Chairman Brown called the virtual meeting of the City of Ocoee Police Officers'/Firefighters' Retirement
Trust Fund to order at 1:02 pm via Zoom.
Trustees Present: Chairman Charles Brown, Bryan Pace, Trey Littlefield and William Maxwell
Others present:
Fund Consultant Tim Nash of AndCo Consulting, Board Attorney Pedro Herrera of Sugarman and
Susskind, Fund Administrator Livia Giuliani of Benefits USA, Inc.
Call to Order:
Roll call and determination of quorum
The roll was called and a quorum declared.
Approval of Minutes from Regular Meeting dated May 21, 2020
Chairman Brown asked the board if there were any corrections, deletions, or additions to the minutes.
Hearing and seeing none Trustee Littlefield moved to approve the minutes and Trustee Maxwell seconded
the motion and the motion passed.
Public Comments:
There were no public comments at this time.
Investments Report: Quarter Ending 06/30/2020
AndCo Consulting
Mr. Nash reported that the market has changed dramatically for the better and there were some strong
returns. As of July 31, the S&P 500 up was an additional 5%. Small cap up 25.4%. the US dollar came
down. Emerging markets returned 18.1 % and developed markets were up 15%. Bonds were 3%, The
Bloomberg Barclay's Aggregate was up 9%. The stocks were the driving force for the gains. For the
quarter, Microsoft was up 29.4%, Apple was up 43.8%, Amazon was up 41.5% and Visa was up 20.1%.
Mr. Nash reported on the cash flow noting that at the beginning of the quarter the market value was
$52,327,469 and at June 30' the market value increased to $59,041,669. He also reported on the
performance noting that the total fund return for the quarter was 14.53% vs. the fund policy of 12.84%.
The domestic equity fund returned 22.71% vs. 22.03%; the value composite returned 22.03% vs. the
Russell 3000 of 14.55%. The large cap composite returned 24.83% vs. the Russell 1000 of 27.84%. He
noted that the managers performed very well for the quarter however, Brandywine and DePrince did not
have quarterly returns as yet. Alger and MarVista returned 28.19% and 21.19% respectively. Vanguard
returned 22.10% vs. the CRSP US index of 22.09%. American Funds International equity returned
22.77% vs. the International equity policy of 16.30%. Garcia Hamilton fixed income return was 4.79%
vs. the Barclay's Aggregate of 2.90%. Templeton Global returned 0.13% vs. the Global policy of 2.04%.
American Realty was down -1.23% slightly under the NCREIF index of-1.27%. Mr. Nash said this was
the first down quarter for real estate in 9 years. In 2001 private real estate was negative 3 quarters in a
Mr. Nash reported that the last quarter they made manager changes terminating GAMCO and replacing
them with Brandywine and DePrince. He also noted that with the fiscal year end approaching, they will
want to rebalance taking from Alger and Brandywine and allocating it to more stable fixed income.
Mr. Nash reviewed the Global bond options with the Boards noting that he included Templeton and 3
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A diversified income fund, US high yield and emerging market bonds. Mr. Nash suggested terminating
Templeton and replacing them with 2 PIMCO global bonds funds; one is hedged and one is not. Mr.
Nash said they prefer the hedged version because when the US dollar is down unhedged will go up and
when dollar is up hedged will be down. He recommended taking the 5% approximately $3 million in the
Templeton Fund and sell it and allocate $1.5 million in the PIMCO US Hedged fund and $1.5 million in
the PIMCO diversified income fund. He noted that the combined fee would be a little higher from 59
basis points to 65 basis points. Finally, Mr. Nash reported that there was no need to revise the
Investment Policy because he is only changing the benchmark to the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate
however, he will bring new one to next meeting. Trustee Maxwell moved to accept the recommendation
of the consultant and Trustee Pace seconded the motion. The motion passed.
2020 Proposed Administrative Budget
The Administrator reported that she prepared the 2020 expense Budget totaling $214,762. The Attorney
noted that this budget was a mandated disclosure from a few years ago and that it is not meant to be a
balanced budget as the City's. It was line items identifying budgeted expenses and would be filed with
the City legislature and sent to the State. Should the Fund go over budget, they will need to amend the
budget and adopt a revised one at a subsequent meeting. That being said, Trustee Littlefield moved to
approve the Administrative Budget and Trustee Maxwell seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Adoption of Secure Act
The Attorney reported that this act was signed into law in December 2019. This bill amends the
minimum distribution age from 70 '/7 to 72 and would not have any financial impact on the plan. Pedro
reported that they recommended an Ordinance to be sent to the City. He noted that the motion would be to
accept the Attorney's recommendation to send the Ordinance to City Counsel for adoption. Trustee Pace
moved to adopt the Secure Act Ordinance and Trustee Littlefield seconded the motion. The motion
Consideration of Joe Moy as 51h Trustee
The Attorney reported that the make-up of the board is 2 active police officers, 2 city appointees and a 5th
Trustee elected by the other 4 trustees. He noted that Mr. Moy expressed his interest in becoming a
Trustee once again on the Pension Board. Trustee Maxwell moved to nominate Joe Moy as 5th Trustee
and Trustee Littlefield seconded the motion. The motion passed. Trustee Moy thanked the members for
considering him as the 5'i' Trustee and he is happy to be back on the Board.
