HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-03-2021 Minutes MINUTES
AUGUST 3, 2021
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:16 PM in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Mayor Johnson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag led by Commissioner Firstner. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a quorum
Present: Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Brinson, Commissioner Firstner, Commissioner Oliver
Absent: Commissioner Wilsen
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Cookson, City Clerk Sibbitt
Proclamation — West Orange Healthy Selfie Day, read and proclaimed by Mayor Johnson.
Proclamation was accepted by Jason Cannon with the Foundation for a Healthier West Orange.
Mayor Johnson thanked Danielle Hendrix, editor for the West Orange Observer for her years of
coverage of the City, and congratulated her on her recent enrollment to continue her education at
UCF. Danielle Hendrix introduced her replacement Chris Martucci. Chris Martucci provided a
brief summary of his background and shared that he looked forward to covering the City. Mayor
Johnson welcomed him.
City Manager Frank announced before them is the following:
Emergency Item #1 - Extension of Employer Provided Sick Leave in consideration of
expiration of the CARES Act. (Assistant City Manager Shadrix)
As the City Commission is aware, the CARES Act, as provided by the Federal Government, expired on
December 31, 2020. With the expiration, it resulted in the cessation of the 80 hours of Employer Provided
Sick Leave (PSL) for employees with symptoms of COVID-19. On February 2, 2021 the City Commission
authorized the extension of the 80 hours through March 31,2021 and authorized the City Manager to extend
it on a month to month basis as needed.The City Manager extended it one time though April 30,2021,giving
employees time to become vaccinated. With the new "delta variant" Orange County has seen a significant
increase in COVID cases,including individuals already vaccinated.The City has also realized this increase in
its workforce.
City Manager Frank briefly explained the request for an extension of employer provided sick
leave (PSL) as Orange County has seen a significant increase in the new "delta variant". He
recommended to extend PSL for employees under the COVID-19 protocol retroactive to May 1,
2021. He further recommended that this policy be in effect through September 30, 2021, with
additional extensions on a monthly basis as needed.
Commissioner Brinson asked if this extension would include all employees whether vaccinated
or not vaccinated. City Manager Frank answered in the affirmative and further explained the
conditions of the authorized 80 hours.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 3, 2021
Motion: Move to approve Emergency Item #1, Extension of Employer Provided
Sick Leave in consideration of expiration of the CARES Act; Moved by
Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Brinson; Motion carried 4-0
with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
Emergency Item#2 -Vehicle Purchase Request. (Police Chief Plasencia)
Police vehicle#1290, an unmarked Ford Explorer,was involved in a non-preventable traffic crash. The City
insurance adjuster advised that the vehicle was considered a total loss. The Police Department has an
immediate need to replace this unmarked vehicle within the fleet. Due to pandemic related delays,the Police
Department is experiencing long delays (months, in some cases) in obtaining delivery of already ordered
vehicles. The Police Department has a responsibility to maintain a working fleet in a state of operational
readiness and has an immediate need for patrol vehicles. Duval Ford, a vendor with an existing relationship
with the City and an approved FSA contract supplier,has one remaining police rated unmarked Ford Explorer
in stock. The cost for this vehicle,completely upfitted with existing City owned equipment, is$34,684.00.
City Manager Frank briefly explained the loss of a police vehicle, as declared by the insurance
company, and the request to purchase. Commissioner Oliver inquired if this was the same
vehicle they recently approved for purchase in a past meeting. City Manager Frank advised this
was a different vehicle that was recently totaled.
Motion: Move to approve Emergency Item #2, Vehicle Purchase Request. Moved
by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 4-0
with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
The following persons addressed the City Commission:
- Sandra Miller, Ocoee Resident, shared concerns due to the increased careless driving
along Starke Lake,and inquired about a proactive approach to resolve the problem. Police
Chief Plasencia addressed her concerns and offered to provide assistance.
- Jim Moyer, Ocoee Resident, shared a presentation about the confusion he experienced
upon becoming a new resident in Ocoee.
