HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-15-2020 Agenda Packetion ma, Q, Y � TABLE OF CONTENTS CRA BOARD DIRECTORY BUDGET MEETING AGENDA CRA BOARD MEETING MINUTES - June 02, 2020 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING BUDGET MESSAGE FY 2020 / 2021 REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) CRA RESOLUTION NO. 2020- & EXHIBIT A -BUDGET DETAIL SEVENTH AMENDMENT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC INCENTIVE AGREEMENT FOR CITY CENTER WEST ORANGE - PHASE 1 PROPOSED FY 2020 / 2021 CRA BOARD MEETING DATES UPDATE ON EXISTING PROJECTS (For information only, this will not be presented at the CRA Board Meeting) Section 1 2 K 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CRA Board Directory Section 1 NO% foo F I FT CRA WES] CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DIRECTORY Board Members Richard Firstner Commissioner/CRA Chair (407) 905-31 12 office Randy June (407) 325-1422 office OC CRA Board Member/CRA Vice Chair Rusty Johnson (407) 905-31 12 office Mayor/CRA Board Member Rosemary Wilsen (407) 905-31 12 office Commissioner/CRA Board Member Larry Brinson, Sr. (407) 905-31 12 office Commissioner/CRA Board Member George Oliver III (407) 905-31 12 office Commissioner/CRA Board Member Mark Marsh (407) 296-1801 office Appointed CRA Board Member Staff Rob Frank (407) 905-3100 x 1500 office City Manager/Executive Director Craig Shadrix (407) 905-3100 x 1081 office Assistant City Manager Mike Rumer (407) 905-3100 x 1018 Office Development Services Director Ginger Corless CRA Administrator Gilda Shaw Administrative Assistant (407) 905-3100 x 1028 office (407) 905-3100 x 1027 office Legal Counsel Scott A. Cookson, Esq. (407) 581-9800 Shuffield, Lowman & Wilson, PA rfirstnerCCocoee.org randyCCjec3.com riohnsonCCocoee.org rwilsenCCocoee,orr� IbrinsonCCocoee.org goliverCCocoee.org rfrankCCocoeg.org cra ig.sha drixCCocoeg.orq mrumerCCocoee,orct vcorlessCCocoee. QshawCCocoee.org scookson@shuffieldlowma n.com Budget Meeting Section 2 FIFTY ocoee WEST CRA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ANNUAL BUDGET MEETING Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida Due to COVID-19 City Hall is closed to the public which is subject to change based on the Governor's Executive Order. All interested parties are invited to be heard during the public comments portion of the meeting. This meeting is broadcasted live on Spectrum Channel 493 with a live stream at www.Ocoee.org/197/Ocoee-TV. Any interested party is invited to offer comments and/or questions by emailing citizens@ocoee.orq or calling 407-554-7118 or by registering in advance by emailinq citizens@ocoee.org or calling 407-905-3105 and City staff will call you during the live meeting. September 15, 2020 AGENDA 5:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER I. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum II. Public Comments III. Approval of Minutes of the June 02, 2020, CRA Regular Meeting IV. Staff Lead Presentation & Discussion, CRA Administrator Corless a) Proposed FY 2020-2021 Budget (Approval by Resolution) b) Seventh Amendment to the Development and Economic Incentive Agreement for City Center West Orange - Phase 1 c) Set FY 2020/2021 CRA Board Meeting Dates V. Board Comments ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE: IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 286.0105: ANY PERSON WHO DESIRES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR THIS PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. ALSO, IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 286.26: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE, OCOEE, FL 34761, (407) 905 -3105 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 1-1 CRA Board Meeting Minutes - 06/02/20 Section 3 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida June 2, 2020 MINUTES 5:00 PM L Cali to Order CRA Chair Firstner announced the following, "All interested parties are invited to be heard during the public comments portion of the meeting. Due to the current State of Emergency regarding COVID-19, City Hall is closed to the public; however, the City requests the public to _________............................c�coee.g1 » callor emailcomments and/or questions to 407-554-7118 or citizens(_, . CRA Chair Firstner called the Community Redevelopment Agency Board to order at 5:00 PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Chair Firstner, Vice -Chair June, Member Brinson, Member Wilsen, Member Johnson, Member Oliver and Member Marsh. Also Present: City Manager Frank, Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Cookson, and City Clerk Sibbitt. II. Public Comments -None III. Approval of Minutes from the February 18, 2020, CRA Regular Meeting Member Brinson, seconded by Member Wilsen, moved to approve the CRA Regular Meeting Minutes of February 18, 2020, as presented. Motion carried 7-0. IV. Update on Capital Projects A) SR 50 Medians - Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless provided an overview as follows: - Phase 1 and Phase 2 are completed. - Phase 3 is currently In -Progress — Contractor is nearly 75% complete, and construction is scheduled to be completed by the end of June with final inspections in July. The first FDOT reimbursement request has been submitted with the second request to be filed mid -month. The estimated reimbursement through June is over $300,000. CRA Regular Meeting 06-02-2020 Page 1 B) Target Area I (Southwest Intersection of Maguire Road and SR 50) — Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless provided an overview as follows: - Infrastructure Master Plan completed. - New Businesses proposed for the Boyd Property. - Mixed -Use Development proposed for this Target Area. Plans have not been received. C) Other Projects — Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless provided an overview as follows: N. Blackwood Ave. - Utility redesign is required due to proposed roundabout. - Moving towards 90% with streetscape design Bluford/Geneva - Roundabout Study proposed to assist with current traffic issues, and serve as gateway into Downtown and Fifty West Redevelopment District. Wellness Park - Staff is working on outstanding design issues. Plans should be finalized by the end of June. - Nearly $2 million dollars to construct. Staff is seeking to apply for grants this summer. Maine Street Park - Estimated completion date, Fall 2021 V. Public Information & Outreach Activities Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless provided an overview of the CRA Welcome Packet created for businesses which includes a Welcome Letter, Annual Report, Market Guide, Target Area Insert, and Transportation Flyer. She explained they have also sent letters alerting businesses of the City Center West Orange construction, and informing them of construction phases. Updates are also being sent out using social Media. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless provided an overview on some parking issues they have been able to resolve with the help of the Police Department. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless shared that due to COVID-19 restrictions, CRA staff has sent emails to restaurants informing them how to be listed in the West Orange Observer's Restaurant's Directory. Staff has also provided small business PPE supplies press release, and Ocoee's "Open for Business" press release. CRA Regular Meeting 06-02-2020 Page 2 VI. Other Items Reporting & Website Update — Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced the CRA website is a statutory requirement, and staff has met all state requirements. She encouraged the members to check out the website. VIL Confirm Next Regular CRA Board Meeting Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced and confirmed the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 15, 2020, at 5:00 PM. VIIL Board Comments Member Brinson commented that the beautification projects look great. CRA Chair Firstner inquired about the Duke Energy Lighting Package. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless addressed his question. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:22 PM. Attest: APPROVED: Melanie Sibbitt, Secretary Richard Firstner, Chair CRA Regular Meeting 06-02-2020 Page 3 Notice of Public Meeting Section 4 Date Published and Media Name Advertisement or Article CITY Ol7 OCrOEl3 NOTICE OF rU R1.1C NIII:ET1NG FOR ci?PlwSIDFRATION oC+THE COUMVMTYREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 2020f2021AN NlALE4t.TliGET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Florida State Statute 189.016, that on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2020, AT 5;00:P.M. or as soon thereafter as pra o- ties], ,the OCOEE COlk MUNT1°Y REi EVELOPMFNT AGENCY BOARD will hold a'P BLICMTE1'ING at the City of Ocoee Commission Chambers, 150 North Lakeshore Drive; Ocoee, Florida, to consider adoption, by resolution,; of tixe Ocoee Community Redevelopment Agency 202012021 Annual Budget. A ISOLATION OF Tf1L+ COMMUNITY iEDLEVEL'OPMTN l` AGENCY OFTHE E,FLO IDA,"OPTINGA',FRUJ)G9rFORF1 I,tAL YEAR 2020/2021, PROVIDING FOR SEVERA1R11.1TY; P1R,O'VID 1NG AN EFFECTIVE DATE. l'be Annual Budget Information may be reviewed online at oc+oeecra.com and at the Ocoee -Development Services Deportment/CRA office located at 150 North 1,akesbore Driver Ocoee, Florida between the hours of 8:00 a.m.' and 500 p,m,, Monday through Fijday, except on legal holidays. All interested parties are invited to be beard during the public comment portion of the meeting, This meeting is: closed to the public and is subject to change based on the Governor's Executive Order, This meeting is broadcasted live on Spectrum Channel 493 with a live stream at wrwwOcoee.org/19' /Ocoee- TV, .Any interested party is invited to offer comments and/or questions during public comments by ema ling citizens@ocoec:org or calling 407- 554.-7118 or by: registering in advance by emailing citizens (a7oeoee.org or calling 407-905-3105 and City staff will call you during the live meeting. The Ocoee Community Re- development Agency Board may continue the public meeting to other dates and limes,, as it deems uccessary. Any interested Harty shall be advised ofthe dates, times, and plus of any-, ontinaatimn ofthes or,continued public meetings shall he announced during the meeting and no further notices regarding these matters will be published. You are advised that any person who desires to appeal any decision made at the public meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for this, purpose may need to ensure that verbatim record ofthe proceed- ings is made which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Persons with disabilities needing assistance, to participate in any of tlxese proceedings should contact the City Clerles Office 48 hours in advance of the meeting at 407-905-3105. ,September 3, 2020 20-03303W A b moy-ML2=0: elai Section 5 40 013 FIFTY WEST MEMORANDUM TO: Ocoee Community Redevelopment Agency Board FROM: Ginger Corless, Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator DATE: September 15, 2020 RE: Budget Message for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Staff is pleased to present the CRA budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-2021 for your review and consideration. There is approximately a 16% increase in the estimated city/county increment over last year due to the increase in property values and new businesses. The estimated increment was calculated based on the City's millage of 5.15, County's current millage of 4.4347, and the Orange County property valuation for the Fifty West Redevelopment District as of June 1, 2020. The estimated total, revenue, including starting cash balance for FY 2020- 2021 is $3, 776,141.00. Historical Increment Assessment FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 2020 - 2021 Estimated Revenues Estimated City Increment Contribution $866,798.00 Estimated County Increment Contributions $758,289.00 Estimated Starting Cash Balance & Misc. Revenue $2,151,054.00 Total $3,776,141.00 City of Ocoee - 150 North Lakeshore Drive - Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 - fax: (407) 905-3167 - www.ocoee.org CRA Budget Memo September 15, 2020 Page 2 of 2 The CRA must adopt, by resolution, a balanced budget. Therefore, it is important that estimated revenues and expenditures are the same. If revenues increase or decrease after FY 2019-2020 closes, the FY 2020-2021 budget must be updated to maintain a balanced budget. In the past, the CRA has approved the Executive Director or his designee to update any resulting budget change as set forth in the resolution. FY 2020 - 2021 Proposed Expenditures Personnel Services $257,816.00 Operating Expenses $559,825.00 Capital $2,958,500.00 Total $3,776,141.00 To build in flexibility the capital expenditures ($2,958,500) are divided into three (3) categories; however, this year only the projects that have already been in progress or discussed with the Board will receive funding in FY 2020-2021. See the Capital Improvement Plan in section 7 of this packet. • On -going Projects from FY 19/20 ($2,958,500) • New Projects ($0.00) • Acquisition/Incentive Programs ($0.00) Section 8 provides a copy of the Resolution and Exhibit A - Budget Detail required to adopt the budget. Section 4 provides a copy of the advertisement that ran on September 3rd announcing the Ocoee Community Redevelopment Agency Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 Budget meeting to be held on September 15t", at 5:00 p.m. FY 2020=2021 Revenues and Expenditures Section 6 41 03 A -A w rq -0 CD Z3 C,4 no QJ G) 0 0 —co =3 u N 0 cu >1 41 0 0 -co 00 cy) Ln i Ln 0 Ln m �� N, 00 CR m rh 00 w 0 C) A :rN Ln � co m 00 "o, Ln s LD m '01, N 0 0 Lr� CIZ C) LLJ i LLJ L) LLJ X ul Ln F- M z n (D 0 co L9 ui cn LLI 0 LLI V) LU LU u u o o C3 0 a iilri C) 0 0 9 C3 ri 14�j f LD co m rn m Jl% ,Au ai in U 41 ti u r- 0 LL, in CD CD 0 tD 01 Uq CJ- Ln (3) r` t- to 0 a a 0 CD 0 0 0 C) CD n CD 0 0 0 o 0 m r- m rl to 0 Ln IM4 0 0 m m 0 a a 0 C3 Cl to 0 Ctl H W 0 N;,W St 0 0 0 w m CD U) CD w (Yi 0 06, Lri N Cr qh I rl I o C6 d fyi co q N H N 0 rl N LO H i C3 o Lo N m m e r- Lf) r 0 0 a 0 0 0 m CD 0 0 C� CD 14 0 a C) (3) rlj a) 0) 0 CD CD a a 0 0 a 0 0 ED, c) cy) c5 Ln L R r� LO Ln N m H 0 rvW %m C) C) 0 Ln 0 Ln C) N w m m cl) 01i Lo C) try" Nry N co 0 0 O CM 0 CD CD CD co U) O a) LO � 0 taw M rl LD li N N r-I O C3 CDMMCDOO N CD C3 0 I'D ro Kt w m N w LD cn 0 Ln M cc CD zzi° ce LD w 1 11 u z LLI z 0 u u u L/) Lo V) (n u Z aC W LU u (D Z LU LLJ (f) > > f) Z w V) LU U z _j cc or� z 2: Ln w U-1 z -j ol� Z 0 10 a- LLJ V) w Lf) w Lu LD 0 Fn 0 z LLI u U < V) CL w X0 U 0 D _5 2, 0 U-) 0 f, U- 12 0 > < < U, LLJ Cti tn LU Ln m Lu 2 b 025 LL W 0 w CC o LIJ x < 0. < LLI F- Ln < LL Ln LLI --j LLJ = 0 wo W �51 C- z — LLI co _j < LL > 0 P u (D ui <u E <w LU z (D z 5 w Ln uj > LL uj w 0 0 :D LU Ci cr- Lw w o Vl cq m 0 I 1 00 0 0 0 C3 %-4 %-1 m Lo 0 0 o rq 0 t-i 0 0 a 0 0 0 C3 j i C3 N 0 0 U im C3 C3 CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ln r-I N M (Y) M M :a®I 0 H N en Ln tD to 03 (n 0) CL QJ Vo tLa 4� rL 0 LO O O O l0 Q .Ln ..