HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Approval of Fee Proposal for Preliminary Engineering Services for RFQ #21-003 South Bluford Avenue Streetscape. 4\..1.4r ocoee florida AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: September 21, 2021 Item # a Reviewed By: Contact Name: Ginger Corless Department Director: Cr ' a , Contact Number: 407-905-3100 x1028 City Manager: Robert Subject: Approval of RFQ #21-003 Design and Engineering Services for S. Bluford Avenue Streetscape Preliminary Engineering Scope of Work and Fee Proposal Background Summary: CPH, Inc. was awarded the above RFQ for the S. Bluford Avenue Streetscape project earlier this year. Staff from the CRA, Public Works, and Utilities departments assigned to this project have reviewed several scopes and fee proposals brought forth for design and engineering services for S. Bluford Avenue from Old Winter Garden Road north to Delaware Street. Based on the complexity of the project and there being several design options on the table, staff feels that it is best to first undertake preliminary engineering services in order to lock down the preferred design. Based on written correspondence with the Consultant, staff supports the attached proposal for preliminary engineering. Once this task has been completed, the Consultant will prepare a scope of work and fee proposal to prepare construction documents and secure permits. The CRA's budget will fund the portion of the project between Old Winter Garden Road and Geneva Street; Public Works will fund north of Geneva Street to Delaware Street; and, the Utilities Department will cover the costs to extend potable water, reclaimed water and sanitary sewer. The breakdown per department is as follows: Preliminary Engineering Budget by Department Budget CRA (Old Winter Garden Rd. north to Geneva St.) .. $153,597.04 Public Works (Geneva St. north to Delaware St.) $83,438.51 Utilities $53,917.04 Total $290,952.59 Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve the CPH fee proposal for preliminary engineering services for S. Bluford Avenue Streetscape? Recommendations: Staff recommends the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve the CPH fee proposal for preliminary engineering services for S. Bluford Avenue Streetscape and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Staff to execute the required contract documents. Staff also recommends the City Manager be authorized to approve change orders to the preliminary engineering phase up to the limit of his purchasing authority for each change order, and up to the budgeted amount for this project for all change orders. Attachments: 1. CPH Proposal Financial Impact: Each of the departments has capital funds available to fund the preliminary engineering services. Type of Item: (please mark with an `x') Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use Ordinance First Reading X Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing Resolution Regular Agenda x Commission Approval Discussion&Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney _ N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. f---4V_SL_c_ __ N/A Reviewed by () N/A 2 0 Lb 500 West Fulton Street Sanford,FL 32771 Phone:407.322.6841 CITY OF OCOEE Fax:407.330.0639 S. BLUFORD AVENUE STREETSCAPE PRELIMINARY DESIGN SCOPE OF SERVICES August 23, 2021 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Ocoee desires a streetscape design with pedestrian improvements along S. Bluford Avenue, from Old Winter Garden Road to Delaware Street, as well as utility improvements within the corridor. The proposed streetscape will generally follow the previously prepared corridor study and concepts, with modifications as coordinated with the City throughout the design process. Improvements along the corridor may include the following elements: 10-12'wide multi- use path, improved pedestrian crossings, specialized intersection treatments, possible roundabouts at the S. Bluford Ave. and Geneva St., and the S. Bluford Ave. and Maine St. intersections, landscape/hardscape improvements, street and pedestrian level lighting, undergrounding overhead utilities, and other City Utility improvements. CPH understands the project is continuous, however there are various funding sources including general City funds, Fifty West Community Redevelopment Area (CRA)funds, and Utility funds. This proposal is for Preliminary Design, and is divided into three parts: Part one includes the CRA portion, Part 2 includes the City portion, and Part 3 includes the Utility Design services. The Utility design has been kept separate, with the exception of any work required for to support the roadway design. PART 1 — FIFTY WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA (Old Winter Garden Road to Geneva Street) (CRA Portion) TASK 1 — PROJECT ADMINISTRATION CPH will provide general project management, including, but not limited to communication and coordination with the CITY, preparation of meeting materials and documentation, preparing project billing, preparing invoice report, and tracking project budget and schedule, and attend general project meetings. In addition to the design specific meetings identified below, CPH anticipates up to two (2) general project meetings within this scope of services. TASK 2—SURVEYING SERVICES All surveying and mapping services will be performed per Rule Chapter 5J-17 of the Florida Administrative Code in compliance with the Standards of Practice of Surveying and Mapping of the State of Florida. 2.1 - Establish Right-of-Way/Topographic Survey: CPH will establish the existing rights-of- way, field locate sufficient boundary monumentation and field verify platted rights-of-way contained within the plats. Evaluation of ownership and;encumbrances, i.e., title reports, are not 0 included in this scope of services. The following will be used to determine the rights of way for the project area: o Recorded Plats o Right of way documentation o Available Legal Descriptions recorded in Official Records CPH will perform a Topographic Survey to include the following: (see attached "Survey Site Exhibit" for limits). • 50' topographic grid of full right of way of S. Bluford Avenue from W. Geneva St. southeasterly to Old Winter Garden Road (4,875± linear feet) with a 20' overlap on each side where accessible and at the intersections of W. Geneva St. and Maine St. (see area depicted in yellow on the attached "Survey Site Exhibit"for limits). • A certified right of way map will not be provided. • Location of trees/shrubbery (size and type only). • Location of visible improvements within limits described above. State Plane: The project coordinate system will be based horizontally on the North American Datum 83 (NAD 83). The project will be referenced to state plane coordinates by field locating published control points. The National Geodetic Survey control points will be researched and verified in the field. This base of reference will be used to establish the coordinate system for the project. Benchmarks and Horizontal Control: The project will be based on the North American Vertical Datum 88 (NAVD 88). The project will be referenced to these published elevations by field locating published benchmarks. The National Geodetic Survey benchmarks will be researched and verified in the field. Surve Exhibit J yy I . *� t =r k3. wrong 1, .. j- . w� tot. • -,.,J �• S-(._i Gnoelle Ear 0 al TASK 3— PRELIMINARY ROADWAY DESIGN SERVICES This work effort includes the conceptual analysis and preliminary design services to determine the project features, including: Proposed alignment, typical section, intersection improvements, right-of-way impacts, stormwater impacts, utility impacts, and landscape/hardscape features. CPH will coordinate with the CITY throughout this task. CPH will design the roadway improvements in accordance with the applicable CITY, FDOT, MUTCD, and ADA design criteria. CPH will perform preliminary design services in coordination with the S. Bluford Avenue corridor study from Old Winter Garden Road to Geneva Street, including modifications as coordinated with the CITY throughout the design process. The preliminary design services will also include analyzing the parking improvements located at the northwest corner of S. Bluford Avenue and Old Winter Garden Road. CPH will meet with the CITY prior to the completion of the topographic survey to discuss the preliminary design elements. CPH will utilize the topographic survey to develop the preliminary roadway design to best fit the desired improvements with minimizing right-of-way impacts. The roadway design will include a multi-use path along the east side of S. Bluford Avenue and roundabout layouts at the Maine Street and Geneva Street intersections. CPH will review and analyze various streetscape and traffic calming elements, as well as other pedestrian improvements-along the corridor. CPH will perform preliminary vertical profile analysis to determine the proposed stormwater inlet spacing and proposed storm pipe runs to aid the utility engineers with their preliminary design. CPH will prepare conceptual plans identifying the roadway, traffic calming features, and pedestrian facilities for submittal and coordination with the CITY. Upon CITY review of the conceptual plans, CPH will make adjustments to the preliminary design addressing the CITY's comments, and prepare the Preliminary Roadway