HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held December 15, 2020 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 15,2020 CALL TO ORDER- 6:15 PM Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. The invocation was led by Mayor Johnson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Assistant City Manager Shadrix. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a quorum present. Present:Mayor Johnson,Commissioner Brinson,Commissioner Wilsen,Commissioner Firstner, Commissioner Oliver Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Cookson, City Clerk Sibbitt Mayor Johnson announced the following, "City Hall is open to the public; however, attendance inside the Ocoee Commission Chambers may be limited to accommodate social distancing and is subject to the Governor's Executive Orders. Anyone entering City Hall must wear a protective face covering. This meeting is broadcasted live on Spectrum Channel 493 with a live stream at www.Ocoee.org/197/Ocoee-TV. Any interested party may be heard during the public comments and public hearing portions of the meeting. In order to participate remotely,members of the public should call 407-554-7118 or email citizens@ocoee.org in advance and indicate the item you would like to address. At the appropriate time during the meeting, City Staff will contact you via phone and patch you into the live meeting where you can share your comments and/or questions. Comments and questions received via e-mail will become public records and provided to the City Commissioners in advance of the meeting." PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS—6:17 PM Presentation on Clarke Road - Assistant City Manager Shadrix provided the history on Clarke Road and briefly explained proposed improvements to this road. Development Services Director Ruiner explained the various options that can be considered for the extension, and advised the preferred option is a Development Agreement with Lennar Homes for a "Not to Exceed Amount". Angel de la Portilla, Economic Consultant, shared that he has reached out to Lennar Homes and they are open to building infrastructure where they are currently developing. He explained that once authorized by the City Commission, Lennar can commence quickly as they are already mobilized on-site and ready to go. Commissioner Oliver inquired on the time of day the construction would be occurring on Clarke Road and if there will be additional landscaping. Development Services Director Rumer addressed his questions. Commissioner Brinson inquired about the legality of amending the current Development Agreement and questioned if it coincided with the City Charter and the RFP process. Development Services Director Rumer addressed his concerns, and City Attorney Cookson confirmed his response. Regular City Commission Meeting December 15,2020 Commissioner Brinson inquired about a start date. Development Services Director Rumer shared that, if approved, he would present an amendment to the Development Agreement during a Commission meeting next month which would enable the Developer to begin work immediately. Commissioner Firstner inquired about the ability to remain with the "not-to-exceed" amount and asked if the funding for the project was secured. Development Services Director Rumer confirmed both of his concerns. Mayor Johnson acknowledged that the work recently completed was very well done and spoke in support of using the current Developer. Motion: Move to direct City Staff to negotiate with Lennar Homes and bring back an Amendment to the Arden Park Development Agreement; Moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried unanimously. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW-None COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS - 6:36 PM Commissioner Oliver,'—None ;Commissioner Firstner—None Commissioner Wilsen—None Commissioner Brinson—None Mayor Johnson — 1) Shared his discontent with Christmas lights on the poles not working throughout the City and the lack of lights around Starke Lake and along the City's main street. City Manager Frank agreed with his concerns and shared the current process along with his recommendation on how to correct the issue moving forward. Commission Wilsen recommended a new design,possibly even a new vendor during Christmas. She also asked about lighting on the trees along Starke Lake at Bill Breeze Park year-round. City Manager Frank addressed her concerns. 2) Inquired when City Hall would be fully staffed. 3) Announced, in observance of the Christmas holiday, City Hall will be closed on Thursday &Friday, December 24th & 25th with no trash collection on Friday the 25th. City Hall will also be closed on Friday, January 1, 2021, in observance of New Year's Day with no trash collection. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC - 6:43 PM No speaker reservation forms, telephone calls, or emails were received. 2IPage Regular City Commission Meeting December 15,2020 CONSENT AGENDA- 6:43 PM Consent Agenda Motion Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 - #5; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Brinson; Motion carried 5-0. 1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held December 1, 2020. (City Clerk Sibbitt) Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Approval of the Second Amendment to Development Agreement with Ocoee Business Park. (Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless) On June 16, 2020, the City Commission directed staff to work with CFX to get a portion of the proposed multipurpose path on Franklin Street constructed. This multipurpose path will eventually connect the City of Ocoee to the West Orange Trail within the City of Winter Garden,as well as initiate a regional trail connection to Ocoee's Downtown. In order for the 12-foot wide multipurpose path east of SR 429 to be constructed,the City of Ocoee must acquire adequate ROW from the Ocoee Business Park. