forms are available on the internet and at City Hall and he suggested that, if filing in person,the Trustees get a stamped receipt and, if filing by mail, do it with a return receipt requested, because there are fines for late filing. IV. Comments From Trustees Chairperson Swickerath asked the Trustees for any comments. Secretary Grafton asked Trustee Hendrix for a verification of his address. Trustee Hendrix asked if the Pension Board has any say in employee healthcare after retirement. He said he had been asked about healthcare. Attorney Dehner said no. Trustee Grafton advised that the City gives them an option to continue on the City's policy at the same fee that the City has paid for them as an employee. She added that the minutes were full of discussions about a possible $100 or$200 supplemental benefit and there was even a motion to add a pro-rated amount after retirement but, because there would be more cost associated with the supplement, it was never implemented. Chairperson Swickerath advised all of the Trustees that they do not have to answer any individual question from an employee about their benefits. Secretary Grafton informed that they are supposed to put it in writing to the Pension Board, or appear in person to address the Board. Chairperson Swickerath indicated that, as a full Board,they would be pleased to talk with any employee. Attorney Denner warned the Board that if mistaken information is provided to a Plan member,the Plan could be forced under a principal called estoppel,to live with the mistake. V. Set Agenda For Next Meeting Chairperson Swickerath asked if there were any other issues to be added to the Agenda other than those which are recorded in these minutes. There were none. The Board was reminded that the next scheduled Quarterly Meeting would be on Wednesday,August 10, 2005, at 10:00 a.m. VI. Adjourn There being no other business,the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Jo Ann Lacey, App •v•d by: Recording Secretary of the Meeting • kizau. Q, 1414 NERC dicE CeftgiR