HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-2020 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board Regular Meeting Held August 6, 2020 I: CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Maxwell at 6:20 PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee. Member Carr led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of personal reflection. Recording Clerk Sibbitt performed roll call and declared a quorum not present.At 7:15 PM a quorum was established with the arrival of Member Hart. Present: Chair Maxwell, and Members Crown, Fontanez, Anderson-Robinson, Carr, Hart (arrived at 7:15 PM), and Porter-Smith. Member(s)who attended via WebEx: Member Foster. Absent: Member(s) Daily, Calloway, Bonzil-Juste, Dorsey, and Dawkins Also Present: Commissioner Brinson,Assistant Support Services Director Doug Gaines, and Recording Clerk Sibbitt II: BUSINESS FOR DISCUSSION A. Approval of Minutes for the HRDB meetings held January 2, 2020; February 6, 2020; and the Special Session held on June 25, 2020: Motion made by Member Anderson-Robinson, seconded by Member Hart, and unanimously passed to approve the minutes. This item was heard and voted on out of agenda order once a quorum was present. Chair Maxwell made the following announcement: All interested parties are invited to be heard during the public comments portion of the meeting. Due to the current State of Emergency regarding COVID-19, City Hall is closed to the public; however, the City requests the public to call or email comments and/or questions to 407-554-7118 or citizens@ocoee.org. City staff will be standing by to ensure that your questions/comments come before the Human Relations Diversity Board during that portion of the meeting. B. Public Comments: No telephone calls or emails were received. C. Memorial Dedication Ceremony Program: Chair Maxwell addressed the controversies regarding the planning and execution of the Memorial Dedication Ceremony Program; and further, shared his disappointment in not having the full support of the City Commission, but noted they did prevail in a 4-1 vote for support of their efforts. Chair Maxwell stated it is time for the members of the HRDB to come together, and be the supporters that they are each capable of being. He commented that three years ago there was no opposition or negative tone regarding the dedication and erection of a Memorial Marker during the 100-year anniversary of the tragic event of the Ocoee Election Day Massacre. He further shared details of the efforts that the HRDB members, including the Mayor, put forward to get the recognition of this tragic event recognized. Chair Maxwell advised that they are in the process of expanding the program to the extent that they are anticipating a week-long activity program on the education of the Election Day Massacre. Chair Maxwell opened the floor for discussion. Member Foster shared a recollection of her attendance at a Memorial Service on the Ocoee Massacre in 2005 hosted by the City of Ocoee that Mayor Vandergrift was in attendance; therefore, she felt that Mayor HRDB Meeting August 6, 2020 Vandergrift acknowledged the racial transgression. She further voiced that the tone of the HRDB changed when the current Mayor was appointed as liaison to the board. Member Fontanez inquired what the board is doing for the Spanish residents in the Community as he joined the board for diversity, but is not seeing any diversity in the board's efforts. Chair Maxwell advised that membership on the board is by voluntary involvement, and the board did acknowledge Hispanic Heritage Month by hosting the Fiesta de Colores Event during September several years ago. He further shared that throughout the years the board has had roughly 4-5 Hispanic Latino members join, but not remain on the board for their own reasons. Member Carr shared that he has two letters that he would like to introduce to the board, and further commented that before the July 21st City Commission Meeting the board had approved a day-long celebration; however, now it is being said it will be a week-long celebration so that no other organizations can host an event that week. Chair Maxwell advised that the letters are not agenda items so they will not be acted on this evening. He further asked Member Carr to submit the letters to the Recording Clerk. Member Porter-Smith announced she is new to the board, and she had also asked the Clerk if she could provide a letter to the board. She inquired how would she get her letter before the board. Recording Clerk Sibbitt explained she could bring her letter to the next meeting and present it to the Chair and he would advise if it could be added to the agenda. Once the letter is entered into the record, it is accepted as a supporting document that is scanned and available for public viewing. Past Chair Crown briefed the board on the details of the original plan, which was to begin on October 315c She advised the board's intent has always been to recognize all the victims of this tragic event, and not just the July Perry Family. She further shared, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the original plan of the board has to be revisited. Chair Maxwell briefly addressed Member Foster's comment regarding Mayor Vandergrift being in support of the Ocoee Massacre by sharing his recollection of the Mayor not wanting to move forward with recognition of the Ocoee Massacre in fear that it was too sensitive and would create ill feelings within the community. Member Foster inquired