HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03 Approval for Appointment of a Districting Commission, in Accordance with the City of Ocoee Charter, Article XI, Section C-66 ocoee
Meeting Date: July 20, 2021
Item # 3
Reviewed By:
Contact Name: Melanie Sibbitt Department Director: Mel ie Sib'd
Contact Number: Ext. 1026 City Manager: ' 4'
Subject: Appointment of a Districting Commission, in Accordance wi,h.the City of Ocoee
Charter, Article XI, Section C-66.
Background Summary:
Article XI, Section C-66 of the Charter provides: The City Commission shall establish a Districting Commission
after April 1, 2021 or within three (3) months of receipt of the 2020 census data, whichever is earlier, and every
ten (10) years thereafter a new Districting Commission shall be appointed by the City Commission within three
(3) months of receipt of the relevant census data. A Districting Commission may also be appointed by the City
Commission at such other times as deemed necessary by the City Commission. The Districting Commission
shall consist of five (5) members and a first and second alternate member who shall be appointed by majority
vote of the City Commission and who shall serve on such commission for a term of one (1) year, unless such
term is extended by the City Commission.
Due to COVID 19, the U.S. Census Bureau announced that it will deliver the Public Law 94-171 redistricting
data to all states by September 30, 2021.
On May 18, 2021, the City Commission voted unanimously to allow residents to apply by June 11, 2021, for
consideration to be appointed to the Districting Commission. Only one application was submitted for the
Districting Commission by the June 11th deadline: therefore, at the June 15, 2021, City Commission Meeting
the City Clerk requested consensus from the City Commission to have them each provide her with a name and
contact information for any resident who may be interested to serve on the board so that at the July 20th
meeting the City Commission may vote to appoint those interested residents to the board.
The following nominations have been received:
• Mayor— Lou Forges
• Commissioner Brinson—Adrian Davis
• Commissioner Wilsen —Thomas Lowrie
• Commissioner Firstner—Jim Moyer
• Commissioner Oliver—Joel Keller
Additional applications were received by Ocoee residents Jason Mellen and Brad Lomneck. Staff is requesting
the City Commission to consider the appointment of Mr. Mellen as first alternate and Mr. Lomneck as second
In accordance with Section C-66 of the City Charter, the City Commission shall appoint, by majority vote, a
Districting Commission consisting of five (5) members and a first and second alternate member after April 1,
2021 or within three (3) months of receipt of the 2020 census data.
Staff recommends the Honorable Mayor and Commissioners appoint a Districting Commission consisting of the
five (5) nominations received; and further consider the appointment of Mr. Mellen and Mr. Lomneck as first and
second alternate members, all for a term of one year, in accordance with Section C-66 of the City Charter.
Charter; Article XI, Single-Member Districts
Board Application(s)
Financial Impact:
Type of Item: (please mark with an x
Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use:
Ordinance First Reading j1 Consent Agenda
Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing
Resolution -Regular Agenda
Commission Approval
X Discussion&Direction
Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney N/A
Reviewed by Finance Dept. N/A
Reviewed by () N/A
§ C-66. - Establishment of Districting Commission; alternate members; absences. [Amended 10-3-2017
by Ord. No. 2017-0251a]
A. (1) Appointment of members. The City Commission shall establish a Districting Commission
after April 1, 2021 or within three (3) months of receipt of the 2020 census data, whichever
is earlier, and every ten (10) years thereafter a new Districting Commission shall be
appointed by the City Commission within three (3) months of receipt of the relevant census
data.A Districting Commission may also be appointed by the City Commission at such other
times as deemed necessary by the City Commission. The Districting Commission shall
consist of five(5) members and a first and second alternate member who shall be appointed
by majority vote of the City Commission and who shall serve on such commission for terms
of one (1) year, unless such terms are extended by the City Commission.
(2) Alternate members shall serve as a regular member of the Districting Commission; provided,
however, an alternate member may not vote on a matter unless a member is absent. If a member
is absent, the first alternate may vote on a matter in the place of the absent member. If a second
member is absent, the second alternate may vote on a matter in the place of the second absent
(3) Absence by any member, including the alternates, from three (3) meetings of the Districting
Commission shall result in automatic removal of the absent member and vacation of the seat of
the absent member, whether such member's absence is excused or unexcused.