- Robert Young, Ocoee Resident, thanked the Police Department and Commissioners for
honoring Sgt. Blake for being the first African American female to be promoted to
Sergeant. Mayor Johnson apologized for not attending, and explained that he was out of
the country during this time.
Commissioner Oliver declared a point of order regarding the July 20th Regular City Commission
Meeting that he felt Ocoee Resident, Chris Atkins, was berated and the civility code adopted by
the City Commission was not being enforced. He voiced that if they are asking the residents to
follow the civility code, the City Commission and City staff should also.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 3, 2021
Consent Agenda Motion
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 -#4.
Moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Brinson; Motion
carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held June 20,2021.
(City Clerk Sibbitt)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
2. Approval of New Appointment to the Parks and Recreation Board. (City Clerk
Members of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board serve two-year terms. The ordinance provides that the
Parks&Recreation Advisory Board shall consist of nine(9)members;and,whenever possible,appointments
to the Board may include one member from local sporting organizations as provided by ordinance that utilize
the Ocoee parks. Currently,the board has seven(7)members. One(1)application has been received by Brad
Lomneck who has shown an interest in being appointed to the Parks&Recreation Advisory Board for a term
ending October 2023.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
3. Approval of a Two-Year Warranty Surety and Maintenance, Materials, and
Workmanship Agreement with Meritage Homes of Florida,Inc.,for Prairie Meadows
PUD. (Development Engineer Keaton)
Prairie Meadows Subdivision located near the corner of A. D. Mims Road and North Clarke Road next to the
Prairie Lake Reserve Subdivision on Ocoee Vista Parkway.As a requirement of the Land Development Code,
the developer is required to furnish the City a Surety to cover any possible damages discovered during the
next two years.The Letter of Credit provided is for a grand total of$38,405.04.The Maintenance, Materials,
and Workmanship Agreement acts as the executable document between the developer and the City.The Surety
will be returned to the developer upon completion of the two-year warranty period and repair any damages
caused over those two years.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
4. Approval to Apply for a Florida Firefighter Cancer Decontamination Equipment
Grant for the Purchase of a Vehicle Exhaust Capture System. (Fire Chief Miller)
The Florida Firefighter Cancer Decontamination Equipment Grant was created within the Division of the State
Fire Marshal to help protect the health and safety of firefighters in the State of Florida. The program will
provide financial assistance to help fire departments procure equipment, supplies, and educational training
designed to mitigate exposure to hazardous, cancer-causing chemicals. The current grant period(FY 21/22)
has been funded at $500,000. Applications are due on August 6, 2021. The fire department would like to
submit a matching(75%/25%)application through the Florida Firefighter Cancer Decontamination Equipment
Grant for the purchase of a vehicle exhaust capture system for one of its reserve fire engines.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 3, 2021
5. Public Hearing for Right-of-Way Vacation of North Lakewood Avenue and Clarcona
Ocoee Road for Ocoee Development IV, LLC (AKA Ocoee Village Center); Project
No.: VAC-21-031. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday,July 22, 2021) (Development
Services Director Rumer)
At the request of the Applicant,this item is being continued to the August 17,2021,City Commission meeting.
Public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was closed.
Mayor Johnson announced this item will be continued to the next meeting on August 17, 2021.
6. Public Hearing for Preliminary Site Plan for Lake Lilly Apartments; Project No.: LS-
2021-004. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday,July 22,2021.) (Development Services
Director Rumer)
The City of Ocoee and Heller Brothers Groves executed a Development Agreement on October 6,2020,which
permitted multi-family residential as a permitted use in a mixed-use development.The Lake Lilly Apartments
development is proposing 410 luxury multi-family residential dwellings units on approximately 16.56 acres.
