HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-17-07 Minutes
April 17, 2007 at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the Invocation and Commissioner Hood led the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Keller, and Commissioner Johnson.
Also Present:
City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry
Deputy Chief McNeil - presented Battalion Chief Frank Carlsson for his 22 Years of
Service with the City of Ocoee.
Police Chief Reffett - presented certificates of gratitude to Marge Johnstone, Debra Booth,
Rosemary Wilsen, and Martha Lopez-Anderson for their tireless work on the recent Spring
Fling event and all of the volunteer work they do for the City of Ocoee. Martha Lopez-
Anderson thanked the Public Works, Police, and Parks and Recreation Departments for all
of their assistance. Commissioner Johnson and Mayor Vandergrift added that the event
was a big success again this year.
Tommy Sanders Jr. presented the City with a World War II Veteran's Memorial inscribed
photo that was given to his father at the age of 17. Tommy Jr. said his father always wanted
to get it restored and present it to the City so people would remember the World War II
veterans. He said his father, Tommy Sanders Sr., loved the City of Ocoee, he was a fourth
generation resident, and he dedicated his life to veteran's affairs for area residents.
Proclamations. (Mayor Vandergrift)
Municipal Clerks Week - April 29 - May 5, 2007
Arbor Day - April 27, 2007
Commissioner Anderson - none
Commissioner Keller - 1) said the Ocoee High School Guard dance group is having a Spring
Concert on May 2-3, 2007. 2) said the Orange County School Board rescinded its rezoning on
the Wekiva School (Apopka Relief School) and he thanked the Commission, the Homeowner
Associations, and JoAnn Zeise for their hard work toward that effort.
Commissioner Johnson - 1) said the Lions Club is having its annual golf tournament on
Saturday, May 12, 2007. The cost for Foursomes isare $250 and for Hole Sponsors are $150.
Contact David Wheeler or Jim Sills for more information.
Commissioner Hood- thanked Ocoee High School for hosting Relay for Life this year, they did
an excellent job. 2) congratulated Coach Hamilton for receiving the Athletic Trainer of the Year
City Commission Regular
April 17 , 2007
award. state wide. 3) congratulated Joel Torres, varsity baseball, who signed a letter of intent to
play baseball at a college in South Florida, 4) this Saturday, Charity Girls Softball for breast
cancer awareness will be held at Ocoee High School.
Mayor Vandergrift 1) said the Relay for Life in Orange County is expected to earn close to
$200,000 for cancer research, Ocoee and Winter Garden Fire Departments raised $1,000. The
winning business was Crawford Tire from Ocoee who raised approximately $13,000.2) said also
on Saturday night he also attendedwas the play "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" at Ocoee
High School and the CACOPD Awards Ceremony at the Women's Club for outstanding
achievements in the police department. 3) announced the meeting with School Board
Representative Jim Martin on April 23, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers.
Mayor Vandergrift said staff has asked to pull items #3 and #4 off the Consent Agenda to be
heard at a later date.
Commissioner Anderson pulled Items #5, #6, #8, and #10 from the Consent Agenda for
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Members of the Human Relations Diversity Board serve two-year terms. The board has recently received
resignations from Members Phillip Lee Fatt and Karen Lee Fatt. Members Murray and Vereen have declined
reappointment. Due to resignations and declinations, the Human Relations Diversity Board currently has eleven
(11) members and their resolution allows for no less than seven (7) members and no more than fifteen (15)
members. The two-year terms for Members Sandra Davidson and Matt Garland are due to expire in May. Both
Members have indicated an interest in reappointment for another two-year term ending in May of 2007. There
are no applications on file.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
This plat for Steak 'n Shake at Ocoee (the "Steak 'n Shake Plat") is a one-lot plat for a 1.076 acre commercial
site located on the south side of State Road 50, immediately west of the western entrance to the Wal-Mart at
Ocoee Plaza.