B. Removal; vacancies.
(1) Removal. Any member of the Districting Commission may be removed by the City
Commission in accordance with the following procedures:
(a) The City Commission shall adopt by affirmative vote of a majority of all its members a
preliminary resolution which must state the reasons for removal.A copy of the resolution
shall be promptly delivered to the member of the Districting Commission sought to be
(b) Within five (5) days after a copy of the resolution is delivered to the member sought to
be removed, such member may file with the City Commission a written reply and/or a
written request for a public hearing. This hearing shall be held at a City Commission
meeting no earlier than fifteen (15) days and no later than thirty (30) days after the
request is filed.
(c) The City Commission may adopt by affirmative vote of a majority of all its members a
final resolution of removal, which may be made effective immediately. Such resolution,
if adopted, must be adopted no earlier than six (6) days and no later than thirty (30)
days from the date a copy of the preliminary resolution was delivered to the member
sought to be removed, if such member has not requested a public hearing. If such
member has requested a hearing, such resolution, if adopted, must be adopted within
forty-five (45) days from the date of the hearing.
(2) Vacancies. In the event of a vacancy on the Districting Commission, the first alternate will
assume the vacant seat. In the event of a second vacancy on the Districting Commission,
the second alternate will assume the vacant seat. If any vacancy occurs in the Districting
Commission and no alternate member is available to assume the vacant seat, a qualified
individual shall be appointed by the City Commission to serve in place of the member who
created the vacancy. Such vacancy shall be filled within thirty (30) days after the vacancy
C. Powers and duties.
(1) The Districting Commission shall serve as an advisory body to the City Commission with
respect to the redistricting of the geographic boundaries of the four (4) single-member
districts of the City of Ocoee.
(2) Upon its appointment in 2021, the Districting Commission shall review the most current,
official census data, together with all other data relevant to the adjustment of geographic
boundaries of the four(4) single-member districts.
(3) The Districting Commission shall prepare a report to the City Commission containing
recommendations, if any, for the adjustment of district boundaries.
(4) All recommendations concerning the geographic boundaries of single-member districts shall
be prepared in compliance with the legal standards relating to redistricting including but not
limited to the following criteria:
(a) Each district shall be formed of compact, contiguous territory and shall be as
rectangular as possible. To the extent possible, the boundary lines of each district shall
follow the center lines of streets.
(b) The districts shall be based upon the principle of equal and effective representation as
required by the United States Constitution.
(c) The boundaries of each district shall, to the extent possible, be aligned with the
boundaries of the county precincts within the city and with the boundaries of the city.
(d) All reports containing recommendations shall include a map that sets forth the
proposed boundaries of each district.
D. Recommendations to the City Commission. All reports of the Districting Commission shall be
available to the public and submitted to the City Commission in accordance with such reasonable
deadlines as may be established by the City Commission or as may otherwise be required by
law. Within two (2) months of the receipt of any such reports, the City Commission shall accept
or reject the recommendations contained therein, or the City Commission may send such reports
back to the Districting Commission for further study and consideration. The subsequent
redistricting of the geographic boundaries of the four (4), single-member districts shall be done
by ordinance by the City Commission; provided, however, that the City Commission shall not
redistrict such boundaries until after receipt of a report from the Districting Commission containing
recommendations relating thereto, unless the Districting Commission fails to deliver its report by
the deadline established by the City Commission.
E. Officers. The Districting Commission shall create and elect appropriate officers as it deems
necessary for the orderly conduct of its specific duties.
F. Support. It shall be the responsibility of the Planning Department, or such other department as
may be designated by the City Manager,to provide technical data and assistance to the Districting
Commission. City staff shall also be available to assist the Districting Commission as needed.
G. Expenses. The City Commission shall appropriate funds to defray reasonable expenses of the
Districting Commission.
--- (1) ---
Editor's Note: This ordinance was approved by the electorate of the City of Ocoee by referendum on 3-
13-2018. Said ordinance provided for an effective date of 6-1-2018.
