HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #03 Appointment to Board of Adjustment AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: June 5, 2007 3 Item # Contact Name: Contact Number: Jennifer Rittenhouse Ext. 1024 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Appointment to Board of Adjustment Background Summary: Members of the Board of Adjustment serve three-year terms. The Board of Adjustment currently has four (4) members and allows no more than five (5) regular members and two (2) alternate members. Member Jeffrey Cox term expires the month of May. He has expressed interest in reappointment for another term. One application was received from Shahzad Ahmad with an interest in serving on the board. There are no additional applications on file. Issue: Should the honorable Mayor and City Commission reappoint Jeffrey Cox and appoint Shahzad Ahmad to the Board of Adjustment with terms ending May 201 O? Recommendations Staff is recommending that the City Commission reappoint Jeffrey Cox and appoint Shahzad Ahmad to the Board of Adjustment with terms ending May 2010. Attachments: Board List Board Application Attendance List Financial Impact: None. Type of Item: (please marl< with an '~'? Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerl<'s Deot Use: ~ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by 0 N/A N/A N/A Board of Adjustment Appoint! Member Term Expires Reappoint 3/23/2006 2/24/2004 7/24/2003 Jeffery Cox May-O? May-04 P P P Bob Colburn May-06 May-03 P P AlE John Resnick May-08 Apr -02 P P P Patricia Tice May-06 May-03 AlE AlUE AlE Fred Wilsen May-08 May-02 P P P ALTERNATES Board of Adjustment Appoint! Member Term Expires Reappoint 2/24/2004 7/24/2003 11/21/2002 7/18/2002 Jeffery Cox May-O? May-04 P P P P Bob Colburn May-06 May-03 P NE P P John Resnick May-OS Apr -02 P P P NE Patricia Tice May-06 May-03 NUE NE NE P Fred Wilsen May-OS May-02 P P NE P ALTERNATES Scott Kimbrell May-OS not reappointed Apr -02 P P P P by choice Michael Savino May-OS Resigned Resigned NUE P P Uv UOa,UU,l.g:U" nll~1511.'" ~I vi LVV' '".:1:. '";tv l"'nul:. "S/"S fi.LISHl.rta.^ ClJY ol1ocoa APPUCATlON JrOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS (Please PriDt Leclbly) 1. 2. Name:.shah2.aa Ahm.~ Home Address: 146 Lonahirst LoaD City. Slam, Zip: OC088. F 1 :14761 Busineu: DBKSMIN BusmessPhoue: 407-422-2454 BuslneuAddrelI: 332 H. IlaQnolia Ava. Orlando, Pl 32801 Brief Summary of Education and Experience: B.A -Criminal Justice J .D- Law seven vears of 8xoerienc8 as a Dracticina attorney. ~mmlAdmus:shahzadesa'earthlink.net Hame~e: 407-905-9790 J. 4. 5. 6.. Are you a U.S. citizen'? Ves -L No .3 Are you. ......... voter? Va *' No 0iItrict # - 7. Resident orb City for 6 months or longer? Yes ...L- No - 8. Do you hold pubnc offace? Yes - No * 9. Are you employed by the City? Yes - No--:r 10. Do you now Rl'Ye on . City Baud or CommiUM7 Va No ~ - 11. PLEASE amcK THE BOARDS WHICH INTBRBST YOU: IndicIIe ofiaterest. lint choica. '1........ f2. etc. * ...........,..' Rear.... ... * Board or AdllllhDCDt TruI had Board of Trustees CIdIIIt AllY.., CeudJ for ,In DeDlrt...t H.IDII Rell Board au.. A......, c..dJ Pub.......... A.."." far t Baud .. 1 * c.s. ....1... ....... ... .......... C-uItJ Merit Anrds .... ...... . . Zelda.. C_1IJ1aloa · r.IIce Ot'Ikent ... Plreftahten' Cnstnlctlon Boai'd or Rtll" 1I1II,..t TI"IIIt F.d "I'd of ~ .. ... "-II T....... -Edl.t:a.... ConuntIstOft . .. HNANaALDISCLOSURERHlMSAUDQUJDD JIOLLOWDIG APfOJNTMINT What school does your child attend? (Only for Educ;at;on Commksion) 12. Why do you think you .. qualified to serve on this bo.d? AR an Attornev, I have an overall underBtandinq of the le9a1 principles that affect a city qovernment and it. citizAns.MorAovAr, r .. about to be appointed as an arbitrator for the MUD, which iDvolve.-CODt~ it 13. PJe.e .a.cb ....... ~,. GIber infonnllioD to.... CommiIIioa in DIIkiDa IppOinm.tl. SIONA~4 => DATE: .3/'9'/07 Note: (I) Applic:allon elTectivc for ~ YEAllli'om c1Ile orc:omp1cllOll. (2) Jf1H.....,~.... C81JfkOay a.t'sollcnIC.ccm 9OS-.JIGS 0:8OA1IU)US~_ '* '. continued-detailed analysis and collective decision ..king. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Members must be City residents/not City employees per 9 3-3.A, Land Development Code (5 regular members and 2 alternate member) (3-year terms) Member District Phone Number 1. Bob Colburn 704 Stinnett Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 2 407/292-5696 (H) 407/828-5450 (W) 407/832-4266 (C) bob.colburn@disnev.com 2. Jeffrey Cox 509 Nicole Blvd. Ocoee, FL 34761 1 321-221-1463 (H) 321-228-5451 (W) Jeco64@vahoo.com 3. John W. Resnik, Jr.(Chairman) 407 Abbeyridge Ct. Ocoee, FL 34761 4 407/298-2928 (H) 407/578-8007 (W) iresnik@datamaxcorp.com 4. Fred Wilsen 1019 Shady Maple Circle Ocoee, FL 34761 (Rosemary Wilsen-wife) 2 407/298-1574 (H) 407/522-2216 (W) thwilsen@cs.com 407-656-6678 5. Vacant Alternates TWO (2) OPENINGS Resigned Michael Savino (Vice Chairman) Scott Kimbrell 4 2 02/01/2004 05/01/2005 Updated/JR/May 29,2007 Term Expires May 2009 May 2007 May 2008 May 2008 May 2005 May 2005