HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-22-2000 MinutesNIMITES OF TAE CITY OF OCOEE wl#tlt'iM,*#A@M�lw,t Februan- 22,2000 CALL TO ORDER Chahmian Linebatier caked the regular tneeting of the Ocoee Code EAforceinent Board to order at 730 p.m ta the, Coon Clmubers of Cky Hat Nfen&r Effison led die, invocation and the Pledgie of Ategiance. The ron was caked and a quorurn declued present. PRESENT: Chairnan Likebarier, Vice Ciminnari L,enko, Members Chancey, Elson ftohnes, Korw,ek and SUes, and Alternate Members Godek and Solornon. Also present were Attorney Michael O'QuitA Code Ez,&rcenient Supenisor Shelty Simori, Code Enforcement Officers Ed Loeffler and Bob Siegrist, BtWd*, Clerk Robat S. Harris., and Adtnvwtrat�v Secretary Marisa Daivson APPROVAL OF I\UNUTES OF JANUARY 25,2000 MEETING Vice Chairman Lenko, seconded .41,ember Skiles, moved to approve the Minutes of the Janua?y 25, 2000, Code Enforce7nott Board meeting aspresented Afotion carried 7-0. 1"ice Chairman Lenko, seconded dry .Uember Skiles, moved that Case 99-016 be C&misses at the request of the City and that Case 00-014 be continued until the March 28, 2000 meeting. Motion carried 7-0. Chairman Linebarier ac&ised the Board that the U.S. Census is seeking volunteers to assist in Census 2000. A volunteer sign-up sheet was passed around Bung Clerk Karris adaumtered the oadi to Code Enkrcenrift Supenisor Simn and Code Enforcement Officers Loeffler and Siegrzt Case 00-015,Mary Lubiji, 305 Tmaquille Oaks D&e OfficerLoeffier Violation cited: 108-19 A, F(Ib� ; 101-22; 1108-231u; R91�; 108-12 D 01-28-010 - 11=7 Re -inspection Date: 02-2S-00 02-10-00 - Sal ("ode Minutes Fetyrruw22, 21000 02-10-00 - 110H Meeting Date: 02-22-00 02-10-00 - pos Mail Z 333 613 814 02-10P-00 - POS Post Observation: Did not schedule a re -inspection to verify correction of the Minim= Housing Standards Inspection. Code Enforcement Officer Loefflhav# been sworti, gave a brief lustory of the c�ase. A brief discussion ensued. Member Chancey, seconded by Vice -Chairman Lenko, moved to find the respondents in Case 00-015 in violation as cited as of , Februa?y . � 2000, andgive thepropert�v owners until1farch 7, 2000 to coat w or beflined S1,50100 per day, Motion carries, 7-0. Case 99-164, David P. & Deborah J. Rose, 1102 Ursula Street Officer Loe Me r Violati,on cited: I15-19 1; 108-22; 108-23 Q, ;U2); 108-24 D; SI-21 A, B, C' a D; 606.3.4.1; NEC 110-12 A; ICS-12 D 11-ce-99 11KC11 Re -inspection Date: 11-23-99 12-19-99 SV�7 12-09-99 NOH Meeting Date� 1-2S-00 12-09-99 ;0S Mail Z 333 613 167 (Incorrectly Signed) 12-20-99 POS Mail Z 333 613 782 01-06-00 POS Posted 01-25�-30 EXHIBITS A thru F 01-2S-00, MIPLIAITCE ORDERrZonply by 2-4-00 or pay $100 per violation per day 02-16-00, AFFIDAVIT OF Nal-COMPL MICE Observation: Did not schedule a re -inspection to -verify correction of NUnimum Housing violations. Vice-Chairmia�n Lenko, seconded by Member Skiles, moved in Case 99-164 to impose aflne and lien of SJ, 200 per dqfior the violatiwu as cited cis of February 5, 2000. Votion carried 7-0. wwwol U.T.19 mmwomma mmaul a Im VM Violation cited: IIS-3; 11S-5; I1S-22; 10e-23 D, H (I & 2); 0; Q 10-2s-99 - 1TWI: Re -inspection