Authentlslgn ID:621FCBD4-OFCS-4681•A2A0.046717F16AA9
Please use this form to apply for appointment to a citizen advisory or quasi-judicial board.
�� Completed applications must be signed and submitted to the Ocoee City Clerk, 150 N. Lakeshore
,ram t
Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761 or faxed to 407-905-3168. All submitted applications are public records
0 CO e e under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes,and are open to inspection by all persons.
Name Lou Forges E-mail Address(forges@gmail.com
Home Address 1270 Dusty Pine Drive,Apopka, FL 32703
Home Telephone 407-592-7710 Cell phone:407-592-7710
Place of Work(Name)Valiant Realty Group Position(Title) Broker
Business Address 112 S Bluford Ave.,Ocoee, LF 34761
US Citizen? [X]Yes [ ]No Registered Voter? [X]Yes [ ] No District#Ocoee--District 1 Orange CTY 2
City Resident at Least 6 Months? [X]Yes [ ] No City Employee? [ ]Yes [X] No Dept.
Presently Serve on Quasi-judicial Board? [X]Yes [ ] No If yes, please describe Ocoee P &Z
State law prohibits service on more than one quasi-judicial board or elected/appointed office.
Please indicate the board(s) for which you seek appointment by the City Commission. Financial disclosure
and/or background checks are required for certain citizen board members; see footnotes.
Citizen Advisory Council for Fire Dept.2 Parks& Recreation Advisory Board2
Citizen Advisory Council for Police Dept.2 Planning&Zoning Commission1
Code Enforcement Board' Personnel Board
General Employees' Retirement Trust Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Trust
Fund Board of Trustees' Fund Board of Trustees1
Human Relations Diversity Board2 X 27/..0r/ Y/y �p�rnmissla�
to 1 Financial disclosure forms must be submitted after appointment a quasi-judicial board.
2 Background checks are required before a member may participate in public-contact events,
Have Attended at Least 1 Meeting of Requested Board(s)? [ ] Yes [ ] No You are strongly encouraged to
attend at least one meeting of any board for which you seek appointment prior to submitting your
Please describe your qualifications for each board indicated above:
I currently serve on the Planning&Zoning Commission,my years of being a citizen of the city and my profession
as a real estate Broker have proven to be valuable assets to the board;furthermore,1 am committed to continue
to serve faithfully, professionally and to the best of my abilities
By my signature below, I attest that the information provided herein is true and correct, and I acknowledge
and agree that a background check will be required when my duties include contact with the public.
C llhenfi:'c
Signature a7 Date 02/10/2
2/10/2021 5:65:50 PM EST
You may attach additional supporting information. Applications are valid for one (1) year from the date of
submission. Please direct any questions to the Office of the City Clerk,407-905-3105.
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Adrian Davis adrianraydavisgmail.com
1527 Dusty Pine Drive
Keurig DrPepper District Sales Supervisor
1181 Tradeport Drive Orlando, FL
Districting Commission
Community leader, Ocoee resident for 4 years, well informed
great communication, lifelong Florida resident, board member experience
Please use this form to apply for appointment to a citizen advisory or quasi-judicial board.
%-0,-..,, \-744:07 Completed applications must be signed and submitted to the Ocoee City Clerk, 150 N. Lakeshore
Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761 or faxed to 407-905-3168. All submitted applications are public records
0 C 0 under Chapter 119,Florida Statutes,and are open to inspection by all persons.
Name /A0?n2,.s' L 0 ,,'PI C E-mail Address
Home Address /O 3.5— Red Aa)d/ Pr,
Home Telephone _/a, Cellphone .H,7— 7 2/—+925
Place of Work(Name) Re z tr. 4d Position(Title)gas/res3 DAerailio>as Mgr
Business Address h/a
US Citizen? D.(]Yes [ I No Registered Voter? [)(]Yes [ ]No District# 2
City Resident at Least 6 Months? pi Yes [ ] No City Employee? [ I Yes [XI No Dept.
Presently Serve on Quasi-judicial Board? [ ]Yes IX1 No If yes,please describe
State law prohibits service on more than one quasi-judicial board or elected/appointed office.
