HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-03-2020 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board Regular Meeting Held December 3, 2020 I: CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Maxwell at 6:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee. Member Hart led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag,followed by a moment of personal reflection.Recording Clerk Sibbitt performed roll call and declared a quorum present. Present: Chair Maxwell, and Members Anderson-Robinson, Crown, Daily(arrived at 6:27 PM& left at 7:15 PM), Dawkins, Hart, Carr, Fontanez, and Moyer Absent: Member(s) Foster, Dorsey, and Porter-Smith Guest: Commissioner Oliver and Ivy Beech, writer for a publication called Waging Nonviolence Also Present: Mayor Johnson, Assistant Support Services Director Doug Gaines, and Recording Clerk Sibbitt II: BUSINESS FOR DISCUSSION A. Approval of Minutes for the HRDB meetings held September 3, 2020, and October 1, 2020: Motion: Move to Approve the September 3,2020, Minutes; Moved by Past Chair Crown,seconded by Member Dawkins; Motion carried unanimously. Motion: Move to Approve the October 1, 2020, Minutes; Moved by Past Chair Crown, seconded by Member Hart; Motion carried unanimously. B. Public Comments: Chair Maxwell welcomed the newest member,Jim Moyer,to the board. C. Review of Member Attendance: Chair Maxwell shared his disappointment with attendance and lack of involvement with some of the board members. He then recognized Members Hart, Robinson-Anderson, Dawkins, Crown, and Dorsey for their commitment to the board while balancing their personal lives and schedules. He stated that while not all members were part of the sub-committee,it did not exclude or excuse them from assisting or inquiring how they could be of assistance with the Ocoee Massacre Memorial Program. Chair Maxwell shared any board member(s) who chose not to attend the Memorial Program, or who made attempts to sabotage the event, that their name(s) will be presented to the City Commission for removal from the board as those actions represented a spirit of dissension. Member Daily arrived at 6:27 PM. Chair Maxwell disclosed that he will be asking for volunteers to establish a bylaw review subcommittee to review and change the bylaws appropriately so the recommendations may be submitted to the City Commission. Recording Clerk Sibbitt read aloud the current attendance of all members as requested by the Chair. A.brief discussion ensued concerning the board's current removal policy as stated in the bylaws and also what constituted an excused absence. 1 HRDB Meeting December 3, 2020 Motion: Move to create a subcommittee to review the bylaws of the board and present recommended changes to the board at the January meeting; Moved by Past Chair Crown,seconded by Chair Elect Anderson-Robinson; Motion carried unanimously. Chair Maxwell asked Past Chair Crown if she would consider being the Chair to the subcommittee.She accepted, and shared she would work with the City Clerk to review the bylaws. Chair Maxwell shared he has PowerPoint material that can be provided to any member who requests it related to team building and Florida Sunshine Law. D. Debrief of Memorial Dedication Program: Member Dawkins inquired how the board could assimilate all the information and comments they have received from the residents, members, Commission, and the community, on their events so the board could work on making them better, and to know what to focus on in an orderly process. She further suggested that having a committee work on solutions to the concerns they receive may be beneficial. Past Chair Crown recommended having a subcommittee meeting before the regular meeting to be able to work out a solution that they can bring before the board.Chair Maxwell shared the methodology of"Principals on How you Treat Each Other"as provided to him by Valencia College Peace and Justice Institute. Member Moyer inquired if Member Dawkins was referring to comments they received regarding the board, or regarding a specific event. Member Dawkins shared she is seeking to have a common process in place because the board will always be dealing with feedback since they are about diversity, equality, and goodwill among all residents and businesses in the City. Past Chair Crown suggested the board establish a process that includes behavior of members, and then designate one meeting per year where they can review their processes as a refresher.Chair Maxwell asked Member Dawkins if she could take the lead on this project, and further shared a copy of "Principals on How you Treat Each Other" can be provided to her to use as a guide. Chair Maxwell directed the discussion back to the Memorial Dedication Program and asked the board to share what they did wrong and what could have been done better. Chair Elect Anderson-Robinson shared she has only heard good feedback from the descendants in attendance. Member Dawkins shared it was not a perfect event but it was the best they could do during COVID-19.She briefed the board on suggestions she received and also shared a story which reflected the purpose of their mission. She concluded by stating their event was great, but there is always room for improvement. Chair Elect Anderson-Robinson shared she has received a request for a DVD of the program. Recording Clerk Sibbitt advised she also had received a request, but was unsure as to what was being created as she knew that the video footage was in the editing process. Chair Maxwell shared that Day 1 was recently completed and each day will be done individually to mirror the booklet. An overall video can be put together, but the process is not expected to be completed until about January. Assistant Support Services Director Gaines shared that it is his