HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-01-2020 Minutes MINUTES
DECEMBER 1, 2020
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 PM in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Mayor Johnson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag led by Commissioner Firstner. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a quorum
Present: Mayor Johnson,Commissioner Brinson, Commissioner Wilsen,Commissioner Firstner,
Commissioner Oliver
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Cookson, City Clerk Sibbitt
Mayor Johnson announced the following, "City Hall is open to the public; however, attendance
inside the Ocoee Commission Chambers may be limited to accommodate social distancing and is
subject to change based on the Governor's Executive Order. Any interested party is invited to be
heard during the public comments and public hearing portion of the meeting. The public may also
call or email comments and/or questions to 407-554-7118 or citizens@ocoee.org. City staff will
be standing by to ensure that your comments or questions come before the City Commission
during the meeting."
City Manager Frank announced before them is the following:
Emergency Item #1 - Accept Grant Award from St. Johns River Water Management
District for Lake Prima Vista Sediment Nutrient Inactivation. (Public Works Director
The City has been working with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection under a Nutrient
Reduction 4e program to treat elevated nutrient concentrations in Lake Prima Vista. The Commission
acknowledged at the April 21, 2020 meeting the award of a cost-sharing grant from St. Johns River Water
Management District(SJRWMD)for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Districtwide Cost-Share Program to address
the lake conditions. The City was awarded the maximum 33% cost sharing funding at $42,336.00, which
became available October 1,2020. Public Works is requesting Commission authorization to accept the grant
as the City's $85,956.00 share of the funding for this lake treatment has been adequately funded in the
2020/2021 Stormwater budget. The approval of the sediment treatment contract work will be brought back
before the Commission at a future meeting.
City Manager Frank briefly explained the emergency item before them which he advised is a
cost-share agreement between St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) and the
City for sediment treatment for Lake Prima Vista. He further shared SJRWMD is asking for
approval so they may proceed with providing their share of the funds.
Regular City Commission Meeting
December 1, 2020
Motion: Move to Approve the Grant Award from St. Johns River Water
Management District for Lake Prima Vista Sediment Nutrient Inactivation;
Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Oliver; Motion
carried unanimously.
Commissioner Oliver—None
Commissioner Firstner—None
Commissioner Wilsen—None
Commissioner Brinson—None
Mayor Johnson—Announced the following:
1) This year's Ocoee Christmas Parade has been canceled. However, the Ocoee Fire and Police
Departments' Operation Santa will spread holiday joy through neighborhoods beginning this
evening. To find out when Santa is coming to your neighborhood visit the City's website at
No speaker reservation forms, telephone calls, or emails were received.
Consent Agenda Motion
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 - #9.
Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Brinson; Motion
carried 5-0.
1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held November
17,2020. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
2. Approval of the Three-Year Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of
Ocoee and the City of Ocoee Professional Firefighters Union, I.A.F.F. Local 3623.
(Assistant City Manager Shadrix)
This Collective Bargaining Agreement governs the terms and conditions of employment for Fire Department
Employees covered under the IAFF Union. The previous Collective Bargaining Agreement with the IAFF
ended September 30,2017.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission Meeting
December 1,2020
3. Approval of Master Subscription and License Agreement and to Place ESO on the
"Single Source" Vendor List for Fire/EMS Software. (Fire Chief Miller)
Since 2012,the Fire Department has been utilizing Zoll Data Systems(ZDS)as its record management system
for documenting EMS,fire,and fire prevention incidents and activities.Currently,ZDS offers limited abilities
to customize data analysis processes, which prevents the department from compiling operational reports to
monitor established response benchmarks. The data is stored on a city server which also limits access and
transferability.The department's solution to these issues is to transition to another data management program,
specifically,ESO. ESO is a cloud-based data management system that offers greater efficiency in organizing
and accessing data. It will allow the department to compile and analyze information more effectively through
a broad range of established analytical processes.It will provide greater inter-operability with surrounding fire
departments that currently utilize ESO,such as Winter Garden,Orlando,Apopka,and many others in Central
Florida. The Fire Department is requesting to enter into a subscription and license agreement with ESO, and
to have them added to the"single source"list for Fire/EMS software.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
4. Approval to Purchase Motorola Radios. (Police Chief Brown)
The City of Ocoee Police Department received budget approval to purchase nine (9) new portable radios
