HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-02-2021 Minutes 40.1, FIFTY
Ocoee WEST
Ocoee Commission Chambers
150 North Lakeshore Drive
March 2,2021 MINUTES 5:00 PM
I. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Chair June called the Community Redevelopment Agency Board to order at 5:00 PM in the
Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Chair June, Vice-Chair Brinson, Member Wilsen, Member Johnson, Member Firstner,
Member Oliver, and Member Marsh
Also Present: City Manager Frank, Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Cookson,
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless, and City Clerk Sibbitt.
II. Public Comments -None
No speaker reservation forms were received.
III. Approval of Minutes of November 17,2020, CRA Regular Meeting
Member Wilsen, seconded by Vice-Chair Brinson, moved to approve the CRA
Regular Meeting Minutes of November 17, 2020, as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
IV. Staff Presentation (Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless)
A) FY 2019/2020 Annual Report
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced the 2019-2020
Annual Report is printed and available. Contents in the report include:
- 2020 New Requirements
- Financial 2020 Reporting Information
- Required Distribution and Deadlines
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B) FY 2020/2021 Budget Adjustments
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced the budget in
September was completed by estimating revenue as the CRA does not receive final dollar amounts
until the end of November or beginning of December. Therefore, for the FY 2020/2021 annual
budget the CRA requires some budget adjustments. She briefly explained the incremental revenue
received in excess of the estimated amount, and shared this is to be allocated to Account 4900
Reserve for Contingency as stated in Section 3 of the Resolution.
She further asked the CRA Board to acknowledge the $93,850.50 in additional incremental
revenue that will be allocated to Account 4900: Reserve for Contingency.
Member Wilsen, seconded by Member Johnson, moved to acknowledge $93,850.50
in additional incremental revenue to be allocated to Account 4900: Reserve for
Contingency. Motion carried 7-0.
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless further explained the two
ways Section 3 of the Resolution allows Opening Cash and Miscellaneous Income to be allocated.
She shared that staff requests the CRA Board allocate $224,852.86 in additional Beginning Cash
and Miscellaneous Revenue to Account 6302: Capital Improvements.
Member Johnson, seconded by Member Oliver, moved to allocate $224,852.86 in
additional Beginning Cash and Miscellaneous Revenue to Account 6302: Capital
Improvements. Motion carried 7-0.
C) Capital Projects Update
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless updated the Board on the
following current Capital Improvement Projects (CIP).
South Bluford Avenue Streetscape — Design is underway for a new roundabout at the Bluford
and Geneva Road intersection with sewer, utility, and drainage upgrades. Three (3) firms were
shortlisted, and staff will schedule interviews to select which firm will do the engineering.
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless reminded the board that
the CRA has two projects occurring in the budget for Bluford Avenue: one is the roundabout and
the other is the streetscape; therefore, staff requests to combine the project costs for the South
Bluford Avenue Streetscape and the Bluford/Geneva Road Intersection Improvements into one
project under Account 6302: Capital Improvements. The combined projects will result in a FY 20-
21 budet of $558,500 for the S. Bluford Avenue Streetscape and Intersection Improvements
Member Oliver, seconded by Member Johnson, moved to combine the project
costs for the South Bluford Avenue Streetscape and the Bluford/Geneva Road
Intersection Improvements into one project under Account 6302: Capital
Improvements. Motion carried 7-0.
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Vice-Chair Brinson inquired if combining of funds is being requested because it is more cost
efficient. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless addressed his
question. Member Wilsen inquired if the school board is contributing any type of funding as these
improvements will benefit the school. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA
Administrator Corless shared there are some additional funding they will seek once they identify
the true cost.
Wellness Park—With the construction documents completed and bidding to commence this April
or May, this soon to be iconic public destination will be the second park south of State Road 50
and aimed at improving community health. The estimated cost for the park is $2.1 million,but the
current budget is $2 million; therefore, staff requests the CRA Board allocate $224,852.86 in
additional Beginning Cash and Miscellaneous Revenue in Account 6302: Capital Improvements
to the construction of the Wellness Park. The adjusted Wellness Park Construction Budget will be
Member Johnson inquired about the parking location for the Wellness Park. Deputy
Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless addressed his question. Member
Wilsen confirmed with the City Attorney that her seat on the West Orange Healthcare District
would not be a conflict of interest. The City Attorney advised it would not. Member Oliver
inquired about adding additional parking. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA
Administrator Corless explained the limitations on the expansion of parking due to the retention
area. Member Firstner inquired about the timeline for this project. Deputy Development
Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless advised it would be late summer/early fall before
they would be able to get started on the Wellness Park, but the project could be completed in 18
months. Member Marsh shared that the Healthy West Orange is also allocating funds for a trail
that will be located within the City.
Vice Chair Brinson, seconded by Member Oliver, moved to allocate the$224,852.86
in additional Beginning Cash and Miscellanous Revenue in Account 6302: Capital
Improvements to the Construction of the Wellness Park. Motion carried 7-0.
State Road 50 Median Landscaping Plant Replacements — Project is completed and currently
under the one-year warranty period. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA
Administrator Corless complimented the contractor for maintaining the medians.
V. Confirm Next Regular CRA Board Meeting
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced and confirmed
the next meeting is scheduled for May 4, 2021, at 5:00 PM.
VI. Board Comments
Vice Chair Brinson inquired if the impact on traffic has been considered with the Downtown
Improvements and current City Hall development. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA
Administrator Corless addressed his question and shared that City Hall should be well underway
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before they start the Bluford Streetscape project; however, staff will take traffic flow into
consideration as they work on construction scheduling.
Member Oliver shared he is pleased that the CRA Board operates in a surplus. He further thanked
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless and her staff.
Chair June shared he is excited to see the Bluford Avenue Streetscape and roundabout projects
moving forward as he is aware permitting takes time.
Vice Chair Brinson shared he has received compliments from residents on the beautification of
the CRA areas, which helps to bring businesses to the City. He also thanked Deputy Development
Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless and her staff.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:31 PM
Melanie Sibbitt, Secretary Randy Ju Chair
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