HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-18-2021 Minutes MINUTES
MAY 18, 2021
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 PM in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Mayor Johnson, followed by the Presentation of Colors
and the Pledge of Allegiance led by ENS Larry Reinhart, United States Naval Sea Cadet
Corps (USNSCC), Commanding Officer—Lone Sailor Division.
ENS Larry Reinhart, USNSCC, Commanding Officer — Lone Sailor Division briefly
introduced himself and the cadets. He then described the USNSCC program, and thanked the
City Commission for use of the Vignetti Center over the past year.
City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a quorum present.
Present: Mayor Johnson,Commissioner Brinson,Commissioner Wilsen,Commissioner Firstner,
Commissioner Oliver
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Cookson, City Clerk Sibbitt
Mayor Johnson announced the following, "City Hall is open to the public; however, attendance
inside the Ocoee Commission Chambers may be limited to accommodate social distancing and is
subject to the Governor's Executive Orders. Any interested party may be heard during the public
comments and public hearing portions of the meeting. In order to participate remotely, members
of the public should call 407-554-7118 or email citizens@ocoee.org in advance and indicate the
item you would like to address. At the appropriate time during the meeting, City Staff will contact
you via phone and patch you into the meeting where you can share your comments and/or
questions. Comments and questions received via e-mail will become public records and be
provided to the City Commissioners in advance of the meeting."
Proclamation — Florida Emancipation Day — May 20, 2021, read and proclaimed by Mayor
Johnson. Tiffany Hughes and Shaniqua Rose, with the NAACP, introduced themselves and
thanked the City for the proclamation.
West Oaks Library Branch Manager Sarah Qronfleh provided a brief PowerPoint that
highlighted the library's benefits, databases, upcoming events, and classes.
Commissioner Wilsen inquired about the City of Ocoee having an embroidered square. West
Oaks Library Branch Manager Sarah Qronfleh offered to look into that for the City.
Commissioner Brinson asked for additional information on the genealogy program. West Oaks
Library Branch Manager Sarah Qronfleh gave a more in-depth description about the program,
and encouraged residents to come take a look.
Commissioner Oliver inquired if there is an expiration date on library cards. West Oaks
Library Branch Manager Sarah Qronfleh shared that an account never goes away; however,
library cards must be renewed every four years.
Mayor Johnson thanked Ms. Qronfleh for the presentation.
Regular City Commission Meeting
May 18, 2021
City Manager Frank announced before them is the following:
Emergency Item - Approval for the Granting of 25-Foot Easements for Five Properties
along 3rd Street. (Utilities Director Croteau)
City Manager Frank briefly explained multiple properties on 3`d Street inquired about water
service and indicated a willingness to annex into the City; therefore, the Utilities Department
developed plans to provide water service to these parcels. There is no financial impact for the
granting of easements into the City.
Motion: Move to approve the Emergency Item for granting 25-foot easements for
five properties along 3rd Street; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by
Commissioner Oliver; Motion carried unanimously.
No speaker reservation forms, telephone calls, or emails were received.
Mayor Johnson announced that the Civility Code is posted at the entrance when entering into
the Commission Chambers, and can also be found on the back of the speaker form. He shared it
is important that everyone follows the Civility Code including the Elected Officials.
Consent Agenda Motion
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 - #14 with Item #2 and #3
being pulled for discussion and separate consideration.
Moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Brinson; Motion
carried 5-0.
1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held May 4,2021.
(City Clerk Sibbitt)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
2. Approval of New Appointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police
Department. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
Members of the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department serve a three-year term. The
Resolution creating the Board allows no more than fifteen (15) members. Currently, the Board has eleven
(11)members.An application was received by Lori Hart who has shown an interest in being appointed to the
Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department for a term ending January 2024.
Regular City Commission Meeting
May 18, 2021
Commissioner Oliver inquired about the number of vacant seats. He shared that residents have
an opportunity to volunteer on City boards such as the CACOPD and HRDB, as they currently
have vacancies; and further, encouraged residents to contact the City Clerk's Department for an
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #2 and #3.
Moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion
carried 4-1 with Mayor Johnson opposing.
3. Approval of Appointments to the Human Relations Diversity Board. (City Clerk
The Human Relations Diversity Board was created by Resolution in 2003. The purpose of this board is to
promote understanding,respect,goodwill,and equality among all citizens and businesses of the City of Ocoee.
Members of the Human Relations Diversity Board serve three-year terms. The term of Member Jay Carr
expired May 2021.He has indicated an interest in being considered for reappointment for another term ending
May 2024. Additionally, two (2) applications have been received from Annette Brown and Ages Hart who
have shown an interest in being appointed to the Human Relations Diversity Board for a term ending May
Commissioner Oliver inquired about the number of vacant seats. He shared that residents have
an opportunity to volunteer on City boards such as the CACOPD and HRDB, as they currently
have vacancies; and further, encouraged residents to contact the City Clerk's Department for an
Mayor Johnson commented that he will oppose the reappointment of the current member as that
member has not actively participated in any of the board projects and has acted negatively toward
many of the projects.
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #2 and #3.
Moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion
carried 4-1 with Mayor Johnson opposing.
4. Approval of Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2016-009 - Exhibit "A" Bylaws of
the Human Relations Diversity Board. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
At the December 3, 2020, HRDB Meeting, HRDB Board Chair Maxwell expressed disappointment with
attendance and lack of involvement with some of the board members. He proposed the establishment of a
Bylaw Review Sub-Committee to review and change the bylaws appropriately.The HRDB discussed the sub-
committee's proposed amendments to include change in membership qualifications and clarifying other
requirements during their January, February, and April meeting. At their April 1, 2021 meeting, the bylaws
were finalized and a motion was made to present the amended bylaws to the City Commission.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission Meeting
May 18, 2021
5. Approval of Second Amendment to the Contract for Interment and Inurnment
Services at the City of Ocoee Cemetery and Resolution Amending Exhibit `B" S.
Schedule of Product and Service Fees. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
On September 18,2012,the City of Ocoee entered into a Contract with Quality Vaults and Monument, Inc.,
to perform interment and inurnment work as set forth in RFP#12-006(the"Contract").The First Amendment
to the contract was approved on August 7, 2018. Quality Vaults and Monument, Inc., is the sole provider of
services to the City at this time. The City was notified by the vendor that niche doors engraved pre-need will
eventually require a date of passing, which requires additional fees. Therefore, staff desires to amend the
existing Contract to include the costs associated with performing this service. Section 3 of Chapter 61 of the
Code of Ordinances authorizes the City Commission to amend the City of Ocoee Cemetery Rules and
Regulations by resolution from time to time, as deemed necessary. Exhibit "B" Schedule of Product and
Service Fees will require an amendment to include the additional fee for the engraving.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
6. Approval to Collect Applications for Appointment of a Districting Commission in
Accordance with the City of Ocoee Charter, Article XI, Section C-66. (City Clerk
Article XI, Section C-66 of the Charter provides: The City Commission shall establish a Districting
Commission after April 1, 2021 or within three (3) months of receipt of the 2020 census data, whichever is
earlier, and every ten (10) years thereafter a new Districting Commission shall be appointed by the City
Commission within three (3) months of receipt of the relevant census data. A Districting Commission may
also be appointed by the City Commission at such other times as deemed necessary by the City Commission.
The Districting Commission shall consist of five (5)members and a first and second alternate member who
shall be appointed by majority vote of the City Commission and who shall serve on such commission for terms
of one(1)year,unless such terms are extended by the City Commission. Due to COVID-19,the U.S. Census
Bureau announced that it will deliver the Public Law 94-171 redistricting data to all states by September 30,
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
7. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with CareerSource. (City Manager
During the budget workshops and hearings for FY 20/21, funding was allocated for a summer internship
program to be coordinated with CareerSource Central Florida. Staff will identify several positions throughout
the city for assignment of a summer intern for five weeks. Generally, these interns must meet eligibility
requirements for household income;however,the City's participation allows for the appointment of three(3)
interns outside of the income qualification guidelines.The City expects to supervise up to ten(10)interns.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
8. Approval of a Non-Substantial Amendment to the Approved Planned Unit
Development (PUD) Land Use Plan for the Reserve at Lake Meadow PUD.
