HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #15 Meadow Ridge Commercial
Meeting Date: June 5, 2007
Item # ~5
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
Bobby Howell, MPA ..6~
407 -905-3100, Ext. 1044
Reviewed By:
Department Director:
City Manager:
Subject: Meadow Ridge Commercial
Final Subdivision and Preliminary/Final Site Plan
Project # LS-2006-007
Commission District # 3 - Rusty Johnson
Should the Honorable Mayor and Commissioners approve the Final Subdivision Plan and Preliminary/Final Site
Plan for Meadow Ridge Commercial?
Meadow Ridge Commercial is approximately 8.52 acres in size and is located at the southeast corner of the
intersection of Maguire Road and Moore Road, it is the commercial component of the Meadow Ridge PUD. The
Final Subdivision Plan and Preliminary/Final Site Plan proposes the construction of infrastructure for this
development. The proposed site plan is comprised of 7 buildings totaling approximately 91,051 square feet in
area, and consists of uses ranging from a bank, retail, restaurant, and offices. The table below references the
future land uses, zoning classifications and existing land uses of the surrounding parcels:
Direction Future Land Use Zonina Classification Existing Land Use
North Commercial Commercial (PUD) Plantation Grove Shoooina Center
East Low D~nsity Residential Low Density (PUD) Meadow Ridge Residential Subdivision,
which is currently under construction
South Conservation/Floodolai ns Low Densitv (PUD) Wetland
West Low Density Residential Orange County PD Vacant Parcel
(Planned Development)
The Meadow Ridge Commercial subdivision will be accessed via five access points that consist of a right-in from
Maguire Road, two points along Moore Road that consist of one right-in/right-out, and one full access
approximately 150-feet to the east, and two full access points along Jordan Rose Avenue. Jordan Rose Avenue
has been constructed as an access road to service the Meadow Ridge residential subdivision.
The development will consist of seven commercial lots that will be comprised of a bank, retail, restaurant, and
professional office uses. Lot 1 will be the site of the bank, and Lots 2-7 will consist of retail, restaurant, and
professional office uses. The Lot Layout Plan indicates all lots except for Lots 1 and 7 will be condominiums, or will
be under individual ownership with leaseable space. Lot 1 will consist of building area, parking area, and
associated landscaping. Lot 7 will be comprised of building area, and a portion of a drive aisle that will pass under
an enclosed breezeway that will connect two sides of the proposed building.
Common parking and landscaping for Lots 2-7 will be provided in a separate tract that will be owned and
maintained by a yet to be established Property Owners Association. The Lot Layout Plan indicates the landscape
buffers that are required along Moore Road, Maguire Road, Jordan Rose Avenue, and abutting the residential
area will be in a tract that will be dedicated to and maintained by the Property Owners Association. An easement
will be dedicated to the Property Owners Association to allow for maintenance of the portion of the landscape
buffer that will be provided on the bank site.
The developer has proposed a seating area in the center of the site that will be comprised of benches, a trellis,
Live Oak trees, Ligustrum trees, and a fountain with pavers around the perimeter. The fountain will serve as a
focal point from all points of access for drivers and pedestrians when they enter the development. Additionally,
Italian Cypress trees will be provided in the middle of the boulevard entrance that will lead into the center of the
site from Maguire Road.
The developer has proposed a Mediterranean architectural theme that is consistent with the surrounding
developments in the area. Architectural embellishments such as tile roofs with peaks, and arches that will be
provided over several entrances will help to complement the theme the developer is attempting to establish with
this project. The most significant architectural feature that the developer is proposing is an enclosed breezeway
that will connect two portions of the building that is proposed on Lot 7. Vehicular and pedestrian traffic will be able
to pass under this breezeway to reach other areas of the site.
It was noted during the review process that the proposed layout depicted on the Final Subdivision Plan and
Preliminary/Final Site Plan is a different configuration than the layout that was depicted in the approved Meadow
Ridge PUD plan. The original lot configuration of the commercial portion of the Meadow Ridge PUD consisted of
four lots that were noted on the plans as Lots 153-156. It is depicted on the PUD plan, and was the intent of the
original developer that Lot 153 would be developed as office buildings, Lot 154 would either be developed as a
bank or drugstore, and Lots 155 and 156 would be developed as a restaurant and retail uses.
The proposed lot layout depicted on the Final Subdivision Plan and Preliminary/Final Site Plan is in a different
configuration that was depicted on the PUD plan, but does not conflict with the approved uses for each lot in the
approved PUD. Lot 154 is now Lot 1, and is proposed to be developed as a bank, which is a permitted use of the
PUD. The remaining lots have been combined into one lot and are proposed to be developed as a mixed use
development, which is strongly encouraged in the Land Development Code. The buildings constructed on this lot
will be sold as condominiums or will be under an individual ownership, with leaseable space. As previously
mentioned, all common areas for this portion of the development will be provided in a separate tract that will be
owned and maintained by a Property Owners Association. The applicant has been notified that they have the
option of amending the PUD ordinance at a later date to be consistent with the proposed reconfiguration of the lots
and uses on the site.
In order to proceed with review of the Final Subdivision Plan and Preliminary/Final Site Plan, the applicant has
requested five waivers from the requirements of the Land Development Code. Below is a discussion of the five
waivers that are being requested. The applicant has justified all waiver requests by dedicating 12-feet of right-of-
way along the portions of the property that abut Moore Road and Maguire Road, and by providing amenities
including a trellis in the seating area in the center of the site, and Italian Cypress trees that will line the boulevard
entrance leading into the site from Maguire Road.
