HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #10 Repair and Rehabilitation of Lift Station #12 - 2990 Maguire Road AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: June 19, 2007 Item # 10 Contact Name: Contact Number: Charles K. Smith, P.E. 407 -905-3100 ext. 4000 Reviewed By: Department Director: Charles K. Smit City Manager: Robert Frank Subject: Repair and Rehabilitation of Lift Station #12 - 2990 Maguire Road Background Summary: Lift Station #12, a sub-master lift station located off of Maguire Road at the entrance to the City's South Water Plant, serves the majority of homes in the City's sewer service area south of the Florida Turnpike. The lift station's standpipes have corroded to a point that they are leaking profusely during pumping, which causes the station to over-cycle. If left in such a state of disrepair, the station will fail. A major issue that affects the cost of the work is the need to bypass pump raw sewage. In addition, the receiving manhole for Lift Station #12 has deteriorated to a point that rehabilitation is a necessity. The deterioration has been exacerbated by the inherent formation of hydrogen sulfide in the sanitary flows, which dissolves concrete. The manhole will be rehabilitated by coating its inside with a fiberglass liner. Both repairs were scheduled for the Fiscal Year 2006/2007 budget, with the lift station repair being carried over from the previous fiscal year. Staff recommends contracting with J&H Waterstop for both of the repairs, utilizing their contract with the City of Orlando. The lift station piping, installation of bypass pumps and lift station risers come to a cost of $27,844.00; and the rehabilitation of the receiving manhole with a fiberglass liner runs at a total of $7,177.00. Issue: Should City Commission approve the rehabilitation of the manhole and Lift Station #7 by J&H Waterstop, by way of piggybacking off of City of Orlando's contract #8107-2295-07. Recommendations Motion to accept the offer to repair Lift Station #7 and refurbish its receiving manhole at Lift Station #12, 2990 Maguire Road, in the total amount of $35,021.00; and to piggyback off of Contract #8107-2295-07 for the City of Orlando. Attachments: Copies of the quotes from J&H Waterstop, Inc., a copy of the contract with the City of Orlando from which we will piggyback for the work and a copy of the appropriate budget sheets. Financial Impact: The funds for the Lift Station repair ($47,250.00) have been carried over from the 2005/2006 CIP Budget, page 7 of chapter 9. The funds for the receiving manhole ($12,000.00) have been budgeted in the 2006/2007 CIP Budget, page 9 of chapter 9. 1 Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'J _ Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDt Use: _____ Consent Agenda Public Hearing _____ Regular Agenda _____ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _____ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) ~1,4# N/A N/A N/A 2 ,-.. May.31. 2007 7:31PM No. 3789 P. 1/1 W ATERSTOP, INC. No: 053107-1R \) ,\. '.1:;- Creating New Standards c~ \{ P.o. Box 741103 Orange Oty, FL 32774-1103 Scott Jorgensen, President omce: 800-421-8061 Fax: 386-774-9687 Email: jhwaterstop@netscape.net Job Description: Lift Station #12 Date: 05-31-07 Submitted to: Alan Pozar Company: City ofOcoee Fax number: 407-656-7416 We are pleased to quote labor and materials for the installation of submersible sewage pumps & discharge piping into a preset concrete wet well structure to include: - Furnish & install 8" tri-plex HDPE risers to MJ sleeves. - Furnish & install 6" x 8" SS base plates under existing bases. - Furnish & install by-pass pumps & piping with monitored service during repair. - Disposal of old ductile iron riser piping. - Grout wet well to stop water infiltration. - Furnish 10" x 6" FLG reducer for by-pass connection. TOTAL: $27,844.00 Note: City to provide vactor truck for cleaning of wet well prior to disassembly. Terms Net 30 Days All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike marmer according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra cost will be executed only upon written orders and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. This proposal is subject to acceptance within 30 days and is void 1hereafter at 1he option of the undersigned. Authorized Si!!llature: Raymond Rogers Sales Manager ~ May, 12. 2006 3:50PM No. 3983 P. 1/1 ,..-..-........-"'."'..-....-. i W ATERSTOP, INC. . Creating New Standards No: 051206-3R (1 . ()~ \\. >(., t' I {/ ,":' )' " \' \' ."1 ~! \ iJ <JY \}. 1//' \ ~;' .