Plans (30%), including a preliminary.Opinions of Probable Construction Cost(OPCC)for the preliminary roadway plans. The Preliminary Roadway Plans will include the following sheets: 1. Key Sheet 2. Typical Sections 3. Project Layout Sheet 4. Preliminary Roadway Plan/Profile Sheets 5. Landscape Plans (per Task 4) The Preliminary Design Phase includes attendance at three (3) design meetings which include: concept development, concept review meeting, and one field meeting. TASK 4— PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE DESIGN SERVICES CPH will provide Landscape Architecture design services to implement streetscape for multiple street segments as described in the Project Description above and multiple project design element. CPH Landscape Architects will provide separate plan sets for each segment of work as described in the project description. The scope of services for each segment include the following: CPH Landscape Architects will work with. CPH Transportation Engineers to identify street alignment elements for traffic calming, pedestrian and multi-use path incorporation, landscape bulb-outs and parking separation islands, parking areas, parklets, and decorative crosswalks. Hardscape elements may include decorative: paving patterns, vertical icon features within the CY 0 Lb proposed roundabouts, and streetscape furnishings. This scope of work also includes coordination with Duke Energy for decorative street light selection, spacing, and detailing for installation. CPH Landscape Architects will meet with City staff up to five (5) times to develop the design vocabulary for the project during the Preliminary Plan phase. CPH will prepare Preliminary Plans (30%) based on staff direction and coordination, consisting of plan view sheets of the improvements, and conceptual details as necessary to convey the proposed streetscape improvements associated with each segment of the project. CPH will submit the preliminary plans to the CITY for review, and will make revisions to the plans as requested. The 30% Plans will consist of the following sheets: Landscape Plan View Sheets Landscape Detail Sheets Typical Cross-Sectional Views (as necessary) Perspective Images of up to twelve (12)select views. Hardscape Plan View Sheets Hardscape Detail Sheets TASK 5—PRELIMINARY PERMITTING SERVICES Permitting is anticipated with the St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). During the Preliminary Design Phase, CPH will begin the coordination with SJRWMD and the FDOT immediately following the approval for the conceptual design by attending pre-application meetings to determine the anticipated permitting requirements for the proposed improvements. Any other permits that may arise during the preliminary design or review process, and not outlined above, will be handled as an additional service. Any fees associated with the preliminary permitting reviews or permit determination will be the responsibility of the City. TASK 6—UTILITY COORDINATION During the Preliminary Design Phase, CPH Roadway Engineers will coordinate the CPH Utility Engineers after the exiting utilities have been identified and attend a meeting with the CITY to discuss the anticipated CITY utility improvements. CPH will furnish the preliminary plans once approved by the CITY to the identified utilities owners, requesting Red, Green, Brown (RGB's) for review and confirmation of utility locations. CPH will attend two (2) utility coordination meetings with the CITY. TASK 7—UTILITY DESIGNATE AND UTILITY SURVEY. CPH will utilize Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. (BFA) (as a sub-consultant)to perform the Utility Locates services to designate, mark, and survey locations of utilities for the purpose of the design. Please refer to the proposal as submitted by BFA. CY 0 /47 PART 2-CITY PORTION (Geneva Street to Delaware Street) TASK 8— PROJECT ADMINISTRATION CPH will provide general project management, including, but not limited to communication and coordination with the CITY, preparation of meeting materials and documentation, preparing project billing, preparing invoice report, and tracking project budget and schedule, and attend general project meetings. In addition to the design specific meetings identified below, CPH anticipates up to two (2) general coordination meetings for the project. TASK 9—SURVEYING SERVICES 9.1 — Establish Right of Way/Topographic Survey: CPH will establish the existing rights-of- way, field locate sufficient boundary monumentation and field verify platted rights-of-way contained within the plats. Evaluation of ownership and.encumbrances, i.e., title reports, are not included in this scope of services. The following will be used to