Date: 11-24-99 12-19-99 - soll 12-09-99 - NO H Meeting Date: 1-2S-00, 12-19_99 - POS Mail 7 S33 613 770 Observation: Hiscellaneous junk debris trash(auto parts, tires, batteres,old john- boats, two without trailer, stack of cement blocks, covered stacked iterm on east side of house, old appliance, et,c.l . C�.rergxown weeds and grass. Dilapidated, rotted and collapsing accessor7 structure attached to east side of house with collapsing roof and supports. Hissing front exterior door and rotted east -side exterior door. missing, damaged and un-sealed exterior siding, front and east side of house. Missing windv,: screens. Wiring not to code; front entrance with missing door has split zip -cord with light bulb socket suspended below and romex wiring without exterior weather/water-tight conduit leading fr= east side exterior wall to non -exterior electrical blower -fan rictor. oil propert�r is in partial conipliance, bit that dr pon the property. It is cuirently in iiolation of 115 - 3 Owk). (,,'wle !dir�,'utes Fel,',Ynxiry 22, 2000 Vice -Chairman Lenko moved in Case 99-166 to impose a ftne and lien as of ,,Uarch " 200,0. Motion withdrawn ky Vice -Chairman Lenko. Member Chancq, seconded by Vice -Chairman Lenko, inoved to continue Case 99-166 until March 25, 2000. Motion carried 7-0. WrI Violationcited: I15-23 Q; 165-3; SSCCT 606.3.4.1; 108-12 D 09-20-99 - I10CV Re -inspection Date: 11-24-99 12-09-99 - SCNI 12-09-99 - IZOH Meeting Date: 1-25-00 12-09-99 - POS Mail Z 333 613 772 02-25-00 - WMPLIANCE ORDEP: Ccaply by 2-1-00 or pay $100 per day 02-03-00 - AFFIDA",71T OF InN-CCMPLIAIr,.F.: Re -inspected 02-03-00 02-09-00 - AFFIDAIM OF NON-COIGLIANCE: As to 165-3 only 02-16-00 - AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE: As to all Obeervation: Miscellaneous junk/debris, auvo debris, buckets and auto repair equipment littering yardy'drive. Code Enforcement Officer Loeffler, having been sivorA, gave a brief history of the case. Supervisor Sinion stated that dus is a rental property, and k took the respondent hotneo'Amers, who live in Ocoee, ahnost siK rnonths to do simple repais. .Vember Holmes, seconded ky .11ember Elliision, Ynoved in Case 99-167, to impose a fine and lien as of Februa?y 2, 2000 in the amount of S1,500, Alember Holmes, seconded ky.,Ifember Skiles, moved to amend the amount qf theftne and lien to SI, 300, Amended motion carried 7-,Q, and original motion cis amended carried 7-0, Case 00-010, Juan Ayala & Junior Ayala, 410 Little SpI* Hill it Office r Lo e ff le r Violation cited: 108-20 B; 108-22; 108-23 14(2), 0; 108-24 D; ITEC 110-12 ;L; NEC 370-25; 108-12 D 12-14-99 - ITOCV Re-insp�ection Data: 01-04-00 01-10-00 - SUV 02-10-00 - 110H Meeting Date: 2-25-00 01-10-00 - A Mail Z 333 613 796 4Juan kyala'p 01-10-00 - POS Mail Z 333 613 797 �Junior Ayala) 01-13-00 - POS Hand Deli-,,rery 01-2S-00 - 3a4PLIU1CZ ORDER: CoMly as of 2-1-00 or pay $100 per day 02-03-00 - AFFIDAVIT OF YMI-CCIIPLIANCE: As to IrEC 110-12A Observation: Did not schedule as re -inspection to verify correction of the Mimim= Housing inspection. Code Enforcement Officer Loeffler, haviig been swoM gaNt a brief tTdate to the histon., of the case. He was out of toixii on