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WHEREAS, the City of Ocoee, Florida currently operates a reclaimed water distribution
system which delivers reclaimed water within the City and its utility service district; and
WHEREAS, present supplies of potable water are being depleted with uses the demand
for which can be met with waters of a much lower quality; and
WHEREAS, wastewater reuse, as an integral part of a water management program, can
encourage the use of water of the lowest acceptable quality for the particular purpose intended;
WHEREAS, it is the declared policy of the City of Ocoee, Florida to promote the
conservation, development and proper utilization of surface and ground waters in a manner
consistent with their resource limitations; and
WHEREAS, implementation of a water reuse program will relieve the pressure on
limited and diminishing supplies of fresh water so they can be used to meet the future demands
of a growing population; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida, has determined it
necessary and advisable and in the best interests of the residents of the City of Ocoee, Florida
to create, develop and implement a reclaimed water system through appropriate policies and
regulations as hereinafter stated.
Section 1:
The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this
Ordinance pursuant to Article VITI of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 166,
Florida Statutes.
Section 2: A new Chapter 174 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida is
hereby adopted as follows:
Article 1 Generally
H74-1. Definitions
For the purpose of this Chapter, the following terms shall have the meaning set forth in
this section.
(1) Billing shall mean the charge made for reclaimed water service. The charge may
be made on a separate invoice or may be included on the monthly utility bill.
(2) City - Shall mean the City of Ocoee, Florida and its Utilities Department.
(3) City Manager - Shall mean the City Manager of the City of Ocoee.
(4) Customer shall mean the actual user of the reclaimed water.
(5) Cross Connection - Shall mean any physical connection or arrangement which
could allow the transfer of waters between the City's potable water supply and
distribution system, the reclaimed water supply and distribution system or any
other non-potable water source.
(6) Development - Any proposed change in land use which alters the demands for
water and/or wastewater services.
(7) Director - Shall mean the Director of Public Utilities of the City of Ocoee.
(8) Discontinuation of service shall mean cessation of a service by physical separation
from the system's service lines to insure that no service can be received.
(9) Distribution Main - A conduit used to supply reclaimed water from transmission
mains to service lines.
(10) Effluent - Treated wastewater flowing out of any treatment facility.
(11) FDEP - Florida Department of Environmental Protection, or its sucessor ill
(12) Public eating. drinking or bathing facility shall mean water fountains, pICnIC
tables, swimming pools, spas, and food service facilities, such as tables and
beverage counters, that are open to, and provide service for, the public.
(13) Reclaimed Water - Effluent from City owned and operated wastewater treatment
plant, which effluent has been treated to advanced secondary treatment standards
in compliance with the requirements of the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection. Includes the term "treated effluent".
(14) Reclaimed water reuse system shall mean those reclaimed watermains, lines,
fittings, valves and appurtenances, installed in public right-of-way or utility
easements, which are owned by the City of Ocoee.
(15) Reuse Service Area (Utility Service Area) - Shall mean those areas where the
installation of reclaimed water systems shall be available as provided in this
Article and shall be geographically defined as the existing Sewer Utility Service
Area of the City of Ocoee, all areas within the City limits of the City of Ocoee
and those areas which the City of Ocoee may designate by resolution at a later
(16) Transmission Mains - These mams, together with the storage and pumping
facilities, transmit the reclaimed water to the distribution systems and other points
of use of the reclaimed water. This transmission (delivery) system has been
provided by the City.
~174-2. Purpose
The purpose of this Chapter is to establish a reclaimed water use program. The
establishment of a reclaimed water system is a vital ingredient in a program for conserving
potable water. As the general welfare, health, safety and convenience of the Ocoee community
are directly affected by the use of reclaimed water, it is in the interest of the public that the
reclaimed water system be designed and developed in accordance with sound rules and proper
minimum standards.
Promulgation and Enforcement Water Service Procedures and Regulations.
(1) This ordinance hereby establishes that the City's existing Public Utilities
Department is expanded to include services and responsibilities for reclaimed
water facilities owned and operated by the City of Ocoee.
(2) The City Manager or the City Manager's designee shall have the power to
promulgate procedures and regulations with respect to the following matters,
which procedures and regulations shall become effective upon a resolution
approving same being adopted by the City Commission:
(a) Application procedures, forms, and requirements, and allowable uses other
than irrigation. All uses must be in accordance with applicable FDEP
(b) Installation requirements including specification of acceptable materials,
devices and regulations to prevent backflow or cross-connections with
other systems.
(c) Procedures for enforcement of the ordinances and regulations pertaining
to reclaimed water including procedures for inspection of the customer's
(d) Procedures for the orderly expansion of the reclaimed water system.
(e) Procedures and regulations for the efficient operation of the reclaimed
water system.
