HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-07-2021 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE
Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board
Regular Meeting Held January 7, 2021
The meeting was called to order by Chair Maxwell at 6:17 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 150
North Lakeshore Drive,Ocoee.
Chair Maxwell led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of personal reflection.
Recording Clerk Sibbitt performed roll call and declared quorum present.
Present: Chair Maxwell, and Members Anderson-Robinson, Dawkins, Hart, Fontanez, Foster (arrived at 6:22 p.m.), and
Absent: Member(s) Daily,Crown, Dorsey, Carr, and Porter-Smith
Also Present: Assistant Support Services Director Doug Gaines, and Recording Clerk Sibbitt
Public Comments: None
A. Approval of Minutes for the HRDB meetings held December 3, 2020:
Motion: Move to Approve the December 3,2020, Minutes; Moved by Member Dawkins,seconded by Member
Hart. Motion carried unanimously. This item was heard and voted on out of agenda order once a quorum was
Chair Maxwell announced that he has been advised by the board liaison that the obligations to Mr. Braswell and
HighPoint Church have been handled. He recommended to present a service award along with the check to
HighPoint Church.
B. Bylaw Review Subcommittee Update:
Chair Maxwell briefed the board on the importance of reviewing the existing Bylaws to confirm they provide
depth and meaning.
As Past Chair Crown was not present at the meeting, Recording Clerk Sibbitt read and explained each of the
changes that were proposed by the Bylaw Review Committee members. Lengthy discussion ensued between the
members with regard to board member removal, board member vetting, understanding of board roles, and
residency requirements. Chair Maxwell voiced concerns with the Mission Statement/Objectives and that no
changes had been suggested. He opined that they should provide thought and consideration to that section.
Brief discussion ensued with regard to the officers of the board (Past Chair, Chair, and Chair-Elect) and if those
terms should be extended.At the conclusion of the discussion, it was decided that a one-year term was adequate.
Recording Clerk Sibbitt was asked to email the red-lined copy of the resolution changes to all members. Members
shared their opinions on the proposed changes with most showing their support.
Motion: Move to table the proposed Bylaws to the February 4th meeting for final discussion and approval.
Moved by Member Dawkins, seconded by Chair Elect Anderson-Robinson. Motion carried unanimously.
HRDB Meeting
January 7, 2021
C. Virtual Essay Contest Update:
Member Dawkins shared her recommendations for the virtual essay contest, a copy of her planning notes was
also provided to all the members. She shared that the target groups are Elementary School 5th graders in the
Ocoee area. In lieu of face to face attendance at the ceremony, a photo will be requested from each first place
winner which can be posted on the screen during the livestream reading of their essay.
Discussion ensued with regard to a photo release waiver, increasing prizes for 15t place winner to $100 for each
school, and grand prize winner to $200. Also, virtual capabilities should be provided by schools for students to
view the program.
Member Moyer inquired if all the participating schools would be in Orange County. It was answered in the
affirmative. Member Moyer shared Representative Thompson was at the City Commission meeting and she will
be hosting an event on Unity which he felt would be a great theme for the essay. Discussion ensued with regard
to the essay theme and proposed dates for the event.
Motion: Move to approve"What Does Unity within our Diverse Community mean to Me?"as the essay theme.
Moved by Member Dawkins,seconded by Member Moyer. Motion carried unanimously.
The following timeline for the essay contest was discussed:
• January 25th-Contact date with school
• February 10th- Essays due back to the City with February 12th being last turn-in date
• February 17th at 6:00 p.m. - Review of essays
• Thursday, February 25th—Essay Contest Ceremony at 6:00 p.m.
Motion: Move to allocate no more than$1300 for funding to support the Black History Virtual Essay Contest to
be held on February 25th.Moved by Member Dawkins,seconded by Member Hart. Motion carried unanimously.
The following members volunteered to assist with the judging of the essay contest:
• Member Dawkins
• Chair-Elect Anderson-Robinson
• Member Moyer
• Member Hart
7:48 p.m. —7:55p.m. Break
D. Presentation by Member Moyer on Inclusion:
Member Moyer presented a PowerPoint which covered Inclusive Diversity and its definition. He concluded by
sharing that he proposes the board consider changing the board name to the City of Ocoee Inclusive Diversity or
ID Board. He further shared he would like to provide at a future meeting a comprehensive list of all the holidays,
and religious and cultural celebrations recognized worldwide.
Chair Maxwell commented that his presentation was well received, and asked if it could be looked at in greater
detail at their next meeting. Member Dawkins commented the presentation was wonderful, and thanked
Member Moyer for sharing.
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HRDB Meeting
January 7, 2021
Chair Maxwell briefly shared that Member Fontanez has provided him with an event concept for Fiesta de Colores
which he would also like to include for discussion at the next meeting.
E. Final Feedback from each Member on Memorial Program: None
III: Board and Staff Comments:
Member Foster commented on meeting attendance and shared several issues she experienced trying to access
the meeting remotely. She further shared that she reached out to the City Clerk with regard to remote access for
the December meeting, but was advised that pursuant to the Governor's Order, meetings were back to in-person
and she would have to provide a notice advising her illness. She inquired what the board's stance was on remote
access meetings.
Recording Clerk Sibbitt shared the HRDB board would not have the authority to allow remote access meetings as
that would be a City Commission decision.She further clarified her response was the Governor lifted the extension
of the executive order, and Florida Law states a board member can attend a meeting by phone, Facetime, Skype
or means other than being physically present at the meeting, if(1)there is otherwise a quorum physically present
at the meeting,and (2)the absence of the member is due to "extraordinary circumstances". The Florida Attorney
General has indicated that"extraordinary circumstances" means an illness or disability that prevents attendance.
Member Foster shared her concerns on ren,,s��l�ric ions being placed on volunteer board members. Recording Clerk
Sibbitt acknowledged Member Foster's^an i'advised she would share them with the City Attorney. She further
commented that she realizes the Boards are occupied by volunteers and shared some board members have
resigned from the Boards because they are on a volunteer basis only and do not want to put themselves at risk.
Member Moyer asked Chair Maxwell if the Fiesta de Colores event concept could be shared with the board.The
concept plan was provided to the Recording Clerk to distribute a copy electronically.
IV:Set Next Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes for January 7, 2021 meeting
B. Bylaw Review- Finalize and Approve
C. Virtual Essay Contest—Status Update
D. Inclusive Diversity Review and Discussion
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
ATTESTED: APPROVED and DATED:.___/(4/6../ )(ye
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Melanie Sibbitt, Recording Clerk Chairperson
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