('j \ \/ Date: 06-12-06 Submitted to: Alan Pozar Company: City of Ocoee Fax number 407-656-7416 P.O. Box 741103 Orange City, FL 32774-1103 Scott Jorgensen, President Office: 800-421-8061 Fax: 386-774-9687 E mall: jhwatel'stop@netscape.net Job Description: LS #12 Collection Manhole Lining We are pleased to submit the following cost estimate: QUANTITY DESCRIPTION 1 Rehab MH 60" Dia. x 9'-08" deep with Fiberglass liner. 1 USF 170 "SANITARY" ring & cover marked "City of Ocoee" 2 8" Reliner drop bowls for incoming force mains. Note: ITEM $535.00 V.F. AMOUNT $5,350.00 $255.00 $786.00 ea. $1,572.00 Total $7,177.00 Tenns Net 30 Days All material is guanmteed to be 8lIllpOCified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike marmer according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra cost will be executed only upon written orders and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate, All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. This proposal is subject to acceptance within 30 days and is void 1hereafter at the option of the undersigned. Authorized Simature: Raymond Rogers Raymond E. Rogers IV Sales Representative Nextel: 158*5*4416' Cell: 386.8040963' Office: 800.421'806 Fax: 386.n4.9 . E-mail: jhwaterstop@netscape..' WATERSTOP,INC1' Cres/lntI. New Standtlrds P.O. Box 741103. Orange City, FL 32n4-1103 ~..... CAPITAl-PROGRAM FI5CAL YEARS 2006 - 2011 ,~ Draft Capl18llnveslmenl PrOllram Candidate Project Usl, Rev. 07T.l6l2006 I FY 07-08 Funding Date 0 typeo. ...., Leae! Tollll Cost FY05.o6 FY 06.07 FY08-D9 FY 09.10 FY 10.11 S~ Co~~,,~....t Cn~~""'''n' I SR 50 Road Widen'"" Project IRe10cele City utl"II18S $500,000 SO 250.000 250.000 SO SO $0 A,F Conslrucllon Is be hotlzon IDesign $250,000 $250,000 ICorlsllu<lion I Northern Rae aimed Water Dlsltlbutlon System sa 1 WalersKte Ne/ghborlJood (17BhomesJ sanSew $523,320 $523.320 $0 $0 SO SO SO C IExpanlf system 10 SIVer Gt811 Ne homes) sanSew $740,880 5140.880 SO SO $0 $0 $0 c homes) emro",eserveNa '185 SanSew $543,900 $543,900 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 c mw el9hlxxhoolf & others (198 homes! SanSew $582120 $582,120 $0 $0 $0 $0 50 C Polable Weier DIstrlbulton Svstem I~II new 11I8/11s, Phase 1,1, {(;I81/(a, C/8fC0r/8. 0c0e9, LaUf8n 89th) Waw $890.725 SO SO $434,600 $456,225 $0 SO A I Jamela to Forest Dilks Capacltv Transfer of Well '2 R8COOskuct KWI #2 Water 151160.000 SGO,ooo WOO.OOO $0 $0 ISO :jU AG DesIgn & Pennlllino $60,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 so Demolish Jamela water lank $145.600 $0 $I: $0 $0 SO Constroctioo $0 5600,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Uu" OnGoInG PrOGrams Mtn<< Waler Utl8 Reolacements & UDOIBdes Waler 75,000 $0 5.000 6.000 $75.000 $75,000 $75,000 A,G Fi'eh}'<1ftlnf. RePlacemenf arid New Waler 125,000 ISO 25,000 26,000 25.000 1$25.000 25.000 AG IMina Water menl Water Z1iO,oOO i >50,000 00,000 $50,000 $50.000 ~,OOO AG J~am,ary ~ewer Manhole Upgrades "' SanSew 60,000 12.000 12.000 512,000 $ 2,000 n 2,000 AG en! SanSew 125,000 25,000 26,000 25,000 $25.000 25.000 AG Total Fune!s Required for UUlltv Pro eets $22,308163 $3,670,570 $3,4lI5,865 $1,64&,500 $4.782,228 $6.812,000 $712.000 Parks & RecreatIon Projects Jim Booch Park ~ 1nst8l1 SO<:a/{ f/e(d concession stand P&R $100,000 :iO 100.000 1:iO ISO $0 A Itl$/8I1lighls at soccer- I/eId P&R 1~150,OOO 5150.000 B I'lIBse . Sflll8ll, eyl1aH courl, pavllons, nalllte trBl $2,000,000 $0 $0 $1,000.000 S1,ooo,ooo SO $0 D.F Perkslde/CovenllY Imslallll9hts at tennts COU1t P&R $25,000 SO 1$0 25,000 $0 1:ilI 0 A I Tlaer MInor Park IInstaR'l-1fId/ wsIIend i'rJaaIion SVSIem P&R 12,000 ISO $0 12,000 SO 0 A J Public Works Faclllly Ilnst8l14-1tlCII we/I P&R $8,000 SO SO ISO 158.000 1:iO W A Fundlng Sow... Codeo: A-<:urront OperaK"lJ R....... 1I-_lmpoe\Feoo ~....,. Bonds o-GlOllt8 800evolopw ContributIono foOIh<< G-RR H;()ther Impa<t Fees 9.9 P~by_91211200a CAPITAl.. PROGRAM FISCAL YEARS 2006 . 