HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-20-2021 Supporting DocumentsORANGE COUNTY ORDINANCE BANNING THE RETAIL SALE OF DOGS, CATS, AND RABBITS. ON JUNE 22, 2021,THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION PASSED, BY A 4-3 VOTE A county -wide ordinance banning the retail sale of dogs, cats and rabbits. The ordinance prohibits the opening of any new pet store and allows existing pet stores to continue operating until June 22, 2022. All provisions of the ordinance shall be applicable throughout the incorporated and unincorporated areas of orange county. THERE ARE CURRENTLY 8 RETAIL PET STORES IN ORANGE COUNTY WHICH WILL BE REQUIRED TO CLOSE ON J U N E 22, 2022. 3 are located in unincorporated orange county 3 are located in the city of Orlando is located in the city of Apopka is located in the city of Ocoee The Ocoee pet retailer is Chews A Puppy, located at I I 167W. Colonial drive Ocoee, FL 34761.The store opened in 2018 and is owned and operated by Crystal and Nicholas Grastara. ORANGE COUNTY CHARTER There is a section in the orange county charter that addresses county ordinances and municipal ordinances and there are three areas where the county has regulatory authority over municipalities. The areas are adult entertainment, air and water pollution and gambling. Here is the language in the county charter; section 704- conflict of county ordinances with municipal ordinances except as provided in this section, no county ordinance shall be effective within a municipality if the municipality maintains an ordinance covering the same subject matter, activity or conduct as the county ordinance. POSSIBLE OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE CITY OF OCOEE 1. No Action- Orange county ordinance would go into effect 2. Adopt a new city ordinance allowing the retail sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits. 3. Adopt a new city ordinance banning new stores with a grandfather clause to allow existing store to operate. 4. Adopt a new city ordinance with additional regulations on new and/or existing pet stores. QUESTIONS? APPROVED BY ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BCC Mtg. Date: June 22, 2021 EFFECTIVE DATE: June 24, 2021 ORDINANCE NO. 2021-27 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ANIMAL SERVICES IN ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA; ENACTING SECTION 5-53 OF THE ORANGE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES ENTITLED "RETAIL SALE OF DOGS, CATS, RABBITS BY PET STORES PROHIBITED"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Article VIII, section (1)(f) of the Florida Constitution and chapter 125, Florida Statutes, grant the Orange County Board of County Commissioners ("BCC") broad home rule authority to adopt ordinances to provide for the common good; and WHEREAS, section 828.27, Florida Statutes authorizes a county to enact an ordinance related to animal control or cruelty; and WHEREAS, there has been growing concern throughout Florida and the country involving the sale of dogs and cats from pet stores; and WHEREAS, most dogs and cats sold in pet stores come from large-scale, commercial breeding facilities where the health and welfare of the animals is disregarded in order to maximize profits; and WHEREAS, current federal and state regulations do not adequately address the animal welfare and consumer protection problems that the sale of dogs, cats, or rabbits in pet stores pose; and WHEREAS, the BCC deems the prohibition of the retail sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in Orange County to be in the best interest of the health, safety and welfare of its residents and citizens and the public at large. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1: Enactment of New Section 5-53, Retail Sale of Dogs, Cats, Rabbits by Pet Stores Prohibited. New Section 5-53 is hereby enacted to read as follows: CHAPTER 5. ANIMALS Article IL ANIMAL SERVICES Sec. 5-53. — Retail Sale of Dogs, Cats, Rabbits by Pet Stores Prohibited (a) Definitions. When used in this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: 1. Animal Rescue Organization shall mean a not -for -profit organization that has tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, whose mission and practice is, in whole or in significant part, the rescue and placement of dogs or cats into permanent homes and that does not breed animals nor obtain animals in exchange for payment or compensation from any person that breeds or brokers animals. 2. Animal Shelter shall mean the local animal control authority, public animal shelter, or private animal shelter maintained by or under contract with the county or municipality, devoted to the rescue, care, and adoption of stray or abandoned or unwanted animals; or any brick and mortar animal shelter whose primary mission is to find permanent homes or recues for sterilized, unwanted and homeless pets. 3. Cat means any member of the species Felis Catus. 4. Certificate of source means a document which includes the following information about the dog or cat involved in any retail sale: a. The name address, telephone number and email address of any breeder, wholesaler, and transporter; b. breed; C. color; d. age e. approximate weight; and f. signatures of the breeder, wholesaler and transporter. 5. Dog means any member of the species Canis Lupus Familiaris, or any genetic hybridization thereof, not under the jurisdiction of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 6. Pet store means a retail establishment where animals are kept, sold or offered for sale on the premises. An animal shelter or animal rescue organization shall not be considered a pet store for the purposes of this Section. PA 7. Rabbit means any member of the species Oryctolagus Cuniculus. 8. Retail sale shall mean to sell (whether or not consideration for the animal, and/or animal services is exchanged at the same time and/or location), offer for sale, auction, barter, display for sale, rehome, exchange (for compensation or otherwise), give away, trade, deliver, lease, rent, include as part of a package deal, advertise to do any of the aforementioned, or otherwise dispose of dogs and/or cats to a person/s in a pet store or in association with a pet store. (b) Sale ofDogs, Cats, Rabbits Prohibited. It shall be a violation of this section for a pet store to engage in the retail sale of any dog, cat, or rabbit. (c) Adoptions. Nothing in this section shall prevent a pet store from providing space and appropriate shelter, food or care for animals owned by any animal rescue organization or animal shelter as defined in subsection (a) to display dogs, cats, and/or rabbits for adoption. 1. A pet store that provides space for the adoption dogs, cats, and/or rabbits shall post, in a conspicuous location on the cage or enclosure of each such animal, a sign stating the name of the animal rescue organization or animal shelter which owns the dog, cat, and/ or rabbit offered for adoption. 2. It shall be a violation of this section for a pet store to have any ownership interest in any dog, cat, or rabbit displayed for adoption. (d) Amortization period. Any existing pet store that is lawfully operating on or before June 22, 2021, shall be permitted to continue the retail sale of dogs, cats, and/or rabbits until June 22, 2022. 1. As a condition of continued operation during the amortization period, a pet store shall not increase or enlarge its floor space. 2. An existing pet store shall provide proof of its retail sales existing as of June 22, 2021 to the Division manager through sales receipts, franchise agreements, leases or other documentation readily authenticated as true and accurate documents. Proof of its retail sales existing as June 22, 2021 shall be provided to the Division Manager within thirty (30) days after June 22, 2021. Failure to provide required documentation will result in the loss of nonconforming status. 3. Any existing pet store that voluntarily abandons the retail sale for a period of more than thirty (30) days, or 3 ceases retail sale as a result of destruction by fire or other peril shall lose its nonconforming status. 4. Certificate of Source. During the amortization period, a pet store shall post and maintain in a conspicuous place, a certificate of source of each dog, cat, or rabbit offered for sale or transfer and shall provide a copy of such certificate to the purchaser or transferee of any dog or cat sold or transferred. The failure to maintain complete records on each dog, cat, or rabbit as required by this section shall constitute a separate violation as to each record missing or incomplete. Falsification of records by pet stores is hereby deemed unlawful and subject to the penalties under this section. (e) Applicability. All provisions of this Ordinance shall be applicable throughout the incorporated and unincorporated areas of Orange County. (f) Enforcement. Provisions of this section may be enforced by any person having the authority to enforce county ordinances. Any pet store found to be in violation of the provisions of this section may be subject to any applicable enforcement mechanism available to Orange County, including but not limited to prosecution in the same manner as a misdemeanor as provided in Section 125.69, Florida Statutes. It shall be a violation of this section to fail to comply with any of the requirements or restrictions contained in this section. (g) Penalties. Each dog, cat, or rabbit sold or offered for sale made in violation of this section shall constitute a separate violation. Each day a pet store is in violation of this section shall constitute a separate offense. a. Consistent with Florida Law, any violation of this Ordinance is a civil infraction punishable by a maximum civil penalty not to exceed $500.00. A violation of this section shall be classified as a Category II offense as described in this Article. The amount of any penalties shall be established in the Animal Services Resolution. b. The county may initiate a civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin any violation of this section. C. Imposition of a penalty for a violation does not excuse the violation nor does it imply permission for the violation to continue. All pet shops found to be in violation will be required to correct or remedy such violation immediately. :l Section 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and as provided by law. ADOPTED this 22°d day of June, 2021. ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Board of County Commissioners By ,° (' Jerry L. Demings 'f Orange County Mayor DATE: June 28, 2021 ATTEST: Phil Diamond, CPA, County Comptroller As Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners By: Deputy Clerk I q W\4.\, I ocoee Ilor(da SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM CITY OF OCOEE 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 407-905-3100 NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to ins ectio by rill persons. DATE NAME-Ij O PHONE # OCOEE RESIDENT YES ❑ NO ,O (OPTIONAL) ADDRESS, CITY ZIP CODE I want to address the Board about (Please provide Item # andlor topic): Do you have a prepared statement, or other do ment(s) from which you will address the Board?,� No Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. All proceedings before 019 Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code — see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation - 15 minutes; citizen comments - 5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal - 5 minutes. Open to Public — Citizens Comments - 3 minutes per speaker, per meeting. 9/11 20th Anniversary Request CITIZENS ADVISORY COUNCIL TO THE OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT 9/11 Memorial Event • Event to be held on Saturday, 9/11/21 • Time: approximately 0830 hours to 1200 hours • Place: Bill Breeze Park • Loose Agenda: • National anthem • Invocation (chaplain from Ocoee Police) • Honor guard from Ocoee Police and Fire • Possible speakers from Ocoee police/fire who were in New York at the time • Moments of silence at 0846 hours, 0902 hours, 0937 hours, and 1003 hours • Remaining TBD Request Proposal • The board is requesting up to $1,000 for a stage rental • Quote was obtained from a local company for approximately $970 • If the amount is lower, then that money will return to the city • If it is higher then the CACOPD will cover the difference • Complimentary use of Bill Breeze Park between approximate hours of 0830 to 1200 on 9/11/21 • Setup to begin at approximately 0730 hours �IIIIIIIIIIIe l�ppp\�\`��V �ppp\�\`��V �ppp\�\`��V IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII pomuuumu eu IIIIIIIIIIN p W IIII011111111 III V NpIllluuV IIIIIIIIIIIIV IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII 0�� �� IIII 0�� �� IIII 0��IIIIIpIINII�i ��IIIpIV,�V �IIIIIIIIIIIII�u�IIIIIpIINII�i o m o m o alllu u l� n u luouow Iluuuumuuw alllu lluuuoloul u l """""IVIII�V'MIII��� """""IVllldmuoull�lll��� I of � . -�, _.: . _�.. .v,�� CITY OF OCOEE 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee Ocoee, Florida 34761 n o rld o 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to inspection by all persons. DATE `1-ova Ar -0� j NAME r I PHONE # `//157-! /J 4� OCOEE RESIDENT YES ❑ NO 1�9/ Work 0.7 I.IIra-s e le4ll ;7 OC A e e, (OPTIONAL) ADDRESS /'6V 3.S F i ✓' S'f 4V9_ CITY & % A44-rdon ZIP CODE 54W I want to address the Board about (Please provide Item # and/or topic): Do you have a prepared statement, or other document(s) from which you will address the Board? P1040 No Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. PPP All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code - see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation - 15 minutes; citizen comments - 5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal - 5 minutes. Open to Public — Citizens Comments - 3 minutes per speaker, per meeting. Ism CITY OF OCOEE 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee Ocoee, Florida 34761 ��o Ada 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to i�njs ection by all persons. DATE NAME PHONE # OCOEE. RESIDENT YES ❑ NOX (OPTIONAL) ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE E-MAIL I want to address th Board About�4f . ase pro d7 *ltmand/or topicUV 6 Do you have a prepared statknient, or other document(s) from which yob will address the Board? No Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code — see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation - 15 minutes; citizen comments - 5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal - 5 minutes. Open to Public — Citizens Comments - 3 minutes per speaker, per meeting. �r CITY OF OCOEE �`� 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee Ocoee, Florida 34761 f l b ri d a 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to inspectionl by all persons. DATE 7!/Ao / w NAME PHONE # OCOEE RESIDENT YES ❑ NO lr (OPTIONAL) ADDRESS II-kS' aag:_ C fisr. , 5�, ago CITY 6r�a�ci ZIP CODE 3a�oy E-MAIL �ca..l\.S @ S�lei<1C.cow\ I want to address the Board about (Please provide Item # and/or topic): V Q - al - al Lhvr-\) "n (3<- C'C5 Nvkemo�:.Je Do you have a prepared statement, or other document(s) from which you will address the Board? No ✓ Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code — see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation -15 minutes; citizen comments - 5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal - 5 minutes. Open to Public — Citizens Comments - 3 minutes per speaker, per meeting. irx CITY OF OCOEE J 150 N. Lakeshore Drive OCOee Ocoee, Florida 34761 Florida ; 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All su mitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to i p�ctio by a p rsons. DATE 0 11 �a NAME I PHONE # V6 OCOEE RESIDENT YES ❑ NOLP,-1 y (OPTIONAL) ADDRESS 0� ��� CITY J��—FL zip CODE` E-MAIL I I want to address the Board abo 2� Itam # and/nr tnnicl• I prepared statement, or other document(s) (.'LD-)p which you will address the Board? if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. t All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code — see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation - mutes; citizen comments - 5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal - 5 • �.inutes. VOpen to Public — Citizens Comment - 3 minutes er speaker, per meeting. v t CITY OF OCOEE ISM zf� 150 N. Lakeshore Drive oCOee Ocoee, Florida 34761 „o,; d a 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to inspection by all persons. DATE '7 — f l / j U NAME AN if r5 � qG xCg S PHONE 4 % 0�r0 OCOEE RESIDENT YES /®��VO '❑ (OPTIONAL) ADDRESS E-MAIL Q I want to address the Board about (Please provid 00"� e Item # and/or topic): ZIP CODE Y 7 76 Do you hay,Za prepared statement, or other document(s) from which you will address the Board? No V Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code — see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation - 15 minutes; citizen comments - 5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal - 5 minutes. Open to Public — Citizens Comments - 3 minutes per speaker, per meeting. I CITY OF OCOEE 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee Ocoee, Florida 34761 „o0da 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to inspection by all persons. - DATE _ 2—,cam -,-) I NAME _ LorY-) o ec� PHONE OCOEE RESIDENT YES )l NO ❑ (OPTIONAL) ADDRESS �,,, ,- CITY ZIP CODE E-MAIL �ry 'ne Q-aD 17A AA I �-DM I want to address the Board about (Please provide Item # and/or topic): Do you ave a prepared statement, or other document(s) from which you will address the Board? N Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code — see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation - 15 minutes; citizen comments - 5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal - 5 minutes. Open to Public — Citizens Comments - 3 minutes per speaker, per meeting. DocuSign Envelope ID: 41D656138-70074FC4-A279-660EM1CCO2A CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT APPLICATION FOR A PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF CONCURRENCY I MR Z./� Development Services — Planning Division O C 0 (>P 150 N. Lakeshore Drive I