HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 96-03 ORDINANCE NO. 96-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA RELATING TO STORMWATER UTILITY FEES; AMENDING SECTIONS 150-6, 150-7(F), 150-8 AND 150-10(A) OF CHAPTER 150 OF THE OCOEE CITY CODE; REVISING THE SCHEDULE OF RATES, COMMENCING ON APRIL 1, 1996, FROM $3.00 TO $4.50 PER MONTH PER ERU AND, COMMENCING ON OCTOBER 1, 1998, TO $5.00 PER MONTH PER ERU; PROVIDING FOR ANNUAL REVIEWS OF THE SCHEDULE OF RATES TO COMMENCE IN 1999; REVISING THE PROCEDURE FOR UPDATING AND AMORTIZING THE BILLING FOR THE STORMW ATER UTILITY FEE; PROVIDING FOR THE REVIEW AND ESTABLISHMENT OF NECESSARY PROGRAMS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE NPDES SYSTEM; DELETING CERTAIN PROVISIONS RELATING TO ADJUSTMENT REQUESTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee received and reviewed the Stormwater Utility Feasibility Study prepared by Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc., dated December 13, 1995; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has conducted an advertised public hearing regarding the proposed amendments to the Stormwater Management Utility System Chapter; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to amend the Stormwater Management Utility System Chapter based upon the Stormwater Utility Feasibility Study prepared by Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc., dated December 13, 1995. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authority. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapters 403 and 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. Revision to Section 150-6 relatin~ to Schedule of Rates. Section 150-6 of Chapter 150 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: ~ 150-6. Schedule of rates. The stormwater utility fee shall be charged at the rate of three four dollars and fifty cents ~ ($4.50) per month for each ERU. Effective October 1. 1998. the stormwater utility fee shall be charged at a rate of five dollars ($5.00) per month for each ERU. The number of ERU's applicable to each developed lot or parcel shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of ~ 150-5 hereof. Commencing in 1999 and each year thereafter. +the City Commission shall annually review the rates established by this section in order to make such revisions as are necessary to reasonably cover the cost of providing stormwater management services. SECTION 3. Revision to Section 150-7(F) Relatin~ to Billinl:. Section 150- 7 (F) of Chapter 150 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: F. The city may backbill update the billing for the stormwater utility fee to the owner, tenant or occupant of developed property whenever the City Engineer determines that such owner, tenant or occupant has been underbilled or has not been sent a bill for stormwater utility fees as provided by this chapter; provided, however, that the city may not backbill bill for any period greater than twelve (12) months from the date the City Engineer or his designee notifies such owner, tenant or occupant of such underbilling or nonbilling. In any event, the owner, tenant or occupant may extend amortize the payments of the backbill oyer tJ::le same amount of time amount due UP to the same period for which the city issued the backbill updated bill not to exceed twelve (12) months. SECTION 4. Revision to Section 150-8 Relatin~ to Powers and Duties of City En~ineer. Section 150-8 of Chapter 150 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: 2 ~ 150-8. City Engineer; Director of Public Works; powers and duties. A. The City Engineer shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities with respect to this chapter and the city's stormwater management system: (1) To administer and enforce this chapter and any other appropriate stormwater related ordinance and support regulations in the operation, maintenance, alteration, repair and replacement of stormwater management systems, facilities and devices. (2) To plan and execute the city's stormwater management program, except for the performance of routine maintenance and minor improvements to the stormwater management system. (3) To plan, design and acquire rights-of-way and easement for and construct capital projects as approved and funded by the City Commission. (4) To research, develop and refine experimental and prototypical stormwater management systems, facilities, devices and techniques. (5) To inspect public and private systems so as to assure performance and compliance with all applicable stormwater codes and regulations. (6) To review and approve all new development permits and all drawings, submittals and site plans, both public and private, for stormwater management systems, devices and facilities for adequacy, sufficiency and consistency with all applicable codes and regulations. (7) To prepare a Master Stormwater Management Plan. (8) To keep accurate records of all persons using the services and facilities of the stormwater management system of the city and to make changes in accordance with the rates and charges established by this chapter. (9) To determine the impervious area of nonresidential property based on data supplied by the County Property Appraiser, or if such information is unavailable, then based on such other data as may be available, including but not limited to data provided by the property owner, 3 tenant or developer, and to update and revise such determinations based on