HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-01-2021 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE
Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board
Regular Meeting Held April 1, 2021
The meeting was called to order by Chair Maxwell at 6:15 PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 150
North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee.
Member Dawkins led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of personal reflection.
Recording Clerk Sibbitt performed roll call and declared a quorum present.
Present: Chair Maxwell, and Members Foster, Anderson-Robinson (arrived at 6:30 PM), Dawkins, Hart, Fontanez, Carr,
and Moyer
Absent: None
Also Present: Commissioner Oliver, Assistant Support Services Director Doug Gaines, and Recording Clerk Sibbitt
Public Comments: None
A. Approval of Minutes for the HRDB meetings held February 4, 2021:
Motion: Move to Approve the February 4, 2021, Minutes; Moved by Member Dawkins, seconded by Member
Hart. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Bylaw Review - Finalize and Approve: This item was heard out of the agenda order to allow for Recording Clerk
Sibbitt to make copies of the Bylaws for distribution.
Once copies of the Bylaws were provided,Chair Maxwell inquired if the members had reviewed them and opened
the floor for discussion.
Further discussion ensued on the Bylaws concerning the following:
• Page 7 -Article 2 (2.F.) -A correction was noted to update the word, "Assist"to "Advise".
• Pages 3 and 7—Change the words "Purpose" to "Mission" for Section I and Article 2.1. Consensus of the
board was to change the word to "Mission" as recommended by Member Moyer.
• Page 9 -Article 4 Section 2. Discussion ensued about the terms of the officers on the Board (Past Chair,
Chair, and Chair-Elect), and if those terms should be extended to a two-year term. The consensus of the
Board was to retain the officer terms as is.; therefore, no changes were made to that section.
• Page 13—Voting by proxy,absentee ballot, electronic mail, or telephone should not be permitted.
Motion: Move to approve the HRDB Bylaw amendments as presented by the Subcommittee, to include the
changes discussed and made by the board; and further, present amended Bylaws to the City Commission for
approval. Moved by Chair Maxwell,seconded by Chair-Elect Rhonda-Anderson. Motion carried unanimously.
Chair Maxwell thanked the board for their efforts in sustaining the board and its functionality.
HRDB Regular Meeting
April 1, 2021
C. Final Report on Virtual Essay Contest:
Member Dawkins shared that the Essay Contest was very well executed. She explained the format of the
ceremony, and commented she had feedback from the community that the ceremony was well received. She
further commented the live stream of the ceremony allowed for students to share their winning moments with
family members, near and far, which was a great benefit considering the limitations of this past year.
Member Dawkins further advised the principal from Spring Lake Elementary did not get an opportunity to submit
their thirty (30) essays on time; and therefore, asked if the board was in favor of accepting the essays for review
and assignment of awards.She confirmed with Joy Wright there was funding available and would need a member
to volunteer to assist with reading and selecting the winners. Chair-Elect Anderson-Robinson volunteered to
assist. Member Dawkins shared that if they approve the request from Spring Lake Elementary,the total count of
essays received and reviewed would be 216 essays. Member Dawkins also announced that Member Foster
donated $500 worth of gift cards to provide as prizes.
Member Moyer commended Member Dawkins for the outstanding job she did as Chair of the Essay Contest
Motion: Move to approve the review of the Spring Lake Elementary Essays received; and further, award prizes
to 1S`, 2"d, and 3rd place winners; Moved by Member Dawkins, seconded by Member Moyer. Motion carried
D. Fiesta de Colores:
Before moving onto the next topic, Chair Maxwell, shared that he had received numerous communications from
descendant's families who were not in attendance at the November event, but inquired if they can receive a
commemorative plaque. He briefed the board on several factors involved in recreating the plaque,which included
having more coins fabricated. He shared that he received a quote from the vendor for$176.00 per plaque and he
asked for the board's consent to honor the requests of the descendants to acquire additional plaques.
Member Moyer inquired how many requests were received. Chair Maxwell shared he had requests of no more
than 6 plaques. Member Dawkins shared she did not have any issue with ordering additional plaques as it was
not a large amount and needed to be done, but felt there should be a deadline on requests being received. Chair
Maxwell shared the deadline was already established for June. Member Carr inquired about the November event
budget and asked if he could receive a breakdown of the expenses. Assistant Support Services Director Doug
Gaines shared that he has the information, and further explained that the City Commission did approve an
additional $500 to go toward plaques. He asked the board to be mindful of the costs of shipping as they would
have to go back to the City Commission if additional funding is needed. He informed Member Carr that he would
provide him with the breakdown of the expenses. Member Fontanez and Chair-Elect Anderson-Robinson also
voiced their support to purchase additional plaques.