(3) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City Manager or City Manager's designee
may, when necessary for the efficient operation of the reclaimed water system or
for the health or safety of the general public or the customer, establish regulations
regarding the following matters which regulations shall become effective at the
time of promulgation without the need for City Commission approval:
(a) The time(s) of day or night which the reclaimed water may be used by
(b) The maximum rate of use of the reclaimed water.
(4) No person shall construct, operate, maintain or allow to remain present on
property owned or controlled by him, any device or system which is connected
to or which controls a device or system connected to the City's reclaimed water
system and which is not in compliance with all provisions of FDEP Regulations
and this Code related to reclaimed water and with all procedures and regulations
promulgated pursuant to this section. Reclaimed water shall not be directed,
conveyed or piped into any residence or building used as dwelling unit. The
person who owns or controls the property upon which such a non-complying
device or system is found shall be liable to the City for the amount by which the
costs associated with the securing and/or removal of the non-complying device
or system exceeds the cost of a normal discontinuance of service. These excess
costs shall constitute a lien against the property upon which the non-complying
device or system is located.
(5) Any customer whose reclaimed water system is in violation of any City
ordinance, regulation or procedure shall be subject to immediate discontinuance
of reclaimed water service. Such discontinuance of service shall not relieve any
person of liability for civil actions or for criminal or municipal ordinance
violation prosecution.
H74-4. Areas Embraced.
All territory within the City of Ocoee and the Reuse Service Area served by the City of
Ocoee reclaimed water system shall be governed by this Chapter to the extent permitted by law.
H 74-5. Public Easement Requirements.
Reclaimed water service mains and lines shall be provided for properties located within
the designated Reuse Service Area at the same time and by the same person, entity or agency
that is providing new or replacement sewer service lines and mains. Reclaimed water service
shall comply with all provisions of such service as set forth in this Article.
(1) No facilities will be installed under the provisions outlined herein and accepted
by the City for maintenance unless they are in dedicated public rights-of-way or
dedicated public easement. Any new easement shall be adequately sized as
approved by the City to accommodate construction and maintenance of any
reclaimed system component. No obstruction of whatever kind shall be planned,
built, or otherwise created within the limits of the easement or right-of-way
without written permission of the City.
(2) Reclaimed water system extensions and improvements shall be accepted by the
City only upon receipt of the proper dedication documentation and the acceptance
of ownership by the Director or his designee.
H 74-6. Ownership.
All reclaimed water facilities and appurtenances within dedicated public easements, when
constructed or accepted by the City, shall become and remain the property of the City. No
person shall by payment of any charges provided herein or by causing any construction of
facilities accepted by the City, acquire any interest or right in any of these facilities or any
portion thereof, other than the privilege of having their property connected thereto for reclaimed
water service in accordance with this Ordinance and any amendments thereof
Article 2.
~174-7. Connection Required.
(1) Where available, the owner of every lot or parcel of land within the City of
Ocoee developed for public, commercial, office, industrial, warehousing and/or
multi-family uses(s) shall connect or cause to be connected, with the reclaimed
water distribution system.
(2) Single family home developments approved for construction after the effective
date of this ordinance shall include reclaimed water distribution mains, and shall
connect to the system when reclaimed water service becomes available.
(3) Connection to the system is voluntary for all existing single family homes;
however, an availability charge will be assessed where reclaimed water service
is available but the owner declines to connect.
(4) All connections shall be made in accordance with policies and regulations adopted
by the City. This provision shall not be construed to entitle any person to cross
the property of another to make such connection.
(5) For purposes of this Chapter, the term "available" or "availability" shall mean
contiguous to or within 100 feet of any property line of a Class A unit or within
1000 feet of a Class AM or Class B unit.
(6) Except as provided in Paragraph (3) above, required connections shall be made
within ninety (90) days of notification by the City that reclaimed water service is
~174-8. Reclaimed Water User Classification.
There is hereby established a uniform classification of water users as follows:
(1) Class A. Detached single family residential units. Meters not required.
(2) Class AM. Multi-family residential facilities. Master meter required.
(3) Class B. Office, commercial, public, industrial and warehousing facilities.
Meter required.
~174-9. Reclaimed Water Rates and Charges.
(1) The City Commission shall establish by resolution rates and charges by class for
the use or availability of the City's reclaimed water system inside or outside the
(2) A customer whose service has been discontinued may resume reclaimed water
service by payment of past due amounts and a reconnection fee of twenty-five
dollars ($25.00). Provided however, that where service has been discontinued for
violation of the policies and regulations relating to the use of the reclaimed water
system, service will not be reconnected until the City receives, in its opinion,
reasonable and sufficient guarantee that the violation will not reoccur.
(3) Where these rates and charges result in inequitable and/or undue hardship on the
property owner, the Director of the Department of Public Utilities shall have the
authority to adjust the rates and charges based upon the following considerations:
(a) Special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land,
structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands,
structures, or buildings similarly situated.