(Development Services Director Rumer)
On December 15, 2020, the Reserve at Lake Meadow PUD was approved by the City Commission. The
property is located east of Lauren Beth Ave., approximately 3,500 feet to the south of Clarcona-Ocoee Rd.,
and 166 feet north of Nicole Blvd.The PUD Land Use plan provides for one(1)full access point on the south
side of the subject property via a parcel currently under Orange County ownership and in the process of being
transferred to the City of Ocoee.The land contains existing and proposed utility lines from the City of Ocoee.
Due to the locations and depths of the current and proposed lines also trying to utilize the area as an access
Regular City Commission Meeting
May 18, 2021
point will not work. Therefore,the applicant is proposing to move the access point north 208 feet. The only
other modification to the site is a retention pond to accommodate the road in the new location.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
9. Approval of a Two-Year Warranty Surety and Maintenance, Materials, and
Workmanship Agreement with Meritage Homes of Florida, Inc., for the Greens at
Forest Lake Phase 2. (Development Engineer Keaton)
Greens at Forest Lake Phase 2 is made up of 70 townhomes. The parcel is located on the west side of State
Road 429,just East of Arbours Apartments. The developer has completed construction of the infrastructure
improvements for the subdivision and has requested a Certificate of Completion.As a requirement of the Land z
Development Code, the developer is required to furnish the City a Surety to cover any possible damages
discovered during the next two years.Should the developer not choose to make those repairs, Meritage Homes
of Florida, Inc., has provided the City with a Letter of Credit in the amount of 10% of the constructed
improvements.The Surety will be returned to the developer upon completion of the two-year warranty period
and the repair of any damages caused over those two years.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
10. Approval of the Replat of Lot 1 for the Park at 429. (Development Engineer Keaton)
The subject property is located on the northeast corner of East Crown Point Road and Palm, immediately 1
adjacent to State Road 429.This replat will split the parcel into two lots;Lot 1-A at in the north portion of the
parcel with a total area of 3.025 acres, and Lot 1-B at the south end of the parcel with a total area of 1.457
acres.The proposed Lot 1-A is developed with a 2-Story Light Industrial/Flex Office building totaling 54,700
sq. ft., and the proposed Lot 1-B is undeveloped. This replat provides cross-access easements for public
improvements along Palm Drive and East Crown Point Road.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
11. Approval of Amendment to Fire Station Alerting System Service Agreement US
Digital Designs. (Fire Chief Miller)
On August 6,2019,Commission approved and authorized the Mayor to enter into a Service Agreement with fi
US Digital Designs(USDD)for the provision of software support and hardware maintenance for the Phoenix
G2 fire station alerting system.Exhibit A of the Service Agreement provides a rate schedule for onsite services,
which are only billed when services are rendered.To date,no onsite services have been utilized.The contractor .
who performs the services on behalf of USDD has updated their rates, therefore USDD has submitted an
amended Service Agreement with revised Exhibit A.There is no change to the annual Service Agreement rate.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
12. Approval of School Resource Officer Agreement with Renaissance Charter School at
Crown Point. (Police Chief Plasencia)
Florida Statute Section 1006.12,Florida Statutes,entitled"Safe-School officers at each public school"requires
each District School Board and School District Superintendent to partner with law enforcement agencies to
establish or assign one or more safe-school officers at each school facility within the District by implementing
a security option which best meets the needs of the school district. Renaissance Charter School desires to
continue contracting with the Ocoee Police Department for a School Resource Officer for their Ocoee campus.