Ocoee, FL 34761 norldo Phone:407.905.3157 Received Date —Office Use Only Fee: $150,00 The purpose of the City of Ocoee's Concurrency Management System (CMS) is to ensure the availability of public facilities and services for new development. The concurrency requirement is a provision in the Growth Management Act that gives local governments the authority to manage growth effectively. Essentially, the concurrency requirement means that needed public facilities must be in place or planned concurrent with the impacts of new growth. This provision ensures that all users of public facilities will be guaranteed specific levels of service (LOS) and that new development will not degrade those levels of service. The City of Ocoee's Comprehensive Plan contains the LOS standards and policies for meeting the state concurrency requirements. The Comprehensive Plan also contains the goals, objectives and policies which will direct future development in the City of Ocoee. The Land Development Code (LDC) is the implementing mechanism for the Comprehensive Plan. This document contains all the rules, standards and criteria which govern all land development. The LDC also includes the adopted procedures for the CMS, to be known as Article IX of the LDC. A concurrency evaluation is required for all new development and redevelopment that has an impact on the LOS of public facilities and services unless exempted specifically. Refer to Article IX of the LDC to ascertain if your plans need a concurrency evaluation. An Initial determination of concurrency must be performed by Planning staff prior to approval of a Preliminary Site Plan or Preliminary Subdivision Plan. A Preliminary Certificate of Concurrency will then be issued setting forth the infrastructure status. This Preliminary Certificate of Concurrency is non- binding. A Final Certificate of Concurrency may be applied for any time after Preliminary Plan approval. The Final Certificate of Concurrency is binding for the time periods indicated on the certificate. Subject to the extension provisions set forth below, the transportation capacity reservation is valid for ninety (90) days. A Final Certificate of Concurrency shall evidence satisfaction of all concurrency requirements with respect to the issuance of the building permits related thereto, subject to the terms and conditions of such certificate. In the event all or a portion of the Final Certificate of Concurrency has expired, it will be necessary to reapply for a new certificate with respect to portions of such initial Final Certificate of Concurrency which have expired. The traffic circulation portion may be renewed once for an additional 90 days with the issuance of a new Final Certificate of Concurrency. After that, the term of the Final Certificate of Concurrency shall only be extended for one (1), two (2), or three (3) years with respect to traffic circulation by obtaining a Transportation Capacity Reservation Certificate (TCRC) pursuant to Section 9-7 of Article IX of the Land Development Code. You must apply for a TCRC within seventy (70) days from the date of your transportation reservation (or any extension thereof) under your Final Certificate of Concurrency. Form 23 DocuSign Envelope ID: 41D65668-7007-41FC4-A279-1360EMICCO2A PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF CONCURRENCY OWNER INFORMATION NAME: Freeman Development Company, LI-C MAILING ADDRESS: 1917 Bridgewater Drive, Lake Mary, FL 32746 PHONE: 407-342-1506 CONTACT PERSON: Daryl Dixon, Manager (Complete attached ownership list,) AGENT INFORMATION (IF APPLICABLE) NAME: Julie P, Kendig-Schrader, as agent MAILINGADDRESS: 450 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 650, Orlando, FL 32801 PHONE: 407-418-2417 PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT NAME (Please include all names associated with the project.) 450 Ocoee Apopka Road Form 23 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 41D656138-7007-41FC4-A279-1360EM1CCO2A PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF CONCURRENCY PROJECT INFORMATION (CONTINUED) GENERAL LOCATION (Address, if applicable, and location map) 450 Ocoee Apopka Road, Ocoee, FL 34761 TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 18-22-28-0000-00-006 EXISTING AND PROPOSED LAND USE (BY PARCEL) PARCEL ONE: PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 18-22-28-0000-00-006 ACREAGE: 11.21 ZONING: 1-1 EXISTING USE: Vacant Lot/Undeveloped EXISTING NUMBER OF UNITS/SQ, FT.: N/A (Vacant Lot) PROPOSED USE: Concrete Batch Plant PROPOSED NUMBER OF UNITS/SQ- FT.: 1 / 9,070 SF (fully enclosed) YEAR PROPOSED TO BE COMPLETED: 2022 PARCEL TWO: PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: N/A ACREAGE: ZONING: EXISTING USE: EXISTING NUMBER OF UNITS/SQ. FT.: PROPOSED USE: PROPOSED NUMBER OF UNITS/SQ. FT.: YEAR PROPOSED TO BE COMPLETED: Form 23 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 41 D656B8-7007-4FC4-A279-B60E3D1 CCO2A PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF CONCURRENCY PARCEL THREE: N/A PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: ACREAGE: ZONING: EXISTING USE: EXISTING NUMBER OF UNITS/SQ. FT.: PROPOSED USE: PROPOSED NUMBER OF UNITS/SQ, FT,: YEAR PROPOSED TO BE COMPLETED: * NOTE: ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF MORE THAN THREE PARCELS. PHASING INFORMATION LIST ALL PHASES BY PROPOSED USE, PROPOSED AMOUNT OF UNITS/SQUARE FEET, YEAR TO BE COMPLETED, AND OTHER APPLICABLE DATA. This project is proposed to be constructed in one phase. Form 23 DocuSign Envelope ID: 41D656138-7007-41FC4-A279-660E3D1CCO2A PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF CONCURRENCY PLEASE INCLUDE WITH THIS APPLICATION ANY PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION/SITE PLANS OR FINAL SUBDIVISION/ SITE PLANS FOR THE PROPERTY. ALSO INCLUDE BELOW WHAT APPROVALS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED FOR THESE PLANS FROM THE CITY. Refer to attached preliminary site plan (PSP). The PSP was submitted concurrent with this application. 5�81GWM ?11*14 �IS�L�P11IT13i71*1IT, lmL HAS WATER CAPACITY BEEN RESERVED FOR THIS PROJECT? (Please give the amount reserved and the Developer Agreement information associated with the reservation. If capacity has not been reserved, the applicant should explain.) HAS SEWER CAPACITY BEEN RESERVED FOR THIS PROJECT? (Please give the amount reserved and the Developer Agreement information associated with the reservation. If capacity has not been reserved, the applicant should explain.) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS, IF ANY. PLEASE LIST BELOW ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IN SUPPORT OF THIS APPLICATION. *NOTE: RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT, CITY OF OCOEE, 150 NORTH LAKESHORE DRIVE, OCOEE, FL 34761. APPLICATION FEES SHOULD BE MADE PAYABLE TO THE CITY OF OCOEE. Form 23 DocuSign Envelope ID: 41 D656B8-7007-4FC4-A279-B60E3D1 CCO2A PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF CONCURRENCY AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: My signature on this application as owner, or as the authorized agent, acknowledges that I understand the following: --- A Preliminary Certificate of Concurrency is a non -binding analysis of capacity available. --- A Preliminary Certificate of Concurrency does not reserve any infrastructure capacity. -- I may apply for a Final Certificate of Concurrency any time after approval of my Preliminary Subdivision/Site Plans. --- I will not be able to obtain approval of my Final Subdivision/Site Plans until I obtain a Final Certificate of Concurrency. --- The City of Ocoee may require additional information in order for an accurate assessment to be conducted. I understand that the City of Ocoee cannot conduct special studies such as traffic counts on roads not regularly monitored and that I may be required to submit a traffic study obtained at my own expense. I also understand that review and approval of proposed development may be postponed for a reasonable time period in order for me to gather additional information. I also understand that proposed development may be denied approval for my failure to provide adequate information on the projected impacts created by the development. --- I acknowledge that the information contained in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. OWNER OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT: DocuSlgned by: E legit, ",ho-SCtWaJt , OA 79fi(:FCiFHA43:i SIGNATURE/TITLE Julie P, Kendig-Schrader, as agent PRINT NAME AND TITLE 4/28/2021 DATE [NOTE: THIS AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE PAGE MUST BE EXECUTED BY ALL OWNERS OR BY AN AUTHORIZED AGENT. IF THERE IS MORE THAN ONE OWNER, DUPLICATE THIS FORM FOR THE ADDITIONAL SIGNATURES.] Form 23 DocuSign Envelope ID: 41 D656B8-7007-4FC4-A279-B60E3D1 CCO2A PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF CONCURRENCY POWER OF ATTORNEY Freeman Development Company, LLC - The undersigned authority, Daryl Dixon, Manager (hereafter the "Owner") who hereby appointed Julie p Kendig-Schrader (hereafter the "Agent") as authorized agent to act in the Owner's capacity in matters dealing with the following: (5) The Agent is the duly authorized agent of the Owner, serving as the Applicant for the property described in the attached application. (6) The Agent has the Owner's full and complete permission to act on behalf of the Owner in seeking all approvals and conducting the necessary procedures associated with Article IX of the City of Ocoee Land Development Code. (7) The Agent has the Owner's full and complete permission to sign and execute any applications, forms, and agreements associated with Article IX of the City of Ocoee Land Development Code and the Owner agrees to be bound by all action taken by the Agent on the Owner's behalf. (8) That they/she/he have/has appointed Julie P. Kendig-Schrader,AS aleh+ (specify himself or agent) to act as the Owner's Authorized Agent to represent the Owner in connection with the proposed action and the real property described in this application. [IF OWNER IS A CORPORATION] State of FLORIDA County of ORANGE Freeman Development Company, LLC a limited liability company corporation By: Name (Print): Daryl Dixon Title (Print): Manager Sworn to and subscribed before me by means of o physical presence or ❑ online notarization this Zb day of ` 2021 by _9 CA VL-11 who is personally known tome, or who produced as identification. ary I dblic Print Name: L4(x- - ( innMe I My Commission Number: C-16--7 3127Z My Commission Expires: mQ,/Ckt 3L20 Z3 Form 23 CONNOR GREGGORY SHIMMEL Notary Public State of Florida way" Q Commission ✓f GG 317776 `'or rtid'` My Comm. Expires Mar 31, 2023 Bonded through National Notary Assn, DocuSign Envelope ID: 41D656B8-7007-4FC4-A279-660E3D1CCO2A PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF CONCURRENCY PARCEL ONE: OWNER'S NAME: OWNERSHIP LIST Freeman Development Company, LLC - Daryl Dixon, Manager OWNERSHIP INTEREST: MAILING ADDRESS: 1917 Bridgewater Drive, Lake Mary, FL 32746 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See attached Legal Description. PARCEL TWO: OWNER'S NAME: N/A OWNERSHIP INTEREST: MAILING ADDRESS: _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:____ Form 23 10 DocuSign Envelope ID: 41 D656B8-7007-4FC4-A279-B60E3D1 CCO2A PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF CONCURRENCY PARCEL THREE: OWNER'S NAME: N/A OWNERSHIP INTEREST: zw0m, Imp -all LEGAL DESCRIPTION: * NOTE: ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF MORE THAN THREE PARCELS. Form 23 11 DocuSign Envelope ID: 41 D656B8-7007-4FC4-A279-B60E3D1 CCO2A LARGE SCALE SUBDIVISION OR SITE PLAN REVIEW Development Services — Planning Division O C0 e (> 150 N. Lakeshore Drive [ Ocoee, FL 34761 florlda Phone:407,905.3157 PROJECT NUMBER: LS- PROJECT NAME: 450 Ocoee Apopka Road DATE RECEIVED: Received Date — Office Use Only PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Concrete Batch Plant with 1,750 SF office building, 7,320 SF shop building, and other associated n..i a — nff—hart cIta nlan ACREAGE: 11.21 # OF LOTS; STORIES:1 SQUARE FOOTAGE: 9,070 SF (fully enclosed) APPLICANT'S NAME: Julie P. Kendig-Schrader, as agent APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 450 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 650, Orlando, FL 32801 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 407-418-2417 E-MAIL ADDRESS: Kendig@gtlaw.com OWNER OF RECORD: Freeman Development Company, LLC - Daryl Dixon, Manager OWNER'S ADDRESS: 1917 Bridgewater Drive, Lake Mary, FL 32746 PHONE NUMBER: 407-342-1606 ® INVOICES WILL BE SENT TO:[] OWNER OR H APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION: 450 Ocoee Apopka Road, Ocoee, FL 34761 A. PROPERTY TAX ID. NO(S): 18-22-28-0000-00-006 ® LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ALL APPLICATIONS FOR SUBDIVISION OR SITE PLAN REVIEW MUST PROVIDE THREE (3) EXECUTED, CERTIFIED AND SEALED BOUNDARY SURVEYS FOR THE SUBJECT PARCEL,WHICH SHALL INCLUDE A METES -AND -BOUNDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION. ATTACH SURVEY WITH FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION AS EXHIBIT. Form 17 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 41D656B8-7007-4FC4-A279-B6OE3DlCCO2A LARGE SCALE SUBDIVISION OR SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION NUMBER OF EXISTING BUILDINGS AND EXISTING LAND USE OF THE SUBJECT PARCEL: No buildings. Vacant. HOW WILL THE FOLLOWING ESSENTIAL SERVICES BE PROVIDED? A. POTABLE WATER: City of Ocoee I0 C. L WASTEWATER TREATMENT: City of Ocoee On -site STORMWATER MANAGEMENT N/A RECREATION: N/A E. SCHOOLS AND PROJECTED NUMBER OF SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN: F. MAIN HIGHWAY ACCESS (A traffic study may be required): Driveway access to Ocoee Apopka Rd G. FIRE PROTECTION (NOTE: Fire flow data will be required before final platting): City of Ocoee via off -site water main extension. ® APPLICANT SHALL PAY SUCH ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FEES AS MAYBE REQUIRED BY ARTICLE I, SECTION 1-12 OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE DocuSigned by: �UiAt,�l �a�LV'as",,4/28 �Z��1 D,"`•' T SIGNATURE DATE ^"j Form 17 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 41D656B8-7007-4FC4-A279-B60E3D1CCO2A LARGE SCALE SUBDIVISION OR SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE Affiant, Daryl Dixon , who being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: I Affiant is the (check one) 8 fee -simple owner of the property legally described in this application. A (insert title) Manager of (insert name of company) Freeman Development Company, LLC which entity is the fee -simple owner of the property legally described in this application. 2 A true and correct legal description for the property is attached to and made a part of this affidavit. 3. The attached ownership list contains the names and mailing addresses of all owners having an interest in the property described in this application. 4. The owner desires (specify action sought for said property): Large Scale Preliminary Site Plan Review Application 5. The owner has appointed (specify agent) Juice P. Kendig-Schrader to act as the owner's authorized agent to represent the owner In connection with the proposed action and the property described in this application. 6. The owner agrees to be bound by the actions of the owner's authorized agent designated above. 7. Affiant affirms and certifies that Affiant, the owner's authorized agent and the owner will comply with all ordinances, regulations, and provisions of the City Code of the City of Ocoee, and that all applications, plans and documents submitted herewith are true and accurate to the best of the Affiant's, the owner's authorized agent's and the owner's knowledge and belief and further, that this affidavit and all applications, plans and documents submitted herewith shall become part of the official records of the City of Ocoee, and are not returnable. 8. That the accompanying adjacent property owners list is, to the best of their/her/his knowledge, a complete and accurate list of the owner's names and mailing addresses for all property lying within three hundred (300) feet of the perimeter of the subject parcel, as recorded on the latest official Orange County Tax Rolls. 9. That prior to the public hearing, if applicable, signs will be prominently posted on the subject parcel not less than twelve (12) days before the application will be considered by the Planning and Zoning Board or the Board of Adjustment, and will remain posted until final determination, after which time the notices are to be removed and destroyed. Form 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 41D656B8-7007-4FC4-A279-B60E3D1CCO2A • L7Affiant's Sig ure Sworn to and signed by means of vXphysical present r o on ' e no ion onZ$ 20M. or affirmed .;.