HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-01-07 Minutes MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION May 1,2007 at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Anderson gave the Invocation and Commissioner Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson. Also Present: Assistant City Attorney Palmer, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS - none I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Debbie Kirkoff, Sparkling Waters Circle, said she is here on behalf of the Little League and she would like the City to consider funding two defibrillators for their fields. The cost is approximately 1200 - 1500 per unit. Commissioner Anderson said this is a budgetary item he would like City Manager Frank to address, not just for Little League, but Pop Warner, soccer, and other sports; we can look into getting grants of matching funds. Commissioner Hood said if there were two at Central Park, one could be used for baseball and one for football. There is one at the Beech Center but it is not accessible to the sports leagues. Mayor Vandergrift asked Chief Firstner to look into appropriate placements for units around the City. Consensus of the Commission without obiection was that Chief Firstner will brina a study back to the Commission within the next month for placement and cost of AED units at various locations throuahout the City. I D. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Vandergrift introduced Town Councilman John Briggs from Windermere. Mayor Vandergrift acknowledged Assistant City Manager Jamie Croteau sitting in for City Manager Frank. Commissioner Anderson, 1) thanked Utilities Director Smith for the successful Landscape Seminar, and said it was well attended and very successful. Mr. Smith said they are looking into doing a rain barrel training seminar in the Fall 2) asked Public Works Director Krug where we are with the study on the road tables. Mr. Krug advised the data has been tabulated and there are a few roads that qualify, we should have a report at the next Commission Meeting. Mayor Vandergrift added that Pine Hills has placed road tables all over their area. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to see the City become a Tree City. Utilities Director Smith said we gave away about 85-95 trees at the seminar. Assistant City Manager Croteau said Parks and Recreation Director Hayes is working on that and there is an ordinance that will come before the Commission at a later date. City Commission Regular May 1, 2007 Commissioner Johnson - none Commissioner Hood - none Mayor Vandergrift - 1) announced the Big Orange Games at Ocoee High School on Saturday, May 5, 2007, and they are looking for volunteers Commissioner Keller arrived at 7:29 p.m. directly from the School Board meeting. I E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval and Acceptance of the City Commission Health Insurance Workshop of April 18,2007. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Appointment to the Ocoee School Advisory Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Members of the Ocoee School Advisory Board serve two-year terms. Currently the Ocoee School Advisory Board has eight (8) members and their resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more than fifteen (IS) members. One application was received from Ms. Fay Alston with interest in serving on the board. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Approval of Progress Energy Easement Relating to Underground Relocation at Wesmere Townhomes (City Engineer Wheeler) Progress Energy is requiring the City of Ocoee to grant an easement over a portion of a stormwater pond tract on the north side of the Maguire Road Townhome entrance located across from Wesmere Parkway in order to relocate underground the existing overhead power. This is part of a Condition of Approval with Wesmere Properties to underground existing overhead utilities on the east side of Maguire Road from the Turnpike to their southern property line. Progress Energy will not locate underground utilities within public right-of-way and requires a separate easement. Wesmere Townhomes are also granting an easement within the property along Maguire Road to facilitate this relocation. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Approval of Piggybacking Off of the City of Orlando's Contract for Demolition Services (BI06-2248) With Central Environmental Services, Inc. (Public Works Director Krug) As part of the City Hall Regional Stormwater Pond project it is necessary to demolish two houses on property purchased for the pond site at the drainage ditch next to City Hall. Staff is requesting permission to piggyback off of the City of Orlando's contract (BI06-2248) for these types of services. Central Environmental Services, Inc. submitted the following costs proposals for these city facilities: (1) 33 Lakeview Street $3,600 and (2) 201 N. Bluford St. $4,000. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 5. Approval for Purchase of Grundomat Directional Driller and Sullair 185 CFM Portable Air Compressor (Utilities Director Smith) The Grundomat directional driller and the Sullair 185 CFM air compressor which were not provided for in this fiscal years budget, are items that will be used together for directional drilling work by the Utility Department. This type of work is currently being contracted out to other vendors at a cost to the City of Ocoee for the use of the equipment, labor, and parts. Wherein, the City of Ocoee's Utility Department will be performing more of this kind of work as we retrofit and rehabilitate outdated or malfunctioning infrastructure, the purchase of this equipment will be a cost that will be recaptured within a few months of active usage and split between the water and wastewater CIP accounts. Item #5 pulled by Commissioner Anderson to be heard separately. Page 2 of 10 City Commission Regular May 1, 2007 Commissioner Anderson asked Utilities Director Smith if we normally get a competitive bid or do we automatically piggy back with other contracts. Mr. Smith advised that the cost of the equipment was not much different from one vendor to another, but staff looked at the equipment that is favored by OUC and felt this was the best source for our purposes as well. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bY Commissioner Johnson. moved to aDDrove the Durchase of the Grundomat Directional Driller and Sullair 185 CFM Portable Air ComDressor. Motion carried 5-0. 6. Approval of Change Order #3 with Young's Communications Co., Inc., for the Silver Glen Reclaimed Water Distribution System Project. (City Engineer Wheeler) Young's Communications Co., Inc., has completed installation of the water mains and service taps for reclaimed water service in the Silver Glen Subdivision using directional boring techniques. With the completion of construction, it is possible to state the fmal unit quantities for the project and to make changes to the contract that reflect the actual unit quantities installed. The amount of the change order is a decrease of $127,132.57, a cost based on the contract unit prices and City-measured quantities, with no adjustment in contract time. The total contract price will decrease to $714,002.67 ADDroved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. Consent Agenda Vote: Mayor Vanderarift. seconded bY Commissioner Keller. moved to aDDrove Consent Aaenda Items #1. 2. 3. 4. and 6. as Dresented. Motion carried 5-0. IF. REGULARAGENDA 7. West 50 Wastewater Plan. (City Engineer Wheeler) The lack of a central sanitary collection system has been the limiting factor in any large scale development in this area. Typically, the City requires the fIrst developer to design, construct, and pay for extensions and/or connections to the City's water, sewer, and (now) reuse systems. None of these parcels and/or projects in this area have been big enough to make this City policy work. Staff was asked by most of the developers and the City Manager to propose another option that may be acceptable to the development community and the City. Staff recommends the acceptance of the West SR 50 Development Wastewater Plan as presented by Reiss Environmental, Inc. and to authorize staff to negotiate a refunding agreement with a developer for the central sanitary system for the west SR 50 area. City Engineer Wheeler said that we are discussing potential development alternatives for the West 50 Development Area, with the main problem being that development is held up because there is no central sanitary sewer. Historically, the developers have been responsible for putting in any central sewer system besides what they have on their property. He said City Manager Frank and Assistant City Manager Croteau challenged staff to come up with a plan to foster development in the West 50 area and still accomplish what needs to be done in the way of sanitary sewers. He said they have been working with Reese Environmental to review the system, and Ed Talton is here to present their report. Mr. Talton reviewed where and what is "West SR 50", how to serve wastewater to the area, ERUs and Flows to the area, and developer cost share calculations. He stated that the cost sharing for the West State Road 50/Non-Ocoee West should cover 100% funding for the SR 50 Marshal Farms Force Main. Developer cost shares will be based on actual costs which are estimated at $700,000 and Page 3 of 10 City Commission Regular May 1, 2007 include engineering, contingency, and actual construction. The other piece of the cost share will be a portion of the upgrade to Lift Station #7 pumps and West SR50 planning and legal services. City Engineer Wheeler said that the cost was divided based on their proportionate share (based on projected flows) and they would buy their capacity of the system. The percentages are in place, if actual construction costs are more or less, they would still pay their portion based on those percentages. Costs were divided amongst all the developers, with the first developer bearing the cost of the installation and construction and being reimbursed by the other properties as they develop and connect to the system. We will still collect our capital charges and the developers are paying for 100% of the system. Mayor Vandergrift asked if we have out-of-pocket expenses, and Mr. Wheeler said the only expenses we have are with Reese Environmental and legal fees. He said the developers he spoke to feel this is very fair. Mayor Vandergrift asked how long this will take. Mr. Wheeler said after the first developer puts the system in place, it should all fall into place in less than three years. City Attorney Rosenthal said there will be a Refunding Agreement on the next agenda, and the City Code sets forth a maximum seven year pay back, but if everyone doesn't connect and needs capacity in that seven year period, then the developer who fronted the money does not get reimbursed and the city does not have to put any money in. The first developer is the one who bears the risk, but they also get reimbursements from other developers. He said there will be a detailed development agreement detailing the cost sharing. Mr. Rosenthal added that we have never done a reimbursement like this, so we hope this will be a template for utility expansion in other areas of the City. Mayor Vandergrift confirmed that these properties were part of the CRA. He also asked if anyone has connected to the 6" water main that we ran from Hwy 50 up to Apopka/Fuller's Cross Road. Mr. Wheeler said it is 12" and no one has connected yet, they don't want to pay the capital