any additions to the impervious area as approved through the building permit process. (10) To charge and collect stormwater utility fees, fines and penalties; conduct periodic rate studies so as to maintain an efficient and equitable rate structure; and ensure a prudent and stable financial base from which to operate. (11) To advise the City Manager or, consistent with the Charter, other appropriate city officials on matters concerning stormwater management. (12) To promulgate rules, practices and procedures necessary for efficient and effective management of the etility stormwater management system. (13) To perform acts incideBtal and/or necessary to file efficient and effective operatiofl of the utility. To review and provide necessary programs for compliance with the NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permit requirements for the city. B. The Director of Public Works shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities with respect to this chapter and the city's stormwater management system: (1) To plan and execute the performance of routine maintenance and minor improvements to the city's stormwater management system. (2) To perform acts incidental and/or necessary to the efficient and effective operation of the etility stormwater management system. SECTION 5. Revision to Section 150-10(A) Relatin~ to Adjustment of Fees. Section 150-1O(A) of Chapter 150 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: ~ 150-10. Adjustment of fees. A. Requests for adjustment of the stormwater utility fee shall be submitted to the City Engineer, who is hereby given the 4 authority to develop and administer the procedures and standards for the adjustment of fees as established herein. All requests with respect to nonresidential property shall be judged on the basis of the amount of impervious area on the site. No credit shall be given for the installation of facilities required by the city or county development codes or state water management district stormwater rules. The following procedures shall apply to all adjustment requests of the stormwater utility fee: (1) Any owner, tenant or occupant who has paid his stormwater utility fee and who believes his stormwater utility fee to be incorrect may, subject to the limitations set forth in this chapter, submit an adjustment request to the City Engineer. (2) Adjustment requests for the stormwater utility fees paid by an owner, tenant or occupant making the request shall be in writing and shall set forth, in detail, the grounds upon which relief is sought. (3) Adjustment requests made during the first calefldar year that the stormv;ater milky fee is imposed viill be revievled by the City Engineer .,;ithin a six mOFlth period from the date of filing of the adjustment request. f..djustments resulting from such request shall be retroactive to the beginning of billiags, but retroactive adjustment shall not exceed one (1) year. (4) Adjustment requests made after the first caleooar year that the stormwater utility fee is imposed will be re',iewed by the City Engineer wkhiFl a f{)ur month period from the date of filiag of the adjustmeFlt request. ,^..djustmeFlts resulting from sucR requests sllall be retroacti';e to the date of filiag of the reqaest. Under no circamstanees will the city be finaneially liable beyoFld the time limits set forth herein. ill ~ The owner, tenant or occupant requesting the adjustment may be required, at his own cost, to provide supplemental information to the City Engineer, including but not limited to an independent fee calculation, survey data including the impervious areas, approved by a registered professional land surveyor and engineering reports approved by a professional engineer. Failure to provide such information may result in the denial of the adjustment request. 5 ill t61 Adjustments to the stormwater fee will be made upon the granting of the adjustment request, in writing, by the City Engineer. Denials of adjustment requests shall be made, in writing, by the City Engineer. WORDS UNDERLINED ARE ADDmONS; WORDS IN STRUCK mROUCH TYPE ARE DELETIONS. SECTION 6. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 7. Codification. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City; and that sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "chapter", "section", "article", or such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions; and regardless of whether such inclusion in the code is accomplished, sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the correction of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or recodified copy of same with the City Clerk. SECTION 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective on April 1, 1996. 6 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19..n4 day of M A R.c. H , 1996. APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA ",,---', -. I' ~ --~." ,."",/"' ~ ' '. ". . .- _____ ~--) . -. ) /' I v -; - r-C/t/c1 t/tAJ,J(,-\ S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor \-'l (SEAL) ADVERTISED t't\ A ~e ~ '7 , 1996 READ FIRST TIME f'l\AQCo'A 5 , 1996 READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED M A~{' W /q , 1996, UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO.~. FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APP~9VED AS TM FO~ AND LEGALITY this -I1- day of 6/~ , 1996. FOLEY!7 LARDNER By: I~ <) (kJiJ City Attorney C:\WP51 \DOCS\OCOEE\STORMWTR.ORD I 2n8196 I 18W0151 DPB:dp 7