HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 10 Approval of the FDLE Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Award t J ocoee florida AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date June 2, 2020 Item # 1Q Reviewed By. Contact Name: Deputy Chief C. McKinstry Department Director Chief C rl s J wn Contact Number: 407.905 3160 x 3055 _ City Manager Rob Frank Subject: FDLE Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Award Background Summary: 1 he Florida Department of Law Enforcement received a Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding ICESF) award from the U S. Department of Justice to be used to prepare for, prevent, and respond to the coronavirus pandemic. FDLE is passing through a portion of this funding as subawards to units of local government to include the City of Ocoee Police Department in the amount of$142,727.00. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners authorize the Mayor to permit the grant application and accept if awarded? This opportunity would allow the Police Department to apply and accept the $142,727.00 that has been made available for the Ocoee Police Department for preparation, prevention, and response efforts related to the coronavirus pandemic. Recommendations: Recommend approval to apply for, and accept if awarded, the FDLE Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Award from the US Department of Justice. Attachments: Grant Application Financial Impact: $142,727.00 available to the Ocoee Police Department. No matching funds are required by the City. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x Public Hearing Fyo(Clerk's Dept Use Ordinance First Reading P Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing Resolution _ Regular Agenda X Commission Approval Discussion&Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney ana Crosb -Collier N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept yp,� ( N/A Reviewed by N/A I FDLE Florida Department of Business Support Ron DeSantis, Governor Law Enforcement Office of Criminal Justice Grants Ashley Moody,Attorney General Post Office Box 1489 Jimmy Patrons, Chief Financial Officer Richard L Sweanngen Tallahassee, FL 32302-1489 Nikki Fned,Commissioner of Agriculture Commissioner (850)617-1250 www fdle state 8 us May 1, 2020 Dear Prospective Applicant The Florida Department of Law Enforcement received a Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF)award from the U.S. Department of Justice(DOJ)to be used to prepare for, prevent, and respond to the coronavirus pandemic FDLE is passing through a portion of this funding as subawards to units of local government. In order to facilitate the subaward process, the Office of Criminal Justice Grants (OCJG) will require prospective applicants to submit application information outside of OCJG's electronic grant management system, SIMON.Applicants interested in applying for funding must complete the following steps ❑ Review the subaward solicitation in its entirety ❑ Ensure the applicant entity is listed on OCJG's Local or State CESF allocation list ❑ Complete the application narrative questionnaire enclosed ❑ Complete the subgrant budget detail worksheet enclosed ❑ Ensure the applicant entity's SAM goy registration is active Using the information provided, the assigned OCJG grant manager will prepare a draft of the subgrant agreement in the SIMON system. The OCJG grant manager will notify the applicant's Application Manager when the application draft is complete and ready for review and submission in the system SIMON will be used for subsequent management of subawards Additional documentation of items required by federal grant management guidelines may be required Please note: To be approved for funding, all proposed activities must specifically and clearly tie to preparation, prevention, and response efforts related to the coronavirus pandemic. Proposed activities without a clear link to one of the eligible purposes will not be approved If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office at (850) 617-1250 or send an email to cnminaliusticeefdle.state fl us Sincerely, v Rona Kay Credit Bureau Chief RKCItr Enclosures Service •Integrity •Respect •Quality