determine the rights of way for the project area: o Recorded Plats o Right of way documentation o Available Legal Descriptions recorded in Official Records CPH will perform a Topographic Survey to include the following: (see attached "Survey Site Exhibit"for limits). • 50' topographic grid of full right of way of.S. Bluford Avenue from W. Geneva St. north to W. Delaware St. (2,365± linear feet) with a 20' overlap on each side where accessible (see area depicted in blue on the above"Survey Site Exhibit"for limits). • A certified right of way map will not be provided. • Location of trees/shrubbery(size and type only). • Location of visible improvements within right of way. State Plane: The project coordinate system will be based horizontally on the North American Datum 83 (NAD 83). The project will be referenced to state plane coordinates by field locating published control points. The National Geodetic Survey control points will be researched and verified in the field. This base of reference will be used to establish the coordinate system for the project. Benchmarks and Horizontal Control: The project will be based on the North American Vertical Datum 88 (NAVD 88). The project will be referenced to these published elevations by field locating published benchmarks. The National Geodetic Survey benchmarks will be researched and verified in the field. TASK 10— PRELIMINARY ROADWAY DESIGN SERVICES This work effort includes the design needed to provide plans for the 'project with sufficient information to allow for permitting, bidding, and constructing the project. CPH will design the 0 bli roadway improvements in accordance with the applicable CITY, FDOT, MUTCD, and ADA design criteria. CPH will perform preliminary design services in coordination with CITY, generally following the design elements of the existing streetscape north of Delaware Street, including modifications as coordinated with the CITY throughout the design process, and to provide a transition from the Downtown area to the CRA area. CPH will meet with the CITY prior to the completion of the topographic survey to discuss the preliminary design elements. CPH will utilize the topographic survey to develop the preliminary roadway design to best fit the desired improvements with minimizing right-of-way impacts. The roadway design will include a widened pedestrian paths with tree wells along both sides of S. Bluford Avenue. CPH will review and analyze various streetscape and traffic calming elements, as well as other pedestrian improvements along the corridor. CPH will prepare conceptual plans identifying the roadway, traffic calming features, and pedestrian facilities for submittal and coordination with the CITY. Upon CITY review of the conceptual plans, CPH will make adjustments to the preliminary design addressing the CITY's comments, and prepare the Preliminary Roadway Plans (30%), including a preliminary Opinions of Probable Construction Cost (OPCC)for the preliminary roadway plans. The Preliminary Roadway Plans will include the following sheets: 1. Key Sheet 2. Typical Sections 3. Project Layout Sheet 4. Roadway Plan Sheets 5. Landscape Plans (per Task 10) The Preliminary Design Phase includes attendance at three (3) coordination meetings which include: concept development, concept review meeting, and one field meeting. TASK 11 —PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE DESIGN SERVICES CPH will provide Landscape Architecture design services to implement streetscape for multiple street segments as described in the Project Description above and multiple project design element. CPH Landscape Architects will provide separate plan sets for each segment of work as described in the project description. The scope of services for each segment include the following: CPH Landscape Architects will work with CPH Transportation Engineers to identify street alignment elements for traffic calming, pedestrian and multi-use path incorporation, landscape bulb-outs and parking separation islands, parking areas, parklets, and decorative crosswalks. Hardscape elements include decorative paving patterns, vertical icon features within the proposed roundabouts, and streetscape furnishings. This scope of work also includes coordination with Duke Energy for decorative street light selection, spacing, and detailing for installation. CPH Landscape Architects will meet with City staff up to five (5) times to develop the design vocabulary for the project during the Preliminary Plan phase. CPH will prepare Preliminary Plans (30%) based on staff direction and coordination, consisting of plan view sheets of the improvements, and conceptual details as necessary to convey the proposed streetscape