The development will consist of six (6) phases as reflected in sheet C010 as follows: Phase 1: 30 units
(Townhome Buildings 1 and 2);Phase 2:45 units(43 units in Building 1 and 2 units in Carriage 1)as well as
clubhouse and other amenities; Phases 3, 4 & 5: 192 units (Buildings 2, 3, and 4); Phase 6: 143 units (139
units in Building 5 and 4 units in Carriages 2 and 3). The main access/entrance will be off of Old Winter
Garden Road, and the second access point will be off of Professional Center Blvd. Utilities will be extended
to the site from the north. Stormwater will be held in an existing permitted Master Stormwater pond.
Development Services Director Rumer presented a brief overview of this proposed Preliminary
Site Plan which is approximately 16.56 acres and located south of Old Winter Garden Road and
north of the Florida Turnpike. This property is currently vacant and is part of a Master
Development called the Lake Lilly Center. The zoning and the land use is designated as Light
Industrial (I-1). He explained the City and Heller Brothers Groves executed a Development
Agreement on October 6, 2020, which permitted multi-family residential as a permitted use in a
mixed-use development.
The Lake Lilly Apartments development proposes 410 luxury multi-family residential dwellings
units on approximately 16.56 acres. The development will consist of six (6) phases. He further
explained the proposed development in more detail.
The public hearing was opened.
Chris New,Applicant, Fore Property Company, Ocoee, said they are looking forward to bringing
their product to the community. He explained the proposed development in detail and asked the
board if they have any questions.
Commissioner Brinson inquired about the projected rates for the apartments. Mr. New
addressed his question.
Commissioner Brinson inquired what is proposed to be developed to the east of the property.
Development Services Director Rumer stated the uses will be retail, office, and restaurant.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 3, 2021
Mayor Johnson inquired when development of this project is proposed to begin. Mr. New
addressed his question.
Commissioner Oliver inquired about the mixed-use, and if there were plans of retail
development. Development Services Director Rumer addressed his question. Commissioner
Oliver commented that there are a lot of college students moving into the area, and inquired if
there are any units designated as affordable housing. Mr. New addressed his question.
The public hearing was closed.
Motion: Move to approve the Preliminary Site Plan for Lake Lilly Apartments;
Project No.: LS-2021-004; Moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by
Commissioner Brinson; Motion carried 3-1 with Commissioner Oliver opposing
and Commissioner Wilsen absent.
Commissioner Oliver shared his reasons for opposing, which included the need for more retail
mix-use and affordable housing in the community.
This public comment was heard out of agenda order.
Brad Lomneck, Ocoee Resident, shared his opinion on the point of order declared by
Commissioner Oliver with regard to the civility code and treatment toward a resident. He
commented the Elected Officials and City staff should have the right to defend any false
comments made by a member of the public, and he did not believe anyone was being uncivil
during the last meeting.
7. First Reading of Ordinance for Fountains at Highland Park PUD Substantial
Amendment for Pruitt Health Skilled Nursing Facility; Project No.: RZ-03-05. (Second
Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for August 17, 2021,Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon
thereafter.) (Development Services Director Rumer)
The parent parcel is approximately 12.34 acres in size and is located on the north side of Tomyn Boulevard
and south of the Florida Turnpike,approximately 2,000 feet west of Maguire Road(Physical Address 11311
Tomyn Boulevard).The subject property is currently undeveloped and is covered with a small variety of trees,
of which a majority consists of planted pine trees. The proposed Pruitt Health Skilled Nursing Facility is
proposed at 95,516 SF / 120 Bed Nursing Facility on 4.3 acres. The proposed development will ultimately
build out the remaining land of the PUD and include a revised Master Stormwater retention pond, associated
landscape buffers,wall along Tomyn Blvd, and utilities. The Fountains at Highland Park PUD was approved
with a total of 2,378 new external Average Daily Trips (ADT) and 354 PM peak hour trips. The proposed
development is projected to generate 1,362 fewer daily trips and 200 fewer PM peak hour trips than the
previously approved land uses.Therefore,the requested modification will not result in an increased burden on
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 3, 2021
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on August 17, 2021,at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
8. First Reading of Ordinance for Potter Property at 1081 North Lakewood Avenue —
Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-06-21-17 & RZ-21-06-21. (Second Reading
and Public Hearing scheduled for August 17, 2021, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon
thereafter.) (Planner Hines)
The property is approximately 0.37 acres and generally located on the east side of N.Lakewood Avenue,about
1165 feet south of Wurst Road.The subject parcel has one(1)existing Single-Family Residence.The applicant
is annexing into the City limits as a condition to receiving city potable water connection.The subject property
is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property located within the City limits
on the west. The parcel will receive an"R-1"(Single-Family Dwelling)zoning upon annexation.