charges. The Mayor asked if that could be re-engineered to be used with these sewer improvements. Mr. Wheeler said it could not be re-engineered because it would jeopardize the operation of the water system because it provides looping between the plants and provides a good flow to that area that had some deficiencies. Now that developers understand we are looking at a refunding agreement it has generated interest in moving forward in that area also. Assistant City Manager Croteau added that Utilities Director Smith and City Engineer Wheeler should be commended for coming up with a new way to get the pipeline done without spending money. The smaller businesses along SR50 are small and could not bear the cost of the entire system so this allows everyone to participate. It is good for the City and for the CRA. Commissioner Anderson asked about a law that requires developers to hook up to this system once it is available. Mr. Wheeler said there is a Federal Law, Public Law 92-500, that if sewers are available to a property they are required to hook onto it. Most properties already established are on septic and they are very interested in hooking onto it. Commissioner Anderson asked if that meant since it would angle up Wurst Road; does that mean it would be mandatory for the residents on septic to tie into the system? Mr. Wheeler said those residents are already connected to our gravity system. Mayor Vandergrift asked about the capacity of the plant with future growth. Utilities Director Smith said the existing plant has a capacity of 3 million gallons per day and we current have flows at approximately 1.59; the projections are that we will reach the capacity of 3 million in about 5 years. Without doing much to the plant we can add another million gallons of capacity to 4 million. He added that the effluent discharge is what is restricting it, Page 4 of 10 City Commission Regular May 1, 2007 which will hold the plant down; we need to get the reclaim system extended out into more neighborhoods. Mr. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., asked if we are going to have to review or raise current charges. Mr. Wheeler said everyone who comes into the city has to pay a capital charge, but the future rate increased will depend on how much we need to increase the capacity. Commissioner Anderson asked if we can spread the capital charges over a ten-year period to entice people to hook up. Mr. Wheeler said most people don't have a problem paying the capital charge which is $1502 per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU). City Attorney Rosenthal said we need to be careful about the various bond covenants in terms of the rate and revenue projections; as a practical matter the way to accomplish payments over time is through special assessment programs where you would borrow the money up front and spread payments out over 7 to 10 years. There are other cities in Central Florida that are doing that to extend sewer service to areas not served. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bY Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve the West SR 50 Development Wastewater Plan as presented bY Reiss Environmental. Inc. and to authorize staff to neaotiate a refundina aareement with a developer for the central sanitary system for the West SR 50 area. Motion carried 5-0. Continuation of Discussion Regarding AED's, previously discussed under Public Comments. When Martha Lopez Anderson arrived the Mayor advised her that the Commission had a consensus earlier to have Chief Firstner bring a study back to the Commission within the next month for placement and cost of AED units at various locations around the City. Commissioner Anderson said he thought the consensus was also to place it in the budget. Mayor Vandergrift said the consensus was to get a report first so that we can determine the number of units and the costs before we decide what will go in the budget. Commissioner Anderson moved to place the purchase of three AEDs in the budaet. at a cost of approximately $1500 per unit. Motion died for lack of second. G. PUBLIC HEARINGS - ORDINANCE SECOND READING Prior to the start of this item, Mayor Vandergrift stated that Planning Manager Armstrong will be leaving the City on Friday, May 4, 2007. He wished her well in her new position in Orange County and said she will be missed. 8. Land Development Code Amendment. (Advertised as Public Hearing in the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday, April 19, 2007). (Planning Manager Armstrong) The Growth Management Legislation of 2005 created the "Pay as You Grow" concept and expanded key principles of the current growth management act, which has remained largely unchanged since it was passed in 1985. During those twenty (20) years, Florida has maintained a growth management policy called "concurrency." Under the new act, the concept of concurrency has been modified to include "proportionate fair share." Local governments were directed to adopt a methodology for assessing proportionate fair share by December 1, 2006. This new concept allows concurrency to be satisfied for roads if a developer furnishes a proportionate fair share of money, land or other developer-provided value to mitigate the impact caused by its Page 5 of 10 City Commission Regular May 1, 2007 new project. However, this can only be applied if the roads to be improved and/or funded by proportionate fair share are included in the local government's capital improvement plan (CIP). This concept is not an absolute right granted to a developer. It is still ultimately subject to local government discretion either by action amending a local CIP, to include improvements to be funded by proportionate fair share, or by determining adequate revenue required to fund the proportionate fair share