FY2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Application Part Ill: Scope of Work Explanations provided below must relate directly to prevention, preparation, and/or response efforts connected to the coronavirus The explanations should be generic and explain the activity's correlation to coronavirus Specific line items will be detailed on the budget worksheet Does your agency intend to use funds for: a) Salary and benefits for of hiring personnel? Yes ✓ No Amount Allocated If yes, explain correlation to preventing, preparing for, or responding to coronavirus pandemic. b) Overtime for personnel? ✓ Yes No Amount Allocated $26,11573 If yes, explain correlation to preventing, preparing for, or responding to coronavirus pandemic Shift staffing coverage/potential quarantine employees Backfill created vacancies Educational information provision/supplemental to patrol coverage The City of Ocoee Public Works Department provides extensive professional cleaning and disinfecting to prevent the spread of the virus far in excess of what was provided pre-COVID19 c) Equipment? ✓ Yes No Amount Allocated $97,111.27 If yes, explain correlation to preventing, preparing for, or responding to coronavirus pandemic Grant funds will be used to purchase protective equipment for police officers to include a decontamination chamber for personnel and autoclave equipment for vehicles. Adjusting public contact window in police department lobby and compartmentalizing police officer workspace for enhanced infection control Obtain additional laptops/tablets with docking stations to enable administrative personnel to work remotely Online reporting software to promote social distancing and minimize potential infection exposure Florida Department of Law Enforcement Page 3 of 7 Office of Criminal Justice Grants (April2020) FY2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Application Part IV: Performance As a recipient of CESF funding, subgrantees must report specific data to FDLE on a monthly or quarterly basis as indicated in the final subgrant agreement Performance reporting will be completed through OCJG's electronic grant management system, SIMON Failure to submit the performance report by the deadline will result in a withholding of funds on the subaward Data to be collected may include, but not be limited to • Amount of funding spent on each activity during the reporting period • Number of Jobs created or retained as a result of CESF funding (if applicable) • Number of overtime hours used during the reporting period Of applicable) • Amount of equipment and/or supplies purchased with CESF funding Of applicable) • Amount of coronavirus tests purchased with CESF funding Of applicable) • Number of coronavirus-related trainings conducted Of applicable) Part V: Grant Contacts and Officials Applicants for CESF funding must identify key officials in order to approve a subaward in SIMON Applicants should verify each person listed below has an active SIMON account Note: A chief official or chief financial officer may delegate their authority to sign and execute agreements and reports to another individual However, this action requires the submission of a delegation letter signed by chief official or chief financial officer, as applicable, to be emailed to cnminal)ustice@fdle.state fl us Unit of Government Chief Official Implementing Agency Chief Official Name Rusty Johnson Name Charles J Brown Title Mayor Title Chief of Police Address 150 North Lakeshore Drive Address, 646 Ocoee Commerce Parkway Ocoee, FL 34761 Ocoee, FL 34761 Phone (407)905-3100 Phone (407) 905-3160 Email rjohnson@ocoee org Email cbrown@ocoee.org Unit of Government Chief Financial Officer Project Director Name Rebecca Roberts Name Chris McKinstry Title Finance Director Title Deputy Chief of Police Address 150 North Lakeshore Drive Address 646 Ocoee Commerce Parkway Ocoee, FL 34761 Ocoee, FL 34761 Phone (407)905-3100 Phone (407)905-3160 Email rroberts@ocoee org Email cmckinstry@ocoee org Application Manager(Point of Contact) Name Chris McKinstry Title Deputy Chief of Police Address 646 Ocoee Commerce Parkway Ocoee, FL 34761 Phone (407) 905-3160 Email cmckinstry@ocoee org Florida Department of Law Enforcement Page 5 of 7 Office of Criminal