HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-30-07 Insurance Workshop MINUTES CITY OF OCOEE WORKSHOP ON HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN May 30, 2007, at 6:00 P.M. I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the workshop session to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood (absent), Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson. Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry, Human Resources Director Camicella; Mackie Branham and Ray Tomlinson from Crown Consulting; and several interested employees. I B. DISCUSSION REGARDING THE CITY'S HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN. Human Resources Director Carnicella opened by updating on what has occurred since the last Insurance Workshop. He said he was asked to work with Crown Consulting on a hybrid option of the insurance plan. He said they also created a web site and email address for employees to ask questions and approximately 15 employees responded. He noted that a letter had been sent to the elected officials and the retirees from a prior HR person which was full of incorrect information. He said he would like the Commission to allow them to come back in four to six weeks, through the budget process, with hard quotes from the insurance companies on this new option. He said that Crown has been having discussions with various insurance companies and it looks very positive that the 18% increase that was originally proposed may be on its way down to 12-13%. He said he and the City Manager still do not feel that is acceptable. The question now is do we want to just go ahead and pay the best rate we can negotiate with insurance carriers or do we want to try to tweak the plan similar to the three options presented here tonight? Are we in a position to absorb a $300,000 - $500,000 increase for insurance, in conjunction with all of the other increasing benefits, and with the possibility of lost revenue once state legislators make their decisions? Mr. Carnicella distributed and reviewed a table (attached) showing the current plan and three options for the upcoming year as they would work under United Health Care. Some scenarios were discussed in order to compare the difference under the various options. Mayor Vandergrift confirmed with Human Resources Director Camicella and Crown Consulting that these plans and costs are in conjunction with United Health Care and we are going to allow other carriers to see this information and try to do better. Mr. Carnicella said we are now challenging other carriers to compete for our business. Mr. Branham said to keep in mind that other carriers do not have the same information on our claims as United and would have to give us an immature quote as opposed to a mature quote. He said you would have to add 12-15 points to the numbers from other carriers to make it "apples to apples." He said a new carrier may live with their lower quotes for a year, but next year at renewal time they will come after their "pound of flesh." Human Resources Director Carnicella said we want to try to figure out how to take the money out of the insurance carriers pocket and keep it in our pocket and it can be done through funding mechanisms, etc. Commissioner Anderson said that we left Blue Cross, in part, because of the problems with Florida Hospital, which have now been resolved. It seems that they would see us as a friendly customer because of our past long-term relationship. Crown Consulting advised that Blue Cross is eager to have us back. Commissioner Anderson asked if the clinic is really being funded by the $681,000. Mr. Carnicella said we are going to have to ask you to budget for what we think you will spend. If we recommend the clinic, we would have to fund whatever amount necessary to open the clinic for 1 - 2 days per week, and then look at the numbers in a year. Commissioner Anderson asked if the 13% savings shown under Option 3 could be used to fund the clinic. Mr. Carnicella advised that could absolutely be done that way, but even if we left it the way it is and funded $250,000 - $300,000 for a clinic it would be cheaper than the 18% increase being proposed by United at this time to continue the same plan. Commissioner Keller asked if we had the clinic would that be the "in network" fee schedule and everything else would be "out of network." Mr. Carnicella said that the clinic would be totally optional and would be a free service as opposed to going to a regular network or out of network doctor. Employees may have reasons not to use the clinic but it would be free service and free prescriptions if they did