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Approval to Piggyback Bound Tree Medical's Contract # IFB-602939-17/TLR with Seminole County. (Fire Chief Miller) The Ocoee Fire Department(OFD)utilizes Bound Tree Medical (BTM) to purchase EMS supplies that are stocked on all rescue and engine units and used by Department personnel on medical calls. In 2018, BTM offered to extend the terms of its contract with Seminole County to the City of Ocoee for OFD to utilize,which the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approved. The established arrangement with BTM has been shown to be an effective and efficient method to procure EMS supplies for OFD. Seminole County's contract with Bound Tree expired on December 4th,2020. On October 29th,2020, Seminole County approved a new amendment to renew and extend the expired contract. OFD would like to continue to piggyback off of Seminole County's new contract amendment #IFB-602939-17/TLR, including any renewals or future amendments, in order to secure the most competitive pricing for the EMS supplies, pharmaceuticals, and narcotics necessary to effectively serve the community's needs. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Approval to Award RFP#21-002 City-Wide Air Conditioning&Heating Maintenance Term Contract. (Procurement Manager Tolbert) In compliance with the City of Ocoee Purchasing Code Chapter 21,proposals were solicited from qualified and licensed contractors to provide the necessary services for scheduled and emergency repair,and installation of air conditioning and heating systems throughout the City. The Contract requires the Contractor to provide maintenance services for all Air Conditioning&Heating units,Ice Machines, and Water Coolers City-wide. The City intends to award the term contract to a single qualified and licensed contractor. The term contract will be for three(3)years with two(2)automatic one-year extensions,and one(1)one-year optional renewal. The City's current air conditioning and heating maintenance term contract with Apple Air Conditioning and Heating Inc., has expired. The cost of the contract for maintenance was $9,000 annually. The RFP was advertised on October 18,2020 and publicly opened on November 10,2020.A total of five(5)proposals were received. The RFP evaluation committee meeting was held on December 2, 2020, with the Evaluation Committee evaluating and short-listing the firms on specific evaluation criteria. The proposed maintenance 3 ' Page Regular City Commission Meeting December 15, 2020 prices ranged from$9,000.00 to 51,000.00 annually.The Evaluation Committee recommends contracting with the top ranked firm, Apple Air Conditioning and Heating Inc., as Apple Air Conditioning and Heating has been in business since 1997 and has performed successfully under previous iterations of this contract. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 5. Approval of Stormwater Capital Projects with American In-Line Inspection, Inc. (Public Works Director Krug) The approved Stormwater Division budget includes four Capital Improvement projects for repairs and upgrades to existing infrastructure. These projects involve lining existing failed pipelines. Public Works has determined an epoxy-based lining system will provide the most economical repair to these pipes draining to environmentally sensitive areas. Few vendors provide this type of lining and only local vendor,American In- Line Inspection, Inc., responded to requests for pricing. Other lining systems utilize toxic curing byproducts that would not be conducive for the project locations. Public Works is requesting Commission approval to utilize American In-Line Inspection, Inc.to complete the projects as incorporated in the Stormwater Capital Improvement budget. Public Works has been in contact with other municipalities to verify the pricing is in line with the scope of work. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARING -None FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE -None SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE—PUBLIC HEARING- 6:431PM 6. Second Reading of Ordinance for Reserve at Lake Meadow Rezoning to Planned Unit Development (PUD) and PUD Land Use Plan and Preliminary Subdivision Plan; Project No(s): RZ-20-08-06 & LS-2020-012. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, December 3, 2020, and the Orlando Sentinel on Sunday, December 6, 2020) (Development Services Director Rumer) The Reserve at Lake Meadow PUD property is located directly east of Lauren Beth Ave.,approximately 3,500 feet to the south of Clarcona-Ocoee Rd., and 166 feet north of Nicole Blvd.The subject site is zoned General Agriculture (A-1) with a future land use classification of Low Density Residential (LDR), and is approximately 18.58 acres in size. The parcel is currently vacant and undeveloped with an abundance of vegetation. The applicant is requesting a PUD zoning in order to allow for a 46-unit single-family home residential subdivision.The development will consist of two(2)lot sizes;40-foot and 50-foot wide lots.Two (2)tracts of land within the development will be dedicated as amenities for the residents with an exercise trail being proposed to the east of the property adjacent to the lake.The parcel also consists of some wetlands/flood zones to the northwest and east. Consistent with City policy,the wetlands/flood zones and associated upland buffers will not be developed.The project