-I U 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 O O o o iLn' '.. O O O O o 0 O O O O O N O O O O N O O Lf) r-j O r-I O r-I N Ln Ln N O Lry O L6 O C5 %GO Lf) 06 xn Ol � N O O O O OO O O O O O O O I` *-i O O 0 O O O O O O O �} 'OO O Ln ri O ri O ri N 0 w N O V L6 6 I O c-1 N Ol Lry Ll) fit' O W O .--I Imo` O O S}' O O lD m tt' I- N O lD CO Ir' Wit' N N Lr) O N Ill Ll) Lf) O Ll) lD "'b ON .I m OO O O. N Ol to Z H.. w w w N O pw -- i";' N1 a V) Z v) o > w 'p F m „" w z w u N a =LU wa a w a w Q z Qd > aU -Iv)v)OzX� a w X o CO OO U(D O CL a O �OZz w V)Lf, ww Ujz(D�V Q Z' o o Z) L-Z) V N ZU O F In w J w a 0 z 0 0 Q 0 m Q Q ", z> a Cl a LL O O a a 0 O U a 0 m w= a h- U D a z I- z;. I- ;�," a .0 w > U O O N lD In r-i N In O In O O N O rq m O O O rq "<M O O O O O O O I O O O O O O rq I r W4m IN lNf) lNl) lNf) lfl l-f) lrqD lMD lMD ltTD H h Q x LL` on i v Non 451 4 c CL p U cm Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Section 7 CRA 5-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) FY 2020-2021; Based on Final FY 20 Increment Revenue & Projected Cash Forward Wellness Park $ 2,000,0$ Design Construction $ 2,000, mue RoadwayS 350.00 inn 1 c Utilty Design Complete FY90 ME •• I off Construction 1,500,000 S. Bluford Streetscape $ 383,500 $ 2,000,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,000,000 $ - Design/Easement Acquisition in FY 21 $ 383,500 Construction $ 2,000,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,000,000 Bluford & Geneva Intersection Improvements S 175.000 j $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 1,850,000 $ 350,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 4,883,500 $ 383,500 1 and Site Amenities M $ 50,000 = 1 1 1 II111 $ 50,000 Maguire Rd Ph. 5 $ $ 50,000 $ 500,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 5,550,000 CD review LT$ CD Revisions $ 50,000 50,000 Final Design/ROW/Construction $ 500,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,500,000 5,500,000 uisition/Incentive Dollars $ -M $ 100,0001 $ 200,0001 $ 200,0001 $ 200,000I $ 700,000 Summary On -Going Projects $ 2,958,500 $ 3,550,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ - $ 11,508,500 New Projects $ - $ 500,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,600,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 6,100,000 Acquisitions/Incentives $ - $ 100,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 700,000 Total $ 2,958,500 $ 4,150,000 $ 4,200,000 $ 3,800,000 $ 3,200,000 $ 18,308,500 * Only the projects in FY 20-21 are funded *** Updated 07/27/20 CRA Budget Resolution No,, 2020=001 and Exhibit A - Budget Detail Section 8 CRA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-001 A RESOLUTION OF THE OCOEE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021; PROVIDING FOR BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND THE APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Ocoee Community Redevelopment Agency (the "CRA") was created pursuant to Part HI, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and Ordinance No. 2006-007 of the City of Ocoee, Florida; and WHEREAS, the CRA is a dependent special district under Chapter 189, Florida Statutes, known as the Uniform Special District Accountability Act (the "Special District Act"); and WHEREAS, the Special District Act requires all special districts, including dependent special districts, such as the CRA, to adopt a budget for each fiscal year by resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OCOEE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authority. The CRA has the authority to adopt this Resolution pursuant to the Special District Act. SECTION 2. Adoption of Budget. The governing body of the CRA does hereby approve and adopt a budget for the CRA for Fiscal Year 2020-2021. A copy of the budget is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference. 1 SECTION 3. Budget Adiustments. As of the date of adoption of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021, the governing body of the CRA may not have received the final calculations regarding tax increment revenues and/or carried forward monies to be deposited into the Community Redevelopment Trust Fund for the Community Redevelopment Area which will be available for use by the CRA for Fiscal Year 2020-2021. Accordingly, the governing body of the CRA does hereby direct that tax increment revenues received in excess of the projected budgeted revenues be allocated to the 4900 Reserve for Contingency line item as set forth in Exhibit "A" and that any shortfalls in the projected budgeted tax increment revenues and/or monies carried forward be deducted from the 4900 Reserve for Contingency line item as set forth in Exhibit "A". In accordance with Subsection 163.387(7), F.S., the governing body of the CRA does hereby direct that monies carried forward in excess of the budgeted amount be allocated to the 6302 Capital Improvements line item, as set forth in Exhibit "A", to fund projects identified in the CRA Capital Improvement Plan and Community Redevelopment Plan or be deposited into an escrow account for the purpose of later reducing any indebtedness to which increment revenues are pledged. The Executive Director of the CRA is hereby authorized to administratively make any adjustments to the budget which may be required to implement the provisions of this section. SECTION 4. Appropriations. There are hereby expressly appropriated out of anticipated revenues all funds and monies necessary to meet the appropriations stipulated by and in the attached budget. SECTION 5. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. 2 SECTION 6. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption, and the budget adopted and approved by this Resolution shall be effective as of October 1, 2020. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 151h of September, 2020. ATTEST: Melanie Sibbitt, Secretary (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE OCOEE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY This 151h day of September, 2020. SHUFFIELD, LOWMAN & WILSON, PA Scott Cookson, City Attorney APPROVED: OCOEE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Richard Firstner, Chair 3 Exhibit A FIFTY 40 013 0 WEST FY 2020-2021 CRA BUDGET DETAIL & CIP WORK PROGRAM The following provides a more detailed overview of the CRA's budget and capital work program. This document is an attachment to the CRA's FY 2020-2021 Budget Resolution. PERSONNEL S257,816 This account covers salary, FICA, and benefit costs for the CRA Administrator, the CRA Administrative Assistant, and a percentage of the Assistant City Manager and the City Manager personnel cost. OPERATING EXPENSES S559,825 3101 Legal Expense - $11,400 (same as last year) • Legal costs associated with potential acquisitions, legal review of documents, attendance at CRA Board meetings and other legal issues pertaining to implementation of the CRA Plan and/or amendment, or other planning documents; as well as, the day to day activities of the office of the CRA. 3128 Professional Services/Other - $120,000 • The allocation includes funds for the following items: o Graphic Design Services for CRA Branding & Promotions - $10,000 o Economic Development Services - $30,000 o Planning Studies - $80,000 (i.e. studies related to potential redevelopment sites, Target Area stormwater continued assessment, and evaluation of adding enclaves located within the CRA boundaries to the legal description of the Redevelopment District) 3400 Contractual Services - S300.000 • The following costs have been estimated: o CRA Landscape Maintenance - $200,000 o Plant Replacements in Medians - $55,000 o Desk Top Publishing/Graphic Design for Annual Report - $5,000 o CRA Website Hosting & Updates - $2,000 o Grant Writing Support Services - $5,000 o Misc. Contracts unknown at this time - $33,000 This account was increased from $150,000 to account for the added landscape maintenance within the CRA, in addition to funding plant replacement. City of Ocoee - 150 North Lakeshore Drive - Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 - fax: (407) 905-3167 - www.ocoee.org Proposed Budget Detail Revised August 13, 2020 Page 2 of 3 4000 Travel Expense - $10,000 (same as last year) • This is for travel to events such as ICSC's national, state and local networking meetings to promote the Fifty West Redevelopment District. 4100 Telephone Expense - $3,800 (5% decrease) 4200 Postage and Freight - $1,000 • We needed to double the allocation from last year to address mailing out developer packages, annual reports, and business welcome packets. 4301 Water Expense - $20,000 • This is anew line item for the CRA to cover irrigation expenses on SR 50 medians. 4700 Printing and Binding - $4,500 • For various print jobs, such as the CRA Annual Report, CRA Target Area Special Development Plan Booklets, and miscellaneous printing and binding. • This account was increased by 28.5 % due to increasing printing/binding costs. 4900 Reserve for Contingency - $50,000 • This account serves as the CRA's reserve • This account was lowered from $75,000 in FY 20 4901 Administrative Legal Ads - $600 (same as last year) 5100 Office Supplies - $1,000 • We needed to double this account to meet the needs of 2 full time staff members. 5200 POL Supplies- $500 (same as last year) 5202 Operating Supplies - $1,000 (same as last year) 5216 Copying Expense - S1,000 (same as last year) 5235 Computer Equipment/Software - $2,000 (same as last year) 5401 Books/Subscriptions - S525 • This account was increased from $150.00 to pay for CRA's video conferencing capability. • Funds are also used to pay for the CRA's website domains' renewals. 5402 Professional Dues - $2,500 (same as last year) 5405 Training Expense - S5,000 (same as last year) 8200 Community Promotions - $15,000 (same as last year) • Provides funding for sponsorship of local events 8205 Public Relations Development - S10,000 (same as last year) Proposed Budget Detail Revised August 13, 2020 Page 3 of 3 • Funds promotional activities designed to broaden CRA awareness. 6302 Capital Improvements $2,958,500 The following provides details for each of the three (3) capital improvement program categories. • Ongoing Projects from FY 2019/2020 ($2,958,500) - The following projects have been identified to move forward in FY 20-21. o Wellness Park ($2,000,000) - Design is complete. We estimate initiating construction in early 2021. The construction is viewed as high priority in order to create Fifty West Redevelopment District as a destination. o N Blackwood Avenue ($350,000) - Engineering is at 60% complete. The roundabout is resulting in the need for additional engineering to relocate utilities and stormwater facilities. The Construction documents should be completed by late fall. Furthermore, there will be a need to acquire ROW. Costs anticipated in FY 21 will be directed at ROW acquisition and design refinement. The total construction cost of this project is currently estimated at $1,200,000. Construction will probably start fall of 2021. o S. Bluford Streetscape Design & Engineering ($383,500) The estimated construction cost is over $4,000,000. Staff will secure design services in FY 20-21 and move forward with the acquiring easements needed for its construction. Staff will need to secure supplemental funding for this project. Construction is not estimated to commence until FY 2021 - 2022 or later based on available funding. o Intersection Improvements at Bluford & Geneva (175,000) -FY 2021-2022 identifies $175,000 to be used for intersection improvements at Bluford/Geneva. o Maine Street Park ($50,000) CRA will partner with CCWO to outfit Maine Street park with park furnishings and interpretive signage. This is expected to be completed in early fall of 2021. • New Projects ($0.00) - Currently, there are no funds assigned to this category. This category includes miscellaneous beautification and/or capital projects that meet the intent as defined by the Ocoee Community Redevelopment Plan, but not listed above. If costs for the capital projects listed above are less than estimated or if there are additional monies carried forward than anticipated, then those monies may be used to fund new projects. • Acquisition/Incentives ($0.00) - Currently, there are no funds assigned to this category. If costs for the capital projects listed above are less than estimated or if there are additional monies carried forward than anticipated, then those monies may be used to fund property appraisals or site assessments, to purchase property or to fund developer or business incentive programs. u r- 0 LL, in CD CD 0 tD 01 Uq CJ- Ln (3) r` t- to 0 a a 0 CD 0 0 0 C) CD n CD 0 0 0 o 0 m r- m rl to 0 Ln IM4 0 0 m m 0 a a 0 C3 Cl to 0 Ctl H W 0 N;,W St 0 0 0 w m CD U) CD w (Yi 0 06, Lri N Cr qh I rl I o C6 d fyi co q N H N 0 rl N LO H i C3 o Lo N m m e r- Lf) r 0 0 a 0 0 0 m CD 0 0 C� CD 14 0 a C) (3) rlj a) 0) 0 CD CD a a 0 0 a 0 0 ED, c) cy) c5 Ln L R r� LO Ln N m H 0 rvW %m C) C) 0 Ln 0 Ln C) N w m m cl) 01i Lo C) try" Nry N co 0 0 O CM 0 CD CD CD co U) O a) LO � 0 taw M rl LD li N N r-I O C3 CDMMCDOO N CD C3 0 I'D ro Kt w m N w LD cn 0 Ln M cc CD zzi° ce LD w 1 11 u z LLI z 0 u u u L/) Lo V) (n u Z aC W LU u (D Z LU LLJ (f) > > f) Z w V) LU U z _j cc or� z 2: Ln w U-1 z -j ol� Z 0 10 a- LLJ V) w Lf) w Lu LD 0 Fn 0 z LLI u U < V) CL w X0 U 0 D _5 2, 0 U-) 0 f, U- 12 0 > < < U, LLJ Cti tn LU Ln m Lu 2 b 025 LL W 0 w CC o LIJ x < 0. < LLI F- Ln < LL Ln LLI --j LLJ = 0 wo W �51 C- z — LLI co _j < LL > 0 P u (D ui <u E <w LU z (D z 5 w Ln uj > LL uj w 0 0 :D LU Ci cr- Lw w o Vl cq m 0 I 1 00 0 0 0 C3 %-4 %-1 m Lo 0 0 o rq 0 t-i 0 0 a 0 0 0 C3 j i C3 N 0 0 U im C3 C3 CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ln r-I N M (Y) M M :a®I 0 H N en Ln tD to 03 (n 0) CL QJ Vo tLa 4� rL 0 LO r- 0 CD C] m m 0 0 LO 0 m 0 0 0 OiLm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C7 C) C) rIq CD 0 CD 0 0 (D Ln CD 0 Ln Ln 0 0 CD co V) CD C) CD 0 CD CD CD 0 0 CD 0 0 0 H CD cI Ln R C) U) 00 rq 0 m 0 L1y C� o 0) Ln Ln w C) co CD li r- CD 0, o o r1l a) 0 C) m m ro N t� C) to co r-I N CD rq LI) LD 00 rl CD Ln 0 Ln W, 0 CD rl CD n LO r- et'kD •Ln (73 0 C), 'Ac'; N rA CD ct m co CD CD 1,111,1101, r,4 m m LO i z LU j! > cn 0. 