($58,500)and to replace nine(9)portable radios($58,500)in budget year 2020-2021. The Police Department
would like to move forward with the radio purchase,not to exceed the budgeted amount.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
5. Approval to Surplus Firearms for Trade-In/Purchase. (Police Chief Brown)
The Police Department has identified numerous Department-owned firearms that are no longer used. These
items are currently taking up space in an already small storage armory. Our firearms vendor, Shoot Straight,
Inc.,has offered to purchase the unused firearms in exchange for credit towards purchasing AR-15 patrol rifles
to outfit officers without an issued patrol rifle and ammunition. The Police Department is requesting the City
Commission approve the Department selling the listed excess items to Shoot Straight, Inc. This trade-
in/purchase is made pursuant to Section 166.021,Florida Statutes,and consistent with the procedures set forth
in Section 274.06, Florida Statutes,regarding the disposition of property owned by local governments and is
less than$5,000 in value.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
6. Approval for Renewal of the Combined Operational Assistance and Voluntary
Cooperation Mutual Aid Agreement. (Police Chief Brown)
The City of Ocoee Police Department participates in the Combined Operational Assistance and Voluntary
Cooperation Mutual Aid Agreement with the Orange County Sheriffs Office. This agreement is set to expire
on December 31, 2020. It is beneficial to the Ocoee Police Department and the Orange County Sheriff's
Office to receive and extend mutual aid in the form of law enforcement services and resources to adequately
respond to intensive law enforcement situations including, but not limited to, emergencies as defined under
Florida Statute 252.34; and continuing, multi jurisdictional law enforcement problems, so as to protect the
public peace and safety,and preserve the lives and property of the people.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission Meeting
December 1, 2020
7. Approval of Property Acquisition at 180 N. Bluford Ave. (Public Works Director
Public Works approached the property owners of 180 N. Bluford to secure a drainage easement for
maintenance over the existing canal through the property which ultimately drains to Starke Lake. After a
discussion,the owners offered to sell the entire property to the City. The property is adjacent to the proposed
stormwater park and though not required for the park,acquiring the property will enhance the connectivity to
the City Hall campus and the future proposed improvements along the canal to Starke Lake. City staff have
found the asking price to be below comparable sales for this area and recommend proceeding with the purchase
at the proposed$150,000.00. The purchase is adequately funded in the Stormwater budget.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
8. Award of ITB #21-001 Laboratory Services for City Water & Wastewater Facilities.
(Purchasing Manager Tolbert)
In conformance with Chapter 21 (Purchasing Code) of the City Code of Ordinances, the City solicited
competitive proposals from experienced Contractors to establish a multi-year Contract for laboratory services
for City water and wastewater facilities.The services include analytical laboratory services to perform testing
of surface water, groundwater from Surficial and Floridan aquifer water supply wells, monitoring wells,
potable drinking water, raw and treated wastewater, industrial wastewater from facilities discharging to the
City's wastewater collection system, reclaimed water, wastewater residuals and ground water from
groundwater monitoring wells for a reclaimed water system. One March 17, 2020, the City Commission
rejected all proposals for the previous RFP and authorized staff to re-bid these services. The City intends to
award this contract to a primary and a secondary firm. The ITB was advertised on October 18, 2020 and
publicly opened on November 11,2020. There were a total of two(2)proposals received.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
9. Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Cost-Share Agreement Contract No.35349 with
St. Johns River Water Management District for Bid ITB 20-007 The Hammocks
Reclaimed Water Retrofit Project. (Acting Utilities Director Croteau)
On February 13, 2020, The City of Ocoee and The St. Johns River Water Management District(SJRWMD)
entered into Cost-Share Agreement No.35349 to provide$131,238 in funding for The Hammocks Reclaimed
Water Retrofit Project. This original agreement states a contract expiration date on December 30, 2020, but
due to the COVID-19 virus delaying the start of construction,the City reached out to SJRWMD and requested
a four-month extension to the contract expiration date. SJRWMD approved the request for an extension and
is requesting to append Amendment No. 1 to Cost-Share Agreement No.35349.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
10. Request for Variance—Rullo Property, 622 Roberts Rise Drive, Project No: VR-20-
01. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, November 19, 2020) (Zoning Manager
The applicant,Roger Rullo,is requesting approval of a variance to install a six(6)foot high privacy fence up
to the front property line versus the required setback of 25 feet. The City of Ocoee Land Development Code
(LDC)requirements for residential fencing, Article V, Chapter 5-4 Section I, allows fences greater than four
(4)feet but no greater than six(6)feet high,to be placed a minimum 25 feet from the front yard property line.