The first waiver that is being requested is to Section 6.4.G of the Land Development Code. This section of the
Land Development Code requires a total of 368 parking spaces to be provided on the site. The applicant has
requested a reduction of this requirement to allow 325 parking spaces to be provided on site.
The second waiver that is being requested is to Section 6.14.C(1)(a) of the Land Development Code. This section
of the Land Development Code requires buildings to be setback at least 35-feet along secondary roads and 25-
feet along local roads. The Land Development Code considers Moore Road a secondary road, and Jordan Rose
Avenue a local road.
The applicant has requested a reduction of these setbacks to 25-feet along Moore Road and 15-feet along Jordan
Rose Avenue.
The third waiver that is being requested is to Section 6.14.C(2)(b) of the Land Development Code. This section of
the Land Development Code requires a 25-foot wide landscape buffer along primary and secondary roads. The
applicant is requesting a waiver to this requirement to allow a reduction of this buffer to 15-feet in width along the
portions of the property that abut Moore Road and Maguire Road.
The fourth waiver that is being requested is to Section 6.14.C(5)(c) of the Land Development Code. This section of
the Land Development Code requires all ground signs to be setback at least 10-feet from the right-of-way. The
applicant is requesting a reduction of this requirement to allow the proposed ground sign along Moore Road to be
setback 5-feet from the right-of-way.
The fifth waiver that is being requested is to Section 6.14.C(1 )(b) of the Land Development Code. This section of
the Land Development Code requires outparcellots to be a minimum of 1 acre in size. The applicant is requesting
a waiver to this requirement to allow all 7 lots that are proposed to be less than 1 acre in size. The applicant has
requested a waiver to this requirement since the development is proposed as a condominium. The future owners
will either own the building, or a portion of the building. A waiver from this requirement of the Land Development
Code allows the only method of creating the condominium.
The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on May 1, 2007 and reviewed the Final Subdivision Plan and
Preliminary/Final Site Plan. The applicant was notified of outstanding concerns on the plans from the Planning
Division, the Engineering Department, and the Legal Department. No additional concerns were addressed, and
voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Final Subdivision Plan and Preliminary/Final Site Plan date
stamped May 2, 2007, and all five waiver requests, subject to the satisfaction of the outstanding concerns prior to
the plans being presented to the City Commission.
The Planning & Zoning Commission held a public hearing on May 8, 2007 and considered the Final Subdivision
Plan and Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Meadow Ridge Commercial. Several questions in regards to the plan were
posed to the applicant and staff. The Planning & Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the
Final Subdivision Plan and Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Meadow Ridge Commercial including all five waiver
requests, subject to the satisfaction of the outstanding staff concerns prior to the plans being presented to the City
Commission, and subject to the provision that the City Commission require the developer to incorporate provisions
in the Covenants which ensure shared parking between parcels.
Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Final Subdivision Plan and
Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Meadow Ridge Commercial, including all five waiver requests with the future
requirement that the developer incorporate provisions in the Covenants which ensure shared parking between
Location Map
Future Land Use Map
Surrounding Zoning Map
Aerial Map
Final Subdivision Plan and Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Meadow Ridge Commercial date stamped May 2, 2007
TYPE OF ITEM: (please mark with an "x'?
Public Hearing
_ Ordinance First Reading
_ Ordinance Second Reading
X Commission Approval
Discussion & Direction
For Clerk's DeDt Use:
_ Consent Agenda
X Public Hearing
_ Regular Agenda
_ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
_ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney
Reviewed by Finance Dept.
Reviewed by ( )
Meadow Ridge Commercial
Location Map
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Surrounding Proposed Future Land Use Map
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Printed: May 2007
CSUbject Property
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Meadow Ridge Commercial
Surrounding Zoning Map
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Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement
Date pub\ished
OrIand.Sentlnel 'tHURSDAY. MAY 24, 2007
suant to Section 4-3 A. (3)
(b), Ocoee Land Oevelop-
ment Code, that on Tues-
daY, June 5, 2007, at 7:15
p.m" or as soon thereafter
. g3J~~ilbllalwmehg~DEJ ~/N.
UC HEARING at the Ocoee City
Commission Chambers, 150 I
North Lakeshore Orive, I
Ocoee, Florida, to consider v
Meadow Ridge Commercial "
Final Subdivision / Final S'
Site Plan, located on the 0
southeast corner of the in- b
tersection of Maguire Road '^
and Moore Road. The Pian d
proposes the construction of VI
seven (7) buildings, totaling
91,051 sq. ft. in area. E
I nterested parties may ap-
pear at the public hearing
and be heard with respect
to the proposed actions.
The complete case file may
be inspected at the Ocoee
Community Development
Department/Planning Divi-
sion located at 150 North
Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee,
Florida between the hours
of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, ex-
cept legal holidays.
The City Commission may
continue the public hearing
to other dafes and times, as
It deems necessary. Any in-
terestec;l party shall be ad-
vised of the dates, times,
and places of any continua-
tion of these or continued
public hearings. Any contin-
uances shall be announced
during these hearings and
no further notices regarding
these matters will be pub-
You are advised that any
person who desires to ap-
peal any decision made at
the public hearing will need
a record of the proceedings
and for this purpose may
need to ensure that 0 verba-
tim record of the proceed-
ings is made which includes
the testimony and evidence
upon which the appeal is
Persons with disabilities
needing assistance to por-
ticipate in any of these pro-
ceedings should contact the
City Clerk's Office 4B hours
in advance of the meeting
at 407-905. 3105.
Beth EikenberrY,
City Clerk
OLS355762 5(24107
NOTICE is hereby given_that