�; •i •,, CONNOR GREGGORY SHIMMEL >?F • �r ; Notary Public • State of Florida Commission N GG 317776 a OTARY PUBLIC or My Comm. Expires Mar 31, 2023 h Bonded through National Notary Assn. [Print, type, or stamp commissioned name of Affiant Is o personally known; or produced notary or clerk to the left of signature] the following identification: 11 r A Affiant's Signature Sworn to or affirmed and signed by means of o physical presence or ❑ online notarization on NOTARY PUBLIC [Print, type, or stamp commissioned name of notary or clerk to the left of signature] Affiant is n personally known; or o produced the following identification: Affiant's Signature Sworn to or affirmed and signed by means of o physical presence or o online notarization on _ Z0_• NOTARY PUBLIC [Print, type, or stamp commissioned name of notary or clerk to the left of signature] Affiant is o personally known; or o produced the following identification: Form 17 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 41D656138-70074FC4-A279-660EM1CCO2A LARGE SCALE SUBDIVISION OR SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION OWNERSHIP LIST PARCEL ONE: OWNER'S NAME: Freeman Development Company, LLC - Daryl Dixon, Manager OWNERSHIP INTEREST: MAILING ADDRESS: 1917 Bridgewater Drive, Lake Mary, FL 32746 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See attached Legal Description. PARCEL TWO: OWNER'S NAME: NIA OWNERSHIP INTEREST: MAILING ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Form 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 41D65668-7007-4FC4-A279-B6OE3D1CCO2A LARGE SCALE SUBDIVISION OR SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION PARCEL THREE: N/A OWNER'S NAME: OWNERSHIP INTEREST: MAILING ADDRESS: _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: * NOTE: ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF MORE THAN THREE PARCELS. Form 17 RE: Agent Authorization — 450 Ocoee Apopka Road, Ocoee, FL 34761 Parcel ID: 18-22-28-0000-00-006 To Whom It May Concern: This letter shall serve as Owner's Authorization for Julie P. Kendig of Greenberg Traurig, P.A., LLC, Selby G. Weeks, P.E. of Klima Weeks Civil Engineering, Inc. and CEMEX Construction Materials Florida, LLC to act as Applicant/Agent to submit and process permits or other jurisdictional approvals relating to development of the subject property through the following agencies or municipalities: • City of Ocoee • St. Johns Water Management District • Orange County, FL • Florida Department of Transportation • Florida Department of Environmental Protection • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, Sincerely yours, Notarized Signature on the Following Page Agent Authorization - 450 Ocoee Apopka Road, Ocoee, FL 34761 Signature of Owner Date Printed Name Corporate Title NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Li The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this c)6)4- day of of =—r P�I> AGtfE'�C/YI �iC on behalf of the corporation. He/she i ersolaily nok �m�'or has produced as identification and did not-M4 an oath. Notary Public CAROLEE C BAVARO j��•yjjjL,. '. MY COMMISSION N GG118794 EXPIRES August 20, 2021 Property Description The land referred to herein below is situated in the County of Orange, State of Florida, and is described as follows: Commence at the Northeast corner of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 18, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida; run South along the East line of the Northwest 1/4 section line a distance of 323.07 feet, thence South 89°27'38" West a distance of 30.00 feet for the Point of Beginning. Thence from the Point of Beginning, run South along the Westerly right of way line of Ocoee -Apopka Road, a distance of 633.65 feet, thence run West a distance of 614.79 feet, thence run South 0°17'14" West a distance of 20.86 feet, thence run South 89°14'12" West a distance of 176.20 feet, thence run North 0°50' East a distance of 212.34 feet, thence run North 08°26'50" East a distance of 318.92 feet; thence run North 05°52'50" East 122.76 feet, thence run North 89°27'38" East a distance of 731.26 feet to the Point of Beginning. RoiKhM �s lees i K �S Supply LLB Mork E � r' SITE�s .. ,- J of MI,:rfsE s P r 1 i G JxSC"D 3jy, W SVverSim lid SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 22 S, RANGE 28 E, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA VICINITY MAP -- n 450 OCOEE APOPKA ROADKlffna =�coE O� Weeks Wiz= 3 drawn by: JD plot scale: NTS � � W 0 checked by: SW project number: 210EMEoo1 O I V I E E N G I N E E R I N G date: 04/27/21 file name: Fig 1 TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY OCOEE READY MIX PLANT CITYY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Prepared for: CEMEX Construction Materials Florida, LLC 1501 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Prepared by: Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. 535 Versailles Drive Maitland, Florida 32751 407-628-9955 April 2021 TPD NQ 5397 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that I am a Professional Engineer properly registered in the State of Florida practicing with Traffic Planning & Design, Inc., a corporation authorized to operate as an engineering business, EB-3702, by the State of Florida Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Professional Engineers, and that I have prepared or approved the evaluations, findings, opinions, conclusions, or technical advice attached hereto for: PROJECT: Ocoee Ready Mix Plant LOCATION: City of Ocoee, Florida CLIENT: CEMEX Construction Materials Florida, LLC I hereby acknowledge that the procedures and references used to develop the results contained in these computations are standard to the professional practice of Transportation Engineering as applied through professional judgment and experience. NAME: Turgut wdim" 1p0./®' P.E. No.: 204,A� VT•®L/� ®®®� DATE: April ° r No.2 0 • SIGNATURE: F ° 0 oRtOP••` W/ ®� ®0®®tt"1 1 i�t`®® TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................1 STUDYAREA...............................................................................................................................4 EXISTING CONDITIONS ANALYSIS..........................................................................................6 Roadway Segment Analysis Intersection Analysis PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND TRIP GENERATION ..........................................................9 Trip Generation Trip Distribution/Trip Assignment PROJECTED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS......................................................................................12 Roadway Segment Analysis Intersection Analysis STUDY CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................16 APPENDICES.............................................................................................................................17 A Methodology Memorandum and Correspondence B CMS Data C Intersection Counts and Signal Timings D Existing Intersections Capacity Worksheets E Trends Analysis Charts F Projected HCS Capacity Worksheets TABLE OF CONTENTS, continued LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 Existing Daily Roadway Capacity Analysis....................................................................5 Table 2 Traffic County Comparison..............................................................................6 Table 3 Existing Intersection Capacity Analysis.........................................................................7 Table 4 Projected Roadway Capacity Analysis........................................................................14 Table 5 Projected Intersection Capacity Analysis.....................................................................15 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Project Location Map...................................................................................................2 Figure2 Conceptual Site Plan...................................................................................................3 Figure 3 Existing A.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes....................................................................8 Figure 4 Trip Distribution..........................................................................................................11 Figure 5 Projected A.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes..............................................................13 INTRODUCTION This traffic analysis was performed to assess the impact of the proposed Ocoee Ready Mix Plant in the City of Ocoee, Florida. The site is located on Ocoee -Apopka Road approximately one-half mile north of Plant Street. The development will consist of a total building area of 10,870 square feet with 1,750 square feet of office space and 9,120 square feet of industrial shop. Figure 1 depicts the project's site location and its one -mile impact area. Access to the site will be provided via an access driveway on Ocoee -Apopka Road. Figure 2 is a conceptual site plan of the development. Prior to the conduct of the analysis, a methodology memorandum was submitted to the City identifying an impact area along with the CMS roadway segments and intersections to be included in the analysis. Additionally, the project's trip generation and distribution characteristics were documented and graphically illustrated. The methodology memorandum and related correspondence are included in Appendix A. Data used in this analysis consists of site plan/development information provided by the Project Engineers, roadway segment data obtained from the City of Ocoee's Concurrency Management System (CMS) and A.M. peak hour traffic counts obtained by TPD, Inc. Ocoee Ready Mix Plant Project N9 5397 Page 1 Otl YMLOAY'33000 . <���NOlS4IdU AYMU H r r, 1 rT li Y � E n, o lc� < L13R�Y31,1a/ 3JYdS�ti3U'1 PNV C (0 a_ Cx G ti 70 C) (� LO 01 Z N N N O 0n LL STUDY AREA The extent of the impact area as documented in the study methodology include all the roadway segments that fall within one -mile of the project site and all roadways with a trip generation of more than 5% of the maximum service volume outside of the one -mile radius. A significance test was conducted, and impacted roadway segments and intersections were identified in the study methodology. The methodology which was reviewed by the City identified the following roadway segments and intersections to be included in the analysis. Roadway Segments: • Ocoee -Apopka Road SR 438 (W. Franklin Street) to SR 438 (W. Silver Star Road) SR 438 (W. Silver Star Road) to Fullers Cross Road • SR 438 (Plant Street/Franklin Street) E. Crown Point Road to SR 429 SR 429 to Ocoee -Apopka Road/Maguire Road • SR 438 (Silver Star Road) Ocoee -Apopka Road to Bluford Road Bluford Road to Ocoee Hills Road Study Intersections: • Ocoee -Apopka Road and Silver Star Road • Ocoee -Apopka Road and Plant Street • Site Entrance Ocoee Ready Mix Plant Project Ns 5397 Page 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS ANALYSIS An existing conditions analysis was conducted for the CMS roadway segments and their major intersections utilizing existing traffic volumes and roadway geometry to establish their current operating conditions. The roadways were analyzed for daily traffic conditions and the intersections for A.M. peak hour conditions. Roadway Segment Analysis The study roadway segments were analyzed by comparing their existing daily traffic volumes with the corresponding capacities at the adopted LOS standard. The daily traffic volumes and capacities were obtained from the City's updated 12/18/2020 Concurrency Management Spreadsheet. The CMS roadway link information and capacities are included in Appendix B. A summary of the daily roadway capacity analysis is presented in Table 1. The existing conditions analysis reveals that the study segments currently operate satisfactorily within their adopted capacities except for two segments: • Ocoee -Apopka Road, W. Franklin Street to Silver Star Road • SR 438, E. Crown Point Road to SR 429 Table 1 Existing Daily Roadway Capacity Analysis Roadway Segment No. of Lanes LOS Standard Daily Ca acit p y ExistingCapacity Daily Traffic Available? Ocoee -Apopka Road SR 438 (W Franklin St) to SR 438 W Silver Star Rd 2 C 7,300 14,000 -6,700 SR 438 (W Silver Star Rd) to Fullers Cross Rd 2 C 16,800 9,681 7,119 SR 438 Plant Street/Franklin Street E. Crown Point Rd to SR 429 2 E 15,600 19,300 -3,700 SR 429 to Ocoee -Apopka Road/Maguire Rd 2 E 15,600 14,000 1,600 SR 438 Silver Star Road Ocoee -Apopka Rd to Bluford Rd 2 E 17,700 14,200 3,500 Bluford Rd to Ocoee Hills Rd 2 E 17,700 13,400 4,300 Ocoee Ready Mix Plant Project Ns 5397 Page 5 Based upon generalized LOS/capacity values, these segments are operating deficiently under existing conditions. The Ocoee -Apopka Road segment is only 570 feet (0.11 miles) long with both ends signalized. The signalized intersections at W. Franklin Street and W. Silver Star Road control the capacity of this segment. As will be documented under the intersection analysis, these signalized intersections currently operate at satisfactory Levels of Service. Intersection Analysis The study intersections were analyzed in accordance with the procedures of the 6'h Edition Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) using the latest version of the Highway Capacity Software (HCS). The capacity analysis at each intersection was performed using the existing intersection geometry, traffic volumes during the A.M. peak hours and signal timing/phasing data. The counts were made during a week in April where the seasonal factor was less than 1.00 and were not adjusted. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, counts made at the study intersection in 2021 were compared with 2019 counts obtained from the Florida DOT to develop a covid factor. The FDOT counts are included in Appendix C along with the TPD intersection counts. The 2021 A.M. counts were compared with FDOT 2019 counts at a location on Ocoee -Apopka Road just north of West Plant Street. The count comparison and covid factor determination are summarized in Table 2. Table 2 Traffic Count Comparison Time 2019 2021 TPD 2019/2021 Location Period FDOT Count Ratio Count Ocoee -Apopka Rd 7-8 A.M. 964 839 1.15 West of W. Plant St 8-9 A.M. 940 1 889 1.06 Average Covid Factor 1.105 Ocoee Ready Mix Plant Project Ns 5397 Page 6 The factor shown in the table was used to adjust the 2021 counts to account for the pandemic. The factored A.M. peak hour intersection counts are depicted in Figure 3. The 2021 intersection counts, and signal timing sheets obtained from the City of Ocoee are included in Appendix C. The intersection capacity analysis results are summarized in Table 3 which shows that the study intersections operate at satisfactory Levels of Service. Detailed HCS worksheets are included in Appendix D. Table 3 Fxistina Intersection Canacitv Analvsis EB WB NB SB Overall Intersection Control Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS' Delay LOS Ocoee -Apopka Rd & Signal 15.5 B 20.1 C 18.2 B 9.2 A 15.4 B Silver Star Rd Ocoee -Apopka Rd & Signal 22.0 C 28.6 C 19.8 B 36.1 D 26.7 C Plant St/Franklin St Ocoee Ready Mix Plant Project Ns 5397 Page 7 7 °'C)r' �133 t-- 197 J L 176 Silver Star Rd 3� r 4rn N Ln 7� N� c� a 0 0. Q a� 0 8 O N �25 <- 80 I � �14 Franklin St----�� 192 I 240 00 N Ocoee Ready Mix- Plant Project W 5397 Figure 3 Existing A.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND TRIP GENERATION The proposed development is a ready -mix concrete plant by CEMEX with a total building area of 10,870 square feet. To determine the impact of this development, an analysis of its trip generation characteristics was conducted. This included the determination of the trips to be generated as well as their distribution to the area roadways. Trip Generation In its Trip Generation Manual, the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) does not have an appropriate land use code for the type of development under consideration. Therefore, the project's trip generation was based upon the operational characteristics of the proposed facility with input provided by the Developers as described in the Study Methodology and summarized below: • Materials Delivery from Outside Sources o 46 truck loads per day with each load representing two trips for a total of 92 two- way trips. • Product Shipment to Clients o 30 trucks with each truck making three round trips for a total of 180 two-way trips. • Employee Trips o 4 employees at 2 trips per day or 8 two-way trips. • Total Daily Trips o 92 + 180 + 8 = 280 trips per day The operation of the facility will be from 5 A.M. to 3 P.M. The employees will arrive before 7 A.M. and leave at 3 P.M. and will not contribute traffic to the highway peak periods. In the traffic study methodology, it was indicated that approximately 10% of the project's trips would occur during the A.M. peak hour. This 10% A.M. peak hour distribution appeared too low to the City's reviewer of the study methodology who suggested a 20% peak hour distribution. The 10% distribution indeed appears low, and this is because the project's peak hour occurs much earlier since the proposed facility will operate from 5:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. However, for a conservative assessment of the project impacts a 20% A.M. peak hour distribution will be used in the analysis. This will result in 56 A.M. peak hour trips (280 X 0.20) with 23 trips entering and 23 trips exiting. Ocoee Ready Mix Plant Project N9 5397 Page 9 Trip Distribution/Trip Assignment A trip distribution pattern was estimated using the currently adopted Central Florida Regional Planning Model (CFRPM). A Select Zone Analysis (SZA) was conducted by modifying the 2020 interim year model network to include a Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) representing the proposed project and the model's socio-economic data updated to reflect the proposed project buildout. The model -generated distribution is included in Appendix A in the study methodology. The distribution with the project's one -mile impact area is illustrated in Figure 4. Utilizing this distribution, the project trips will be assigned to the study area roadways/intersections. Ocoee Ready Mix Plant Project Ns 5397 Page 10 ,..��t,+r�,. r m -% ,� in `?. 