HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-06-2021 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE
Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board
Regular Meeting Held May 6, 2021
The meeting was called to order by Chair Maxwell at 6:17 PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 150
North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee.
Chair Maxwell led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag,followed by a moment of personal reflection.
Recording Clerk Sibbitt performed roll call and declared a quorum present.
Present: Chair Maxwell, and Members Anderson-Robinson, Foster(arrived at 6:22 PM), Hart, Carr, Fontanez, and Moyer
Absent: Member Dawkins
Also Present: Commissioner Oliver, Assistant Support Services Director Doug Gaines, and Recording Clerk Sibbitt
Public Comments: Chair Maxwell welcomed the guests in the audience to the meeting.Those in attendance introduced
themselves but no additional comments were made.
A. Approval of Minutes for the HRDB meetings held April 1, 2021:
Motion: Move to Approve the April 1, 2021, Minutes; Moved by Chair-Elect Anderson-Robinson, seconded by
Member Hart. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Fiesta de Colores:
Commissioner Oliver shared that he scheduled a meeting with the Hispanic Chamber after hearing comments
during the last HRDB meeting, and spoke with a representative about Hispanic Heritage Month to discuss what is
done throughout Orange County. It was shared that during Hispanic Heritage Month there are a lot of competing
events so it may be hard to get major sponsors for the Fiesta de Colores Event; however, if the City was interested
in a Unity Festival, then the Chamber would be willing to partner with that type of event. He further shared he
has also been contacted by a national car manufacturer who is willing to sponsor a Unity Festival in West Orange
County and that he is working on a proposal with them as well as connecting them with the Chamber.
Commissioner Oliver inquired if a Unity Festival is something the HRDB would be interested in spearheading with
the resources mentioned. Discussion ensued with regard to Hispanic Heritage Month and the time frame for
hosting an event in 2022.Chair-Elect Anderson-Robinson asked Commissioner Oliver if the sponsorship offer from
the national car manufacturer was open-ended, or was there an expiration date. Commissioner Oliver shared he
will be meeting with a representative, and is hoping to ask them to come before the HRDB to do a presentation.
Member Carr inquired who was the chair to the Subcommittee. Recording Clerk Sibbitt shared that at the last
meeting Member Dawkins and Member Fontanez were mentioned to assist with this event. Member Carr further
commented he felt an event of this magnitude should have an event planner involved. Brief discussion ensued.
Motion: Move to table the Fiesta de Colores discussion to the June meeting. Moved by Chair Maxwell. Motion
died for lack of second. Discussion ensued.
Motion: Move to table the Fiesta de Colores discussion; and further, invite the sponsorship organizations
mentioned by Commissioner Oliver to the June meeting. Moved by Member Moyer, seconded by Member
Foster. Motion carried unanimously.
HRDB Meeting
May 6, 2021
Commissioner Oliver asked Member Fontanez what holidays are celebrated by the Puerto Ricans since he
mentioned Hispanic Heritage Month is not celebrated. Member Fontanez advised that Three Kings Day is
commonly celebrated by Puerto Ricans and falls after the Christmas Holiday.
C. Essay Contest Update:
Member Hart shared the essays received from Spring Lake Elementary were reviewed by her and Member
Dawkins, and three winners were selected. Assistant Support Services Director Gaines added that roughly 50
essays were reviewed, and gift cards were provided to the winners. He further thanked the Board for allowing the
late entries.
D. Commemorative Plaque Update:
Chair Maxwell shared that he still does not have a final number to present to the City Commission; however,the
deadline approved by the Board was June 3`d. He briefly spoke about the desire to host a reception for the
descendants in November 2022. Discussion ensued.
E. Sculpture Discussion
Chair Maxwell briefly explained,and provided,the general description of the Ocoee Massacre Memorial Sculpture
proposed by Brian Owens.The Recording Clerk was asked to scan and forward the supporting documents to the
Board members for review and discussion at the next meeting. Member Carr shared that he recalled the
PowerPoint presentation by Mr. Owens being clearer and more precise. He further commented he also recalled a
sculpture proposed by Commissioner Oliver that displays children playing, and felt they have two options to
consider. Commissioner Oliver briefly explained the sculpture artist he met at the National League of Cities
Conference, and further described the sculpture he was proposing. General discussion ensued with regard to the
funding of both the sculptures, including the possibility of soliciting funds.