The Roberts Rise subdivision was recently awarded funds from the City of Ocoee Neighborhood Matching
Grants Program, formerly known as the Most Valuable Partnership Awards(MVP).The funds were awarded
to erect a solid fence within the City's right-of-way to reduce foot and vehicular traffic from gaining access to
Regular City Commission Meeting
December 1,2020
the neighborhood.Approval of this variance request would allow a six(6)foot fence to connect directly to the
fence proposed in the right-of-way.
Zoning Manager Gajadhar provided the background summary of this requested variance
located in the Roberts Rise subdivision at 622 Roberts Rise Drive. The applicant, Roger Rullo,
has requested approval of a variance to install a six (6)foot high privacy fence up to the front side
yard property line versus the required setback of twenty-five (25) feet. Zoning Manager
Gajadhar explained this fence would be a temporary approval as the adjacent property may
develop in the future and may require an additional access road. The Planning and Zoning
Commission (P&Z) reviewed the proposed variance requested by Roger Rullo. Their motion
included a condition that if the six (6) foot high fence in the front yard required removal within
the first five (5) years, then the City would pay for the removal which will require a valid reason
for removal, and approval by the City Commission. After five years, the cost of the removal is
the applicant's responsibility.
Commissioner Wilsen inquired if the resident was in agreement with the Planning and Zoning
recommendations and conditions. Zoning Manager Gajadhar shared he has not heard of any
Commissioner Brinson inquired about the height of the fence and clarification on the removal
of the fence should the adjacent property develop in the future. Zoning Manager Gajadhar
addressed his questions.
Commissioner Oliver inquired if the removal of the fence would have to come before the City
Commission. Development Services Director Rumer explained the subdivision review process
of the adjacent property which would go before the City Commission and would determine the
public road connection; thus, warranting the removal of the fence.
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms, telephone calls, or emails were received,
the public hearing was closed.
Motion: Move to approve the Variance for Rullo Property, 622 Roberts Rise Drive,
Proiect No: VR-20-01 pursuant to the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning
Commission; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner
Oliver; Motion carried unanimously.
11. Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Capital Improvements Element (CIE) Update -
Addition of Fiscal Years 2020/2021 - 2024/2025 Capital Improvements Program;
Project No: CPA-2020-004. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, November 19, 2020)
(Development Services Director Rumer)
The Capital Improvement Element(CIE)of the City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan is a requirement of Chapter
163, Florida Statutes (FS) and enables implementation of the Plan goals, objectives, and policies needing
capital funds for a 5-20-year planning horizon.Each year,the table section of the CIE will be updated to ensure
that the adopted list of capital projects in the CIE matched the City's newly adopted fiscal year budget and
approved five-year Capital Improvements Program (CIP). The CIE does not propose any new projects not
Regular City Commission Meeting
December 1,2020
previously reviewed and approved by the Commission. The Florida Legislature enacted legislation allowing
adoption of the annual amendment to the CIE to be adopted via ordinance and not be considered an amendment
to the Comprehensive Plan.
Development Services Director Rumer presented an overview of the Capital Improvements
Element (CIE) Update, and advised this approval is a formality to include the recently adopted
five-year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) table. He stated this would be adopted under the
first reading public hearing as this ordinance no longer needs to be sent to the state for review.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance.
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms, telephone calls, or emails were received,
the public hearing was closed.