12041%XQ11* iil:7_1 21 Cexee1111031111C1t41I1 A capacity analysis was performed for the study roadway segments and intersections based on projected traffic conditions to assess the effect of the proposed development on the surrounding transportation network at the build -out of the project in 2023. The projected traffic volumes used in the analysis consist of background traffic volumes combined with project trips. Background traffic volumes were determined by combining existing traffic volumes with vested trips or traffic growth based upon historical traffic volume trends, whichever was greater. A trends analysis of the historical traffic volumes on the area roadways revealed annual growth rates ranging from 0.82% to 1.49% (a minimum of 2.00% was used). The trends analysis charts are included in Appendix E. Roadway Segment Analysis A roadway segment analysis was performed for the study roadway segments by comparing the projected daily segment volumes with the respective capacities at the adopted LOS standard. The daily analysis is summarized in Table 4. The table shows the roadway segments along with their estimated background traffic volumes combined with project trips to obtain total segment volumes. The results of the analysis show that the study roadway segments will continue to operate satisfactorily in the projected conditions except for the two segments which are failing under existing conditions. The failing Ocoee -Apopka Road segment is short, and both ends at W. Franklin Street and W. Silver Star Road are signalized. As will be determined subsequently, these signalized intersections operate satisfactorily under projected conditions with project trips added. Intersection Analysis To assess the projected operating conditions at the study intersections, intersection capacity analyses were conducted using the Highway Capacity Software (HCS). Total peak hour traffic volumes were determined by combining background traffic volumes with the project trips. Figure 5 show the projected A.M. peak hour intersection turning movement for the study intersections and the site access driveway. Table 5 summarizes the projected intersection Levels of Service/Capacity analysis. This table reveals satisfactory traffic operating conditions for the study intersections. The capacity analysis worksheets are included in Appendix F. Ocoee Ready Mix Plant Project Ns 5397 Page 12 LD Co 0 Site Access M rn 'r o LO o04 ,q ` N— 138+(14)=142 F— 205 J ILA 183 W. Silver Star Rd 3- r 48 0M CO 7� N N � Y Co p N a d a� m c� O n C14 CD—M �26 t-83 J I L �15 W. Franklin St. 200+(6)=206 199 —> ao co ,n 250 � Co "' N Legend: + 00+(00)=00 N I Total Traffic Project Trips Background Traffic �0Ocoee Ready Mix- Plant " 1 Project N� 5397 Projected A.M. Peak Hour Figure 5 Traffic Volumes s Cl. G CD w S if)Q e Q # R CL \ \ 6 Y w a & 0 U- 0 == o 0 \. \ \ \ e It / / ƒ ƒ Cl) f\ % » \ Q 2 p G G = 27 2 \ \ \ \ \ \ » p . Q : \,\ \ \ / \ \ 7 \ k\ k k k k ^/ %\ 2\ / 6 0') / / ® ) \ 0 0 0 0 CD 0 \ 7 L 7 u \ ® % � U) 2\ Q O u u ± u ƒ 0 k\ d<f� yd a a m m N w z \\ /\ c . V. < 2 % 2e- CL / \ƒ a co K 0 0 r ± k}\\70k \ 2d\ c a) e $_o a) a\ ��■ \o �LL= O) .2»2«\\» .CL o 3: 3: - IL �o ± a .:2moemw �� cfmLe amp m o7 ... co co /\\ �0M R%ƒƒ2% : gƒw%/aa Table 5 Projected Intersection Capacity Analysis EB WB NB SB Overall Intersection Control Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS ` .Delay LOS Ocoee -Apopka Rd & Silver Star Rd Signal 9 16.2 B 21.2 C 19.0 B 9.9 A 16.2 B Ocoee -Apopka Rd & Plant St/Franklin St Signal 9 23.8 C 30.8 C 20.1 C 39.8 D 28.9 C Ocoee -Apopka Rd & Site Entrance Stop 22.6 C - - 11.2 B -- -- -- The analysis shows that all intersections will operate at satisfactory overall Levels of Service when project trips are added. Ocoee Ready Mix Plant Project Ns 5397 Page 15 STUDY CONCLUSIONS This traffic analysis was performed to assess the impact of the proposed Ocoee Ready Mix Plant project in the City of Ocoee, Florida. The project is located on Ocoee -Apopka Road approximately one-half mile north of Plant Street and will consist of a total building area of 10,870 square feet with 1,750 square feet of office space and 9,120 square feet of industrial shop. Access to the site will be provided via an access driveway on Ocoee -Apopka Road. The results of the study as documented herein are summarized below: ® The proposed development will generate a daily traffic volume of 280 vehicles of which 56 will occur in during the A.M. peak hour with 23 entering and 23 exiting. ® The study roadway segments currently operate at satisfactory Levels of Service with the exception of two segments, Ocoee -Apopka Road from W. Plant Street to Silver Star Road and SR 438 (Plant Street/Franklin Street) from E. Crown Point Road to SR 429. The same conditions will prevail in the projected conditions with project trips added. The Ocoee Apopka Road is a short segment with traffic signals at both ends which operate at satisfactorily Levels of Service in the existing and projected conditions. • The study intersections are currently operating at satisfactory Levels of Service and will continue to operate satisfactorily at the project buildout in 2023. • The site is proposed to be served by a driveway connection on Ocoee -Apopka Road. Ocoee Ready Mix Plant Project W 5397 Page 16 APPENDICES APPENDIX A Methodology Memorandum and Correspondence From, Taylor, James <James.Taylor@kimley-horn,com> Sent: Friday, December 18, 2020 4:14 PM To: Turgut Dervish Cc: Rumer, Michael Subject: RE: TPD # 5397 Ocoee Ready Mix Plant Attachments: City of Ocoee TIA Methodology Guidelines_2020.12.18.pdf Mr. Dervish, Please see below for methodology comments. Additionally, please find attached the latest methodology guidelines and CMS spreadsheet for your use. 1. General: Is this TIA being provided in support of a rezoning or a planned development? Please clarify intentions before submitting TIA. If the applicant is seeking to change the zoning, the trip generation potential of the property should be determined based on the highest and best use allowable under the proposed zoning. 2. Trip Generation: The trip generation estimate is based on anticipated operations and appears generally conservative on a daily basis if the employee count is correct (only 4 employees). However, assuming only 10% of daily trips will occur during the AM peak hour appears low. It implies the hourly distribution of trips to and from the site anticipated to be exactly 10% during each of the 10 hours of operations at the proposed plant. We recommend using a higher peak hour distribution (perhaps 20%) without further justification of the 10%. 3. Study Area: It is unclear whether the 0-1% threshold mentioned in the last sentence refers to the percent of project trips or the percent of daily roadway capacity. Please include at least the following roadways segments in the segment analyses: a. Ocoee Apopka Road from SR 438/W. Franklin St to SR 438/W Silver Star Rd and from SR 438/W Silver Star Rd to Fullers Cross Road b. SR 438/W Franklin St from SR 429 to Ocoee Apopka Road and from SR 438/W Silver Star Rd from Ocoee Apopka Road to Bluford Ave 4. Study Procedures: a. Please adjust existing turning movement counts at the study area intersections to account for current traffic conditions being lower due to the ongoing pandemic, Use area tube counts comparisons pre- and post-COVID, for instance. b. Use the appropriate heavy vehicle percentage In Synchro analyses to account for the high project trip truck volume. c. Please consider the extra length of the vehicles entering and exiting the project driveway and the additional headway needed for those vehicles to maneuver turns to and from the project driveway when calculating the proposed ingress turn lane lengths at the proposed driveway. Let me know if you have any questions. James M. Taylor, P.E. Kimley-Horn 1 189 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 1000, Orlando, FL 32801 Direct: 407 409 7006 1 Mobile: 813 994 9198 1 www.kimlev-horn.com Celebrating 13 years as one of FORTUNE's 100 Best Companies to Work For From: Rumer, Michael <MRumer@ocoee.org> Sent: Friday, December 18, 2020 3:15 PM To: Taylor, James <James.Taylor@kimley-horn.com> Subject: FW: TPD # 5397 Ocoee Ready Mix Plant From: Turgut Dervish <turvutntpdtraffic.cgm> Sent: Friday, December 18, 2020 2:39 PM To: Rumer, Michael <Kfiumer a ocoee.orp> Cc: Rita Merhi <rita Dtpdtraffic.coin> Subject: FW: TPD # 5397 Ocoee Ready Mix Plant Mike, Did you submit this methodology to your consultant for review and is there anything else that you need from us? Thanks and have a nice weekend. Turgut Turgut Dervish, P.E., President TRAFFIC PLANNING AND DESIGN, INC. 535 Versailles Drive Maitland, Florida 32751 407-628-9955 407--628-8850 FAX (ur r_rt tpdtraflic.corn From: Turgut Dervish Sent: Monday, December 7, 2020 4:49 PM To: Rumer, Michael <MRumer a ocoee.ori> Cc: 'Ryan Kingry' <rkin�f� iamisoncomrnercial.com>; Rita Merhi <rita(q2tpdtraffic.com> Subject: FW: TPD # 5397 Ocoee Ready Mix Plant Mike, Attached you will find our proposed traffic study methodology for the Ocoee Ready Mix plant for City's review. Please let us know if you have questions or need additional information. Turgut Turgut Dervish, P.E., President TRAFFIC PLANNING AND DESIGN, INC. 535 Versailles Drive Maitland, Florida 32751 407-628-9955 407-628-8850 FAX Lurc;ut cr Wdtraffic.com CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. TO: Michael Rumer, MPA City of Ocoee, FL FROM: Turgut Dervish, P.E. Wo-�"a DATE: November 16, 2020 RE: TIA Methodology Ocoee Ready Mix Plant TPD Ns 5397 The following information on trip generation/distribution and study roadways/intersections is provided for your review and approval prior to the submittal of the traffic study for the above - referenced project: Proposed Development The proposed development consists of a ready -mix concrete plant by CEMEX with a total building area of 10,870 square feet. This includes 1,750 square feet of office space and 9,120 square feet of industrial shop building. The site is located on Ocoee Apopka Road approximately 0.50 miles north of Plant Street. Figure 1 depicts the project's site location and its one -mile impact area. Access to the site will be provided via an access driveway on Ocoee Apopka Road. Figure 2 is a conceptual site plan of the development. Trip Generation The institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) does not have an appropriate land use code for the type of proposed development for trip generation estimation. Therefore, the project's trip generation was based upon the operational characteristics of the facility as discussed with input provided by the Developers of the facility. Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. 535 Versailles Drive, Maitland, Florida 32751 ® Phone (407) 628-9955 ® Fax (407) 628-8850 a www.tpdtraffic.com as Ll Ocoee Ready Mix Plant TIA Methodology November 16, 2020 TPD No. 5397 Page 5 The operation of the facility will be from 5:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. with 4 employees. The employees will arrive early before 7:00 A.M. and leave at 3:00 P.M. Therefore, they will not contribute traffic to the 7-9 A.M. and 4-6 P.M. highway peak hours. The trips to and from the proposed plant have been estimated as follows: • Materials are delivered to the plant from outside sources as follows: Cementious - Course Aggregate - Fine Aggregate - Other Miscellaneous - Total - 7 loads a day 20 loads per day 18 loads per day 1 load per day 46 loads per day Each load represents two trips (arriving and departing) for a total daily trips of 92. Cemex products are shipped to clients/job sites in 30 trucks with each truck making three round trips. This would equate to 90 daily round trips or 180 two-way trips. • The daily trip generation at the plant would then be as follows: Employee Trips - 4 x 2 = 8 trips per day Material Delivery Truck Trips - 92 trips per day Product shipment Truck Trips- 180 trips per day Total Trips - 280 trips per day • Approximately 10% of the trips will occur within one hour from 7 A.M. to 9 A.M. or 28 trips, 14 entering and 14 exiting. Ocoee Ready Mix Plant TIA Methodology November 16, 2020 TPD No. 5397 Page 6 Trip Distribution A trip distribution pattern was estimated using the currently adopted Central Florida Regional Planning Model (CFRPM) V6.1. A Select Zone Analysis (SZA) was conducted by modifying the 2020 interim year model network to include a Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) representing the proposed project and the model's socio-economic data updated to reflect the proposed project buildout. The model -generated distribution is included in Attachment A. The distribution of the project trips within the one -mile impact area is shown in Figure 3. Utilizing this distribution, the project trips will be assigned to the study area roadways/intersections. Study Area Roadway Segments The City's current TIA methodology guidelines require that the extent of the impact area include all road segments that fall within one -mile of the project site and all roadways with a trip generation of more than 5% of the maximum service volume outside of the one -mile radius. To determine the traffic impact area for this project, a significance test was conducted as summarized in Table 2. Based upon the significance test, the impact area was not expanded beyond the one -mile area. All of the CMS roadways within the one -mile impact area will be included in the analysis except for those roadways where the project add 0-1 % of its trips. Intersections The following intersections are proposed to be included in the analysis: • Ocoee Apopka Road and Silver Star Road • Ocoee Apopka Road and Plant Street • Site Entrance c" , ar ='SI70 l � Ocoee Hi}Is Rd in m ystal'O 3rd Sit , ❑ ozelDr ❑ u w? �R &ate ,' ena-R 2 tck9i r olkm � z `� CazdinaE Sl� Ocoee Ready Mix Plant TIA Methodology November 16, 2020 TPD No. 5397 Page 8 Table 2 Sianificance Analvsis Roadway Segment Lns Adopted Daily LOS Daily Project Trips Project Trip as % of ` Capacity Significant at 6% Level? LOS Capacity Trip Distribution* Volume Ocoee Apopka Road SR 438 to Demastus Ln 2 E 17,700 68% 190 1.08% No Demastus Ln to Fullers Cross Rd 2 E 17,700 29% 81 0.46% No Lakewood Avenue SR 438 to Rewis St 2 E 17,700 1% 3 0.02 No Rewis St to Wurst St 2 E 17,700 0% 0 0.00 No Wurst Rd to Fullers Cross Rd 2 E 17,700 0% 0 0.00 No Buford Avenue Orlando Rd to McKey St 2 D 14,800 3% 8 0.06 No McKey St to SR 438 2 D 14,800 6% 17 0.11 No E. Crown Point Road SR 438 to Palm Dr 2 D 14,800 0% 0 0.00 No Rewis Street Lakewood Ave to Flewelling St 2 D 18,800 1% 3 0.02 No SR 438 (Silver Star Road) Crown Point Rd to SR 429 2 E 17,700 14% 39 0.22 No SR 429 to Bowness Rd 2 E 17,700 26% 73 0.41 No Bowness Rd to Ocoee Apopka Rd 2 E 17,700 26% 73 0.41 No Ocoee Apopka Rd to Bluford Rd 2 E 17,700 19% 53 0.30 No Bluford Rd to Ocoee Hills Rd 2 E 17,700 18% 50 0.28 No Bowness Road Kissimmee Ave to SR 438 2 D 14,800 16% 45 0.230 No McKey Street Kissimmee Ave to Bluford Rd 2 E 14,800 3% 8 0.06 No Ocoee Ready Mix Plant TIA Methodology November 16, 2020 TPD No. 5397 Page 9 Study Procedures The procedures contained in the City's Traffic Impact Analysis Methodology Outline will be followed in the preparation of the traffic study which will involve: • Roadway Segment Analysis — The study roadways will be analyzed for existing and projected conditions by comparing the daily traffic volumes on the segments with the corresponding capacities at the adopted LOS. • Intersection Analysis — The intersections will be analyzed for existing and projected conditions during the A.M. peak hour utilizing HCS and/or Synchro Software. • Existing daily traffic volumes will be obtained from the City, County and FDOT as available. Existing P.M. peak hour volumes will be collected in the field during the 7-9 A.M. peak hour and adjusted as per FDOT seasonal factors for Orange County. Projected traffic volumes will be determined by combining background traffic with project trips. Background traffic will be estimated by applying growth factors determined from historical trends analysis of daily traffic volumes on the study roadways or a minimum of 2% whichever is greater. • Access Driveway Analysis — The proposed driveway will be evaluated with respect to overall geometry, turn lanes and traffic controls. • Traffic Report — A traffic report will be prepared summarizing the study procedures, analyses, and results. 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O N m H H H N tO m m ID O N tD MM M I iH H H H H H H H H H H H H I I I I I W l o 0 0 0 0 C. o c•io 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o b o 0 0 0 0 L.' I o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 H I O H N Md'tn QO h1W m O H NM d'M to h WmOHNM H I 0000000 t_(O OH H" -A-4H H H HNNNN of ml N 1 r I I I 1 Ln Ln co11 V) zWL)NN O m 0 0 H .7 mNN H �l H •-+ U0 H A q 14 2, 000 H.7 m 0 0 O h to m x HH 0 U Wm�DiD z�d+rr a O� H H [U[zjj H H Lo 0 0 g0HIDM O co ID W x H H Phase Vehicle Basic Tuning Data Date 7/29/2015 Time 7159s05 Inteitection Name Silver Star Rd & Ocoee/Apopka Source Database P1kase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, Minimum Green 0 15 0 5 6 15 0 5 Passage 0.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 3.5 3.0 0.0 3.0 Maximum 1 0 35 0 30 14 35 0 30 Maximum 2 0 35 0 30 14 35 0 30 Yellow Change 4.1 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 4.0 Red Clearance 2.0 1.0 0,0 1.0 1,0 2.3 0.0 1.0 Phase 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Minimum Green 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Passage 010 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Maximum 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maximum 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yellow Change 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Red Clearance 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 010 Page I of I Phase Pedestrian Tinning. Data Date 7/29/2015 Time 7:59:12 Intersection Name Silver Star Rd & Ocoee/Apopka Source Database Phase 8 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 Walk 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 Pedestrian Clear 0 ": 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 Flashing Walk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Extended.Ped Clear 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Act hest in Walk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Plisse 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Walk 0 0 0 0 '. 0 0 0 0 Pedestrian Clear 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 Flashing Walk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Extended Ped Clear 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Act Rest in Walk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 1 of 1 o ES � F� Z Z r 2 = o F- D N w O U r > :o¢ i Ito UU Q tL v x J Z J J z 0 J G J O O z O O O z (D ._ J J A O m U i Q C3— bo W �` W il. W' 9 V d ¢ CC d p Z Q H K n LU Li LA LA LLI w. 0 _cc q o o q n 3 a ` r\ c� M t� M �►° W � Lq to 0 00 z $U E c w(31 p LL N CC Ow F >N m v Cn CO n CO ^A . D`" z r� =� Oho u�cn F- U Z Z �F Fes' N CC ui Oto. :o< ln(n lL J p n z J U J O v v J U J a cYi z 0 (4 .