HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 16 Public Hearing for Right-of-Way Vacation of North Lakewood Avenue and Clarcona Ocoee Road for Ocoee Development IV, LLC (AKA Ocoee Village Center); Project No.: VAC-21-031 14.0):Or CITY OF OCOEE. ITEM NUMBER 16 IS RESCHEDULED TO A FUTURE DATE PUBLIC HEARING 16. Public Hearing for Right-of-Way Vacation of North Lakewood Avenue and Clarcona Ocoee Road for Ocoee Development IV, LLC (AKA Ocoee Village Center); Project No.: VAC-21-031. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, July 22, 2021 and continued from the August 3, 2021 City Commission Meeting.) (Development Services Director Rumer) At the request of staff, this item is being rescheduled to a future date due to required documentation not received. .....W`-.4 i 1y --1 jam: t t a f f F ,_-„.VR, t � 3 S q [ S - L_. rt _ - \t ,3 e i i Z i i 3 Fa 1 a _ 6 i r . ., ., .a...: .�'i e`er` i ems' COPY OF ADVERTISEMENT Date Published and Media Name The W, est Omen Timis Thursday,July 21 2021 Advertisement or Article • • NOTICE OF PUBLIC 07'.AYEING: ::.'::::':':.':::.' ::;.'TO CONSIDERIIiIIRIGHT;.OF.WAYVACATION.y ::.`:.OFNORTILLAIS�W40DAVENIMAND.CLA1tCONA000ERROAD ;.::` : ::.:....:•. :..:.: PROJ ICE NO.VAC-21-0s1.:: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,pursuant to Section 153,Article Ii of the Code of.. i the.City of Ocoee,that on TUESDAY,AUGUST.s,2021,at 6:15 p.m.'or as soon. • therea@erns:practical,:.the.QCOL_+L CITY COMMISSION Veillold.h :a PIJBLIc • • IIEABINO at the.Ocoee City Commission Chambers,150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee,Florida,:to consider.the vacation of the Eight-of:Way for a.portion ofLalie-.: wood Avenue&Clarcona Road to consider the adoption of the following resolution:,, . BPSOLUTION OF THE CITY:OF()CORA FLORIDA,ABANDON- .: ANG AND VACATING.THAT..PORTION OF NORTH LAKEWOOD_ AVENUE AND CLQ1tCONA••:OCOEE ROAD,AN 11,040 TION.`OF THE;REMNANT_RIGHT=OF--WAY.LYING,SOIITH:OF :;CI.ARCONA OCOEE ACtAD.AND EAST OF NORTH LAKEWOOD AVDNi7E;.PROVIDING.FOR RECORDATION; PROVIDING FOR • SEVERA.BILITY;PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Interested parties:may appear it the public hearing and be heard with respect to. the proposed eetions..The.complete case file,including a complete legal.deserip-••• tion by ntetesand.bounds,may.be_inspected at the Ocoee Development S•ezviees Department,:150 North Lakeshore Ilxive,Ocoee,Florida,between.the.liners:of. 8:00 a.m.and.5:00 p.m.,Monday through Triday,except legal holidays...The City. Commission may.santinue the.publichearing to.other dates;and times,as it.deenis necessary::Any interested.party shall be advised that the dates,times,and places of any continuation of these or continued public liearings.shall:be.announced during the hearings and that to further notices regarding these matters wilt be publish ed. You are:advised that Any person desire§ an to.appeal any.decision made dull ng tJic,publlc hearings.will need a,recoxd.of the proccedings. d for this purpose may. freed to.ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is noade.which Includes the testimony and evidence upon•wliieh,the appeal is based..Persons with disabilities.. :needing assistance to.particlpate in any.of the proceedings•shauldeontact.the,Cily, :clerks:Ofice46.hoursinadvanceofthe•meetingat(4407).905-3105. • • ri 1 '