HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-04-2021 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE
Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board
Regular Meeting Held February 4,2021
The meeting was called to order by Chair Maxwell at 6:15 PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 150
North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee.
Member Moyer led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of personal reflection.
Recording Clerk Sibbitt performed roll call and declared quorum present.
Present: Chair Maxwell, and Members Hart, Fontanez, Moyer, Anderson-Robinson, Dawkins, Carr, and Foster (arrived at
6:22 PM)
Absent: Member Crown
Also Present: Assistant Support Services Director Doug Gaines and Recording Clerk Sibbitt
Public Comments:
Member Dawkins shared a conversation she had with a resident by the name of Greg Holzhauer who attended the Ocoee
Massacre Remembrance Event as well as the exhibit at the Orlando Regional Historical Center. She explained that Mr.
Holzhauer shared with her that he was curious as to what happens to the items that were displayed at the museum and
he was able to speak with the curator Pam Schwartz. Ms.Schwartz advised she could provide the schematics of the exhibit
so that it could be replicated for a future event. Discussion ensued and it was consensus of the Board that they would like
Member Dawkins to pursue acquiring the exhibit schematics.
Chair Maxwell shared a personal message he received from Patricia Whatley who is a descendant of the Hamiter Family
that was victimized in the Ocoee Massacre. Chair Maxwell shared a suggestion with the Board to host a descendant
reunion in Ocoee. Member Dawkins shared that she agreed to the idea and recommended a one-day event. Brief
discussion ensued.
A. Approval of Minutes for the HRDB meetings held January 7, 2021:
Member Foster requested a correction on a comment that was made on page 3; however,after further discussion
it was clarified that the comment she referred to was actually made by the City Clerk in response to her question.
Therefore, no corrections were made to the minutes which were approved as presented.
Motion: Move to Approve the January 7, 2021, Minutes; Moved by Member Dawkins, seconded by Member
Anderson-Robinson. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Bylaw Review- Finalize and Approve:
Chair Maxwell inquired if the members had reviewed the Bylaws and opened the floor for discussion.
Member Carr confirmed the removal of allowing non-resident members on the Board,and inquired what number
of members would be affected. Recording Clerk Sibbitt confirmed the item is the recommendation of the
Subcommittee; and further shared,there is currently one member who is not a City resident.
Further discussion ensued on the Bylaws with regard to the following:
• Article 4 Section 2 on the terms of the officers on the Board (Past Chair, Chair, and Chair-Elect), and if
those terms should be extended.
• Item III. Membership (F) included wording that required a member to participate in one Board-sponsored
event as recommended by the Subcommittee. After a brief discussion, consensus of the Board was to
remove the Subcommittee recommendation.
HRDB Meeting
February 4, 2021
• Inclusion of a Mission Statement.
• Item II. Objectives (F) and Article 2 (2.F.). Consensus of the Board was to change this to read, "Advise the
City Commission and staff, as needed."
• Item III. Membership (A) included wording that members are expected to attend board meetings and
participate in a minimum of one Board-sponsored event per calendar year as recommended by the
Subcommittee. After a brief discussion, consensus of the Board was to keep this recommendation.
Consensus of the Board was to table the proposed Bylaws to the March meeting. Board will begin discussion
starting on page 7.
C. Virtual Essay Contest—Status Update:
Member Dawkins updated the Board on the Virtual Essay Contest and shared they received (8)eight schools that
will be participating.
Recording Clerk Sibbitt shared the following timeline for the essay contest:
• February 10th- Essays due back to the City with February 12th being last turn-in date
• February 17th at 6:00 PM - Review of essays at !son Center
• Thursday, February 25th—Virtual Essay Contest Ceremony at 6:00 PM at City Hall
The following members volunteered to assist with the judging of the essay contest:
• Chair-Elect Anderson-Robinson
• Member Dawkins
• Member Moyer
• Member Hart
• Member Foster
Member Dawkins asked if Beth Otts with Chick-Fil-A could provide gifts cards. It was shared that the information
would be provided to Joy Wright.
Member Maxwell shared he has received inquiries on a DVD of the Ocoee Massacre Remembrance Event.
Assistant Support Services Director Doug Gaines shared the videos are posted on the City's website for all to
view, and requested Chair Maxwell refer residents to the website.
D. Inclusive Diversity Review and Discussion
Member Moyer commented there is a handout before the members which list all the Federal and State legal
holidays, and includes an additional handout on major religious holidays. He proposed changing the name of the
Board to Inclusion Diversity Board. At the conclusion of the discussion, it was recommended to include into the
Bylaws Purpose and Objectives the word "inclusive", but to not change the name of the Board at this current time.
Ill: Board and Staff Comments:
Member Foster commented that with the current resignation of the Police Chief she felt it would be great to have an
African American Police Chief in the City; and further, recommended the Board support the promotion of Deputy Police
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HRDB Meeting
February 4, 2021
Chief Ogburn.Assistant Support Services Director Doug Gaines shared the City Manager is tasked with the hiring process
of management, but as a citizen she can send her recommendation to the City Manager.
IV:Set Next Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes for February 4, 2021, meeting
B. Bylaw Review- Finalize and Approve
C. Final Report on Virtual Essay Contest
D. Fiesta de Colores
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM
Melanie Sibbitt, Recording Clerk Chairperson
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