2011 Draft Caoltallnvestment Proaram Candldete Prolect LIst. Rev. 07n8l2006 T Lead I~ ~ FY 01\.07 El..OMll .E'lJlB..l!ll FY~1l FY 10.11 Funding Source Date 01 I Street ResurfacTnil Program MlJ eoore Rd.; to Indude reeonstJucIion of sadlons with base falure PH $1,092,1100 $360,000 $432,000 $300,000 $0 $0 SO A Reoonstruct Chetfeon Dr. PH 545,000 1545000 SO !SO ISO 0 ISO A Mil and r8Bl6face Ohio st. with brick PH $25.000 25 000 $0 :;0 I:IU SO ':jO A R9sWrace atl<1fOr relay Of/CK on l.alC8S/lO(e ur. ThIS-canoe and rehab stOl'mWIIlar sysIam. Lafayette SL 10 N. splillnto two X Lakewood Ave. PH $450,000 $450,000 SO $0 SO SO $11 A phases MlJ and rssudsce Blackwood Ave. PH $92,1100 ISO SO $92,000 1:jO W :jO A Resvtface muJ6pJe CilY.mallll8lned sI1eets PH $882.500 169.000 $321,000 $392,500 ISO II 0 A Sidewalk Construc:Uon Program I/nstsll sldewa/k$ Is ofway PH $197.0011 30,000 137,000 $3O,llOO ISO SO SO A Rlaht ofWav Immovement Proaram Enhance entrancewav slanina PW $140,000 15,000 25,000 $25,000 25,000 25,000 25.000 ^ Add righl of waif l PH $275,000 25,llOO 550,000 550,000 50,000 550,000 550.000 A /nstsll sItllet IIahlina PH $115,000 175,000 0 :;0 I:IU liU :ill A Toal Funda RllOulrvd lor Public Works Pro eels 53,86S,5l10 $1,312,000 $1,059,000 $969,5l1O $155,000 $155,000 $155000 Utility Projects (Water, Sanitary Sewer, and Reclaimed Water) Homeland SeCiiriiVVA Reoulrements Pro ect Waler $220,000 SO 120,000 S25,ooo 25,000 25.000 S26,ooo Ublilills S380,OOO :>II[ ,llOO 1S50,ooo 160,000 100,llOO II SO SanSew 1$40,425 $40,425 ISO ;0 IliU IliU 0 Waler & sanSew $450,000 SO $460,000 SO $0 $0 $0 $67.5lX 5382 500 Waler, Sewer, and Reclaimed Water Master Plan OrMIlte Percolallon Pond R...ratlna Studv IUiOl DiiMrtment Building Buld new depatfmanl offICe 8S stand-fJl0ll9 sln1cIura IDeslan Cons1ruction South R8(:lalmed Water Pumping StaUon Buld around s/onJae lank iO ISO SanSew 601,153 1_7,753 ISO :;0 :jO Lift Station 1 RehilfiJiliile III staHon 1Des1an - IConistruction SanSew 1588,800 588,800 ISO SO $16,000 $72,800 ISO ISO SO (Lift Station 12 "\1, TRehabli/a1e III stal10n "^ 7 I ConstrUdlOn Lift Stallon 22 - I ReoJaai 8nd le/ocale/i11 station l/lesJQn IAcqllb easements TConstnJc:tion SanSew 1$47,250 $47.250 0 SO $47,250 ;0 ISO :ill 94.500 $169,865 SO $16,000 $18,500 SanSew 254,365 50 so SO $159.865 Fund>1g -. CocIoo: A<Culront Oper.fng ROY..... _Impo<l FeN c-Rov",..._ _10 EaOovoloper ConlribuIlons f'kOIho< G"RR H=OIher Impoc:ll'ees 9-7 p'.....ed br_912112006 A A A.G A.H c A.G ^ A.G Type of r....";';'lIment RRJatarl P",IRctla\ Ii.' ,.,~ l'\ ( CITY OF ORLANDO ~~~~.~-IV"'~mIolllllll*i~~tj I!lIlT.f~~ll!.:tJ~1:lDlII April 23, 2007 .~ /\ Y I' ( ~~ \'.r Mr. Scott Jorgenson, Vice President J & H Waterstop, Inc. P.O. Box 741103 Orange City, FL 32774-1103 SUBJECT: Annual Agreement for Sanitary Sewer Lining and Manhole Rehabilitation, BID7 -2295-07 Dear Mr. Jorgensen: You are hereby awarded a contract under the subject solicitation in the estimated amount of $64,000 for a twelve-month period (beginning May 14,2007 and ending on May 13,2009). Moreover, this contract may be extended for four (4) additional twelve-month periods. While the solicitation requires a Payment and Performance Bond, it also allows this requirement to be waived when the award amount is $200,000.00 or less. Therefore, no bond is required at this time. However, please be advised that a Payment and Performance Bond will be required if by usage or renewal the total contract value will not exceed $200,000.00 in the future. This requirement is not only in accordance with the provisions of this contract but also is a requirement of Section 255.05(1)(a), Florida Statutes. Sincerely, o Mead, C.P.M. irector of Purchasing JMIap llIO\.~~'tIill\!IIift.~"o:'!.'G\"~'MI~.Nll\:LlI!'il~'~i\~'~~~~~1~~MJ<< OFFICE OF PuRCHASING AND MATERIALS MANAGEMENT CITY HALL · 400 SOUfH ORANGE A VENUE · P.O. Box 4990 · ORLANDO, PLoRIDA 32802-4990 TELEPHONE ~7-246.2291 · TELEFAX 407-246-2869 · http://www.cityoforlando.net " CITY OF ORLANDO \.. .. ~~i!i~~~~~"-q,~lMn!.: YRf~-"~~_~ '.t. April 23, 2007 y, v . \' c:X" \~.. \\ Mr. Scott Jorgenson, Vice President J & H Waterstop, Inc. P.O. Box 741103 Orange City, FL 32774-1103 SUBJECT: Annual Agreement for Sanitary Sewer Lining and Manhole Rehabilitation, BI07-2295-07 Dear Mr. Jorgensen: You are hereby awarded a contract under the subject solicitation in the estimated amount of $64,000 for a twelve-month period (beginning May 14,2007 and ending on May 13, 200B). Moreover, this contract may be extended for four (4) additional twelve-month periods. While the solicitation requires a Payment and Performance Bond, it also allows this requirement to be waived when the award amount is $200,000.00 or less. Therefore, no bond is required at this time. However, please be advised that a Payment and Performance Bond will be required ifby usage or renewal the total contract value will not exceed $200,000.00 in the future. This requirement is not only in accordance with the provisions of this contract but also is a requirement of Section 255.05(1)(a), Florida Statutes. Sincerely, o Mead, C,P,M. irector of Purchasing JMlap Joi~1;I.~)~:;.?:w..;:l;",","''<J..~~~~.~:~:-'.j.~~.'''''''