Pulled rom the A enda to be Heard at a Future Date
This plat is for Citrus Medical and Executive Park which is a 5.81 acre commercial development. Citrus
Medical and Executive Park is located on the south side of Old Winter Garden Road across from the entrance to
the hospital. Blackwood Avenue is the closest street to the west and Matador Drive is the closest to the east. All
required documentation pertaining to the platting of this development has been reviewed and approved by City
Pulled/rom the Agenda to be Heard at a Future Date
Mrs. Whittemore, who resides at 2026 Clarcona-Ocoee Road and who owns the aforementioned properties,
approached the City for utility service. The properties were platted as part of the North Ocoee Addition No. I
and undeveloped until recently. Currently Mrs. Whittemore is building single family residences on the six lots
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April 17, 2007
and wants to connect to Ocoee's water system. The properties are currently within unincorporated Orange
County and are not contiguous to the City Limits. However the properties are inside the City's JPA boundary,
Water & Sewer Territorial Boundary, and City Limits.
Pulled from the Consent Agenda for Discussion and Separate Vote.
Commissioner Anderson asked about the properties that are on the water system that are not
contiguous, what happens if they should become contiguous, because homes are being built right
now, do they automatically come into the city? City Engineer Wheeler said according to the
agreement they are required to annex, and if they choose not to, the City has the right to
discontinue water service. City Attorney Rosenthal said that doesn't mean they have the option
not to annex, it will just give the city a backstop enforcement mechanism; for example, if they
brought a legal action against the city saying it wasn't enforceable with respect to the mandatory
annexation, the city could discontinue water service.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded bv Commissioner Johnson, moved to
approve the Intent to Annex for Water Service for Elizabeth L. Whittemore
Properties on Clarcona-Ocoee Road. Motion carried 5-0.
The Silver Glen Reclaimed Water Distribution System project is providing reuse service to the 245 residences
in the Silver Glen subdivision. The project is a retrofit of the reuse piping into an existing development that
was completed before the City moved into the reuse distribution business and required developments to install
reuse pipelines within the subdivision. The project includes the installation of four, six, and eight inch
pipelines, appropriate fittings and valves, and service lines to the customers. Young's Communications Co.,
Inc., the contractor of record for the project, is nearing completion of the reclaim water distribution system in
the Silver Glen subdivision. During the course of the project, several small sections of sidewalk needed to be
removed to facilitate installation of pipe fittings, valves, connections, and services. Upon completion of the
distribution pipe installation, the sidewalks were replaced. This item of work was not included in the original
bid itemization for the project. The sidewalk removal and replacement was approved at each location on an as
needed basis; there were other locations that the contractor chose to remove and replace sidewalks for his
convenience that are not being reimbursed by the City. The negotiated cost for this work is $11,456.20 with no
adjustment in contract time. The new contract value including Change Order No.2 is $819,863.10 with no
adjustment in contract time. The change order is attached for review.
Pulled from the Consent Agenda for Discussion and Separate Vote.
Commissioner Anderson asked if they should have bid the concrete areas. City Engineer
Wheeler said there was not a line item in the bid package for that; it was an error in putting the
package together.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded bv Commissioner Johnson, moved to
approve the Silver Glen Reclaim Water Distribution System Chanae Order No.2.
Motion carried 5-0.
The City of Ocoee Wastewater Plant's grit classifier, located before the oxidation ditches, efficiency has
significantly decreased due to constant malfunctions. The classifier device cannot be rebuilt and is in need of
replacement. Staff is recommending the purchase, through Sanders Company (distributor), a Smith and
Loveless Grit Classifier Model 15 Screw conveyor 304L in Stainless Steel with Ni-Hard Concentrator. The
Smith and Loveless classifier is similar in configuration to the existing unit making it possible for staff to install
the unit. The cost for the unit will be $45,643.00.
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Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
The City's current phone system contains components that are no longer supported by the manufacturer. The
City can upgrade the current system, completely replace the entire phone system, or do nothing. Embarq, who
maintains our current system, can upgrade the phone equipment for $90,000. The remaining budget will be
used to upgrade the network infrastructure to support the upgraded phone system and technology.
Pulled from the Consent Agenda for Discussion and Separate Vote.
Commissioner Anderson asked if we upgrade what we have now, are we going to have to
upgrade annually or will this upgrade last over a few years. Information Systems Director
Ross said that the upgrade is to bring us up to the latest hardware and software, and include new
technology such as voiceover IP, with the Beech Center being the first to be done.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to approve
the Piaay-back off State Contract 730-650-99-1 for Uparadina Nortel Phone
System. Motion carried 5-0.
Request close out of the 2005-06 resurfacing program by issuing a change order to Orlando Paving Company in
the amount of $8,362.48.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
At present the City's Rights-of-Way mowing contractor, GroundTek performs one mowing per month from
October to April (non-growing season) and two mows per month from May to September (growing season). In
order to ensure that the City's Rights-of-Way are properly maintained, staff approached GroundTek about
increasing to twice a month in April to ensure the City's Rights of Way continue to be well manicured prior to
moving into growing season. An additional cut in the month of April to all city contracted Rights of Way will
be a funding increase of $7,374.45.
Pulledfrom the Consent Agendafor Discussion and Separate Vote.
Commissioner Anderson said we were trying to keep our budget tight, why are we adding an
additional cut. Public Works Director Krug said that we can go down to one cut, but need the
option of going to two cuts if needed. We have had a few times when a second cut was
necessary. City Manager Frank said we have to monitor the rain and growth and we won't use
the second cut if we don't need to. Public Works Director Krug stated that our plan now is to
do the extra cuts because it appears we will continue to need them, and future contracts will have
the cost of additional cuts in as a contingency.
Mayor Vanderarift. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve the
Addition to Contract 805-06 with GroundTek in the Amount of $7374.45 for City
Wide Riahts-Of-Way Mowina. Motion carried 4-1. with Commissioner Anderson
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April 17 , 2007
Ocoee Commons, LLC and Blackwood/50, LLC (collectively, the "Applicant") have requested that the City
consent to the first Amendment, which upon recording in the Public Records, will serve to amend the
Declaration of Easements, Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Ocoee Commons PUD. The First
Amendment amends the Ocoee Commons Declaration to provide for reciprocal cross parking easements over
and across the individual parking areas located within Lots D2 and Lot Q of Ocoee Commons PUD and Lots 1
and 2 of Blackwood at Ocoee Commons (being a replat of Lot Dl ofOcoee Commons PUD). The cross parking
easements granted pursuant to the first Amendment are for the benefit of the owners of all such lots.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to approve
Consent AQenda Items #1, #2, #7, #9, and #11 as presented. Items #3 and #4 were
pulled from the aQenda by staff, and Items #5, #6, #8, and #10 were removed from
the Consent AQenda by Commissioner Anderson and heard separately. Motion
carried 5-0.
Charles McCully is requesting the annexation of a 0.8 ::I: acre parcel and a change of zoning from Orange
County "A-I" (Citrus Rural) to the City ofOcoee "R-l" (Single-Family Dwelling) on a property located on
the west side of Adair Street, 155' North ofVignetti Park. The applicant is proposing two single family homes
after a short form subdivision plat is processed under a separate review. Based on the recommendations of the
DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, staff recommends that Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
adopt the ordinance to annex the 0.8 +/- acres of land known as the McCully Property, and also adopt the
ordinance to rezone the property to "R-l" Single-Family Dwelling District".
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance.
Principal Planner Rumer gave a summary of the request for annexation.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing.
James Fleming, 511 Orange Avenue, said this property is .8 acres which is about 38,000
square feet and the owner will be able to build two homes on it which will be more than 7,000
square feet for each house. He said he is in favor of approving the item and getting the property
Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve
on second readinQ, Ordinance No. 2007-004 annexinQ into the City of
Ocoeeannexation ordinance for a 0.8 acre property owned by Charles McCully.
Motion carried 5-0.
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The ordinance, as adopted on second reading, carries the following title:
ORDINANCE 2007-004
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing.
Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Keller. seconded by Commissioner Hood. moved to approve on
second readina. Ordinance No. 2007-005. the rezonina of the 0.8 acre property
owned by Charles McCully to R-1" Sinale-Family Dwellina District. Motion
carried 5-0.
The ordinance, as adopted on second reading, carries the following title:
ORDINANCE 2007-005
The subject property is located east of SR 429 and north of the Florida Turnpike in unincorporated Orange
County. The applicant is proposing to develop a four lot commercial subdivision on the subject property and the
property to the north, which is currently in the City and is zoned C-3 (General Commercial). Based on the
recommendations of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, staff recommends that Honorable Mayor
and City Commissioners adopt the ordinance to annex 2.25 acres of land known as the West 50 Commercial
Subdivision and also adopt the ordinance to rezone the property to C-3 (General Commercial).
a.Annexation Ordinance
b.Rezoning Ordinance
c.Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan
d.Annexation and Development Agreement
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Mayor Vandergrift announced that this Public Hearing will be continued until a Time Certain
on May 1, 2007, at 7: 15 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard.
The Growth Management Legislation of 2005 created the "Pay as You Grow" concept and expanded key
principles of the current growth management act, which has remained largely unchanged since it was passed
in 1985. During those twenty (20) years, Florida has maintained a growth management policy called
"concurrency." Under the new act, the concept of concurrency has been modified to include "proportionate
fair share." Local governments were directed to adopt a methodology for assessing proportionate fair share
by December I, 2006. This new concept allows concurrency to be satisfied for roads if a developer furnishes
a proportionate fair share of money, land or other developer-provided value to mitigate the impact caused by
its new project. However, this can only be applied if the roads to be improved and/or funded by proportionate
fair share are included in the local government's capital improvement plan (CIP). This concept is not an
absolute right granted to a developer. It is still ultimately subject to local government discretion either by
action amending a local CIP, to include improvements to be funded by proportionate fair share, or by
determining adequate revenue required to fund the proportionate fair share improvements is 'reasonably
anticipated.' Although local governments were directed to adopt a methodology by December I, 2006, staff
has been in contact with the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) and we were assured the DCA is not
enforcing the directed deadline. As most local governments replicated the model ordinance crafted by the
Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), which relies on improvements included in the CIE, staff and
the consultant needed more time to formulate a methodology that would not adversely affect development.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. He advised that because it was an
amendment to the Land Development Code it required two advertised public hearings and
tonight is the first of those two hearings.
Catherine Armstrong, Planning Manager gave a summary of the Growth Management
Legislation and the concept of concurrency. In 2005, the key principal of concurrency was
expanded to include Proportionate Fair Share. This allows concurrency to be satisfied for
roads if the developer furnishes a Proportionate Fair Share (money, land, etc.) to mitigate
the impact costs by these new projects. This only applies to roadways that are on our CIP.
Commissioner Anderson asked what if something was not on our CIP.
Nick Lepp, Renaissance Planning Group, said if it is not on the CIP you would still have
to negotiate the impacts and the developer would have to mitigate those impacts normally
or improve the road to meet concurrency. Mr. Lepp continued by summarizing the new
statutory requirements of Proportionate Fair Share, part of the concurrency section of the
Land Development Code, which applies to roads only. Commissioner Anderson asked
for clarification with the correlation between Proportionate Fair Share and Impact Fees.
City Attorney Rosenthal said this provides that if you make a payment under
Proportionate Fair Share (cash or land), you would be entitled to road impact fees credits
with respect to that proportionate fair share. We have historically not given road impact fee
credits in order to stretch the transportation dollars. To the extent that someone is
contributing land for a road project in the CIP, we must give them road impact fee credits.
