HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-10-2021 Minutes ocoee Ocoee Youth Council Minutes March 10, 2021 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Nathan Clarke at 6:15 pm in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee. He then led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Recording Clerk Landry performed roll call and declared a quorum present. PRESENT: Chairperson Nathan Clarke, Vice-Chairperson Sia, Member Bellamy, Member Ashley Clarke, Member Garber, and Member Phillips Also Present:Commissioner Oliver,City Clerk Sibbitt,OYC Coordinator Dillard,and Recording Clerk Landry APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Chairperson Nathan Clarke turned the Board's attention to the February 10, 2021, minutes. Member Ashley Clarke, seconded by Member Phillips, moved to approve the Ocoee Youth Council Minutes for February 10, 2021. Motion carried unanimously. FACEBOOK WORKSHOP OYC Coordinator Dillard shared she is still waiting on Facebook to provide details,and explained that she is gathering information on another organization that offers a similar program. SPEED DETERRENT SIGNS&FLORIDA LEAGUE of CITIES (FLC) COMMUNITY SERVICE CONTEST Chairperson Nathan Clarke turned the Board's attention to the Speed Deterrent Sign Program and shared that he and Member Ashley Clarke placed signs in Arden Park. Member Ashley Clarke recounted their visit with a young resident and his mom. OYC Coordinator Dillard reminded the Council that the Speed Deterrent Sign Program will be the focus of their FLC Community Service Contest, and outlined the requirements for the essay. Vice-Chairperson Sia shared the 500-word essay she drafted and agreed to finalize it and ensure that all required detail elements are met. Each member shared their experience and expressed how the project impacted them. OYC Coordinator Dillard shared pictures of the Council distributing signs. After a brief discussion:By consensus,the Council selected five photos to include in the FLC Community Service Contest application. OYC Coordinator Dillard shared they still have several signs to distribute and suggested scheduling another afternoon to place signs out as a group. She asked students to look at their schedules and let her know which Sunday, near the end of March or the beginning of April, worked best for them. 1IPage • After a brief discussion: The Council determined the four neighborhoods to focus on would be Silver Glen,Silver Bend,Sawmill,and Arden Park. City Clerk Sibbitt offered to remind the Commission that they each have five (5)signs to distribute within their district. Consensus of the Board was to have City Clerk Sibbitt send an email to the Elected Officials reminding them about the Speed Deterrent Signs allotted for their district. Annette Brown, Ocoee resident, thanked the Youth Council for the Speed Deterrent Program and shared a heart-breaking story regarding her beloved family cat. OYC Coordinator Dillard inquired which neighborhood this occurred in and offered a sign. Annette Brown expressed a desire to have a sign in her yard. Larry Szrom, Ocoee resident and retired OCPS Chemistry teacher, introduced himself, thanked the Youth Council for doing a great job, and offered his assistance if ever needed. OYC Coordinator Dillard explained that she and Vice-Chairperson Sia would finalize the essay by March 15th and offered to email the completed application to all Board members for review. OYC BLOOD DRIVE Chairperson Nathan Clarke turned the Council's attention to the OYC Blood Drive. Member Garber shared she is still working with One Blood to finalize details, and agreed to email them to OYC Coordinator Dillard once confirmed. FLC YOUTH COUNCIL VIRTUAL SUMMIT Chairperson Nathan Clarke shared the date and time: Sunday, May 1, 2021,from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. OYC Coordinator Dillard asked students to look at their calendars and let her know if they could, or could not, attend.She also offered to host the webinar in her home,so that Members could attend the webinar together. City Clerk Sibbitt voiced that there may be some members who could not attend in-person at OYC Coordinator Dillard's home, and encouraged them to attend the virtual webinar if possible. (Heard out of order) Commissioner Oliver encouraged the youth to attend the FLC Youth Council Virtual Summit and offered to provide lunch to those that participate at OYC Coordinator Dillard's home. FLC ANNUAL CONFERENCE City Clerk Sibbitt shared the FLC will host its Annual Conference in Orlando on August 14th, and encouraged Members to save the date. COUNCIL COMMENTS- None 2IPage PUBLIC COMMENTS Jaila Hatch, Ocoee resident, introduced herself and shared her interest to join the OYC. Carla Medaeier, Ocoee resident, introduced herself and shared her desire to join the OYC. Commissioner Oliver thanked the Council for their hard work and dedication to the community, and shared his desire to increase public attendance at future OYC meetings. He expressed a personal commitment of reaching out to individuals who could offer resources and/or be mentors to those who seek it. Commissioner Oliver then shared over the past few months he had multiple interactions with the youth, and that it has been brought to his attention that there is a vast desire to have a skate park within the City of Ocoee, and encouraged the Council to brainstorm ways to help make this happen. He asked that they research how other Cities are doing it, to explore and consider which areas within the City a skate park would be best suited. He requested if the Council finds they are in favor of this project that they create a proposal to bring before the City Commission. He then asked that the presentation outline the pros and cons, as well as a detailed plan of action to bringing a skate park to the City of Ocoee. City Clerk Sibbitt shared that she had recently spoken to Parks and Recreation Director Johnson, who indicated to her that his Staff is currently researching this idea, and encouraged Members to reach out to him. She also urged them to inquire with other Cities about their liability waiver and/or policy. After a brief discussion Council agreed to explore the idea and bring it back to the April 14th OYC meeting. SET NEXT AGENDA Chairperson Nathan Clarke shared the next meeting will be held on April 14, 2021. Remaining Meeting Dates for 2021 • May 12, 2021 • June 09, 2021 • July 14, 2021 • August 11, 2021 • September 08, 2021 • October 13, 2021 • November 10, 2021 • December 08, 2021 ADJOURNED—7:17 pm ATTEST: APPROVED: Ornbsa Lan ail ifA,a4 Amber Landry, Recording Clerk OYC Board Member