� J O U tU bo (� W 9 V) V z CL Q p Z a a c1 c( c( N Cl c H (A } U S p C cc W z U q, � m �N Q �a LU z 0 T p ✓ ~ LL [[ O Lu j N C7 v Ln c0 h CO LA L Ii APPENDIX D Existing Intersections Capacity Worksheets HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Summary so UMENAMIEVION19M General Information BE Intersection Information Agency TPD, Inc. _ Duration, h 0.250 Analyst MJA Analysis Date Apr 20, 2021 Area Type Other ' Jurisdiction City of Ocoee Time Period A.M. Peak Hour PHF 0.97 ot D'r. Urban Street Ocoee Apopka Rd Analysis Year 2021 Analysis Period 1> 7:45 1 7 r Intersection Silver Star Rd File Name 5397 Ocoee Apopka Rd & Silver Star Rd - Project... roject PDescription AM Peak Hour - Existing Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 3 46 7 176 197 133 9 272 155 159 404 19 SEEM Signal Information_ f ". Cycle, s� 53 7 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point End1 Green 5.5 18.1 14.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Uncoordinated Yes Simult. Gap E1W On Yellow 3.6 4.1 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ., Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Red 1.0 2.3 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1011011011101 Timmer Results_ EBL EBT WBL W_ BT NBL NBT SBL SBT Phase 4 8 6 5 2 _Assigned Case NumberTT 6.0 6.0 6.3 1.0 4.0 Phase Duration, s 19.2 19.2 24.5 10.1 34.5 Change Period, (Y+R o ), s � 5.0 5.0 6.4 4.6 6.4 Max Allow Headway ( MAH ), s 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.6 4.1 Que_ue_Clearance Time ( g s ), s 12.1 12.0 14.6 4.9 10.2 Green Extension Time ( g e ), s 2.1 2.1 3.4 0.4 3.6 Phase Call Probability 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.91 1.00 Max Out Probability 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.01 SEEM i Movement Group Results EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Assigned Movement 7 4 14 3 8 18 1 6 16 5 2 12 _ Adjusted Flow Rate ( v ), veh/h 3 55 181 340 9 440 164 436 Adjusted Saturation Flow Rate ( s ), veh/h/In _ 1057 1827 1339 1689 968 1686 1753 1797 Queue Service Time (g s ), s 0.1 1.2 6.4 10.0 0.3 12.6 2.9 8.2 Cycle Queue Clearance Time (g ), s 10.1 1.2 7.6 10.0 0.3 12.6 2.9 8.2 Green Ratio ( g/C) 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.34 0.34 0.48 0.52 Capacity ( c ), veh/h 217 483 458 446 459 567 408 941 Volume -to -Capacity Ratio (X) 0.014 0.113 0.396 0.763 0.020 0.776 0.402 0.463 of Queue ( Q ), ft/In ( 95 th percentile) 1.6 20.9 82.7 174.2 3 207.5 43.4 113.5 xBack Back of Queue ( Q ), veh/In ( 95 th percentile) 0.1 0.8 3.2 6.6 0.1 7.9 1.7 4.3 Queue Storage Ratio ( RQ) ( 95 th percentile) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Uniform Delay ( d 1 ), s/veh 22.9 15.0 17.9 18.2 12.0 16.0 10.6 8.1 Incremental Delay ( d 2), s/veh 0.0 0.1 0.6 2.7 OA 2.3 0.8 0.4 Initial Queue Delay ( d 3), s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay ( d), s/veh 22.9 15.1 18.4 21.0 12.0 18.4 11.3 8.4 Level of Service (LOS) C B B I C B B B A Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS 15.5 B 20.1 C 18.2 B 9.2 A Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS 15A B Multimodal Results EB WB NB SB Pedestrian LOS Score / LOS 1.90 B 1.90 B 1.90 B 1.87 B Bicycle LOS Score / LOS 0.58 A 1.35 A 1.23 A 1.48 A Copyright © 2021 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved. FICS"' Streets version 7.9.5 Generated: 4/21/2021 1:00:08 PM HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Summary General Information Intersection Information Agency TPD, Inc. Duration, h 0.250 ���� j Analyst MJA Analysis Date Apr 21, 2021 Area Type Other Jurisdiction City of Ocoee Time Period A.M. Peak Hour PHF 0.95 Urban Street Ocoee Apopka Rd Analysis Year 2021 Analysis Period 1> 7:30 Intersection Franklin St/Plant St File Name 5397 Ocoee Apopka Rd & Franklin St - Projec Project Description AM Prak Hour - Existing .I I Y 7r-Y 7; Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 192 191 240 14 80 25 85 241 5 28 401 104 Signal Information Cycle, 79.8 Reference Phase 2.. s � I % ° Offset, s_ 0 Reference Point_ End Green 9.4 15.0 2.4 1.9 26.8 0.0 Uncoordinated Simult. Gap E/W On Yellow 4.0 4.0 41 0.0 4.1 0.0 �, <: _Yes Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Red 2.0 2.0 2..0 0.0 2.0 0.0 ° Timer Results EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Assigned Phase 1 6 2 7 4 3 8 Case Number 1.0 4.0 6.3 Phase Duration, s 15.4 36.4 21.0 10.4 34.8 8.5 32.9 Change Period, ( Y+R c ), s 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 Max Allow Headway ( MAH ), s 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 Queue Clearance Time ( g s ), s 9.2 20.2 6.2 4.7 10.6 2.8 25.2 Green Extension Time ( g e ), s 0.3 2.4 2.4 0.1 2.7 0.0 1.6 Phase Call Probability 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.86 1.00 0.48 1.00 Max Out Probability 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.23 MEMENNEREEMEMENUMEM Movement Group Results EB WB NB So Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R _Approach Assigned Movement 1 6 16 5 2 12 7 4 14 3 8 18 Adjusted Flow Rate ( v ), veh/h 202 454 15 111 89 259 29 532 Adjusted Saturation Flow Rate ( s ), veh/h/In 1697 1686 952 1822 1697 1804 1810 1746 Queue Service Time ( g s ), s 7.2 4.2 2.7 8.6 0.8 23.2 Cycle Queue Clearance Time (g ), s 7.2 4.2 2.7 8.6 0.8 23.2 Green Ratio (g/C) 0.33 k64 W236 0.19 0.39 0.36 0.37 0.34 Capacity ( c ), veh/h 457 342 220 650 405 587 Volume -to -Capacity Ratio (X) 0.443. 0.323 0.406 0.398 0.073 0.905 Back of Queue ( Q ), ft/In ( 95 th percentile) 132 284.7 10.9 81.2 50.3 161.1 15.1 424.3 Back of Queue ( Q ), veh/In ( 95 th percentile) 5.0 11.1 0.4 3.2 1.9 6.1 0.6 16.2 Queue Storage Ratio ( RQ) ( 95 th percentile) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Uniform Delay ( d 1 ), s/veh 20.5 20.9 29.0 28.0 19.4 19.1 16.8 25.3 Incremental Delay ( d 2 ), s/veh 0.7 1.4 0.1 0.5 1.2 0.4 0.1 11.9 Initial Queue Delay ( d 3 ), s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay ( d), s/veh 21.2 22.3 29.1 28.6 20.6 19.5 16.8 37.2 Level of Service (LOS) C C C C C B B D Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS 22.0 C 28.6 C 19.8 B 36.1 D Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS 26.7 C Multimodal Results EB WB NB SB Pedestrian LOS Score / LOS 1.91 B 1.93 B 1.91 B 1.91 B Bicycle LOS Score / LOS 1.57 B 0.69 A 1.06 A 1.41 A Copyright © 2021 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved. HCST" Streets Version 7.9.5 Generated: 4121/2021 12:58:01 PM I_1a7: 4 1,107►4 Trends Analysis Charts 1=a 000000 0 0 0 • C • T • �n M M M �h �i' d' \ d' • � � \ `� � r V 0 0 0 0 O O • c Q\ Q Q • N ' S cm z• z z � O It t' T T T T T • t- M M M L' N N N O d i' NNNNNN N N N h M le cc U) a- O ®� / ai = N � O \ U v� ® C L i L r Cl) c ) V �P ,cc V/ C 0 Z U LL J Ir U) N m In o a oc U) v O Y CL O M Q ® 1 ('7 O / V O (n O 1r � V cc a, 4— CU w N � r U M c r CV) Rtr cc U) c c k a Z cc u. _ �'a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0• Q C u CD CO O r N • (D O) • N Q N d d d �t LJO L L• LO (D ' aLL T 1 r U G • 0 0 0 0 0 0 • Q' Q Q' 7 LO co w O 0 N z• Z• z �t LO W I- W O • r CO LO �- T r r N N N i' NNNNNN N N N r o 0 0 LO o � N T N I" O N 0')r Q CO O r Q r ai d »r 4) m N L N N Y+ V O' = G 11 F d o a0 O � N � O Q = v l0 G% G a= a � o i- 0 a c d Q I— a 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 0 0 O • Q G 00 0) O r N M • CO 00 • O a) M Co dt It d It d• d L' F- F- ' a v*»r 000000 C o 0 0 0 0 0 Q Q Q• o°i��°ai� CD z z •z m U ' • L • CO r N N NNNNNN N N N 1- o 0 0 co N '- N r- 0N0 n r co a •-L rn o cn �— 0.0 $ is 1-- O rn C N S G d F- Q - • - - - - . . . C : c m (on } a> co aril >- m — - — • - • - - - - _ L _0 LPL CL Q O o o .. N CV N < Q APPENDIX F Projected HCS Capacity Worksheets HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Summary MENNEN= 11111111101IM11111111 General Information mmmm Intersection Information Agency TPD, Inc. Duration, h 0.250 .- Analyst s t N FJ Analysis Date Apr 20,2021 Area Type Other Jurisdiction City of Ocoee Time Period A.M. Peak Hour PHF 0.97 Urban Street Ocoee Apopka Rd Analysis Year 2022 Analysis Period 1> 7:45 Intersection Silver Star Rd File Name 5397 Ocoee Apopka Rd & Silver Star Rd - Pro Project Description AM Peak Hour - Projected Demand Information EB EB IHB SHE;: SB Approach Movement L T R L L T R Demand ( v), veh/h 3 4 �7 183 169 431 20 Signal Information Cycle, s Reference 57.1 Reference Phase '-dff- -0 -Reference Point End Uncoordinated Yes Simult. Gap ENV On Green 5.6 Yellow �K 3!6 200 4N 15.5 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 10.0 1 Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Red .0 2.3A 1.0 - 0.0 10.0 ImmaoGo FAMMEEM MENEM= 0 saw= Timer Results Em EBL I= EBT E/BL OEM W13TIONFLE =NBT SBL EMSEEME SBT Assigned Phase 4 8 6 5 2 Case Number 6.0 6.0 6.3 1.0 4.0 Phase Duration, s 20.5 20.5 26.4 10.2 36.6 Change Period, ( Y+R c s 5.0 5.0 6.4 4.6 6.4 Allow Headway ( MAH), s 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.6 4.1 -Max Queue Clearance Time ( g, s ), s 13.4 13.2 16.3 5.3 11.4 Green Extension Time ( g e), s 2.1 2.1 3.6 0.4 3.8 Phase Call Probability 1.00 1.00 --�-.00 1.00 Max Out Probability ��.02 0.02 0.05 "0.94 0.07 0.02 Movement Group Results -L EB -R oil= --L-T-T E= WB NB NO= S13 Approach Movement T R L T R L T R Assigned Movement 7 7 4 14 3 8 18 1 6 16 5 2 12 Adjusted Flow Rate ( v), veh/h 3 57 189 --1-336- 358 10 --64-2 469 174 -17-5-3 -1-797 465 Adjusted Saturation Flow Rate s ve-h/h/ln 1040 1828 1687 1689 Queue Service Time ( g s ), s r -09 1.3 7.1 11.2 0.4 14.3 7.3 9.4 Cycle Queue Clearance Time ( go), s 11.4 1.3 8.3 11.2 0.4 14.3 3.3 9.4 Green Ratio (gIC) 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.35 0.35 0.48 0.53 7Capacity ( c ), veh/h 205 ---49-7 459 458 456 591 390 950 Volume -to -Capacity Ratio (X) 0.015 0.114 0 .41111 0381 0.023 0,794 0.447 0.489 'Back of Queue (Q Win (95 th percentile) - -- 1.7 - 23.2 2.6 f- 198.8 3.5 ---- 2318 -5 50 13-4.6 Back of Queue ( Q veh/In 95 th percentile) 0.1- -6=9- -3.6 7.6 0.1 8.8 2.0 5.1 TQueue Storage Ratio ( RQ) ( 95 th percentile) 0.00 0.00 -0.0-0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 Uniform Delay ( d i ), s/veh 24.5 15.6 18.7 19.2 12.2 16.7 11.3 8.6 Incremental 'Delay ( d 2 ), s/veh 0.0 -0.1 0.6 2.9 0.0 2.5 1.0 0.4 Initial Queue Delay ( d 3 ), s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay ( d), s/veh -24-5 15.7 19.3 22-2 --2 1 -A9.2 12.3 8.9 Level of Service (LOS) C B rB 'C qB B B A Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS =16. =2 B 21.2 19,0 B 9.9 =A Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS RIEVENESERNMEMEM 16.2 B OEM MEN= Results EB - WB NB SB -Multimodal Pedestrian LOS Score / LOS 1.91 B 1.90 B =A 1.87 B !B� Bicycle LOS Score / LOS 1.39 A 1.28 Copyright @ 2021 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved. 1-ICS11' Streets Version 7.9.5 Generated: 4121/2021 12:22:09 PM E Em General Information Site Information Analyst MJA Intersection Ocoee Apopka Rd & Access Agency/Co. TPD, Inc. Jurisdiction City of Ocoee Date Performed 4/21/2021 East/West Street Site Access Analysis Year 2022 North/South Street Ocoee -Apopka Rd Time Analyzed AM Peak Hour - Projected Peak Hour Factor 0.92 Intersection Orientation North -South Analysis Time Period (hrs) 0.25 Project Description 5397 - Ocoee Ready Mix Plant Lanes 4 ,'i` ti Y?`t Major Street: North -South Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 10 11 12 7 8 9 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 Number of Lanes 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Configuration LR LT TR Volume (veh/h) 7 16 16 424 60S 7 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%) 100 100 100 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%) 0 Right Turn Channelized Median Type I Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec) 7.1 6.2 4.1 Critical Headway (sec) 7.40 7.20 5.10 Base Follow -Up Headway (sec) 3.5 3.3 2.2 Follow -Up Headway (sec) 4.40 4.20 3.10 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h) 25 17 Capacity, c (veh/h) 229 594 v/c Ratio 0.11 0.03 95% Queue Length, Q,s (veh) 0.4 0.1 Control Delay (s/veh) 22.6 11.2 Level of Service (LOS) C B Approach Delay (s/veh) 22.6 0.8 Approach LOS C Copyright © 2021 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved. HCSTN TWSC Version 7.9.5 Generated: 4/21/2021 12:45:05 PM 5397 Ocoee Apopka Rd & Site Access - Projected.ktw RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS CEMEX READY MIX PLANT TIA The following is our response to the City of Ocoee Comments regarding the CEMEX Mix Plant project dated May 17, 2021. Each comment is listed in bold followed by our response. Comment 1: Intersection Analyses_ The TIS indicates that existing signal timings were obtained from theCity of Ocoee, but the signal timings in the HCS reports do not appear to be consistent withthe signal timing worksheets included in Appendix C. The cycle lengths are shown as 53.7 seconds and 79.8 seconds at the study area intersections. Please verify that the correct existing signal timings were used in the analysis. Response: The cycle lengths shown under Signal Information of HCS worksheets are HCS generated (not input values) because the signals are not coordinated. Under Phase Information of the HCS worksheets, the correct signal timings were used as per the existing signal timings. See attached HCS worksheets. Comment 2: Existing Turning Movement Volumes: Although intersection volume development worksheets are not provided, the eastbound through volume at SR 438 (Franklin Street) andOcoee-Apopka Road appears to be much higher than the volume in the turning movement count data (more so than the other volumes which are adjusted per the COVID adjustment). Please correct. Response: There was a graphical error which has been corrected. The EB through volumes for existing and projected conditions have been revised. See attached revised Figures. TPD No. 5397 June 3, 2021 Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. 535 Versailles Drive, Maitland, Florida 32751 ® Phone (407) 628-9955 ® Fax (407) 628-8850 ■ www.tpdtraffic.coni Response to City of Ocoee Comments Cemex Mix Plant TPD No. 5397 June 3, 2021 Page 2 Comment 3: Turn Lane Analysis: No turn lane analysis is provided at the proposed project driveway. As stated in the methodology comments, please consider the extra length of the vehicles entering and exiting the project driveway and the additional headway needed for those vehicles to maneuver turns to and from the project driveway when calculating the proposed ingress turn lane lengths at the proposed driveway. Response: The Developer is proposing right and left turn lanes at the site access on Apopka Ocoee Road. See preliminary Site Plan attached. The length of the turn lanes has been determined as follows: ® NB Left Turn Lane At a speed of 35 mph, a deceleration distance of 155 feet is required as per FDOT Design Index 711-001. From HCS analysis, a queue length of 0.1 vehicle (use 1.0) is required. Utilizing a vehicle length of 75 feet (for trucks), the total length becomes 155+ 75= 230 feet. The Developer is proposing a length of 210 feet. • SB Right Turn Lane At a speed of 35 mph, a deceleration distance of 155 feet is required since right turn do not stop when entering the site. The total length of the right turn lane required is 155 feet. The Developer is proposing a length of 180 feet. ® The Developer is designing the access driveway to accommodate truck traffic. HCS Worksheets HCS7 Signalized Intersection Input Data General Information Intersection Information Agency TPD, Inc. Duration, h 0.250 Analyst rMJA Analysis Date Apr 20, 2021 Area Type Other Jurisdiction _ City of Ocoee Time Period A.M. Peak Hour PHF 0.97 Urban Street Ocoee Apopka Rd Analysis Year 2021 Analysis Period 1> 7:45 Intersection Silver Star Rd File Name 5397 Ocoee Apopka Rd & Silver Star Rd - Existin... Project Description AM Peak Hour - Existing "t'I TY l� r Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 3 46 7 176 197 133 9 272 155 159 404 19 Signal Information SEEM I Cycle, s 53.7 Reference Phase 2 '' Offset, s� 0 Reference Point End Green 15.5 118.1 14.2 10.0 0.0 0.0' r Uncoordinated Is Simult. Gap ENV On Yellow 13.6 14.1 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Red 1.0 2.3 1.0 Traffic Information EB WB NB SB � Approach Movement L T RW T R L TR L T R Demand (v), veh/h 3 46 7 197 133 9 272 155 159 404 19 Initial Queue (Qb), veh/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 j Base Saturation Flow Rate (so), veh/h 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Parking (Nm), man/h None None None None Heavy Vehicles (PHv), % 0 2 3 6 0 7 4 6 Ped / Bike / RTOR, /h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 j Buses (Nb), buses/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D '' 0 0 0 Arrival Type (A7) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 j Upstream Filtering (1) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Lane Width (lM, ft 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Turn Bay Length, ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grade (Pg), % 0 0 0 1 1 0 Speed Limit, mi/h 35 35 35 "3535 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 Phase Information EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT ' ` SBL SBT Maximum Green (Gmax) or Phase Split, s 30.0 30.0 35.0 14.0 35.0 -�iellow Change Interval (Y), s rnRed 4.0 4.0 4.1 3.6 4.0 Clearance Interval ( Rc), s 1.0 1.0 2.3 1.0 1.0 Minimum Green ( Gmin), s 5 5 15 6 15 Start -Up Lost Time ( It), s 2.0 2.0 2.0 1 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green (e), s 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Passage (PT), s 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.0 Recall Mode Off Off Min Off Min Dual Entry Yes Yes Yes No Yes Walk (Walk), s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pedestrian Clearance Time (PC), s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Multimodal Information EB WB NB SB 85th % Speed / Rest in Walk / Corner Radius 0 No 25 0 No 25 0 No 25 0 No 25 Walkway /Crosswalk Width / Length, It 9.0 12 0 9.0 12 0 9.0 12 0 9.0 12 0 I Street Width / Island / Curb 0 0 No 0 0 No 0 0 No 0 0 No j Width Outside / Bike Lane / Shoulder, ft 12 5.0 2.0 12 5.0 2.0 12 5.0 2.0 12 5.0 2.0 Pedestrian Signal /Occupied Parking No 0.50 No 0.50 No 0.50 No 0.50 Copyright © 2021 University or Florida, All Rights Reserved. HCST"' Streets Version 7.9.5 Generated: 6/3/2021 2:29:25 PM HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Summary General Information Info7-Existin �A �,4, t r''4' Agency TPD, Inc L M_JA Analysis Date Apr 20, 2021 7Silver _Analyst Jurisdiction City of Ocoee Time Period A.M. Peak Hour Urban Street Ocoee Apopka Rd Analysis Year 2021 iod Intersection Silver Star Rd File Name 5397 Ocoee ApopkStar... Project Description AM Peak Hour- Existing 4 1'4'yt',r�' Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L R L T R Demand (v ), veh/h 3 46 7 176 197 133 9 _T 272 155 159 404 19 Signal Information Cycle, s 53.7 Reference Phase 2 "'3 �" w Offset, s 0 Reference Point End Green 5.5 18.1 14.