HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-10-2010 Canvassing/Audit Board MinutesMINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CANVASSING BOARD MEETING HELD
MARCH 10, 2010
Mayor Vandergrift called the Canvassing Board to order at 12:02 p.m. in the office of the
Supervisor of Elections, 119 W. Kaley Street. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Wilsen.
ALSO PRESENT: City Clerk Eikenberry, Recording Clerk Moseley, City Attorney Rosenthal,
Supervisor of Elections Representatives Lonn Fluke, Lucy Melendez, Dee Wilson and
Beverly Willis, and Audit Committee Members Melanie Sibbitt and Gloria Vyka.
Also present was Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Johnson, and observers Fred
Wilsen and Rich McKay from the Orlando Sentinel.
City Clerk Eikenberry explained the order of procedures to follow for the canvassing of absentee
ballots and certifying the election. She said that each commission election and ballot question was a
race in itself, for a total of ten (10) races.
City Clerk Eikenberry announced that they received 484 absentee ballots approved by the
Supervisor of Elections according to stat law compliance. They had forty-three (43) absentee ballots
returned as undeliverable and two (2) spoiled ballots, all of which were rejected automatically.
City Clerk Eikenberry went over the questionable ballots as follows: (1) deemed unusual, (7) with
no signature, (1) without a matching signature, and (1) signed by another party of the same household.
Questionable Ballot: (1) James & Michelle Lyons — looked as though Michelle Lyons signed
the ballot for her husband, James Lyons.
Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to reiect the ballot of James
Lyons because it was signed by the wrong party. Motion carried 3-0.
Questionable Ballot: (1) Edward R. Lezotte Jr. — His signature does not match that on file.
Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Mayor Vandergrift, moved to reiect the ballot of Edward
R. Lezotte Jr. due to the a mismatched signature. Motion carried 3-0.
Questionable Ballot: (1) William Thomas Brown — Deemed unusable due to the fact that he
scratched out his voting address on file and wrote in a different address in a different district.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the criteria for this type of situation as being determined on a
case by case basis.
Ocoee Canvassing Board
March 10, 2010
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Mayor Vandergrift, moved to accent the ballot of William
Thomas Brown due to the fact that the ballot used was for voting on only charter amendments
and not a district commissioner.
Questionable Ballots: (7) Ballots without signature. City Attorney Rosenthal stated the
criterion for ballots without signature is to reject those ballots.
Mayor Vanderarift, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to reject the seven (7) ballots
lacking signature. Motion carried 3-0.
City Clerk Eikenberry reported that they accepted one (1) of the questionable ballots, making the
total of absentee ballots to count 485.
City Clerk Eikenberry stated they received one (1) provisional ballot from David Pelscia. When his
driver's license was swiped at his polling place, the machine declared he had already voted; therefore,
they allowed him to vote on a provisional ballot.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Mayor Vandergrift, moved to accept the provisional ballot
of David Pelscia. Motion carried 3-0.
At 12: 36 p. m., the recorder was turned off as everyone moved to other side of the room to open and
separate ballots.
City Attorney Rosenthal announced that SOE staff had been granted permission to run the
envelopes through a machine to open. The Canvassing Board, including City Attorney Rosenthal
and City Clerk Eikenberry, began separating the certificate (outer) envelopes from the secrecy
envelopes, then the ballots from that.
District 3106 —141 total absentee ballots counted, opened, and separated from
Secrecy envelopes and laid out flat.
Orlando Sentinel Representative and Fred Wilsen arrived at 12: 45 p. m.
District 4106 — 52 total absentee ballots counted, opened, and separated from
Secrecy envelopes and laid out flat.
District 1106 — 83 absentee ballots were counted, opened, and separated from
secrecy envelopes and laid out flat. (11 absentee ballots that had
come in later Tuesday after others were sealed were added).
Ocoee Canvassing Board
March 10, 2010
District 2106 - 30 total absentee ballots (including the 1 accepted provisional
Ballot) were counted, opened, and separated from secrecy
Envelopes and laid out flat.
SOE Representative Lonn Fluke ran the Logic and Accuracy Test, which was witnessed by City
Clerk Eikenberry, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller and Commissioner Wilsen.
The Audit Team left the room at 1: 09 p.m.
SOE Representative Lonn Fluke ran the absentee ballots through the machine.
Six (6) ballots were torn and had to be duplicated.
SOE Representative Lonn Fluke had the torn ballots duplicated and numbered. Commissioner
Wilsen read the torn ballot answers and City Clerk Eikenberry compared the answers with the
duplicated ballots. All six (6) duplicated ballots were accepted. Representative Lonn Fluke ran the
duplicated ballots through the machine.
Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller and Commissioner Wilsen reviewed the Master Report
with expected results and verified the report by initialing. Each ballot question is considered a race in
itself, so there were ten (10) races in total. City Clerk Eikenberry announced the total number of
yes's, no's, under votes, over votes, etc. for each ballot question. The ballot results were as follows:
District 1:
Gary Hood
— 200
Danny Howell—
Under Vote
- 4
Total Ballots
- 358
District 3:
Scott Anderson — 161
Rusty Johnson = 289
Under Vote 2
Total Ballots — 450
Ocoee Canvassing Board
March 10, 2010
Amendment #1:
Yes Precinct Votes
- 502
Yes Absentee Votes
- 337
Yes Early Votes
- 9
No Precinct Votes
- 223
No Absentee Votes
- 123
No Early Votes
- 3
Total Ballots Cast
Amendment #2:
Yes Precinct Votes
- 634
Yes Absentee Votes
- 417
Yes Early Votes
- 9
No Precinct Votes
- 105
No Absentee Votes
- 47
No Early Votes
- 3
Total Ballots Cast
Amendment #3:
Yes Precinct Votes
- 504
Yes Absentee Votes
- 329
Yes Early Votes
- 4
No Precinct Votes
- 212
No Absentee Votes
- 119
No Early Votes
- 7
Total Ballots Cast
Amendment #4:
Yes Precinct Votes
- 548
Yes Absentee Votes
- 381
Yes Early Votes
- 11
No Precinct Votes
- 165
No Absentee Votes
- 67
No Early Votes
- 1
Total Ballots Cast
Amendment #5:
�r Yes Precinct Votes - 486
Yes Absentee Votes - 336
Yes Early Votes - 9
No Precinct Votes - 243
Ocoee Canvassing Board
March 10, 2010
No Absentee Votes - 113
No Early Votes - 3
Total Ballots Cast - 1190
Amendment #6:
Yes Precinct Votes - 476
Yes Absentee Votes - 296
Yes Early Votes - 10
No Precinct Votes - 261
No Absentee Votes - 169
No Early Votes - 2
Total Ballots Cast -1214
Amendment #7:
Yes Precinct Votes - 561
Yes Absentee Votes - 317
Yes Early Votes - 11
No Precinct Votes - 177
No Absentee Votes - 149
No Early Votes - 1
Total Ballots Cast -1216
Amendment #8:
Yes Precinct Votes - 467
Yes Absentee Votes - 293
Yes Early Votes - 7
No Precinct Votes - 230
No Absentee Votes - 148
No Early Votes - 4
Total Ballots Cast - 1149
Recording Clerk Moseley tallied the percentiles for each race. City Clerk Eikenberry stated that a
recount was not necessary as the spread was more than .5% of the vote. The percentiles were as
District 1, Gary Hood elected with 56% of the votes.
(AW District 3, Rusty Johnson elected with 64% of the votes.
Amendment #1 approved by 7 1 % of the votes.
Amendment #2 approved by 87% of the votes.
Amendment #3 approved by 71 % of the votes.
Ocoee Canvassing Board
March 10, 2010
Amendment #4 approved by 80% of the votes.
Amendment #5 approved by 70% of the votes.
Amendment #6 approved by 64% of the votes.
Amendment #7 approved by 73% of the votes.
Amendment #8 approved by 57% of the votes.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to certify the election with
Gary Hood winning the seat as District 1 Commissioner, and Rusty Johnson winning the seat of
District 3 Commissioner. Motion approved 3-0.
The Audit Team arrives at 2: 20 p.m.
SOE Representative Lonn Fluke drew a card from the box to declare which race would be
randomly audited. He drew the card for Amendment #5. He then drew another card to declare which
precinct, and District 3 was selected.
Melanie Sibbitt and Gloria Vyka began counting the ballots for District 3 and separating them into
two piles, one for yes's and one for no's on Amendment Question 45. Their results were as follows:
Duplicate Absentee Ballots: Yes = 4 and No = 1
Provisional Ballot: Yes = 1 and No = 0
Absentee Ballots: Yes = 17 and No = 27
Total Audited Ballots: Yes =122 No = 28
City Clerk Eikenberry and Beverly Willis compared the auditing committee worksheet with the
previous machine results, and all numbers matched.
The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
march 9, 201® Election Results
Certified on March 10, 2010
Election was held on March 9, 2010. from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Approximately 7% of the registered voters
(1286 of 18,452) in the City of Ocoee cast their ballots at the polling location, by absentee ballot, or by early
voting at the Supervisor of Elections Office. The City of Ocoee Ca ' nvassing Board met on March 10, 2010, at
noon to count absentee and provisional ballots and to conduct a manual audit of the voting system. The
following is a compilation of all ballots cast in the election:
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The election was certified as follows:
District 1, Gary Hood elected with 56% of the votes.
District 3, Rusty Johnson elected with 64% of the votes.
Amendment #1 approved by 71 % of the votes.
Amendment #2 approved by 87% of the votes.
Amendment.#3 approved by 71% of the votes.
Amendment #4 approved by 80% of the votes.
. Attest:
)0JII 9
-66th-ti ken berry 'City Clerk
Amendment #5 approved by 70% of the votes.
Amendment #6 approved by 64% of the votes.
Amendment #7 approved by 73% of the votes.
Amendment #8 approved by 57% of the votes.
City of Ocoee Canvassing Board
S. Scott Vandergrift, Chair