0 cc: 0 LLJ 0- p Le) r- Lq 0 LU LL LLI LLJ IL M V) 0 V) uq Ld CL z FR 5 z LU 11r, LL) z > U) J tA Lu a�0- u -j 0 0 rL CL uj a- >< LU C) 0 (A Cc X LU 0- LPL0. 0 W a� 0� LU WP LU n� 0,6 Lu Ln t4 LL U- n- LU LU U Lou w LJ - Ln L.0 Z -j I S2 Lu 0 1 0 Z < < :c LL 0 a. 0 z 0 = cc 0 m cc M cf Ltj C 0 a- 0 co cl- u o- CL LIJ > c) o N Lo Ln H N in c3 Ln C) m N 0 vq m TI N LO Ln N 11) N Ln LI) Ln Ln En N 00 N 57-3 CD 0) (n t-i w rn (D CY) W tzr fm KT U:) w In lu CL x tto M N A 12 a Seventh Amendment to the Development and Economic Incentive Agreement for City Center West Orange - Phase 1 Section 9 THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY AND SHOULD BE RETURNED TO: PREPARED BY: Dana Crosby -Collier, Esq. SHUFFIELD, LOWMAN & WILSON. P.A. 1000 Legion Place, Suite 1700 Orlando, FL 32801 RETURN TO: City Clerk CITY OF OCOEE 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 (407)656-2322 DOC # 20200443833 08/24/2020 09:04 AM Page 1 of 8 Rec Fee: $69.50 Deed Doc Tax: $0.00 Mortgage Doc Tax: $0.00 Intangible Tax: $0.00 Phil Diamond, Comptroller Orange County, FL Ret To: CSC INC For Recording Purposes Only SEVENTH AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC INCENTIVE AGREEMENT (City Center West Oranize Phase 1) THIS SEVENTH AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC INCENTIVE AGR { MENT (this "Amendment") is made and entered into as of the / q� day of RN S 2020, by and among CBPW CORPORATION, a Nevada corporation, whose mailing address is 12724 Waterford Pointe Boulevard, Windermere, FL 34786 ("CBPW") and MAINE BOULEVARD II, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, whose mailing address is 7380 West Sand Lake Road, Suite 395, Orlando, FL 32819 ("MB II") (CBPW, and MB II hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Owner") and the CITY OF OCOEE, a Florida municipal corporation, whose mailing address is 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761, Attention: City Manager (hereinafter referred to as the "City"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, on October 3, 2016, a fully executed Development and Economic Incentive Agreement for City Center West Orange Phase 1, by and between CCWO Development Management, LLC, WSCC Development, LLC, MB Il, the City, and the City of Ocoee Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), for the development of the Property described in Exhibit "A," attached thereto, was recorded at document #20160517902, public records of Orange County, Florida, and is amended by that a First Amendment thereto as fully executed on December 6, 2016, and recorded at document #20160666267, public records of Orange County, Florida, the Second Amendment thereto as fully executed on January 17, 2017, and recorded at document #20170046961, public records of Orange County, Florida, the Third Amendment thereto as fully executed on December 28, 2017, and recorded at document #20180023316, the Fourth Amendment thereto as fully executed on September 18, 2018, and recorded at document #20180604048, public records of Orange County, Florida, the Fifth Amendment thereto as fully executed on March 19, 2019, and recorded at document #20190170129, public records of Orange County, Florida, and the and the Sixth Amendment thereto as fully executed on November 8, 2019, and recorded at document #20190708340, public records of Orange County, Florida (collectively the "Agreement"); 20200443833 Page 2 of 8 WHEREAS, on August 18, 2020, the City Commission voted to recognize substantial completion of the Maine Street Retention Pond and to pay Owner $417,002.00 for this work from the City's Stormwater Fund and to also extend time under certain provisions of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the parties agree that the terms and provisions of the Agreement should be formally amended to allow for City payment to Owner at this time and to allow additional time for development of the Property; and WHEREAS, since the use and application of fees and impact fee credits is not within the purview of the CRA, the CRA is not a party to this Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and other good and valuable considerations exchanged between the parties hereto, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: Section 1. Recitals; Definitions. The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by this reference. All capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall be as defined or described on the Final Plans, unless otherwise indicated. Section 2. Development Approvals. Nothing herein will be construed to grant or waive on behalf of the City any development approvals that may be required in connection with the Final Plan or the Owner's development of the Property. Notwithstanding this Amendment, the Owner must comply with all applicable procedures and standards relating to the development of the Property. Section 3. Building Plan Review Fee. Section 6 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: The parties acknowledge that, as of the date of this Amendment, construction of the horizontal development of the Initial Construction Improvements, as defined in this paragraph, has commenced. Notwithstanding anything contained herein or in the Final Plans to the contrary, provided that (i) the Owner is not then in default under any of the obligations contained in this Agreement; and (ii) only as it applies to building plans submitted for the construction of the horizontal development and the parking garages and shell buildings within the Property (the "Initial Construction Improvements"); and (iii) provided such payment is made in connection with plans submitted on or before December 31, 2021 (the "Plan Review Discount Deadline"), building and fire plan review fees for construction of the Initial Construction Improvements, currently assessed at 1/4 of 1 % and 1/4 of 1 %, respectively, of the anticipated construction costs for such improvements, shall instead be assessed at a flat fee of $500,000.00 (the "Flat Review Fee"). The Flat Review Fee shall be payable as described in (i), (ii) and (iii), below, provided such submissions are prior to the Plan Review Discount Deadline: (i) a $55,000.00 Payment shall be made to the City at the time the building permit is issued by the City for foundation construction; (ii) a $110,000.00 Payment shall be made to the City at the time the building permit is issued by the City for the parking garage; and (iii) a Seventh Amendment DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC INCENTIVE AGREEMENT (City Center West Orange Phase l) 20200443833 Page 3 of 8 $335,000.00 Payment shall be made to the City at the time the building permit is issued for the shell building and interior construction. Upon receipt of each Payment, 40% of each Payment shall be retained by the City in a separate account and used for the City's purchase and maintenance of plan review/permit tracking software, permanent or temporary positions relating to inspections, or other specific needs relating to the project to be developed on the Property. Nothing herein shall prohibit the City from using any software, employees, or other items purchased with any portion of a Payment, including the 40% of the Payment retained in a separate account, for other projects or properties in the City. The remainder of the any Payment shall be applied and used by the City consistent with its normal procedure relating to the receipt of building and fire plan review fees. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the Flat Review Fee shall not be applicable and instead the then -applicable standard fees shall apply to any construction plans not submitted to the City on or before the Plan Review Discount Deadline, in accordance with this Section. Section 4. Deferral of Payment of Sewer and Water Capital Charges. Section 7 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: Notwithstanding anything contained herein or in the Final Plans to the contrary, provided that the Owner is not then in default under any of the obligations contained in this Agreement and only as it applies to development of the Initial Construction Improvements, the applicable Sewer and Water Capital Charges that are required in connection with the Initial Construction Improvements that are due and payable pursuant to the Code of Ordinances of the City at the time a building permit is issued shall instead be due and payable on the date of issuance of a temporary or the final certificate of occupancy/certificate of completion for such improvements and, if at such time the amounts generated are sufficient, paid out of the Tax Increment Recapture (as defined in Section 8 of the Agreement) generated from the Property up to the Tax Increment Cap (as defined in the Agreement). In the event there is not sufficient Tax Increment Recapture available to pay the applicable Sewer and Water Capital Charges within two (2) years following the issuance of the first temporary or the final certificate of occupancy/certificate of completion for the Initial Construction Improvements, Owner shall pay on its own the applicable Sewer and Water Capital Charges that are required in connection with the Initial Construction Improvements that are due and payable in such two (2) year period. However, the City shall reimburse Owner for any payments toward Sewer and Water Capital Charges paid for by Owner out of the Tax Increment Recapture received following such two (2) year period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, such payments to Owner shall only be made in the event the Tax Increment Recapture at such time exceeds the amount of applicable Sewer and Water Capital Charges paid by the City out of the Tax Increment Recapture. Under no circumstances shall the City be obligated to issue a temporary or final certificate of occupancy/certificate of completion for any improvements constructed on the Property until the applicable Sewer and Water Capital Charges for such improvement are paid. For improvements on the Property other than the Initial Construction Improvements (including, but not limited to, any applicable upcharge for uses beyond a seventh Amendment DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC INCENTIVE AGREEMENT (City Center West Orange Phase 1) 20200443833 Page 4 of 8 retail shell), Sewer and Water Capital Charges shall be due and payable in amounts and pursuant to the timing set forth in the Code of Ordinances of the City. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the deferral and payment of Sewer and Water Capital Charges shall not be applicable in the event a temporary or final certificate of occupancy/certificate of completion for such improvements is not issued on or before October 1, 2023, the Tax Increment Cap has been reached, or the Recapture Period (as defined in the Agreement) has expired. The City Manager may, in his/her sole and absolute discretion, grant the Owner one (1)- six (6) month extension beyond the date provided in this Section; provided, however, that no time extension granted by the City Manager shall extend beyond April 1, 2024. Section 5. Deferral of Payment of Transportation Impact Fees. Section 9 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: Notwithstanding anything contained herein or in the Final Plans to the contrary, provided that the Owner is not then in default under any of the obligations contained in this Agreement and only as it applies to development of the Initial Construction Improvements, transportation impact fees that are required in connection with the Initial Construction Improvements that are due and payable pursuant to the Code of Ordinances of the City at the time a building permit is issued shall instead be due and payable on the date of issuance of a temporary or the final certificate of occupancy/certificate of completion for such improvements. Once the Transportation Impact Fee Credits as described in Section 10 of the Agreement is exhausted, under no circumstances shall the City be obligated to issue a temporary or final certificate of occupancy/certificate of completion for any improvements constructed on the Property until the applicable impact fees for such improvement are paid. At all times school, police and fire impact fees shall be due and payable in amounts and pursuant to the timing set forth in the Code of Ordinances of the City. For improvements on the Property other than the Initial Construction Improvements (including, but not limited to, any applicable upcharge for uses beyond a retail shell), transportation impact fees shall be due and payable in amounts and pursuant to the timing set forth in the Code of Ordinances of the City. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the deferral of transportation impact fees shall not be applicable in the event a temporary or final certificate of occupancy/certificate of completion for such improvements is not issued on or before October 1, 2023. The City Manager may, in his/her sole and absolute discretion, grant the Owner one (1)- six (6) month extension beyond the date provided in this Section; provided, however, that no time extension granted by the City Manager shall extend beyond April 1, 2024. Section 6. Construction of Maine Street Retention Pond. Section 24 of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: The Final Plans provide for a master retention pond located near the northeast corner of Maine Street and Chicago Avenue (the "Maine Street Retention Pond"). The Maine Street Retention Pond is intended to accommodate the stormwater drainage from both Seventh Amendment DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC INCENTIVE AGREEMENT (City Center West Orange Phase 1) 20200443833 Page 5 of 8 Maine Street Section 1 and Maine Street Section 2. Owner has completed and received a certificate of completion from the City for completion of the Maine Street Retention Pond. The parties agree that the City shall pay to Owner a cash payment of $417,002.00 out of the City's Stormwater Fund within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date of this Amendment. Section 7. Ratification of Prior Aireements. Except as amended hereby, the Agreement remains unchanged and in full force and effect, and each of the parties hereto hereby ratifies and confirms the terms and conditions of the Agreement. All references herein to the Agreement shall refer to the Development and Economic Incentive Agreement for City Center West Orange Phase 1, as amended by this Sixth Amendment, unless the text or context indicates otherwise. In the event of any conflict between the Agreement and this Amendment it is agreed that this Amendment shall control. Section 8. Covenant Running with the Land. This Amendment shall run with the Property and inure to and be for the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns and any person, firm, corporation, or entity who may become the successor in interest to the Property or any portion thereof. Section 9. Recordation of Amendment. The parties hereto agree that an executed original of this Amendment shall be recorded by the City, at the Owner's expense, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida. Section 10. Counterparts. This Amendment may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Section 11. Effective Date. The Effective Date of this Amendment shall be the day this Amendment is last executed by a party hereto and such date shall be inserted on Page 1 of this Amendment. [THE BALANCE OF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK] Seventh Amendment DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC INCENTIVE AGREEMENT (City Center West Orange Phase 1) 20200443833 Page 6 of 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner and the City have caused this instrument to be executed by their duly authorized elected officials, partners, and/or officers as of the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of - Print Name / &Aq i' el J G 0bl 1 ! Q.rrV.�%A L"16A�& ki Print Name lAn&04 STATE OF rk ri (L -- COUNTY OF Orange, CBPW CORPORATION, a Nevada Corpor By• y P nt ame: JC�v 1 A IJ LIJ n S C h Title: r C We n i The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before me by means -1of & physical presence or ❑ online notarization, this I' day of t;- , 2020, by ,�Ctu IU TLIIjn Se cl as Fr PS i � C VA of CBPW Corporation, a Nevada corporation, on behalf of the corporatio-r, who is personally known to me or who has produced FL 0 L as identification. �Y>u'•. MICHELE L SCHRAMM ?� Notary Public State of Florida Commission X GG 269557 orn My Comm. Expires Oct 21, 2022 Bonded through National Notary Assn. seventh Amendment DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC INCENTIVE AGREEMENT (City Center West Orange Phase 1) Signature of Notary M l E W �e L t\ r (O m ►), Name of Notary (Typed, Printed or Stamped) Commission Number (if not legible on seal): My Commission Expires (if not legible on seal): 20200443833 Page 7 of 8 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Print Name %*Z/i`t h / Y S(h p Print Name Pdnbcy V-G-naal STATE OF hoyl A n COUNTY OF 1160(.11114 e.1 OWNER: MAINE BOULEVARD II, LLC, a Florida limit liability corn any Print Name: % O o T o a n S t' ricl Title: Py- e S ( C� C h'v The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of Ef physical presence or ❑ online notarization, this i'day of , 2020, by- C UI cI —("o W n Send as P+,eS i ci c n { of MAINE BOULEVARD II, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, on behalf of the company, who is personally known to me or who has produced f L- D t, as identification. MICHELE L SCHRAMM ?°MA Notary Public - State of Florida` Commission N GG 269557 ortti° My Comm. Expires Oct 21, 2022 Bonded through National Notary Assn. Seventh Amendment DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC INCENTIVE AGREEMENT (City Center West Orange Phase I) ti Signature o Notary M 'i L Name of Notary (Typed, Printed or Stamped) Commission Number (if not legible on seal): My Commission Expires (if not legible on seal): 20200443833 Page 8 of 8 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: • - �� Print Name: "11W • �• QLOL. Print Name )4L r r e NI C n z ie FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. �pproved as to form and legality this � day of 2020. S ".IELD, LOWMAN & WILSON, P.A. B City Attor y STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA (SEAL)." . APPROVED ' BY THE - OCOEE CITY COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD ON f%N asi /8 , 2020 UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. M? The foregoing instrument ws acknowledged before me by means of Ltiiphysical presence or ❑online notarization, this day of , 2020, by RUSTY JOHNSON and MELANIE SIBBITT, personally known to me to a the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA and that they severally acknowledged executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses, freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in them by said municipality. MKHELE L SCHRAMM 4001) Notary public • State Florida Commission N GG 2b9557 My Comm. Expires Oct 21, 2022 Bonded throu{h National Notary Assn. Seventh Amendment DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC INCENTIVE AGREEMENT (City Center West Orange Phase 1) t 6,a f Signdture of Notary_ Name of Notary (Typed, Printed or Stamped) Commission Number (if not legible on sea): My Commission Expires (if not legible on sea): Proposed FY 2020/2021 CRA Board Meeting Dates Section 10 FIFT 0C0(1(? WES CRA MEMORANDUM TO: Ocoee Community Redevelopment Agency Board FROM: Ginger Corless, Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator DATE: September 15, 2020 RE: Proposed City of Ocoee CRA Meeting Schedule for FY 2020/2021 Pursuant to the Bylaws of the CRA, below are possible dates to be considered for the four (4) meetings for Fiscal Year 2020/2021: If these dates don't work CRA is to propose new dates. 