HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-12-2013 Canvassing Board Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CANVASSING BOARD MEETING HELD MARCH 12, 2013 Y"" CALL TO ORDER City Clerk Eikenberry called the Canvassing Board to order at 4:05 p.m. in the office of the Supervisor of Elections, 119 W. Kaley Street. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. ROLL CALL: Jean Grafton, William Maxwell, and Diane Pflanz. ALSO PRESENT: City Clerk Eikenberry,Deputy City Clerk Sibbitt, City Attorney Cookson, Assistant City Attorney Junod, Supervisor of Elections Representative Wilson and Supervisor of Elections Representative Dougherty and Audit Committee Members Adrianna Pierce and Carla Westberry. Also present were observers from Canada. ABSENT: None. BRIEFING City Clerk Eikenberry explained the order of procedures to follow for the canvassing of absentee ballots. City Clerk Eikenberry announced that they received four(4) questionable absentee ballots, all of which were rejected automatically by the Supervisor of Elections Office. REVIEW OF QUESTIONABLE BALLOTS City Clerk Eikenberry went over the questionable ballots as follows: (3)with no signatures and one (1)with wrong signatures signed by another party of the same household. Questionable Ballot: (1) Maria Lizardo—Ballot without signature. Motion was unanimous to reject ballot of Maria Lizardo due to lacking signature. Questionable Ballot: (1) Luis Banal—Ballot without signature. Motion was unanimous to reject ballot of Luis Barral due to lacking signature. Questionable Ballot: (1) Ruth Francene Chapman—Ballot without signature. Motion was unanimous to reject ballot of Ruth Francene Chapman due to lacking signature. Questionable Ballot: (1) Chris Streb—Signature did not match name on file for that specific absentee ballot. Supervisor of Elections Representative Lucy Colon explained that they included research of the ballot inside the envelope they provided to the City Clerk. The envelope contained a copy of the signature of the voter and a copy of a signature of someone else residing at that address. SOE Representative Colon said this is a situation where someone in the household signed someone else's ballot. Canvassing Board Member Grafton inquired if a request was on file allowing someone else Ocoee Canvassing Board March 12,2013 to sign the voter's envelope. SOE Representative Colon said there was not a request on file. Discussion ensued on whether this may have been an accidental signing of the ballot by a spouse. Canvassing Board Member Maxwell inquired when the cut-off date for receiving absentee ballots is. SOE Representative Colon said that voters have until 7 p.m. tonight to return absentee ballots. She further said that there have been Canvassing Boards in the past that would wait until 7 p.m. to be sure that a ballot from the other household person did not come in. The household member who signed this particular ballot was also flagged at the polls, should she show up to vote. Discussion ensued regarding if they waited would they be able to accept the ballot. Consensus of the Canvassing Board was to wait until 7 p.m. to make a decision on the Questionable ballot of Chris Streb. PRE LOGIC AND ACCURACY TEST&ZERO TAPE SOE Representative Dougherty ran the Logic and Accuracy Test, which was witnessed by City Clerk Eikenberry, Canvassing Board Members Jean Grafton, William Maxwell, and Diane Pflanz. OPEN ABSENTEE BALLOTS City Clerk Eikenberry announced that SOE staff had been granted permission to run the envelopes through a machine to open. The Canvassing Board, including City Clerk Eikenberry, began separating the certificate (outer) envelopes from the secrecy envelopes, then the ballots from that. District 1106—316 absentee ballots were counted, opened, and separated from secrecy envelopes and laid out flat. PROCESSING THE ABSENTEE BALLOTS (through the tabulator) SOE Representatives Wilson and Dougherty ran the absentee ballots through the machine. DUPLICATING BALLOTS REJECTED BY THE TABULATOR One (1)ballot was signed rather than marked by John Grogan's name. Consensus of the Canvassing Board was that the intent of the voter was to vote for John Grogan so ballot was duplicated. PROCESSING DUPLICATED BALLOTS SOE Representative Dougherty had the one ballot duplicated and ran the duplicated ballot through the machine. City Attorney Cookson left at 6:04 p.m. and Assistant City Attorney John Junod arrived. 