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Uncoordinated Yes Simult. Gap E/W On Yellow 3.6 4.1 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 I Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Red 1.0 12.3 11.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Timer Results EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Assigned Phase 4 8 6 5 2 3Case Number 6.0 6.0 6.3 1.0 4.0 Phase Duration, s 19.2 19.2 24.5 10.1 34.5 Change Period, ( Y+R o ), s wMax 5.0 5.0 6.4 4.6 6.4 Allow Headway ( MAH ), s 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.6 4.1 Queue Clearance Time ( g s ), s 12.1 12.0 14.6 4.9 10.2 Green Extension Time ( g e ), s 2.1 2.1 3.4 0.4 3.6 Phase Call Probability 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.91 1.00 Max Out Probability 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.01 Movement Group Results EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Assigned Movement 7 4 14 3 8 18 1 1 6 16 5 2 12 Adjusted Flow Rate ( v ), veh/h 3 55 181 340 9 440 164 436 Adjusted Saturation Flow Rate ( s), veh/h/In 1057 1827 1339 1689 968 1686 1753 1797 Queue Service Time ( g s ), ss 0.1 1.2 6.4 10.0 0.3 12.6 2.9 8.2 Cycle Queue Clearance Time ( g c ), s 10.1 _1,2 7.6 10.0 0.3 12.6 2.9 8.2 Green Ratio (g1C) 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.34 0.34 0.48 0.52 Capacity ( c ), veh/h 217 483 458 446 459 567 408 941 Volume -to -Capacity Ratio (X) 0.014 0.113 0.396 0.763 0.020 0.776 0.402 0.463 Back of Queue (Q ), Win ( 95 th percentile) 1.6 20.9 82.7 174.2 3 207.5 43.4 113.5 Back of Queue ( Q ), veh/In ( 95 th percentile) 0.1 0.8 3.2 6.6 0.1 7.9 1.7 4.3 Queue Storage Ratio (RQ) (95 th percentile) 0.00 0.00W20.1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Uniform Delay ( d i ), s/veh 22.9 15.012.0 16.0 10.6 8.1 Incremental Delay ( d 2 ), s/veh 0.0 0.10.0 2.3 0.8 0.4 Initial Queue Delay ( d 3 ), s/veh 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay ( d), s/veh 22.9 15.112.0 18.4 11.3 8.4 Level of Service (LOS) C BB B B A Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS 15.5 18.2 B 9.2 A Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS 15.4 B Multimodal Results EB WB NB SB Pedestrian LOS Score / LOS 1.90 B 1.90 B 1.90 B 1.87 B Bicycle LOS Score / LOS 0.58 A 1.35 A 1.23 A 1.48 A Copyright 0 2021 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved. HCST'^ Streets Version 7.9.5 Generated: 6/3/2021 2:29:25 PM HCS7 Signalized Intersection Input Data EMMFMMMEMEMMM General Information Intersection Information Agency_ TPD, Inc. Duration, h 0.250 Analyst MJA Analysis Date Jun 3, 2021 Area Type Other b Jurisdiction City of Ocoee Time Period A.M. Peak Hour PHF 0.95 Urban Street Ocoee Apopka Rd Analysis Year 2021 Analysis Period 1> 7:30 i Intersection Franklin St/Plant St File Name 5397 Ocoee Apopka Rd & Franklin St - Existing.xus Project Description NIVANSWIME AM Peak Hour - Existing Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 192 125 240 14 80 25 85 241 5 28 401 MENEM 104 Signal Information mommm Cycle, s 79.8 Reference Phase Offset, s 0 Reference Point End - -- Uncoordinated Yes Simult. Gap ENV On Green Yellow 9.4 4.0 115.0 4.0 2.4 1.9 26.8 0.0 4.1 0.0 4.1 0.0 Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Red 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 . J Traffic Information EB WB NB SB Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R _Approach Demand (v), veh/h 192 125 240 14 80 25 85 241 5 28 401 104 Initial Queue (Qb), veh/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Base Saturation Flow Rate (so), veh/h 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Parking (Nm), man/h None None None Heavy Vehicles (PHv), % 8 3 0 0 8 6 0Ped / Bike / RTOR, /h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F 0 Buses (Nb), buses/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Arrival Type (A7) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Upstream Filtering (1) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Lane Width (KO, ft 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Turn Bay Length, ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grade (Pg), % 0 0 0 0 Speed Limit, mi/h 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35t 35 35 3ceiiselooNsistlasim5 Phase Information EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL SBL SBT Maximum Green (Gmax) or Phase Split, s 15.0 50.0 50.0 15.0 15.0 35.0 Yellow Change Interval (Y), s 4.0 4.0 40 4.1 4.1 4.1 Red Clearance Interval ( Ro), s 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Minimum Green ( Gmin), s 5 15 15 5 5 5 5 Start -Up Lost Time ( It), s 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green (e), s 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Passage (P'1), s 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Recall Mode Off Min Min Off Off Off Off Dual Entry No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Walk (Walk), s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pedestrian Clearance Time (PC), s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Multimodal Information EB WB NB SB 85th % Speed / Rest in Walk / Corner Radius 0 No 25 0 No 25 0 No 25 0 No 25 Walkway / Crosswalk Width / Length, ft 9.0 12 0 9.0 12 0 9.0 12 0 9.0 12 0 Street Width / Island / Curb 0 0 No 0 0 No 0 0 No 0 0 No [_Width Outside / Bike Lane / Shoulder, ft 12 5.0 2.0 12 5.0 2.0 12 5.0 2.0 12 5.0 2.0 Pedestrian Signal / Occupied Parking No 0.50 No 0.50 No 0.50 No 0.50 Copyright © 2021 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved. HCST"' Streets Version 7.9.5 Generated: 6/312021 2:23:09 PM HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Summary General Information Intersection Information Agency TPD, Inc. Duration, h 0.250 Analyst MJA Analysis Date Jun 3, 2021 Area Type Other Jurisdiction City of Ocoee Time Period A.M. Peak Hour PHF 0.95 Urban Street Ocoee Apopka Rd Analysis Year 2021 Analysis Period 1> 7:30 r; Intersection Franklin St/Plant St File Name 5397 Ocoee Apopka Rd & Franklin St - Existing.xus Project Description AM Peak Hour- Existing Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 192 125 240 14 80 25 85 241 5 28 401 104 Signal information Cycle s 79.8 Reference Phase 2 � 'r ", i. Offset, s - - Uncoordinated 0 Reference Point End Yes Simult. Gap E/W On Green 9.4 15.0 2.4 1.9 26.8 0.0 I Yellow 4.0 4.0 4.1 0.0 4.1 0.0'»> Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Red 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 Timer Results EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT ` SBL SBT Assigned Phase 1 6 2 7 4 3 8 Case Number 1.0 4.0 6.3 1.1 4.0 1.1 4.0 Phase Duration, s 15.4 6.4 21.0 10.4 34.8 8.5 32.9 -Change Period, ( Y+R ), s 6.0.0 6.0 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 Max Allow Headway ( MAH ), s 4.1.2 P2. 4.2 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 Queue Clearance Time ( g s ), s 9.2 6.9 6.2 4.7 10.6 2.8 25.2 Green Extension Time ( g e ), s 0.31 2.1 0.1 2.7 0.0 1.6 Phase Call Probability 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.48 1.00 Max Out Probability 0.31 0.00 0.00 10.86J1.00 0.07 0.00 0.23 Movement Group Results EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L TFR L T R L T R Assigned Movement 5 2 7 4 14 3 8 18 Adjusted Flow Rate ( v ), veh/h W14. 15 111 89 259 29 532 Adjusted Saturation Flow Rate ( s), veh/h/In 1015 1822 1697 1 1804 1810 1746 Queue Service Time ( g s ), s .1.0 4.2 2.7 8.6 0.8 23.2 Cycle Queue Clearance Time ( go), s 7.2 14.9 1.0 4.2 2.7 8.6 0.8 23.2 Green Ratio (g/C) 0.33 0.38 0.19 0.19 0.39 0.36 0.37 0.34 Capacity ( c ), veh/h 457 633 281 342 220 650 405 587 Volume -to -Capacity Ratio (X) 0.443 0.607 0.052 0.323 0.406 0.398 0.073 0.905 Back of Queue ( Q ), Win ( 95 th percentile) 132 238.2 10.3 81.2 50.3 161.1 15.1 424.3 Back of Queue ( Q ), veh/In ( 95 th percentile) 5.0 9.3 0.4 3.2 1.9 6.1 0.6 16.2 Queue Storage Ratio ( RQ) ( 95 th percentile) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Uniform Delay ( d i ), s/veh 20.5 19.9 26.7 28.0 19.4 19.1 16.8 25.3 Incremental Delay ( d 2), s/veh 0.7 0.9 0.1 0.5 1.2 0,4 0.1 11.9 Initial Queue Delay ( d s ), s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0L28.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay ( d), s/veh 21.2 20.8 26.8 20.6 19.5 16.8 37.2 Level of Service (LOS) C C C C B B D Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS 20.9 C 28C 19.8 B 36.1 D Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS 26.5 C Multimodal Results EB WB NB SB Pedestrian LOS Score / LOS 1.91 B 1.93 B 1.91 B 1.91 B Bicycle LOS Score / LOS 1.46 A 0.69 A 1.06 A 1.41 A Copyright © 2021 University of Florida, All Bights (deserved. I1CS"' Streets Version 7.9.5 Generated: 613/2021 2:23:09 PM HCS7 Signalized Intersection Input Data General Information Intersection Information Agency TPD, Inc. Duration, h 0.250 Analyst MJA Analysis Date Apr 20, 2021 Area Type Other -Jurisdiction City of Ocoee Time Period A.M. Peak Hour PHF 0.97 Urban Street Ocoee Apopka Rd Analysis Year 2022 Analysis Period 1> 7:45 Intersection Silver Star Rd File Name 5397 Ocoee Apopka Rd & Silver Star Rd - Pr( Proiect Description CAM Peak Hour - Proiected Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 3 48 7 183 205 142 10 294 161 169 431 20 Signallnformation Cycle, s 57.1 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 'dncoordlnated Reference Point End Green 5.6 20.0 15.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 i f Yes Simult. Gap ENV On Yellow 1 3.6 4.1 4.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Red 1.0 2.3 1.0 Traffic Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L I T R L T R L:None R L T R Demand (v), veh/h 3 48 7 183 205 142 10 161 169 431 20 Initial Queue (Qb), veh/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Base Saturation Flow Rate (so), veh/h 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Parking (Nm), man/h None None None Heavy Vehicles (PHv), % 0 2 6 0 7 4 6 Ped / Bike / RTOR, /h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Buses (Nb), buses/h 0 0 0 k12. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Arrival Type (A7) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Upstream Filtering (1) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Lane Width (M, ft 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Turn Bay Length, ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Pg), % 0 0 0 0 _Grade Speed Limit, mi/h 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 Phase Information EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Maximum Green (Gmax) or Phase Split, s 30.0 30.0 35.0 14.0 35.0 Yellow Change Interval (Y), s 4.0 4.0 4.1 3.6 4.0 Red Clearance Interval ( Rc), s 1.0 1.0 2.3 1.0 1.0 Minimum Green ( Gmin), s 5 5 15 6 15 Start -Up Lost Time ( It), s 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green (e), s 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Passage (P7), s 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.0 Recall Mode Off Off Min Off Min Dual Entry Yes Yes Yes No Yes Walk (Walk), s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pedestrian Clearance Time (PC), s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Multimodal information EB WB NB SB 85th % Speed / Rest in Walk / Corner Radius 0 No 25 0 No 25 0 No 25 0 No 25 / Crosswalk Width / Length, ft 9.0 12 0 9.0 12 0 9.0 12 0 9.0 12 0 _Walkway Street Width / Island / Curb 0 0 No 0 0 No 0 0 No 0 0 No Width Outside /Bike Lane / Shoulder, ft 12 5.0 2.0 12 5.0 2.0 12 5.0 2.0 12 5.0 2.0 Pedestrian Signal / Occupied Parking No 0.50 No 0.50 No 0.50 No 0.50 Copyright C�> 2021 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved. IiCS'"^ Streets Version 7.9.5 Generated: 613/2021 2:37:23 PM HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Summary 011 General Information Intersection Information JAlki'k1,1''4i Agency TPD , Inc. Duration, h 0.250 _ Analyst Jurisdiction Urban Street MJA City of Ocoee Ocoee Apopka Rd Analysis Date Time Period Analysis Year Apr 20, 2021 _ Area Type A.M. Peak Hour PHF 2022 Analysis Period 1 Other A 0.97 1> 7:45 Intersection Project Description Demand Information Approach Movement Demand ( v ), Silver Star Rd AM Peak Hour - Projected veh/h File Name 5397 Ocoee Apopka Rd & Silver Star Rd - Project... 7 4 vl- y,ow EB WB NB SB L T R L T R L T R L T R 3 48 7 183 205 142 10 294 161 169 431 20 Signal Information MINE Cycle, s 57.1 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point End - Uncoordinated Yes Simult. Gap ENV On Green 5.6 Yellow 3.6 20.0 4.1 15.5 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 I " Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Red 1.0 2.3 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Timer Results EBL EBT WBL soilimm WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Assigned Phase 4 8 6 5 2 j Case Number 6.0 6.0 6.3 ` 1.0 4.0 Phase Duration, s 20.5 20.5 26.4 10.2 36.6 Change Period, ( Y+R c ), s mmMax 5.0 5.0 6.4 4.6 6.4 Allow Headway ( MAH ), s 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.6 4.1 Queue Clearance Time ( g s ), s 13.4 13.2 16.3 5.3 11.4 Green Extension Time (g e ), s 2.1 2.1 3.6 0.4 3.8 Phase Call Probability 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.94 1.00 Max Out Probability 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.02 Movement Group Results EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Assigned Movement 7 4 1 14r7. 8 18 1 6 16 5 2 12 Adjusted Flow Rate ( v ), veh/h 3 57 358 10 469 174 465 Adjusted Saturation Flow Rate ( s ), veh/h/In 1040 1828 1687 942 1689 1753 1797 Queue Service Time ( g s), s 0.2 1.3 11.2 0.4 14.3 3.3 9.4 Cycle Queue Clearance Time ( g c )s 11.4 1.3. 11.2 0.4 14.3 3.3 9.4 Green Ratio (g/C) 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.35 0.35 0.48 0.53 _Capacity (c ), veh/h _ 205 497 459 458 456 591 390 950 Volume -to -Capacity Ratio (X) 0.015 0.114 0.411 0.781 0.023 0,794 0.447 0.489 Back of Queue ( Q ), ft/In ( 95 th percentile) 1.7 23.2 92.6 198.8 3.5 231.8 50.5 134.6 Back of Queue ( Q ), veh/In ( 95 th percentile) 0.1 0.9 3.6 7.6 0.1 8.8 2.0 5.1 Queue Storage Ratio ( RQ) ( 95 th percentile) 0.00 600 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Uniform Delay ( d t ), s/veh 24.5 15.6 18.7 19.2 12.2 16.7 11.3 8.6 Incremental Delay ( d 2 ), s/veh n_ 0.0 0.1 0.6 2.9 0.0 2.5 1.0 0.4 Initial Queue Delay ( d 3 ), s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay ( d), s/veh 24.5 15.7 19.3 22.2 12.2 19.2 12.3LTiA Level of Service (LOS) C B B C B B B Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS 16.2 B 21.2 C 19.0 B 9.9 Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS 16.2 B Multi_modal Results EB WB NB SB Pedestrian LOS Score / LOS 1 Fol.-'59 B 1.91 B 1.90 B 1.87 B Bicycle LOS Score / LOS A 1.39 A 1.28 A 1.54 B copyright 0 2021 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved. HCST'-' Streets Version 7.9.5 Generated: 6/3/2021 2:37:23 PM Project Description (AM Peak Hour- Projected Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 206 130 250 15 83 26 88 256 5 '' 29 422 114 Signal Information Cycle, s 83.4 Reference Phase 2� , �� ' Offset, s 0 Reference Point End Green 10.5 15.0 2.5 1.9 129.3 Uncoordinated Yes Simult. Gap ENV On Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Yellow 4.0 Red 4.0 4.1 0.0 4.1 0.0 2.0 KINIESEEM Traffic Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand (v), veh/h 206 130 250 15 83 26 88 256 5 29 422 114 Initial Queue (Qb), veh/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Base Saturation Flow Rate (so), veh/h 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Parking (Nm), man/h None None None None Heavy Vehicles (Pw), % 8 3 0 0 8 6 0 '' 6 Ped /Bike / RTOR, Jh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Buses (Nb), buses/h 00 0 0 31E 0 0 0 0 0 0 Arrival Type (An3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 Upstream Filtering (q 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Lane Width (KO, ft 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Turn _Bay Length, ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grade (Pg), % 0 0 0 0 Speed Limit, mi/h 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 Phase Information EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Maximum Green (Gmax) or Phase Split, s 15.0 50.0 50.0 15.0 25.0 15.0 35.0 Yellow Change Interval (Y), s 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 Red Clearance Interval ( Rc), s 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Minimum Green (Groin), s 5 15 15 5 5 5 5 Start -Up Lost Time ( It), s 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green (e), s 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Passage (PT), s 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Recall Mode Off Min Min Off Off Off Off Dual Entry No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Walk (Walk), s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pedestrian Clearance Time (PC), s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Multimodal Information EB WB NB SB 85th % Speed / Rest in Walk / Corner Radius 0 No 25 0 No 25 0 No 25 0 No 25 Walkway / Crosswalk Width / Length, ft 9.0 12 0 9.0 12 0 9.0 12 0 9.0 12 0 Street Width / Island / Curb 0 0 No 0 0 No 0 0 No 0 0 No Width Outside / Bike Lane / Shoulder, ft 12 5.0 2.0 12 5.0 2.0 12 5.0 2.0 12 5.0 2.0 Pedestrian Signal / Occupied Parking No 0.50 No 0.50 No 0.50 No 0.50 Copyright © 2021 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved. HCS111 Streets Version 7.9.5 Generated: 6/3/2021 2:34:27 PM HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Summary General Information MEMENESIMMENOM Intersection Information Agency TPD, Inc. Duration, h 0.250 Analyst MJA Analysis Date Jun 3, 2021 Area Type Other` t Jurisdiction City of Ocoee Time Period A.M. Peak Hour PHF 0.95 i",4 Urban Street Ocoee Apopka Rd Analysis Year 2022 Analysis Period 1> 7:30 Intersection Franklin St/Plant St File Name 5397 Ocoee Apopka Rd & Franklin St - Projected.... Project Description AM Peak Hour -Projected ,.;.