improvements is 'reasonably anticipated.' Although local governments were directed to adopt a methodology by December I, 2006, staff has been in contact with the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) and we were assured the DCA is not enforcing the directed deadline. As most local governments replicated the model ordinance crafted by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), which relies on improvements included in the CIE, staff and the consultant needed more time to formulate a methodology that would not adversely affect development. a. Proportionate Fair-Share Mitigation Ordinance City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Planning Manager Armstrong summarized the Proportionate Fair Share "pay as you grow" concept as part of the Concurrency Ordinance. Nick Lepp from Renaissance Planning Group (RPG) reviewed Proportionate Fair Share with a PowerPoint Presentation. Commissioner Anderson asked what problems other cities have had who have approved this already. Mr. Lepp said if you take money for Proportionate Fair Share you are obligated to do the stated project within the three years of first certificate of occupancy. Commissioner Anderson said he can envision having to refund money after three years if we can't do the project and gave an example of not being able to fund a project because of the property tax issue. He said he is not comfortable because it holds the City to the CIP which is usually a changing document. City Attorney Rosenthal said that is why other cities' CIPs are shrinking in terms of identified programs, to control that risk. If you left all those "dream" projects in, that would allow the developer to pick any program and force you to provide the funding for it. He said he feels this program designed by RPG allows the City to limit their exposure by dividing the City into two Infrastructure Planning Areas (IP As) so the City can pick a specific project in each of those. Mayor Vandergrift asked if we can re-divide the City at any given time. Mr. Lepp said they can divide the IP As up with an amendment to the ordinance. City Attorney Rosenthal said the funds, as they are collected on a prospective basis, will be tied to and can only be used for the specific project identified in the Proportionate Share Agreement. Assistant City Manager Croteau said that dividing the City into two IP As allows the Commission to pick one project in each of those, or if they do want to go with Proportionate Share, they can do that. She also stated they have been taking a hard look at the CIP and there will probably be some revamping of it over the next six months. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. R. P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., said he thinks this is a good way to have controlled growth, so that all of the incidentals are taken care of before the construction starts. Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Hood. moved to adopt on second readina. Ordinance 2007-006 amendina the Land Development Code bv creatina a new section entitled "Section 9.9 Proportionate Fair Share Mitiaation of Development Impacts on Transportation Corridors." Motion carried 5-0. Page 6 of 10 City Commission Regular May 1, 2007 I Discussion Regarding State Legislature in the middle of Item #8 Mayor Vandergrift-said that everyone should email state legislature and tell them to adjourn. He advised that the top students at UCF are here because taxes in several other states are 5 times higher, and now we are considering lowering them more. We are opening Pandora's box for people to pour into Florida. Commissioner Anderson-said they should do to themselves first. They are not considering cutting their own budget, but they are severely cutting budgets on county and municipal levels across the state. Commissioner Johnson-we need to go to Tallahassee and be heard, we are not doing that enough. He also said he has not heard much from our lobbyist or the League of Cities. Commissioner Keller-said when he went up to Tallahassee the Florida League of Cities was there trying to push hard on the tax issues with regard to the Bill in the House. They are doing something by pushing the tax issues, but the individual cities should do more. Mayor Vandergrift-said he encourages all of the commission to be more involved with Florida and Tri-County League of Cities, and some of their sub-committees. Assistant City Manager Croteau-said we have an RFP out at this time for Legislative Consulting Services and it will be coming before the Commission in the next few months. We want the new lobbyist to sit down with the City staff and work with the Commission to develop a legislative plan. I H. ORDINANCE FIRST READING 9. Sonntag Property. (Second Reading and Public Hearing Scheduled for May 15, 2007). (principal Planner Rumer) The subject property is located on the south side of White Road, 1300' west of the intersection of S. Clarke Road and White Road. Albert Sonntag is requesting the annexation of a 0.85 :l: acre parcel and a change of zoning from Orange County "A-I" (Citrus Rural) to the City ofOcoee "R-IAA" (Single-Family Dwelling) on a property located on the south side of White Road, 1300' west of the intersection of S. Clarke Road and White Road. Based on the recommendations of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, staff recommends that Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners adopt the ordinance to annex the 0.85 +/- acres of land known as the Sonntag Property, and also adopt the ordinance to rezone the property to "R-lAA" Single-Family Dwelling District" . a. Annexation City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson announced that the Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for May 15,2007. b. Rezoning City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson announced that the Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for May 15,2007. 