The Ocoee Police Department will provide one(1) School Resource Officer to Renaissance Charter School.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission Meeting
May 18, 2021
13. Approval of Contract with Genuine Parts Company, dba NAPA and Assigned to
Glenn Joiner & Sons, Inc.,Providing On-Site Management of the Fleet Parts Supply.
(Public Works Director Krug)
The City Commission approved a contract with Genuine Parts Company, doing business as NAPA, and
assigned to Glenn Joiner& Sons, Inc., in March, 2013 to provide on-site management of the Fleet Division a;
parts supply through the City's membership in the National Joint Powers Alliance,now known as Sourcewell.
Sourcewell has awarded a new contract to Genuine Parts Company(NAPA)which offers the same benefits to r.
the City as the original contract. Public Works has found that contracting out the management of the parts
room continues to allow the Fleet Division to meet the goals of managing the parts inventory,reducing budget
and improving productivity.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
14. Approval of RFQ #20-006 Continuing Contract for Professional Engineering Services
for Utility Modeling and Minor Utility Studies. (Utilities Director Croteau)
The City of Ocoee has a continuing contract with Reiss Engineering, Inc.,(hereafter"Reiss")for engineering
services for utility modeling and minor utility studies. The City has been notified that Reiss was acquired by
CHA Consulting, Inc. As a result of the purchase, Reiss and CHA Consulting, Inc., have requested that the
City approve the assignment of Reiss' continuing contract for engineering services for utility modeling and
minor utility studies to CHA Consulting, Inc. :
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
15. First Reading of Ordinance for West Orange Park Properties VII LLC, 2100 West
Road - Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-03-21-03 & RZ-21-03-03. (Second
Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for June 15, 2021, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon
thereafter.) (Development Services Director Rumer)
This property is approximately 3.08 acres and generally located on West Road about 850 feet east of Ocoee
Apopka Road. The subject parcel has one (1) existing single-family residence, and is considered contiguous
to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property located within the City limits on the north, south, and
west. The parcel will receive an"C-2" (Community Commercial) zoning upon annexation. The applicant is
annexing into the City limits as a condition to receive city potable water connection.
a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the Ordinances.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on June 15, 2021, at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
16. First Reading of Ordinance for Barkeritaville Planned Unit Development (PUD) -
Substantial Amendment to the PUD/LUP; Project No: RZ-21-03-04. (Second Reading and
Public Hearing scheduled for June 15, 2021, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon thereafter)
(Development Services Director Rumer)
The Barkeritaville PUD property is approximately 8.13 acres and located on the east side of Tomyn Boulevard
and 1,517 feet from Roberson Road. The applicant, Simmons Pet Properties, is requesting a Substantial
Wage :
Regular City Commission Meeting
May 18, 2021
Amendment to the PUD to change the permitted uses from Veterinary Facility, Pet Resort/Daycare, Office,
Retail, Restaurant, and Veterinary Education and Training to Indoor Self-Storage. The revision to the PUD
also includes eliminating a 16,182-SF building to a three-story 104,907-SF / 727 unit indoor self-storage
facility which will complete the buildout of the PUD. The self-storage is proposed to be accessed via the
existing entrance. The proposed architectural design of the indoor self-storage facility will be architecturally .
cohesive with the existing Pet Paradise.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on June 15, 2021, at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
17. First Reading of Ordinance for 54 Rewis Street - Small Scale Comprehensive Plan
Amendment and Rezoning to Planned Unit Development (PUD) and PUD Land Use
Plan; Project No(s): CPA-2021-002 & RZ-21-03-06. (Second Reading and Public Hearing
scheduled for June 15,2021,Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon thereafter.) (Development
Services Director Rumer)
This property is approximately 0.25 acres in size and is located on the north side of Rewis Street and the
northeast corner of Lyman Street and Rewis Street. The property is vacant and currently zoned R-1 (Single-
family). The Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment would be from Low-Density Residential to
Commercial. The rezoning would be from City of Ocoee "R-1" to City of Ocoee "PUD." The applicant is
proposing to rezone the property to Planned Unit Development(PUD)in order to develop a two-story mixed-
use building with 875 SF of ground-floor retail space for a hair salon and a second story 875 SF apaitment.