Please indicate the board(s) for which you seek appointment by the City Commission, Financial disclosure
and/or background checks are required for certain citizen board members; see footnotes.
Citizen Advisory Council for Fire Dept.2 Parks&Recreation Advisory Board2
Citizen Advisory Council for Police Dept.2 Planning&Zoning Commission)
Code Enforcement Boards Personnel Board
General Employees' Retirement Trust Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Trust
Fund Board of Trustees1 Fund Board of Trustees1
Human Relations Diversity Board2 X DiSZirice/n? cep?rni.ss/e7)
1 Financial disclosure forms must be submitted after appointment to*6 quasi-judicial board.
2 Background checks are required before a member may participate in public-contact events.
Have Attended at Least 1 Meeting of Requested Board(s)? [ ] Yes p(] No You are strongly encouraged to
attend at least one meeting of any board for which you seek appointment prior to submitting your
Please describe your qualifications for each board indicated above _Z` am a rapcerpeal c/vixen
vvAe cares very muclr For our. city 4)4 warmed foe f'Lat` saeAdisZriee
iS fairly rc reser id, .1 .crept 4/e ?`'years .5)4s-liA1 E 9i ietrialy
s1e Bys.4es5 044e ..b;r1f
By my signature below, I attest that the information provided herein is true and correct, and I acknowledge
and agree that a/backg�rouund check will be required when my duties include contact with the public.
Signature > ..�� �'�� Date 0.(4.7,/g /
You may attach additional supporting information. Applications are valid for one (1) year from the date of
submission. Please direct any questions to the Office of the City Clerk, 407-905-3105.
s Please use this form to apply for appointment to a citizen advisory or quasi-judicial board.
Completed applications must be signed and submitted to the Ocoee City Clerk, 150 N. Lakeshore
Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761 or faxed to 0 - su
bmitted 7 905-3168. All subm�tt d applications are public records
O C_o e Q under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes,and are open to inspection by all persons.
Name C t Y'i/j � `5 1 � ( ��' -r .. E-mail Address )Y✓I 1?C;yP i i gC i'lfrk '7,
Home Address ( R l 1.><°>L{C J'1 ek V i 1 k "a ir,,f e , Occo..e F l "? t/77(r.
Home Telephone AO(' Cellphone -J V. 67 C/ / ../C�
Place of Work(Name) H L-t, ( ()Al' Position (Title)
Business Address j
US Citizen? [ Yes [ ) No Registered Voter? [ Yes [ J No District# 14
City Resident at Least 6 Months? VYes [ ] No City Employee? [ ]Yes [ No Dept. -
Presently Serve on Quasi-judicial Board? [ ]Yes No If yes, please describe
State law prohibits service on more than one quasi-judicial board or elected/appointed office.
Please indicate the board(s) for which you seek appointment by the City Commission. Financial disclosure
and/or background checks are required for certain citizen board members;see footnotes,
Citizen Advisory Council for Fire Dept.2 Parks&Recreation Advisory Board2
Citizen Advisory Council for Police Dept.2 Planning&Zoning Commission'
Code Enforcement Board' Personnel Board
General Employees' Retirement Trust Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Trust
Fund Board of Trustees' Fund Board of Trustees'
Human Relations Diversity Board2 Potpictin.9 `tr, ji#6-3-ion
'Financial disclosure forms must be submitted after appointment to a quasi-judicial board.
2 Background checks are required before a member may participate in public-contact events.
Have Attended at Least 1 Meeting of Requested Board(s)? I ] Yes , No You are strongly encouraged to
attend at least one meeting of any board for which you seek appointment prior to submitting your
Please describe your qu lifications for e ch board.indicated Above )C t-- ecjE}<. �`"i ..4
P.P C f'C-,�--- �1 J-2 C, C. -MC,St=�/�,' 44_,i0/1 s )0' ')r /qqf C. r
_ a . ' ; Ov L e 1 C' W9 "Uf-, t'i/cY 7/U _,•` ' C_',P
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2 14fL'(Os: -Rcl'l -{"OA C 1 Carl r'Gi2//e .. C�t�:'y cowiGI f ; A 'R t Ae-? 1 /j f 1". c�/'fe't,tf /5:
oil C i t`>,,. C, ^;/z't r�%1 GPWt t'`��y /2<.'.`-'R< .f C ii!'[fr!i I -:� I ll.. V ,Lc,./ r , 0 f -vm f j/1
By my signature below, I attest that the information provided herein is true and correct,and I acknowledge
and agree that a background deck will be required when my duties include contact with the public.