2 Ocoee Canvassing Board March 12,2013 PROVISIONALS One (1)provisional ballot was delivered by Bill Cowles, Orange County Supervisor of Elections. Mr. Cowles briefly explained the process for provisional ballots. If accepted, the provisional ballot will be counted at 7 p.m. City Clerk Eikenberry explained the provisional ballot received by Austin Lane Howell,to the Canvassing Board Members. She said the Supervisor of Elections has gone through the steps and an investigative finding to verify voter registration for Austin Lane Howell is valid. Canvassing Board Member Maxwell, seconded by Canvassing Board Member Pflanz, moved to accept the provisional ballot of Austin Lane Howell. Motion carried unanimously. At 7:00 p.m. the provisional ballot was opened and consensus of the Canvassing Board was to also accept the questionable ballot of Chris Streb. PRINT ABSENTEE RESULTS TAPE City Clerk Eikenberry reviewed the Master Report with expected results and verified the report by initialing. District 1: John Grogan —239 Danny Howell—78 Total Ballots -317 Early Votes: John Grogan - 4 Total Ballots - 4 Provisional: Danny Howell- 1 Total Ballots - 1 LOGIC AND ACCURACY TEST FOR ABSANTEE/EARLY VOTES/PROVISIONAL SOE Representative Dougherty ran the Logic and Accuracy Test, which was verified by City Clerk Eikenberry. POST ELECTION CERTIFICATION VOTING SYSTEM AUDIT Jean Grafton and Diane Pflanz counted the absentee ballots for District 1 and separated them into piles, one for John Grogan and one for Danny Howell. Their results were as follows: 3 Ocoee Canvassing Board March 12,2013 District 1: John Grogan —243 Under Vote - 0 Over Vote - 0 Danny Howell— 79 Under Vote - 0 Over Vote - 0 . Total Ballots -322 CHECK PERCENTILES Totals from precinct were called in. •�64',P J°N16 ��o`y J°40 �.'��otiy .�o�`0�°may •oc%40 \.,`"<9'AC` `o�NO •0.�0�° •4°ea0 Qua IP` A ° y Ga(4a J° �a�� <9 Q.a$‘ ` pp42'�a>> �6c <9 �\6> \ Qc04 Q`°�\ea) 0a Qto-A‘ �J °�P> G °N>�a��o\Q ,c0 District 1 4,873 Registered Voters - _----_ John Grogan 4 0 239 108 0 0 0 0 351 M-6870: 7% Danny Howell 0 0 78 101 0 0 1 0 180 .& Total o . s ';-- . ........ taLBa lots Cast 4= 0 317. 209 0 , 0 . 1 ..0 Y.. 531 Recording Clerk Sibbitt tallied the percentiles for the race. City Clerk Eikenberry stated that a recount was not necessary as the spread was more than .5% of the vote. The percentiles were as follows: District 1,John Grogan elected with 66% of the votes. The Audit Team arrives at 8:28 p.m. AUDIT TEAM Since this was a single District race, the method of random selection of the race and precincts to be audited was not necessary. Carla Westberry and Adrianna Pierce began counting the precinct ballots for District 1 and separating them into two piles, one for John Grogan and one for Danny Howell. Their results were as follows: John Grogan: 108 Danny Howell: 101 Total Audited Precinct Ballots: 209 (h.r 4 Ocoee Canvassing Board Lio, March 12,2013 City Clerk Eikenberry and SOE Representative Michelle Torres compared the auditing committee worksheet with the previous.machine results, and all numbers matched. CERTIFY THE ELECTION The Canvassing Board and City Clerk Eikenberry certified the election with John Grogan winning the seat as District 1 Commissioner. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m. APPROVED City of Ocoee Be ikenberry, City Cle (IW } { } 5 2