~''''''l.;.''''~''~''''''''''lIli!l!~'lL'l"..1\.''''~1''-:h'''I;tV..~l):'',~.~'1;--,;~~'~~"''''.'''''-il,''~>M'l:'''\~'''~~'''''''~''\i:'''',".A~;;:1L~'',!'-3r~'-i'F...~~Il''....1:~i.I'l.~\'l.'\~..'ifo"'_\"'~"i:~';;.;.'t;~~,;...~!-J'tI\.'\"A':~':-~':~...a.t\.~~""~"t?~~'::'..,... OFFICE OF PURCHASING AND MATERIALS MANAGEMENT CITY HALL. 400 SOUTH ORANGE A VENUE' P.O. Box 4990 · ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32802-4990 TELEPHONE407-246-2291 · TELEFAX 407-246-2869 · http://www.cityoforlando.net J&H" 8107-2295-07 ANNUAL AGREEMENT FOR SANITARY SEWER LINING AND MANHOLE REHABILITATION .. THIS AGREEMENT, made thiS.a5~ of /tf'1l-1 L .2007, by and between the City of Orlando, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "City" and J & H Waterstop, Inc.. hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", for the term specified herein, with the City having the option of extending this Agreement for another period of time, upon a mutual agreement of the parties, agree as follows: WITNESSETH: I. SCOPE The Contractor is to perform the Work on Group III. Items 66-70 as defined in the Invitation to Bid and amendments on, if any, the Invitation to Bip and any amendments thereto being attached hereto as Exhibit "A", incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof as fully as if herein set forth. Unless othenvise specified herein, the Contractor is to furnish all materials, tools, equipment, manpower, and consumables to complete the Work. II. TERM OF AGREEMENT The period of this Agreement shall be for twelve (12) months, beginning on. Mav 14,2007 and ending on Mav 13. 2008. This Agreement may, by mutual written assent of the parties, be extended for four (4) additional twelve (12) month periods or portions thereof, up to a cumulative total of sixty (60) months. III. COMPENSATION The Contractor agrees to provide the services, equipment and materials as specified in its bid to the City at the cost specified in said bid and amendments, if any, the bid and any amendments thereto being attached hereto as Exhibit "B", incorporated by reference herein and made a part . hereof as fully as ifherein set forth. The amount as specified in Exhibit liB", may be increased or decreased by the City under the Extra Work provision of this Agreement, through the issuance of an Addendum, if applicable. Any prices specified in this Agreement or Addendum thereto, will remain firm for the term of this Agreement or Addendum. Office of Purchasing and Materials Management (SAACS) Page: I J & '1 8107.2295.07 IV. PAYMENT All invoices received by the City are payable within thirty (30) days from receipt, provided they have first been approved by the using department, and such department has accepted the Work. The City reserves the right, with justification, to partially pay any invoice submitted by the Contractor when requested to do so by the using department. All invoices shall be directed to the Accounts Payable Section, City of Orlando, P.O. Box 4990, Orlando, Florida, 32802-4990. NOTE: ALL INVOICES MUST CLEARLY INDICATE THE CITY AGREEMENT NUMBER AS STATED HEREIN. V. FISCAL YEAR FUNDING APPROPRIATION A. Specified Period Unless otherwise provided by law, a contract for supplies or services may be entered into for any period of time deemed to be in the best interest of the City, provided the term of the contract and conditions of renewal or extension, if any, are included in the solicitation and funds are available for the frrst fiscal period at the time of contract. Payment and performance obligations for succeeding fiscal periods shall be subject to appropriation by City Council offunds therefor. B. Cancellation Due to Unavailability of Funds in Succeedine Fiscal Periods When funds are not appropriated or otherwise made available to support continuation of performance in a subsequent fiscal period, the contract shall be canceled and the contractor shall be entitled to reimbursement for the reasonable value of any nonrecurring cost incurred but not advertised in the price of the supplies or services delivered under the contract or otherwise recoverable. VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS A. Patents and Copvriehts The Contractor shall pay all royalties and assume all costs arising from the use of any invention, design, process, materials, equipment, product or device in performance of the Work, which is the subject of patent rights or copyrights. Office of Purchasing and Materials Management (SAACS) Page: 2 , J & 11 BI07~2295-07 Contractor shall, at its own expense, hold harmless and defend the City against any claim, suit or proceeding brought against the City which is based upon a claim, whether rightful or otherwise, that the Work, or any part thereof, furnished under this Agreement, constitutes an infringement of any patent or copyright of the United States. The Contractor shall pay all damages and costs awarded against the City. B. Termination for Default 1. The performance of Work under this Agreement may be terminated by the Director of Purchasing, in whole or in part, in writing, whenever the Director of Purchasing shall determine that the Contractor has failed to meet the perfonnance requirements of this Agreement. 