(b) The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of
the property owner.
(c) Making the adjustment will be in harmony with the general intent and
purpose of these regulations, will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or
otherwise detrimental to the public welfare.
(4) The decision of the Director of the Department of Public Utilities to grant or
deny a rate adjustment shall be deemed final unless a request for review by the
City Commission is filed by an aggrieved party with the City Clerk within fifteen
(15) days from the date of such decision. The City Commission may either
affirm, modify or reverse the decision, and such action by the City Commission
shall be considered final administrative action.
9174-10. Payment Required.
(1) Bills for the monthly reclaimed water or availability charges shall be submitted
by the City and shall be paid by the users monthly. A customer's monthly
account for service shall be considered delinquent if any portion remains unpaid
thirty (30) days after the date of the bill for such service.
(2) All other charges, including connection and reconnection charges, if not paid in
full within thirty (30) days of the billing date, shall be considered delinquent.
(3) The utility service to a customer shall be discontinued, unless otherwise provided
by law, when the reclaimed water charge becomes delinquent, and shall not be
reconnected until all past due charges, penalty charges, and reconnection charges
shall have been fully paid.
S174-11. Right to Refuse Service.
(1) No connection shall be made to the reclaimed water system unless specifically
approved by the Director or his designee.
(2) No payment of any costs, submittal of any petition or any other act to receive
reclaimed water reuse service shall guarantee such service. The City shall have
the right, at all times, to refuse to extend services on the basis that a use is
detrimental to the system; or there is an inadequate supply of reclaimed water;
or lack of payment of required service charges; or for any other reason which,
in the judgment of the Director will cause the extension not to be in the best
interests of the City.
~ 174-12. Service Interruption.
(1) The City reserves the right to temporarily discontinue service to any portion of,
or the entire, reclaimed water system as deemed necessary by the Director.
(2) The Director shall have the authority to establish schedules to control the use of
the water reuse system in order to reduce maximum pressure demands on the system and to
regulate usage of reuse water to balance with supply and storage availability.
Article 3.
H74-13. Policies and Regulations Adopted; Compliance Required.
The City adopts by reference the "Policy Governing the Installation and Use of the
Reclaimed Water System" dated May 10, 1994. Compliance with the policy is hereby required.
H74-14. Use of Reclaimed Water.
(1) Reclaimed water may be used for the irrigation of crops not intended for human
consumption; residential lawns; golf courses; cemeteries; parks; landscaped areas;
highway medians and rights-of-way; or for any other purpose specifically
approved by the Director.
(2) Reclaimed water may not be used inside of any residential dwelling, or to fill
swimming pools, hot tubs, spas or wading pools.
(3) The use of reclaimed water shall be restricted so that no wetted surfaces are
located within 100 feet of any public eating, drinking or bathing facility.
(4) Reclaimed water shall not be applied to impervious surfaces that allow drainage
to surface waters. Reclaimed water shall not be applied to properties containing
subsurface drainage tiles or plates.
(5) All uses of reclaimed water shall require a reuse permit, issued by the Utilities
Department, following procedures established by the Director.
S 174-15. Maintenance.
(1) All portions of the system owned by the City will be operated and maintained by
the City. No person shall do any work or be reimbursed for any work on the
system unless written authorization is provided prior to beginning any part of the
(2) The customer or property owner shall be responsible for the proper maintenance
of all on-site facilities, including irrigation lines, spray heads and appurtenances,
on property served by the City. Failure to maintain the on-site system in the
proper manner will be grounds for discontinuance of service until such time as
the City certifies that the required maintenance has been performed.
Sl74-16. Petition for Distribution Main Extension.
Reclaimed water service may be provided to portions of the Reuse Service Area as a part
of the City's ongoing reclaimed water distribution main extension program. Property owners
or residents may request extension of service to a street or within a subdivision, or contiguous
part thereof, by filing a Petition for Reclaimed Water Service with the City. Forms for the
Petition are available from the Utilities Department. Upon receipt of completed and signed
petitions from at least 51 percent of all properties along a street or within a contiguous area, the
City shall consider such petition and, if approved, schedule the installation of the reclaimed
water distribution system at the earliest practicable date.
H74-17. Inspections.
(1) Duly authorized employees of the City bearing proper credentials and
identification shall be permitted to enter any building, structure or property
serviced by a connection to the reclaimed water system of the City for the
purposes of inspecting the piping system or systems, backflow preventer, valves
and/or all devices installed by the customer which connect to or control the
reclaimed water distribution system or use of reclaimed water on such property.
(2) Consent to such access shall be obtained from a person of suitable age and
discretion therein or in control thereof. The refusal of such information of refusal
of access, when requested, shall be deemed evidence of the presence of violation
of the policies and regulations adopted herein.