1. Meeting # 1: Tuesday, November 17th at 5:00 p.m. (before City Commission meeting) 2. Meeting #2: Tuesday, February 16th at 5:00 p.m. (before City Commission meeting) 3. Meeting #3: Tuesday, Mayl8th at 5:00 p.m. (before City Commission meeting) 4. Meeting #4: Tuesday, September 21 st at 5:00 p.m. (before City Commission Meeting) Staff request CRA adoption of FY 2020-2021 meeting calendar. Ocoee CRA • 150 North Lakeshore Drive • Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 • fax: (407) 905-3167 • www.ocoeecra.com Update on Existing Projects Section 11 0 7 CRA Projects A Year in Review 2019-2020 Over the past fiscal year (FY 2019-2020), CRA staff have been very busy in initiating, implementing and monitoring projects throughout the Fifty West Redevelopment District. The following provides an update on these projects, as well as, a glimpse to the activities moving forward for next fiscal year. In October and November of 2019, the Clark Road medians were landscaped between SR 50 and Matthew Paris Boulevard. As with all our other median projects, the first step was the removal of all old plant material and 6" of the existing dirt. A prepared planting mix was then installed to promote strong growth of the new plantings. The irrigation was redesigned and installed from a single point system to three (3) zones, one for turf, one for shrubs and one for trees/palms. This along with installing plants with similar watering requirements together, met the City's goals for water conservation in the landscape. Building on the plant pallet used on Old Winter Garden Road and S. Blackwood Avenue native palms, oaks and grasses along with easy to maintain shrubs such as Petite Oleander were planted. A Medjool Date Palm and blue daze were installed at the tip of the Clarke Road median at SR 50 to accentuate the Welcome to Ocoee sign. Total cost of improvements $95,986. 44 k11 9 340 ;IM�IJ,,it ; r' EST CRA This year, the focus has been on the medians of State Road (SR) 50. As the City's major commercial corridor, SR 50 traverses through the center of the Fifty West Redevelopment District. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) completed the six-laning of SR 50 between SR 429 and Good Homes Road in June of 2018. Once the paving was complete and the heavy equipment left, the City was left with large expanses of grass medians and a roadway that was void of street lights between SR 429 and just west of Lake Lotta. The CRA's portion of the project is between SR 429 and Clarke Road. On November 6, 2019, the design and requested variance that allows us to plant trees, was approved by the FDOT. The City placed the construction documents out for bidding. The contract was awarded to Down to Earth. In late February, the preconstruction meeting was held and construction began in mid -march. In the Redevelopment District over 13 palms, 25 Crape Myrtle, three (3) magnolia trees and 19,179 shrubs/groundcover were planted. Project was finalized on September 2, 2020 and the contractor transitioned their activities to maintenance. Down To Earth is responsible for maintaining the medians for the duration of the one-year warranty period. 44 0 340 ;IM�IJ,,it ; r' EST CRA SR 50 Streetlighting - The City was contacted in August 2019 by FDOT and Duke Energy regarding the design and installation of the streetlights on SR 50 beginning east of SR 429 and ends west of Good Homes Road. The installation of the streetlights was engineered by SRD Engineers, and will be installed by Duke Energy and the installation paid for by FDOT. The design engineer is waiting on FDOT to issue a notice to proceed to Duke Energy any day now. Welliness Park Designing Parks that Embrace Healthy Cornimunity Initiatives Our consultant, GAI, has submitted the final review set to the City and CRA. The park includes four (4) outdoor exercise areas. Each of the exercise areas will be located underneath a sunshade. The park will also include a wellness -walking loop and a ceremonial plaza. The cost to construct Wellness Park is in the vicinity of $1,900,000. The implementation of this project will be the primary focus for 2020. 44 0 9 340 ;IM�IJ,,it ; r' EST CRA S. Bluford Avenue is a critical local connector road for the City, as well as, for Fifty West in that it connects SR 50 to City Center and Downtown. CRA staff are in the process of preparing a scope of services to go out to bid for a consultant to engineer the project and prepare the construction documents. The professional services are estimated to be around $383,500. The design and engineering fees have been identified in the FY 2020-2021 CRA budget. It is anticipated that the project will need to be implemented in three (3) phases and alternative funding will need to be secured to leverage CRA funds to implement the corridor enhancements. In FY 2020-2021, the CRA is partnering with the City (Public Works) to improve the intersection of Buford Avenue and Geneva Street. The CRA's share of the intersection improvements is estimated at $175,000. When constructed, City Center will serve as a major destination not just for the Redevelopment District, but for the City as a whole. Over the past year, staff has been working with several initiatives that will serve to enhance the entrances to City Center at Maine Street and N. Blackwood Avenue. Maine Street Park will be developed at the corner of Bluford Avenue and Maine Street, where there is an existing retention pond. This pond is being enlarged and a park developed that includes a walkway around the pond, seating areas, enhanced landscape and overlooks at either end of the pond where once the historic Maine Street traversed. Whereas, City Center West Orange is responsible for constructing the park, $50,000 has been allocated in the CRA's FY 2020-2021 budget to design and fabricate historical interpretive exhibits, and for detailing at each of the overlooks. 44 0 9 340 ;IM�IJ,,it ; r' EST CRA N. Blackwood Avenue will be the primary access to City Center from SR 50. Recognizing the importance of this connection, staff is working with an engineering and landscape architecture consultant to design a new streetscape. Improvements include a roundabout at Montgomery Avenue, enlarged medians, landscaping and new streetlight. Based on the change in direction to incorporate a roundabout, this project has been delayed due to the need to address utility conflicts. $350,000 has been allocated in the CRA's FY 2020-2021 budget to address acquisition of right-of-way, and addressing utility conflicts, the N. Blackwood Avenue reconstruction project will be coordinated with City Center West Orange as they ramp down construction. The estimated construction cost is currently $1,500,000 which has been identified for in FY 2021-2022. Staff continues to work with property owners of prime redevelopment locations within Fifty West to visualize the potential of their property and the role it can play in implementing the CRA Redevelopment Plan and the Target Areas Special Development Plan. This work includes negotiations with property owners in Target Area one regarding infrastructure. Staff continues with weekly inspections of the entire CRA. Issues such as poor landscape maintenance, potential code violations, condition of retention ponds and trash are documented. Staff immediately requests support from other departments, such as Code Enforcement and Public Works to assist with any issues. We also inspect the quality of work that is being performed by the CRA's landscape maintenance contractor. In FY 2020-2021 the CRA is estimated to spend $125,310 for landscape maintenance services for SR 50 and the other roadways within the Redevelopment Area. 4 volw F I FT Y ocoee WEST CRA 150 N, Lakeshom Divo, Ocoee, RI 34761 407.905,3100 x 1028