will have access from the south via a proposed public right-of-way connecting directly to Lauren Beth Ave.Water,sanitary sewer,reclaimed water(when available),solid waste, and police&fire protection)will be provided by the City. Stormwater retention will be provided on-site and constructed by the applicant as part of the project and located to the west and east of the parcel. Development Services Director Rumer presented an overview of the proposed Reserve at Lake Meadow Rezoning to Planned Unit Development (PUD) and PUD Land Use Plan and Large- Scale Preliminary Subdivision Plan. The applicant is requesting a "Planned Unit Development" (PUD)zoning to allow for a 46-unit single-family home residential subdivision. The development will consist of two (2) lot sizes; 40-foot, and 50-foot, wide lots. Two (2)tracts of land within the 4 I P a g e Regular City Commission Meeting December 15, 2020 development will be dedicated as amenities for the residents,with an exercise trail being proposed to the east of the property adjacent to the lake. The parcel also consists of some wetlands/flood zones to the northwest and east. A portion of the wetlands and flood plain adjacent on the west side of the property will be modified and increased to hold some retention.Additional flood plain capacity will be created to compensate at the rate of 2:1. The public hearing was opened. Rebecca Wilson, Shareholder & Chair, Land Use, Zoning & Environmental Group, Lowndes Law, advised that their project team is in attendance so they may answer any questions the City Commission, or residents,may have on this project. She further provided an additional overview of the project and site information. The preliminary subdivision plans were updated based on feedback they received from the Planning and Zoning Commission as follows: an increase to the buffer to Lake Meadow, the trail will not be located within the upland buffer area, and the retaining wall was removed. Scott P. Israelson, P.E., PTOE, Traffic Impact Group, LLC, provided a video that simulates the actual traffic counts, as well as the proposed traffic counts that will occur after completion of the subdivision. Mayor Johnson shared that he believes Lauren Beth Avenue is utilized a lot more than what is being modeled in the video. He further inquired about the Planning and Zoning motions for the project. Development Services Director Rumer addressed his question.A brief discussion ensued. Commissioner Oliver commented on the stormwater draining into Lake Meadow and shared that the homes in the neighboring area in unincorporated Orange County are dealing with flood issues. He inquired how the stormwater drainage would function with the proposed development in conjunction with the lake. Charlie Potter, P.E., Senior Project Manager, AVID Group, explained the existing drainage conditions, proposed drainage, floodplain encroachment, and floodplain compensation for the proposed development. The following person(s) addressed the City Commission: - Michelle Ianuzzi, 1000 Nicole Blvd., Ocoee, shared concerns about the traffic in the area and elevation/floodplain issues on Lauren Beth Avenue. Ms. Wilson and Mr. Potter addressed her questions and concerns. Mayor Johnson inquired about the maintenance of the retention pond and who would be responsible for it. Development Services Director Rumer advised that the ponds would be the responsibility of the Homeowners Association. Commissioner Brinson inquired about what triggers the pond on the northeast corner to fill up. Mr. Potter addressed his question. Commissioner Brinson further inquired about the entrance/exit of the subdivision and shared concerns on the proximity of the entrance to Nicole Blvd. He also inquired if more development is proposed for that area. Development Services Director Rumer addressed his question pertaining to the available land that could be developed in the future. 5 I P a g e Regular City Commission Meeting December 15, 2020 Commissioner Oliver shared he would like to see a 3D rendering for this project of how water flows into their ponds. - William Volkert (via Telephone), 2201 Lauren Beth Avenue, Ocoee, indicated traffic is an issue, but drainage is his biggest issue. He inquired about the drainage of the proposed development as he resides adjacent on the north of the development and is currently dealing with flood issues. Mr. Potter addressed his concern and shared their project would contain the entire 100-year storm event from all the proposed impervious areas they are creating on the property, and stormwater will not be released onto the neighboring properties. The public hearing was closed. City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance. Commissioner Wilsen confirmed that it seems the issues discussed at the Planning and Zoning Commission have been addressed. Development Services Director Rumer answered in the affirmative. He further shared by presenting the preliminary subdivision plan with the rezoning the City Commission can see how the subdivision will be laid out. He advised there will be a final subdivision plan that will come before the City Commission for approval where they will be able to show how the development is meeting and exceeding the requirements. a) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2020-039, Reserve at Lake Meadow Rezoning to Planned Unit Development (PUD) & PUD Land Use Plan (PUD/LUP); Project No: RZ-20-08-06; Moved by Commissioner Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 5-0. b) Large Scale Preliminary Subdivision Plan Motion: Move to approve the Reserve at Lake Meadow Large Scale Preliminary Subdivision Plan; Project No: LS-2020-012 per staff's recommendations; Moved by Commissioner Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried 4- 1 with Commissioner Oliver opposing. REGULAR AGENDA -None STAFF ACTION ITEMS -None --- Wage Regular City Commission Meeting December 15,2020 COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC - 7:43 PM Mayor Johnson share that an email received from Mr. Moyer was presented to the Commission and would be available for all interested parties as a Public Record. The following person(s) addressed the City Commission: - Jim Moyer, Ocoee Resident, shared concerns regarding the amenities at Arden Park. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS - 7:47 PM Commissioner Firstner—Commented on the following: 1) Wished everyone a Happy and Safe Holiday. Commissioner Oliver—Commented on the following: 1) Briefed the Commission on his Town Hall Meeting and further shared comments that were emailed by residents to the City Commission. 2) Shared a concern regarding a bus stop at the intersection of Clarke Road and Whitefriar Drive. He explained that he has reached out to Public Works Director Krug who is working to have the bus stop moved, but asked the Commission if OCPS is unwilling to move the bus stop, could he kindly get a consensus from the Board to install signage and/or flashing lights to warn drivers for the safety of the children. Public Works Director Krug shared that Development Services Director Rumer has reached out to the School Board, and they are waiting on a response. He suggested if they are unable to move the bus stop,to install a lighted crosswalk. 3) Shared that he has reached out to Spectrum about coverage within the entire City, but specifically about the northern side, and announced that he will relay the information as he receives updates. 4) Requested assistance from the City Commission in attending an upcoming Orange County School Board Pre-Planning Workshop so the Commission can collectively demand that the proposed K-8 school slotted for Ingram Road be placed back on the schedule for immediate construction. Assistant City Manager Shadrix shared that his office has been in communication with the OCPS Board regarding this matter. He further explained that Staff is monitoring the School Board's actions, and asked Economic Consultant, Angel de la Portilla, to address the Commission. Angel de la Portilla,Economic Consultant, shared a brief history and acknowledged that the site was originally proposed as a middle school. He indicated that typically the workshops are held in or around March, so this is the perfect time to get the conversation started. He volunteered to reach out to the school board to get the ball rolling, and offered to invite local representatives who could assist to an upcoming meeting. City Manager Frank shared that Staff has contacted the OCPS Board on many occasions throughout several years and suggested that all of the Elected Officials reach out and inform them of their concerns. 5) Shared that Operation Santa is on-going, and encouraged residents to give. He then announced if residents missed Santa, or cannot get by the Fire Department, to drop off toys during an event he is holding on Saturday, December 19th, at the West Oaks Mall from 8:00 AM-Noon. 6) Wished everyone a Blessed and Happy Holiday --- 7 I P a g e Regular City Commission Meeting December 15,2020 Commissioner Brinson—Commented on the following: 1) Reminded and encouraged residents to not let their guard down during the holiday season with regard to COVID-19. 2) Reminded residents to be mindful of bicyclists and pedestrians on the road especially during the early morning hours and evening hours as it gets dark early at this time of the year. 3) Shared that the intersection at Clarcona Ocoee Road and Clarke Road is very dangerous and asked residents to be mindful as they travel within that area. 4) Acknowledged growing pains due to construction,and asked for the resident to kindly practice patience as they drive throughout the City. 5) Asked residents to be thoughtful and generous during the Holiday Season,and requested when possible to kindly give to those less fortunate. Commissioner Wilsey—Commented on the following: 1) Inquired if the City is any closer to the restroom issues being resolved at Bill Breeze Park. Assistant City Manager Shadrix addressed her question. 2) Thanked Operation Santa for providing joy during this pandemic. 3) Shared that the Maguire House is decorated beautifully, and encouraged residents to take a look. 4) Reminded residents if they need anything, the Commission is only a phone call or email away. 5) Wished everyone a Happy Holiday Season. Mayor Johnson—Commented on the following: 1) Shared that recently a resident fell on her street, and was in distress. He thanked Rodney Dungey, a Public Works Employee, for taking the time to stop and assist her. He recommended that the Commission acknowledge his heroic act at an upcoming meeting. Assistant City Manager Shadrix confirmed the actions of Mr. Dungey and elaborated that the resident had since called their office to report that three cars passed by and ignored her distress calls and that it was the action of this amazing employee that saved her life. 2) Agreed with Commissioner Wilsen about the Christmas decorations at Maguire House, and encouraged residents to drive-by. 3) Shared and recommended a Holiday Tree Decorating Contest for next year that was shared with him by Executive Assistant Seaver. 4) Wished everyone a safe and Happy Holiday Season. 5) Reminded the Commission and Residents of the next meeting being held on January 5, 2021. ADJOURNMENT- 8:17 PM APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johnson,Mayor 8IPage