improvements associated with each segment of the project. CPH will submit the preliminary plans to the CITY for review, and will make revisions to the plans as requested. The 30% Plans will consist of the following sheets: Landscape Plan View Sheets Landscape Detail Sheets Typical Cross-Sectional Views (as necessary) Perspective Images of up to twelve (12) select views. Hardscape Plan View Sheets Hardscape Detail Sheets TASK 12—PRELIMINARY PERMITTING SERVICES Permitting is anticipated with the St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). During the Preliminary Design Phase, CPH will begin the coordination with SJRWMD and the FDOT immediately following the approval for the conceptual design by attending pre-application meetings to determine the anticipated permitting requirements for the proposed improvements. Any other permits that may arise during the preliminary design or review process, and not outlined above, will be handled as an additional service. Any fees associated with the preliminary permitting reviews or permit determination will be the responsibility of the City. TASK 13—UTILITY COORDINATION During the Preliminary Design Phase, CPH Roadway Engineers will coordinate the CPH Utility Engineers after the exiting utilities have been identified and attend a meeting with the CITY to discuss the anticipated CITY utility improvements. CPH will furnish the preliminary plans once approved by the CITY to the identified utilities owners, requesting Red, Green, Brown (RGB's) for review and confirmation of utility locations. CPH will attend two (2) utility coordination meetings with the CITY. TASK 14—UTILITY DESIGNATE AND UTILITY SURVEY CPH will utilize Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. (BFA) (as a sub-consultant) to perform the Utility Locates services to designate, mark, and survey locations of utilities for the purpose of the design. Please refer to the proposal as submitted by BFA. PART 3— UTILITY DESIGN Task U-1 —PROJECT MANAGEMENT(UTILITY) CPH will provide general project management for the utility design, including, but not limited to communication and coordination with the • CITY, preparation of meeting materials and documentation, and tracking project schedule. This task also include attendance at three (3) utility coordination meetings for the preliminary phase of this project. Task U-2—PRELIMINARY UTILITY DESIGN The purpose of the preliminary engineering phase is to collect, review and evaluate all pertinent information relevant to the proposed potable water, reclaimed water and sanitary sewer system CY 0 relocations and improvements. CPH proposes to evaluate the 30% roadway, drainage and streetscaping plans; walk the project corridor with the CITY; identify any CITY utilities that are permanent, or construction related conflict with the proposed roadway improvements, and propose resolutions to the identified conflicts. CPH will identify and recommend the most feasible alignments for the proposed reclaimed water main and gravity sanitary sewer extensions. CPH will review, evaluate, and provide recommendations for the two (2) Lift Station #70 location options. CPH will also perform a wastewater service area evaluation to determine and document the size and capacity requirements of the proposed lift station improvements and force main. This information will also be necessary to permit the lift station improvements with FDEP. It is assumed the CITY or the CITY's hydraulic modeling consultant will provide the hydraulic conditions at the point of connection to the CITY's existing force main. CPH will present our findings and recommendations resulting from the evaluation in a Preliminary Design Report (PDR) that will include illustrative sketches/plans (pipe alignment layouts), permit requirements, and planning cost estimates for the utility relocations and improvements. CPH will submit three (3) hard copies and a digital copy as a single pdf of the Draft PDR to the CITY Project Manager for review and comment. CPH will meet with the CITY Project Manager and CITY staff to discuss the Draft PDR and receive review comments. CPH will then incorporate the CITY's review comments into the PDR and issue two signed and sealed hard copies and a digital copy as a single pdf of the Final PDR to the CITY. The PDR will become the basis of design for the Construction Document Preparation Phase of the project. Task U-3—UTILITY DESIGNATION AND UTILITY SURVEY CPH will utilize Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. (BFA) (as a sub-consultant) to perform the Utility Locates services to designate, mark, and survey locations of utilities for the purpose of the design. Please refer to the proposal as submitted by