a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinances.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on August 17, 2021,at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
9. First Reading of Ordinance for Garcia Arroyo Property at 107 13th Avenue —
Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-06-21-18 & RZ-21-06-22. (Second Reading
and Public Hearing scheduled for August 17, 2021, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon
thereafter) (Planner Hines)
The property is approximately 0.29 acres and generally located on the north side of 13th Avenue
approximately 172 feet east of N. Lakewood Avenue and 375 feet north of Wurst Road. The subject parcel
has one(1)existing single-family residence. The applicant is annexing into the City limits as agreed upon in
the intent to annex agreement for water service. The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of
Ocoee since it is bordered by property to the south. The parcel will receive an R-1 (Single-Family Dwelling)
zoning classification upon annexation.
a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinances.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on August 17, 2021,at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
10. First Reading of Ordinance for Linzey Property at 5024 Adair Street—Annexation &
Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-06-21-19 & RZ-21-06-23. (Second Reading and Public Hearing
scheduled for August 17, 2021, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon thereafter) (Planner
The property is approximately 0.38 acres and generally located approximately 1075 feet south of Clarcona
Ocoee Road at the southwest corner of the intersection of Adair Street and 4th Avenue.The subject parcel has
one(1)existing single-family residence. The applicant is annexing into the City limits as agreed upon in the
intent to annex agreement for water service.The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee
since it is bordered by property to the east. The parcel will receive an R-1 (Single-Family Dwelling) zoning
classification upon annexation.
a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 3, 2021
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinances.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on August 17, 2021,at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
11. First Reading of Ordinance for Amaran Property at 403 2nd Street— Annexation &
Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-06-21-20 & RZ-21-06-24. (Second Reading and Public Hearing
scheduled for August 17, 2021, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon thereafter) (Planner
The parcel is approximately 0.39 acres and located on the east side of 2nd Street, 187 feet north of E. Silver
Star Road. The subject parcel has one(1)existing single-family residence. The applicant is annexing into the
City limits as agreed upon in the intent to annex agreement for water service. The subject property is
considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property to the south, east, and west. The
parcel will receive an R-lA(Single-Family Dwelling)zoning classification upon annexation.
a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinances.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on August 17, 2021,at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
12. First Reading of Ordinance for Martinez-Perez Property at 128 1st Street —
Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-06-21-21 & RZ-21-06-25. (Second Reading
and Public Hearing scheduled for August 17, 2021, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon
thereafter) (Planner Hines)
The property is approximately 1.02 acres and generally located on the west side of 1st Street and is
approximately 1,124 feet south of E. Silver Star Road. The subject parcel has one (1) existing single-family
residence.The property is annexing into the City limits as agreed upon in the Annexation Agreement for Water
and Sewer Service executed in 1996 with Mr.John Carpenter and Mr.Lawrence Carpenter,the prior property
owners. The annexation will eliminate an enclave since the property is surrounded on all sides by the City of
Ocoee city limits. The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by
property to the north, east, and south. The parcel will receive an R-1A (Single-Family Dwelling) zoning
classification upon annexation.
a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinances.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on August 17, 2021,at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 3, 2021
13. Second Reading of Ordinance Increasing the Salary Portion of the Compensation of
the Mayor and Commissioners. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday,July 22, 2021)
(City Attorney Cookson)
The compensation for the Mayor and Commissioners consists of three (3) categories: salary, stipend and
medical benefits. Section C-16 of the Ocoee City Charter provides that the City Commission may determine
the annual salary of the Mayor and the Commissioners by ordinance. However,the Charter specifies that no
ordinance increasing salaries will take effect until the date of commencement of the terms of members of the
City Commission elected at the next regular city election. Furthermore, the Charter provides that any
ordinance increasing salaries must be adopted at least six(6)months prior to the election after which the salary
increases take effect. The next regular city election will be in March 2023. Thus, if an ordinance increasing
salaries is adopted at any time prior to September 2022,the salary increases will not go into effect until after
the March 2023 election.