(3) Inspections shall be at reasonable times and with reasonable frequency. Where
there exists cause to believe that a violation is committed, the City may cause the
property to be inspected as necessary to prevent or terminate the occurrence of
such violation(s).
H74-18. Discontinuance of Service.
The Director of Public Utilities or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to
discontinue reclaimed water service to any property, after notice, where any violation of this
Chapter exists, and to take such other precautionary measures deemed necessary to eliminate any
danger of contamination of the public potable water supply system. Reclaimed water service
to such property shall not be restored until the violation has been eliminated in compliance with
the provisions of this Chapter.
H74-19. Unlawful Works or Connections to the Reclaimed Water System.
(1) No person shall be allowed to work on the reclaimed water distribution system
without written consent of the City, and then only under the direction and
supervision of the City. No person shall tamper with, alter, damage, cut into or
make connection with, the reclaimed water system or a City reclaimed water
(2) No person shall open or close valves to the system, turn on hydrants or cause
water to flow from the reclaimed water system without prior written consent of
the City.
(3) Any person found violating this Chapter shall, upon conviction, be subject to the
penalties provided in Chapter 1 of this Code.
H74-20. Exemptions and Variances.
Exemptions and variances shall be approved or denied by the City Commission of the
City of Ocoee after public hearing, based upon the recommendation of the Director, and upon
consideration of the following conditions:
(1) Alternate Reuse Sites. Properties being developed as Ph.fll1ed Unit Developments
or Developments of Regional Impact may be exempted from the requirements of
reuse connection if a binding contract is executed for H1e provision of alternate
reuse sites and lines that otherwise would not require rl-le installation of reuse
lines. For each acre of wetted surface to be exempted from the reuse
requirement, 1.5 acres of alternate reuse wetted surface will be provided,
including all lines and sprayheads necessary to irrigate the area. Any site
considered as an alternate site shall be ready to receive reclaimed water
concurrent with the issuance of the first certificate of occupance in the exempted
area. For the purpose of this exemption, golf courses are normally required to
utilize reuse and therefore are not considered as an aHe~'nate site.
(2) Low Income Housing Subdivisions. Those housing projects receiving Federal
Housing Subsidies and other similar financial assistance may be exempted, upon
recommendation of the Director, after submittal of infc,rmation documenting that
the future residents of the project will be unable to purchase and maintain the
necessary in-ground irrigation equipment.
Article 4.
H74-21. Violation Liability.
(1) Any person violating any provision of this chapter sh::tll, upon conviction, be
punishable as provided in ~ 1-12 of Chapter 1, of Anicle II, of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of Ocoee. Each day such v~( lation is committed or
permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense. In addition, such person
or customer shall pay all costs and expenses involved in the case, including
attorney's fees.
(2) Any person or customer in violation of any of the provisions in this Chapter shall
become liable to the City for any expense, loss or damage incurred by the City
by reason of such violation, including attorney's fees and costs of correcting
unauthorized work, tampering or damage to the system.
(3) In addition to any penalty provided by law for the violation of any provisions of
this Chapter, the City may bring suit in the appropriate court to enjoin, restrain,
or otherwise prevent the violation.
Section 3.
Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of
this Ordinance is for any reasons held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent
jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such
holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion thereto.
Section 4. Codification. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City that the
provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the
City; and that sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the word
"ordinance" may be changed to "chapter", "section", "article", or such other appropriate word
or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions; and regardless of whether such inclusion in the
code is accomplished, sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the
correction of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City
Manager, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or recodified copy of same with
the City Clerk.
Section 5.
Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage
and adoption.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of June
, 1994.