Signature '.. ` r -'' 7' '''' Date 1;'! % '"
You may attach additional supporting information. Applications are valid for one (1) year from the date of
submission. Please direct any questions to the Office of the City Clerk, 407-905-3105.
`: Please use this form to apply for appointment to a citizen advisory or quasi-judicial board.
c Completed applications must be signed and submitted to the Ocoee City Clerk,150 N. Lakeshore 44
Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761 or faxed to 407-905-3168. All submitted applications are public records
o(.(_)e e under Chapter 119,Florida Statutes,and are open to inspection by all persons,
(iorRio jName JDi 'K�.! '-e k t '�l
_ E-mail Address �� �eY'e.G � Y"y`• �� �-�
HomeAddress,O21 �1�h lee-Woo d G,yi.4r4 Occ) -e- f"L 31/7 /
Home Telephone - Ceilphone I/67.- ci/ -- 3 3
Place of Work(Name) )40 1-e6-4 -e./ )' l4.4 re. Position(Title) 4(.--15-0A✓ 19dh-i r,-✓
Business Address S 600. V,-/e /3)•-/ Vic ,ce4 l le-le Or 14 / o FL S'ZP1/
US Citizen? [{Yes [ ] No Registered Voter?\(i/�J Yes [ ]No District if 9
City Resident at Least 6 Months? [ ]No CityEmployee?Yes p y [ ]Yes No Dept.
Presently Serve on Quasi-Judicial Board? ( ]Yes [ ]No if yes, please describe
State law prohibits service on more than one quasi-judicial board or elected/appointed office.
Please Indicate the board(s) for which you seek appointment by the City Commission, Financial disclosure
and/or background checks are required for certain citizen board members; see footnotes,
Citizen Advisory Council for Fire Dept.2 Parks&Recreation Advisory Board2
Citizen Advisory Council for Police Dept.2 Planning&Zoning Commission'
Code Enforcement Board' Personnel Board
General Employees' Retirement Trust Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Trust
y Fund Board of Trustees' _ Fund Board of Trustees'
Human Relations Diversity Board2 ✓ '71s�'a- -/'n bpi nry1,'.SS D1'1
'Financial disclosure forms must be submitted after appointment to quasi-judicial board.
2 Background checks are required before a member may participate In public-contact events.
Have Attended at Least 1 Meeting of Requested Board(s)? V] Yes [ ] No You are strongly encouraged to
attend at least one meeting of any board for which you seek appointment prior to submitting your
Please describe your ualificatlons for each/ oard indicated above e, Corw��'SS/0iver �00/•- .0/
i"? i-o 16w 09dV #.So,"l Cb r-7,41 rWC'•6- 200 "- 2b/s1
0es"-e.-1 IC/iiNnii `Z0iv#1 Co0Y•rtirss oP✓ r2,o02 -Zoo. ) ..:2,04,-"�20 2 i
C)em e-e.. e- ilt P C.vg/7-71'1 r Ge" l o! 9 e
By my signature below, I attest that the information provided herein is true and correct, and I acknowledge
and agree that a b t gro nd the k will a required when my duties include contact with the public.
Signature pate 0/9-4
You may attach additional supporting information. Applications are valid for one (1) year from the date of
submission. Please direct any questions to the Office of the City Clerk,407-905-3105,
This Applicant Information Form,when completed and filed with the City Clerk's Office,
is a PUBLIC RECORD under Chapter 119,Florida Statutes,and therefore,is open to
public inspection by any persons.