2. The Director of Purchasing has a right to terminate for default if the Contractor fails to make delivery of the supplies or perform the Work, or if the Contractor fails to perform the Work within the time specified in the Agreement, or if the Contractor fails to perform any other provisions of the Agreement. 3. Failure of a Contractor to deliver or perform the required Work within the time specified, or within a reasonable time as determined by the Director of Purchasing or failure to make replacements of rejected articles or Work when so requested, immediately or as directed by the Director of Purchasing, shall constitute authority for the Director of Purchasing to .purchase in the open market articles or Work of comparable grade to replace the articles or Work rejected, not delivered, nor completed. On all such purchases, the Contractor or his surety, shall reimburse the City, within a reasonable time specified by the Director of Purchasing, for any expense incurred in excess of the Agreement prices. 4. Such purchases shall be deducted from Agreement quantities. Should public necessity demand it, the City reserves the right to utilize services or use and/or consume articles delivered which are substandard in quality, subject to an adjustment in price to be determined by the Director of Purchasing. The Contractor shall not be liable for any excess costs if acceptable evidence has been submitted to the Director of Purchasing that failure to perform the Work was due to causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor. Office of Purchasing and Materials Management (SAACS) Page: 3 J&l:l 8107-2295-07 C. Termination for Convenience The Director of Purchasing may terminate the. Agreement for convenience with advance written notice to the Contractor. In the event of such a termination by the City, the City shall be liable for the payment of all Work properly performed prior to the effective date of termination and for all portions of materials, supplies, services, and facility orders which cannot be cancelled and were placed prior to the effective date of termination and other reasonable costs associated with the termination. D. Warranty The Contractor warrants that the Work including equipment and materials provided shall conform to professional standards of care and practice in effect at the time the Work is performed, be of the highest quality, and be free from all faults, defects or errors. Whenever required by the specifications of the Invitation to Bid, the Contractor warrants that all equipment and materials provided shall be new. If the Contractor is notified in writing of a fault, deficiency or error in the Work provided within one (1) year from completion of the Work, the Contractor shall, at the City's option, either reperform such portions of the Work to correct such fault, defect or error, at no additional cost to the City, or refund to the City, the charge paid by the City, which is attributable to such portions of the faulty, defective or erroneous Work, including the costs for reperformance of the work provided by other Contractors. E. Time of Completion The parties understand and agree that time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. The Contractor or City, respectively, shall not be liable for any loss or damage, resulting from any delay or failure to perfonn its contractual obligations within the time specified, due to acts of God, actions or regulations by any governmental entity or representative, strikes or other labor trouble, fire, embargoes, or other transportation delays, damage to or destruction in whole or in part, of equipment or manufacturing plant, lack of or ability to obtain raw materials, labor, fuel or supplies for any reason including default of suppliers, or any other causes, contingencies or circumstances not subject to the Contractor's or City's control, respectively, whether of a similar or dissimilar