It appears, in other jurisdictions, that in most cases the proportionate fair share contribution
is materially higher than the impact fees because road construction costs have raised so
much. If it happens to be a very expensive road with Proportionate Fair Share, it may be a
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very expensive payment. Commissioner Anderson said if a developer pays Proportionate
Fair Share for roadways, the City is bound by law to do road improvements within three
years. City Attorney Rosenthal said that is why many jurisdictions have been reducing
their CIP, because now there is a the mandatory obligation to complete the road
improvements simply because you have completed one project in the program and started
the clock running. City Attorney Rosenthal said this is mandated by State Statute; we are
included in several other cities that missed the due date of December 1, 2006; we do not
have an option not to approve it. Mayor Vandergrift asked if education will be added to
this concurrency issue. City Attorney Rosenthal said the School Board is working on it
with a task force of stakeholders and it should be put into place next year. City Manager
Frank confirmed that Commissioner Keller and Mayor Vandergrift were appointed by the
City as the Stakeholders in the Committee.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing.
R.P. Monacky asked for clarification on the new legislation and how we got behind.
Mayor Vandergrift advised we are not as far behind in our road building program as
many other cities; because it is very hard to keep up with the demands of the new
Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing.
The Commission approved $735,000.00 for the City road resurfacing program in the 2006-07 budget. At the
February 20, 2007, Commission meeting, $213,320.00 was transferred to the resurfacing project carried forward
from the 05-06 program for Clarke Road from SR 50 to Orlando Ave. The transfer was required to complete this
project due to the increases in asphalt production costs experienced industry wide. This transfer left a remainder of
$218,680.00 for resurfacing Clarke Road from Silver Star to A.D. Mims Rd. It is estimated that $240,416.38 will
cover the resurfacing for following programmed streets: Russell Dr., Paula Michele Ct., Spring Ave., Lakeview Dr.,
Orange Ave., Franklin St., Highland Springs Dr., Sandy Beach Rd., Spring Creek Dr. and Willow Creek Rd. The
remaining budget of $65,583.62 for the West Orange Industrial Park is insufficient to cover the estimated
$172,613.61 necessary to resurface Enterprise St., Roper Pkwy and Capitol Ct. These roads are generally
structurally sound and only have a few isolated locations where pot holes have developed in the asphalt. The repairs
have been in place for many months without additional holes developing. Based on the current cost of asphalt and
the apparent structural integrity of the programmed roads, Public Works recommends the following:
Proceed with the resurfacing of the residential streets for a not to exceed amount of $245,000.00.
Defer the resurfacing of the West Orange Industrial Park until such time as the asphalt surface begins to show
deterioration, jeopardizing the structural integrity of the roads (Approximately 2 years).
Discussion occurred regarding the resurfacing of Clarke Road from Silver Star Road to AD
Mims Road. Public Works Director Krug said it will be on next year's program. Mayor
Vandergrift said we should consider tarring some of the parking lots along Clarke Road.
Commissioner Hood asked about Russell Drive and Russell Circle, if we are coordinating to
pave the parking lot in the parks. City Manager Frank said it is not showing up on the street
resurfacing program because it is coming out of the Parks budget. Commissioner Anderson
asked if we could evaluate the need for road tables on Russell while we are preparing to
resurface it. Mr. Krug said we can look at that, however the road tables are put in by another
contractor. He said he is looking heavily at the traffic calming program and he will consider that
also. City Manager Frank said we have not had any request for traffic calming there and we
would like the neighborhood buy in, but if the Commission wishes to direct that we do that, we
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can add it. Mr. Krug said they can put traffic detectors around there to collect data.
Commissioner Hood said he is concerned mainly about the safety right in front of the park
where ducks are getting run over, so he would like to see speed tables in front of the park to keep
the kids safe. Commissioner Keller said while we are looking at traffic calming, Ingram Road
should also be studied. City Engineer Wheeler explained the time line for the widening and
road improvements of the Ingram Road area. Mayor Vandergrift asked City Engineer Wheeler
to write a memo to the Commission stating all of the future plans for the Ingram Road area.
Consensus of the Commission was to defer the resurfacina of the roads in the
West Oranae Industrial Park and to move forward with the residential roads as
follows: Russell Dr.. Paula Michele Ct.. Sprina Ave.. Lakeview Dr.. Oranae Ave..
Franklin St.. Hiahland Sprinas Dr.. Sandy Beach Rd.. Sprina Creek Dr. and Willow
Creek Rd.