No other uses will be permitted under the PUD. A two-car carport will also be provided on the 0.25 acres.
a) First Reading of Small Scale Comp Plan Amendment
b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the Ordinances.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on June 15, 2021, at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
18. First Reading of Ordinance for 409 Ocoee Apopka Road Planned Unit Development
(PUD) -Annexation& Rezoning to PUD and PUD Land Use Plan; Project No(s): AX-
02-21-02 & RZ-21-02-02. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for June 15, 2021, Regular
Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon thereafter) (Development Services Director Rumer)
This subject site is approximately 4.76 acres in size and is located on the east side of Ocoee Apopka Road and
562 feet north of West Silver Star Road. The parcel currently contains three(3)single-family dwellings. The
parcel is currently zoned Orange County"A-1" and has a County Land Use of Industrial and a Commercial
Land Use in Ocoee Orange County JPA. The applicant is proposing to develop a Commercial/Flex Business
Center on 4.76 acres with two (2)buildings at a maximum square footage of 61,400. A 29,000 SF building
with a retail front and rear delivery access at grade height will be the project's focal point.The second building
of up to 32,000 SF will include available dock heights.
a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the Ordinances.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on June 15, 2021,at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
Regular City Commission Meeting
May 18,2021
19. First Reading of Ordinance for AP & AG Investment Group LLC at 529 1st Street -
Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-04-21-04 & RZ-21-04-07. (Second Reading
and Public Hearing scheduledfor June 15,2021,Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon thereafter.)
(Development Services Director Rumer)
This property is approximately 0.16 acres and located on the east side of 1st Street, about 289 feet south of
Center Street, and 338 feet northeast of the intersection of Nay Street and 1st Street. The subject parcel is
vacant, and is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property located within the
City limits on the north. The parcel will receive an"R-1"(Single-Family Dwelling)zoning upon annexation.
The applicant is annexing into the City limits as a condition to receive city potable water connection.
a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the Ordinances.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on June 15, 2021, at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
20. First Reading of Ordinance for the Guerrero Property at 102 Wurst Road -
Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-04-21-05 & RZ-21-04-08. (Second Reading
and Public Hearing scheduledfor June 15,2021,Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon thereafter.)
(Development Services Director Rumer)
This property is approximately 0.17 acres and located directly on the north side of Wurst Road,about 175 feet
east of N. Lakewood Avenue. The subject parcel has one (1) existing single-family residence, and is
considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property located within the City limits on
the north. The parcel will receive an"R-1"(Single-Family Dwelling)zoning upon annexation. The applicant
is annexing into the City limits as a condition to receive city potable water connection.
a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the Ordinances.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on June 15, 2021,at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
21. First Reading of Ordinance for Ocoee Rental Trust Properties at 503 2nd Street -
Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-04-21-06 & RZ-21-04-09. (Second Reading
and Public Hearing scheduledfor June 15,2021,Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon thereafter.)
(Development Services Director Rumer)
This property is approximately 0.25 acres and located on the east side of 2nd Street, about 510 feet south of
Center Street and 735 feet north of E. Silver Star Road. The subject parcel has one(1)existing single-family
residence, and is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property located within
the City limits on the north and west. The parcel will receive an"R-1"(Single-Family Dwelling)zoning upon
annexation. The applicant is annexing into the City limits as a condition to receive city potable water
a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the Ordinances.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on June 15, 2021, at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
Regular City Commission Meeting
May 18, 2021
22. First Reading of Ordinance for Ocoee Rental Trust Properties at 518 2nd Street -
Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-04-21-09 & RZ-21-04-12. (Second Reading
and Public Hearing scheduled for June 15,2021,Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon thereafter.)