nature, which prevent or hinder the performance of the Contractor's or City's contractual obligations, respectively. Office of Purcbasing and Materials Management (SAACS) Page: 4 J & H 8107-2295-07 Any such causes of delay, even though existing on the date of the Agreement or on the date of the start of Work, shall extend the time of the Contractor's or City's performance respectively, by the length of the delays occasioned thereby, including delays reasonably incident to the resumption of nonnal Work schedules. However, under such circumstances as described herein, the City Director of Purchasing may at his discretion, cancel this Agreement for the convenience of the City. F. Indemnification and Insurance: 1. Indemnitv The Contractor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold hannless the City, its officers, agents, and employees, from and against any and all liability, claims, damages, demands, expenses, fees, fines, penalties, suits, proceedings, actions, and cost of actions, including attorneys' fees for trial and on appeal, and for the preparation of same arising out of the Contractor's, its officers', agents', and employees' acts, or omissions associated with this Agreement. 2. Insurance The Contractor, at its own expense, shall keep in force and at all times maintain during the term of this Agreement: (a.) Commercial General Liability Insurance: Commercial General Liability Insurance, issued by responsible insurance companies and in a form acceptable to the City, protecting and insuring against all the foregoing with coverage limits of not less than Five-Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) per occurrence for Bodily Injury and Property Damage. (b.) Automobile Liability Insurance: Automobile Liability coverage shall be in the minimum amount of Three-Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) per occurrence combined single limits for Bodily Injury and Property Damage. (c.) Workers' Compensation Covera2e: Full and complete Workers' Compensation Coverage, as required by State of Florida law, shall be provided. Office of Purchasing and Materials Management (SAACS) Page: 5 J&H, 8107.2295-07 (d.) Insurance Cel"tificates: The Contractor shall provide the City with Certificate(s) of Insurance on all the policies of insurance and renewals thereof in a fonn(s) acceptable to the City. Said Commercial General Liability policy shall provide that the City be an additional insured. The City shall be notified in writing of any reduction, cancellation or substantial change of policy or policies at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of said action. All insurance policies shall be issued by responsible companies who are acceptable to the City and licensed and authorized to do business under the laws of the State of Florida. G. Acceptance The City will be deemed to have accepted the Work after the Director of Purchasing is notified by the using Department of its satisfaction that the Work is completed. The Work under this Agreement shall remain the property of the Contractor until the City accepts it. In the event the Work furnished under this Agreement is found to be defective or does not conform to the specifications, the City reserves the right to cancel the Agreement upon written notice to the Contractor. H. Correction of Work The Contractor shall promptly correct all Work rejected by the City as faulty, defective, or failing to conform to this Agreement whether observed before or after substantial completion of the Work, and whether or not fabricated, installed or completed. The Contractor shall bear all costs of correcting such rejected Work. I. Ri2ht to Audit Records The City shall be entitled to audit the books and records of the Contractor or any sub-contractor to the extent that such books and records relate to the performance of this Agreement or any sub-contract to this Agreement. Such books and records shall be maintained by the Contractor for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement and by the sub-contractor for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under the sub-contract unless a shorter period is otherwise authorized in writing. Office of Purchasing and Materials Management (SAACS) Page: 6 J&H BI07 -2295-07 J. Time is of the Essence The parties agree that time is of the essence in the completion of the Work called for under this Agreement. The Contractor agrees that all Work shall be executed regularly, diligently, and uninterrupted at such a rate of progress as will ensure full completion thereof within