Foster and Foster Experience Study
Mr. Lozen reported on the experience study noting that they looked back at the last 10 years and he thinks
they can reduce the various assumptions by a large number and not have a big impact on the City's
contribution. He noted that the current funded ratio is 92.1 %. Mr. Lozen made several recommendations
starting with the Payroll growth -currently the payroll growth assumption is 2.23% and he recommended
putting everything they can towards the liability payment and that will increase the City's requirement by
0.68% with no change to the funded ratio. Lowering investment assumption to 7.25% would increase
the City's funding requirement by 6.68% and funded ratio would drop to 86.6%. Salary increases
should be scaled back from 5% to 4%, decreasing the City's requirement by (2.90) % and the funded ratio
would increase to 93.1%. The Mortality rates had to be changed to FRS mortality tables effective
7/1/19; making this change the City funding requirement will drop by (0.13) % and funded ratio will
increase to 92.4%. The Retirement rates should be modified to the current assumed rates for Early and
Normal Retirement this will reduce the City's funding requirement by (0.91 %) and funded ratio will drop
slightly to 92.7% Withdrawal rates. He noted that there were more withdrawals than expected and
recommended adopting new turnover rates slightly increasing the City's funding requirement 0.22% and
funded status will drop to 91.8%.
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Disability rates he recommends reducing the disability rates by 50% decreasing the City's funding
requirement by (0.11 %) and slight increase to funded status increases slightly of 91.9%.
Mr. Lozen further noted that if the Board adopts combining all the assumptions with the 7.25%
assumption rate, the City's funding requirement would increase by 3.08% and the funded status would
decrease to 88.2%. Mr. Lozen said any way they can lower the assumptions and not have a big impact on
the City would be a good move. That being said, Trustee Maxwell approve the recommended assumption
changes to include lowering the assumption rate to 7.25% and Trustee Pace seconded the motion. The
motion passed.
Consent Agenda: For Ratification: Warrants #193-195
Benefits USA, Inc. (Flat Monthly Fee for June 2020)
Sugarman & Susskind (Legal Fees -Invoice #148812 dated 5/21/2020)
Foster and Foster (Services Rendered; Invoice #16292 dated 2/3/2020)
Saltmarsh, ETAL (Final Billing for 9/30/19 audit; Inv# 696127 dated 5/6/2020)
Sugarman & Susskind (Legal Fees -Invoice #149645 dated 6/11/2020)
AndCo Consulting (Q2-2020 Consulting Fee -Invoice #35582 dated 6/26/2020)
Benefits USA, Inc. (Flat Monthly Fee for July -Inv# 07-2020 dated 7/17/2020)
DRZ (Q2-2020 Mgmt Fee -Inv# 202002032 dated 7/7/2020; incl May pro -rated)
Fiduciary Trust (Q2-2020 Custodian Fee-GHA; Invoice dated 7/16/2020)
Fiduciary Trust (Q1-2020 Custodian Fee -Mar Vista Invoice dated 7/16/2020)
Fiduciary Trust (Q1-2020 Custodian Fee -R&D Invoice dated 7/16/2020)
Foster and Foster (Services Rendered; Invoice #17434 dated 7/l/2020)
GHA (Q2-2020 Mgmt Fee -Invoice #32617 dated 7/15/2020)
MarVista (Q2-2020 Mgmt Fee -Invoice #7145 dated 7/13/2020)
Pension Payments for Ratification:
James Simister (Refund of Contributions) $5,950.37
Joshua Tolliver (Refund of Contributions) $9,326.36
Trustee Pace moved to approve the Consent Agenda and Trustee Maxwell seconded the motion and the
motion passed.
Attorney's Report:
Attorney Herrera thanked the Board for the great job they are doing on the Fund.
The Attorney updated the Board on Executive Order 20-179 being extended to September 1st. If extended
again, he will update the Board.
The Attorney reminded the financial disclosures were due on 7/1 and that deadline has not been extended.
As of September 1, the fines will be assessed and will have to be paid from personal assets.
He reported on the virtual educational opportunities noting that the FPPTA October school was cancelled
and as well as the State School.
The Chairman noted that at last FPPTA it was noted that members can take their DROP assets prior to
separation from the Fund. The Attorney noted that the CARES Act passed by Congress in March of 2020
allows members to take distributions from retirement accounts without penalties if such distributions meet
certain conditions.
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If the Board wants to make this change, they can draw up the amendment for City Counsel. He noted that
they only have 1 plan who elected to change their ordinance to allow for such distributions. The reason
the Board elected not to consider this is because there are not many members in the DROP and they
haven't had any members requesting it.
Administrator's Report:
Benefits USA had nothing further to report.
Comments from Trustees:
Trustee Maxwell said the Administrator answered his questions about the FPPTA virtual class and
confirmed the 10 CEU's.
Trustee Littlefield asked if they watch all the videos now on the FPPTA website will they get their 10
CEU's. Chairman Brown said if you watch 6 videos you will get 5 CEU's. The Administrator said that
the October virtual class will give the Trustees 10 CEU's.
Miscellaneous Correspondence:
No action required.
Next Regular Meeting date: November 4, 2020 at 1:00 pin
Trustee Maxwell said he will be in town, but he has several other commitments that week and will not be
joining the meeting.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 3:10 pm.
Contact t Cy Cleric's Office to listen to an electronic copy of the complete minutes.
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