HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-14-2021 Minutes 4.04- Ocoee Ocoee Youth Council Minutes July 14, 2021 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Nathan Clarke at 6 14 pm in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee Chairperson Nathan Clarke led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Recording Clerk Landry performed roll call and declared a quorum present. PRESENT Chairperson Nathan Clarke,Vice-Chairperson Sia, and Member Ashley Clarke ABSENT Member Bellamy Also Present: City Clerk Sibbitt, OYC Coordinator Dillard, Board Mentor Szrom, and Recording Clerk Landry APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Chairperson Nathan Clarke turned the Board's attention to the March 10,2021, minutes. Vice Chairperson Sia, seconded by Member Ashley Clarke, moved to approve the Ocoee Youth Council Minutes for March 10, 2021. Motion carried unanimously. Chairperson Nathan Clarke turned the Board's attention to the June 09, 2021, minutes. Vice Chairperson Sia, seconded by Member Ashley Clarke, moved to approve the Ocoee Youth Council Minutes for June 09, 2021. Motion carried unanimously. SPEED DETERRENT SIGNS City Clerk Sibbitt explained that thirty-three signs were distributed by OYC and elected officials, and that ten signs were distributed by the Ocoee Police Department. She further explained that the remaining seven signs are located in the Clerk's office and encouraged the Council to send residents to her office if they would like to place one in their yard Chairperson Nathan Clarke inquired if the Council had picked up signs to be redistributed After a brief discussion, it was determined to continue to work on placement of the seven remaining signs within the community, and to contact those that currently have a sign to see if they would like to keep their sign for another cycle OYC Coordinator Dillard announced that unfortunately,they did not win the FLC Community Service Contest. The FLC website was displayed highlighting the five wining municipalities.The council reviewed the five winners, discussed each of the stories,and shared ideas for the 2022 FLC Community Service Contest. OCOEE SKATE PARK Chairperson Nathan Clarke opened the discussion on creating an Ocoee Skate Park. OYC Coordinator Dillard shared that she was not able to explore and research as much as she would have liked She then explained that from the one event she was able to attend,she realized the Council would need to consider options for multiple types of skating: quad-wheels (in-line skates), roller-derby, and skateboarding. She noted that each option may require different types of structures and/or surfaces. RECRUITMENT Chairperson Nathan Clarke turned the Board's attention to recruitment. Member Ashley Clarke shared that recruiting was slightly difficult; however, through many persuasive conversations, she was able to convince her friend Robert Davidson to apply She encouraged other Council members to elaborate on the OYC Senior Scholarship and the potential of earning community service hours, and explained that those two benefits are what convinced him to apply She further shared that she has one additional friend who is slowly starting to show interest. She is hopeful they will apply soon OYC Coordinator Dillard announced she has a meeting scheduled with Commissioner Oliver and Economic Development Consultant de la Portilla next week to discuss securing recurring sponsorships with local businesses to fund an ongoing OYC Scholarship Program OYC Coordinator Dillard shared her desire to set up an OYC table at the local middle school's orientation night in the hope of recruiting 8th grade students,and encouraged the Council to think of ideas on how to draw students to their table She explained she would share dates and times of the orientation as she receives them City Clerk Sibbitt shared while researching how other local Youth Councils recruit,she discovered most youth councils are not labeled "Advisory Boards", they are considered a Program She explained the benefits of restructuring the OYC to allow the Council the ability to meet and talk more freely, as they would no longer fall under Sunshine Law She further explained most Youth Council meetings are held during the day,typically on Wednesdays between 3.30 PM -5.30 PM She then informed that both the Apopka and Clermont Youth Councils are Programs, and shared their recruitment videos.To help with recruitment, the City of Clermont posted a video on their City's Facebook which inspired parents to encourage their children to join. The Apopka Youth Council Recycling video was also shared which led to a brief discussion on a series of future OYC educational videos. City Clerk Sibbitt offered to inquire with Community Relations Manager Wright about having the TV Crew assist with the videos. City Clerk Sibbitt shared that by having the meetings during office hours staff would be available to meet with the council, answer questions, and provide immediate feedback. OYC Coordinator Dillard noted if the Council was no longer classified as an Advisory Board, they would have the flexibility to talk,or possibly even meet via Zoom to follow up on specific items or prepare before the next meeting. Board Mentor Szrom suggested a Subcommittee could be created to tackle specific projects and they would be able to meet freely and speak without fear of violating Sunshine Law City Clerk Sibbitt expressed the possibility that other Cities may have a stronger advantage in compatitions because they are able to meet without restrictions,which is why they have won the FLC contests multiple years in a row Board Mentor Szrom inquired what would it take to make this change City Clerk Sibbitt explained she would like the Council's input and wanted their direction to move forward If they are in favor, she would schedule a meeting with OYC Coordinator Dillard to discuss the changes. Once finalized,the recommendation would need to be taken before the City Commission for final approval City Clerk Sibbitt emphasized she did not see any reason to change much about the board They would take the current Resolution and slightly modify it to meet the new program criteria Member Ashley Clarke motioned to allow City Clerk Sibbitt to meet with OYC Coordinator Dillard on creating an OYC Program in place of the current OYC Advisory Board Vice-Chairperson Sia immediately seconded her motion Chairperson Nathan Clarke inquired if this change would take away from the Board, and if the City would still recognize them as a Board City Clerk Sibbitt shared as a Program the OYC would continue to hold a supporting role within the City, and that the City would continue to financially support the Youth Council as they currently do City Clerk Sibbitt outlined multiple activities that other Youth Council are doing because they are not governed by Sunshine After a brief discussion Consensus was to allow City Clerk Sibbitt to meet with OYC Coordinator Dillard on creating an OYC Program in place of the current OYC Advisory Board. COUNCIL COMMENTS Chairperson Nathan Clarke announced he auditioned for Florida Symphony Youth Orchestras (FSYO) as an Oboe player, and was accepted Chairperson Sia inquired if they had any homework on the Skate Park. Board Mentor Szrom inquired if it was Chairperson Nathan Clarke's last meeting. Chairperson Nathan Clarke confirmed that due to his upcoming school workload as a Dual Enrollment student, and a member of the FSYO, he would no longer have the ability to commit to being a board member, but would attend meetings as a guest whenever possible Member Ashley Clarke offered to oversee the Youth Council's Facebook page Chairperson Nathan Clarke thanked the City and the Council for a great year serving as the OYC Chairperson SET NEXT AGENDA Chairperson Nathan Clarke shared the next meeting will be held on August 11, 2021. Discussion ensued about changing the OYC Advisory Board to an OYC Program,and using the next month to focus on recruitment. Vice-Chairperson Sia,seconded by Member Ashley Clarke moved to cancel the August 11th OYC Meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Chairperson Nathan Clarke announced the next meeting will be held on September 8, 2021. Remaining Meeting Dates for 2021 • September 8, 2021 • October 13, 2021 • November 10, 2021 • December 08, 2021 ADJOURNED—7 16 pm ATTESTED njUrn _Jt) -C-I---1CSA Amber Landry, Recording Clerk * At the August 17, 2021 City Commision Meeting the Commission voted to dissolve the Ocoee Youth Councial as an Advisory Board and Establish an Ocoee Youth Council Program (Item#4)