After each Municipal Election, the Mayor and City Commission evaluate and/or reassign commissioner's
memberships to various City and outside Boards. The current list of Board includes: Citizen Advisory Council
for Fire Department, Citizen Advisory Council for Police Department, Ocoee School Advisory Board, Parks &
Recreation Advisory Board, Personnel Board, Human Relations Diversity Board, Landscape Committee,
Educational Incentive Committee, Tri-County League of Cities, West Orange Chamber of Commerce, West
Orange Health Alliance, and West Orange Airport Authority. Additionally, the Mayor requested a discussion
regarding the appointment of Ex-Officio Commission Members Serving on Various City Advisory Boards.
The consensus of the Commission was to appoint the Commissioners to Boards
as follows:
I City Boards - Ex-Officio Members
Citizen Advisory Council for Fire Department - no change
Commissioner Keller (appointed 6-6-06)
Citizen Advisory Council for Police Department - no change
Commissioner Johnson (appointed 6-6-06)
Ocoee School Advisory Board - no change
Mayor Vandergrift (appointed/reappointed since 2-05-02)
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Commissioner Anderson (appointed/reappointed since 12-5-95)
***changed from Commissioner Anderson to Commissioner Hood
Personnel Board - Commissioner Hood (appointed 6-6-06) - no change
Human Relations Diversity Board
Mayor Vandergrift (appointed since inception in 2004)
***changed from Mayor Vandergrift to Commissioner Keller
Landscape Committee - no change
Commissioner Anderson (appointed 8-15-06)
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I City Committees
Educational Incentive Committee - Commissioner Hood (appointed 6-6-06)
***changed from Commissioner Hood to Commissioner Johnson
Founders' Day Committee
***added to list of boards with Commission liaison and officially appointed Commissioner Johnson
I Other (outside agencies)
Tri-County League of Cities (Orange/Seminole/Osceola) - no change
Commissioner Anderson (appointed 6-6-06)
West Orange Chamber of Commerce - no change
Commissioner Johnson (appointed 9-5-05)
City Manager Frank (appointed 01-01-07)
West Orange Health Alliance
Commissioner Anderson (appointed/reappointed since 5-2-2000)
***changed from Commissioner Anderson to Commissioner Hood
West Orange Airport Authority - Commissioner Anderson (appointed 6-6-06) - no change
I Other items discussed during Item #16
Mayor Vandergrift asked that staff post the Monday, April 23rd Meeting with School Board
Member Jim Martin and urged everyone to attend.
Commissioner Anderson announced the Landscape and Irrigation Seminar on April 27, 2007 at
5:00 p.m. Utilities Director Smith said that they are giving trees away. Contact the Utilities
Office for reservations at 407-905-3100 ext 4000.
Mayor Vandergrift asked about Arbor Day. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes said we
are having a tree planting ceremony on Thursday at the Community Center with the Seniors and
Tiny Tots Program, and one in the afternoon at the Beech Center with the after school program.
There will be a press release on these events.
Commissioner Johnson gave an update of entertainment that they are coordinating for this
year's Founders' Day Event.
City Manager Frank
1) announced the Chamber of Commerce Best Fest at Veranda Park on Thursday night beginning
at 5:00 p.m.
2) reminded the Mayor and Commission about the Health Insurance Workshop tomorrow night.
3) advised that he will be on vacation all next week and Jamie Croteau will be Acting City
- no comments
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said the owners of the two story house, on comer of Delaware and
Bluford, are no longer mowing since we asked them to remove trees on the front of their
property; now it has becomingbecome a jungle. City Manager Frank said it appears to be a
code issue, and he will have Code Enforcement look into it. Commissioner Anderson said he
reported it to Code Enforcement last Tuesday, 2) said he would like to pursue a Veteran's
Memorial Committee to move the existing memorial to the Ison Center and add to it to become a
nice memorial park.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded bv Commissioner Hood, moved to approve a
Veteran's Memorial Committee with Commissioner Johnson actina as the Board
liaison. Motion carried 5-0.