what are the board's plans to test those who will be in attendance at the event program during this ongoing pandemic. Chair Maxwell shared that contingency plans should not be anything outside of the guidelines that have been established by the CDC. Member Hart arrived at 7:15 PM Chair Maxwell inquired from Member Carr what he is seeking from the board as it seems he is unhappy with his tenure on the board,and further stated he would like to appease or meet those requirements so the board may move forward. Member Carr explained if the members would read his letters the board would understand his dissention with this board. Past Chair Crown briefly commented on the Freedom Information Act that Member Carr made for her research material. Member Carr shared he is representing the individuals that are not members of the board, but are the descendants of the family members of the Ocoee Massacre. He shared the letters he provided explain his issues. Member Porter-Smith shared that she watched the meeting of July 215t, and she feels strongly that the July Perry Foundation should be involved in the planning of the event. She further inquired as to what budget is allotted for this event as that is when you know how committed people are. Chair Maxwell thanked her for 2IPage HRDB Meeting August 6, 2020 her concerns, and shared that the City had committed $20,000 for this event when he presented a budget back in the initial presentation of this program in 2019. Chair Maxwell shared he is in the process of reformatting that budget to conform with the expanded activities that have been requested. He further shared information on the 1920 census, and the importance of honoring all the descendants. Member Anderson-Robinson shared its time to bury the hatchet and move on as they are running short on time, and the board needs to start their planning efforts. She further asked when a sub-committee meeting would occur. City Clerk Sibbitt announced that at 7:15 PM a quorum had been met with the arrival of Member Hart. • Member Carr commented that the Perry Foundation reached out to Chair Crown for a meeting, but she respectfully declined. Member Anderson-Robinson shared the board had discussed this issue before, and now they are ready to move forward. Chair Maxwell explained his attempts to contact the July Perry Foundation. Further discussion ensued. D. Voter Registration Initiative: Past Chair Crown explained this topic had been discussed a while back to find out if the board wanted to be involved in voter registration. Member Porter-Smith shared that she had asked for this item to be placed on the agenda as her thoughts were to be involved in the voter initiative. Past Chair Crown reminded the board members to start thinking about the topics for the 2021 essay theme. Chair Maxwell explained he would like to know every member of the board;therefore, he is requesting each member of the board to provide a short bio with a headshot to be included in the Memorial Ceremony booklet that will be assembled for the event. He asked that the bio's not exceed 500 words. E. Election of Chair-Elect: Consensus of the board was to defer the Election of Chair-Elect to the next meeting. Ill: Board and Staff Comments: Chair Maxwell displayed a ballot box which he said he will have an artistic rendering available for the next meeting. He shared additional details of the proposed rendering and wording for the commemorative coin. Chair Maxwell commented that he hopes to have a bell ringing ceremony across the City and County at 1 PM on November 2' to commemorate this 100-year event. He also hopes to receive assistance from the ministries on the board to facilitate this request. Member Hart shared she is ready to move forward and get things accomplished.The board has worked hard and she is excited to represent Ocoee and to demonstrate how far we have come as a community. Member Anderson-Robinson and Past-Chair Crown both stated they concurred with the sentiments of Member Hart. Member Porter-Smith shared she would like to see the board provide a formal presentation of the activities scheduled, she would like to see the board reach out to the July Perry Foundation, and out of respect she would like the board to contact Senator Bracy as well. Member Carr stated he concurred with Member Porter-Smith's sentiments. 3IPage HRDB Meeting August 6, 2020 Commissioner Brinson shared he is being hopeful that all descendants who lost their property will also be contacted. Recording Clerk Sibbitt explained why her department would no longer be allowed to forward communication from one member to the board as that is a violation of sunshine. She apologized for any confusion this may have caused.She clarified that if a board member is seeking to communicate with an Elected Official they may do so without going through her office as that is well within their right as a resident and board member. Member Hart inquired on the deadline for the bio. Recording Clerk Sibbitt asked Chair Maxwell if Friday, August 215t, would be sufficient time for members to provide their bio to her attention so they may be provided to him at the next meeting. He answered in the affirmative. IV:Set Next Agenda A. Approval of Minutes -August 6, 2020 B. Public Comments C. Memorial Dedication Ceremony Program D. Voter Registration Initiative E. Election of Chair-Elect Adjournment:The meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m. ATTESTED: APPROVED: ./04%.)varg- Melanie Sibbitt, Recording Clerk Chairperson 4 ! Page