City Attorney Cookson explained that Commissioner Wilsen is out sick, and she asked if the
City Commission can continue this item to the next meeting. Discussion ensued.
The public hearing was opened.
- Jennifer Young, Business Owner, inquired if the approval of a salary increase would
affect any programs that are offered in the community, and voiced she was trying to
understand the pros and cons of the increases.
- Brad Lomneck, Ocoee Resident, shared he felt this was an important topic and while they
may have a quorum he opined this item should be tabled to allow Commissioner Wilsen
the opportunity to share her opinions.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Brinson shared this item has been addressed numerous times with all in
attendance, and further explained why he felt the salary increase was warranted. In response to
Ms. Young's question, he advised the increase would not reduce programs within the City.
Commissioner Oliver explained his support for the increase, and shared this increase is for the
future leaders as it will not occur until 2023.
Mayor Johnson addressed comments made about the Elected Officials who receive a pension,
and further shared the current benefits they all receive in addition to their salary.
Commissioner Firstner commented that when he was elected he was not aware of the salary of
an Elected Official, and the salary was not an incentive for whether he served or not. He further
shared he respected all the points being made by the other Elected Officials.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 3, 2021
Motion: Move to adopt an Ordinance Increasing the Salary Portion of the
Compensation of the Mayor and Commissioners; Moved by Commissioner
Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Oliver; Motion failed 2-2 with Mayor Johnson
and Commissioner Firstner opposing.
14. Second Reading of Ordinance for De La Torre Property at 277 13th Avenue —
Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-05-21-11 & RZ-21-05-15. (Advertised in the
West Orange Times on Thursday,July 22, 2021 and Thursday,July 29, 2021) (Planner Hines)
The property is approximately 0.17 acres and located on the north side of 13th Street, about 1127 feet east of
N. Lakewood Avenue and approximately 162 feet west of Peters Avenue.The parcel is currently vacant. The
applicant is annexing into the City limits as a condition to receive City potable water connection. The subject
property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property to the south.The parcel
will receive an R-1 (Single-Family Dwelling)zoning classification upon annexation.
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Zoning Manager Whitfield presented an overview of the proposed annexation and rezoning
ordinances for consideration. The subject parcel is currently vacant, and is contiguous to the City
of Ocoee since it is bordered by property located within the City limits on the south. The parcel
will receive an R-1 (Single-Family Dwelling) zoning classification upon annexation.
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the ordinances.
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-020, De La Torre Property at 277 13th
Avenue Annexation; Project No: AX-05-21-11; Moved by Commissioner Brinson,
seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner
Wilsen absent.
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-021, De La Torre Property at 277 13th
Avenue Rezoning; Project No: RZ-21-05-15; Moved by Commissioner
Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 4-0 with
Commissioner Wilsen absent.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 3, 2021
15. Second Reading of Ordinance for Labban Property at 501 2nd Street—Annexation &
Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-05-21-12 & RZ-21-05-16. (Advertised in the West Orange Times
on Thursday, July 22, 2021 and Thursday, July 29, 2021.) (Planner Hines)
The property is approximately 0.25 acres and located on the east side of 2nd Street, about 577 feet south of
Center Street and at the intersection of Nay Avenue and 2nd Street. The parcel is currently developed with a
single-family house.The applicant is annexing into the City limits as a condition to receive City potable water
connection.The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property
to the north and west that is currently being annexed.The parcel will receive an R-1 (Single-Family Dwelling)
zoning classification upon annexation.