ADVERTISED May 19 , 1994
READ FIRST TIME May 17 , 1994
June 7, , 1994
this ~ day of :.J V~ ' 1994
::LEY;;;; ~
City Attorney
C:\ WP51 IDOCS\OCOEEIORD94.NEW 16/6/941 18WOlO ITKM :jh
City of Ocoee
Public Utilities Department
ay 10, 1994
Reclaimed Water System Policy
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................ 1
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1
1.2 Benefits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1
1.3 Source and Quality of Reclaimed Water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1
2 DEFINITIONS .............................................. 3
3.1 In-City Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6
3.2 Outside-City Service ...................................... 6
3.3 Service Outside the Utility Service District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6
3.4 Availability of Service ..................................... 6
3.5 Use of the Reclaimed Water Distribution System ..................... 6
3.6 Restrictions on Use of Alternative Water Source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7
3.7 Ownership of System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8
3.8 Property Service Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8
3.9 Customer's System - Single Dwelling Units (Class A) .................. 9
3.10 Customer's System - Public, Commercial, Office, Industrial!
Warehouse (Class B) and Multi-Family Developments (Class AM) .......... 11
3.11 Inspections of Irrigation Systems and Other Reclaimed
Water Facilities ......................................... 11
3.12 Maintenance of City System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
(CLASS A) ................................................. 12
4.1 The Distribution System ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.2 Petition for Distribution Main Extension .......................... 12
4.3 Distribution Main Extensions and Service Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.1 Back~round
The City Council of the City of Ocoee has adopted a reclaimed water program which
provides guidelines, requirements and an implementation (permitting) process that both
encourage and require the use of reclaimed water in a manner that is beneficial to the
environment and non-detrimental to the public health and welfare. This program is required
to regulate and manage the comprehensive reclaimed water distribution system which
conveys reclaimed water throughout the City's Utility Service District. This reclaimed water
is primarily used for the irrigation of residential, commercial and public properties, parks,
highway medians, and other athletic and recreational facilities. Other potential uses for the
reclaimed water include: toilet flushing in new office and industrial buildings, cooling water,
industrial process water, supply for automatic car washes, and, in specific cases, lake level
control and ornamental uses such as fountains and waterfalls.
1.2 Benefits
The benefits to be derived from the success of this program are several, and include
conservation of the potable water supply, reuse of a valuable water resource, recharge of the
upper aquifer, reduction in nutrient discharge to surface waters, reduction in transfer of
saltwater contamination to the aquifer, and utilization of an environmentally safe and sensible
method of disposing of effluent (reclaimed water).
1.3 Source and Ouality of Reclaimed Water
The source of reclaimed water, which is delivered to the point of use by the reclaimed water
distribution system, is the effluent from the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant. The major
treatment processes at the plant include secondary treatment followed by dual media filtration
and high level disinfection. These treatment processes produce a reclaimed water with the
following qualities: good appearance, good clarity, non-staining, odorless, low turbidity and
- 1 -
bacteriologically safe. The water contains low-levels of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus)
which, if properly applied, will be beneficial to plant and turf growth. While you should not
drink the reclaimed water, there is no known danger to an individual's health from casual
contact when the water is being used for the intended purposes.
The following policies and regulations govern the installation and uses of the reclaimed water
distribution system and its related sub-systems and facilities within the Utility Service District
of the City of Ocoee, Florida.
- 2 -
2.1 General
The following definitions of titles, terms and system components, as well as definitions
included in Ordinance No. 94-~ are presented for the purposes of uniformity and to
afford a more specific understanding of the following policies and regulations governing the
installation and use of the City's reclaimed water utility. The other utilities owned and
operated by the City which have varying degrees of relationship with the reclaimed water
utility are the potable water system and the wastewater collection and treatment system.
Approved Uses for Reclaimed Water - Reclaimed water shall be used for irrigation of public
and private landscaped areas and such other uses as are permitted by law. Reclaimed water
may be used in conjunction with a drip type irrigation system to irrigate vegetable gardens.
Overhead irrigation of vegetables is acceptable only if the vegetables are peeled, cooked, or
thermally processed before human consumption. Current FDEP Regulation (17-610) does
not permit the use of reclaimed water for drinking purposes and/or in swimming pools.
Available or Availability - Shall mean contiguous to or within 100 feet of any property line.
Backflow Prevention Device/Assembly - Shall mean an approved device as designated for a
particular application and as described in the Cross-Connection Control Manual which has
been adopted by reference as part of Ordinance Number 90-13.
Cross Connection Control Ordinance - Shall mean Ordinance Number 90-13 of the Code of
the City of Ocoee.
Cross Connection Control Supervisor - Shall mean the City employee in the Public Utilities
Department who is responsible for the cross connection control program.
Customer Category - Customer Class B shall mean all public, commercial, office,
industrial/warehousing. Customer Class AM shall mean all multi-family developments.
- 3 -
Customer Class A shall mean all single family dwelling units.
Dual Distribution System - Is a general term used by the American Water Works Association
to describe a two component water distribution system designed to serve an area. One
component delivers potable water for drinking, cooking, bathing and other uses requiring
potable water. The other component delivers non-potable water (in the case of Ocoee,
reclaimed water) for irrigation and other uses not requiring potable water. While these two
systems may parallel one another and both may serve a property, there is no interconnection
and their separation is strictly defined and carefully monitored.
Irrigation System - Shall mean the customer's in-ground piped system which delivers water
to spray or drip-type irrigation devices located throughout the property. The system may be
controlled by an electric timer or may be controlled manually. The system shall be equipped
with special lockable hose bibb boxes providing irrigation by hose and/or portable sprinkler
devices in addition to the in-ground piped system.
Irrigation Well - Shall mean a well located on private property and used to supply water to
an in-ground irrigation system or other irrigation devices which serve the property.
Metered Connection - All service connections to public, commercial, office,
industrial/warehousing and multi-family customers shall be metered. Single family
residential service connections will not be metered.
