HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z 04/10/07 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ACTING AS THE LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MEETING HELD TUESDAY, APRIL 10,2007 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Golden called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following a moment of silent meditation and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, a quorum was declared present. PRESENT: Chairman Golden, Vice Chair McKey, Members Campbell, Conkling, Morris, Rhodus, Sills, and West. Also present were City Attorney Palmer, Community Development Director Wagner, Principal Planner Rumer and Deputy City Clerk Sibbitt. ABSENT: Member Dillard was absent excused. CONSENT AGENDA Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, March 13, 2007. Chairman Golden stated he would like to make an amendment to the last paragraph on page 10 of the minutes and have verbiage added that the Engineer for the project did agree to add the notes to the plans regarding protection barriers. Vice Chair McKey. seconded bv Member Sills. moved to accept the Minutes of the March 13. 2007. Plannina and Zonina Commission meetina with verbiaae added to the last paraaraph on paae 10 statina that the Enaineer for the West 50 Commercial Subdivision did aaree to add notes to his plans reaardina protection barriers. Motion carried unanimouslv. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS SHIRT ORDERS Community Development Director Wagner briefly explained what shirts the board members could order and stated he had a catalog they could review. He further explained there is an order form in their packets and if they would like they could make a decision after the meeting. After a brief discussion, members agreed to look at the catalog after the meeting. Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting April 10, 2007 ELECTION OF OFFICERS The floor was open for nominations for Chairman: Vice Chair Mckey nominated Jim Golden for Chairman. Member Sills nominated Milton West for Chairman. A vote was taken on the nominations and resulted in a 4-4 tie. After a brief discussion Jim Golden stated he would be willing to step down as Chairman and take the seat of Vice Chairman if it would be okay with the board. Member Rhodus. seconded bv Member Sills. moved to nominate Milton West as Chairman and Jim Golden as Vice Chair of the Plannina & Zonina Commission. Motion carried unanimouslv. SONNTAG PROPERTY - ANNEXATION/REZONING Principal Planner Rumer stated the subject property is located on the south side of White Road, 1300' west of the intersection of S. Clarke Road and White Road. The total size of the parcel is :1:0.85 acres. The applicant has requested a City of Ocoee zoning designation of R-1AA (Single-Family Dwelling) which requires a minimum lot size of 9,000 square feet. The R-1AA zoning designation is consistent with the adopted Land Use Map of Low Density Residential, shown on both the City of Ocoee and Orange County Joint Planning Area future land use maps. The annexation meets state and local regulations and the subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since the parcels on the west, south, and east sides are located within the Ocoee City limits. The parcel currently contains one single family residence with over 3,000 square feet; however the proposed future use is for two single family homes after a short form plat is processed under separate review. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE On March 26, 2007, the DRC met and recommended approval of the annexation and rezoning of the Sonntag Parcel as presented. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend approval of the annexation of the :1:0.85 acres of land known as the Sonntag Parcel, and rezoning to "R-1AA" Single-Family Dwelling District. 2 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting April 10, 2007 DISCUSSION Vice Chair Mckey inquired as to how the lots were going to be split. Principal Planner Rumer stated they have not yet reviewed how that subdivision process will work and the applicant is available for questioning. Member Morris inquired about the impact fees. Community Development Director Wagner briefly answered his question. Albert Sonntag, applicant for the property, explained that they intend to split the property into two parcels of 1/2 acre and 3/10 acre. The existing house will remain on the 1/2 acre and a new smaller home will be built on the 3/10 acre and both will have City water and a septic tank. The property will be split north to south so that both properties front onto White Road. The Public Hearing was opened for the Sonntag Parcel Annexation and Rezoning. As no one wished to speak, the Public Hearing was closed for the Sonntag Parcel Annexation and Rezoning. Member Morris. seconded bv Member Camobell. moved to recommend approval of the annexation of the :1:0.85 acres of land known as the SonntaG Parcel. and rezoninG to "R-1 AA 11 Sinale-Familv Dwellina District. Motion carried unanimouslv. ROGERS PROPERTY - ANNEXATION AND REZONING Principal Planner Rumer stated the subject property is located on the east side of Ocoee Apopka Road, 2,500 feet southeast of the intersection of Ocoee Apopka Road and Fullers Cross Road. The parcel size is :1:37.12 acres and currently contains a single-family house with accessory buildings including a barn. The City intends to use this property as a recreational park. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE On March 27, 2007, the DRC met and recommended approval of the annexation and rezoning of the Rogers parcel as presented. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend approval of the annexation of the +/-37.12 acres of land known as the Rogers Property parcel, and rezoning to "R-1AA" Single-Family Dwelling District. 3 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting April 10, 2007 DISCUSSION Chairman Golden stated that the parcel looks like it would be a great park property and inquired if the City had any conceptual designs for the park. Community Development Director Wagner stated there were several conceptual plans but he believes the City is in the process of hiring a consultant who will master plan all of the park sites. Member Campbell inquired as to why the property was zoned R-1AA. Community Development Director Wagner stated that is what the property is zoned to the north and they are trying to make the zoning consistent with the area and land use. Member West stated he believed there was an eagle somewhere on that property. Community Development Director Wagner stated there is an eagle nest right off the property which he has heard that the eagle may have flown away but the eagle will not diminish the value for a park use. The Public Hearing was opened for the Rogers Property Annexation and Rezoning. As no one wished to speak, the Public Hearing was closed for the Rogers Property Annexation and Rezoning. Member West. seconded bv Vice Chair McKey. moved to recommend approval of the annexation of the +/-37.12 acres of land known as the Roaers Propertv parcel, and rezoninG to "R-1 AA 11 SinGle-Familv DwellinG District. Motion carried unanimouslv. FDOT SURPLUS PROPERTY - ANNEXATION AND REZONING Principal Planner Rumer stated the subject property is located on the North side of SR 50 (W. Colonial Drive) and between Blackwood Avenue and Clarke Road. The parcel size is :1:1.95 acres and is currently vacant. The proposed use is for a future (north-south) public roadway that will eventually link with Montgomery Avenue (Ocoee Commons PUD) and SR 50 with some stormwater abatement. A portion of the property lies within the 100 year flood plans and contains wetlands. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE The DRC met on March 27, 2007, and recommended approval of the annexation and rezoning of the FDOT Surplus Property as presented. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend approval of the annexation of the +/-1.95 acres of land known as the FDOT Surplus Property parcel, and rezoning to "C-2" Community Commercial. 4 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting April 10, 2007 DISCUSSION Member West inquired as to how the City acquired the FDOT Surplus parcel. Community Development Director Wagner stated it was given to the City and further explained the future roadways that would be tying into SR 50. The Public Hearing was opened for the FDOT Surplus Property Annexation and Rezoning. As no one wished to speak, the Public Hearing was closed for the FDOT Surplus Property Annexation and Rezoning. Vice Chair McKey. seconded bv Member Rhodus. moved to recommend approval of the annexation of the +/-1.95 acres of land known as the FOOT Surplus Propertv parcel. and rezoninG to "C-2" Communitv Commercial. Motion carried unanimouslv. DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS STATUS PRESENTATION Community Development Director Wagner presented the board with a lengthy presentation covering the following: . Residential projects under construction . Residential construction expected in the next 12 months . Residential construction expected in the next 12-60 months . Commercial projects completed in the last 12 months . Commercial projects under construction . Commercial construction expected in the next 12 months . Commercial construction expected in the next 12-36 months Community Development Director Wagner also thanked Principal Planner Rumer, GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran, and Development Review Coordinator Carolyn Alexander for all their help in gathering information for the presentation. He further announced Carolyn Alexander will be retiring on June 15t from the City of Ocoee which will be a loss for the Planning Department and the City. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m. 1:4' JJIfL Melanie Sibbitt, -Deputy City Clerk APPROVED: 5