the time specified. K. Information All information, data, designs, plans, drawings, and specifications furnished to or developed for the City by the Contractor or its employees, pursuant to this Agreement, shall be the sole property of the City and all rights therein are reserved by the City, except that the Contractor may disclose any such information to its corporate affiliates and their agents. L. Safetv Measures The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of the City's and Contractor's employees and the general.public and shall erect and properly maintain at all times all necessary vehicular and facility safeguards for the protection of the W orlanen and public. If necessary, the Contractor shall post signs warning against hazards in and around the Work site. M. Extra Work The City, without invalidating this Agreement, may order changes in the Work within the general scope of this Agreement consisting of additions, deletions, or other revisions, the Agreement price and time being adjusted accordingly. All such changes in the Work shall be authorized by a written Addendum to this Agreement, and shall be executed under the applicable conditions of the Agreement. If the Contractor plans to make a claim for an increase in the Agreement price or an extension in the Agreement Schedulerrerm, he shall first give the City written notice within ten (to) calendar days after the occurrence of the event giving rise to such a claim. This written notice shall be given by the Contractor to the City, and a written approval secured from the using Department and the Director of Purchasing, before proceeding to execute the Work, except in an emergency endangering life or property, in which case the Contractor shall immediately proceed. No claim for extra work will be considered valid by the City unless first submitted in writing. Office of Purchasing and Materials Management (SAACS) Page: 7 J & H 8107-2295-07 N. Familiarity With The Work TIle Contractor by executing this Agreement, acknowledges full understanding of the extent and character of the Work required and the conditions surrounding the performance thereof. The City will not be responsible for any alleged misunderstanding of the Work to be furnished or completed, or any misunderstanding of conditions surrounding the performance thereof. It is understood that the execution of this Agreement by the Contractor serves as his stated commitment to fulfill all the conditions referred to in this Agreement. O. Title and Risk of Loss The title and risk of loss to the Work shall pass from the Contractor to the City upon the City's final acceptance of the Work. VII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. The Contractor shall not employ subcontractors without the advance written permission of the Director of Purchasing. B. Assignment of this Agreement shall not be made without the advance written consent of the Director of Purchasing. C. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to the performance of Work under this Agreement. D. No waiver, alterations, consent or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by the Director of Purchasing or his designee. E. The Contractor is to procure all permits, licenses, and certificates, or any such approvals of plans or specifications as may be required by federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations, for the proper execution and completion of the Work under this Agreement. F. The Contractor shall at all times, keep the Work area free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by his operations, and promptly remove any such materials to an approved disposal location. G. All disputes between the parties shall be resolved in accordance with the City Purchasing Code, (Chapter 7 of the City Code). H. The Contractor is responsible for all damage or loss by fire, theft or otherwise, to materials, tools, equipment, and consumables, left on City property by the Contractor. I. This Agreement is considered a non-exclusive Agreement between the parties. Office of Purchasing and Materials Management (SAACS) Page: 8 J&H BI07-2295-07 J. This Agreement is deemed to be under and shall be governed by, and construed according to, the laws of the State of Florida. K. Any litigation arising out of this Agreement shall be had in the Courts of Orange County, Florida. L. The undersigned hereby certifies that this Agreement is made without prior understanding, agreement or connection with any corporation, firm or person who submitted bids for the Work covered by this Agreement