Motion: Move to approve the Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Capital
Improvements Element (CIE) Update - Addition of Fiscal Years 2020/2021 -
2024/2025 Capital Improvements Program; Project No: CPA-2020-004; Moved by
Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Brinson; Motion carried
12. First Reading of Ordinance for Reserve at Lake Meadow Rezoning to Planned Unit
Development(PUD); Project No.: RZ-20-08-06. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled
for December 15, 2020, Regular City Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon thereafter.)(Development
Services Director Rumer)
The Reserve at Lake Meadow PUD property is located directly east of Lauren Beth Ave.,approximately 3,500
feet to the south of Clarcona-Ocoee Rd.,and 166 feet north of Nicole Blvd. The subject site is zoned General
Agriculture (A-1) with a future land use classification of Low Density Residential (LDR), and is
approximately 18.58 acres in size. The parcel is currently vacant and undeveloped with an abundance of
vegetation. The applicant is requesting a PUD zoning in order to allow for a 48-unit single-family home
residential subdivision.The development will consist of two(2)lot sizes;40-foot and 50-foot wide lots.Two
(2)tracts of land within the development will be dedicated as amenities for the residents with an exercise trail
being proposed to the east of the property adjacent to the lake.The parcel also consists of some wetlands/flood
zones to the northwest and east. Consistent with City policy,the wetlands/flood zones and associated upland
buffers will not be developed. The project will have access from the south via a proposed public right-of-way
connecting directly to Lauren Beth Ave.Water,sanitary sewer,reclaimed water(when available),solid waste,
and police&fire protection)will be provided by the City. Stormwater retention will be provided on-site and
constructed by the applicant as part of the project and located to the west and east of the parcel.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on December 15, 2020, at 6:15 PM or soon
Regular City Commission Meeting
December 1, 2020
No speaker reservation forms, telephone calls, or emails were received.
Commissioner Brinson—None
Commissioner Wilsen—Commented on the following:
1) Announced Operation Santa is currently in progress, and shared that during this time as Santa
visits each neighborhood he accepts new unwrapped gifts for children in need who live within
our community. She encouraged residents to give to help ensure that all of the children within
our City have a joyful Christmas.
2) Shared that the local Florida League of Cities Board of Directors has a new President, Tony
Ortiz, whose initiative is to encourage citizens to build stronger cities by using their voices. She
urged residents to use their voice and be heard, and ended by sharing her cellphone number and
welcoming calls.
Commissioner Firstner—Commented on the following:
1) Encouraged residents to consider the homeless as the weather gets coolers, and shared that this
time is very difficult for them. He asked citizens to donate warm clothing and food to local
organizations to help those in need during the Holiday Season.
Commissioner Oliver—Commented on the following:
1) Announced City Employees are currently taking Diversity Training, and asked about the
possibility of providing the Diversity and Inclusion Workshop, offered by Dr. Paine with the
Florida League of Cities, to the City's leadership. Mayor Johnson and City Manager Frank
spoke in support of the additional training. Commissioner Wilsen requested the ability to offer
the program material to our residents through Ocoee TV. Consensus of the City
Commission was to have staff move forward.
2) Announced the Grand Opening of the Clarke Road extension on December 10th at 10:00 AM,
and asked if the sign at the intersection could state the date.
3) Announced a Town Hall Meeting would be held at the Lakeshore Center on Thursday,
December 10th, at 7:00 PM to focus on the new development along McCormick Road. He shared
that DR Horton and Spectrum have both been invited and will be available to address any
questions or concerns that citizens may have.
Mayor Johnson—Commented on the following:
1) Shared that over the Thanksgiving weekend there was a fatal automobile accident within the
City, and offered condolences to the family.
2) Reminded citizens that COVID-19 is still a very large concern, and asked residents to be
mindful. He further reiterated that it is imperative for citizens to continue to follow the CDC
guidelines, and asked for the guidelines to be shared on Ocoee TV.
Regular City Commission Meeting
December 1, 2020
3) Announced the next City Commission meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 15, 2020.
4) Asked about adding Christmas lights at Bill Breeze Park as it is a focal point within our City,
and inquired about the Christmas decorations on the power poles along Bluford Ave. City
Manager Frank acknowledged his inquiry, and agreed to address his concerns with Staff.
5) Asked for the Staff and residents to be mindful of those in need during this Holiday Season,
and requested to be notified of any needs that should become known.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Joh n, Mayor