use it. He added that the quality of doctors that would be there are certified occupational specialists and some of the best physicians going. Commissioner Johnson said he would like to wait until July and get the increase down as low as possible to keep the plan the way it is. We can keep talking about it but we have to look at the budget this year and what we can do for the employees. Mr. Carnicella said we have been trying to keep everyone informed and thinks the employees have had a difficult time understanding because it is a lot of information. It comes down to the City Manager proposing a balanced budget. Commissioner Anderson asked Crown Consulting what we see for the future as far as the transitions from Health Insurance to HMO to Wellness. Can we create a five-year plan that considers preparing us for the rising cost of health care? Mr. Branham said we can't continue on plans like Option #1 where employees are totally insulated from participating in the exposure of the claims experience. It also involves how the City wants to pay for that risk tolerance and there are different types of funding mechanisms that you can enter into where you have more control. The contract options that you enter into are paramount; with fully insured the carrier is in control of the pooling level and their manuals to the blended rates. The clinic option is a whole different paradigm shift in the medical community. We are giving free benefits and control costs at the same time; rather charging more all the time and decreasing benefits. Mr. Tomlinson said he is glad to hear you talking about a long term plan. You have to find something that works. What is happening is the medical professionals are the experts in the clinical side of health care and the insurance companies are experts in the financial side; but the two are never meeting. A clinic allows the clinical side to be controlled more by the employer. Weare replicating misery if we continue to do what we have been doing and that is why we are proposing these options. Mr. Tomlinson said in this election year there is discussion about a national health care plan and they are watching the trends, but those are not without flaws and will not come to fruition in the near future. Nancy Cox, employee, asked why the table shows a 10% savings between Option 1 and Option 2, yet her deductible would be higher. Mayor Vandergrift said the 10% savings shown on the table is for the City, not the employee. She also asked how she will know how much she is going to have to pay when she goes to the doctor because people on a budget need to know these things. She thinks they should consider a co-pay within the HRA plan so that they will not be hit with unexpected high bills. Mr. Branham said if we include co-pays in HRA the premium break that we get from the carrier would not be as significant and the City would also have to reimburse the co-pays inside the HRA component which would be $120,000 in co-pay reimbursement which defeats the purpose of trying to control the costs. Mr. Carnicella said Nancy's situation goes to the heart of the difference between the options in the HRA where those who have a lot of usage will get closer to the out-of-pocket max. Mayor Vandergrift said that is why he thinks we should look at a smorgasbord where she could choose Option #1 and other employees could choose other options. Mr. Carnicella said we could come back with two HRA plans, one with the deductibles and one without. Ms. Cox also asked what the $1,000 from the City will cover and what it will not cover. Her doctor is allowed to charge $70, how much of that is covered. Mr. Branham said, in office visit environment, the first $1,000 will be covered by the City for to cover the maximum allowable fees previously negotiated with United Health Care. Betty Decker, employee, asked what if the employees who are not paying anything paid $10 per month. Mr. Carnicella said that wouldn't make a dent in the increases being proposed. Mayor Vandergrift said that is something that can be voted on, whether or not there should be an employee contribution. She also asked about a plan previously shown at the Employee Meeting, there was another option for $87,000. Mr. Carnicella said to throwaway those old copies because they were illustrative and not intended to be relied upon. Commissioner Anderson asked if we could get the questions on the web site arranged so that everyone could have access to all of the questions and answers. Mr. Carnicella said he had Frank revise the format so it was easier to find questions and answers and he will send out an email telling all