Resident James Fleming volunteered to be on the Committee. Commissioner Johnson said we
have an employee, Steve Frey, in the engineering department who has come up with a great
design for a memorial and he would like to have him present it to the Commission. Mayor
Vandergrift said the the committee should look at the Memorial at the cemetery on Ingram
Road, which is a bronze statue representing all four services. Commissioner Johnson said he
will try to get some names together and bring it back. 3) said the City has always purchased a
foursome and a hole sponsorship for the Lions Club Golf Tournament and he would like to do it
again this year.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded bv Commissioner Johnson, moved to
purchase a City Team foursome ($250) and a hole sponsorship ($150) for the
Lions Club Golf Tournament on Mav 12, 2007, and the $400 should be taken from
the continaencv fund. Motion carried 4-0.
4) said, at the Economic Development workshop, we discussed possibly bringing someone in to
analyze the permitting and plan review procedures, and he would like to get clarification on what
direction the Commission should give to staff. Discussion followed on how to handle the
analysis. Consensus of the Commission was to have the City Manaaer brina back
cost fiaures on havina an outside professional aaencv do a study, and look at the
feasibilitv of havina another city offerina to analvze our processes.
5) he said he would like to see the City donate to the renovation of the old theater into a cultural
center in Winter Garden because it is part of Ocoee resident's history. He said he would like to
see how we can contribute in a way that benefits Ocoee residents. Consensus of the
Commission was that Commissioner Johnson should approach them to see what
can be done.
1) said the Landscape and Irrigation Seminar is April 27, 2007, at the
Community Center, there are 150 seats, 50 have been reserved. There will be food and
educational materials given out.
1) said he would like to get a total cost of replacing water pipes in District
1, for total replacement. Utilities Director Smith said there are a lot of mains we don't know
what material they are made of. We can come up with total cost, and then some type of factor to
reduce what we do or don't know. Commissioner Hood said if there is some way we can
prorate it over a two year period of time, he would like to have this information for budgetary
issues. He stated that he understands it will be very expensive, but would at least like to get the
figures together for budget time because it needs to be done. Mayor Vandergrift added that he
had a complaint in Brentwood about low pressure since the water tower was taken down.
Utilities Director Smith said he would have to look at the specific person who is complaining to
figure out the cause of the pressure drop.
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2) asked about how we are progressing with the sidewalk improvements that were in this year's
budget. Public Works Director Krug, said there are three projects that were projected for this
year: a) Hawaii, Utilities Dept. is getting ready to install water lines so we are holding off; b)
Lyman is part of the Lakewood area where we are doing some work with CDBG money, so we
are waiting for that to be finished; and c) at Orlando Avenue, there are some legal issues there
with the fence relocation that we are dealing with. He said we are also looking at some other
areas where residents are requesting sidewalks, and we will see what we can do with those,
depending on funding. Commissioner Hood said he will bring up some specific areas at budget
time. Mayor Vandergrift said to make sure the residents want sidewalks before you propose
them, because sometimes they don't. 3) Commissioner Hood noted that said by Ocoee High
School sidewalks have been placed coming down from the northern end to the school, and now
they are doing the southern end; he said he knew I know they are not going to put sidewalks on
Fuller's Cross and West Road due to all the development, but at least county is moving on that.
City Engineer Wheeler said the section of West Road between Ocoee Apopka Road and SR
429 is supposed to be a four-lane divided road with sidewalks going in.
said he would like the Commission to consider an aggressive idea he
has with regard to Health Insurance, where the City would be a group health insurance plan and
offer insurance to the residents of the City. Human Resources Director Carnicella said he
spoke to Crown consulting about this because Commissioner Anderson mentioned it last week.
Crown said they would be willing to offer some very preliminary discussion on this at the
workshop tomorrow night. It is an aggressive concept, it has been done in other placescities, but
we would need to discuss all of the pros and cons of this type of plan.
said that the fence around Thornbrooke is now covered with four feet of
weeds. City Manager Frank said he will have staff look into it.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:37 p.m.
City of Ocoee
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