HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-17-2020 Minutes FIFTY Ocoee WEST CRA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee,Florida November 17, 2020 MINUTES 5:00 PM I. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum Chair Firstner called the Community Redevelopment Agency Board to order at 5:00 PM and announced that City Hall is open to the public; however, attendance inside the Commission Chambers may be limited to accommodate social distancing and is subject to change based on the Governor's Executive Order. Any interested party is invited to be heard during the public comments and public hearing portion of the meeting. The public may also call or email comments and/or questions to 407-554-7118 or citizens@ocoee.org. City staff will be standing by to ensure that your comments or questions come before the City Commission during the meeting. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Chair Firstner, Vice-Chair June, Member Brinson, Member Wilsen, Member Johnson, and Member Oliver. Absent: Member Marsh Also Present: City Manager Frank,Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Cookson, and City Clerk Sibbitt. II. Public Comments -None No speaker reservation forms, telephone calls, or emails were received. III. Approval of Minutes of September 15,2020, CRA Budget Meeting Member Wilsen,seconded by Member Johnson, moved to approve the CRA Budget Meeting Minutes of September 15, 2020, as presented. Motion carried 6-0 with Member Marsh absent. CRA Regular Meeting 11-17-2020 Page 1 IV. Election of Officers A memorandum was provided in the CRA packet which identified the Chair and Vice-Chair for the past seven fiscal years, including the current year. Chair Firstner opened the floor for nominations for Chair and Vice-Chair. Member Wilsen shared she feels there should be some form of order on how appointments to these seats are made. She suggested beginning with the City Commission members starting with District 1 and moving up numerically then onto the other members. Member Johnson suggested starting with the appointed CRA members and then moving onto the City Commission members as suggested by Member Wilsen. Chair Firstner shared that he does not have an issue with a Vice-Chair moving up to Chair as they consider appointments in the future. A brief discussion ensued. Member Johnson, seconded by Member Wilsen, moved to nominate Vice-Chair June as CRA Board Chair. Motion carried 6-0 with Member Marsh absent. Member Johnson, seconded by Member Oliver, moved to nominate Member Brinson as CRA Board Vice-Chair. Motion carried 6-0 Member Marsh absent. V. Staff Presentation (Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless) A) FY 2020/2021 CRA Board Meeting Dates Revision Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless advised staff is proposing a revision to the previously approved meeting dates due to a schedule conflict with one of the members. The below meeting dates are being proposed. Proposed New Dates: Meeting#2: Tuesday, March 2°a at 5:00 PM (before City Commission meeting) Meeting#3: Tuesday, May 4th at 5:00 PM (before City Commission meeting) Meeting#4: Tuesday, September 7th at 5:00 PM (before City Commission meeting) Member Brinson, seconded by Member Wilsen, moved to revise the schedule for Fiscal Year 2020/2021 CRA meeting dates, as presented by staff, as follows; March 2, 2021; May 4, 2021, and September 7, 2021. Motion carried 6-0 with Member Marsh absent. B) PACE—Another Economic Development Tool Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained Property Assessed Clean Energy(PACE)which is before the CRA Board for their consideration. She further explained PACE is a financing mechanism that enables low-cost, long-term funding for energy CRA Regular Meeting 11-17-2020 Page 2 efficiency, renewable energy, and wind hardening improvements to real property. She provided a brief video and further explained the benefits of PACE. A list of agencies that allow PACE financing was shared with the board, followed by an overview of what is required if the City would want to allow PACE financing within the City of Ocoee. Vice-Chair June inquired if there was a financial snapshot of how it affects the tax bill and what the cost would be. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless shared she would be happy to get that information for him from the districts. Member Oliver inquired what are the current opportunities that the City can take advantage of when being a part of this program. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained it would be an economic tool the City can offer to current property owners, as well as future property owners they seek to recruit to the City, to advise that the PACE financing is available. Member Wilsen asked for clarification on the financing. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless addressed her question. Discussion ensued. Chair Firstner inquired how would the City plan to advertise this incentive to the general public. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained they would place information on both the City and CRA website, as well as, utilize social media. Member Johnson inquired why this is before the CRA as this would be a benefit to the whole City. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained that as new development,or redevelopment, occurs within the CRA District this would be a benefit to the CRA but he is correct that approval is provided at the City Commission level as it does benefit the whole City. Chair Firstner inquired if there is a resolution being prepared or if the City Commission is being asked to request one. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained she has already prepared a draft resolution but wanted to be sure the CRA Board would also be interested in this program before it was presented to the City Commission for consideration and approval. Further discussion ensued regarding the qualifications of the program, and it was requested if a report could be provided from surrounding agencies highlighting the participation of the business owners/residents in the program. C) Update on Capital Projects Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless updated the Board on the current Capital Improvement Project (CIP). Wellness Park—Going out to bid in February so they can move forward with the project. Member Johnson inquired about the roundabout at Geneva and Bluford Ave. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless shared a cost analysis was conducted and provided to staff, but she can bring this request back to the board if they would like to discuss further. A brief discussion ensued. CRA Regular Meeting 11-17-2020 Page 3 D) Maintenance Activities Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless updated the Board on the City's new landscape maintenance contractor,CEPRA Landscape. She shared there is mulch going down as well as trimming of palm trees in both the CRA and City areas. SR 429 to Clarke Road—Median Landscaping Plant Replacements—They are still under the maintenance period and have had some issues with some of the plant material but the contractor is working with the CRA to correct these issues. Member Wilsen thanked Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless for the great job that is being done with the medians. Other Activities Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless shared they will be removing staking and wires from the Clarke Road median palms and crape myrtles. They will also be replacing plants that got run over. She further briefed the board on additional areas on Old Winter Garden Road and S. Blackwood that will also have plants replaced and mulching provided. A brief discussion ensued. VI. Board Comments ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:42 PM Attest: APPROVED: (r,et. Melanie Sibbitt, Secretary Richard Firstner, Chair CRA Regular Meeting 11-17-2020 Page 4 pC