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Zoning Manager Whitfield presented an overview of the proposed annexation and rezoning
ordinances for consideration. The subject parcel is currently developed with a single-family
house, and is contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property to the north and
west that is currently being annexed. The parcel will receive an R-1 (Single-Family Dwelling)
zoning classification upon annexation.
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the ordinances.
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-022, Labban Property at 501 2nd Street
Annexation; Project No: AX-05-21-12; Moved by Commissioner Brinson,seconded
by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-023, Labban Property at 501 2nd Street
Rezoning; Project No: RZ-21-05-16; Moved by Commissioner Brinson, seconded
by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
16. Second Reading of Ordinance for Ocoee Rentals Trust Properties at 499 2nd Street—
Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-04-21-07 & RZ-21-04-10. (Advertised in the
West Orange Times on Thursday,July 22, 2021 and Thursday,July 29, 2021.) (Planner Hines)
The property is approximately 0.26 acres and located on the east side of 2nd Street, about 670 feet south of
Center Street and southeast of the intersection of Nay Street and 2nd Street.The parcel is currently developed
with a single-family house. The applicant is annexing into the City limits as a condition to receive City potable
water connection. The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by
property to the north that is currently being annexed.The parcel will receive an R-1 (Single-Family Dwelling)
zoning classification upon annexation.
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 3, 2021
Zoning Manager Whitfield announced the following five (5) annexations and rezonings being
presented are for the Ocoee Rentals Trust Property. She further presented an overview of the
proposed annexation and rezoning ordinances for consideration. The subject parcel is currently
developed with a single-family house, and is contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered
by property to the north that is currently being annexed. The parcel will receive an R-1 (Single-
Family Dwelling) zoning classification upon annexation. Additionally, during discussions with
the property owner, as a condition of annexation,the owner has agreed to convey at no cost to the
City by warranty deed a fee-simple title to the west 30 feet of the subject property to dedicate
right-of-way along the eastern boundary of the existing 2nd Street roadway.
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the ordinances.
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-024, Ocoee Rentals Trust Properties
at 499 2nd Street Annexation and associated Annexation Agreement; Project No:
AX-04-21-07; Moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner
Firstner; Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-025, Ocoee Rentals Trust Properties
at 499 2nd Street Rezoning; Project No: RZ-21-04-10; Moved by Commissioner
Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 4-0 with
Commissioner Wilsen absent.
17. Second Reading of Ordinance for Ocoee Rentals Trust Properties at 437 2nd Street—
Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-04-21-08 & RZ-21-04-11. (Advertised in the
West Orange Times on Thursday,July 22, 2021 and Thursday, July 29, 2021) (Planner Hines)
The property is approximately 0.25 acres and located on the east side of 2nd Street, about 745 feet south of
Center Street and about 87 feet southeast from the intersection of Nay Street and 2nd Street. The parcel is
currently vacant. The applicant is annexing into the City limits as a condition to receiving City potable water
connection.The subject property will be contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered on the north by
property that is currently being annexed. The parcel will receive an R-1 (Single-Family Dwelling) zoning
classification upon annexation.
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Staff presentation carried forward. Additionally, during discussions with the property owner, as
a condition of annexation,the owner has agreed to convey at no cost to the City by warranty deed
a fee-simple title to the west 30 feet of the subject property to dedicate right-of-way along the
eastern boundary of the existing 2nd Street roadway.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 3, 2021
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the ordinances.
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-026, Ocoee Rentals Trust Properties
at 437 2nd Street Annexation and associated Annexation Agreement; Project No:
AX-04-21-08; Moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner
Brinson; Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-027, Ocoee Rentals Trust Properties
at 437 2nd Street Rezoning; Project No: RZ-21-04-11; Moved by Commissioner
Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Brinson; Motion carried 4-0 with
Commissioner Wilsen absent.