and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. As to Contractor, the undersigned hereby warrants and certifies that they are is authorized to enter into this Agreement and to execute same on behalf of the Contractor as the act of the said Contractor. M. This Agreement, including any Exhibits hereto, contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other agreements, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind either party hereto. ************************************************************************************ Office of Purchasing and Materials Management (SAACS) Page: 9 J&H BI07-2295-07 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals on the date first written above. OFFICE OF PURCHASING AND MATERIALS MANAGEMENT CITY OF ORLANDO, FLOR A CONTRACTOR ~~ 81 a e By: Director JON MEAD Name, Typed or Printed D.ate: ~ J 5 .2007 Scott Jorgensen. President Name & Title, Typed or Printed J & H Waterstop. Inc; Name of Company, Corp., etc. P.O. Box 741103 Mailing Address Orange City. FL 32774-1103 City, State and Zip APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY for the use and reliance of the City of Orlando, Florida, only. Telephone: 3867744913 Telefax: 386 774 9687 Area Codeffelephone Number Date:r/ 2!J ~tf')}:/ McITY ATIORNEY ORLANDO, FLORIDA . 2007 SEAL S' a 5 ~'/IoIf\ )W""Sill V/t.l !(({,Jt/lf' Name & Title, Typed or Printed I Office of Purcbasing and Materials Management (SAACS) Page: 10 J&H 8107 -2295-07 STATE OF Florida \J OL.u. Sf A COUNTY OF 2007, by Scott Jorgensen the President The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~day of --.A~l L , and ~~ S~~ ,as \/'<!.E ~e'-'DfA3T . respectively, and on and behalf of J & H Watersto-p. Inc. He/she/they (is) (are) personally known to me "81 (fte~ (ha'le) pretivecd (Type ofIdentification*) as identification and (Qi4) (did not) take an oath. (SEAL} ... BUJ. C. WMMRIGHT. JR. ~'U MY COMMISSION I D0667974 EXPIRES: Auaust 18, 2010 8cnIed1lw NolIIy'Nlo~ l~ day of WITNESS my hand and official seal this My Commission Expires: Blleleolb ~Iw... e. WAlt4wRIt,ur,~. Typed, Printed or Stamped Name of Person Taking Acknowledgment ~Y2-ut>Llc. . TitlelRank of Person Taking Acknowledgment *Acceptable Form of ID pursuant to Florida Statute 117.05 (provided it is current or has been issued within the past 5 years and bears a serial or other identifying number): . a driver's license or non-driver's ill card issued by Florida or any other U.S. state or U.S. territory; . a U.S. passport or a foreign passport stamped by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service; . a U.S. military ID card; . a for an inmate in custody, an ill card issued by the Florida Department of Corrections; . Canadian or Mexican driver's license issued by an official agency; . an 10 card issued by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. Office of Purchasing and Materials Management (SAACS) Page: 11 Annual Agreement for Sanitary Sewer Lining and Manhole Rehabilitation INVITATION TO BID # BI07-2295 INVITATION TO BID You are invited to Bid on the following: Item No. Quantity 60. 1 61. 1 62. 1 63. 1 64. 1 65. 1 66. 10 67. 10 68. 10 -- V7. "^ LV 70 10 71. 10 Annual Agreement for Sanitary Sewer Lining and Manhole Rehabilitation Unit Description Per ft. 10 in. pipe, for job sizes from 1,001 ft. or more. Per ft. 12 in. pipe, for job sizes from 1 ft. to 1,000 ft. Per ft. 12 in. pipe, for job sizes from 1,001 ft or more. Per ft. 18 in. pipe, for job sizes from 1 ft. to 1000 ft. Per ft. 18 in. pipe, for job sizes from 1,001 ft. or more. Per ft. 24 in. pipe, for job sizes from 1 ft. to 1,000 ft. GROUP ID: THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF PREFABRICATED MANHOLE FffiERGLASS LINERS Unit Price Per Linear' Ft $ $ $ $ $ $ Total $ $ $ $ $ $ EA Fiberglass Liner installation for, 42, in. manhole, per $450.00 $4500.00 vertical foot of installation. EA Fiberglass Liner installation for 48, in. manhole, per $475.00 $4.750.00 vertical foot of installation. EA Fiberglass Liner installation for, 54, in. manhole, per $500.00 $5.000.00 vertical foot of installation. ~ . ~'" 1 T . ... n _ 1 .. ... .LJ....... .l.Jlll"'~ J.VJ., J"T, J.U. , P,"J. vertical fooL of tnsudlation. '" EA Fiberglass Liner installation for, 60, in. manhole, per $535.00 $5.350.00 vertical foot of installation. GROUP IV: THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF RICIP - POINT REPAIR EA RlCIP point repair 5 feet long (1 standard leg or Sleeve) for 12-in. size $ Total Bid (this page) $19.600.00 Office of Purchasing and Materials Management $ Page: 19