employees how to find the information. Police Chief Reffett said at his staff meeting the non-union long-term employees said they came to work here because the benefits made up for the lower salaries and they are now concerned because health care costs are increasing so rapidly as well as fuel, cost of living, and other financial factors. Mayor Vandergrift closed by saying they are trying to deal with 12% - 18% increased health insurance cost, as well as revenue cuts from the proposed laws on property taxes, etc. He said the Commission is here to try to make the best decision for the employees and residents of the City. At this time we are exploring all avenues available, we will be making a decision in July during the budget process. I C. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:01 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee City of Ocoee 2005, 2006 and Projected 2007 Rates Estimated Renewal 2007 Choice Plan Mod NRH (MOD 1 DC INS) Choice Plus NLI (9C+INS) In Network In Network Out of Network Deductlbles Individual N/A $500 $1,500 Family N/A $1,000 $3,000 Coinsurance 100% 90%/10% 70~3~_ _ ___- P.ut.~fJ~~~etMai~-:- _ _ :-=--~----- =-=: .-_-=-=_ _ _ __ _ _ Individual N/A $2,500 $5,000 Family NlA $5,000 $10,000 Lifetime Max Unlimited Unlimited _ .!12~OOJ~p. . _ _ _._ t;,o.p!y.!.q,l!I~u!llnc;_ :-=- ~ -.: - ---=- ..:::..:-- -=--_ _ ___ - - - __ Physician Office VISits $15 Copay $15 Copay Oed + 30% Coins Specialist Office Visit $15 Copay $15 Copay Oed + 30% Coins Emergency Room VISit $50 per visit $100 per visit $100 per visit Urgent Ca~_ _ _ ____ _ _~ ~i!!!.. _ _ _ "....!5p_per vis,! _ -ped:~"!.. . ..__ Hosp.~!ll,!~o.tya_ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ _ ___ - - - -- ---- Inpatient Hosp. $150 per day (5-day max) Oed + 10% Coins Oed + 30% Coins Outpatient $200 ~ + 10% Coins _~_ +_~O% Coins _ __ ___ PrescrlP.llonQ~':'-:- _ - _ --=- -=-__ _-:-:- - _- __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Retail $10/$25/$40 $10/$25/$40 $10/$25/$40 ~~(~YL_.._ _ ___ 2.5x 2.5x 2.5x - ,---- -- ..----.....---:~p;:Ojected _ ...1.Q.O~ ~ _?9.0~~_ _ _ _2,QO] $308.03 $369.64 $436.18 $893.93 $1,072.72 $1,265.81 20.00% 18.00% $175,245 1 $210,295 $248,148 $2,102,9431 $2,523,540 $2,977,777 NlA N/A N1A N/A _. _200.5_)J}'Q& _ _ f!.oje~cJ.jQ,Q.7 $308.03 $369.64 $436.18 $893.93 $1,072.72 $1.265.81 20.000/0 18.00% $175,245 1 $210,295 $248,148 $2,102,9431 $2,523,540 $2,977,777 N/A N/A NlA N/A !~I Premium. _ _ _ Employee (119) Family (155) Renewal Increase Monthly Premium Annual Premium HRA Maximum Funding Total Funding Est. HRA Reimbursements Total Projected Cost Employee Pr8m1um Rate: Family Premium Rate: $0.00 $210.92 .wi $68.54 $404.01 .wi $68.54 $404.01 .. For mustratlve Purposes Only .. ChOice Plus 00 AAF (MOD 101 C+INS) Choice Plus MOD EW-L (85C+INS) Employer HRA $1000 ee I $2000 f In Network Out of Network In Network Out of Network In Network Out of Network $250 $1,000 $500 $500 $2,000 $1,000 90% 110"1._ ----Z9~!..30%_ n .80% 120% $1,000 $2,000 60% 140% $1500 ($500 ee) $3000 ($1000 f) 90% 110% $3,000 $6,000 70% 130% .. - -- ------ ---- --- - -- ---- - --- --- ----- $2,000 $4,000 Unnmited ~ ----.---.- - - - $4,000 $2,000 $8,000 $4,000 ~1,OOO,O.QO.ep. . __ ~2 $4,000 $3,000 $8,000 $8,000 $6.000 $16,000 $~OOO,OOO I!L _--Y~lmlt~_ _$.!,PPO,OOO PI!. $20 Copay $50 Copay $100 per visit 15.Q pe!~sit - - --------- -- -- - ---- - -. .. Oed + 30% Coins $20 Copay Oed + 40% Coins Oed + 10% Coins Oed + 30% Coins Oed + 30% Coins $50 Copay Oed + 40% Coins Oed + 10% Coins Oed + 30% Coins $100 per visit $100 per visit Oed + 40% Coins Oed + 10% Coins Oed + 30% Coins _ __I?ed + 30% Coins ~ ~isL-!2~ '!.O~~oins Oed +~ C~~d + 30% Coins --... - -~ - - -- - . - - - - - --" - - - -- - - - - - - - - - Oed + 10% Coins Oed + 30% Coins Oed + 20% Coins Oed + 40% Coins Oed + 10% Coins Oed + 30% Coins ~d. ~ t.0~ Coins ~_ + 30% Coins Oed ~~.!...... Oe,g ~~~~ns Oed + 10% Coins _!?ed~ 3.2.~ $101$301$50 $101$301$50 2.5x 2.5x ---- --- --------- - - - --- - $101$30/$50 $101$301$50 $101$301$50 $101$301$50 2.5x 2.5x 2.5x 2.5x --- -- ---- - -- ----- --- _ _ _ .....fr.o.jected.2.QQt_ -.. $407.23 $1,181.84 10% $231,646 $2,779,747 N/A N/A N/A N1A _ ..P.rgj2.l<.t@.d 2007_ ___._ $398.16 $1,155.63 8% $226,503.69 $2,718,044.28 NlA N/A NlA NlA . ~j!tc.ted 2007 $321.59 $993.27 -13.00% $173,034 $2,076,406 $681,000 $2,502,726 681,000 - 243,657 = $437,343 18'1. is the "worse case .enerio- be..d on the current loss ratio. We ere negatieUng in hopes of receiving a below trend Increase at renewal C:\Documents and Sewngs~camlcena\Loca1 Seltings\Tempo<ary Internet FUeslOLK58Ispreadshaet5 29 07 (2) 513012007