18. Second Reading of Ordinance for Ocoee Rentals Trust Properties at 504 3rd Street—
Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-05-21-14 & RZ-21-05-18. (Advertised in the
West Orange Times on Thursday,July 22, 2021 and Thursday, July 29, 2021.) (Planner Hines)
The property is approximately 0.25 acres and located on the west side of 3rd Street, about 568 feet south of
Center Street and approximately 654 feet north of E. Silver Star Road.The parcel is currently developed with
a single-family house. The applicant is annexing into the City limits as a condition to receive City potable
water connection. The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by
property to the west that is currently being annexed.The parcel will receive an R-1 (Single-Family Dwelling)
zoning classification upon annexation.
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Staff presentation carried forward.
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the ordinances.
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-028, Ocoee Rentals Trust Properties
at 504 3rd Street Annexation; Project No: AX-05-21-14; Moved by Commissioner
Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 4-0 with
Commissioner Wilsen absent.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 3, 2021
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-029, Ocoee Rentals Trust Properties
at 504 3rd Street Rezoning; Project No: RZ-21-05-18; Moved by Commissioner
Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Brinson; Motion carried 4-0 with
Commissioner Wilsen absent.
19. Second Reading of Ordinance for Ocoee Rentals Trust Properties at 502 3rd Street—
Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-05-21-15 & RZ-21-05-19. (Advertised in the
West Orange Times on Thursday,July 22, 2021 and Thursday,July 29, 2021.) (Planner Hines)
The property is approximately 0.24 acres and located on the west side of 3rd Street, about 664 feet south of
Center Street and approximately 579 feet north of E. Silver Star Road.The parcel is currently developed with
a single-family house. The applicant is annexing into the City limits as a condition to receive City potable
water connection. The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by
property to the north, east, and west that is currently being annexed. The parcel will receive an R-1 (Single-
Family Dwelling)zoning classification upon annexation.
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Staff presentation carried forward.
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the ordinances.
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-030, Ocoee Rentals Trust Properties
at 502 3rd Street Annexation; Project No: AX-05-21-15; Moved by Commissioner
Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Oliver; Motion carried 4-0 with
Commissioner Wilsen absent.
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-031, Ocoee Rentals Trust Properties
at 502 3rd Street Rezoning; Project No: RZ-21-05-19; Moved by Commissioner
Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Oliver; Motion carried 4-0 with
Commissioner Wilsen absent.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 3, 2021
20. Second Reading of Ordinance for Ocoee Rentals Trust Properties at 436 3rd Street—
Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-05-21-16 & RZ-21-05-20. (Advertised in the
West Orange Times on Thursday,July 22, 2021 and Thursday, July 29, 2021.) (Planner Hines)
The property is approximately 0.25 acres and located on the west side of 3rd Street, about 744 feet south of
Center Street and almost 501 feet north of E.Silver Star Road.The parcel is currently developed with a single-
family house. The applicant is annexing into the City limits as a condition to receive City potable water
connection.The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property
to the north and west that is currently being annexed.The parcel will receive an R-1 (Single-Family Dwelling)
zoning classification upon annexation
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Staff presentation carried forward.
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the ordinances.
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-032, Ocoee Rentals Trust Properties
at 436 3rd Street Annexation; Project No: AX-05-21-16; Moved by Commissioner
Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 4-0 with
Commissioner Wilsen absent.
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-033, Ocoee Rentals Trust Properties
at 436 3rd Street Rezoning; Project No: RZ-21-05-20; Moved by Commissioner
Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 4-0 with
Commissioner Wilsen absent.
21. Second Reading of Ordinance for Covington Holdings LLC Property at 8667 A.D.
Mims Road — Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-04-21-10 & RZ-21-04-13.
(Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday,July 22, 2021 and Thursday,July 29, 2021.) (Planner
The property is approximately 9.94 acres and located on the north side of A.D. Mims Road, about 1615 feet
west of Apopka Vineland Road. The subject parcel is currently developed with a single-family house and
accessory structures.The applicant is annexing into the City limits as a condition to receive City benefits.The
subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property located within
the City limits on the north, east, and west. The parcel will receive an "A-1" (General Agricultural) zoning
upon annexation.
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Zoning Manager Whitfield presented an overview of the proposed annexation and rezoning
ordinances for consideration. The subject parcel is currently developed with a single-family
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 3, 2021
house, and is contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property to the north and
west that is currently being annexed.The parcel will receive an A-1 (General Agricultural)zoning
classification upon annexation.
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the ordinances.
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-034, Covington Holdings LLC Property
at 8667 A.D. Mims Road Annexation; Project No: AX-04-21-10; Moved by
Commissioner Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Oliver; Motion carried 4-0
with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-035, Covington Holdings LLC Property
at 8667 A.D. Mims Road Rezoning; Project No: RZ-21-04-13; Moved by
Commissioner Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Oliver; Motion carried 4-0
with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
The following persons addressed the City Commission:
- Robert Young, Ocoee Resident, Spoke in support of a salary increase for the Elected
Officials in the hope it might inspire a larger group of well-qualified individuals to run,
and give the residents an improved selection of candidates to choose from. He further
noted tension within the Commission.
- Brad Lomneck, Ocoee Resident, clarified his position on his previous comment with
regard to an increase in compensation for the Elected Officials, and further expressed he
felt the conversation was inappropriate given the City can not seem to reach an agreement
with the Fire Union for their compensation packet.
- Jennifer Yon, Ocoee Business Owner, thanked those that recently visited the West Oaks
Mall, and inquired if there was anything business owners could do to encourage qualified
candidates to run for office in Ocoee.
- Scott Kennedy, Ocoee Resident, spoke about the recent comments provided by the
Commission and encouraged forgiveness. He ended by asking the Commission to stop
focusing on the past so they might move forward in a productive manner.
15 I Page
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 3, 2021
Commissioner Brinson—Commented on the following:
1) Shared the current school funding discussions taking place in Tallahassee. He also sympathized
with individuals that feel they have the right to their position on the mask mandate,and explained
his position on the government's role in protecting the public. He encouraged the public to be
understanding and compassionate about our youth, the elderly, and the public.
2) Announced Orange County is offering rent assistance and encouraged those in need to apply
for help.
3) Commented on the spike of COVID-19 cases; and shared hospitals are experiencing a 20%
increase and pleaded with residents to practice the recommended safety protocols.
4) Shared he has met with multiple business owners in the West Oaks Mall, understands their
concerns, and assured them he is working with several of the local Chambers that are willing to
help those who need assistance when filling out the Federal Application.
5) Reminded residents to be kinder and practice patience when driving.
Commissioner Oliver—Commented on the following:
1) Stated the importance of civility and shared that he is proud of the democratic process.
2) Defended his right to share scriptures and positive quotes.
3) Commented on the safety of teachers amidst the spike in COVID-19 cases with the upcoming
school year, and encouraged residents to pray for them and provide sanitizer products if possible.
4) Reminded citizens that as school starts back up so will the traffic, and encouraged patience
when driving.
5) Informed Valencia College students of a recently approved $100 million-dollar federal grant,
and encouraged students to apply for the stipend in the Finacial Aid office.
6) Shared a Bible quote.
Commissioner Firstner—Commented on the following:
1) Reminded residents to be prepared in the event of a Hurricane.
2) Reiterated traffic concerns as school is due to start back up, and encouraged drivers to slow
down and watch out for the children as they go to and from school.
3) Encouraged residents to get vaccinated as the vaccines are being offered in multiple locations
throughout the area for free.
Mayor Johnson—Commented on the following:
1)Addressed Ms. Miller's comment with regard to citizens speeding and driving carelessly in our
2) Apologized to Commissioner Wilsen for not postponing item #13, and shared that he felt it
was disrespectful to not honor her request.
3) Relayed the importance of actions matching one's words.
4) Shared that he has been a patron of the mall for over 25 years, and acknowledged the ongoing
struggles of all business with in the community.
5) Commented on the motivations of an individual who chooses to runs for office.
6) Encouraged citizens to attend meetings and welcomed their input, but requested a fact check
before the meeting to ensure the most productive outcome.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 3, 2021
Attest: City o Ocoee
Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty John on ayor