Discussion ensued with regard to the Brian Owen sculpture, and if a deadline was proposed by the artist as a
presentation will need to be made before the City Commission for approval. Commissioner Oliver asked if the
Board had thought about placing a memorial sculpture either in,or in front of,the new City Hall. Further discussion
ensued about the placement of a sculpture in the new City Hall and Commissioner Oliver shared information with
the Board on the city staff member that is overseeing the new City Hall construction. Member Carr shared that
he has a portrait of July Perry that was drawn by a 17-year old artist which they donated to an organization he is
a part of. He would be willing to provide the portrait to the City if there is space to display it at City Hall.
F. Election of Chair-Elect
Chair Maxwell briefly commented on the experiences he endured as Chair and a member of the HRDB, but
explained that it has all been worthwhile. He thanked the Board for their support, and presented the gavel to the
new Chair, Rhonda Anderson-Robinson.
The floor was open for nominations of Chair-Elect.
Member Fontanez nominated Member Hart. Nominations were also received for Member Foster, Member Carr,
and Member Moyer, but all respectfully declined. Consensus of the Board was to elect Member Hart as Chair-
Ill: Board and Staff Comments:
Recording Clerk Sibbitt commented that one of the approved Resolution changes proposed by the Subcommittee
was to lower the membership to nine members to assist with reaching the quorum requirement; however,
recently the City Clerk's Department has received several applications of persons interested in being appointed to
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HRDB Meeting
May 6, 2021
the HRDB; therefore, staff is recommending that the membership not be changed and remain at thirteen
members.Consensus of the Board was to retain the membership as is which allows up to thirteen members.
Assistant Support Services Director Gaines commented that after the April meeting it was determined
clarification was needed on the portion of the resolution under Mission and Objectives on pages 3&7. He shared
that the Board was proposing the wording of, "Advise the City Commission and staff, as needed". City staff met
with the City Attorney and City Management and the following language was recommended, "Provide
recommendation to the City Commission and staff on HRDB related events and programs, as needed". Discussion
ensued and the following was approved by the Board, "Make recommendations to the City Commission and staff
on HRDB related matters,as needed".
Assistant Support Services Director Gaines further commented city staff is working on the upcoming fiscal year
budget,and needs to know what funds will need to be set aside for HRDB events.The Board discussed funding for
the MLK Parade, Black History Essay Contest, Ocoee Massacre Remembrance Event, and Fiesta de Colores.
Member Moyer shared that the City Commission approved a proclamation for the Asian-American and Pacific
Islander Heritage Month. He also commented that it is Teacher's Appreciation Week and thanked any teachers in
Member Carr and Member Fontanez both left at 7:53 PM
Member Moyer shared a PowerPoint on the world, and the theories of the continents.
Member Foster shared that this week is also National Nurses Week,and recognized any nurses on the Board.She
further thanked Commissioner Oliver for the stakeholders he has already secured for the support of the Board's
vision for celebrating the Hispanic community. Member Foster further expressed wanting to congratulate the
newly hired Police Chief, and asked how the Board could convey that to the Chief.She also suggested an invitation
to have the Police Chief attend one of their meetings. Discussion ensued and consensus of the Board was to have
Chair Anderson-Robinson send a letter to the Police Chief on behalf of the HRDB congratulating her on her
promotion and inviting her to one of their upcoming meetings.
Member Hart thanked the Board for the support of her nomination as Chair-Elect.She further thanked the Board
members that recognized the teachers and nurses. She then thanked Commissioner Oliver for the support he has
initiated to assist with their Hispanic Heritage Festival.
Commissioner Oliver commented that he would like at a future meeting for the Board to have a conversation on
their Mission and Objectives. He further shared that it will be interesting to hear everyone's perception. He
advised that the City Commission as well as Department Management will be involved in a training on Race,
Diversity, and Equality which he felt the HRDB had a right to be part of that conversation. He provided brief
information on the training, and invited any member interested in participating in that training to contact the
Executive Assistant for the Elected Officials. Chair Anderson-Robinson asked Commissioner Oliver if he could
share with the Board the date that is selected. He answered in the affirmative,and said he would have information
sent out to the members.
IV:Set Next Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes for May 6, 2021 meeting
B. Fiesta de Colores
C. Commemorative Plaque Update
D. Sculptures Discussion
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HRDB Meeting
May 6, 2021
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM
Melanie Sibbitt, Recording Clerk Chairperson
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