Februaty 1, 2000 and Officer Siegrist handled this case during that time. Officer Siegfist stated that the, oi�ners ivere in compli2axe on 2-1-00 on ever�lhmg but NEC I 10- 12A, and that dw owners are trying to con#�. I (','.ode Enforcein .at Ma"llou S Vice -Chairman Lenko, seconded kV.Member Skiles, moved to continue Case 00-010 to March 28, 2000. Motion carried 7-0. Case 00-012, Lorenzo Landa, 808 NVurst Road Officer Loeffler Viclation cited: 108-23 Q; IOS-SS 11-30-99 NOI-11 Re -inspection Date: 01-04-00 01-10-00 SC71 01-10-00 ITOH Meeting Date: 1-25-00 01-10-00 Pos M�ail Z 333 613 200 01-13-00 POS Hand Delivery 01-2S-00 EXHIBITS A '; B 01-25-00 MIPLIMICE ORDER: C=vply by 2-1-00 or pay $250 per violation, per day 02-03-00 AFFIDAVIT OF NUT-MIPLIANCE: Re -inspected 2-3-00 Cbservation: Two dilapidated, rotted accessory structures with mattresses, strong urine odar, personal effects/toiletries, exposed wiring. Code Enforcement, Officer Loeffler, having been sworn, gave a brief history of de case. The, property is still not in cornphanct. Vice -Chairman Lenko, seconded by3fentber Konicek, moved in C'ase 00-012'to impose aftne and lien of S500 pet, day, as of Februwy 2, 2000. lfotioncarried7-0, Chairtnan Linebarier stated that the order irnposing ffie and hen on Case 99-143 was recorded on February 4, 2000. Chainnan Linebarier asked about Case 99-111 and was ad%rised that the City 1Aas ii the process of foredosiw the $11,000 hen. He was also advised that Case 99-151 had paid tfie fine, but that Case 99- 152 did not yet pay. There has bee�n no contact Aidi the respondents on Case 00- OOi2. Vice-Chainnan Lenko asked about the amml conkrence for the Florida Association of Code, Enfbrcernent. She was advised that Jt ivill be Jmie, 16- 20 (Clerks Note the rnee*, is actually June 21-214), and When the, broclures are received Supervisor Simon will provide them to the Board. Vice -Chairman Lenko stated she would ask foT fimds tom dx City to attend. Commissioner Anderson suggested that she place the issue on the Cornniission agenda. Commissioner Anderson made a brief statenrnt to the Board. He stated that although the City Cotmiussion sets pohcy, the Coninussion would welcome any gtWance forn dr, Code Enforcernent Code F'ebn,i,;ixv 20100 Board regarding repeat violators, A brief discussion ensued about repeat offenders, computer tracking systerm and the updates to Chapter 7. Roseman, Wilsen ittroduced herself at the request of the Board. She is a candidate for the C'iy Conur�ssioA District 2, rwining agadmt Scott Anderson and Martha Lopez -Anderson. Supervisor Simon stated that she has been re'�iewmg older fks, so the Board will beg: ,in to see foreclosures on hens soon. She stated that she looked fbnvard to seeing, everyone at the volutiteer barbeque dus Saturday. Member Hohnes stated that the vokinteer barbeque is on Saturday, Februai�, 26th from 4.00 to 6.00 p.m at the Jin Beech receation center. He also stated that elecWn day is March 14, 2000. He then stated be Nva,s wearing lus Boy Scott un&nn in honor of the 90th an=ersary of Boy Scoutiig, being celebrated this tnonth. Meeting adjourned at 835 pm. g Robin Rawis, Buffling Clett John H. Linebarier, Chaft=n