Reclaimed Water Charges - Shall mean all other charges relating to providing or
discontinuing reclaimed water service.
Reclaimed Water Distribution System - A comprehensive piping system provided to deliver
reclaimed water to customers within the City's Utility Service District. The reclaimed water
distribution system is made up of the following components: storage basins, high service
delivery pumps, transmission mains and distribution mains and (property) service
- 4 -
Reclaimed Water Rates - Shall mean the monthly charges for reclaimed water service, which
have been established by, and may be changed by, the City Commission.
Service Connection - Shall mean the reclaimed water service connection from the
transmission or distribution main to the customer's property line, and shall include a
corporation stop tapping valve at the main, the service connection pipe and a lockable curb
stop, box, and shut-off valve at the property line.
- 5 -
3.1 In-City Service
Reclaimed water service shall be provided for properties located within the City of Ocoee, on
a first priority basis, which comply with the provisions for such service as set forth in these
policies. Reclaimed water service shall be available to these properties as the transmission
and distribution systems are extended.
3.2 Outside-City Service
Reclaimed water service may be provided to properties located outside of the City but,
within the boundaries of the City's Utility Service Area, on a second priority basis. At the
City's option and convenience, service to such properties strategically located along
transmission main routes may be provided on a first priority basis.
3.3 Availability of Service
Reclaimed water service is available from either the primary transmission mains or the
installed distribution mains. Distribution mains will be extended into areas not presently
served in accordance with procedures outlined in these policies and regulations.
3.4 Use of the Reclaimed Water Distribution System
Connection to the system is required for all public, commercial, office,
industrial/warehousing, multi-family development and single family residential development
in accordance with Ordinance No. 94-~.
3.5 Restrictions on Use of Alternative Water Sources
Existing private irrigation systems which connect to the reclaimed water system and are
- 6 -
presently served by an on-site well or other water source shall disconnect the well or other
water source permanently. Dual or temporary connections of wells to irrigation systems
served by reclaimed water are not permitted. Dual or temporary connections may be made
to natural surface waters or artificially created surface impoundments as permittable by
FDEP when declared exempt by the Public Utilities Director. The Public Utilities Director
may make such declaration of exemption as to a limited area or particular lake or as to a
particular property or class of properties (i.e., commercial, multi-family, etc.) and for such a
limited time period as determined necessary by the Director of Public Utilities to serve and
protect the public interest. In making such determinations, the Director of Public Utilities
shall consider, among other things, the following factors:
a. Whether city-wide reuse irrigation utilization is high;
b. Whether such irrigation would not be detrimental to the body of water;
c. Whether the particular property or class of properties has the physical means
to take water from the body of water using available facilities which can be
isolated from other piping systems so as not to pose cross connection control
problems. A declaration of exemption issued under this section shall not
exempt the user or property from compliance with all other regulatory
requirements of the St. Johns River Water Management District, State of
Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the City of Ocoee, and all
other applicable local, regional, state or federal agencies.
3.6 Property Service Connections
Property service connections shall be as required by the property served, but in no case shall
be less than one inch in diameter. Each service connection shall be equipped with a lockable
corporation stop or shutoff valve at the main and a curb stop or shutoff valve and box at the
property line. The City's valve box cover at the property line shall be square and marked
"Reclaimed Water." This service connection, together with its valves are the property of the
City. The customer may install his own shutoff valve immediately inside his property line
for his own use. Two or more customers may be served by one service connection if
- 7 -
sufficient capacity is available. Such common service lines will be sized to provide adequate
supply to each customer.
3.7 Customer's System - Single Dwelling Units (Class A)
The customer's on-site system may be either a standard in-ground landscape irrigation system
with a specially designed lockable in-ground control box or a specially designed lockable
hose bibb box containing one hose bibb to be used to irrigate the property by means of
garden hoses or portable sprinklers. The in-ground system may be controlled either by a
manually-operated zone valve or automatically by a timer and related zone valve. If the
customer elects to use the in-ground lockable hose bibb box, it will be supplied and installed
by the City. The box may be installed anywhere along the property frontage on the property
side of the sidewalk, and will be equipped with a special locking device to provide the
customer the capability to control the use of reclaimed water on his or her property. The lid
of the hose bibb box will be clearly marked - Reclaimed Water. The service connection
contains a tag stating "Irrigation -- Reclaimed Water -- Do Not Drink." The City will
provide a quick disconnect device to be installed by the City, on the customer's 5/8-inch
garden hose. The hose containing the device must be used for connection to the reclaimed
water system ONLY. Above ground hose bibbs on the reclaimed system are NOT allowed
under current FDEP regulations.