(Development Services Director Rumer)
This property is approximately 0.15 acres and located on the west side of 2nd Street and 276 feet south of
Center Street, and 312 feet northeast of the intersection of Nay Street and 2nd Street. The subject parcel has
one(1)existing single-family residence,and is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered
by property located within the City limits on the east. The parcel will receive an "R-1" (Single-Family
Dwelling)zoning upon annexation.The applicant is annexing into the City limits as a condition to receive city
potable water connection.
a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the Ordinances.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on June 15, 2021,at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
23. Discussion and Direction of Commissioners Announcements on the Agenda. (City
Clerk Sibbitt)
During the May 4th City Commission Meeting discussion ensued with regard to the removal of the
Commissioners Announcements at the beginning of the meeting.Prior to removal of that portion of the agenda,
the Mayor and City Clerk staff met and reviewed meeting minutes, and it was confirmed that during most
meetings the announcements were being deferred to the Comments from Commissioners portion of the
meeting. Therefore,the agenda was updated to reflect the current practice of the City Commission.
City Clerk Sibbitt explained the discussion item before them is at their request from the May 4th
City Commission Meeting. For their review and understanding of the recent agenda template
update,the announcement portion of the minutes for the last two years was also included with the
staff report.
Commissioner Wilsen shared her personal opinions on the board's recent behavior during their
meetings and advised that she has reviewed the agenda outline of other cities the same size,which
seem to be working more efficiently. She further suggested the following changes to the City
Commission Agenda template: 1) One citizen's public comment section with 3 minutes per
speaker, to include a rule of decorum that citizens are not allowed to speak from the audience or
make rebuttals to the City Commission, 2) One City Manager's business section for inclusion of
any additional staff reports, 3)One City Commissioners Announcement section with a 10-minute
limit per Elected Official. She further encouraged the Elected Officials to meet with the City
Manager,or City staff,on Consent Agenda items before the meeting instead of during the meeting
as the agenda packet is distributed days before to allow for questions. Commissioner Wilsen
commented on the City's open transparency concerning the agenda and shared the multiple
posting locations of the agenda that are available for public viewing. She further suggested a
10-minute Town Hall Briefing after the Commission Meeting adjourns that would allow Elected
Officials to make announcements to their citizens via live broadcast.
Regular City Commission Meeting
May 18, 2021
Commissioner Brinson asked for clarification on the two public comments sections currently on
the agenda. City Attorney Cookson addressed his question. Commissioner Brinson shared that
he is opposed to changing the current practice and personally would like for both public comments
sections to remain. Commissioner Wilsen clarified that the public comments section is not the
issue but allowing the rebuttals is. Commissioner Brinson shared he did not have any issues with
the City Manager's request for one section on the agenda. He was also in favor of the 10-minute
limitation on Commissioner's Announcements. A brief discussion ensued concerning Consent
Agenda items and the suggested Town Hall Briefing.
Commissioner Oliver commented that he is not in disagreement with most of the suggested
changes; and further stated that if a change to the agenda was needed, bringing it before the City
Commission was how it should have been handled. He further commented that he agreed with
having one Commissioner's Announcement and one section for City Manager's business, but
disagreed with the transparency of the City as he receives many phone calls from citizens who do
not read the agenda. He further explained his obligations as an Elected Official. Commissioner
Oliver said he agreed with allowing the public to speak for their 3 minutes and the Elected
Officials responding to those comments under their Commissioner's Announcements section. He
stated that he does not oppose the 10-minute limitation for Commissioner's Announcement, but
inquired what happens if a question needs a response by City staff. Are staff responses
incorporated into the limitation? Commissioner Wilsen acknowledged his concern and shared
that typically her questions to staff or directors are handled before the meeting. She recommended
to the Commissioner to consider using the Commissioner's Announcement section for any
questions that may need a response from staff, and any information that he wants to share with
the public can be provided during the 10-minute Town Hall Briefing session. A brief discussion
Commissioner Firstner commented that he feels most agree with Commissioner Wilsen's
suggestions. He further shared that he is not opposed to Consent Agenda items being pulled for
clarification but does feel it is the onus of the Elected Official to contact City staff before the
meeting to receive an answer. He felt the limitation for Commissioner's Announcement was not
an issue.