�-=ir< Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 206 130 250 15 83 26 88 256 5 29 422 114 Signal Information Cycle, s 83.4 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point End Green 10.5 15.0 2.5 1.9 29.3 0.0+< Uncoordinated Yes Simult. Gap ENVOn Force Yellow 4.0 4.0 4.1 10.0 4.1 0.0 fO.0 Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Red 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Timer Results EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Assigned Phase �~ 1 6 2 7 4 3 8 Case Number 1.0 4.0 6.3 1.1 4.0 1.1 4.0 Phase Duration, s 16.5 37.5 21.0 10.5 37.3 8.6 35.4 _Change Period, ( Y+R c ), s 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 Max Allow Headway ( MAH ), s 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 Queue Clearance Time ( g s ), s 10.2 18.5 6.6 4.9 11.4 2.9 27.9 Green Extension Time ( g e ), s 0.3 2.2 2.2 0.2 2.9 0.0 1.4 Phase Call Probability 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.51 1.00 Max Out Probability 0.64 0.00 0.00 �__1.0_0_ 0.00 0.49 lssmmlmm Movement Group Results EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L TfR L T R Assigned Movement 1 6 16 5 2 12 7 4 3 8 18 Adjusted Flow Rate ( v), veh/h 217 400 16 115 93 2731 564 Adjusted Saturation Flow Rate ( s), veh/h/In 1697 1659 1000 1822 1697 1805 1810 1744 Queue Service Time ( g s ), s 8.2 16.5 1.1 4.6 2.9 9.4 0.9 25.9 Cycle Queue Clearance Time (g c), s 8.2 16.5 1.2 4.6 2.9 9.4 0.9 25.9 Green Ratio (g/C) 0.33 0.38 0.18 0.18 0.41 0.37 0.38 0.35 Capacity ( c ), veh/h 450 625 265 327 211 676 410 614 Volume -to -Capacity Ratio (X) 0.481 0.640 0.060 0.351 0.440 0.406 0.074 0.919 Back of Queue (Q ), ft/In (95 th percentile) 152.4 262.2 11.8 90A 54.1 177.7 16 480.6 Back of Queue ( Q ), veh/In ( 95 th percentile) 5.7 10.2 0.5 3.6 2.0 6.8 0.6 18.3 eue QuStorage Ratio (RQ) (95 th percentile) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Uniform Delay ( d i ), s/veh 21.9 21.4 28.6 30.0 20.2 19.3 16.7 25.9 Incremental Delay ( d 2 ), s/veh 0.8 1.1 0.1 0.6 1.4 0.4 0.1 15.2 Initial Queue Delay ( d 3 ), s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay ( d), s/veh 22.7 22.5 28.7 30.6 21.6 19.7 16.8 41.1 Level of Service (LOS) C C C C C B B D Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS 22.5 _ C 30.4 C 20.1 C 39.8 D Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS 28.6 C Multimodal Results EB WB NB SB Pedestrian LOS Score / LOS 1.91 B 1.93 B 1. B 1.91 B Bicycle LOS Score / LOS 1.51 B 0.70 A 1 1.l A 1.47 A Copyright © 2021 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved. HCST'^ Streets Version 7.9.5 Generated: 6/3/2021 2:34:27 PM General Information Site Information Analyst MJA Intersection Ocoee Apopka Rd & Access Agency/Co. TPD, Inc. Jurisdiction City of Ocoee Date Performed 4/21/2021 East/West Street Site Access Analysis Year 2022 North/South Street Ocoee -Apopka Rd Time Analyzed AM Peak Hour - Projected Peak Hour Factor 0.92 Intersection Orientation North -South Analysis Time Period (hrs) 0.25 Project Description 5397 - Ocoee Ready Mix Plant Lanes A4 -r +- � Ir "Y"?�. Major Street: North -South Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 10 11 12 7 8 9 1 U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 Number of Lanes 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 Configuration LR L T T R Volume (veh/h) 7 16 16 424 605 7 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%) 100 100 100 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%) 0 Right Turn Channelized No Median Type Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec) 7.1 6.2 4.1 Critical Headway (sec) 7.40 7.20 5.10 Base Follow -Up Headway (sec) 3.5 3.3 2.2 Follow -Up Headway (sec) 4.40 4.20 3.10 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h) 25 17 Capacity, c (veh/h) 232 594 v/c Ratio 0.11 0.03 95% Queue Length, Q95 (veh) 0.4 0.1 Control Delay (s/veh) 22.4 11.2 Level of Service (LOS) C B Approach Delay (s/veh) 22.4 0.4 Approach LOS C Copyright © 2021 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved. HCSM TWSC Version 7.9.5 Generated: 6/3/2021 2:38:31 PM 5397 Ocoee Apopka Rd & Site Access - Projected.xtw Revised Figures (Figure 3 & 5) �r rn °'810 133 E-- 197 176 yl � Silver Star Rd 3� 46—) 0)NLO 7� NLO 'O M Y Q. O Q Q O oN U O C)C)N `25 t— 80 �14 Franklin St. 192 - I 125 ,n — LO 240 00 N Ocoee Ready Mix- Plant (Revised) " Project Ne 5397 Existing A.M. Peak Hour Figure 3 Traffic Volumes ns L0 vo 0 Site Access M - (16) ---I � N �r Co M o in cov 04 (0 138+(14)=142 <---- 205 183 183 W. Silver Star Rd 3- r 48-0 o�r� 7� Arno N (— Y M II. 00 ' Q N a N �N O u � a i� 00ti o N 26 �— 83 J I L 15 W. Franklin St. 200+(6)=206 130 00oLO 250 00 `\' N Legend; + 00+(00)=00 i N Total Traffic Project Trips Background Traffic Ocoee Ready Mix- Plant (Revised) " Project W 5397 Projected A.M. Peak Hour r� Figure 5 Traffic Volumes s Preliminary Site Plan ¢=ss o g� ®rujim NV'Id HUS X'dVNIWI IHHc1 Qy02I V)IdO(IV HH000 o5i' g E r MANHO UOA NT1d MIS v E X"9VNIWI 19Hd TWOS HONT1 F a a a a a a €1 116 U eg�a .r. I 0 •t §'xk's a atrg ugR° A pp W akail 1 x HR N g o o: ESE -- - -_ — ivp traddpaa , I to cfl Boundary and Topographic Survey of 450 Ocoee Apopka Road, Ocoee, Florida r Section 18, Township 22 South, Range 28 East w Co�' " E O Co o 0 Orange Count Florida m o 9 Y� CL v I Eo a o aci v) E -E oov a _U E`°� . !s z � E Property Description Title Exception Notes o �>>.2 Y ^i The land referred to herein below is situated in the County of Orange, State of Florida, and is Items 1 through 8 are not survey related. > N '0 described as follows: � s0 L 9. Terms and conditions of that certain Development Agreement by and between C. Roger Freeman, Trustee U ¢ oto E Commence at the Northeast corner of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 18, Township 22 South, and the City of Ocoee, Florida, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida r o 0 Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida; run South along the East line of the Northwest 1/4 recorded in Official Records Book 4085, Page 147. (applies to subject property - no plottable easements) o r u- C section line a distance of 323.07 feet, thence South 89'27'38" West a distance of 30.00 feet for C) x v n the Point of Beginning. Thence from the Point of Beginning, run South along the Westerly right 10. Terms and conditions of any existing unrecorded lease(s), and all rights of lessee(s) and any parties m 3 of way line of Ocoee -Apopka Road, a distance of 633.65 feet, thence run West a distance of claiming through the lessees under the leases . not a survey matter !E 614.79 feet, thence run South 0'1714 West a distance of 20.86 feet, thence run South 89'14'12" West a distance of 176.20 feet, thence run North 0'50' East a distance of 212.34 feet, 11. Sewer Service Territorial Agreement recorded in Official Records Book 3894, Page 1363 as affected by O M thence run North 08'26'50" East a distance of 318.92 feet; thence run North 05'52'50" East First Amendment recorded in Official Records Book 4702, Page 2589; Second Amendment recorded in Official 122.76 feet, thence run North 89'27'38" East a distance of 731.26 feet to the Point of Records Book 5896, Page 3531 and Third Amendment recorded in Official Records Book 6432, Page 2130. m o Beginning. (applies to subject property - no plottable easements) W -� 12. Ordinance No. 88-11 recorded in Official Records Book 4028, Page 2411. (applies to subject property no plottable easements) Surveyor's Report 13. Water Service Territorial Agreement recorded in Official Records Book 4034, 291 and Official Records Book v) M 1. The bearings shown are based on the East right of way line of Ocoee Apopka Road (S.R. 437), 4102, Page 367 as affected by First Amendment recorded in Official Records Book 4702, Page 2576 and N _� O Second Amendment recorded in Official Records Book 6432, Page 2116. (applies to subject property - no U O as being assumed as South 00'36 05 East. � O plottable easements) �_ O 2. The elevations shown hereon are based on Orange County Vertical Control Network. Specifically, = •tA benchmark number C1051016. Published elevation is 122.74 feet, relative to the North American 14. Drainage easements as created by that condemnation action as evinced by that Lis Pendens recorded >. rl_� Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988. June 2, 1961 in O.R. 901, Page 209 of Official Records. (applies to subject property - plotted hereon) a� Ln 3. This Surveywas performed with the benefit of a title commitment prepared b First American p �+ q Title Insurane Comany, commitment number NCS-1005316-HOU1, dated March 25, 2021 at GRAPHIC SCALE 2 8:00 am. This firm relied on said commitment and did not search the public records for 04 easements or restrictions of record. Abbreviations and Legend Certified TO 4V 0 29 as so' 'v a� 4. Subject property contains 11.212 acres (488,380 sq. ft.), more or less and is wooded and is City of Ocoee, Florida; 0. aaadyW.,,, currently occupied by multiple homeless people. R/W - denotes right-of-ways - denotes wooden light pole 1 INCH = 40 FEET E ' �5..eR Shuffield, Lowman &Wilson, P.A; o _ 2.�� o 00 5. Subject property lies within Zone X, an area determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance elev - denotes elevation denotes guy wire `o U =Wm Qo floodplain, and Zone AE, and area where base flood elevations are determined (114') according to Fishback, Dominick, Bennett, i-0 0' c " �''Nz Z <0 Cothe National Flood Insurance Program, Flood Insurance Rate Map number 12095CO210F, dated LB - denotes licensed business rR - denotes telephone riser Ardamon, Ahlers, Langley & Geller LLP. '�o September 25, 2009. PSM - denotes Professional Surveyor and Mapper 5'' - denotes contour elevation n v Y PP � See Sheet 2 of 2 for Boundary a� I m 0- E 6. Trees were not field located and are not shown hereon. 2 and Topographic Survey map of `- 12- TRAV PT - denotes traverse point (survey work point) k��n - denotes spot elevation the subject property. 7. This Survey was performed for the sole and exclusive benefit of the entities listed hereon and shall not be relied upon by any other entity or individual whomsoever. ID - denotes identification -0E- - denotes overhead utility lines 8. The aboveground observed evidence of underground utilities are shown hereon. There may be PRM - denotes permanent reference monument ® - denotes mailbox underground utilities with the area of this survey that were not located and not shown hereon. 0 W CMP -denotes corrugated metal pipe (D) -denotes Deed measurement 'p 9. The feature symbols depicted on this survey and in the legend are shown for graphic purposes `- •- Co and may not be drawn to scale. CPP - denotes corrugated plastic pipe (M) - denotes field measurement O 0 N 10. This survey meets the Standards of Practice set forth in Florida Administrative Code Rule RCP - denotes reinforced concrete pipe - denotes soil boring (D�'�' 5J-17, pursuant to Florida Statute Chapter 472. > CCR - denotes Certified Corner Record - denotes fire hydrant L (D � p O 11. A paper original of this Survey is not valid without the signature and original raised seal of O a Florida licensed surveyor and mapper and a Portable Document Format (PDF) file version of - denotes benchmark ua -denotes water valve 0 this survey is not valid without a digital signature and seal of a Florida licensed surveyor and w mapper. .A4 - denotes wetland flag 0(� O � 0 � �� - denotes wooden utility pole -4- w � OU -N O� N C OQON 0 U - ��`�'} II o'II(`/I(II/�/II�) o'0 Q I I ( I l ���� ' {{{ 14'•18, �'\,�^\l�,� •8j'�� _J.I - _ -_� o gross II NQQto CCn ,Jee Meet-� 1Cb� Sep Sheet 2 Of2 Storm drainage pipe invert N - - - � 0° 6elev 120.77(18RCP) Not Platted D x 10 \\'8 I 1 " I >S a) 00XMatch Line „A„ Z"" p0 O x w O . x• ` \ z v. 1 1123.06 I V 112. wood bride m. 0 Co. o^ °o m I I t 1 gross 0 6' chain I I � N 1 Imk fence i U --� j I � 1 (D � Eastline of the I I Northwest 1/4 of I , Section 18-22-28 I I x I �I � 123.21 � � �. C' M ,I C _ ®� I ^I I 1 E I 123.11 N1. x E E N 60.00' Public R/W assumed from 1 I I legal description and occupation. Recording information for R/W N I I I 1 was not provided. ross / I 0 I west edge � ' > of pavement I II 1ti-4 Nry I 4' chain I 1 d-/ I east edge j link fence I of pavement I I Oj I M I I m � gr ss N N gN N -100 10 In x 1 �a I , r, N 1 I N I " ` N I I Q pa IQ I� ` l 1 IZ O x, I m N 0 CN" �I M N m N N N x � �, Jx f a, 122.89 I " 110 Z I) U 122.81 ?� 122.813 1 M 0' U fn 123.03 123.35 122.87 a �2 122.74 O L- a- Storm drainage pipe invert 123.29 elev = 120.73' (15" RCP) N O a N O a� 4- o O) \ N 0 to \ .1 O Southeast corner of rj -2 N m the Northwest 1/4 _ aD `- _0of Section 18-22-28 '- �` CCR #066271 Q E Sheet 1 of 2 Point of Commencement Northeast corner of the Northwest Boundary and Topographic Survey of 1/4 of Section 18-22-28 Recovered 4"X4" Concrete 450 Ocoee Apopka Road, Ocoee, Florida 'Q� Site Benchmark # 1 Monument - No ID Section 18, Township 22 South, Range 28 East Set 5/8" iron rod and CCR #066269�ti�- - � cap stamped 'PSM Orange County, Florida x 5205 TRAY PT' elevation = 121.96 11 / %�lll/a I / J / I \ \ x, i x i %J/l�1 16�./ ^N NON x` S89027' 38� W (D) m N lllll)/ lJ l Jl 111 J / l / J S88 39 35 W (M) /P/I / l / jmil J'1 / �1 0/ Not Platted � / 30.00' (D)(M) � moo, CO o grass Not Platted / !/ /I� / // /// J " o I o N { l�llJl jl It I'IIIjm I// �`�� 1 / Point of Beginning I z "' I x / Recovered 1/2" Iron I Rod - No ID a N 6' chain /Jll // J / / /ttj x t,s•6 � N89'2738"E 731.26' (D) l / gross 2x I 1 I link fence Recovered 1/2" Iron , Rod - No ID // J / / 1IIII I A8 // x 117.8 / N88'39'35"E 730.94 (M) 12a.5 122.2 1z2.z os i'' 2.84' south, 0.24' west I�l// J �o JjI j dirt road x 121.3 122.0 • • E North property line / x 121.7 / / �I I ( of pavement West property �ine�j1 I 1 j{ edge of / / / ��� / / / m' 123.42 �,I.�/ IIII II +� I if water ^ I x II Ill 1 / / / 123.4 , I I I Recovered 4"X4" Concrete IIII e of o Il 111 Wetlond �`� / / wooded / / / ^�ti I a� I I Monument "PRM 1819" edwaterj iltlt Illjtl�l delineation / x / / k / wooded ryry I of 0 N �N fence corner is 0.8' north, 0.2' west ^ j I 1� Iljllllj a / X / I23.18 t 1 Storm drainage pipe invert Ili '` Iio IIII Ij o / / / / / of povement I N I 122.99 elev = 120.65' (15" CMP - bent) f1 west edge x g p p j I�� it IIII II , ; I IIN 1' III / / / / / / m I �. oPronete See Sheet 1 of 2 for Property N III / / / / k 123.06 Description, Surveyor's Report, .._ N I o I A7 / I 22.93 1 2 P y P j j r- I I r Ill/ 2 Legend, Surveyor's Certification W W il►II / / I % / ib] 125.34 MINI Storm drainage pipe invert and topography of road south jI� o I 1 1I�I N elev -_ 120.55' (15" CMP) of property I p I' I,�.IIIII I!<IC- d- III IIII II j / wooded / X`�^� I I I II / �" i I III 4 j/ll.o a I� I1 / I 11 tl Z z IIII llll�l j \ I � rl wooden. post and rail fence Not Platted / � 11111 11 �I i / / // N 11 �J IIII I / 1gti 0 / \ I 1 i1rl{ l III j I Recovered 1/2 Iron / / X / Xti°' ) \ grass ,N1 I j) 60.00' Public R/W assumed from J ^ lI II II I' Rod - No ID / �'1�1I I� �I I�IIIt�iljl \ n ,� legal description and occupation. Recording information for R/W III I \ _ III II :r'I �� ,,�• I I I I {� is N was not provided. r IN oIN III I �f I l Il lla I I 1 \ J23.27 - �III� / II II+ IIII IIII 1 / / xry°° NI II IIII II c I IT111m�X� I ! ►,II 11 IIII I IM III I IJill III I A6 � rnI gross 0 � NT X12A.31 N x i I N NlIN Storm drainage pipe invert Ar O lev=120.82' (18" CPP)x `IJIIIIII I'IIIIIIIIII // \ I 123.29 I,IIIN1[) III/III0 N2 II / \ I O I ,�A IIII II ;� II IIII Via ({.I oncrete ° \ N I I u i° riveway xr I I I I I I � ,\ \ wooded / o l lIlIjIa v� I. ^�,23.17 zO N x 2,9 x I II 4 o Itj III \ W I ICO Storm drainage mitered end section ICI N invert elev = 120.17' (18" CPP) I :III (o III lI1 I \ / westerly R/W line of I I o 00 I I i1 Ocoee -Apopka Road o ILA I I1�� III IIIIr�IIj X \ A portion of the Northwest i 14 \ J and East property line { I I N I Wetland \ P / g .�. -ni m z ; I I� I�II'111I delineation � \ �ry.�• / O I N N I I j J I o I �l of Section 18, Township 22 x �- o I o I, III 1 1,?• III IIII!! water°f wooded � / \ South, Range 28 East + Xti, / / � titi�d I O I 1.N+ 1 II edge ofI IIII 1 I I'1I11JI AS X// I �� o I ,2�.20 I ICI water � iIIi O 1 I I^ I O Not Platted I l l I I�IIIIlj I / I I I I I I 'I I I IIIIII / x Wooded Vacant Land I ^ryti I III 11 Cd I I 1 I) U o I 4' wooden post o IIII �° / I I 17 and rail fence OD g I o I II ( /'� M rase ^6r o / I 1 °i 11 1 I► �11Il Soil Boring 1 1 \-PB-2/P2-4 ELEVATION-118.0' \ / Sod Boring gross 1 I h) NIx PB-4/PZ-2 ( N1 ELEVATION=122.5' I 123.26 4 II xI N d ti �� m IIl I I : 1 \ / / / �R^ / west edge I\ rb x / of pavement w I I I �ti x 0 1 { east edge ^ry4� i I N of pavement I. ( x 1 xry / Co d- N Ilrl x / I lll�o l I► I I III o I 1 I I I I Iy) / I Ili III11 I I I I A4 \ I v' II{ / I IIII Il II I I I J I I \\ I / Xti IN ,2 .,a 1I I1 j Drainage �ti \ I / �22.79 II I I A IIII III I Easement per X` \ 'IiNite Benchmark # 2 concrete III j ► O.R. 901, Pg. 209 \ \ I // Set 5/8" iron rod and apron 1111 \ I / cap stamped 'PSM 122.7s x I1 II I l l I� I N I �I Recovered 1/2" Iron 1 I 11) I IIIj + I \\ 1 I 5205 TRAV PTA N I I Rod - �No ID 111 II IIII I .