Justice Grants (April 2020) FY2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Application Procurements Completed? Not Applicable? Agency Procurement Policy Applicants using funds to purchased equipment and/or supplies should submit a ✓ copy of the procurement policy used to purchase the grant items Sole Source Justification Form Applicants proposing to use the sole source method of procurement should ✓ submit a justification form to OCJG for approval Procurement of a Single Item Over$500,000 Applicants proposing to purchase a single item over$500,000 must ✓ submit a written justification on agency letterhead justifying the need for the item These justifications require approval from DOJ prior to purchasing Procurement of UAS Systems. Applicants proposing to use funds for the purchase of UAS system must complete the UAS Requirements Checklist The ✓ purchase of UAS systems require approval from DOJ prior to purchase Third Party Agreements(Contractual Services) Completed? Not Applicable? Subrecipient v Contractor Determination Checklist Applicants allocating funds in the contractual services ✓ budget category must complete a determination checklist for each vendor Florida Department of Law Enforcement Page 7 of 7 Office of Criminal Justice Grants (April 2020) FY2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding(CESF) Application Budget Detail Worksheet Tabs and Category Definitions Tab#1: Instructions: Please read the instructions on this page carefully.Applicants must complete and submit this budget detail worksheet with their application. Examples for each budget category are provided on each tab of the worksheet. Totals for each budget category will be automatically calculated based on input from the applicant;these calculations will be automatically added to the Budget Summary page.Figures provided for the examples will NOT be included in an applicant's total.Applicants can view a sample of a completed worksheet and a sample application on our website. Tab#2 Budget All applicants must enter the requested information in the shaded boxes of the Summary: 'Applicant Information'table on the Budget Summary tab(Tab#2). The Budget Summary Table will be populated and calculated based on information entered in the remaining tabs(#3-7).The Budget Reconciliation section will provide a running total of the allocation amount compared to the budget amounts entered. Salaries and Applicants requesting funding for new positions or for overtime hours must complete Tab#3 Benefits the'Salaries and Benefits'tab,including fringe benefits,if applicable Contractual Applicants entering into any agreement with a third party for coronavirus-related Tab#4 Services: activities under this grant must complete the'Contractual Services'tab. Tab#5 Expenses: Applicants purchasing items with values which fall below their organization's Operating Capital Outlay(OCO)threshold must complete the'Expenses'tab Additionally,applicants funding any coronavirus-related travel or training must enter those items on the'Expenses'tab. Tab#6 Operating Applicants purchasing items in excess of their organization's OCO threshold must Capital Outlay complete the'OCO'tab In general,an item that is tagged or recorded for inventory (OCO): is considered an OCO item. Tab#7 Applicants wishing to claim indirect costs should complete the'Indirect Cost'tab.For Indirect Costs: more information see 2 CFR 200.414. 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding DO THIS FIRST,then go to Tab #3. APPLICANT INFORMATION ALL Applicants must enter the requested information in boxes 1-5 below: 1) Subgrantee Name: City of Ocoee 2) Subgrantee Allocation Amount: $ 142,727.00 3) County: Orange 4) Project Manager Name: Chris McKinstry 5) Implementing Agency: City of Ocoee Police Department This portion of the sheet will be auto-filled and calculated based upon the cost elements These fields will be entered on tabs 3-7. automatically BUDGET SUMMARY TABLE updated as you Budget Category Totals complete the remaining tabs. Salaries and Benefits $26,115.73 Contractual Services $0.00 Expenses $19,500.00 OCO $97,111.27 Indirect Costs $0.00 Total Project Costs $142,727.00 BUDGET RECONCILIATION TABLE This reconciliation table compares