Mayor Johnson shared his experience when he attended the City of Winter Garden's
Commission Meeting last week to see how their meeting was conducted. He commented that he
realizes the City Commission meetings do get rowdy at times,which is why the Civility Code has
been posted as they all must follow it. He continued by sharing that he is in favor of the
recommendations suggested by Commissioner Wilsen, and encouraged all Elected Officials to
contact the City Manager with any questions they have on Consent Agenda items before the
meeting. He further advised that many other cities do not televise their meetings, but he realizes
that some residents stay informed by watching the televised meetings.
Commissioner Oliver inquired about the Town Hall briefing session and if City staff would be
available to answer any questions that may come up. City Manager Frank addressed his question
and advised that the Commissioner's Announcement/Comment section would allow for staff to
address any questions during that allotted time. The Town Hall briefing session would be the time
Regular City Commission Meeting
May 18, 2021
for the Elected Officials to give general information to the public without needing City staff
After the City Commission's discussion, City Attorney Cookson summarized the motion as
Motion: Move to 1) remove the second Staff Action Items toward the end of the
meeting from the agenda, 2) remove the Commissioners Announcement section
at the beginning of the meeting but retain the Commissioners Comments at the
end of the meeting with a 10-minute time limit for each Elected Official, 3) allow
10—minute sessions for Elected Officials after the adjournment of the City
Commission meeting for any"town hall" type of announcements via the continued
television broadcast (a quorum need not be present during such announcements
and no official business will be conducted during such periods), and 4) any
changes to the general outline of the agenda will come before the City
Commission before being implemented; and further, as a policy practice, 1)
Elected Officials should not engage with or answer questions from the public
during the public comments section of the meeting but can answer questions or
make comments during their 10-minute Commissioner Comments section, and 2)
to avoid having to pull agenda items from the Consent Agenda for discussion,
Elected Officials should meet with the City Manager or appropriate staff before the
meeting to resolve any questions they may have; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen,
seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried unanimously.
The following persons addressed the City Commission:
- Jim Moyer, Ocoee Resident,made a personal comment regarding Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
He then encouraged the City Council to support any 9/11 events that may come before
them to ensure that this tragic event is never forgotten.
- Scott Kennedy, Ocoee Resident, commented on the impact that COVID-19 has had on
many with regard to being aware of what is going on around us. He thanked the City
Staff,the Commissioners,and the Mayor for their dedication to the City and for remaining
engaged during this time.
Commissioner Firstner—Commented on the following:
1) Announced National EMS Week is from May 16th — 22nd He expressed gratitude for their
critical and crucial role within the community and encouraged residents to thank them for their
2) Thanked Public Works for procuring Sandhill Crane Crossing Signs within his district.
3) Thanked McCraney Property Company and local police personnel for the 2nd successful food
Regular City Commission Meeting
May 18, 2021
4)Announced that the Blood Mobile will be at the Ocoee Police Department,Thursday,May 20th
from 11 AM to 4 PM.
Commissioner Wilsen—Commented on the following:
1) Announced the 2021 Shred to Protect Event will be held on Saturday, September 18th' and
requested the City's support. Consensus of the City Commission was to support the
Shred to Protect Event on September 18, 2021.
2) In recognition of the first dog park in Ocoee, and based on the parking lot size, she requested
a small, low attended, ribbon-cutting ceremony on May 27, 2021, at 9:00 AM. Consensus of
the City Commission was in support of a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for
Montgomery Park on May 27, 2021.
3) Shared Community Relations Joy Wright's email regarding the City's Memorial Day plans for
4) Announced Ethics Training will be hosted by the Tri-County League of Cities on Thursday,
May 20, 2021, and encouraged the council to sign up quickly due to limited seating.