10. Rogers Property. (Second Reading and Public Hearing Scheduled for May 15, 2007). (principal Planner Rumer) East side of Ocoee Apopka Road, 2,500 feet southeast of the intersection of Ocoee Apopka Road and Fullers Cross Road. The City of Ocoee is requesting the annexation of a 37.12 :l: acre parcel and a change of zoning from Orange County "A-I" (Citrus Rural) to the City of Ocoee "R-lAA" (Single-Family Dwelling). The City of Ocoee is proposing to develop a recreational park on the subject property. Based on the recommendations of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, staff recommends that Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners adopt the ordinance to annex the 37.12 +/- acres ofland known as the Rogers Property, and also adopt the ordinance to rezone the property to "R-lAA" Single-Family Dwelling District". Page 7 of 10 City Commission Regular May 1, 2007 a. Annexation City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson announced that the Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for May 15,2007. b. Rezoning City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson announced that the Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for May 15,2007. 11. FDOT Surplus Property. (Second Reading and Public Hearing Scheduled for May 15, 2007). (Principal Planner Rumer) The subject property is located on the north side of SR 50 (W. Colonial Drive) and between Blackwood Avenue and Clark Road. The City of Ocoee is requesting the annexation of a 1.95 :J: acre parcel and a change of zoning from Orange County "A-I" (Citrus Rural) to the City of Ocoee "C-2" (Community Commercial). The city is proposing to construct a future right-of-way and stormwater abatement area. Based on the recommendations of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, staff recommends that Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners adopt the ordinance to annex the 1.95 +/- acres ofland known as the FDOT Surplus Property, and also adopt the ordinance to rezone the property to "C-2" Community Commercial District. a. Annexation City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson announced that the Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for May 15,2007. b. Rezoning City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson announced that the Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for May 15,2007. 12. Revisions to Chapter 168 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee (Vehicles and Traffic) (Second Reading and Public Hearing Scheduled for May 15,2007). (Police Chief Reffett) Chapter 168 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee (Vehicles and Traffic) is being revised to provide more effective parking enforcement measures within the city limits of Ocoee. The revisions include, but are not limited to: increasing parking citation fmes from $10 to $40 per violation, providing for procedures and requirements for contesting parking citations, providing enforcement for non-compliance, creating a parking infraction hearing board, imposing a $5 surcharge to help offset the City's costs of the School Crossing Guard program, and prohibiting parking of vehicles offered for sale in road rights of way. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson announced that the Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for May 15,2007. I I. STAFF REPORTS - none I J. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commission Keller 1) stated that the School board came up with 8 proposals, mostly from portions of the previous plan that had been passed. There were 8 maps and from those, none of them included the land between Clarcona Ocoee and McCormick. He stated that he requested two additional maps with that area included and excluded. He added that next year there will be as many portables at Wekiva as there are now at Ocoee. All eight maps will be brought back to the Board tomorrow. Most maps have what we would like as far as getting the Ocoee students back, with the exception of 15 students. He stated that he asked about his presentation and they told them if he can get six people to give their time at tomorrow night's meeting, he would be Page 8 of 10 City Commission Regular May 1, 2007 able to do his presentation. Mayor Vandergrift inquired about the RFQ for the Charter School and if there were any responses. Assistant City Manager Croteau stated she would check into that, they have had many interested parties but she is unsure how many responses we received. Mayor Vandergrift stated that he went to a Community Meeting in Pine Hills with the School Board and there were 150-200 people present. The School Board is asking for assistance from the community now, but seemed confused about what they are going to do with Evans. There were around 15 people that said they did not want to move their school and wanted to know what they could do to make it stay. The School Board immediately stated that was not what the meeting was about. He added that he would love to find an attorney who would take on the School Board as pro bono work, with regard to the Evans school move. 2) stated that regarding the recent insurance discussions, he would like to look at the Pension Plan for current retirees or a 13th check. He added that if you get to the 12%-13 % mark, any money made in that percentage would be given back to retirees in the form of a 13 th check. Anything over 13% would stay in the plan. Mayor Vandergrift stated that sounded like something that should be addressed at a work session. Commissioner Anderson inquired if that was something that needed to go before the Pension Board. Consensus of the Commission, without obiection, is that staff should look into arranaina a ioint work session with the Pension Board. 