HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-20-2021 Agenda OCOEE CITY COMMISSION Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee,Florida APRIL 20,2021 AGENDA 6:15 P.M. City Hall is open to the public; however, attendance inside the Ocoee Commission Chambers may be limited to accommodate social distancing and is subject to the Governor's Executive Orders. Anyone entering City Hall must wear a protective face covering. This meeting is broadcasted live on Spectrum Channel 493 with a live stream at www.Ocoee.org/197/Ocoee- TV. Any interested party may be heard during the public comments and public hearing portions of the meeting. In order to participate remotely, members of the public should call 407-554-7118 or email citizens(a ocoee.org in advance and indicate the item you would like to address.At the appropriate time during the meeting,City Staff will contact you via phone and patch you into the live meeting where you can share your comments and/or questions. Comments and questions received via e-mail will become public records and provided to the City Commissioners in advance of the meeting. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call and Determination of Quorum PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation for Municipal Clerks Week—May 2—May 8. (Mayor Johnson) Presentation by District 2 Orange County Commissioner Christine Moore STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW PUBLIC COMMENTS THE PUBLIC IS ALLOWED TO COMMENT ON ANY ITEMS THAT ARE ON THE AGENDA BUT NOT PART OF A PUBLIC HEARING. PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS ARE TO BE HEARD DURING THAT PORTION OF THE MEETING.ANY COMMENTS YOU WOULD LIKE TO MAKE THAT ARE NOT PART OF THE AGENDA WILL BE HEARD UNDER THE CITIZENS/PUBLIC COMMENTS AT THE END OF THE MEETING. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION,IN WHICH CASE THE MAYOR WILL INSTRUCT THE CITY CLERK TO REMOVE THAT ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held April 6,2021. (City Clerk Sibbitt) 2. Approval of New Appointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department. (City Clerk Sibbitt) Members of the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department serve a three-year term. The Resolution creating the Board allows no more than fifteen (15) members. Currently the Board has ten (10) members. An application was received by Jim Moyer who has shown an interest in being appointed to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department for a term ending January 2024. Regular City Commission April 20,2021 3. Approval of the Ocoee Neighborhood Matching Grant Applicants—Recommendation to Award a Total of $12,000 to Seven (7) Neighborhood Associations. (Community Relations Manager Wright) The Neighborhood Matching Grant Program is held annually.This year's grant cycle opened on February 18, 2021. Applications were due on March 19, 2021. The neighborhood grant program is for homeowner associations(HOA)and neighborhoods that do not have a structured HOA.The goal of the grant program is to assist residents with making improvements to their neighborhoods. The maximum matching grant award is $2,000.Applicants pay for their improvement projects and then get a portion back,up to a maximum of$2,000. Seven(7)Homeowner Associations submitted grant applications for this grant cycle.There is$12,000 available for the grants. However, the seven (7) HOA's have requested a total $14,000. To stay within the $12,000 allotted for the grant program,staff is recommending each grant applicant receive$1,714.28 each($11,999.96). 4. Approval of Interlocal Agreement Between the City and Orange County Regarding the Transfer of Jurisdiction of North Lakewood Avenue (Fullers Cross Road to Clarcona Ocoee Road). (Development Services Director Rumer) The Ocoee Village Center PUD Rezoning and Comprehensive Plan Amendment was approved by the Ocoee City Commission on June 18,2019.The plan provides for a realignment of North Lakewood Avenue from the intersection of Fullers Cross Road to Clarcona Ocoee Road, which is currently under ownership and maintenance of Orange County. In order to facilitate all of the activities required, including construction, inspection, and vacation of the road,a transfer of jurisdictional ownership is required. Staff from the City and Orange County have worked out an Interlocal Agreement, which provides for the change of ownership and maintenance. The Interlocal Agreement must be first approved by the Ocoee City Commission and then transmitted to Orange County for County Commission approval for the agreement to take effect. 5. Approval to Proceed with a Contract for the Purchase of Property Located at 750 Richmond Avenue. (Development Services Director Rumer) Back at the February 16,2021,City Commission meeting,the City Commission heard a request from Cherice Gertsman on behalf of Joel Doss.He is the owner of 750 Richmond Avenue and has offered to sell his property to the City for$425,000. The property contains over five(5) acres of land with approximately half consisting of wetlands, and is located next to the Ocoee Cemetery. A discussion on obtaining the land for possible expansion of the cemetery or other uses resulted in the City Commission authorizing $5,000.00 from contingency to obtain an appraisal of the property.The appraisal from Property Valuation and Consulting has been completed and an appraised value of$395,000 was provided. 6. Approval of Capital Appropriations Reallocation. (Finance Director Roberts) The City Commission allocated a portion of the Capital Improvement Bond funds to the Taylor/Kissimmee Road Project and Segment Three of the Trail Connector. These projects no longer require funding from the bond proceeds.Therefore,we request the City Commission reallocate those funds to the McKey St/Bluford to Lakewood ($442,521) and Oakland Ave Phase II ($490,814) projects, which are also projects on the City's bond projects list. PUBLIC HEARING -None FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 7. First Reading of Ordinance for FY 2020 Budget Amendment. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for May 4, 2021,Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon thereafter.) (Finance Director Roberts) The City Commission adopted an annual operating budget for the City on September 23,2020. Subsequent to the adoption of the budget staff identified the need for additional appropriations in the General Fund,the Storm Water Fund, Water Fund and the Wastewater Fund. These appropriations are being presented at this time in lieu of delaying completion of capital projects(City Hall,downtown streetscapes and utility work,Clarke Road design and construction)until funded in next year's budget. There are also Water/Wastewater appropriations recommended related to emergency line repair costs. Regular City Commission April 20,2021 8. First Reading of Ordinance Amending Articles 136-1, 136-2, and 136-3, of Chapter 136 of the City of Ocoee Code, Relating to Sexual Offenders and Sexual Predators. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for May 4, 2021, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon thereafter.) (Acting Police Chief Plasencia) The Police Department, in concert with the City Attorney's Office, is recommending certain provisions of the City Code relating to Sexual Offenders and Sexual Predators be amended to clarify certain definitions and maintain consistency with Florida Statutes.Articles 136-1, 136-2 and 136-3 of Chapter 136 of the City of Ocoee Code,Relating to Sexual Offenders and Sexual Predators would be amended to address the following: Article 136-1, Findings and Intent; Article 136-2, Defmitions; Article 136-3, Sexual Offender and Sexual Predator Residence Prohibition and Exceptions. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE—PUBLIC HEARING -None REGULAR AGENDA-None STAFF ACTION ITEMS COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE:IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTES 286.0105:ANY PERSON WHO DESIRES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR THIS PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED.ALSO,IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 286.26:PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE, OCOEE, FL 34761, (407) 905 -3105 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING.