HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held August 17, 2021 MINUTES
AUGUST 17,2021
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 PM in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Mayor Johnson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag led by Commissioner Firstner. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a quorum
Present:Mayor Johnson,Commissioner Brinson,Commissioner Wilsen,Commissioner Firstner,
Commissioner Oliver
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Cookson, City Clerk Sibbitt
Finance Manager Al-Sayeed provided a PowerPoint presentation which summarized the auditor
selection law, how to establish an Audit Selection Committee, the responsibilities of the
Committee, and the meeting timeline. He then asked the Commission to appoint up to five (5)
After a brief discussion. Consensus was to appoint all five (5) elected officials to the
Audit Selection Committee.
Consent Agenda Motion
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 - #13. Moved by
Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Oliver; Motion carried 5-0.
1. Approval of the.Minutes for the Regular;City Commission Meeting held August 3,
2021. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
2. Approval of Reappointment to the Police Officers'/Firefighters' Retirement Board of
Trustees. (City Clerk Sibbitt) _
Trustees for the Pension Boards serve four (4) year terms, as amended in Ordinance 2010-019. The City
Commission appoints two(2)of the trustees from the legal residential body of the City of Ocoee,two(2)are
elected from the employee body(one(1)police officer and one(1)firefighter),and the fifth trustee is chosen
by those four (4) trustees and presented to the City Commission for certification of the appointment as a
ministerial act.The term of Trustee Charlie Brown expires on September 30,2021,and he has indicated he is
willing to serve another term, if appointed.At this time no other applications have been received for serving
on this board.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 17, 2021
3. Approval of the Holiday Schedule for 2022. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
Section 8.01 of the Personnel Rules and Regulations lists Holidays that will be observed annually in the City
of Ocoee.Each year the City Commission approves those holidays as well as selects dates for those holidays
that fall on weekend days.
Approved Holidays Dates As Approved 2022 Recommendation
New Year's Day January 1 (Saturday) Friday,December 31,2021
Martin Luther King,Jr.Day Third Monday in January Monday,January 17,2022
Memorial Day Last Monday in May Monday,May 30,2022
Independence Day July 4(Monday) Monday,July 4,2022
Labor Day First Monday in September Monday,September 5,2022
Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday Thursday,November 24,2022
Day After Thanksgiving Day after Fourth Thursday Friday,November 25,2022
Christmas December 25 (Sunday) Friday,December 23,2022
Day Before or After As determined by Monday,December 26,2022
Christmas Commission
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
4. Approval of Resolution to Dissolve the Ocoee Youth Council as an Advisory Board
and Establish an Ocoee Youth Council Program. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
At the Regular City Commission Meeting held on January 15, 2019, the City Commission approved
Resolution No. 2019-002 establishing the Ocoee Youth Council (OYC) as an advisory board of the City
Commission. The resolution adopted was to create and establish the composition of the OYC. The City
Commission initially created the OYC as a formal City body subject to the provisions of the Sunshine Law
and other formal requirements of law.Experience has shown that these formal requirements are not the most
conducive method for this type of group to function, and not the recommended methodology of the Florida
League of Cities.The proposed resolution authorizes City staff to dissolve the OYC as an advisory board and
to assist the OYC to function as a program in order to function in a far less complex and formal process and
method of operation.City staff has met with the Commission Liaison for the Youth Council who has requested
that the current objectives, board application processes, and budgetary funding for the OYC remain in place
for this newly developed program.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
5. Approval of a Two-Year Warranty Surety and Maintenance, Materials, and
Workmanship Agreement with Lennar Homes, LLC for Arden Park Phase 5.
(Development Engineer Keaton)
Arden Park North Phase 5 is made up of 88 detached single-family homes. The parcel is located on the west
side of North Clarke Road, adjacent to Oak Trail Reserve Subdivision. The developer has completed
construction of the infrastructure improvements for the subdivision and has requested a Certificate of
Completion.All identified punch list repairs have been completed,and the developer is ready to start the two-
year warranty period for the public improvements. As a requirement of the Land Development Code, the
developer is required to furnish the City a Surety to cover any possible damages discovered during the next
two years. Should the developer not choose to make those repairs, Lennar Homes, LLC, has provided the
City with a Letter of Credit in the amount of 10% of the constructed improvements. The Maintenance,
Materials,and Workmanship Agreement acts as the executable document between the developer and the City.
The Surety will be returned to the developer upon completion of the two-year warranty period and the repair
of any damages caused over those two years.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 17,2021
6. Approval of an Extension of the City of Ocoee's Banking Service with SunTrust.
(Finance Director Roberts)
The City of Ocoee's contract with SunTrust will expire in August of 2021. The existing contract is a piggy-
backing relationship based upon The City of Ocala. In August of 2019,the Commission approved extending
the City's banking relationship with SunTrust for two years to allow the City to negotiate its relationship with
SunTrust or to issue a solicitation for banking services. SunTrust agreed to offer an extension of the banking
services for another year.Under the extension,the City will receive 0.20%on the compensating balance and
0.02%on the balances above the compensating balance.Further, SunTrust agreed to offer an additional one-
year renewal option. This extension of services will allow the City to review and negotiate its relationship
with SunTrust or issue and evaluate a solicitation for banking services.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
7. Approval to Contract with FususOne to View Real Time Crime Video. (Police Chief
On November 17, 2020, the Mayor and Board of City Commissioners, approved a 30-day trial period
agreement with FususOne to provide the Police Department with real time crime video and a platform to
expedite intelligence gathering and efficiency of response to situations as they unfold throughout the
community. The trial period has been successfully completed and the Police Department has the desire to
move forward and contract the services of the FususOne platform. FususOne will provide full project
management, setup and training for FususOne and FususOPS, project management and implementation
services for video feeds to be configured for the FususOne application, and the integration of the City's
Dispatch software.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
8. Approval to Purchase a Back-Up Control Station Radio Console. (Police Chief
The Police Department contracts for dispatching services with the Winter Garden Police Depaitntent. Under
the terms of that contract, the Police Department maintains ownership of the radio equipment originally
purchased by the City prior to this contract.The radio equipment is now utilized in the Winter Garden Police
Depat lment Communications Center. Contractually, the Police Department is responsible for
repair/replacement of this equipment. A Back-Up Control Station (BUCS), which is used by dispatchers in
the event of a radio tower failure, has broken beyond repair and requires replacement. The cost of a
replacement BUCS console is$10,521.01 from Motorola per the Orange County Master Purchase Agreement
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
9. Approval to Purchase Petroleum Products through the Orange County Term Contract
No..Y18-1124 for Motor Fuel on Tankwagon Deliveries. (Public Works Director
The City is a member of the Central Florida Purchasing Cooperative where Orange County is the lead agency
in solicitations that can benefit multiple municipalities.The City previously approved utilizing this purchasing
power for petroleum products for tank wagon loads delivered to remote sites throughout the City.The contract
for providing the bulk transport load deliveries has been rebid and renewed through the same vendor. This
change in contracts requires Commission approval per the Purchasing Codes within the fiscal year which the
new contract is utilized. Public Works is requesting Commission approval to utilize the new contract with
Palmdale Oil Company,Inc.,for as long as the contract remains valid.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 17, 2021
10. Approval of the Annual Fire Protection Special Assessment Resolution and
Certification of Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Tax Roll for Fire Protection Assessment
for Fiscal Year 2021/2022. `(Support Services Director Butler)
The City Commission approved Ordinance 2013-010 to provide for collection of fire protection assessments
as a special non-ad valorem assessment on the annual Orange County tax bill. The assessment is based on
building occupancy hazard factors and the area under roof to determine the number of Fire Protection Units
(FPUs)for each property.The number of FPUs is then multiplied by the Applied Assessment Rate to get the
amount of the special assessment. Section 197.3632,Florida Statutes,requires the City to certify the Tax Roll
for the fire protection assessments by September 15th.A resolution to certify the tax roll is the only mandatory
element of the annual fire protection special assessment implementation process.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
11. Notification of Cumulative Expenditure for Contractor Services Corporation (C.S.C.)
Exceeding$50,000 for Fiscal Year 20/21. (Utilities Director Croteau)
The City and Ocoee Rentals Trust have been working to get several properties around the Hillcrest Heights
Area annexed into the City. Due to three of the properties located on 3rd Street not having access to City
water, the Utilities Depaitment prepared a set of construction plans to extend water lines to this area. This
project will include extending the existing 6-inch water main on 2nd Street to the intersection of E. Silver Star
Rd and 3rd Street and construction of approx. 400 linear feet of 4-inch water main on 3rd Street. During
planning,it came to the City's attention that 3rd Street is not a road but an ingress/egress access way through
multiple properties. Ocoee Rentals Trust coordinated with property owners to acquire needed easements to
allow for the construction of the 4-inch watermain on 3rd Street. This will give other properties on 3rd Street
eligibility to annex into the City and gain access to City water.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
12. Approval to Add Contractor Services Corporation (C.S.C.) to the Single Source
Vendor List for Directional Drilling Services. (Utilities Director Croteau)
C.S.C.has been providing directional drilling services on small projects to the Utilities Depaitment for several
years and have proven themselves to be an exceptional and reliable contractor. With increases in the pace of
development,the Utilities Depai talent has had several unforeseen time-sensitive projects arise and C.S.C.has
assisted staff in the timely completion of these projects. One of these projects was the 3rd Street Water Main
Extension, which was added to the mid-year budget adjustment. With the continued rise of property owners
requesting City water,C.S.C.is willing and able to be on-site to directional drill service lines to provide water
for these properties in a timely manner.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
13. Approval of Capital Budget Reallocation. (Utilities Director Croteau)
Through review of this year's capital budget and with the assistance of Finance,Utilities has found$28,000
worth of savings that can be reallocated to another capital item. The Depai tment has identified certain items
to maintain and proactively address needs within the depaitment.In addition to those needs was a request for
an additional vehicle due to adding,or the reclassification of,staff without always adding a vehicle.Therefore,
Utilities is requesting the approval of reallocating the available funds to purchase a new vehicle in the amount
of$28,000. The addition of a new vehicle into inventory was previously requested in this year's budget,but
removed during the budget process.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 17, 2021
14. Public Hearing to Adopt the Annual Code Enforcement Abatement Assessment
Resolution and to.Certify the Fiscal Year 2022 Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Tax Roll
for Abatement Cost Recovery. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday,August 5, 2021)
(Support Services Director Butler)
Section 115-1 of the City Code of Ordinances established the geographic limits of the City of Ocoee as a
special assessment district in which the City Commission is authorized to levy a non-ad valorem assessment
against properties within that limit where the City of Ocoee has taken action related to abating nuisances and
where the City has not been reimbursed for such abatements. City Commission Resolution 2017-003 requires
the City Commission to annually adopt a resolution certifying a non-ad valorem assessment tax roll to recover
the unpaid costs of code enforcement abatements following a public hearing to be held on the issue prior to
September 15 of each year. There are presently eight(8)properties that will be assessed to recover the costs
of abatements performed by the City.The owners of each of these properties were notified by first class mail
of the non-ad valorem assessment to be levied against the property and of the scheduled public hearing at
which the City Commission would consider the issue.The form and content of these notifications conformed
to the requirements described in Section 197.3632,Florida Statutes.
Support Services Director Butler briefed the City Commission on the collection of abatement
costs utilizing the special assessment process. He shared that two of the ten properties have
already paid their abatement costs.
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was
Motion: Move to Adopt the Annual Code Enforcement Abatement Assessment
Resolution and Certify the Fiscal Year 2022 Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Tax Roll
for Abatement Cost Recovery; Moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by
Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried unanimously.
15. Public Hearing to Enter into an Agreement with GGS for a Soccer Program. (Advertised
in the West Orange Times on Thursday,August 5,2021.) (Parks and Recreation Director Johnson)
On October 2, 2018, the City Commission directed staff to proceed with an Agreement with Golden Globe
Sports(GGS) and The Let Me Play Foundation. The direction followed a presentation by GGS providing an
overview of GGS and their background. Financial negotiations with GGS and COVID-19 have delayed the
process,but both parties are now ready to proceed with the agreement. Staff has worked with GGS to draft a
ten-year agreement with the following terms:Agreement Fee: a)$150,000 for the first five(5)years of term;
b) $150,000 payable within three (3) business days of the expiration of the first five (5) years of the term;
Premises: Jim Beech Recreation Center Soccer Fields, Monday — Friday from 5pm — 9pm & Saturday —
Sunday from 8am—9pm;City Budget:The City has agreed to budget the following towards improvements to
the premises:Fiscal Year 19/20-$75,000;Fiscal Year 20/21 -$75,000;Fiscal Year 21/22-$50,000.
Parks and Recreation Director Johnson explained that in 2018 the City Commission directed
staff to proceed with an Agreement with Golden Globe Sports (GGS) and the Let Me Play
Foundation.Financial negotiations with GGS, and COVID-19,have delayed the process,but both
parties are now ready to proceed with the agreement. Staff has worked with GGS to draft a
ten-year agreement that will benefit the City with soccer field improvements.He further explained
the terms of the agreement and answered questions from the Commission.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 17, 2021
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was
Motion: Move to Enter into an Agreement with GGS for a Soccer Program; Moved
by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried
16. Public Hearing for Right-of-Way Vacation of North Lakewood Avenue and Clarcona
Ocoee Road for Ocoee Development IV, LLC (AKA Ocoee Village Center); Project
No.: VAC-21-031. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday,July 22, 2021 and continued from
the August 3, 2021, City Commission Meeting.) (Development Services Director Rumer)
At the request of staff, this item is being rescheduled to a future date due to required documentation not
Development Services Director Rumer announced this item is requested to be canceled and it
will be advertised again for a future meeting.
17. Second Reading of Ordinance for Fountains at Highland Park PUD Substantial
Amendment for Pruitt Health Skilled Nursing Facility; Project No.: RZ-21-03-05.
(Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday,August 5, 2021.) (Development Services Director
The parent parcel is approximately 12.34 acres in size and is located on the north side of Tomyn Boulevard
and south of the Florida Turnpike, approximately 2,000 feet west of Maguire Road(Physical Address 11311
Tomyn Boulevard).The subject property is currently undeveloped and is covered with a small variety of trees,
of which a majority consists of planted pine trees. The proposed Pruitt Health Skilled Nursing Facility is
proposed at 95,516 SF / 120 Bed Nursing Facility on 4.3 acres. The proposed development will ultimately
build out the remaining land of the PUD and include a revised Master Stormwater retention pond, associated
landscape buffers,wall along Tomyn Blvd, and utilities. The Fountains at Highland Park PUD was approved
with a total of 2,378 new external Average Daily Trips (ADT) and 354 PM peak hour trips. The proposed
development is projected to generate 1,362 fewer daily trips and 200 fewer PM peak hour trips than the
previously approved land uses.Therefore,the requested modification will not result in an increased burden on
Development Services Director Rumer presented a brief overview of the proposed substantial
amendment,which is approximately 12.34 acres in size,and is located on the north side of Tomyn
Boulevard and south of the Florida Turnpike. The Future Land Use for the site is Commercial
and the Zoning classification for the site is Planned Unit Development (PUD).
The Pruitt Health Skilled Nursing Facility is proposed at 95,516 SF, 120 Bed Nursing Facility
and is one-story. The proposed development will ultimately build out the remaining land of the
PUD and include a revised Master Stormwater retention pond, associated landscape buffers, a
wall along Tomyn Blvd, and utilities. The requested modification will not result in an increased
burden on the transportation network.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 17, 2021
The public hearing was opened.
Greg Lee,Esq.,Applicant, BakerHostetler, 200 S. Orange Avenue, Orlando, said he agreed with
staff comments and appreciated the help they provided with the project.He further introduced his
project team and shared they are available to answer questions.
Kevin Davis, Ocoee Resident, inquired how the proposed Pruitt Health Skilled Nursing would
address business opportunities. Mr. Lee addressed his question.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Oliver inquired about staffing for this type of facility and the salary range. Mr.
Lee addressed his question and shared they would be hiring locally.
Commissioner Firstner inquired about the lift station and if it would be private or public.
Development Services Director Rumer addressed his question. Commissioner Oliver inquired
about the vertical build. It was answered the completion would be early 2023.
Motion: Move to adopt Fountains at Highland Park PUD Substantial Amendment
for Pruitt Health Skilled Nursing Facility; Project No.: RZ-21-03-05; Moved by
Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried
18. Second Reading of Ordinance for Potter Property at 1081 North Lakewood Avenue—
Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-06-21-17 & RZ-21-06-21. (Advertised in the
West Orange Times on Thursday,August 5,2021, and Thursday,August 12,2021)(Zoning Manager Whitfield)
The property is approximately 0.37 acres and generally located on the east side of N.Lakewood Avenue,about
1165 feet south of Wurst Road.The subject parcel has one(1)existing Single-Family Residence.The applicant
is annexing into the City limits as a condition to receiving city potable water connection.The subject property
is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property located within the City limits
on the west.The parcel will receive an"R-1"(Single-Family Dwelling)zoning upon annexation.
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the ordinances.
Zoning Manager Whitfield presented a brief overview of the proposed annexation and rezoning,
which is approximately 0.37 acres and generally located on the east side of N. Lakewood Avenue,
approximately 1165 feet south of Wurst Road. The subject parcel has one (1) existing single-
family residence. The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is
bordered by property located within the City limits on the west. The parcel will receive an R-1
(Single-Family Dwelling) zoning classification upon annexation. The proposed annexation is a
logical extension of the City limits, urban services can be provided, and the annexation meets
state and local regulations.
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was
- - - ---------- 7 1 P a g e
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 17,2021
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-038, Potter Property at 1081 North
Lakewood Avenue Annexation; Project No: AX-06-21-17; Moved by Commissioner
Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried 5-0.
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-039, Potter Property at 1081 North
Lakewood Avenue Rezoning; Project No: RZ-21-06-21; Moved by Commissioner
Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried 5-0.
19. Second Reading of Ordinance for Garcia Arroyo Property at 107 13th° Avenue —
Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-06-21-18.& RZ-21-06-22. (Advertised in the
West Orange Times on Thursday,August 5,2021,and Thursday,August 12,2021)(Zoning Manager Whitfield)
The property is approximately 0.29 acres and generally located on the north side of 13th Avenue
approximately 172 feet east of N. Lakewood Avenue and 375 feet north of Wurst Road. The subject parcel
has one(1)existing single-family residence. The applicant is annexing into the City limits as agreed upon in
the intent to annex agreement for water service. The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of
Ocoee since it is bordered by property to the south. The parcel will receive an R-1 (Single-Family Dwelling)
zoning classification upon annexation.
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the ordinances.
Zoning Manager Whitfield presented a brief overview of the proposed annexation and rezoning,
which is approximately 0.29 acres and is generally located on the north side of 13th Avenue,
approximately 172 feet east of N. Lakewood Avenue. The subject parcel has one (1) existing
single-family residence. The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since
it is bordered by property located within the City limits to the south. The parcel will receive an
R-1 (Single-Family Dwelling) zoning classification upon annexation. The proposed annexation
is a logical extension of the City limits,urban services can be provided, and the annexation meets
state and local regulations.
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-040, Garcia Arroyo Property at 107 13th
Avenue Annexation; Project No: AX-06-21-18; Moved by Commissioner Brinson,
seconded by Commissioner Wilsen;
Commissioner Oliver inquired what makes a property eligible for annexation. Zoning Manager
Whitfield addressed his question.
Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 17, 2021
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-041,Garcia Arroyo Property at 107 13th
Avenue Rezoning; Project No: RZ-21-06-22; Moved by Commissioner
Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Oliver; Motion carried 5-0.
20. Second Reading of Ordinance for Linzey Property at 5024 Adair Street—Annexation
& Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-06-21-19 & RZ-21-06-23. (Advertised in the West Orange
Times on Thursday,August 5,2021, and Thursday,August 12, 2021) (Zoning Manager Whitfield)
The property is approximately 0.38 acres and generally located approximately 1075 feet south of Clarcona
Ocoee Road at the southwest corner of the intersection of Adair Street and 4th Avenue.The subject parcel has
one(1) existing single-family residence. The applicant is annexing into the City limits as agreed upon in the
intent to annex agreement for water service.The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee
since it is bordered by property to the east. The parcel will receive an R-1 (Single-Family Dwelling) zoning
classification upon annexation.
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the ordinances.
Zoning Manager Whitfield presented a brief overview of the proposed annexation and rezoning,
which is approximately 0.38 acres and is generally located approximately 1075 feet south of
Clarcona Ocoee Road at the southwest corner of the intersection of Adair Street and 4th Avenue.
The subject parcel has one(1)existing single-family residence.The subject property is considered
contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property located within the City limits on
the east. The parcel will receive an R-1 (Single-Family Dwelling) zoning classification upon
annexation. The proposed annexation is a logical extension of the City limits, urban services can
be provided, and the annexation meets state and local regulations.
The public hearing was opened As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-042, Linzey Property at 5024 Adair
Street Annexation; Project No: AX-06-21-19; Moved by Commissioner Brinson,
seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 5-0.
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-043, Linzey Property at 5024 Adair
Street Rezoning; Project No(s): RZ-21-06-23; Moved by Commissioner
Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 17, 2021
21. Second Reading of Ordinance for Amaran Property at 403 2nd Street—Annexation &
Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-06-21-20 & RZ-21-06-24. (Advertised in the West Orange Times
on Thursday,August 5, 2021, and Thursday,August 12, 2021) (Zoning Manager Whitfield)
The parcel is approximately 0.39 acres and located on the east side of 2nd Street, 187 feet north of E. Silver
Star Road.The subject parcel has one(1)existing single-family residence.The applicant is annexing into the
City limits as agreed upon in the intent to annex agreement for water service. The subject property is
considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property to the south, east, and west. The
parcel will receive an R-1A(Single-Family Dwelling)zoning classification upon annexation.
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the ordinances.
Zoning Manager Whitfield presented a brief overview of the proposed annexation and rezoning,
which is approximately 0.39 acres and is located on the east side of 2nd Street, 187 feet north of
the E. Silver Star Road. The subject parcel has one (1) existing single-family residence. The
subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property
located within the City limits on the north-south. The parcel will receive an R-1A(Single-Family
Dwelling) zoning classification upon annexation. The proposed annexation is a logical extension
of the City limits, urban services can be provided, and the annexation meets state and local
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-044, Amaran Property at 403 2nd Street
Annexation; Project No: AX-06-21-20; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded
by Commissioner Oliver; Motion carried 5-0.
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-045,Amaran Property at 403 2nd Street
Rezoning; Project No: RZ-21-06-24; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by
Commissioner Oliver; Motion carried 5-0.
22. Second Reading of Ordinance for Martinez-Perez Property at 128 1st Street —
Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-06-21-21 & RZ-21-06-25. (Advertised in the
West Orange Times on Thursday,August 5,2021, and Thursday,August 12,2021)(Zoning Manager Whitfield)
The property is approximately 1.02 acres and generally located on the west side of 1st Street and is
approximately 1,124 feet south of E. Silver Star Road. The subject parcel has one (1) existing single-family
residence.The property is annexing into the City limits as agreed upon in the Annexation Agreement for Water
and Sewer Service executed in 1996 with Mr.John Carpenter and Mr.Lawrence Carpenter,the prior property
owners.The annexation will eliminate an enclave since the property is surrounded on all sides by the City of
Ocoee city limits. The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by
property to the north, east, and south. The parcel will receive an R-1A (Single-Family Dwelling) zoning
classification upon annexation.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 17, 2021
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinances.
Zoning Manager Whitfield presented a brief overview of the proposed annexation and rezoning,
which is approximately 1.02 acres and is generally located on the west side of 1st Street,
approximately 1124 feet south of E. Silver Star Road. The subject parcel has one (1) existing
single-family residence. The property is being annexed into the City limits as agreed upon in the
intent to annex agreement for water service. Zoning Manager Whitfield explained concerns the
current property owners expressed at the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting.
The annexation will eliminate an enclave since the property is surrounded on all sides by the City
of Ocoee. The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered
by property located within the City limits on the north, south, and east. The parcel will receive an
R-1A (Single-Family Dwelling) zoning classification upon annexation. Urban services can be
provided, and the annexation meets state and local regulations.
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-046, Martinez-Perez Property at 128
1st Street Annexation; Project No: RZ-21-06-25; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen,
seconded by Commissioner Oliver; Motion carried 5-0.
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-047, Martinez-Perez Property at 128
1st Street Rezoning; Project No: RZ-21-06-25; Moved by Commissioner
Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Oliver; Motion carried 5-0.
The following persons addressed the City Commission:
- Jacob Garber, Ocoee Resident, addressed the City Commission concerning safety at the
intersection of Clarcona Ocoee Road and Ingram Road. He stressed the importance of
getting a traffic light installed immediately as he feared additional accidents. Mayor
Johnson addressed his concerns.
- Rhiannon Rogers, Ocoee Resident, pleaded with the Commission to install a traffic
control device at the intersection of Clarcona Ocoee Road and Ingram Road, as well as at
Adair Street and Clarke Road as soon as possible. She shared she strongly believed had
11 i P a g e
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 17, 2021
there been a traffic light at the corner of Clarcona Ocoee and Ingram Road that the life-
changing accident she and her two young daughters had could have been avoided.
- Chris Adkins, Ocoee Resident, clarified his position for why he attends meetings, shared
his family background, stressed his passions, and apologized for any misunderstanding on
his behalf.
- Scott Kennedy, Ocoee Resident, encouraged the Commission to place the bulk trash
pickup on the Agenda for further discussion. He stressed traffic safety within the City, and
highlighted some common driving errors that he has noticed. He also encouraged the
Commission and citizens to pressure the school system into placing instructor lead driver
education back in our schools.
- Brad Lomneck, Ocoee Resident, inquired about the steps that have been taken to install
a traffic control device at the intersection of Clarcona Ocoee Road and Ingram Road, and
further questioned the funding. Public Works Director Krug addressed his questions.
- Lesley Baker, Ocoee Resident, reiterated the immediate need for a traffic light at the
intersection of Clarcona Ocoee Road and Ingram Road.
Kevin Davis, Ocoee Resident, echoed the same concerns for traffic safety at the
intersection of Clarcona Ocoee and Ingram Road and inquired if the item could be moved
up on the Agenda, into a priority status slated to be completed as soon as possible. Public
Works Director Krug addressed his questions. Commissioner Oliver inquired what is
involved with the maintenance of a traffic light. Public Works Director Krug addressed
his question.
- Chris Adkins, Ocoee Resident,inquired about the overall costs to the City for maintaining
this traffic light. Public Works Director Krug addressed his concern.
Commissioner Firstner—Commented on the following:
1)Addressed Public Works Director Krug about bushes impeding the sidewalk along the east side
of Maguire Road between Windsor Landing and Meadow Ridge. Public Works Director Krug
affirmed that he would have them trimmed.
2) Announced the Florida Department of Health will be holding a free COVID-19 Vaccination
Event at the Orange County Courthouse in Ocoee located on Story Road.
3) Encouraged citizens to be prepared in the event of a hurricane.
4) Reminded residents that school is back in session and asked that everyone drive safely.
Commissioner Brinson—Commented on the following:
1)Addressed the traffic light concern at Clarcona Ocoee Road and Ingram Road, and encouraged
residents to hold Orange County accountable. He further explained that placing pressure on all
sides will help move this issue forward.
2) Reiterated traffic safety, and asked that everyone drive with an abundance of caution.
3) Shared the loss of a dear friend to COVID and encouraged all citizens to follow the
recommended CDC mask guidelines. He urged everyone to wear a mask and get vaccinated as
soon as possible.
4) Encouraged residents to contact Orange County Public School and request additional schools
in the area due to the recent growth, and reiterated the importance of contacting OCPS Board
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 17,2021
5) Asked for a status update on Spring Lake Elementary School Trail aka Blue Jay Way, or Pig
Trail. Public Works Director Krug addressed his concerns.
6)Informed citizens that social media is not the way for Elected Officials to conduct business and
encouraged all citizens with an,issue to contact an Elected.Official directly or attend a City
Commission meeting to properly address any concerns.
7) Expressed gratitude for the citizens that spoke under Public Comments.
Commissioner Oliver—Commented on the following:
1) Reiterated the dangerous condition at the intersection of Clarcona Ocoee Road and Ingram
Road. He shared the many hardships he has faced in trying to move this project forward and
pleaded with Staff and the Commission to take any actions necessary to allow the City to move
forward as soon as possible. City Manager Frank addressed his concerns and shared he would
recommend allocating the funding from impact fees at the next Budget meeting. Public Works
Director Krug explained the required steps after the Commission approves the item,and clarified
that it would be the next budget cycle before they could begin work.
Commissioner Wilsen—Commented on the following:
1)Announced a community meeting on Thursday,August 19th regarding the relocation of Orange
Technical College. The meeting will be held at the current Westside Tech campus on Story Road.
2)Encouraged residents to mark their calendars for the 2021 Shred to Protect Event being held at
the Ocoee Police Department on Saturday, September 18th. This event is being sponsored by the
Ocoee Police Department, Ocoee Lion's Club, and the Ocoee Woman's Club.
3) Commented on the Commission's actions at the August 3rd City Commission Meeting. She
spoke about the Civility Code,being polite, and showing respect. She further explained a request
that she had made, and expressed disappointment with how she was treated.
4) Announced the Tentative Budget Public Hearing is Wednesday, September 15th at 6:00 PM,
and the Final Budget Public Hearing is Wednesday, September 22nd at 6:00 PM.
5) Inquired if the traffic light agreement for Clarcona Ocoee Road and Ingram Road would come
before the Commission at the September 7th City Commission meeting. City Manager Frank
explained the process and shared it could not be placed before the Commission until after October
1st. Public Works Director Krug further clarified that funding would need to be allocated at the
September 15th Budget Meeting.
Commissioner Wilsen moved to cancel the September 7th Regular City
Commission Meeting, the motion died for lack of a second.
1VIay_or_Johnson—Commented on the following:
1) Announced City Hall will be closed on Monday, September 6th, in observance of Labor Day.
2) Announced Florida Department of Health of Orange County is sponsoring a COVID-19
Vaccination Event on Tuesday, September 14th from 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM at the Jim Beech
Recreation Center. Both Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson Vaccines will be available. Anyone
vaccinated will receive a$10 grocery coupon.
3) Announced the Tentative Budget Public Hearing is Wednesday, September 15th at 6:00 PM,
and the Final Budget Public Hearing is Wednesday, September 22nd at 6:00 PM. Both meetings
will be broadcast live on Spectrum Channel 493 with Livestream on the City's website at
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Regular City Commission Meeting
August 17, 2021
Ocoee.org and all interested parties are invited to be heard during the public comments and public
hearing portions of those meeting.
4) Reiterated the need for a traffic signal at the intersection of Clarcona Ocoee Road & Ingram
Road. He shared a few of the obstacles he has encountered while working with Orange County,
expressed the fiscal importance of insisting that Orange County take responsibility for their
portion of the work, and clarified the urgency to move forward.
5) Shared that he spoke with Duke Energy about the lighting along Ingram Road, and the south
side of Maguire Road.
6)Agreed with Commissioner Brinson's comment regarding social media, clarified a recent post
that misinformed the public, and expressed his gratitude for the Ocoee Fire Department.
7) Reminded residents of the informational meeting being held on August 19th to discuss the
relocation of Orange Technical College.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johnson, Mayor