Chair Maxwell shared that he would like to discuss at the next meeting the sculpture that was designed by Brian
Owens. He also shared that many of the members had the privilege to meet Mr. Owens back in 2019 when he
presented his concept to the board.
Chair Maxwell shared a PowerPoint from 2010 that highlighted Fiesta de Colores. He summarized the
presentation, but also asked the City Clerk to please forward the presentation to the board members for their
review. Chair Maxwell announced that flags for each Latin Country have already been purchased as they were
used during past events. He further shared that Fiesta de Colores was well attended with roughly 500-700 people,
but they did receive negative feedback on the start time of the event as it was scheduled too early in the day.
Member Dawkins explained that after 12:00 PM attendance was more favorable. She further explained the
different activities and vendors that participated in the event.
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HRDB Regular Meeting
April 1, 2021
Member Moyer shared that he attended the CACOPD Meeting and they are working on a September 11th event.
He brought this to the board's attention as he is aware that Hispanic Heritage Month runs from September-
October. Brief discussion ensued about the event date. Member Foster inquired about the target audience, and
if a healthcare booth could be set up to provide healthcare outreach to those in attendance that may not have
healthcare assistance. Member Dawkins shared that during a past event they did have a Walgreens Pharmacy
booth which provided healthcare information and services such as blood pressure readings. Chair Maxwell
announced that he felt it was the consensus of the board to bring back the Fiesta de Colores Event, but inquired
who would lead the event efforts. Member Dawkins commented that she would be willing to assist Member
Fontanez. Chair Maxwell asked Member Dawkins if she could bring back a concept summary to share with the
III: Board and Staff Comments:
Member Foster introduced her daughter Abigail Foster, who will be graduating this year with a Master's in
Hospitality Management. She further congratulated Commissioner Oliver on a successful election, and also
commended Member Hart for her run for the election seat and added she hoped this would not be her last effort.
Member Carr spoke in favor of the board showing support for Deputy Chief Ogburn to be hired as the new Police
Chief, and offered reasons why he felt the board should write a letter of support.
Motion: Move to draft a letter of recommendation advising the City Manager to promote Deputy Chief Ogburn
to Police Chief; and further, have the HRDB board show support of their recommendation at the next City
Commission Meeting; Moved by Member Carr,seconded by Member Foster.
Discussion ensued as to whom they would be advising, if this topic was within the scope of the board's duties, if
there were other applicants to consider,and if the board as a whole does not agree with the endorsement of the
applicant considered by one member.
After the discussion. Motion was conducted by roll call vote and failed 6-2 with Chair Maxwell, Chair-Elect
Anderson-Robinson, Members Dawkins, Hart, Fontanez, and Mover opposing.
Recording Clerk Sibbitt reiterated that any resident is entitled to email the City Manager as well as the Elected
Officials directly with a personal endorsement for the Police Chief position.
Member Carr inquired if the survey conducted by the union could be provided to him. Recording Clerk Sibbitt
advised he could make a public records request through the City Clerk's office, and she was not personally aware
of any survey that was conducted.She further shared that the position of Police Chief was not posted so currently
there were no applicants on file to be considered.
Member Dawkins clarified that her"no"vote was based on not having any information on the applicants.
Commissioner Oliver shared that he had meetings with the City Manager regarding the Police Chief position and
was advised that a board of Police Chiefs throughout Florida would be conducting the interviews and participate
in the selection of the new Police Chief. He was informed that there were at least two internal applicants
interested in the position. He further shared that he will bring this topic up at the next City Commission for the
City Manager to explain the process. Chair Maxwell thanked Commissioner Oliver for providing the clarification
on the hiring process as the HRDB Board does not have the authority over it.
Member Foster briefly commented on what she seeks in leadership.
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HRDB Regular Meeting
April 1, 2021
Member Moyer commented he would like to discuss the HRDB business cards. He shared the picture and coloring
on the card he received was blurry.Assistant Support Services Director Doug Gaines replied he will look into the
issue with the cards. Member Carr inquired if they are allowed to wear their board shirts and name tags.
Recording Clerk Sibbitt shared she is not aware of what have may have been stated during a meeting prior to her
appointment as recording clerk, but board members are allowed to wear their shirts during board meetings and
at board functions. It has been discouraged for board shirts to be worn outside of City functions, or in a way that
may misrepresent the City.
Member Moyer announced that Orange County Historical Center is hosting the Ocoee Massacre exhibition until
April 4th. Member Dawkins reminded the board she spoke with Pam Schwartz, Museum Curator, who advised
that she would consider providing the board schematics of the exhibit.
IV: Set Next Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes for March 4, 2021 meeting
B. Fiesta de Colores
C. Essay Contest Update
D. Commemorative Plaque Update
E. Sculpture Discussion
Adjournment: meeting adjourned at 7:58 PM
Melanie Sibbitt, Recording Clerk Chairperson '
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