understanding the video will be uploaded onto YouTube, and not provided onto DVD. Chair Maxwell recommended that if uploaded, the board seek Commission approval to keep available for viewing as part of the City's history,as he has received several out-of-state requests.Assistant Support Services Director Gaines shared that could be accommodated. Further discussion ensued. Ivy Beech, introduced herself and shared that she is writing for a publication called Waging Nonviolence which focuses on social justice. She shared she is humbled and honored to be before the HRDB Board. Chair Maxwell Pate 12 HRDB Meeting December 3, 2020 provided Ms. Beech with a lapel pin from the Memorial Event. The remaining lapel pins were given to the Recording Clerk to pass on to the Elected Officials to distribute. Assistant Support Services Director Gaines shared the board expensed$29,345.30. Chair Maxwell inquired what balance remains in the account as they also received sponsorships in addition to the Commission budgeted funds. Assistant Support Services Director Gaines explained they received the$20,000 but it is his understanding that it will require a budget transfer approved by the City Commission. Chair Maxwell advised there was also a $500 donation that was received. Recording Clerk Sibbitt shared the $500 check was provided to the Finance Department so they could deposit. It is her understanding those funds are also in the same account as the$20,000. Member Daily left at 7:15 PM. Discussion ensued with regard to the purchase of additional plaques. Chair Maxwell shared that he currently has requests from three descendants to obtain a plaque, if possible. It was suggested that they continue to consider requests for plaques and on June 3, 2021,they could revisit this discussion. Member Dawkins shared that during the beginning planning efforts of the Memorial Event Program she thought a week long event would be difficult to prepare; however, she now realizes that a week long event had to be done as each day was important since it told a story. Chair Maxwell asked the board to think of everything they did wrong so next time they can make the program the outstanding event that it can be. Brief discussion ensued with regard to the comment cards and sign-in book. Both items were provided to the Recording Clerk. Chair Maxwell asked Mayor Johnson and Commissioner Oliver if there were any comments they would like to make with regard to the Memorial Program. Mayor Johnson commented that the board did an excellent job in their perseverance in maintaining the event as a City event as there were many obstacles they encountered. He shared he was proud of the board for getting the knowledge of the massacre out to the residents. Commissioner Oliver shared he wanted to recognize HighPoint Church as they did an awesome job with assisting the board every night. Chair Maxwell shared he would like to recommend to the board that they offer a contribution to HighPoint Church in the amount of$2500 from the board's existing funds. Motion: Move to donate $2500 from the HRDB funds to HighPoint Church; Moved by Past Chair Crown, seconded by Member Hart; Motion passed 6-1 with Member Fontanez opposing. Chair Elect Anderson-Robinson suggested for future events if they would reach out to Orange County to host a collaborative event since the County hosted a Memorial Event about the Massacre the same week as the HRDB board. Chair Maxwell shared he would like to propose the board bring back the Fiesta de Colores Event, and asked Member Fontanez if he would be willing to take on the responsibility of that event. He further provided Member Fontanez with a DVD of the event for him to review. Member Fontanez stated he would be willing to review the DVD. Member Dawkins inquired if, in light of COVID19, could they hold a virtual Black History Month Essay Contest. She suggested an award ceremony with no public attendance; however, members of the HRDB would announce the winners on Ocoee TV and read the essays.Prizes would be provided to the schools to distribute to the children. After a brief discussion, Member Dawkins volunteered to take the lead on this project and report back to the board in January. Page 13 HRDB Meeting December 3, 2020 Chair Maxwell shared with Assistant Support Services Director Gaines his concerns with regard to the lighting at the monument, relocating the handicap parking space or sign that is near the monument, and the incorrect date on the monument. He further inquired about a directional sign to the monument. Brief discussion ensued. E. Update on Voter Registration: Member Porter-Smith was not in attendance.This item was tabled. F. MLK Discussion: Chair Maxwell shared that Orange County canceled their MLK event which is why the City followed suit. He inquired how the Board would feel about a virtual event. Assistant Support Services Director Gaines shared the City can do a video highlighting the prior MLK parades. Motion: Move to request the Support Services Department create a video of prior MLK parades to display on the City's website; Moved by Past Chair Crown,seconded by Member Dawkins; Motion carried unanimously. III: Board and Staff Comments: None IV:Set Next Agenda A. Approval of Minutes for December 3, 2020 meeting B. Bylaw Review Sub-committee Update C. Virtual Essay Contest Update D. Presentation by Member Moyer on Inclusion E. Final Feedback from each Member on the Memorial Program Member Moyer addressed the board about the possibility of putting the word inclusion in the title of the Human Relations Diversity Board. He was asked to work on a presentation for the January meeting. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 7:51 PM. ATTESTED: APPR VED and DATED: Aittkr 7 i(&" Melanie Sibbitt, Recording Clerk Chairperson Page I4