HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held February 2, 2021 MINUTES
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:16 PM in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Mayor Johnson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag led by Assistant City Manager Shadrix. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared
a quorum present.
Present: Mayor Johnson,Commissioner Brinson,Commissioner Wilsen,Commissioner Firstner,
Commissioner Oliver
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Cookson, City Clerk Sibbitt
Proclamation for Black History Month — February 2021, read and proclaimed by Mayor
Johnson. Proclamation accepted by members of the Human Relations Diversity Board (HRDB).
City Manager Frank announced before them is the following:
Emergency Item #1 - Extension of Employer Provided Sick Leave in Consideration of Expiration
of the CARES Act
City Manager Frank briefly explained the CARES Act, as provided by the Federal Government
expired on December 31, 2020. The expiration resulted in the cessation of the 80 hours of
Employer Provided Sick Leave (PSL) for employees with symptoms of COVID-19. It is
anticipated that the Federal Government will soon pass a new CARES Act by the end of March,
but at this point in time there are no guarantees that it will include reimbursement for PSL to be
extended past December 31, 2020. If the City Commission chooses to provide this benefit until a
new CARES Act is passed, it is anticipated that it would cost approximately $15,000 per month.
Motion: Move to approve per staff's recommendation the authorization for the
City Manager to extend PSL for employees under COVID-19 protocol retroactive
to January 1, 2021. It is further recommended that this policy be in effect through
March 31, 2021, with additional extensions on a monthly basis as needed; or, upon
implementation of the new CARES Act; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen,
seconded by Commissioner Brinson; Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Firstner—None
Commissioner Oliver—None
Commissioner Wilsen—None
Regular City Commission Meeting
February 2,2021
Commissioner Brinson—None
Mayor Johnson—Announced the following:
1) Mayor Johnson announced the following, "City Hall is open to the public; however,
attendance inside the Ocoee Commission Chambers may be limited to accommodate social
distancing and is subject to the Governor's Executive Orders. Any interested party may be heard
during the public comments and public hearing portions of the meeting. In order to participate
remotely, members of the public should call 407-554-7118 or email citizens@ocoee.org in
advance and indicate the item you would like to address. At the appropriate time during the
meeting, City Staff will contact you via phone and patch you into the live meeting where you can
share your comments and/or questions. Comments and questions received via email will become
public records and provided to the City Commissioners in advance of the meeting."
2) The City's General Municipal Election for Commissioner Districts 2 and 4 will be held on
Tuesday, March 9th. To view sample ballots,please visit the Elections page on the City's website.
3) The Woman's Club will host their Candidate Political Forum on Monday,February 22nd,from
6 PM to 8 PM in the Ocoee City Hall Commission Chambers. Due to COVID-19, only candidates
may attend the event. The forum will be televised on Spectrum—Channel 493, and livestreamed
on the City's website during which time residents may call or email with their questions.
No speaker reservation forms, telephone calls, or emails were received.
Consent Agenda Motion
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 -#4.
Moved by Commissioner Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion
carried 5-0.
1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held January 19,
2021. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
2. Approval of Development Agreement for Ocoee Village Center. (Development
Services Director Rumer)
The Ocoee Village Center was approved as a Planned Unit Development(PUD) on October 6,2020. At the
time of the approval of the PUD, Large Scale Site Plans for the Allure Apartments, Southeast Retail, and
Townhomes were approved subject to finalizing staff comments and review. A Development Agreement
would typically have been brought forth with the PUD approval, but staff and the Developer wanted more
time to finalize the site plans. Due to conditions necessary to close on the property, staff is bringing forth a
Development Agreement that captures commitments from the PUD including.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission Meeting
February 2, 2021
3. Approval of the Firefighter Assistance Grant Application for the Purchase of a Bunker
Gear Washer-Extractor. (Fire Chief Miller)
The Fire Department is seeking this grant funding for the purchase of a new washer-extractor machine.
Firefighters wear specialized bunker gear when conducting fire suppression and mitigation activities.Industry
standards require that this gear is washed after exposure to smoke, fire, and toxic contaminants in order to
reduce exposure to carcinogens.The gear must be cleaned in a specialized industrial washer-extractor in order
to clean the gear while not damaging it. The department's current washer-extractor is over 15 years old and
can only clean two sets of gear at a time. Purchasing a new washer-extractor would allow the depaitinent to
clean and decontaminate bunker gear in a more efficient and effective manner.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
4. Approval of the Firefighter Cancer Decontamination Equipment Grant Application
for the Purchase of Two (2) Bunker Gear Dryers. (Fire Chief Miller)
The Fire Department would like to submit a matching(75%/25%)application through the Firefighter Cancer
Decontamination Equipment Grant. The grant request is for the purchase of two bunker gear dryers.
Firefighters wear specialized bunker gear when fighting fire or responding to potentially hazardous incidents.
Industry standards require that this gear is washed after exposure to smoke, fire, and contaminants in order to
reduce exposure to carcinogens.The gear must be dried in specialized industrial dryers in order to not damage
the gear.The depai tment's current dryer is over 15 years old and takes multiple cycles to dry three sets of gear
at a time. Purchasing two dryers would allow the department launder six sets of gear, which would
dramatically reduce the amount of time needed to clean the gear.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
The following persons addressed the City Commission:
- Chris Adkins, Ocoee Resident, shared concerns with regard to the retaining of
Firefighters within the Ocoee Fire Department. City Manager Frank addressed his
- Brad Lomneck, Ocoee Resident, shared concerns with regard to the hiring and retaining
process of Firefighters within the Ocoee Fire Department.
Commissioner Oliver shared his agreement with the comments provided by the residents who
addressed the City Commission with regard to the Fire Department hiring. City Attorney
Cookson briefed the commission on the negotiation process. Further discussion ensued.
Regular City Commission Meeting
February 2, 2021
Commissioner Oliver—Commented on the following:
1) Inquired if City staff had received a response from Orange County concerning the bus stop at
the corner of Clarke Rd and McCormick Road. City Manager Frank explained that OCPS is
still looking into the matter.
2) Shared he has received many emails with regard to the trash collection and inquired what can
be done to improve the quality of this service within the City. City Manager Frank addressed
his question with emphasis on educating the residents, and encouraged the Commission to refer
citizens to Public Works.
3) Inquired about placing blinking lights along the West Orange Trail at the entrance of Arden
Park North. City Manager Frank addressed his concerns and shared that this area is within
Orange County's jurisdiction.
4) Inquired about the Ingram Road lighting and sidewalks. City Manager Frank said he would
have City staff provide an update to the Commission.
5)Shared an update on his meeting with Orange County regarding Lake Meadow's flooding water
levels, and informed citizens of a two-month study which will be conducted in an effort to offer
relief in the area.
6)Requested an update from the County on the lane adjustments and light shifts at the intersection
of Clarke Road and Clarcona-Ocoee Road.
7)Asked for a"Call to Action" from all citizens, and for them to think about how the community
can help with homelessness in the City of Ocoee. He shared his personal plans to assist those less
fortunate, encouraged all citizens to participate in a random act of kindness, and challenged
everyone to participate.
8) Shared Philippians 2:3 from the Bible.
Commissioner Brinson—Commented on the following:
1) Shared his email address and encouraged residents to reach out to him with any questions,
concerns, or comments they may have.
2) Informed residents that he is working with both Orange County and OCPS to address various
maintenance issues within the City.
3) Advised residents that the City is working on the concerns regarding a local retention pond
within his district.
4) Welcomed all new business owners and residents to the fine City of Ocoee.
5) Expressed a need for patience as the City grows.
Commissioner Wilsen—Commented on the following:
1) Shared her email and cellphone number so that residents within her district can reach out to
her with their questions or concerns. She expressed a preference in having residents call, but
shared either method works and that she would be happy to assist.
Commissioner Firstner—Commented on the following:
1) Shared District 3 is doing well and does not have any concerns to share at this time.
2) In honor of Black History month, shared a small piece of African American History
emphasizing the outstanding accomplishments of both Lucile Bluford, a journalist and Civil
Regular City Commission Meeting
February 2, 2021
Rights Activist, and her nephew Guion "Guy" Stewart Bluford, Jr., an engineer, Fighter-Pilot,
and the first African-American Astronaut. He encouraged residents to keep both of them in mind
as they travel Bluford Ave.
Mayor Johnson—Commented on the following:
1) Shared that the City Commission is currently in ongoing negotiations behind closed doors with
the Fire Union, and informed that during this time the Commission is not permitted to discuss any
matters pertaining to those negotiations.
2) Spoke about a recent newspaper article that he felt misinformed citizens, and shared his
position on the matter.
3) Agreed with City Manager Frank that residents need to be educated on the City's trash
collection services.
4) Inquired about citizen's attendance at the Women's Club Political Forum. Commissioner
Wilsen relayed that the letter she received as a candidate indicated that the forum would not be
open to the public; however, all citizens were encouraged to participant via live stream. She
shared that emails and phone calls would be accepted.
5) Addressed a concern from a resident that shared they were not welcomed at an event that was
announced at the last meeting.
6) Offered a report to all interested parties that compares local fire fighter's salaries from
surrounding municipalities within the area.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johnson, Mayor