BFA. SERVICES NOT INCLUDED The following services are not provided as part of this Scope of Services and will require an amendment if requested: 1. Environmental Services 2. Geotechnical Services 3. Title Search Services 4. Boundary Survey 5. Right-of-Way Acquisitions Services 6. Post Design Services 7. Construction Engineering and Inspection Services 8. Permits or authorization not specifically mentioned in this Scope of Services 9. Any other issues not specifically described in this proposal 0 a? COMPENSATION Labor CONSULTANT will perform the Scope of Services contained in this Agreement as identified on each task on a lump-sum basis, as identified in the corresponding task of the Scope of Services. The following is the breakdown of fees for each task. Part 1 -CRA Portion Task Task Description Billinq Method Fee 1. Project Administration Lump Sum $7,160.00 2.1 Establish Right-of-Way/Topo Survey Lump Sum $44,060.00 3. Preliminary Roadway Design Lump Sum $51,600.00 4. Preliminary Landscape Design Lump Sum $10,640.00 5. Preliminary Permitting Lump Sum $3,660.00 6. Utility Coordination Lump Sum $7,920.00 7. Utility Designate and Utility Survey Lump Sum $28,577.04 CRA SUBTOTAL Lump Sum $153,597.04 Part 2 -CITY Portion Task Task Description Billinq Method Fee 8. Project Administration Lump Sum $5,160.00 9.1 Establish Right-of-Way/Topo Survey Lump Sum $18,720.00 10. Preliminary Roadway Design Lump Sum $26,100.00 11. Preliminary Landscape Design Lump Sum $7,600.00 12. Preliminary Permitting Lump Sum $3,660.00 13. Utility Coordination Lump Sum $7,920.00 14. Utility Designate and Utility Survey Lump Sum $14,278.51 CITY SUBTOTAL Lump Sum $83,438.51 Part 3 - UTILITY Portion Task Task.Description Billing Method Fee U-1. Project Administration Lump Sum $4,060.00 U-2. Preliminary Utility Engineering Lump Sum $21,300.00 U-3. Utility Designation and Utility Survey Lump Sum $28,557.04 UTILITY SUBTOTAL Lump Sum $53,917.04 CRA Portion SUBTOTAL $153,597.04 CITY Portion SUBTOTAL $83,438.51 UTILITIES SUBTOTAL $53,917.04 S. BLUFORD AVE STREETSCAPE PRELIMINARY DESIGN GRAND TOTAL $290,952.59 It is understood that fees for the subject project, including but not limited to, application fees, impact fees, review fees, etc., will be paid directly by the CITY. (..Y / • CONSULTANT will submit invoices on a monthly basis to the CITY for payment. Lump Sum tasks will be billed as percent complete. In addition to the labor compensation outlined above, CPH shall be reimbursed directly for project specific expenditures such as, but not limited to travel, printing and reprographics, meals, postage, and phone usage. Reimbursable expenses will be billed at their actual cost, without increase. A. Environmental Consultants Barnes, Fe rlancl and Associates; Inc: August 20, 2021 BFA Project No. 2021-xx Mr. Kurt R. Luman, Jr., P.E. Vice President/Associate Transportation Division Director CPH Subject: City of Ocoee S. Bluford Avenue Streetscape Project Potable Water, Reclaimed Water and Sanitary Sewer Relocations and Improvements Scope and Fee Proposal for Engineering Services Dear Kurt: Attached for your review is BFA's scope and fee proposal to provide surveying and SUE services in support of the S. Bluford Avenue Streetscape Project and for the design of potable water, reclaimed water and sanitary sewer relocations and improvements related to the S. Bluford Avenue Streetscape Project. We appreciate the opportunity to assist CPH and the City of Ocoee on this important project. If you have any questions or comments regarding this proposal, please contact me. Sincerely, Will E. Thomas, PE President Attachments 1230 Hillcrest Street, Suite 100 • Orlando, Florida 32803 Office (407) 896-8608 • Fax (407) 896-1822 Exhibit A SCOPE OF SERVICES CITY OF OCOEE S. BLUFORD AVENUE STREETSCAPE PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR POTABLE WATER, RECLAIMED WATER AND SANITARY SEWER RELOCATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS This presents BFA Environmental Consultants proposal for providing survey and SUE services related to the City of Ocoee's S. Bluford Avenue Streetscape Project. This proposal includes the proposed scope and fee for the services outlined herein. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE As a subconsultant to CPH, BFA will be performing survey and utility designate services for potable water, reclaimed water and sanitary sewer relocations and improvements in conjunction with the proposed roadway and streetscape improvements designed by CPH. SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 3.0—Utility Designation and Surveying Task 3.0—Utility Designation and Utility Survey BFA will designate, mark, and survey the location of CITY-owned underground utilities and private underground utilities (not owned by the CITY). All above-ground features, including but not limited to poles,utility markers,pull boxes,manholes including tops,inverts, and pipe size/material, valves, hydrants, and overhead utilities will be obtained by CPH as part of the topographic survey. BFA survey files will be provided to CPH for inclusion as part of the Topographic Survey performed by CPH. BFA will utilize the horizontal control established by CPH in their topographic survey for the utility survey. This proposal assumes approximately 8,660 linear feet of designates and utility survey within the project corridors. PROPOSED FEE BFA proposes to complete the services described above based on a total combined lump sum fee of$71,392.59.A complete description of the proposed fee providing man-hour and fee information for each task is provided in Exhibit B. BFA's proposed lump sum fee shall be allocated to the following City funding departments: CRA—40%: $28,557.04 City—20%: $14,278.51 Utilities—40%: $28,557.04 BFA will submit invoices monthly to CPH for payment. Lump Sum tasks will be billed as percent complete. In addition to the labor compensation outlined above,BFA shall be reimbursed directly for project specific expenditures such as,but not limited to permit application fees,travel,printing and reprographics and postage. Reimbursable expenses will be billed at their actual cost,without increase. BFA#2021-xx EXHIBIT B CITY OF OCOEE S. BLUFORD AVENUE STREETSCAPE PROJECT POTABLE WATER, RECLAIMED WATER AND SANITARY SEWER RELOCATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS BFA Cost Summary August 10, 2021 BFA Labor BFA Project TASK Fee Type Totals Direct Total Hours Costs Costs Costs Task 3.0 -Utility Designation and Utility Survey LS 728 $71,392.59 $71,392.59 Project Totals 728 $71,392.59 $71,392.59 EXHIBIT B CITY OF OCOEE S.BLUFORD AVENUE STREETSCAPE PROJECT POTABLE WATER,RECLAIMED WATER AND SANITARY SEWER RELOCATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS BFA Survey Labor Costs August 10,2021 Multiplier:2.99 Sr.Surveyor and Mapper Survey Technician 2 Person Survey Crew Utility Coordinator BFA Labor TASK Hourly Rate $46.46 Hourly Rate $26.09 Hourly Rate $41.64 Hourly Rate $26.34 Billing Rate $138.92 Billing Rate $78.01 Billing Rate $124.50 Billing Rate $78.76 Totals Hours Costs Hours Costs Hours Costs Hours Costs Hours Costs Task'3.0 Utility DesignationtY- and Utili Survey . 40 $5,556.62 80 °_, $6,240.73 � 256 $31,872.92' 352 $27,722.32 728 $71,392.59, ' 40. . $5,556.62 80 $6,240.73 256 $31,872.92 352 $27,722.32 728 $71,392.59 Total 40 $5,556.62 80 $6,240.73 256 $31,872.92 352 $27,722.32 728 $71,392.59 Bluford Feo.Analysls revl.xlsx8/10/2021 City of Ocoee-5.Bluford Avenue Streetscape CRA Portion-Old Winter Garden Road to Geneva Street Sr.Project Manager Project Manager Project Engineer Sr.Project Designer Design Tech Prin Landscape Architect $ 180.00 $ 160.00 $ 120.00 $ 135.00 $ 95.00 $ 170.00 SUMMARY SUMMARY TASK Task FINAL DESIGN-ROADWAY/STREETSCAPE TASK MAN EXTENDED EXTENDED EXTENDED EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED HOURS C05T MAN HOURS COST MAN HOURS COST MAN HOURS COST MAN HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST 1.0 Project Administration 48 $ 7,160.00 8 $ 1,440.00 32 $ 5,120.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - 2.1 Establish Right-of-Way/Topographic Survey 412 $ 44,060.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 3.0 Preliminary Roadway Design 388 5 51,600.00 40 $ 7,200.00 80 $ 12,800.00 60 $ 7,200.00 120 $ 16,200.00 80 $ 7,600.00 $ - 4.0 'Preliminary Landscape Design 100 $ 10,640.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - 24 $ 2,280.00 12 $ 2,040.00 5.0 Preliminary Permitting 30 $ 3,660.00 2 $ 360.00 8 $ 1,280.00 8 $ 960.00 $ - 8 $ 760.00 $ - 6.0 Utility Coordination 60 $ 7,920.00 4 $ 720.00 24 $ 3,840.00 16 $ 1,920.00 $ - 12 $ 1,140.00 $ - 7.0 Utility Designates and Utility Survey $ 28,557.04 Refer to Proposal from BFA 1038 I$ 153,597.04 I I 541$ 9,720.00 I 1441 5 23,040.00 I 84I$ 10,080.00 I 1201$ 16,200.00 I 1241$ 11,780.00 I 121$ 2,040.00 CPH,INC. Landscape Architect Landscape Designer Principal Surveyor Sr.Professional Surveyor Field Crew Coordinator Survey Party Chief Survey Instrument Man GPS(1 Man) Survey PM/CADD Administrative Reimbursable TOTALS $ 105.00 $ 95.00 $ 170.00 $ 130.00 $ 110.00 $ 85.00 $ 70.00 $ 145.00 $ 120.00 $ 75.00 Expenses TOTAL MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN TASK COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST COST HOURS $ - $ - 5 - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 5 - 8 $ 600.00 48 $ 7,160.00 $ - $ - 16 $ 2,720.00 40 $ 5,200.00 24 $ 2,640.00 80 $ 6,800.00 80 $ 5,600.00 40 $ 5,800.00 120 $ 14,400.00 12 5 900.00 412 $ 44,060.