3) announced that the OHS Dance group has their last performance of the year at 7:00 p.m. for $5.00. Commissioner Johnson 1) inquired about the Lions Club Golf Tournament. Staff Engineer David Wheeler announced that the Lions Club golf tournament is on May 12th at 8 a.m. with a shotgun start. The cost is $75/player or $250/team. There are hole sponsor positions available at $150 per hole. He stated to call him with any questions. 2) stated that the Police Awards Banquet was very nice and commended Police Chief Reffett. 3) said that many tickets are being written on Palm Avenue where the speed limit reduces to 25 mph when you leave Crown Point Road. He requested that Police Chief Reffett look into increasing the speed. He added that he saw a Winter Garden police officer doing 45 mph down that road. Police Chief Reffett stated that he requested that Public Works Director Krug do a speed study on that street and that study is in progress. 3) said that they also need to place speed bumps by the gazebo because someone could easily get run over the way traffic cuts through that area between the stop sign and HR. Public Works Director Krug stated that the work on Lakeshore Drive should be completed in a few weeks and he can look into that; it may be people cutting through to avoid construction. Commissioner Johnson said the problem was there before the construction and will continue to be there; we still need to look into speed bumps. 4) said the Colony Plaza situation is dangerous and he is worried that someone will get hurt. Kids are holding parties over there no one is keeping anyone out of that building. City Attorney Rosenthal stated that there will be an agenda item at the next meeting that will address the whole issue of Colony Plaza. 5) asked about the status of the house on Bluford which is Ex- Mayor Howell's old property. Assistant City Manager Croteau stated that there is Code Enforcement action on that property, but she will look into it further. 6) asked about the paving of Pioneer Key 2. Public Works Director Krug stated that they have been grading it and maintaining it to keep it smooth. He is going to be getting quotes on construction of the project, but they are trying to keep up with the temporary fixes in the mean time. 7) asked about possibly looking into widening Lakeshore Drive by Oakland, while they are doing the current construction, to help boaters make turns easier. Public Works Director Krug stated that they Page 9 of 10 City Commission Regular May 1, 2007 need to look into that because there may be water lines and other things that would have dictated street location. Commissioner Anderson 1) inquired about the grant that was given to WMFE. Assistant City Manager Croteau stated that they just made the request for that and the City has been given certain programming times. She stated that she can ask Joy to bring that information to the next meeting 2) stated that West Orange County Partners are having an appreciation luncheon on May 14th at the Maxey Community Center at 11 :30 a.m. Commissioner Hood 1) inquired if anyone could recall why the Fire Station was taken from Adair Street. Mayor Vandergrift stated that they did not need it and the plan was to have four Fire Stations in the City. Commissioner Hood stated that he would like to see a substation worked into the budget for District 1 until the Coke Property station is open. Assistant City Manager Croteau stated that they do not anticipate having a Fire Station on the Coke Property any time soon. They are looking at where the Fire stations are located and if they actually need a fourth station or if moving one of the existing stations would be a better solution. They have looked at the run times of the northern area and they seem fairly good. Commissioner Hood requested that this be looked into at budget time because there has been a lot of growth in that area. Assistant City Manager Croteau stated that they have looked at the station on Clarke Road being moved to a more centrally located area to service the northern portion ofthe City. 2) inquired as to when Jamela would be cleaned up after the leak as there are some concerns with its current status. Utilities Director Smith stated that the temporary jumper will be changed if they can not move forward soon. They will look into closing up the hole out there. Mayor Vandergrift asked about the sidewalks. He stated they put some stabilizing material down and cleaned it up and the sidewalk needs to be put back in. 3) inquired about the schedule with the Little League Fields. He heard that the City is going to start at the end of the season to revamp the fields. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes stated that there will not be an impact on the fields this year. The changes that are to occur will mainly deal with bleachers and other accessibility issues. Mayor Vandergrift 1) asked how the pool was doing. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes stated that there is water back in the pool now and they are working on the levels. They still plan to open the pool this weekend. 2) stated that he would like Planning and Zoning to look into putting up lighted signs for the Elementary Schools. Assistant City Manager Croteau stated that she believes that is prohibited in the current Land Development Code and would require an amendment. Mayor Vandergrift stated that he understands that, he would like for that to be looked into. 3) requested that Code Enforcement take down the signs posted along roadways saying "College Hunks who Pick Up Junk" with a phone number. I ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9: 13 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Page 10 of 10