1. Name: Andrew Jason Mellen E-mail Address:Jasonmellen74@gmail.com
2. Home Address:2137 New Victor Rd Home Phone: 817-913-7698
City,State,Zip: Ocoee,Florida,34761
3. Business:Avcon Inc_ Business Phone:407-599-1122
Business Address: 5555 E.Michigan Ave,Suite 200,Orlando Florida 32822
4. Brief Summary of Qualifications and Experience:Have worked in the Construction and Building
industry For the past 25 years as a Senior Structural Designer and Design Team Manager working
with BIM technologies.Specializing in Retail,Commercial and Schools and the structural design
there of. The past 4 years i have been employed with a company focusing on Airport Planning.I
also have experience in Civil and Roadways,and well as experience in the design of restaurants.I
am very familiar with construction documents and project management of said documents.
5. Are you a U.S.citizen? Yes: X_ No:
Are you a registered voter? Yes:_X_ No: District#1: 4
6. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yes: X_ Nfa:
7. Do you hold public office? Yes: No: X_
8. Are you employed by the City? Yes: No:_X_
9. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes: No: X
10. Please attach any information that would assist Conunission in making appointments.
*Code Enforcement Board Human Relations Diversity Board
*Board of Adjustment Parks& Recreation Advisory Board
Community Grant Review Board Personnel Board
Citizen Advisory Council of Fire `Planning &Zoning Commission
Citizen Advisory Council of Police *Police Officers'and Firefighters'
Department(CACOPD) Retirement Trust Fund Board of
*General Employees'Retirement y OTHER:
Trust Fund Board of Trustees /0/1
City of Ocoee• 150 N.Lakeshore Drive• Ocoee,Florida 34761
Phone: (407)905-3100 ■Fax: (407)905-3168 ■Website: www.ocoee.org
` ".n
,i- ,._ .4,.,,
Please use this form to a 1 fora ointment to a citizen adviso or uasi-udicial board.
pp Y pp N q j
Com leted a lications must be si ned and submitted to the Ocoee City Clerk, 150 N. Lakeshore
p pp g
_,- Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761 or faxed to 407-905-3168. All submitted applications are public records
0 CO e e under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes,and are open to inspection by all persons.
Name Brad Lomneck E-mail Address blomneckl @gmail.com
Home Address 957 Veronica Cir Ocoee, FL 34761
Home Telephone 321 689-0732 Cellphone 321 689-0732
Place of Work(Name) Spectrum Enterprise Position (Title) Strategic Account Manager
Business Address 485 N Keller Rd Maitland, FL
US Citizen? [x]Yes [ ] No Registered Voter? [x]Yes [ ] No District# 2
City Resident at Least 6 Months? [x]Yes [ ] No City Employee? [ ]Yes [x] No - Dept.
Presently Serve on Quasi-judicial Board? [x]Yes [ ] No If yes, please describe Code Enforcement Board
State law prohibits service on more than one quasi-judicial board or elected/appointed office.
Please indicate the board(s) for which you seek appointment by the City Commission. Financial disclosure
and/or background checks are required for certain citizen board members;see footnotes.
Citizen Advisory Council for Fire Dept.2 Parks &Recreation Advisory Board'
Citizen Advisory Council for Police Dept.2 Planning&Zoning Commission'
Code Enforcement Board' Personnel Board
General Employees' Retirement Trust Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Trust
Fund Board of Trustees1 Fund Board of Trustees'
Human Relations Diversity Board2 X vls7-ric_A'rti 6�+�rr &'67, jd/7
'Financial disclosure forms must be submitted after appointment to aJquasi-judicial board.
2 Background checks are required before a member may participate in public-contact events.
Have Attended at Least 1 Meeting of Requested Board(s)? [x] Yes [ ] No You are strongly encouraged to
attend at least one meeting of any board for which you seek appointment prior to submitting your
Please describe your qualifications for each board indicated above I have served on the Code Enforcement Board for a full term.
I have also served on The City of Winter Garden Code Enforcement Board for several years.I have a building material and construction background.
I have been in the city for over 6 years.and our family are life long Ocoee citizens.
I can bring a young voice to the board to help with the new changes to our city.
By my signature below, I attest that the information provided herein is true and correct, and I acknowledge
and agree that a background check will be required when my duties include contact with the public.
Signatu Date 7-10-2019
You may attach additional supporting information. Applications are valid for one (1) year from the date of
submission. Please direct any questions to the Office of the City Clerk, 407-905-3105. I,