3.8 Customer's System - Public. Commercial. Office. Industrial/Warehouse (Class B) and
Multi-Family Developments (Class AM)
The customer's on-site system for these types of development may be a standard in-ground
landscape irrigation system. The City prefers that the system be zoned and controlled by a
timer. Low trajectory or drip-type systems are recommended; however, they are not
mandatory. Signs as approved by the City shall be placed in conspicuous locations within
the landscaped areas of the developments. They shall read, "Irrigation with Reclaimed
Water, Do Not Drink." If the owner or manager of these types of developments permits or
causes vehicles to be washed on the property, a special area shall be set aside for that
- 8 -
purpose and it shall be served by one or more lockable in-ground hose bibb boxes connected
to the on-site reclaimed water system. The hose bibb rack shall be clearly marked and
readily visible with at least one sign stating "Auto Washing, Reclaimed Water, Do Not
Drink. "
3.9 Backflow Prevention
Backflow prevention devices will be required on potable water lines when reclaimed water is
delivered to the property in accordance with FDEP regulation 17-555.360 and the City's
adopted "Manual of Cross Connection Control". The City will install dual check valve
backflow prevention devices on single family potable service connections when reclaimed
water is delivered to the property. The following summarizes Section 11, Reclaimed Water
Systems, of the City's adopted "Manual of Cross Connection Control" and defines backflow
prevention device requirements on the reclaimed system. Other sections of the "Manual of
Cross Connection Control" should be referred to for specific information regarding backflow
prevention assembly or device installation and testing.
3.9.1 Single Family Dwelling Units (Class A)
Backflow prevention assemblies or devices will not be required on a single family
reclaimed water service with either a lockable in-ground bibb connection or an in-
ground irrigation system which is connected to the reclaimed system through a
lockable control in-ground box. However, the City does require that a backflow
prevention assembly (RPBA) be installed on the reclaimed service of a single family
irrigation service connection when a chemical injection system or other special hazard
is proposed or detected. The homeowner will be required to maintain the RPBA
assembly in these situations. Where a backflow prevention assembly has been
installed on an irrigation service connection to the potable water system, that
assembly may be eliminated by City personnel (or City Contractor) when the
reclaimed system replaces the potable service connection. The degree of hazard of
the existing irrigation system will be a determining factor in deciding whether the
- 9 -
assembly must remain on the irrigation system to the reclaimed service connection.
The homeowner will be required to maintain the assembly in these situations. If the
assembly is eliminated it remains the property of the homeowner.
3.9.2 Multi-Family Developments (Class AM)
Backflow prevention assemblies will not be required on a multi-family reclaimed
irrigation service connection except where a chemical injection system or other special
hazard is proposed or detected. Where a backflow prevention assembly has been
installed on an irrigation system connected to the potable water system, that assembly
may be eliminated by City personnel (or City Contractor) when the potable service
connection is changed to a reclaimed service connection. Whether the use of the
assembly must be continued will depend upon the degree of hazard associated with the
existing irrigation system. If the assembly is eliminated it remains the property of the
facility owner.
The property owner of multi-family units is responsible for maintaining all backflow
prevention assemblies on the reclaimed system.
3.9.3 Public. Commercial. Office. Industrial/Warehouse (Class B)
Backflow prevention assemblies will not be required on a commercial reclaimed
irrigation service connection unless a chemical injection system or other special
hazard is proposed or detected.
Where a backflow prevention assembly has been installed on an irrigation system
connected to the potable water system, that assembly may be eliminated by City
personnel (or City Contractor) when the potable service connection is changed to a
reclaimed service connection. Whether the use of assembly must be continued will
depend upon the degree of hazard associated with the existing irrigation system. If
the assembly is eliminated it remains the property of the facility owner. The property
owner of a commercial facility is responsible for maintaining all backflow prevention
- 10 -
assemblies on the reclaimed system. Backflow prevention assemblies will not be
required on an in-ground lockable hose connection serving a low hazard commercial
property. However, the City will require the installation of a dual check valve
backflow prevention device, as a minimum, on the potable service connection when
reclaimed water is delivered to the property, with a service connection.
3.10 System Pressures
The City will provide reclaimed water at pressures which are adequate to satisfactorily
operate all standard irrigation systems and devices. Should the customer require pressures
which are higher, he shall provide, at his cost, whatever devices are necessary to provide the
higher pressures. Before installing such devices, the customer shall obtain a permit from the
City Utility Department. Electrical permits are separate permits which are still required.
3.11 Discontinuance of Service by Customer
If the customer desires a temporary discontinuance of service, a request must be filed with
the City's Utility Billing Department at least two working days prior to the desired date for
discontinuance of service. City personnel will then shut off the service using the City-owned
shutoff valve. A charge for this service will be assessed. A request to re-establish service
must be received by the City at least two days in advance of the desired date for re-
establishing the service.