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 8 $ 600.00 388 $ 51,600.00 24 $ 2,520.00 40 $ 3,800.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 100 $ 10,640.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 4 $ 300.00 30 $ 3,660.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 4 $ 300.00 60 $ 7,920.00 $ 28,557.04 241$ 2,520.00 I 401$ 3,800.00 I 161$ 2,720.00 I 401$ 5,200.00 I 241$ 2,640.00 I 801$ 6,800.00 1 801$ 5,600.00 I 401$ 5,800.00 1 1201$ 14,400.00 1 361$ 2,700.00 1$ - 1 10381$ 153,597.04 City of Ocoee-S.Bluford Avenue Streetscape City Portion-Geneva Street to Delaware Street Sr.Project Manager Project Manager Project Engineer Sr.Project Designer Design Tech Prin Landscape Architect $ 180.00 $ 160.00 $ 120.00 $ 135.00 $ 95.00 $ 170.00 .. SUMMARY SUMMARY TASK Task FINAL DESIGN•ROADWAY/STREETSCAPE TASK MAN COST EXTENDED EXTENDED EXTENDED EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED HOURS MAN HOURS COST MAN HOURS COST MAN HOURS COST MAN HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST 8.0 Project Administration 36 $ 5,160.00 4 $ 720.00 24 $ 3,840.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - 9,1 Establish Right-of-Way/Topographic Survey 176 $ 18,720.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 10.0 Preliminary Roadway Design 196 $ 26,100.00 24 $ 4,320.00 40 $ 6,400.00 24 $ 2,880.00 60 $ 8,100.00 40 $ 3,800.00 $ - 11.0 Preliminary Landscape Design 72 $ 7,600.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - 16 $ 1,520.00 8 $ 1,360.00 12.0 Preliminary Permitting 30 $ 3,660.00 2 $ 360.00 8 $ 1,280.00 S $ 960.00 $ - 8 $ 760.00 $ - 13.0 Utility Coordination 60 $ 7,920.00 4 $ 720.00 24 $ 3,840.00 16 $ 1,920.00 $ - 12 $ 1,140.00 $ - 14.0 Utility Designates and Utility Survey $ 14,278.51 Refer to Proposal from BFA 570 I$ 83,438.51 I I 341$ 6,120.00 I 961$ 15,360.00 I 481$ 5,760.00 I 601$ 8,100.00 I 761$ 7,220.00 I 81$ 1,360.00 I CPH,INC. Landscape Architect Landscape Designer Principal Surveyor Sr.Professional Surveyor Field Crew Coordinator Survey Party Chief Survey Instrument Man GPS(1 Man) Survey PM/CADD Administrative Reimbursable TOTALS $ 105.00 $ 95.00 $ 170.00 $ 130.00 $ 110.00 $ 85.00 $ 70.00 $ 145.00 $ 120.00 $ 75.00 Expenses TOTAL MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN TASK COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST COST HOURS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 8 $ 600.00 36 $ 5,160.00 $ - $ - 4 $ 680.00 16 $ 2,080.00 8 $ 880.00 32 $ 2,720.00 32 $ 2,240.00 16 $ 2,320.00 60 $ 7,200.00 8 $ 600.00 176 $ 18,720.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 8 $ 600.00 196 $ 26,100.00 16 $ 1,680.00 32 $ 3,040.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 72 $ 7,600.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 4 $ 300.00 30 $ 3,660.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 4 $ 300.00 60 $ 7,920.00 5 14,278.51 161$ 1,680.00 1 321$ 3,040.00 I 41$ 680.00 I 161$ 2,080.00 1 81$ 880.00 1 321$ 2,720.00 1 321$ 2,240.00 1 161$ 2,320.00 1 601$ 7,200.00 I 321$ 2,400.00 I$ - I 5701$ 83,438.51 City of Ocoee-S.Bluford Avenue Streetscape Utility Design Sr.Project Manager Project Manager Project Engineer Sr.Project Designer Design Tech Prin Landscape Architect $ 180.00 $ 160.00 $ 120.00 $ 135.00 $ 95.00 $ 170.00 SUMMARY SUMMARY TASK Task FINAL DESIGN-ROADWAY/STREETSCAPE TASK MAN EXTENDED EXTENDED EXTENDED EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED HOURS COST MAN HOURS COST MAN HOURS COST MAN HOURS COST MAN HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST -- t Project Administration(Utility) NW= $ 4,060.00 4 $ 720.00 16 $ 2,560.00 4 $ 480.00 $ - $ - $ - - ®liZEill $ 21,300.00 4 $ 720.00 48 $ 7,680.00 62 $ 7,440.00 $ - 48 $ 4,560.00 $ - -- ® 0' Refer to prosposal from BFA 11111.111111 - - I 202 j$ 53,917.04, I 81$ 1,440.00 I 6415 10,240.00 I 661$ 7,920.00 I 01$ - I 481$ 4,5E0.00 I 01$ - CCH,INC. Landscape Architect Landscape Designer Principal Surveyor Sr.Professional Surveyor Field Crew Coordinator Survey Party Chief Survey Instrument Man UPS(1 Man) Survey PM/CADD Administrative Reimbursable TOTALS $ 105.00 $ 95.00 $ 170.00 $ 130.00 $ 110.00 $ 85.00 $ 70.00 $ 145.00 $ 120.00 $ 75.00 Expenses TOTAL MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN EXTENDED MAN TASK COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST HOURS COST COST HOURS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 4 $ 300.00 28 $ 4,060.00 $ - $ $ $ - $ $ $ - $ $ - 12 $ 900.00 $ - 174 $ 21,300.00 S 28,557.04 0 $ - 0 $ - 0 $ - 0 $ - 0 - 0 - 0 $ - 0 - 0 $ - 16 $ 1,200.00 $ - 202 53,917.04