(Heard out of Order)
5)Announced that Florida League of Cities recently sent out an email concerning House Bill 403.
She further explained that this bill relates to home-based businesses, and asked for the
Commission's support in allowing the City Manager to draft a letter on their behalf to let the
Senate know that our City supports Home Rule. She then explained Home Rule for those citizens
that may not be aware. City Manager Frank suggested drafting a letter from the Commission to
be signed by the Mayor. Consensus of the City Commission was in support of sending
a letter.
Commissioner Oliver—Commented on the following:
1)Reminded those in need of the First Baptist Church of Ocoee's drive-thru food giveaway event
held every Friday throughout the summer.
2)Announced that the City has partnered with Career Source for the 2021 Summer Jobs Program,
and encouraged local youth to apply if they are interested. He shared that the application can be
found on Career Source's website, www.careersourcecentralflorida.com/summeryouth.
3)Announced Senate Bill 678 takes effect on July 1st. He explained that it is an Ocoee scholarship
program for direct descendants of victims of the 1920 Ocoee Election Day Riots, as well as
current African American residents of Ocoee.He shared that applications will start being accepted
on July 1, 2021, and requested that the City provide a link to the application on the City's website
and Facebook page. He further announced his desire to eventually offer this scholarship to all
Ocoee students, regardless of their ethnicity.
4) Inquired about the Lake Meadow water table report. Public Works Director Krug addressed
his question and explained that he is still working with Orange County.
5)Commented on the widening of Clarke Road,and shared that he recently reached out to several
residents that reside in Orchard Park,Prairie Lakes,Hackney Prairie, and Westchester and shared
that they are seeking left turn lanes heading southbound. He encouraged the City to work with
these communities and offered to assist in setting up HOA meetings to open the dialogue.
6) Shared a leadership quote written by Lolly Daskal with Ink Magazine.
12 ' Page
Regular City Commission Meeting
May 18, 2021
Commissioner Brinson—Commented on the following:
1) Shared a personal moment regarding the 9/11 attack and spoke in strong support of a 9/11
remembrance event.
2) Encouraged engagement within the community, and beseeched residents to assist their elderly
neighbors: cutting the grass, taking out the trash, trimming trees, whatever is needed.
3) Shared that he would be meeting with local community leaders soon, and encouraged feedback
from the community. He provided his email and requested solutions to Community Safety.
4) Encouraged patience as the community moves closer to "normal". He acknowledged that
everyone is doing their very best as they navigate through these times,and asked citizens to kindly
practice patience as they get back to normal.
5) He implored residents to be kinder, and shared that he had recently witnessed multiple cases
of mild road rage due to construction, requested patience, and explained as the City grows,
growing pains are to be expected.
6) Shared the city's website, and explained that information on what is going on around the City
can be found online.
7) Shared guidelines to yard waste collection are available on the City's website and encouraged
residents that required additional information to contact City Hall.
8) COVID-19 vaccinations are still available and encouraged citizens to get vaccinated.
Mayor Johnson—Commented on the following:
1) City Hall will be closed for Memorial Day, on Monday, May 31 St.
2) Announced the City Commission meeting scheduled for June 1st has been canceled. The next
Regular City Commission Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 15th
3) Announced the Inspire, Uplift &Unite Music Festival Event is happening Saturday, May 29th
starting at 2:30 PM at Bill Breeze Park.
4)Inquired about the lights along Ingram Road and Maguire Road. Public Works Director Krug
addressed the question.
5)Inquired about the lights along Highway 50 in the CRA district. Public Works Director Krug
offered to inquire with Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Ginger
Corless, and follow up. City Manager Frank also addressed his concern and offered to follow
up with Duke.
6) Shared that Brotherly Love will be performing at the Inspire, Uplift & Unite Music Festival
and understood that they intended to honor Memorial Day for those that may be interested.
7) Reiterated that the next City Commission meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 15th
test: Ci Ocoee
elanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johns , ayor