�� \ I \ elevation = 123.09 ( I 1 II I 0.07 north, 6.03 west 1 I I + j I II I x \ \ \ \ 'N I gran edge of I I I I I I I I I I I �I I \ \ \ 122.4 11111 water \ I I lI Co Storm drainage pipe invert _ I o rill N elev = 120.89' 18' CPP �C NNE ( ) x o West property line) I 1 I II1111 I o \ \ X�, \\ NIx� I� `i23.32I�� ° IIj o \ Nw 122.76 i Soil Boring \ \ Storm drainage pipe invert 110-^dirt driveway I ^ I I I t PB-3/P2-3 \ \ elev = 120.89' (18" RCP) 11 Mi I F ✓ ELEVA110N=118.2' \ ` \ \ `y 123.0 122.76 Storm drainage pipe invert I I I I IIII 1 I 1 \ \ \ \ Xlti- 123.0 122.41 t2 S elev = 120.72' (18" CPP) i \ 123.1 23.28 � I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I I ^� \ \\ \\ Storm drains e i e invert lx I 3' wooden post 9 pp x wooded wooded wooded elev 120.95' 18" RCP v 1`0 rn and roil fence III d' IIII Wetland \ \ \ I ( ) � 1`7 �i grass 1 I M IIII I � I� delineation \ o N N I Storm drainage pipe invert IrO� C4 �) 11 I I I I 0 \ \ \\ I I h N Not Platted I IN: elev = 727.04' (ta" CMP) ( X�i I N I Ix ( I q ^ I �23.19 \ \ \ N 1 I III 1 ° \ \ N Storm drainage pipe invert 0. II 1 N I \ 1 I I h III 1 I, I A3 q. \ \ \ elev = 120.60' (18" RCP) I 1 I { x Cq 122.86 CV I( 11 I 1 III \ \\ I Storm drainage pipe invert o r 11 11 r- dirt driveway \ elev = 120.89' 18" RCP 1 2.97 I I I I I I � IIII I edge of Recovered 5/8" \ \ 1 ( ) 11 1 1 N N 11111 I I water Iron Rod - No ID \ N r \ ' 1 I I IM 1 8 Storm drainage mitered end section 2.05' north, 0.17' east \ I Recovered 5/8" '� I (N ® invert elev = 120.9T (ta" CMP) 1 I O I 11 x (x 118.8 I Iron Rod - No ID max` d� N I 11 1 Z 1 (I {( Ili I I Recovered 5/8 I \ Fence comer 1 I I I N N I N 5' chain 1 I I 1 I I I I I I (I ( foot path Iran Rod "LB 3655" 119 - - - `f20' I Storm drainage pipe invert 12,J.0 C41 I is 0.4' south fence corner link fence 1 Cj I ll is 0.8' south elev = 120.74' 18" RCP 123.0 123.IE2 pg 0) 1 1. 11.... I I I � 1( ___71,9 S00'17'14"W (D) Recovered 5/8" Iron Rod - South property line I ( ) oE- I I I �I w I I I I �'� 1 11 \ SOO-45-43"E (M) and Cap "SHANNON 4671" _ S88'5728"W (M) 614.70' (M) 614.79 (D) \ i ° N N 1 GRAPHIC SCALE I I 1 o IIII I A2 Recovered 1/2 Iron 20.86 (D)(M) Recovered 5/8" Iron Rod I i (1 O III 1 I Rod REF POINT" _ J ' link fence - 4' chain I 122 83. II i7 N I 40 0 20 40' W. and Cap SHANNON 4671 I ( O 1 s.t 9'1412 W D - - 119.29 concrete, sidewdlk }:19.42' e I INI I i I 1 I�z IIIIJ I \ S8 (} -71sso --_ . .S88'11'15"W (M} 176.20' (D)(M}y - - - - - _ - C14I 22.ss \ / I 422.65..? x x - \ b ry concrete"12 .45 r� 1 III g L� grass - - p. - - -119'- - - - ! - _ �w - ---118'-- - �1\ I ti p*o. driveway .12 .65 N I , 1 INCH = 40 FEET IIII \ �1 _- - ��� -1k -•--- '-- - - -- -X\\; ''9• '�. y / / ,22.76 1214 1� I I 1' - 116' - _ \ 9 / 123. 4 I) I I \ 119:47 concrete sidealk ti _ _ x \ \ jr ��I J I I { \ _ -x- I I L I ( m I I 1 I I Ix \i8. \ - - - - - - - .°'' - - 118'- '-- grass \ x I Storm drainage pipe invert o I N I _ _ elev = 120.77' (18" RCP) r 1 I ( I 11�ry' I i (,ate' 1111� ,�\i 8'9 f ,� x�- ' - Not Platted 1I �� 16' r x- - x I I o , 1\ \ >>8- _ _ - „�'- Match Line "A" Match Line "A" m ( I. I I I \^ I.8) X1 a { 1123.06 x N 1 See Sheet 1 of 2 See Sheet 1 of 2 Im , N N J d- w � c •a a � I o) E a� z C o N � L_ o ::3 - U) �. Q `1 0 L v 0 U U 0) C v N m LO 0 r E 0 M V o C �-0 Q aa)) K) E v ai ao -co c c� E '0 v I Cup c c t° > to �; 0 0 E O 0 a) !a mC 0 O 3 O -v 0 IL -E-j 0) a aw O ON LL (D L � � :3 a a I) O X -0 U - 20 C_ O 4-, 11 CL � oaU)>1 0)0 OO O 00 U � Q V aQav i (D�O 00 -0 O 0 : r m .,may., O U V) E E U N 3 � 0 SIN a) � O N Z U U) -II N rn O N -� 0) ° IN, N n � 0 O m LL_ is Q a) L.L. Sheet 2 of 2 I �ill/// JJ'�//l��n��/�, — — I I/ill lI � � l Ill l llll�/ �� � ll/Ill J/JI / /Pll ll /Ill///l , A8 IIII l / �;t ll 111 / �� RW „J J J IIIIII ��,r1JJ IIJJ JJIJJ ll �� 'JJ�JJJJ�J JJII J Jt JJ'at r. I�JIJJ�J J� U. JJJ J JJIJ. i�i JJJJ 1JJ-o J JJ J�JJEi JJ�{JJJJ) , A, FINAL STOTER/i POND i��'tJJJIJ ,� �JJIJIJJ�J�� /� ! (JJJJ IJ � JJ Jli J / J�JIJII �� IJ�JJ �J � J1 JJ =h J till"J !'tJJIJ�II k�1� J �JJJ�, JJIJ�JIL �'JJ IJJ�,' /I( �JJJI JJJJ' JJ JJJJ+J Ae / JJJJIJJ � ��I IIJJ J cE /' �IJIJ JJ i1= J JJJJ j II JJIJJJ�IJ ;` J JJJ I I I J J I JJJJ �' RIBBON f f JJJJ IJJ JJJI II , IJ �JJJjJI _ 118' l� ZONING: R 1A jI I f I c� ��JJtJJJJ 5 I11�JJ I J �,�`1�! 1 J� ©1 /01 FLAGGED It WATER E FLAGGED BY R,4111,ENYkI M I I I A4 SOLLUTIO S, I 11il1. I I J I f Illll�rt � IJI J Illllj� � JJII J I !I 1�111 ���IIII�II I II � ��IIII I II�� IIIII � I) I I I I Ott I I I I I J II � IIIIII I II IIII��� IIIIII I I II,`IIIII I I IIII IIIIII I I II�1J IIIIII I A3 I I I I� ;�. I111I111 I I IIA � IIIII I I (I I III, f� IIIIII I I III �JIII III oIIIIIIII I� �I IIII; � iiiii►;iI � I ►I,� �IIII �I ���� I I( ICI( III III \779 I IIfl I IIIII A2 �— j - 1 ZONING: COUNTY/R 1A 1 s' 14 � 712' _ Flename : COQt—CONC—MCEMEOWA" Plot Date : Jun. 04 = 1:52pm _ MATERIAL !- STORAGES _ MATERIAL _ STORAGE - MATERIAL - STORAGE _ 1 1 _ MATERIA�ti° - MATERIAL - MATERIAL - - STORAGE - STORAGE - STORAGE - Waiver Number Code Section Code Requirements Proposed Standards Justification 1 Business Center Design Plan 2-Story / 35 ft 65 ft Silo Enclosure (Other Silos to be fully enclosed with Florida vernacular Section 4.2 / LDC Table 5-2 Structures Will Not Exceed 35 ft) architecture, consistent with Business Center Design standards. 2 Business Center Design Plan No outdoor storage. Material storage provided within Material storage areas open to interior of the Section 4.4.4 three sided enclosures with open vehicular circulation area and the vehicular end facing interior of the vehicular circulation area is heavily screened by circulation area. landscaping such that material storage areas are not readily visible to public. 3 Business Center Design Plan Service yards prohibited next to Vehicular circulation area is The enhanced landscaping and buffer widths will 4.4.5(d) properties planned or zoned for screened from public view by screen views and mitigate adverse impacts residential use. landscaping and enlarged buffers. associated with vehicular circulation. I I I ( I � I ZONING: COUNTY/A-Y i I L) l I f CONCRETE PAD WITH JI BENCH AND TRASH r,I RECEPTACLE Imo -CONNECT TO EXISTING I WATER MAIN (SEPARATE TAPS FOR 1 i DOMESTIC AND FIRE) I ll I I III 11! APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING 12" WATER MAIN ZONING: C-1 I GRAPHIC SCALE 4 (IIIIII, Eff FEET APPLICANT CONTACT INFORMATION JULIE P. KENDIG 450 SO. ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 650 ORLANDO, FL 32801 PHONE: 407-418-2417 EMAIL: KENDIGOGTLAW.COM PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS: 450 OCOEE APOPKA ROAD, OCOEE, FL 34761 PARCEL ID: 18-22-28-OD00-00-006 SITE AREA: 488,380 SF / 11.21 AC ZONING SUBJECT SITE: 1-1 NORTH: 1-1 SOUTH: R-tA, COUNTY R-tA, COUNTY A-2 EAST: C-1, R-1AAA. COUNTY A-1 WEST: R-11A LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE I N BUILDING SETBACKS I ZONING: COUNTY/A-1 REQUIRED: PROVIDED: EAST (FRONT): 50' 186' I ly NORTH (SIDE): 10, 99, SOUTH (SIDE): 20' 78' I I WEST: (REAR) 10' 55' BUILDING INFORMATION Lam— MAXIMUM PERMITTED BUILDING COVERAGE: 30% II PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE: (1,750 + 7,320) / 488,380 = 2% MAXIMUM PERMITTED BUILDING HEIGHT: 35 FT POWER POLES IN CONFLICT PROPOSED OFFICE BUILDING HEIGHT: 27 FT WITH ROADWAY WIDENING PROPOSED SHOP BUILDING HEIGHT: 25 FT TO BE RELOCATED, TYP. PROPOSED SILO ENCLOSURE HEIGHT: 65 FT* *WAIVER REQUESTED FOR SILO ENCLOSURE AREAS MAXIMUM PERMITTED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 70% V PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 55% FLOODPLAIN NOTE PROPOSED LEFT -TURN LANE SUBJECT PROPERTY LIES WITHIN ZONE X, AN AREA DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN, AND ZONE AE, AND AREA WHERE BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS ARE DETERMINED (114') ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM, FLOOD ZONING: R-1AAA INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 12095CO210F, DATED SEPTEMBER 25, 2009. III ° SOILS 4I N WABASSO FINE SAND ZOLFO FINE SAND Ii I PROJECT BENCHMARK SOURCE: BOUNDARY do TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF 450 OCOEE APOPKA ROAD, OCOEE, FLORIDA, SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA AS PREPARED BY BENCHMARK SURVEYING & MAPPING, LLC, APRIL 3, 2020. THE ELEVATIONSSHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PERMANENT REFERENCE NETWORK, AND ARE RELATIVE TO THE NORTH I AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM (NAVD) OF 1988. I � I II II V C4Z �e W W U—Jz Z l7 W v 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Telephone 407.478.8750 Facsimile 407.478.8749 Selby G. Weeks 56991 revision description date A City Comments o6.02.2 A 0 0 0 drawn by: JD checked by: SGW date: 04/13/2021 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 210EMEo01 file name: Cool-CONC-210EMEoo1.DW Cool 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Allomonte Springs. FL 33714 Telephone 407,47&8750 Focsknke 407.47&8749 Certificate of Authorization No.: 9230 Todd W Bonnett, RLA FLLA#1718 revision description date Q City Comments - 2021-06-02 A 0 0 0 0 drawn by: TWB checked by: TWB date: 04/28/2021 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 210EMEoo1 file name: Loot-CONC-210EMEoo1.DW p = FENCING FABRIC ORANGE CDTENSAR GEOGRID (SNOW GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FENCE) . STAPLE AL 2X4 OR TIE TO METAL 'T' CDCD CD POSTS. The Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for all materials and all work as called for on the landscape plans. The list of plant quantities accompanying the plans shall be used as guide only. If a discrepancy occurs between the plans and the plant list, the plans shall control. The Landscape Contractor shall warranty all trees, shrubs, and ground covers for a period of one (1) year from the time of final acceptance by Owner, Grounds Department Representative, and Landscape Architect. The Landscape Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the stability and plumb condition of all trees and shall be legally 0 6 ®® EXISTING TREE liable for any damage caused by the instability of any plant material. Staking of trees shall be done utilizing a method NOTE: :J prescribed by Orange County Public Schools. OR WOT"POST Q 8 DETAIL FOR USE WITH TREES UNDER 17 IN HEIGHT �ORWOODEN2X4 The Landscape Contractor shall research plans and contact appropriate agencies to determine the location of an p y ItYtL:' I �t�1 `' ,'at11 PR " �r a. �� (/► i--�- utilities and obstructions prior to commencing work. Any utilities or unanticipated obstructions shall be reported to 4' L I � TREATED TREATED POLE (2 PER TREE) EE) Landscape Architect or Owner immediately. All plant material areas shall have an automatic underground irrigation system providing 100%coverage. EXISTING ROOT FLARE VISIBLE GRADLTOP-MOST ROOT IN ROOT See Irrigation Design Plans for extent of irrigation for sodded areas. O' MAX SPACING 3' 10% OF ROOT BALL ABOVE SURROUNDING FINISHED GRADE BALL AT SURFACE REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP POST -TO -POST TREE PIT PLANTING HOLE DEPTH 90% OF ROOT BALL FROM ROOT BALL 3" MULCH MIN. (TYP.), DO NOT Positive drainage shall be maintained away from all structures on the site. PLACE o ETINUOUS IN WOODED ARUNOREAS AS SHOWN ONFENCE MATERIALO HEOPLANS.. TH EDOOF IMMEDIATE NOT ATTACH MULCH OVER ROOT BALL FENCE MATERIAL TO TREES. _ _ I I"=1I1=1I�� 4° SOIL BERM [TYP.) PLANT SPECIFICATIONS 2. TREE PROTECTION FENCING FABRIC TO BE PLACED N PAST THE CANOPY DRIP LINE FOR TREES THAT ARE TO BE PROTECTED. II: III —I III=III=III II _ III -11 M11 3. 'TENSAR" HIGH STRENGTH POLMER GEOGRID FABRIC BY TENSAR CORPORATION -III—I Il=) _I I I� I I =1 1=III=III=III=III=1 I I=1 I I=1 I I=1 I I=1 I I —I i III= -1I" UNDISTURBED SOIL II MORROW, GEORGIA OR APPROVED EQUAL -1 tllli —I III �IIIITII BACKFILL WITH NATIVE SOIL, SUPPLEMENT All nursery stock plant material shall be Florida #1 or better in accordance with Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants ROOTBAII DIA. SOIL AS SPECIFIED IN GENERAL NOTES Parts I & 11, latest edition as published by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services- Division of Plant PRESSURE TREATED POLES EXTEND Industry. 2' INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL All plant material shall be planted, fertilized and mulched as per the plant details and planting specifications noted on TREE PROTECTION DETAIL SMALL CANOPY TREE PLANTING DETAIL the tans All container grown material shall be weed free, healthy, vigorous, well rooted plants, and established in the container in which they are delivered to the site. The plants shall have tops which are good quality and in a healthy growing condition. Established container grown plant material shall be grown in that container sufficiently long enough for the new fibrous roots to have developed enabling the root mass to retain it's shape when removed the container. Plants which have become root bound in the container are unacceptable. All plant material that is not container grown shall be freshly dug, sound, healthy,,vigorous, well branched, and free of disease and insect eggs and larvae, and shall have adequate root systems. Where any requirements are omitted from e� the plant list, the plants furnished shall be normal for the variety. Plants may be pruned prior to delivery only upon the approval of the Landscape Architect. @ REMOVE BURLAP &WIRE BASKET FROM TOP 1/3 OF ID O I ROOTBALL FOR ALL B&B TREE L SET TOP OF ROOT BALL MULCH OVER GUYING 7 FERTILIZER 1 E RT I L I Z E R NOTE: TREE FROG RBK 40PT. SYSTEM 3. MULCH MIN. (TYP.), DO NOT MULCH OVER ROOT BALL TREE FROG ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS MULCH RING SHALL BE 2 PAST ROOT BALL PIT Granular fertilizer shall be uniform in, composition, dry and free flowing. This fertilizer shall be delivered to the site in the REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP AND WIRE BASKET IFB&B TREE SOIL BERM 6' (TYP.) PREPARE PLANTING SOIL original unopened bags bearing the manufacturer's statement of analysis. Granular fertilizer shall be a controlled release wn^- W _` PROVIDED. AS SPECIFIED variety meeting the following requirements: sixteen percent (16%) nitrogen, four percent (4%) phosphorus, eight percent II --III -� �d III .08"THICK POLYETHYLENE ROOT , I __� «I��II���, Ell (8%) iron. BARRIER (SURROUND APPLICATION) _ III 11=1I) Il-il - . �I_ UNDISTURBED SOIL potassium, plus BY CENTURY ROOT BARRIER OR _II APPROVED EQUAL. ROOT BARRIERS ' ARROWHEAD i0 BE APPLIED FOR TREE TREE PIT 2X BIODEGRADABLE Application Rates: APPLICATIONS WITHIN 15 OR LESS ROOTBALL DIA. ANCHOR OF CURB LINES Plant size 16-4-8 -1 gallon 1 /4 lb. TREE PLANTING DETAIL 3 gallon 1/3 lb. N.T.S. 5 gallon 1 /3 Ib. 7-15 gallon 1 /2 lb. 1" - 6" caliper 2 lbs. per 1" caliper 6" + caliper 3 lbs. per 1" caliper Sodded areas shall receive an application of the granular fertilizer (16-4-8) at a rate of 1 /2 lb. of Nitrogen per 1,000 sauare MASTER PLANT LIST feet of sod area. All Fertilizer shall be applied no sooner than 30 days after plant material, trees, and sod has been installed. SOIL Planting soil for use in preparing the backfill material for planting pits shall be added a rate of fifty percent (5017o) planting soil to fifty percent (50%) existing soil. This soil mix shall be used in all plant pits. Planting soil shall be a fertile, friable natural topsoil of loamy character. It shall contain forty (40) to fifty (50) percent decomposed organic matter and be free of heavy clay, stones larger than 1" in diameter, noxious weeds and plants, sod, partially disintegrated debris, insects or any other undesirable material, plants or seeds that would be toxic or harmful to plant growth. N.T.S. SPREAD. !EE FROG RBK 20PL SYSTEM )G ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS BASE OF TREE SHALL BE PLANTED SLIGHTLY ABOVE ADJACENT FINISH GRADE SET TOP OF ROOT BALL MULCH OVER GUYING 3' MULCH COVER (TYP.) 1" OVER ROOTBALL. NO MULCH AGAINST TRUNK 6' SOIL SAUCER DIAMETER OF TREE PIT TO BE TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE ROOT BALL. ROUGHEN SIDE OF TREE PIT PULVERIZED SOIL BACKFILL UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE MULTI -TRUNK PLANTING DETAIL N.T.S. BONNETT design group, llc C4 Z landscape architecture ; community planning . , W FL LC 26000341 u+ Z 400 S. Orlando Ave. Suite 201 Maitland, FL 32751 ICU 0 407.622.1588 voice z W u Sp kwm FL 327114 t 0 TMephoee 407,47&8750 Focsknk* 407.478.8749 Certificate of Authorization No.: 9230 )W SHALL PLAN VIEW T-T FOLLOW BED LINE X=SPACINGON CENTER (O.C.1 ,L-X X/2= 1/2 OF SPACING DISTANCE 3" MIN. MULCHjTYP.) &' TYP. SOIL BERM TO HOLD WATER t \ 1 FINISHED GRADE T2' MIN. DEPTH OF PLANTING � SOILFOR GROUNDCOVERBED PREPARE PLANTING III I -11,— �) SOIL AS SPECIFIED IN GENERAL III I i 1� i' I IJII_ C LANDSCAPE NOTES Todd W Bonnett, RLA FLLA#1718 EXISTING SUB SOIL b.. 6,. MIN. 3U' TO BUILDING SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL N.T.S. ARBORGUY RBK 20 PLAN VIEW W/ STRAPPING TREE PLANTING PLAN DETAIL N.T.S. tSyrrbol I Totals Botanical Name Common Name Specificafions Spacing Native Drought Tolerance Water Zone Trees MG 28 Magnolia grandiflora Magnolia/Southern Magnolia 4" cal., 14'-16' ht. x 60" spd. Full to Ground AS yes M M PT2 186 Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine 3" cal., min. 10'-16' ht. x 48"spd., 5' ct. AS yes M L QVl 61 Quercus virginiana Live Oak 4" cal., 16'-20' ht. x 6 1 /2' spd., 5' ct. AS yes H L SP 17 Sabal palmetto Cabbage Palm 8'-14' ct, mixed. AS yes H L Shrubs I I Mc5 107 Myrica cerifera Wax Myrtle 15 gal., full AS yes H L ,SOD Paspalum notatum'Argentine' Argentine Bahia Sod sand grown solid sod -weed free solid no H L MULCH All plant beds and tree watering basins shall " p g all be top dressed with three inches (3 ) of pine bark nuggets SOD �S Refer to Landscape Plan for limits of sod. All areas disturbed by construction (including material staging, equipment storage, temporary facilities, site access, construction staff parking, etc.) beyond the minimum limits of sod as shown on the Landscape Plan shall be sodded as needed. All lawn areas to receive sod shall be disked four O 4 to six (6) Inches and graded to establish a level finished grade ensuring positive drainage from all structures. All debris shall be removed from the site. Sod shall be free of weeds and pests. It shall be laid evenly with tight fitting joints and rolled. The sod shall contain moist soil which does not fall apart or tear when lifted. See plant list for specific sod species and locations. See 'Fertilizer' for requirements of all sodded areas. 1.001-CONC-21COM001.uoq PW 0ow : a*% 02.2021 2:Otpleu - revision description date A City Comments - 2021-06-02 0 A A A 0 drawn by: TWB checked by: TWB date: 04/28/2021 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 210EMEool file name: Loot-CONC-210EMEoo1.DW 0 _.......__........