3.12 Service Not Guaranteed
The source of the reclaimed water is the City's Wastewater Treatment Facility which can
produce a finite quantity of reclaimed water. The City will carefully monitor the number of
connections being made to the system so as not to overtax its capacity; however, at the same
time, it is the desire of the City, and the intent of the program, to provide the service to the
maximum number of customers. During extended dry periods, it may be necessary to limit a
customer's water use or, under extreme conditions, to temporarily discontinue service.
- 11 -
The requirements for site plans, building permits and the like that presently exist are not
altered by these regulations, but where connection is proposed to the reclaimed water system,
there will be an additional submittal to the Utility Department, as hereinafter described.
4.1 Obtaining Application Forms
Application forms for reclaimed water service may be obtained from the Utility Billing
Office in City Hall or from the offices of the Utility Department. All questions relating to
completing the application form should be directed to the Utility Department. Completed
application forms should be mailed or hand delivered to the Utility Department. The
application form must be accompanied by a check or money order, made payable to the City
of Ocoee, in an amount sufficient to cover any fees and charges for the reclaimed water
service connection. The application shall specify whether the customer requires increased
reclaimed water pressures which are higher than standard as described below.
4.2 Application for Reclaimed Water Service. Class AM and Class B Customers
Applications for reclaimed water service to Class AM or Class B Customers, including
public, commercial, office, industrial/warehouse or multi-family developments shall be
accompanied by a detailed site plan showing the size and location of the service connection
to the distribution main, the layout of the primary delivery mains within the development and
the location and type of irrigation devices to be installed in the irrigation system. The
maximum steady-state demand for reclaimed water that the irrigation system will require to
function properly must also be provided. The irrigation system may be a standard in-ground
type with permanently placed sprinkler devices. The service connection shall be equipped
with a shutoff valve just inside the public right-of-way, a meter, and a customer shutoff valve
on the customer side of the meter. The size of the service connection and meter will be
determined by City personnel based upon the maximum steady-state demand of the irrigation
system. Small, neat signs stating "Irrigation with Reclaimed Water, Do Not Drink" shall be
- 12 -
placed in conspicuous locations throughout the landscaped areas. If auto washing is
permitted on the property, a special area shall be set aside for this activity and it shall utilize
reclaimed water. A sign, or signs, shall be placed on the hose bibb rack stating" Auto
Washing, Reclaimed Water, Do Not Drink."
4.3 Application for Reclaimed Water Service. Class A Customer
The application must state the type of irrigation system which will be used; that is, a
standard in-ground system with fixed sprinkler devices or the special hose bibb box to be
furnished at cost by the City. A single residential service connection will consist of a
corporation stop at the distribution main, the service pipe and a curb stop and box at the
property line. A single reclaimed water service connection will be one inch in diameter. No
meter will be required. Immediately inside the property line, the customer may choose to
install a shutoff valve for his use in repairing, extending and maintaining the on-site system.
If the customer presently uses an irrigation well, he must so state and agree to disconnect
that well from the system.
- 13 -
(Please Print or Type)
Customer Cate!!ory (Check One):
Class A
Class AM
Class B
(public, Commercial, 0
Office IndustrialJ
Property Name (if applicable):
Service Address:
Billing Address:
Tyne of Service Requested:
Irrigation (Check One):
In Ground
Garden Hose 0
Other 0 (explain below)
Tyne of Irrie:ation System Presently Usine: (Check One):
In Ground 0 Garden Hose 0 Do you have a separate irrigation meter? Yes 0 No 0
Do you have an irrigation well? Yes 0 No 0 If yes, please locate well in sketch below with "IRW".
Do you have a potable (drinking water) well? Yes 0 No 0 If yes, please locate on sketch below with "PTW".
Below, please sketch your desired point of connection to the Reclaimed Water System:
Note: Point of connection must be on the property side of the sidewalk along the property line. Draw in
driveway. Put "X" where vou would prefer service box.
Edge of pavement or curb.
Property Line ,
I, the Applicant, have read and understand the Summary of the City's Policies and Regulations governing the
Installation and Use of the Reclaimed Water System and the information brochure provided. I agree to restrict use
of reclaimed water for the purpose(s) described in the Summary and brochure. I agree that the City will not be
held liable for damages that may occur to vegetation or for damages which may occur due to use of reclaimed water
for purposes not included in the Summary and brochure, and agree to defend and hold harmless the City from all
claims and judgements arising therefrom against the City by any person.
Office Use Only Location ID No.:
Backflow Prevention Device:
Date Installed:
Potable Irrigation Meter: Yes 0 No 0 Date Pulled:
Meter Reading:
Quick Disconnect Installed:
Date Installed/Availability Date:
Reclaimed Service Locked/Pinned: Reason:
Customer ID No.:
Meter No.:
White - Reclaimed Water Div.
Yellow - Ih.:ktlow/Reclaimed/Utility Billing
Goldenrod - Contractor
Pink - Customer