Allocation Amount: $142,727.00 your budgeted Less Total Project Costs: -$142,727.00 costs to your Amount Under or Over Allocation: ($0.00) allocation amount. #2-Budget Summary 04292020-CESF_Subrecipient-Budget-Worksheet(Final) ESTIMATED SALARY RATE ESTIMATED PERSONNEL NEEDS INFORMATION ESTIMATED FRINGE BENEFIT COSTS BY CATEGORY Estimated Estimated Estimated Number of If Other, Subtotal: Number of Overtime? Avg.Hourly Hours per Subtotal: Health Life provide Fringe Total:Salary Personnel Title Activities to be performed Y/N Rate Employee Salary FICA Retirement Insurance Insurance Other description Benefits and Benefits EXAMPLE:Man checkpoints for 23 Patrol officer coronavirus pandemic response Y $ 28.75 32.00 $ 21,160.00 $ 1,618.74 $ 3,276.90 $ 409.69 $ - $ 50400 Disability $ 5,809.33 5 26,969.33 EXAMPLE:Overtime due to staff shortage resulting from coronavirus 8 Jail CO infection Y $ 23.50 18.00 $ 3,384.00 $ 169.02 $ 502.20 5 66.29 5 - $ 96.00 Disability 5 833 51 $ 4,217 51 $ $ - $ - 5 Police Officers Patrol staffing and backfill Y $ 65.88 20.00 $ 6,588.00 S 503.98 $ 2,211 59 $ 5.179.00 $2,754.60 ####### Disablity $ 14,159.17 $ 20,747.17 2 Janitorial Clean and disinfect police department Y $ 25.16 20.00 $ 1,006.40 $ 76 99 $ 89.27 $ 3.324.12 $ 23.38 $ 848.40 Disabliity $ 4,362 16 5 5,368.56 $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - S - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - - $ - $ - $ — $ - $ - S - $ - $ - $ - $ - —S - $ $ $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - S $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I $ - Subtotal Salaries $ 7,594.40 Subtotal Fringe Benefits $18,521.33 N `7.1 TOTAL:Salary and Benefits: $26,115.73 #3-Salaries and Benefits 04292020-CESF_Subrecipient-Budget-Worksheet(Final) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Description Number of Unit Type,if Estimated Total (Item or Service) Units applicable Cost per Unit Purpose Cost Extensive, professional cleaning and disinfection of jail detention EXAMPLE:Professional Facility Cleaning Contract 1 n/a 514,500.00 cells to prevent coronavirus spread $14,500.00 One year ZOOM subscription to enable remote work for non- EXAMPLE:Subscription-Video Conferencing 12 month 5200.00 essential staff to prevent coronavirus spread 52,400.00 EXAMPLE: Lab tests 28 single test $58.00 Coronavirus testing for inmates at jail $1,624.00 $0.00 N/A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 S0.00 S0.00 S0.00 S0.00 S0.00 S0.00 S0.00 $0.00 S0.00 S0.00 S0.00 Total Contractual Services $0.00 #4-Contractual Services 04292020-CESF_Subrecipient-Budget-Worksheet(Final) EXPENSES Number of Item Description Items Unit Type Unit Cost Total Cost EXAMPLE: PPE Kits for officers (mask, overalls, gloves) 25 case of 10 $170.00 $4,250.00 EXAMPLE: Boxes of hand sanitizer 18 box of 24 $50.00 $900.00 EXAMPLE:Traffic cones 150 1 cone $4.00 $600.00 EXAMPLE: Infrared Thermometer Scanners 4 1 scanner $75.00 $300.00 PPE kits (mask, gloves, face shields) 25 1 kit $300.00 $7,500.00 Hand sanitizer 21 case of 10 $200.00 $4,200.00 Sanitizer wipes 500 1 pack $1.00 $500.00 Spray disinfectant 100 2 pack $20.00 $2,000.00 Infrared Thermometer 4 1 $75.00 S300.00 Online training platform 1 1 enterprise $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Expenses $19,500.00 #5- Expenses 04292020-CESF_Subrecipient-Budget-Worksheet (Final) OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY (OCO) Item Description Number of Items Unit Cost Total Cost EXAMPLE: Laptops with docking stations to enable analyst staff to work remotely 3 $1,650.00 54,950.00 Laptops with docking stations to enable staff to work remotely 10 $1,650.00 $16,500.00 Disinfecting Booth 1 $20,800.00 $20,800.00 Office compartments 1 $41,727.00 $41,727.00 Records Dept. separation window & speaker 1 $18,084.27 $18,084.27 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total OCO $97,111.27 #6 - OCO 04292020-CESF_Subrecipient-Budget-Worksheet (Final) ilk INDIRECT COSTS Indirect Cost Description Allocation Amount Rate Total Cost EXAMPLE: Indirect Cost Rate $ 25,000.00 12.20% $ 3,050.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Indirect Costs $0.00 #7 - Indirect Cost 04292020-CESF_Subrecipient-Budget-Worksheet (Final)